
Physical Health: A Wellness Perspective

All About Health and Wellness

Mr. Donley

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness

Lesson Objectives:• Explain how wellness relates to good health.• Identify the components of good health and describe the

positive and negative aspects of each.

• Explain how the positive aspect of each component can

contribute to good health.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


To review, what is health?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


• Health is not merely the absence of disease but living and enjoying an optimal quality of life.

• Health is wellness plus freedom from disease.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


To review, what is wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


• Wellness is the positive component of good health.

• Wellness represents quality of life and well-being.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the five links in the total health and wellness chain?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


The 5 links in the total health and wellness chain are:

• Emotional• Physical• Spiritual• Social• Intellectual

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What factors influence emotional wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Factors that influence emotional wellness:• Whether you have a positive outlook• Events in your life and whether you perceive that

you have the resources to cope with them

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are examples of events that might influence emotional wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Factors that might influence emotional wellness:• Your parents get divorced (depression).• A friend is involved in an accident (grief).• You place yourself under a lot of pressure in

school or sports (anxiety).

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the positive and negative aspects of emotional health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Positive and negative aspects of emotional health and wellness:

• Negative = depressed• Positive = happy

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and wellness


What factors influence physical wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Factors that influence physical wellness:• The amount of exercise you do• The amount of sleep you get• The type of diet you eat

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the positive and negative aspects of physical health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


The positive and negative aspects of physical health and wellness

• Negative = unfit• Positive = physically fit

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the positive and negative aspects of spiritual health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


The positive and negative aspects of spiritual health and wellness

• Negative = unfulfilled• Positive = fulfilled

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What factors influence social health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Factors that influence social health and wellness:• Your willingness

to make new friends

• Your ability to maintain good friendships

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness

Answer (continued)

• Your relations with older people such as parents and teachers

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What can you do to improve your social health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


To improve your social health and wellness:• Be outgoing.• Be trustworthy.• Attempt to help and be supportive of others.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness

Answer (continued)

To improve your social health and wellness:• Join social groups such as sports clubs or drama

clubs.• Interact and share ideas with adults (coaches or

parents). • Choose good friends.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the positive and negative aspects of social health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


The positive and negative aspects of social health and wellness:

• Negative = lonely• Positive = involved

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What can you do to improve your intellectual health?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


To improve your intellectual health:• Study and work well at school.• Find an academic area of interest that motivates

you to learn more.• Read widely from a variety of books,

including fiction and nonfiction.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What factors influence intellectual health?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Factors that influence intellectual health:• Attempting to stay informed of news and current

affairs.• Obtaining news and information from various

sources, including books, newspapers, and the Internet.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


What are the positive and negative aspects of intellectual health?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


The positive and negative aspects of intellectual health:

• Negative = ignorant• Positive = informed

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


Can all people enjoy good health and wellness?

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness


• People of any age can enjoy a state of wellness and good health if they choose to do so.

Lesson 16.1: All About Health and Wellness

Answer (continued)

• For example, people who have a physical illness can still achieve wellness in all other areas—and may overcome their physical illness as well.

• Some people have different circumstances than others—but all people can do their best to achieve their own personal level of health and wellness.

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