  • 1. Age 15-17 18-20 21-25 26-30 31+

2. Gender Male Female 3. Occupation Student Waiter/Waitress Barman Football Referee 4. what style of music do you listen to? R 'n' B Indie Pop Rap Dance Rock House Any Classical 5. Do you go out clubbing or to night clubs? Yes No 6. How much would you ideally like to pay for a music magazine? 0.00-1.00 1.01-2.00 2.01-3.00 3.01-4.00 7. What feature draws your attention to a magazine? Image Colour Scheme Text Free Gift Layout 8. What radio station do you listen to, if any? Kerrang Heart FM Radio 1 Classical FM Capital Free Radio Mercia 1 extra 9. Do you read music magazines? Yes No 10. Which of these fonts do you think is best for a music magazine? Font 1 Font 2 Font 3 Font 4 Font 5 Font 6 Antidote 11. When handing out questionnaire's, they were given to 15 people between the ages of 15 to 20 years old. The style of magazine that I aim to achieve is a Dance/ Clubbing music magazine, meaning that the majority of the readers will be 18 to the age of 30. This piece of research will enable me to see what people around the target age range would like to see in this type of magazine and what aspects will be most effective/ eye catching to that particular group of people. I used the masthead of my magazine as a question in the research to find out which style most people liked and how popular each one was. This allowed me to see if people with the same interests (that the magazine is aimed at), all had a similar opinion of each element in question. So I was then able to see which one was best suited to the style and genre of the magazine.

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