
PHP from soup to nuts



• Who are you / what do you do?

• What experience with PHP?

• Good, Bad, Ugly

• What would you like to learn in this


• Please rate yourself (1-10) on:

• Linux


• Software Development

• Web Development

Course Outline (PHP)


• Background & Introduction

• Resources & Setup (Linux AMI)

• Control Flow

• Data Types

• Input & Output (inc File Operations)

• Functions

• Web Form Processing

• Variable Scope

• Sessions & Cookies

• XML / SOAP / Web Services

• Best Practices

• Debugging

• Security

Course Outline (Linux, Apache, MySQL)


• History

• Filesystem

• Basic commands

• Security


• Request flow

• Config & access control

• Virtual Hosts

• Scaling & Security


• History / Basics / Architecture

• Config & Logging

• Database Engines

• SQL Basics

• Debugging

• Scaling & Security

PHP is hyoogeAnd only getting bigger


It’s the underpinning of may other

software packages (WP,

Drupal,etc) “glue of the web”

Super easy to learn / use

Many repurpose able code samples

on the web

It’s fast (as an Apache module)

It’s powerful (inline scripting)

Requires no compiler (developer)

Easy to link to database

Open source

PHP is a love / hate thingGives you more rope to hang yourself

• Type juggling

• Global namespacing

• Confusing variable scope

It may be “too easy” to use

• Larger % of newbs = larger # of mistakes

• Too many sites “working by accident”

Started as a templating language for the Web

• No OOD, exception handling, core necessities in the beginning

• Lots of legacy junk out there that doesn’t take advantage of PHP5

• Lots of inconsistencies / peculiarities contributed to the evolution & it’s legacy


Waay too much “spaghetti code” out there

• Blame the developers, not the language

• List of issues at

You’re not the only one

“PHP is many things to many people,

but it's never been everything to


Compared to other LanguagesEasier to use / learn

• May be more flexible (doesn’t impose structure, types)

• Think of the core as a “collection of functions”. A lot of functions.

Specifically written for the web

• You can either write entire scripts in PHP, or just embed the scripting

language in the HTML directly (and Apache will handle the parsing / running

of PHP).

• Most other languages like Python, Ruby, .NET are “general purpose”

• PHP started as web-based & has tried to evolve into “general purpose”

Lots of resources, support, frameworks, libraries & boilerplate code out there

• Especially get familiar with & AWS LAMP stacks

About PHPPhp

• Recursive acronym: Hypertext Preprocessor

• Open source scripting language suited for web application

• Server side execution rather than client-side (ie. JavaScript)

• Tight binding to Apache makes it super fast

• Characteristic: somewhat flexible syntax

• Interpreted Language






Lab #1: Setup LAMP STACK

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

Make /etc/hosts for us to use

We need to open SGs for port 80

After lab, we’ll investigate phpinfo output in detail, and play with

configuration a bit

Some discussion of PECL / PEAR

Some discussion of firebug

Server & File TransferWe’ll use AWS’ LAMP Stack AMI for our labs

To develop, you can either:


– SSH - Secure Shell, a network protocol that allows data to be exchanged using a

secure channel between two networked devices

– SSH is used primarily on Linux and Unix based systems to access shell accounts.

– SSH directly into the server & use vi or emacs to write code directly in the


ssh -i phpLabKeypair.pem [email protected]


– SFTP – file transfer protocol (s = secure)

– SFTP is built on a client-server architecture

– Never. Ever. Use unsecured FTP

– Write your code locally & then SFTP up to serverscp -i phpLabKeypair.pem some-file.php [email protected]:/var/www/html/

PHP Basics


$haystack = 'Hello World!';

$needle = 'orld';

// Use the strpos() function

$position = strpos($haystack, $needle);

echo 'The substring "' . $needle . '" in "' . $haystack . '" begins at character ' . $position;


[ec2-user@domU-12-31-39-0F-26-4E labs]$ php -l hello_world.php

No syntax errors detected in hello_world.php

[ec2-user@domU-12-31-39-0F-26-4E labs]$ php -e hello_world.php

The substring "orld" in "Hello World!" begins at character 7

Basic Code

Lint Checking

Run from command line

PHP Call methodsCan run in one of three ways:

1. Called directly by Webserver (most common)

1. Browse to [your-public-domain]/labs/snippets/hello_world.php

2. Change the file & refresh the page, notice the change

2. Made into executable server-side script

1. Make the file executable (chmod +x)

2. Put “hashbang” path to interpreter (#!/usr/bin/php) at top of script

1. Run with “php –e” (to test)

1. Will obviously fail if requires Webserver params (like form elements, etc)



echo “I’m executable”;



For list of operators in php, go to:

The list includes:

arithmetic operators (*, /, +, -)

string operators, concatenate with ".", append with ".="

logical operators (&&, ||)

equality operators (==, !=)

Let’s browse there now (go through each)


Single line

// comment

Multi line





Variable ScopeLocal Variables

A variable declared in a function is considered local.

It can only be referenced in that function.

When you exit the function in which a local variable has been declared, that

variable and its corresponding value are destroyed.

$x = 2;

function assignx() {

$x = 0;

echo "x inside function is $x <br>";



echo "x outside function is $x <br>";

Variable Scope (cont'd)Global Variables

Global variables can be accessed in any part of the program

To modify global variable, it must be explicitly declared to be a global in the

function in which it is to be modified.

$x = 2;

function assignx() {

global $x; //this is actually, normally, a horrid idea!

