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Personal Finance &W$:}: Investing*: •:••:'•


By Melanie Bien, Julian Knight, and Tony Levene

Edited by Faith Glasgow

1 8 O 7


John Wiley Si Sons, Ltd

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Table of ContentsIntroduction /

About This Book 1Conventions Used in This Book 2What You're Not to Read 2Foolish Assumptions 2How This Book Is Organised 3

Book I: Organising Your Finances and Dealing with Debt 3Book II: Paying Less Tax 4Book III: Building up Savings and Investments 4Book IV: Retiring Wealthy 4Book V: Protecting Your Wealth For the Next Generation 4

Icons Used in This Book 5Where to Go from Here 5

Book h Organising \lour Financesand beating u/ith Debt 7

Chapter 1: Figuring Out Financial Goals, Financial Budgets,and Financial Advisers 9

Looking at the Benefits of Being on Top of Your Finances 10Drawing Up a Budgets 10Studying How to Save Without Sacrificing 12Establishing Your Goals 13Setting Up a Rainy-Day Fund 14Looking After Your Life and Health 15Paying into a Pension Plan 16Taking Care of Property Before Profits 16Pay Off Home Loans Early 17Seeking Help: Financial Advisers 18Considering Advisers 18

Benefiting from independent advice 19Avoiding the pitfalls 19

Finding an IFA 20Taking a More Limited Approach 21Tied Agents 21Getting to Grips with Qualifications 22

Becoming advanced 22Looking beyond bits of paper 23

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Personal Finance & Investing All-in-One For Dummies

Paying for Advice 23Forking out a fee 24Going with commission 24Combining fees and commission 24Look for negotiation 25

Going It Alone 25

Chapter 2: Choosing the Best Current Account for You 27Explaining How Current Accounts Work 27

Noting interest and taxes 28Considering safety first 28Paying the charges 29Maintaining the ideal balance 30

Finding the Best Current Account 31Gaining access 32Weighing balances ...:. 34Accruing interest 34Terms and conditions 34

Switching Your Current Account 35Completing the application form 35Obtaining a list of direct debits 36Handling the changeover period 36

Chapter 3: Covering Yourself with Insurance 37Arranging Cover 37

Deciding what insurance you need 38Disclosing information to the insurer 38Shopping around for insurance 39Reading the policy carefully 39Deciding on the excess 39Making a comeback if things go wrong 40Cutting costs - without skimping on cover ; 40

Handling Health and Protection .....:„... 40Insuring Your Life 41

Beginning term assurance 41Getting whole of life insurance : 43

Protecting Your Income 43Covering Critical Illness 44Preparing for Accident, Sickness, and Unemployment 45Purchasing Private Medical Insurance 46

Accounting for the cost 46Declaring your medical history 46

Covering Your Home and Belongings 47Safeguarding your home 47Taking care of contents insurance...:......'..: 48

Making Sure of Your Car : '. 48Travelling under Cover 49

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Chapter 4: Tackling Your Overdraft and Other Credit Nasties 51Understanding How Overdrafts Work 52

Requesting permission 52Calculating interest.. 52Looking at fees..... 54Deciding whether an overdraft really is the answer 55

Choosing a Current Account for Its Overdraft 56Fee-free buffers 56Introductory offers „.. 57

Switching Current Accounts When You Have an Overdraft 58Reducing Your Overdraft 58Dealing with Other Debts. 59Handling Store CardkSmartly .:.... 59

Signing up for store cards .;„ 60Paying extortionate rates of interest 60Making store cards work for you 61Clearing store card debt 62

Avoiding Debt Consolidation Firms 63Consolidating debts into one loan 63Looking at high rates and arrangement fees 64

Steering Clear of Loan Sharks '. 64Escaping the Debt Trap .'.„ 65

Prioritising your debts.~. ...:....: 65Working out your budget „.„.... 66Making savings work harder ...„!.... 66Juggling your mortgage ......'. 66Replacing the plastic.' .1. 67Contacting your creditors 67Seeking free advice ; 68Going bankrupt : ;*. 68

Chapter 5: Choosing a Credit Card 71Understanding How, Credit Cards Work :.. 72

Calculating interest 72Figuring out credit limits .....:. 73Making the minimum payment 74

