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PHE Menu of Programs and Events These are programs that have been designed to be administered in small groups in the Residence Halls at UW-La Crosse. These are different than our large-scale events that take place most commonly outside of residence halls and we encourage you to review the program description and consider how we can customize these programs to fit better with the communities you are building. We need your input if you want to customize these programs as you know your students and your communities better than we do. Alcohol #1- Personal Decisions Around Alcohol Use Goal: Students will explore identification of their own values and how their decision-making and habits contribute to or detract from their values. Learning Outcomes: Students will identify their own personal values. Students will reflect on how their values affect their decision-making. Students will gain a better understanding of how alcohol affects their bodies. Description: Explore personal decisions around alcohol use, real versus perceived norms on college campuses, and get some basic alcohol education in this customizable, first-level alcohol education program. This program also includes the Pour Challenge activity. Alcohol #2- Alcohol and Group Dynamics Goal: To engage students in exploration of how the values of groups affect alcohol-related decision-making, will discuss peer influence, and will be introduced to bystander intervention activities. Learning Outcomes: Students will reflect on their own personal values. Students will understand how their peers influence their decision making. Students will review the Responsible Action Policy. Description: Explore the influence of small groups and your peers on your own personal decision making, and practice some great skills for bystander intervention during this second-level of alcohol education. This program also includes an activity with the beer goggles. Alcohol #3- Alcohol and Culture Goal: To engage students in discussions around the impact of alcohol in our culture from media influence, to cultural and social norms, considering both positive and negative impacts of alcohol in the La Crosse community, in WI, and in the U.S. Learning Outcomes: Students will analyze the effect of media on personal decision making. Students will examine social and cultural norms. Students will compare and contrast the perceived norms of our society with their own values. Description: Alcohol education gets a bit more cerebral with this program, during which students will explore the effect of media and advertising on alcohol-related decision making and social norm establishment in our culture. Students should bring their computers and expect to create a body-positive or positive/realistic social norming ad or PSA.

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Alcohol #4- Alcohol Skillz (activities, scavenger hunts) Goal: Students will participate in hands-on activities focused on alcohol safety and learn risk reduction techniques in a game or activity format. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn what blood alcohol content (BAC) is and how it affects the human body, what a standard alcoholic drink looks like, alcohol-related facts, as well as the risks and benefits of drinking alcohol for a college student. Description: There is 5 separate stations focused on different alcohol-related harm-reduction activities. Sex: Condom Bingo Goal: To educate students about proper use of barrier methods including; condoms, dental dams, and female condoms. Increase students’ knowledge of sexual health related topics including abstinence, contraception, STIs/STDs, healthy relationship and communication, and human biology. Increase students’ confidence and comfort of sexual health information and contraceptive methods. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn valuable information regarding sexual health and safety, as well as becoming more comfortable with their own sexual health and well-being in a fun and engaging BINGO-based format. Description: Condom Bingo is a reproductive health education and social, hour-long event used to increase knowledge of sexual health, healthy relationships, abstinence and contraception. Sex: Sex Trivia (at Cellar) or in res halls (NEW PROGRAM) Goal: To engage students in a game-style setting in learning about sexual health and healthy relationships. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn current, significant sexual-health-related facts. Description: Ready for some fun in The Cellar at Cartwright Center? The Wellness Resource Center, Violence Prevention and Essential Health Clinic work with to put on this trivia event. This must be scheduled in advance, so please reach out at least 6 weeks before you want to schedule your Sex Trivia game night! Students can come and go as they please between rounds and will be eligible to win prizes! Sex: Sex in the Dark Goal: Students will engage in a conversation guided by a sexual health expert about the topic of sex and sexual health in a comfortable, managed environment. to guide discussions so that they remain appropriate (even if raw and honest), inclusive, and factual. Learning Outcomes: Students will engage in an inclusive conversation regarding sexual topics where hard questions can be asked with a small level of anonymity. Students will learn how to ask uncomfortable questions. Students will experience guided discussions focused on appropriate, honest, inclusive and factual sexual-health related topics. Description: Do you have questions about sex, sexual health, relationships, human biology or other sex-related topics that you would like to know the answers to, but are slightly embarrassed