$x = 0;

echo "x inside function is $x <br>";



echo "x outside function is $x <br>";

Variable Scope (cont'd)Static Variables

Static variable does not lose its value when the function exists.


function keep_track() {

static $count = 0;


echo "$count <br>";





Variable Scope (cont'd)Superglobal Variables

Predefined variables


provide user's browser information

For more examples of similar superglobal variables, go to:

echo "Your browser is: $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']";

Predefined VariablesSuperglobals are built-in variables (always available in all scopes)

$GLOBALS: Container for all superglobals

$_SERVER: Server & execution env info

$_GET, $_POST, $_REQUEST: more on these later

$_FILES: HTTP File Upload vars

$_SESSION: Session vars

$_COOKIE: HTTP Cookies

$_ENV: Environment Vars

$php_errormsg: the last error message from PHP

$argc: #of arguments passed to script (command line)

$argv: Array of arguments pass to script (command line)

Control Structures

if / else / elseif










require & include (and require_once / include_once)



Control flow -- ifControls the flow of execution depending on the specified condition

defined by expression

if (expression) {



if (expression) {


} else {



if (expression) {


} else if (expression) {


} else {



//there’s also this shortcut for an “if loop” which does an if-then-else & returns value

// this is called the ternary operator (?:) & here’s an example

$var = 5;

$varGreaterThanTwo = ($var > 2 ? true : false); // this one returns true

Control flow -- switchUse as variant of if-else combination when need to compare with large number of


switch($category) {

case "1":



case "2":



case "3":



case "4":




Control flow -- whileWhile loop

Specifies a condition that must be met before execution is terminated

while (expression) {



//Example: incremental value

global $i;

$i = 0;

while ($i <= 5) {

echo "$i <br>";



Control flow -- forStatement which allows code to be repeatedly executed

for (expression1; expression2; expression3) {



//Example: Incremental values

global $i;

for ($i=0; $i<=5; $i++) {

echo "$i <br>";


Lab #2: Control Structures

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

8 PHP Data TypesScalars (single value):

• Integer

• Float

• String

• Boolean

Compound (collections):

• Array

• Object

Special (none of the above):

• Resource


Integers• Whole number

• Can be written in decimal, octal or hexidecimal

(with or without leading +/-)

• Decimal (no leading zeroes): 2013, -834, +15

• Octal (leading zeroes plus sequence of

digits 0-7): 0755 [decimal 493], +020 [decimal


• Hex (begin with 0x, followed by sequence of

hex [0-F] digits): 0xFF [decimal 255], 0x10

[decimal 16], 0xDAD1 [decimal -56017]

Floats (or “reals”)• Number with digits

• (usually) Equivalent to the “double” type in C

(can span range from 1.7E-308 to 1.7E+308

with 15 digits accuracy)

• Can be written in decimal, octal or hexidecimal

(with or without leading +/-)

• “common” floats:

• 3.14, 0.017, -7.1

• Scientific notation:

• 0.314E1 // 0.314*10^1 or 3.14

• 17.0E-3 // 17.0*10^-3 or 0.017

Strings• Sequence of chars of arbitrary length

• Require delimiting with single or double


• ‘big dog’, ‘fat hog’, etc

• Dbl quotes interpolate variables inside, like:

“hello $name”

• “.” operator is concatenate (like JS “+”)

• “special chars” require delimiting with double


Strings (cont’d)

Escape sequence Character Represented

\” Double quotes

\n Newline

\r Carriage return

\t Tab

\\ Backslash

\{ Left brace

\} Right brace

\[ Left bracket

\] Right bracket

\$ Dollar sign

\0 through \777 ASCII char in octal

\x0 through \xFF ASCII char in hex

Strings (cont’d)

$dos_path = 'C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM';

$publisher = 'Tim O\'Reilly';

echo "$dos_path $publisher\n";


A single-quoted string only recognizes \\ to get a literal

backslash and \' to get a literal single quote:

Strings (cont’d) - heredoc

function addHeader($page, $title) {

$page .= <<<EOD






<h1 align="center">$title</h1>


//The EOD above must be fully aligned to the left and on

a line of it's own!

return $page;


PHP uses “heredoc” syntax “<<<“ to assign long, mulitiline strings to a value


Strings (cont’d)Web Development makes heavy use of strings!!!

• Get very familiar with the string-related functions in PHP ASAP! Especially:

• explode, echo, chop, implode, str_replace, str_split,

strip_tags, strlen, strpos, strstr, strtok, strtolower,

substr, ucfirst, ucwords



“The truth." Dumbledore sighed. "It is a beautiful and terrible thing,

and should therefore be treated with great caution.”

• Booleans represent “truth” (true or false). That’s it.

• Often used to determine control flow like:

• If($logged_in) { … }

• In PHP, several values are false:

• The keyword false

• The integer 0

• The floating-point value 0.0

• The empty string ("") and the string "0"

• An array with zero elements

• An object with no values or functions

• The NULL value

• …and if it’s not false, then PHP says it’s true (including Resource values)

• $x= 5; // true

• $x = true; // true

• $y = “”; // false

• $y = false; // false (but written more clearly)


$person[0] = "Edison";

$person[1] = "Wankel";

$person[2] = "Crapper";

$creator['Light bulb'] = "Edison";

$creator['Rotary Engine'] = "Wankel";

$creator['Toilet'] = "Crapper";

Hold groups (ordered or unordered) of values

Can be nested

Ordered (indexed):

$array = array(‘banana’, ‘apple’, ‘orange’);

Unordered (associative array):

$array = array(‘name’ => ‘joe’, ‘age’ => 23, ‘likes’ => array(‘baseball’,’php’,’COD’));

Arrays (cont’d)


// $person is now array('Crapper', 'Edison', 'Wankel')


// $creator is now array('Toilet' => 'Crapper',

// 'Light bulb' => 'Edison',

// 'Rotary Engine' => 'Wankel');

Can sort

Frequently loop over with foreach:

foreach ($person as $name) {

echo "Hello, $name\n";


foreach ($creator as $invention => $inventor) {

echo "$inventor created the $invention\n";


Hello, Edison

Hello, Wankel

Hello, Crapper

Edison created the Light bulb

Wankel created the Rotary Engine

Crapper created the Toilet

Sorting ArraysSorting is something we’ll have to do frequently.