Finding Low Rates 74Sourcing good introductory rates 75Pursuing low lifetime balances .:... 76

Enjoying the Perks of Clearing Your Balance Every Month 76Getting cashback... 76Earning loyalty points and Air Miles 77Going for the added extras 77Buying for charity and affinity groups 77

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Avoiding Certain Credit Card Activities 78Paying annual charges 78Withdrawing cash 78Buying credit card protection 78

Protecting Your Purchases 79Considering Your Credit Rating 80

Working with credit scoring 80Correcting mistakes on your file 81Failing credit scoring 82

Chapter 6: Weighing Up Personal Loans 83Figuring Out When a Loan Makes Perfect Sense 83Deciding When a Loan Is Not a Good Idea 84Understanding How Loans Work 85

Taking out unsecured versus secured loans 85Deciding on the term 87Working out the interest 87Calculating the total cost 88Watching out for early redemption penalties 88Aiming for flexibility 89

Finding the Best Personal Loan 89Applying for a Loan 90Avoiding Payment Protection Insurance 91

Working out the cost 92Checking the small print 92Deciding whether you need cover 92

Taking Action If You Are Struggling with Repayments 93

Book 11: Paging Less Tax 95

Chapter 1: Understanding Tax Basics 97Laying Out the Basics of the Tax System 98Considering Tax and Your Family ; 99Running through the Tax Year 100Keeping Good Personal Records: 103

Identifying who needs to keep records 103Sorting out what to keep 104Deciding how long to keep tax records 107

Retaining Business Records 107Asking for receipts 108Keeping business records for a long, long time 109Ensuring a part-time business follows the rules 109

Managing Your Record-Keeping : 110

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Chapter 2: Dealing with Self Assessment 111Managing the Mechanics of the Form Il l

Getting the forms I l lDiscovering you don't have to fill in a form 113Keeping records 114

Filling In the Return 114Avoiding the most common self assessment errors 114Listing income and credits 115Going into savings and investments 116Making friends with the blank page..... 117Seeing about supplementary pages 117

Counting the Ways of Doing the Sums 120Filing early 120Using purpose-built software : 120

Filing Your Form ;..: 121Posting your form 121Submitting your form online 121

Paying on Account 122Asking for a reduction in payments : 123Adding up the potential penalties 123

Chapter 3: Taxing Family Situations 125Getting Married , 125

Seeing who can claim the MCA 126Figuring out the allowance ': '.: 127Connecting MCA and the age allowance 127

Maximising the Tax Benefits of Marriage 128Sorting out your tax allowance 128Swapping your assets 129Inheriting each other's assets.. 130Taking a stake in a pension 130

Cohabiting instead of Marrying 130Breaking Up 131

Sorting out the tax bill 131Paying and receiving maintenance payments 132

Becoming a Taxpayer 132Giving Money to Children .-.; 133

Giving money as a non-parent 134Taking advantage of the small amount exemption 134

Saving Tax by Giving Wisely 135Investing in single premium insurance bonds 136Setting up a trust 136

Getting Money for Children 137Benefiting from child benefit 138Claiming child tax credit 138Gaining a trust from the government 142Receiving help with childcare costs 143

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Chapter 4: Understanding Tax When You Work for Someone Else... 145Delving into the Mysteries of PAYE and Its Codes 146

Finding out what the numbers mean... 146Looking at the letters.; 147

Checking Your Deductions 148Checking your pay packet 148Meeting your national insurance obligations 149Noticing when your employer gets it wrong 151

Losing or Leaving Your Job : 152Taxing Those Little Extras .: ; 154Travelling to and for Work : 155

Counting the cost of a company car :... 155Cycling - two wheels are better : 158

Getting Non-Transport Perks 159Housing: from the vicarage to the lighthouse ......: 159Paying for childcare 160Realising other tax-free perks 160

Explaining Expenses: The Wholly, Exclusively, and Necessarily Rule....162Examining expenses that qualify 162Eyeing expenses you pay tax on 163Special deals for special jobs 163

Offering Share Schemes - Who and How 164Working out who offers what to whom 164Treasuring the tax savings 165

Saving with a Save As You Earn Scheme ! : 165Discussing Share Incentive Plans 167

Getting something for nothing with free shares 167Going into partnership with your employer... 168