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to bring up in class, with your friends or family, or with your partner? Join us for an adult, honest opportunity to discuss these touchy subjects at Sex in the Dark. Sex: Sex Panel (people from the community, different backgrounds/orientations) Goal: Students will be able to ask questions regarding sexual health to a panel of local and campus professionals who work in sexual health education and healthy relationships. Students will be able to empathize with one or more of the sexperts on the diverse and inclusive panel. Learning Outcomes: Students will be able to learn and engage in an honest conversation regarding sexual health. Students will have the opportunity to hear from a variety of different individuals with different values, personal experiences, sexual preferences, and sexual identities. Description: Are you ready to have an open, honest, inclusive conversation about sex, relationships, and sexual health? Do you want to hear the truth from someone who has experiences that are like or unlike your own? Come prepared to ask some raw questions and get some raw, honest answers from our panel of local sexual health sexperts. Sex: Healthy Relationship Building 101: Decision Making Scenarios (Trust Your Move) Goal: To engage students in decision making scenarios about trust and boundaries within everyday relationships. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn about their personal views about trust and boundaries within their own relationships with others. Students will also experience others views and reflect upon their own beliefs. Description: Are you ready to explore the grey-areas of your relationships? What do you do when you’re not sure what to say or do with someone that you are feeling romantic toward? Join us for a conversation about personal decisions, healthy relationships and with an plan to participate in the conversation, in your head or within the group. Let’s talk about how do you deal with difficult situations in healthy ways! Sex: Violence Prevention consideration with Bystander training *Coming Spring 2016 Goal: To engage students in practicing bystander intervention techniques for sexual assault and interpersonal relationship violence. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn the parameters and best-practices of bystander intervention. Students will practice new ways to intervene in situations where they have the power to stand up, be heard, and change a potentially negative outcome. Description: Are you ready to be an “upstander,” but not quite sure how? This training is for you. Quite frankly, this training is for EVERYONE! Learn about bystander intervention, when and how to speak up in a safe and appropriate manner on behalf of your friends, colleagues or even strangers. Safe Bicycling in the La Crosse Area Goal: Engage students in safe bicycling around the city of La Crosse. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn the bicycling rules of the road. Students will practice safe cycling following the rules of the road. Students will enjoy a guided bike tour around La Crosse.

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Description: Ready to learn to love cycling in the La Crosse area? Safety first! Meet us at the REC to learn the bicycling rules of the road and enjoy practicing your new knowledge during a guided tour of the amazing bike trails and bike lanes in the city of La Crosse. Value-Based Decision Making 101 Goal: Students will explore identification of their own values and how their decision-making and habits contribute to or detract from their values. Learning Outcomes: Students will identify their own personal values. Students will reflect on how their values affect their decision-making. Description: Best housed in a small-group setting in which students have space to write and use worksheets for reflection, this program will take students through an exercise that will help them evaluate their own personal values. It will then continue into reflection of how behaviors are influenced by personal values. This program will take 25-45 minutes. Bystander Intervention Training Goal: To engage students in practicing bystander intervention techniques. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn the parameters and best-practices of bystander intervention. Students will practice new ways to intervene in situations where they have the power to stand up, be heard, and change a potentially negative outcome. Description: Are you ready to be an “upstander,” but not quite sure how? This training is for you. Quite frankly, this training is for EVERYONE! Learn about bystander intervention, when and how to speak up in a safe and appropriate manner on behalf of your friends, colleagues or even strangers. Other Tobacco Products Presentations Goal: To educate students about e-cigarettes and tobacco products that aren’t the traditional cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, or chewing tobacco. Learning Outcomes: Students will analyze and contrast the relationship between traditional tobacco delivery devices and other tobacco products (OTP). Students will examine the potential risks of using OTP. Students will discuss the role of tobacco companies and advertising in the sales of tobacco to minors and college students. Description: Join us for an interactive conversation about other tobacco products. In this presentation, you’ll have a chance to feel and smell the new tobacco-delivery methods and learn more about tobacco policy in the La Crosse area. This presentation also includes Judi Zabel from the La Crosse County Health Department sharing her wealth of knowledge and passion. Stress/Distress Management Goal: Engage students in active recovery and other distress and stress management techniques. Learning Outcomes: Students will learn and practice distress and stress management skills such as body scans, mindfulness, personal meditation, finger mazes, guided meditation, and active recovery.

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Description: Are you ready to relax, center yourself, and spend some time de-stressing your life? Work with the Wellness Resource Center Peer Health Educators to customize a stress management program for your residents. Programs in the past have included yoga, guided meditation, and guided body scans. Think about scheduling these programs in advance of the times when you know it is particularly difficult to manage being a UW-L student, or on the off-times when students can learn the skills they need before they need them to create some balance in their lives. The following events are open to campus and administered outside of the Residence Halls and open to all students on campus. These events can also be customized to your communities and can be administered in residence halls with intentional planning. We need your input if you want to customize these programs as you know your students and your communities better than we do. Fit4Life (Physical Literacy Program) Goal: To encourage healthy lifestyles by engaging students in 30 different ways to get physically active on campus and in the La Crosse area. Learning Outcomes: Students will perform 30 different physical activities in order to meet the goal and qualify for a prize. Students will discover that you don’t have to be a runner to be active or a tri-athlete to be fit, and hopefully find an activity they enjoy doing. Students will experiment with 30 different ways to play. Description: You don’t have to be a long distance runner or a Iron Man athlete to be healthy and active. Try a bunch of fun stuff, and we think you’ll find something you enjoy. Fit4Life is a physical literacy program designed to engage people in a variety of different physical activities from basic climbing, to bike riding, to taking a walk, to using an elliptical, to flying a kite and many in-between. Choose 30 of the activities we’ve listed, or write in your own and you’ll be entered in to win the prize! 15 for Better Health Goal: To connect UWL students to campus resources regarding multiple aspects of student and campus life, as well as their own health. 15 week long program (semester) to help student reach their health-related goals. Learning Outcomes: Based on individual’s concerns and goals for the semester. Description: Are you a student interested in a FREE health coaching program based in motivational interviewing and goal setting? Register today to sit down with a health coach, identify and set some goals and be supported in working towards improving your self, life, or specific After goals are made, connecting students with on campus resources (SHC and Dr. Allen, C&T, Academic Skills C&T group, dietitian, personal trainer at the REC, etc.) to help them reach their goals over the course of 15 weeks. Connections with two campus resources over the course of the program are required, more are optional. 1:1 Meetings with PHE: Goal Setting for Wellness