Let’s review the ‘sorting-nested-associative-arrays.php’ code

Arrays (cont’d)Like strings, you will be using Arrays frequently!

Get familiar with the functions, especially:

array_chunk, array_combine, array_diff, array_flip,

array_intersect, array_key_exists, array_keys, array_map,

array_merge, array_push, array_rand, array_replace, array_search,

array_shift, array_slice, array_unshift, array_values,

array_walk, asort, count, current, in_array, key, ksort, next,

reset, usort

Arrays <-> StringsTo convert an array to a string, we use “implode”

To convert a string to an array, we use “explode”


$makers = array('volvo','subaru','jeep','ford','chevrolet');

$myCar = $makers[1];

$someOutput = "I own a car made by $myCar";

print('$makers output:' . "\n" . print_r($makers,true) . "\n");

print('$someOutput output:' . "\n" . print_r($someOutput,true) . "\n");

$makersAsString = implode(',',$makers);

$someOutputAsArray = explode(' ',$someOutput);

print('$makersAsString output:' . "\n" . print_r($makersAsString,true) . "\n");

print('$someOutputAsArray output:' . "\n" . print_r($someOutputAsArray,true) . "\n");


class Person {

// property

var $name = '’;

// function

function name ($newname = NULL) {

if (! is_null($newname)) {

$this->name = $newname;


return $this->name;



OOP and OOD support clean modular design (which equates to code re-use) and

make debugging and maintenance easier.

Since PHP4, PHP has supported Objects

Objects contain data or properties (variables) and functions (or methods) to operate on that


Classes are the base unit of OOD.

Objects (cont’d)

$ed = new Person;


printf("Hello, %s\n", $ed->name);

$tc = new Person;


printf("Look out below %s\n", $tc->name);

Hello, Edison

Look out below Crapper

To use a class, you make a ‘new’ instance of it, and access properties & methods with


Objects (cont’d)Object variables and methods can have different scope:

• public (can be accessed by any caller)

• protected (can be accessed only by the class itself & inherited classes)

• private (only accessed by this class, itself)

Objects (cont’d)



* Define MyClass


class MyClass {

public $public = 'Public';

protected $protected = 'Protected';

private $private = 'Private';

function printHello() {

echo $this->public; // notice the “this” keyword!

echo $this->protected;

echo $this->private;



$obj = new MyClass();

echo $obj->public; // Works

echo $obj->protected; // Fatal Error

echo $obj->private; // Fatal Error

$obj->printHello(); // Shows Public, Protected and Private


Public, private, protected example

Objects (cont’d)



* Define MyClass2


class MyClass2 extends MyClass {

// We can redeclare the public and protected method, but not private

protected $protected = 'Protected2';

function printHello() {

echo $this->public;

echo $this->protected;

echo $this->private;



$obj2 = new MyClass2();

echo $obj2->public; // Works

echo $obj2->protected; // Fatal Error

echo $obj2->private; // Undefined

$obj2->printHello(); // Shows Public, Protected2, Undefined


Public, private, protected example

(extended, so now we can override ‘protected’)

Objects (cont’d)Variables and functions can also be ‘static’

Declaring class properties or methods as static makes them accessible without

needing an instantiation of the class.

Static variables & methods accessed with “::” (as opposed to “->”). Like:

$myClass = new Foo;



Foo::staticMethod($paramA,$paramB); // I need no “instance”!

“::” is also “Paamayim Nekudotayim” (hebrew for “double colon”)… which you

sometimes see in debug messages

Discussion: “Why would we want to use public, protected, private, static”?

“What are some examples of doing this in the real world”?

Objects (cont’d)


class Foo {

public static $my_static = 'foo';

public function staticValue() {

return self::$my_static; // note the syntac for accessor



class Bar extends Foo {

public function fooStatic() {

return parent::$my_static;



print Foo::$my_static . "\n";

$foo = new Foo();

print $foo->staticValue() . "\n";

print $foo->my_static . "\n"; // Undefined "Property" my_static

print $foo::$my_static . "\n";

$classname = 'Foo';

print $classname::$my_static . "\n"; // As of PHP 5.3.0

print Bar::$my_static . "\n";

$bar = new Bar();

print $bar->fooStatic() . "\n";


‘Static’ example

Objects vs Procedural


// Procedural Example

// Connect to MySQL

$connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'harryf', 'secret');

// Select desired database

mysql_select_db('sitepoint', $connection);

// Perform a query selecting five articles

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 0,5';

$result = mysql_query($sql, $connection);

// Display the results

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {

// Display results here




// OOP Example

// Include MySQL class

require_once 'Database/MySQL.php';

// Instantiate MySQL class, connect to MySQL and select db

$db = new MySQL('localhost', 'harryf', 'secret', 'sitepoint');

// Perform a query selecting five articles

$sql = 'SELECT * FROM articles LIMIT 0,5';

$result = $db->query($sql); // Creates a MySQLResult object

// Display the results

while ($row = $result->fetch()) {

// Display results here



Objects wrap-upOOD & OOP are deep, deep topics. Highly suggest you look deeper into them and in

particular investigate:

• Design Patterns

• Other languages (especially Java, .NET)

• TDD (test driven development) – not really about OOD, but related

• Frameworks which use OOD / OOP

• The latest OOD features available in PHP 5.3 (interfaces, single inheritance, etc)

Being a good object-oriented developer is what sets the hacks apart from the pros.