Going Beyond Approval 169Getting a reward for enterprise 169Picking out particular employees with a CSOP 169

Chapter 5: Working for Yourself Can Be Less Taxing 171Defining the Terms : 171

Meeting HMRC's standards for self-employment 172Delving into the grey area: Sole trader or simple seller? 173Testing your wings whilst staying employed 173

Formalising Your Status ; .\ 174Registering your new business ...:....: 174Choosing your tax year carefully ; 174Signing on for and paying VAT •. 176

Keeping Accounts to Keep Everyone Happy 178Filling out Schedule D can pay dividends : 179Counting your credits 179

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Accounting for big business items 180Claiming extra help as you start up : '. 181Accounting for loss making 181

Scanning National Insurance 182Complicating the classes 182Putting a cap on national insurance 183

Hiring Helpers ., :. 184Employing your family......... 184Establishing a partnership with your partner 185Paying employees 185

Giving Up Work '. 186

Chapter 6: Taxing Your Savings and Investments 187Taxing Interest : 188

Paying tax without effort (or intent) 188Shelling out at the special savings rate 189Doing the sums yourself :-. 189

Asking for a Tax Rebate 193Checking your rebate qualifications 193Recovering money with form R85 194Getting money back with R40 195Getting money back up to five years later 195

Considering a Trio of Taxes 196Doling out Stamp Duty 196Declaring your dividends.... 198Dealing with capital gains tax 199

Looking at the Tax Implications of Investing 202Saving hassle with unit and investment trusts 202Buying bonds 203Examining the benefits of ISAs 203Rewarding risk takers 204Taking account of losses 206

Looking at the Basics of Insurance 207Evaluating Endowments 208Cutting Away the Complexity of Life Insurance Taxation Rules 208

Checking out whether policies qualify or not 209Jumping tax hurdles 209

Looking at Lump Sum Insurance Bonds 210Taking a regular income 211Slicing from the top 212

Eyeing Guaranteed Bonds '. 214Going Offshore with Your Money 214

Looking at the legalities 214Weighing up costs versus savings 215

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Book 111: Building Up Savings and Investments 217

Chapter 1: Squaring Risk and Return 219Examining Two Investing Principles You Should Never Forget 220Determining the Return You Want from Your Money 221

The likely return from shares 223The likely return from bonds 224The likely return from property 225The likely return from a cash account 226The likely return from other assets 227

Increasing Your Chances of Successful Returns 228Plenty of factors affect your chances of success 228Diversification is your best friend 229Patience is your pal : 231

Chapter 2: Saving for a Rainy Day 233Dealing with an Emergency 233Looking at Savings Strengths 234

Making sure your money is easily accessible 235Minimising risk 235

Deciding How Much You Need to Save 236Finding the Best Savings Account 236

Saving with a monthly account 236Opting for a mini cash individual savings account 237Watching out for notice periods 238Considering the impact of bonuses 238Realising the advantage of tiered rates 239Fixing the rate and the term 239Offsetting your savings 239

Shopping Around for the Best Deal 240Logging on 240Telephoning and posting 241Accessing savings via a branch 241

Safeguarding Your Savings : -. 241

Chapter 3: Choosing a Mortgage 243Working Out How Much You Can Afford to Borrow.... 243

Multiplying your income 244Coping without a deposit 244

Calculating How Much Cash You Need beyond the Price 245Looking out for the lender's fee 245Paying a mortgage broker 246Commissioning a lender's valuation and survey 246Settling legal fees and disbursements 247Sending in your stamp duty 248

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Eenie, Meenie, Miney, Mo: Choosing the Right Mortgage 248Understanding repayment loans 249Going interest-only 249Combining repayment with interest-only 252

Understanding Rates 252Avoiding the standard variable rate 252Opting for a fix 253Plumping for a discount 253Checking out capped rates 253Tracking the base rate 254Offsetting your mortgage 255Cashing in on a cashback mortgage 256

Finding the Best Mortgage 257Seeking advice 257Going online 258

Avoiding Unnecessary Costs 259Watching out for MIG 259Escaping early redemption penalties 260Sidestepping compulsory insurance 260

