Page 1: Performance and Progress Reports · Performance and Progress Reports July 2017- January 2018 ‘Eyes on Eyre’ Project – a stocktake of EP’s future economic, social and environmental

Performance and Progress Reports July 2017- January 2018

‘Eyes on Eyre’ Project – a stocktake of EP’s future economic, social and environmental vitality.

Page 2: Performance and Progress Reports · Performance and Progress Reports July 2017- January 2018 ‘Eyes on Eyre’ Project – a stocktake of EP’s future economic, social and environmental


Strategies Index ............................................................................................................................... 1

COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ............................................................................................ 4

1.1 Employment and Skills ............................................................................................................. 4

1.2 Indigenous Development .......................................................................................................16

1.3 Social and Community ...........................................................................................................23

1.4 Tertiary Education ..................................................................................................................28

1.5 Health ....................................................................................................................................29

ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT .........................................................................................32

2.1 Infrastructure .........................................................................................................................32

2.2 Business Diversity ..................................................................................................................36

2.3 Tourism ...................................................................................................................................50

2.4 Water Resources ....................................................................................................................59

2.5 Energy .....................................................................................................................................62

2.6 Mining – Mineral, Oil and Gas Resources .............................................................................67

GOVERNANCE AND OPERATIONAL DEVELOPMENT .............................................................................68

3.1 Regional Governance .............................................................................................................68

3.2 Grants and Investment ..........................................................................................................75

Page 3: Performance and Progress Reports · Performance and Progress Reports July 2017- January 2018 ‘Eyes on Eyre’ Project – a stocktake of EP’s future economic, social and environmental


Strategies Index

Community and Social Development 1.1 Employment and Skills - Support labour force participation and workforce development.

1.1.1 Maintain industry-based skills and employment networks in Port Lincoln, Whyalla and

Ceduna to monitor and assess the skills needs of employers.

1.1.2 Provide targeted training through RDAWEP skills and workforce development programs.

1.1.3 Align the training provision with State Government employment creation priorities to

enhance access to funding from government programs.

1.1.4 Provide Career Development Services from Whyalla and Port Lincoln to enhance the work-

readiness of unemployed and under-employed people.

1.1.5 Pursue opportunities to attract and retain a skilled workforce.

1.2 Indigenous Development - Implement proactive strategies to enhance Aboriginal well-

being, labour force participation, and economic development.

1.2.1 Support initiatives to improve Aboriginal community development, organisational

development and governance.

1.2.2 Provide opportunities to develop Aboriginal business enterprises, with a focus on

tourism, cultural and land-related initiatives.

1.2.3 Develop caring for country projects for Aboriginal people and communities.

1.2.4 Support native title groups, traditional owners and Aboriginal communities to co-manage

public land, manage natural resources, and record and manage sites of Aboriginal cultural


1.2.5 Support awareness raising activities about Aboriginal cultural knowledge and law.

1.3 Social and Community - Develop social and community infrastructure and services.

1.3.1 Assist Local Government and community groups to prepare business cases and grant

applications for capex funding from government infrastructure programs.

1.3.2 Encourage the development of multi-purpose community facilities providing civic,

recreation, information, tourism, arts and cultural heritage services.

1.3.3 Assist Local Government with initiatives to improve the functionality and amenity of

regional towns including street scaping, signage, foreshore development, walking trails and the

upgrade of town entrances.

1.3.4 Work with government and telecommunications providers to improve mobile and Internet

connectivity across the region.

1.3.5 Encourage and support the delivery of strategic community events and activities,

particularly in areas with high levels of tourism attraction.

1.4 Tertiary Education - Pursue opportunities to grow tertiary education facilities and expand

course provision.

1.4.1 Liaise with the University of SA and Adelaide University about options to expand tertiary

facilities and course provision in Whyalla.

1.4.2 Collaborate with education providers in Whyalla to facilitate international student


1.4.3 Liaise with TAFE SA about options to expand facilities and course provision at the

Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Ceduna and Wudinna TAFE campuses.

1.4.4 Negotiate with TAFE SA about opportunities to provide employment-related, NRM and

other training in smaller regional towns.

1.4.5 Liaise with tertiary institutions about options to expand remote access to courses online.

1.5 Health - Facilitate collaborative approaches for the development and delivery of health,

aged care, child care and disability services.

1.5.1 Deliver targeted projects to support health, aged care, child care and disability services.

1.5.2 Support the implementation of Public Health Plans to address emerging health issues,

facilitate preventative health programs, and promote community connectivity and well-being.

1.5.3 Support the implementation of the State and Local Government Community Well-being

Alliance to promote the health and well-being of communities.

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Economic and Business Development 2.1 Infrastructure - Promote investment to develop strategic infrastructure and foster

sustainable business.