PHP doesn’t “force” objects on you like other languages, so keep your eye open for

opportunities to both use standard (procedural) PHP and Objects.


$res = database_connect(); // fictitious function


$res = "boo"; // database connection automatically closed

// especially make sense inside of functions

// when function closes, reference is freed

function search () {

$res = database_connect();



PHP Resources are special variables which hold a reference to let PHP interact with

the outside world – things like opened files, database connections, image

canvases, etc

Really integers under the surface

Garbage collected when no longer in use (when last reference goes away)



$a = array();

// '==' tests if the value is equal (type is not considered)

// ‘!=‘ tests if the value is NOT equal (and there is also !==)

$dbl_equal_test = ($a == null ? 'true' : 'false');

// '===' tests if both the value and the TYPE are equal

$trpl_equal_test = ($a === null ? 'true' : 'false');

$isnull_test = (is_null($a) ? 'true' : 'false');

print "== test: $dbl_equal_test \n"; // returns true

print "=== test: $trpl_equal_test \n"; // returns false

print "isnull_test: $isnull_test \n"; // returns false

// how can we make the last two tests return true?


NULL represents a variable that has no value

A variable is null if:

• It has been assigned to the constant “NULL”

• It has not been set to any value yet

• It has been unset();

Data Types ReviewBoolean (true or false)

$variable = false; // $variable is false

$variable = 0; // $variable is false

$variable = true; // $variable is true

$variable = 1; // $variable is true

$variable = 5; // $variable is true

Any non-zero value – true


Whole number, no fractional parts

Maximum supported integer size is typicalla 2^31


Floating-point number -- contains fractional parts.


Sequence of character treated as a contiguous group

Type casting

Converting one type to the other


$variable1 = 13;

$variable2 = (double) $variable1; // 13.0

$variable1 = 4.2;

$variable2 = (int) $variable1; // 4 (truncated, not round)

Type juggling


$foo = “0”; // $foo is a string (ASCII 48)

$foo += 2; // $foo is now an integer (2)

$foo = $foo + 1.3; // $foo is now a float (3.3)

// and now it gets really weird

$foo = 5 + “10 little pigges” // $foo is now an integer again (15)

$foo = 5 + “20 more piggies” // $foo is integer (25)


Data Types wrap up








is_object($var); // also have “is_a($object, $class)” which tests if it is

exactly a of this class

Choosing the right data type for a variable is key to a program working correctly

Knowing what values equate to true, false, null is key to write functioning code (and

debugging broken code)

Strings & Arrays are used heavily

PHP uses type juggling (kind of like Java autoboxing)

Types can be cast like (int) $this_was_a_float;

‘is_[type]’ methods exist for all the types

Pop Quiz!What are the 8 data types PHP offers? Which are scalars? Which are complex?

What is ‘public’ visibility in an object?

How can I test if something does not equal something else?

When did php start using objects?

What are the 2 types of arrays we have in PHP? When would I want to use each?

What are the advantages of using objects? When would I want to write an object vs


How can I test if both a variables value & type are exact?

What type of loop do we commonly use to parse over arrays? How do you write that?

What is the shortcut for an “if then else (assignment)”?

What are resources and how are they totally different than other data types?

How do I access static object methods or variables?

Why would I ever want to use “static” methods or variables?

What two data types did we say we’ll be commonly using?

What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen african swallow?

What are the two ways PHP represents Floats?

What are the three ways I can represent an INT? What does each look like?

What must I do in PHP to compare an int to a float?

Lab #3: Data Types

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document


Let’s review operators & how they are used





Error Control





Array (array-operators.php)


ConstantsAn identifier (name) for a simple (and immutable or “unchangeable”) value


Are always uppercase (by convention)

define (‘CONSTANT’, ‘value’);

define(‘KEY_ELEMENT’, 1);

define(‘SYNTAX_CHECK’, true);

echo CONSTANT // outputs ‘value’;

echo Constant // outputs ‘Constant’ and issues a notice

//As of PHP 5.3

const CONSTANT = ‘value’;

echo CONSTANT; // outputs ‘value’

Magic ConstantsPHP makes these available to you in any program (useful, especially for error messaging)

Magic constants have two underscores before & after the constant name

__LINE__ current line # of file

__FILE__ full path & filename of the file

__DIR__ directory the file is in

__FUNCTION__ name of the function we’re in

__CLASS__ name of the class we’re in

__METHOD__ name of the class method (class function) we’re in

__NAMESPACE__ the current namespace we’re in

Variable variables ($$)$thatname = ‘something dynamic – I couldn’t know at runtime’

$var = ‘thatname’; // straightforward, but did you know that you can do:

$newvar = $$var; // this will evaluate the contents of $var (thatname) as a variable (which it



$Bar = "a";

$Foo = "Bar";

$World = "Foo";

$Hello = "World";

$a = "Hello";

echo $a . "\n"; //Returns Hello

echo $$a . "\n"; //Returns World

echo $$$a . "\n"; //Returns Foo

echo $$$$a . "\n"; //Returns Bar

echo $$$$$a . "\n"; //Returns a

echo $$$$$$a . "\n"; //Returns Hello

echo $$$$$$$a . "\n"; //Returns World

References (&$)$var = 5;

$othervar = $var; // makes a deep copy, each has their own value of 5

$reference = &$var; // makes a reference (pointer) to $var … they both point to the same



$othervar = 5;

$var = $othervar;


print "var is $var, othervar is $othervar\n";

$reference =& $var; // assign by reference (same as $reference = &$var)


print "var is $var, othervar is $othervar, reference is $reference\n";

unset($reference); // this actually just deletes $reference itself, not $var

print "var is $var, othervar is $othervar, reference is $reference\n";

Error Control (@)When “@” is prepended to an expression in PHP, any error messages that might be

generated by that expression will be suppressed / ignored.