Chapter 4: Making the Most of Tax-FreeSavings and Investments 263

Opting for an Individual Savings Account 263Contributing to ISAs 264Understanding minis and maxis .' 265Deciding on your ISA investments 266Selecting your own ISA 269Transferring your ISA 270

Choosing National Savings Certificates 271Exploring Venture Capital Trusts 271Betting on Premium Bonds 273

Chapter 5: Delving Into Collective Investments 275Pooling Your Investments 276

Looking at the advantages of pooled investments 276Losing out by pooling 277

Jumping into Different Pools 277Understanding Unit Trusts 278

Examining one big difference between unit trusts and OEICs 279Selecting the best unit trust for you '. 280Working out charges 281Comparing active versus passive fund managers 281Going with a fund of funds 283Checking out investment supermarkets 284

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Understanding What Investment Trusts Are ; 284Examining the discount 285Knowing what gearing means 286Starting with the Global Growth sector 287

Making Sense of With-Profits Investment Bonds 287Buying Corporate Bond Funds 288Choosing Exchange Traded Funds 289The Worth of Performance Tables 290

Tables that show cumulative figures 291Tables that use discrete figures 292

Ways to Separate the Good Managers from the Bad 292Taking Ethics into Consideration 293

Shades of green: Ethical unit trusts 294Balancing act: The pros and cons of ethical investing 295

The Worth of Fund Manager Fees , 295Investment Clubs: Do-It-Yourself Fund Management 296

Chapter 6: Scrutinising Shares and Bonds 299Investing Basics '. 300What to Consider When Buying Individual Shares 300

Know the psychological impact of the economy 301Know the power of interest rates 301

Selecting Your Shares 304Deciding on growth or income 304Spreading your risk 305Picking more exotic investments 305

Choosing a Broker 306Knowing you're protected 306Deciding what service you need 307Considerations with discretionary and advisory services 309Considerations with execution-only services 309Additional considerations 310

Buying and Selling Shares 311Holding Your Shares 312Looking Forward to Returns 313

Generating dividends 314Understanding charges 315Paying duty 315

Keeping Track of Your Shares 317Getting to Grips with Bonds 317

Understanding how bonds work 318'Do I need bonds?' '. 319'Tell me the big differences between bonds and shares' 319

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What Makes Bond Prices Go Up and Down 320The interest rate gamble 321The credit rating conundrum 323

Working Out Government Bonds 326Conventional gilts 327Double-dated conventional gilts 327Index-linked gilts 328Undated gilts : 328Gilt strips 328

Chapter 7: Investing in Bricks and Mortar 329The Pros and Cons of Buying Property to Rent 329The Affordability Issue 331The Buy to Let Mortgage 331

How much can you borrow? 331How much will you actually get? '. •.. 332Items to consider about the mortgage : 333

The Property Yield: A Comparison Tool 334Location, Location, Location :. 334

Matching tenants to the property's location 335Considering properties in poor condition 336

How to Attract Tenants : 336Advertise for them 337Contact local employers 337Use, word of mouth 337Use the Internet... 337

The Tax Issue : 338Commercial Property Investments , 338

What's good about commercial property? 339What's bad about commercial property? 339How to invest in commercial property.. 339

Chapter 8: Making Exotic Investments 343Getting into Gear for a Faster Ride 344Hedging Your Bets 345Trading Traded Options 346

What is an option? 346What are call prices and put prices? 347What is option volatility? 348

Taking a Gamble with Spread Betting 349Getting Contracts for Difference - for a Different Kind of Deal 350

How CFDs work 351The benefits and drawbacks of CFDs 351

Understanding Warrants .: 352

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Book IV: Retiring Wealthy 355

Chapter 1: Planning for a Wealthy Retirement 357Making Some Vital Decisions about Retirement 357

Planning your retirement age 358Calculating how much income you need to live (and play) 358Working out your current position 360Starting saving 361Reviewing your plan 361

Realising Retirement Can Be Sudden 361Looking at What You've Got Going for You 363

The younger you start the better the result can be 363Your finances are turbo charged later in life 363You're probably richer than you think 364

Taking Your Loved Ones Along for the Retirement Ride 365Protecting Your Retiring Wealthy Plan: Buying Insurance 367

Chapter 2: Making the Most of State and Workplace Pensions 369Realising the Importance of Your Pension 369