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Goal: To use peer-based health education and health coaching to help students reach their wellness goals and optimal health potential, while improving health-related self-efficacy. Learning Outcomes: Based on individual’s concerns and immediate needs. Description: Meet with a Peer Health Education in a one-on-one setting to discuss health and wellness-related goals, questions and/or concerns. Individualized programs in any of 7 areas of wellness or specific topics Goal: Based on program. Learning Outcomes: Based on program. Description: We will design evidence-based programs with you for your intended population (group, floor, hall, class).. Think of a theme or topic, and let’s work together to create a way for students to engage with health and wellness related information. Group Wellness Challenges (Kate has access to new software! Can customize!) Goal: Whatever you choose! Learning Outcomes: In alignment with your designated wellness goals. Description: Kate has access to new software whereby during the Fall Semester 2015, we can customize wellness challenges! Do you want to challenge your students to complete an Iron Man Triathlon, or read for pleasure for 2 hours every week of the semester, eat more fruits and veggies every day, or climb Mt. Everest this year at the climbing wall? We can customize a program for basically whatever you want! Contact your PHE, and she or he will set up a meeting with Kate to get things set up! RECtoberfest- 10/2/2015 Goal: Provide a big substance-free party at the REC to encourage students to engage in fun without substance use. Learning Outcomes: Students will participate in an engaging wild, tri-campus night of fun! Description: UW-La Crosse, Viterbo, and Western TC students will be able to participate in laser tag, giant inflatables, and much more. The best part of this event is that it is FREE for students! Whether you come for an hour or you come all night, we would love to see you there! RECtoberfest annually attracts between 300- 500 people and this year will be featuring: blacklight climbing, laser tag, prizes, games, food, crafts, and much more! Light up the Night- 10/29 5-8pm Goal: Engage students in a night-time bike ride around La Crosse. Learning Outcomes: Students will practice safe night-time bicycling. Students will learn the bicycling rules of the road for daylight and dark. Description: Ready to stay safe in the long dark of WI winters? Join us for this event and get a free bike light! Come to the REC, learn the bicycling rules of the road for daylight and dark, and take a night time guided biking tour of La Crosse. We will also have free glow-in-the-dark condoms! Sex Week- 10/26-10/29

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Goal: See the following document for the Mission, Vision, Values and Goals of Sex week, as well as learning outcomes. Learning Outcomes: See above document. Description: Within the scope of practice and knowledge of our trained health educators, we provide accurate, inclusive interventions based on sexual behaviors and culture on the UW-L campus, supplemented with culturally competent health education, and accurate and appropriate referrals to sexual health experts.

With respect, professionalism, objectivity, inclusivity, open communication, innovation, destigmatization, and paradigm shifting; and without judgement, our work is done modeling the behaviors we wish to promote in our community. UW-L Turkey Trot, Saturday, November 11/21/2015 Goal: To increase student participation (as walkers/runners) in the UW-L Turkey Trot Learning Outcomes: Students will walk or run a 5K. Students will join in a great community-building event. Description: Available at Distress Fest (12/6/2015) Goal: Engage students in active recovery and celebrate the semester with some relaxing, de-stressing activities sponsored by the CARE team, the office of Student Life, Counseling and Testing, and the Wellness Resource Center. Learning Outcomes: Students will engage in a active recovery and stress management activities. Description: Previously titled “Relaxation Extravaganza,” Distress Fest is a 4 hour event designed to engage students in active-recovery from their stressful lives the day before finals week begins on campus. Come to “Distress Fest” to celebrate all the #MeltdownMondays, #FreakoutFridays, and general stress involved in being a college student at UW-L and have a snack, color a mandala, get a massage, play with a therapy animal, and much more. This event is presented by the Student Life and the Wellness Resource Center in partnership with Counseling and Testing and the CARE team. *We hope to pre-plan these events for the entire academic year 2015-2016, and also will welcome incident-inspired triage-style programs that can’t be foreseen or pre-planned throughout the year.

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For reference when writing learning outcomes:

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