/* Intentional file error */

$my_file = @file ('non_existent_file') or

die ("Failed opening file: error was '$php_errormsg'");

// this works for any expression, not just functions:

$value = @$cache[$key];

// will not issue a notice if the index $key doesn't exist.

Execution Operator (``)Backticks (``) tells PHP to run what’s in the backticks in the linux (or cygwin) shell.

You can even assign the output of the shell to a variable and use it in PHP

Ask students for example


$output = `ls -al`;

echo "<pre>$output</pre>";


PHP FunctionsFunctions can either be:

• Built-in

• STRING functions like: strpos, explode, implode, ucwords, chunk_split

• ARRAY functions like: array_flip, array_map, extract, in_array, sort, pos

• FILESYSTEM functions like: fopen, file_get_contents, chown, is_writeable, mkdir

• MATH functions like: ceil, sqrt, min, log, rand, round

• WEB SERVICE functions like: simple_xml


• …and lots more…

• Review navigation & search for function

• Pick one function, show pieces, code samples

• Lets each take a couple, investigate, & report back with working code

• User Defined (You can make whatever functions you like… do powerful things like):

• Custom file operations / formats (look up GEOIP info given an IP addr)

• Custom complicated variable munging

• Manage shopping cart (may be better with classes, we’ll cover later)

• Manage personalizations (same as “shopping cart”)

• Custom function review

• Implement custom function that extends some behaviour in some way

FunctionsConsist of: (1) Function definition, (2) Function implementation

function definition


function function_name (parameters) {



//function definition: converting degrees to radians

function rad($deg_in) {

$result = $deg_in *(pi()/180);

return $result;


//function implementation: converting degrees to radians

$radvalue = rad(30.0);

echo "radvalue= $radvalue <br>"; //radvalue= 0.523598775598

function implementation


//value-returning function:

$value = function_name(parameters);

//non-returning function:


Functions (con’t)PHP already has many of the functions that you’ll need (and some you’ll never

touch). Let’s take a look at some:



md5() & sha1()







file_get_contents() / file_put_contents()



filter_var / sanitize_varVery useful functions to filter & sanitize things like emails, numbers, strings,

IP addresses, etc.


// filter email

$email_a = '[email protected]';

$email_b = 'bogus';

if (filter_var($email_a, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

echo "This ($email_a) email address is considered valid.";


if (filter_var($email_b, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {

echo "This ($email_b) email address is considered valid.";


Input to functions• This prints out all numbers between one and 20 (recursion.php)


function recursion($a) {

if ($a < 20) {

echo "$a\n";

recursion($a + 1);





Comment out ‘recursion’ call & provide a default value

Returning Values

Input• From command-line,

• From Web Server (web-server-input.php)





print ‘GET PARAMS:<br />’;





print ‘COOKIES:<br />’;



Add page_loads cookie

Files as Input• This also works on URLs (fread.php)


// get contents of a file into a string

$filename = "/etc/php.ini";

if(isset($argv[1])) {

$filename = $argv[1];


$handle = fopen($filename, "r");

$contents = fread($handle, filesize($filename));


print $contents;


Change permissions of file so it’s not readable. What happens?

Browsing URLs?

What about writing to sockets? (fsockopen.php)

Directory operationsopendir($location)

• Creates a handle for the directory


• pulls every entry from the handle for processing one by one

• Often wrapped with “while loops” like:


• Close it down when done


$handle = opendir(‘~/’);

while($item = readdir($handle)) {

echo “\nitem is: $item”;



Outputecho / print

– displaying output to screen

– return void

– identical to print

• theoretically echo would be faster (efficient) as it returns nothing, however, the

difference is impossible to notice. The decision to use is rather stylistic concern.

• Shortcut is <?= $variable ?>

printf() – (printf.php)

– displaying formatted output to screen

– example: printf("01.2f", 43.2); // 43.20

– Modify to print out binary format


– identical to printf(), but the output is assigned to a string variable

– example:

$var = sprintf("%01.2f",43.2);

echo "$var"; //43.20

Output (Cont’d)flush and ob_flush (flush.php)

– Will write out (and zero) the buffer

– Can be useful to send output to a screen as it comes in


if (ob_get_level() == 0) ob_start();

for ($i = 0; $i<10; $i++){

echo "<br> Showing line $i";

echo str_pad('',4096)."\n";





echo "Done.";



Form Input (basic)Required HTML form


• isset - Determines if a variable is set and is not NULL.

• $_POST['variable'] is an associative array of variables passed to the

current script via the HTTP POST method.

• $_POST is a superglobal contains information pertinent to any

parameters passed using the POST method.

– POST is a preferred option (the other option is GET) as it can handle considerably

more data

– A POST request includes a message body in addition to a URL used to specify

information for the action being performed.

– Example of URL encoding is as follow:

Name: Jonathan Doe

Age: 23

Formula: a + b == 13%!

Encoded as:


Input (syntax)Syntax (example):



<title>PHP Test</title>




if (isset($_POST['submit']))


echo "Hi, " . $_POST['name']. "! <br/>";



<form action="formexample.php" method ="post">


Name: <br/>

<input type = "text" name="name" size ="20" maxlength ="40" value="" />


<input type="submit" name = "submit" value"Go!" />




Form Input (advanced)$_POST – separate data packet sent with request

• Advantages?


