
Persuasive Text

Essay Outline: Introduction: Captures the reader’s interest and includes a thesis statement. Body Paragraph Number One: Includes a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Body Paragraph Number Two: Includes a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Body Paragraph Number Three: Includes a topic sentence and supporting sentences. Concluding Paragraph: Restate the main topic of your essay and make mention of the subtopics you discussed in your essay. End with a general statement.

However, a pep talk can use more informal language with the addition of humour.

Pep Talkthis pep talk is an amusing one-sided monologue in which the speaker gets pretty excited, speaking in long and very short sentences and using repetition, so that the message comes through loud and clear

Directions Follow along while I read the Pep Talk

and use the sticky notes provided to identify the elements of the persuasive text

The story is on page 36 of the text.

Answers The Thesis was:

Convincing him to go on the ride.

The supporting ideas were: If you don’t get on the ride it will ruin the

birthday. It’s not that scary anyway. It’s safe.

Other Pep Talks http://

Possible topics for Pep Talks

Assignment Using the examples we have read/watched,

write a pep talk. The talk will be marked on the rubric handed out in class.

Students will work on the pep talk in class on Thursday and Friday (30 minutes). They may work on them at home also.

Students are encouraged to practice delivering the talk.

Presentations will begin Tuesday, Oct. 9, 2012

October 5, 2012Sign out novelWork on pep talkRead novelComplete journal entryReminder: Presentations Tuesday

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