
Name: Dominique Suckoo


Observation: During mid-day, a mechanic helps a man start his car. The mechanic noticed that the car did not start as well when using water but was able to resume driving when using Coolant. He claims that the Coolant as more energy per unit Kilogram and Kelvin compared to that of water.

Hypothesis: The specific heat capacity of coolant is higher than that of water.

Aim: To investigate the specific heat capacity of water and coolant.

Apparatus: A Bunsen Burner, Boss and Clamp, 2 thermometers, 2 beakers (250ml), Stopwatch, Beam Balance, Water and Coolant


Variables:Independent The change in temperature ( T)Dependent The specific heat capacity of both substances.Constant The volume of coolant and water, The time intervals takenMethod: 1. Ignite the Bunsen Burner and allow it to reach a constant heat output.2. Measure 150ml of water to one beaker.3. Measure the mass of water inside the beaker.4. Measure and record the initial temperature of water. Leave thermometers in the beakers for the whole experiment.5. Place the Boss, Stand and Clamp holder near the Bunsen Burner such that the beaker is directly above it.6. Record in a table every 30 seconds, the temperature of each liquid until the water starts to boil. Gently stir the liquids, between readings.7. Repeat Steps 1-5 for the other substance, coolant.8. Plot a graph of Temperature (T) against time (t) for both substance9. Calculate the heat supplied using the formula = Expected Results:Coolant has a higher specific heat capacity than that of water.

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