• Advantages?


• Advantages?

Input (advanced)$_POST – separate data packet sent with request

• Advantages?

• Forms are slightly more secure (do not cache in browser)

• Cleaner URLs

• Can handle more data (browser limits size of GET requests)


• Advantages?

• Canned URLs (can be bookmarked, cached)

• (Slightly) Faster


• Advantages?

• Refactoring

• Also contains $_COOKIE

General Rules:

• GET if you can (restful, data access only)

• POST when you can’t

• Try to avoid REQUEST

Lab #4: Input & Output

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

PHP & Web FormsPHP is commonly used to process HTML Web Forms

This obviously requires some knowledge of HTML (and, ideally Javascript)

PHP can handle any HTML input format you throw at it:

• Text

• Checkbox

• Select Box (multiple selections come in as an array)

• Radio Button

• TextArea

• Hidden

• Submit (including image) buttons


• Walk through forms, input types in detail

• If time allows, cover html5 input types:


• Compare FF (not HTML5) to Chrome (HTML5)

Combo boxExample


<select name="month">

<option value="1">Jan</option>

<option value="2">Feb</option>

<option value="3">Mar</option>

<option value="4">Apr</option>

<option value="5" Selected>May</option>

<option value="6">Jun</option>

<option value="7">Jul</option>

<option value="8">Aug</option>

<option value="9">Sep</option>

<option value="10">Oct</option>

<option value="11">Nov</option>

<option value="12">Dec</option>


// how do we make it multi-select?

Lab #5: Web Forms

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document


php code


php code


File Reading & Writing


(1) Connecting file handler to a file

(2) Capturing file content

(3) Closing file (ending file handler connection to a file)

File Reading

File Reading

//assigning file handler to a file

$file_handler = fopen("filename","mode");

//capturing file content

$var = fgetcsv($file_handler,1000,",");

//closing file



r = read only

w = write only

rt = read only, text file

more on modes:

File Reading (cont'd)The “file” command reads a whole file into an array

$file = file($filename);

$numlines = count($file); // count() returns the # of elements in an array

for($i=0; $i < $numlines; $i++) {

// do something with each line of the file


File WritingFile Writing

//assigning file handler to a file

$file_handler = fopen("filename","mode");

//writing file


//closing file



w = write only, wt = write only, text file, a = append

more on modes:

Lab #6: File Reading

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

Review of HTTP Request /

ResponseWhiteboard what the HTTP request / response cycle looks like

STATELESS protocol

PHP has a very useful function (header) to ‘bounce’ users to other web pages.

This function essentially sends an HTTP header to the browser, instructing it to do

a 301 (redirect) to another web page. This is very useful for things like login /

logout, permission denied, etc.



/* This will give an error. Note the output

* above, which is before the header() call */




CookiesHTTP uses domain-specific cookies

Client-side files used for caching data

• Usually so we can recognize user when they

return (they persist across sessions)

• …Or personalize info for them.

• Advantages?

When / how are cookies sent to server?

Whiteboard the flow

//cookies in PHP are in the superglobal ‘$_COOKIE’ as an array of k->v pairs

$arrCookies = $_COOKIE;

foreach ($arrCookies as $key =>$value) {

print “cookie $key has value $value\n”;


//write a cookie with ‘setcookie();


//deleting a cookie – maybe not intuitive, ‘set’ to a time in the past

setcookie(‘logged-in’, ‘’, time() – 3600); // deletes the users cookie (sets to a time in the past)

SessionsServer-side state

• Allows user choices to be maintained

• Commonly used in Shopping Carts, etc.

• PHP stores the sessions in either files (default) or database

• Where is this configured?

Requires either:

• Dropping a cookie (session_id) on user

• Sending session_id in request (either GET or POST)

• Not really practical / recommended / used

Whiteboard the flow

SessionsTo use sessions in PHP, you must either:

• set ‘session_auto_start’ to true in /etc/ (and then ‘bounce’ your

webserver with a “sudo service httpd restart”). This is turned off

by default!

• start the session in either your authentication code or on every page where

you want a session (session_start() in the code itself).

• Note: to use sessions, you must also have ‘session.use_cookies’ set to

true (true by default), and if you’re using GET param fallback, you may also want to set ‘session.use_trans_id’ to true as well (default is false).

Some sites (like, for example) will invalidate your session when you

“do something important” (like the 1st time you put an item in your cart). In PHP, this can be done with the function “session_regenerate_id()”



// basic code you’d need to have a user logged in or not…

session_start(); // may also be enabled site-wide by php.ini params

if (isset($_SESSION['user'])) {


// logged in HTML and code here


} else {


// Not logged in HTML and code here

// at this point, you may want to redirect to a ‘login’ page




Lab #7: Cookies & Sessions

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

Date & TimePHP has very rich date & time functions

Let’s review a few of them…







Date & Time

// date formatting is awesome!

// Assuming today is March 10th, 2001, 5:16:18 pm, and that we are in the

// Mountain Standard Time (MST) Time Zone

$today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); // March 10, 2001, 5:16 pm


$today = date("m.d.y"); // 03.10.01

$today = date("j, n, Y"); // 10, 3, 2001

$today = date("Ymd"); // 20010310

$today = date('h-i-s, j-m-y, it is w Day'); // 05-16-18, 10-03-01, 1631 1618 6 Satpm01

$today = date('\i\t \i\s \t\h\e jS \d\a\y.'); // it is the 10th day.