Understanding the great pensions tax break 370Remembering the pension tax break has strings attached 371

Getting to Grips with the State Pension 372Relying On the State Alone Is Not an Option 373Working Out the Value of Your State Pension 374Getting into the Second State Pension 376Getting Credit for Your Pension and Other Benefits 378Supplementing the State Scheme with a Private Pension 379

Taking advantage of the tax breaks 379Locking away your cash 379Guaranteeing an income 380

Being Smart by Joining the Company Scheme 380Benefiting from employer contributions 380Protecting your family with life cover 382Providing pensions for surviving partners 383

Exploring the Types of Workplace Pensions 383Figuring Out Final Salary Schemes 385

Making the most of a money purchase scheme 387Going with a group personal pension or stakeholder scheme 389

Looking at Limits on Your Pension 390Bumping into the contribution ceiling 390Getting tax relief 391Increasing your contributions 391

Contracting In or Out of the State Second Pension 392Changing Jobs - and Your Pension 393

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Chapter 3: Picking Through Personal Pensions 395Understanding What Personal Pensions Have to Offer 395The Personal Pension Tax Break 396Figuring Out Personal Pension Performance 397Weighing Up Personal and Workplace Pensions 398Having Your Pension Cake and Eating It 399Choosing the Best Scheme for You 400

Searching for sources 401Seeking advice 402Deciding where to invest 402

Making Contributions 404Stopping contributions 405Transferring to another fund 405

Understanding the Effects of Charges 406Staking Your Future on a Stakeholder Pension 407

Chapter 4: Taking Control with a Sipp 409Introducing Self Invested Personal Pensions (Sipps) 409Looking at Sipp Investments i 412Keeping Your Sipp in the Family 414Choosing the Right Sipp Provider ; 414

Provider services 415Sipp charges 415Range of investments 415

Building a Balanced Sipp Portfolio 416To Sipp or Not to Sipp „... 417

Chapter 5: Working with Your Pension 419Deciding When to Retire 419

Taking early retirement 421Retiring at the usual age 421Working past retirement age 421

Delaying Your State Pension 422Doing the state pension deferral sums 422Asking the key question: Can you afford to defer? 423

Investing a Lump Sum at Retirement 424Getting It Right: Buying an Annuity 425

Understanding annuity calculations 426Choosing a level or rising annuity 427Figuring out when to buy an annuity 428Retiring gradually 429Making sure your annuity survives you 430Checking out income drawdown 431

Opting for an Alternatively Secured Pension 432

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Making the Most of Lots of Little Pensions 433Taking the pension transfer option 433Cashing in your pensions , 433Leaving your pensions alone 433Executing a pension transfer 434

Dangers of Unlocking Your Pension 435Assessing Pension Alternatives ; 437

Chapter 6: Using Property for Retirement 439Cashing In Your Property 439Downsizing 441Understanding Equity Release 442

Different types of equity release explained 442Qualifying for equity release 445Treading carefully with equity release 446

Pushing Down on Your Mortgage 447Swapping Lenders to Save a Packet 447

Book V: Protecting \lour Wealthfor the Next Generation

Chapter 1: Working Out Why to Write a Will 451Recognising the Advantages of Putting Your Estate in Order 451The Circle of Life: Events to Prompt You into Will-Writing 452Making a Will with Your Spouse 454Considering Who Can't Make a Will 455

Checking the grey matter: Being of sound mind 455Unusual circumstances where the will is still valid 456Minor inconvenience: Being too young to make a will 457

Understanding the Consequences of Dying without a Will 458The spouse gets it all (well, nearly!) 458Letting the kids in on the act '... 460Living it up with life interest 460No spouse, no children - if, if, and more ifs.... 461

Modern Life: Intestacy Isn't Geared Up for It! 462Looking at the Different Rules in Scotland 464

The spouse does get it all! 464Letting the kids get a look in '. 465Other nights on intestacy 7. 465

Chapter 2: Deciding Who Gets What 467Who You Have to Include in Your Will 467

Disputing your will in England and Wales 468Disputing your will in Scotland 468

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Assessing What Everyone Should Have ...; 469Taking care of your spouse 469Providing for your children ; 470Gifting to your grandchildren 471Seeing your parents right.....' i 472Including everyone: The catch-all approach 473

