
PersonaleoversigtEn oversigt over alle medarbejdere i Insatech A/S

David Santilhano(DSA)Area Sales Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Hans-Erik Mahnfeldt (HAMA)Project Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Thomas Bech (THBE)Project Manager

+45 5144 [email protected]

Anders Hovgaard Møller (ANMO)Performance Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jesper Raahauge Larsen (JELA)Service & Commissio-ning Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jacob Møller (JMO)Managing Director

+45 8834 [email protected]

Simon Munk Sørensen (SMS)User Experience Designer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Ulla Røngaard (UH)Canteen

[email protected]

Kamilla Guldborg Larsen (KGL)Trainee

+45 2761 [email protected]

Anne Sofie Skov (ASK)Business Development Coordinator

+45 2761 [email protected]

Martin Søvind Jensen (MSJ)Product Manager

+45 2761 45 [email protected]

Christian Loving (CL)Service & Commissio-ning Engineer

+45 2085 [email protected]

Bo Lindqvist (BLI)Service & Commissio-ning Engineer

+45 2085 [email protected]

Dennis Nøhr Nielsen (DENI)Service & Commissio-ning Engineer

+45 2222 [email protected]

Alice Bizon(ALBI)Project Management Assistant

+45 2761 [email protected]

Kristian Nielsen (KN)General ManagerMarine Group

+45 2222 [email protected]

Lars Jensen (LJE)Service Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Mads Hyldahl Mathi-assen (MMA)Product Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Kenneth R. Andersson (KRA)Area Sales Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Niels Henrik Nielsen (HNI)Sales Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jeppe Frederiksen (JFR)Project Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Søren Olsen (SOL)Key Account Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Erich Rasmussen (ER)Key Account Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Søren Bryde (SB)Key Account Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Kenneth R. Andersson (KRA)Key Account Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Lars Madsen (LMA)Key Account Manager

+45 2085 [email protected]

Ronny Rahbek (RRA)Key Account Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Lasse Olsen (LO)Manager Product Management Group

+45 2085 [email protected]

Kim Bresson (KIB)Product EngineerProcess Instrumentation

+45 2761 [email protected]

Mathias Schouw (MASC)Product EngineerProcess Instrumentation

+45 2761 [email protected]

Morten Valhøj Kristensen (MOK)Product ManagerCalibration +45 2085 [email protected]

Iben Kyndby (IK)Team ManagerAnalytical

+45 2222 [email protected]

Morten Olsen (MOL)Product ManagerLevel and pressure

+45 2085 [email protected]

Sarah Omø Nielsen (SON)Product Engineer Analytical

+45 2761 [email protected]

Heidi Herup (HHE)Product Engineer Analytical

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jacob Steffensen (JST)Product ManagerFlow

+45 2761 [email protected]

Finn Iversen (FIV)Product ManagerValves

+45 2761 [email protected]

Søren Sixten Friis Bach (SOBA)Product EngineerValves

+45 2761 [email protected]

Annette Henriksen (AHE)Sales Administration

+45 2761 [email protected]




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Merete Kristensen (MK)Quality Manager

+45 2082 0453 [email protected]

Lars Brandt-Erichsen (LBE)Project Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jan Frandsen (JAFR)Project Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Gustav Olsen (GUOL)Project Manager

+45 2761 [email protected]

Tonny Hoffmann (THO)General ManagerService & Production

+45 6143 [email protected]

Karen Lundsby Nielsen (KANI)Order Handling,Sales

+45 8834 [email protected]

Larry Cottrell (LACO)Calibration EngineerConductivity

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jens Kaas Sloth(JESL)Service Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Lars Bo Sjølin (LASJ)Calibration Engineer

+45 2139 [email protected]

Kim Neble Christiansen (KICH)Calibration Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Mariann Jensen Düring (MD)Administration Manager

+45 4098 [email protected]

Lone Lund-Jacobsen(LLJ)Management & HR Coordinator

+45 2761 [email protected]

Inge Hassenkam Hansen (IHH)Order Handling,Service

+45 8834 [email protected]

Leif Jensen (LJ)Lab ManagerMetrology Laboratory

+45 2085 [email protected]

Anders Børre (AB)Service Engineer

+45 2085 [email protected]

Erik Nøhr Rasmussen (ENR)Service Engineer

+45 2513 [email protected]

Marina Maravic (MM)Controller

+45 2761 [email protected]

Christina Kolthoff (CK)Accountant

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jane Hage (JAH)Order Handling, Sales

+45 8834 [email protected]

Majbritt S. Olsen (MO)Order Handling andDocumentation

+45 8834 2352 [email protected]

Michael Tarby (MIT)Calibration Engineer Gas & TOC

+45 2761 [email protected]

Søren Skovhus (SS)Project Engineer

+45 2085 [email protected]

Per Jørgensen (PBJ)IT-Support

+45 2085 [email protected]

Jón Björnsson (JBJ)Service Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Jens U. Kristensen (JUK)Warehouse/Shipping

+45 2761 [email protected]

Lisa Soleen Holberg (LSH)Warehouse/Shipping

+45 2761 [email protected]

Henrik Hansen(HHA)Service Engineer

+45 2085 [email protected]

Brian Rasmussen(BRRA)Service Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Marianne Larsen (MML)Calibration Engineer Conductivity

+45 2761 [email protected]

Charlotte Agger Antonisen (CAP)Accountant

+45 8834 [email protected]

Dorte Wedersøe Schelde (DOSC)Receptionist

+45 2761 [email protected]

Annette Vangkilde Hansen (AVH)Calibration EngineerTOC

+45 2761 [email protected]

Lars Christiansen (LC) Technical Director

+45 2085 [email protected]

Erik Fjordside (EF)Senior Project Manager

+45 2099 [email protected]

René Borup Nielsen (RBN)Head of Research& Development

+45 2222 [email protected]

Thomas Lindemann Olsen (TLO)Application Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]

Ole Bent Nielsen (OBN)Project Engineer

+45 2761 [email protected]



Service & Production



& Project

Metrology Laboratory

Insatech A/SNæstvedvej 73C4720 PræstøDenmark

Tlf. +45 5537 [email protected] 05



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Insatech har mere end 25 års erfaring inden for instrumentering og automation.

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