$today = date("D M j G:i:s T Y"); // Sat Mar 10 17:16:18 MST 2001

$today = date('H:m:s \m \i\s\ \m\o\n\t\h'); // 17:03:18 m is month

$today = date("H:i:s"); // 17:16:18

$today = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); // 2001-03-10 17:16:18 (the MySQL DATETIME


Date & Time


// benchmark your code

$time_start = microtime(true);

for ($i=1; $i<=10000; $i++) {



$time_end = microtime(true);

$time_diff = $time_end - $time_start;

echo $time_diff." seconds elapsed!";


Lab #8: Date & Time


Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

RegexRegular expressions (regexes) are heavily used in PHP and any text-heavy


Regexes essentially match patterns in text with a variety of rules, for example:

//The preg_match() function returns 1 if a match is found and 0 otherwise.

if (preg_match("/ell/", "Hello World!", $matches)) {

echo "Match was found <br />";

echo $matches[0];


// strong password validation

$password = "Fyfjk34sdfjfsjq7";

// password must have at least 8 characters (?=.{8,})

// contain at least on lower case char (?=.*[a-z])

// one upper (?=.*[A-Z]), and one digit (?=.*\d)

// (?=…) is a “look ahead” assertion – must match somewhere to the right of whatever is to the

// left of the “(“.

if (preg_match("/^.*(?=.{8,})(?=.*\d)(?=.*[a-z])(?=.*[A-Z]).*$/", $password)) {

echo "Your passwords is strong.";

} else {

echo "Your password is weak.";


Regex – ereg vs pregThere are a lot of “ereg” functions as well – these are being deprecated (since

php5.3) & are slower (in general).

They will be REMOVED in PHP6







If you have these in your code, you may want to do a sitewide search & replace.

Regex – PCREPCRE are the ones to use










Regex Primer – Meta Chars

Regex – GroupingsParenthesis (that don’t have a question mark to the right of “(“) tell regex to put the

match into a special var ($1, $1, $3, etc)

my $line = 'First Name: Bob';

$line =~ /^First Name :\s+(\S+)/;

my $first_name = $1;

echo $first_name;

Regex – Character ClassesCharacter classes are sets of characters that can be in a set position.

If line begins with a number, using a combination of the "beginning of string" meta-

character '^' and a character class that represents any numeric character:


//matches a or b


// matches if NOT a or b (negated)


// so…

gr[ae]y matches either gray or grey

// matches any character (note, this is the same as the shorthand “\w” for “word character”:


// repeating character classes: ? (preceding token is optional) * (0 or more times) + (greedy / one or more)

/Feb(ruary)?/ <- matches both Feb & February

/<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*>/ <- matches any valid HTML tag without attributes

/<.+>/ <- the “plus” is greedy – it would match AS MUCH AS it can – like <b>hello</b>

/p+/ <- matches one or more of the char “p”

Regex – QuantifiersCharacter classes are sets of characters that can be in a set position.

If line begins with a number, using a combination of the "beginning of string" meta-

character '^' and a character class that represents any numeric character:


// repeating character classes: ? (preceding token is optional) * (0 or more times) + (greedy / one or more)

/Feb(ruary)?/ <- matches both Feb & February

/<[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*>/ <- matches any valid HTML tag without attributes

/<.+>/ <- the “plus” is greedy – it would match AS MUCH AS it can – like <b>hello</b>

/p+/ <- matches one or more of the char “p”

Regex – Shorthand Char


Regex Replace + SplitRegular expressions (regexes) are heavily used in PHP and any text-heavy


Regexes essentially match patterns in text with a variety of rules, for example:

// replace y-m-d with m/d/y

echo preg_replace("/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/", "$2/$3/$1", "2007-01-25");

// split on “word,”

$keywords = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", "php, regular expressions");

print_r( $keywords );

Regex RulesLets review & test some of the rules:

One of the best resources for Learning Regexes:

Lab #9: Regexes

Please refer to the ‘php-course-lab-instructions’ word document

Try / catch / throwSome errors (like DB connections) can wreak havoc & you want to catch them &

handle gracefully

Use try / catch whenever you have some situation like this, otherwise users see

whacky errors in their browser.

try {

// do something that can go wrong

} catch (Exception $e){

throw new Exception( 'Something really gone wrong', 0, $e);


Try / catch / throwSome more examples – in real life, we wouldn’t echo, but would log

try {

$conn = get_db_connection();

$conn->update( "UPDATE user SET email = '$email' WHERE username = '$username'");

} catch (Exception $e) {

throw new Exception( 'Failed to save email ['.$email.'] for user ['.$username.']', 0, $e);



try {

update_email( 'myusername', '[email protected]');

} catch (Exception $e) {




while($e = $e->getPrevious())

echo('Caused by: '.$e->getMessage().'




Dynamic Sites w/Databases

PHP would be pretty lame without dynamic capabilities

• We could store in flat files, but slow/difficult to manage

Luckily, PHP provides easy connectors to databases.

Although we’ll only show/use MySQL connections, it’s just as easy to add

connections to SQL Server as well (and you’re welcome to do so if you have a

remotely accessible SQL Server machine up & running).

Database Access w/MySQLTwo options in common use:

• MySQLi


• PDO preferred, but MySQLi slightly (2.5%) faster in benchmarks.