Gift Failure and How to Prevent It 474Playing the Philanthropist „.... :... 476Gifting to Cut the Tax Bill ...:...;.;. 476Understanding How Ownership Affects Your Bequest 478

Sole tenancy ; 478Beneficial"joint tenancy 479Tenants in common 480

Putting Your Faith in Trusts 482

Chapter 3: Choosing the Right People to Follow Your Wishes 485Considering the People Who Make Your Will Work....: 486The Big Cheese: The Executor : .....:......'.... 486

Choosing an executor. 487Homing in on the detail...'.: 488

A Matter of Faith: Trustees ' 489Protecting Your Children: Guardians : 490

Divorce and guardians ...;...... 491No-guardian situations :....:.... 492Money, money, money isn't child's play. ..:. 493

The Eyes Have It: Witnesses 493Considering Getting Expert Help : .....' 495

Solicitors :........: ; 495Accountants .......:.... 496Preparing to meet the experts :... 497

Going Solo: Using a Will Kit..... :...;.:;; .,...; 499Keeping Your Will Safe 499

Chapter 4: Dealing with Inheritance Tax 501Making Sense of Inheritance Tax! '.'. .....: 502Doing the Inheritance Tax Sums i........ 502Working Out Your Tax Liability i......:::.. 504Recognising the 'Must Plan' Scenarios 505The Cruellest Cut of All: Tax and the Family Home 505Facing Up to an Inheritance Tax Bill.. i .................: 506

Build up a handsome estate residue.."...*..... 506Squeeze the life out of life insurance.:.! 506

A Taxing Question: Avoidance or Evasion? ........:. 507Simple Steps to Reduce Inheritance Tax 508

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Exploiting Your Spouse's Nil-Rate Band 508Doing it the wrong way 509Doing it the right way 510Doing even better 510

Using Exempt Gifts to Save Tax 511Two gifts for the price of one 512Carrying an exempt gift forwards 513

Gifting from Everyday Income 514Revving Up Potentially Exempt Transfers 515

The pros and cons of keeping a PET 516Avoiding the triple-tax rap 517Using a trust to ease the triple-tax rap.... 517

Don't Let the GROB Get You! 518Strategies for Singletons ..: 519The Generation Game: Reducing Tax by Generation Skipping 520Protecting the Family Home . . . By Moving Out! 522Fleeing the Country to Avoid IHT 524Dropping the Temperature: Estate Freezing 525

Chapter 5: Understanding Trusts 527Starting at the Beginning: A Quick Tour of Trusts 527Protecting the Family Fortune 528Protecting the Family 529Deciding Which Assets to Put Into Trust 530Matching the Asset to the Trust Beneficiary 531Activating a Trust Before You Die 531Putting Your Trust in Solicitors 533Adding the Magic Ingredient: Trustees 534Show Me the Money: Trustees and Assets 534Saving Tax Through a Trust 535Checking Out Different Types of Trust.. 537

Bare trust : 537Discretionary trust 537Accumulation and maintenance trust 539Interest in possession trust 540Protective trusts 541

A Potent Combination: Trusts and Insurance 542Loan trust : 542Split trust 543

Using Trusts to Help Your Family 543Saying Tax with Trusts for Your Family 544

Working a discretionary trust to the tax max 544The naked truth of a bare trust 545

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Helping a Needy Beneficiary 545Calling on a discretionary trust 545Using a disabled person's trust 546Using the interest in possession option 546

Using Trusts for Your Little Rascals 546Trusting to Look After Your Spouse 547Home Free: Putting the Family Home into Trust 548Ringing in Changes to Your Trust 549

Altering a trust in a will 549Changing a non-will trust 550

Considering the Downsides of Trusts 550Picking Easier Options: Alternatives to Trusts 551

Chapter 6: Grasping the Basics of the Probate Process 553Starting at the Beginning: What Is Probate? 553Understanding Grant of Probate and Letters of Administration 555Knowing When You Don't Need a Grant of Probate 556Team Executor: Working Together 557Following the Duties of an Executor and Administrator 558

Dealing with the deceased 558Obtaining the legal power to act 559Valuing the estate of the deceased 559Taking care of the tax collector 559Distributing the estate 560

Using a Solicitor 561

Index 563

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