If you see “mysql_connect()” and “mysql_query()” in your code, you’re doing it



PDO vs MySQLiEstablishing Connection

• Ideally you do this via an auto_prepend_file


MySQLi usage

More Examples Here:

PDO usage//connect to mysql

try {

$objDb = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username', 'password');

} catch(PDOException $ex) {

//handle me. (log error, etc)


// you can set attributes


$objDb->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES, false);

function getData($objDb,$strSql) {

$objResult = $db->query($strSql);

$intRowCount = $objResult->rowCount();// row count available if needed

return $objResult->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); // the other option is "fetch" which gets one at a time


$strSql = "SELECT * FROM table";

$arrRows = getData($objDb,$strSql);

// get last insert ID

$objDb->query("INSERT INTO table(firstname, lastname) VALUES('John', 'Doe')");

$intInsertId = $objDb->lastInsertId();

// return # of affected rows in update. 'exec' returns # of affected rows rather than PDO stmt

$intAffectedRows = $db->exec("UPDATE table SET field='value'");

//more info at:

SQL InjectionBasic idea is that SQL looks like this:

SELECT * FROM USER WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’;

If you accept email from a web form, and don’t look for quotes (‘’), users could

enter the following for email: “[email protected]’; UPDATE USER SET email =

[email protected]’ WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’;”

Now your website runs this SQL:

SELECT * FROM USER WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’; UPDATE

USER SET email = ‘[email protected]’ WHERE email =

[email protected]

…and you’re wondering why you can’t log as [email protected] the next day!

SQL InjectionBasic idea is that SQL looks like this:

SELECT * FROM USER WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’;

If you accept email from a web form, and don’t look for quotes (‘’), users could

enter the following for email: “[email protected]’; UPDATE USER SET email =

[email protected]’ WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’;”

Now your website runs this SQL:

SELECT * FROM USER WHERE email = ‘[email protected]’; UPDATE

USER SET email = ‘[email protected]’ WHERE email =

[email protected]

…and you’re wondering why you can’t log as [email protected] the next day!

There’s more to it than that, though!

• Escaping

• Pattern check

• Dattabase permissions

SQL Injection Prevention• Use PDO prepared statements or stored procedures (runs


• Create your own class to escape, handle patterns, etc

Magic QuotesWhen on, all ' (single-quote), " (double quote), \ (backslash) and NULL

characters are escaped with a backslash automatically. This is identical to

what addslashes() does.

Essentially, PHP “magic quotes” escape any potentially problem characters in any

client-side (web forms, cookies, etc)

This (along with register_globals) were deprecated in 2009 (PHP 5.3) &

completely removed in 2012 (PHP 5.4), but you still see their usage in the wild.

If you find code that depends on these two params, here’s a good walkthrough of

how to refactor that code

Best Practices – S/W Dev• DRY – Don’t Repeat Yourself

• KISS – Keep it Simple (make your code clear & readable)

• Choose descriptive,valuable names (for files, variables, functions, objects, etc)

• Don’t trust anyone (especially your users)

• Sanitize all user input

• 70% of vulnerabilities happen at the OS layer

• If in “hack mode”, refactor after you get it working (the lack of dev effort on the

“refactor” part is what gives PHP, particularly, a bad name)

• Comment (especially in line) copiously

• Be specific over general (use $_GET rather than $_REQUEST)

• Test & build a testing team (PHPUnit --

• Especially make sure to test what users see (eBay example)

• JS is more heavily used these days – look into Selenium

• “Write code like the person who will be maintaining it is a psycho killer

who knows your address”

Best Practices – PHP

// I’ve seen this more times than I care to remember

$variable = someComplexFunction($param1,$param2,$param3); // really?

Best Practices – PHP• Sane, consistent names for things

• myVarName vs my_var_name

• Don’t clutter up lines with blank “{“ and “}”

• Objects as much as possible

• Get familiar with config & turn on / use error reporting

• Use MVC

• Use PHP long tags (“<?”) also possible

• Cache DB-driven pages (memcached, APC, Zend Cache, Varnish, squid,…)

• Profile your code (xdebug, & some IDEs like NetBeans actually have inherent)

• Try an IDE

• Better debugging, less carpal tunnel, easier visualization / navigation

• ZendIDE (includes a debugger)

Best Practices – names• I Really like the following:

• $blnVar; // bools

• $intVar; // ints

• $fltVar; // floats

• $strVar; // string

• $arrVar; // array

• $objVar; // object

• $resVar; // resources

• $mixVar; // polymorphic (may be an array or string, for example)

Really helps you think about what the var is supposed to be, and helps

maintainers debug much faster.

Best Practices – standards• Whatever conventions you decide, make sure EVERYONE is on board with

them & using them.

• The worst thing ever is a mess of code written 5 different ways by 5 different

developers with 5 different styles.

Best Practices – braces

//connect to mysql

try {

$objDb = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8', 'username',



catch(PDOException $ex)


//handle me. (log error, etc)


Best Practices have real impact

Security - PHPIt’s everyone’s job. It only takes one slip (eg, not sanitizing one form field in one

web form) for a complete vulnerability.

• Make sure everyone understands what is vulnerable

• Understand the language & tools you are using

• Brown bag sessions (if not formal training)

• Formal security testing (NOT written by the folks who wrote the code)

• Watch for orphaned phpinfo() calls

• Log issues so that you can resolve (try / catch)


• Use Suhosin

Don’t make security the least important thing until it becomes the most

important thing!

DebuggingWe know (and hopefully used) all of the following:

• print_r()

• var_dump()

• phpinfo()

• XDebug

• Firebug (Firefox extension)

• FirePHP (debugger)

• Zend Debugger

• PHP internal error reporting

Lots of gold in this thread:


Debugging – error typesThere are 3 types of errors

• Semantic (syntax)

• Environment (configs)

• Logic (your code)

We’re all “stupid humans”, we all make mistakes

Your Journey has just begun

[email protected] - 303-859-3189

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