2.1.1 Facilitate infrastructure investment with government agencies and private sector


2.1.2 Prepare a regional transport strategy to develop road, rail, port and airport infrastructure.

2.1.3 Facilitate the development of a multi-user Cape-class port facility.

2.1.4 Facilitate the development of container facilities in strategic locations.

2.1.5 Connect the Eyre Peninsula to the national standard gauge rail network.

2.1.6 Prepare a road infrastructure strategy to enhance road-train market access, and improve

road safety for the community and tourists.

2.1.7 Progress the upgrade of Ceduna, Port Lincoln and Whyalla airports to provide direct

interstate connection capability for passengers and exports.

2.1.8 Work with telecommunications providers and government to improve mobile and internet

connectivity and enhance online business operations.

2.2 Business Diversity - Strengthen, foster and promote business diversity and productivity.

2.2.1 Pursue solutions to improve industry and business innovation, skills development and


2.2.2 Work with Councils to introduce new businesses and product diversity and reduce

economic dependence on traditional key industries.

2.2.3 Support business, community and environmental value-adding initiatives.

2.2.4 Pursue niche market trade opportunities with business and industry sectors.

2.2.5 Facilitate and promote shared procurement initiatives to reduce recurrent operational

costs and enhance competitiveness.

2.2.6 Strengthen whole-of-region branding to promote the region’s diversity and unique


2.3 Tourism - Facilitate sustainable development of the visitor economy.

2.3.1 Support local and regional partners to implement tourism strategies, including the

identification of areas for biodiversity protection, commercial development, and visitor use.

2.3.2 Implement on-ground works to manage human impacts and enhance natural resources

including fencing, signage, revegetation, erosion and pest controls, and access track


2.3.3 Improve sustainable commercial and recreational use of tourism locations through the

provision of visitor amenity infrastructure including camping sites, toilet facilities and walking


2.3.4 Raise awareness about the human impact on natural resources through education and

interpretive signage.

2.3.5 Partner with the tourism industry, Local Government and DEWNR to facilitate the

sustainable growth of tourism.

2.4 Water Resources - Manage and develop water resources to provide abundant quality

supply for community and economic use. 2.4.1 Pursue water resources monitoring, planning and management via the Eyre Peninsula

Water Taskforce.

2.4.2 Support investigations to assess the technical viability and economic feasibility of

augmenting the Eyre Peninsula’s water supplies.

2.4.3 Liaise with government and private sector companies about water efficiency measures

and alternative water supply solutions and technologies.

2.4.4 Identify strategic water supply locations to maximise economic, community and

environmental benefits.

2.4.5 Pursue synergies by linking water supply solutions with regional energy planning


2.4.6 Partner with Local Government on urban stormwater and waste water planning


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2.5 Energy - Pursue solutions to provide a cost effective and secure power supply, and

develop a low carbon economy.

2.5.1 Prepare a regional energy strategy.

2.5.2 Facilitate the replacement of the Eyre Peninsula power transmission system.

2.5.3 Liaise with government and private sector companies about power supply solutions and

alternative technologies.

2.5.4 Support the development of renewable energy projects in strategic locations to maximise

economic, community and environmental benefits.

2.6 Mining-Mineral, Oil and Gas Resources - Facilitate the development of strategic mineral,

oil and gas resource projects.

2.6.1 Assess the impact and benefits of proposed mineral, oil and gas projects.

2.6.2 Inform the Agenda of the Eyre Peninsula Mineral and Energy Resources Community

Development Taskforce.

2.6.3 Prepare submissions as required to the Australian and South Australian Governments

about the impact and benefits of mineral, oil and gas projects on the economy, community and

the environment.

2.6.4 Facilitate the improvement of supply chain, energy and water infrastructure to support

resource projects that will bring long-term development benefits to the region.

2.6.5 Make the health of the region’s ecosystems a primary consideration in economic

development planning and deliberations of the Eyre Peninsula.

Governance and Operational Development 3.1 Regional Governance - Implement regional governance initiatives to achieve better and

longer-term regional development outcomes. 3.1.1 Facilitate and support the establishment and operation of the Eyre and Western Region

Joint Planning Board.

3.1.2 Develop and manage partnerships with regional organisations, Local Government, and the

Australian and State Governments.

3.1.3 Facilitate collaborative regional planning initiatives with government, business and

community stakeholders.

3.1.4 Align the region’s development needs with Australian and State Government planning and

economic priorities to improve access to funding from government programs.

3.1.5 Implement collaborative project initiatives.

3.1.6 Maintain and develop regional communication and engagement via marketing strategies,

consultation plans, and performance measurement.

3.2 Grants and Investment - Pursue regional funding opportunities.

3.2.1 Establish a dedicated cross-agency grants and investment team.

3.2.2 Identify grant funding opportunities and communicate grant program information to


3.2.3 Implement a Project Tracking mechanism to monitor stakeholder project proposals.

3.2.4 Assess the grant readiness of project proposals.

3.2.5 Provide advice to stakeholders about options to make projects grant ready.

3.2.6 Support stakeholders to access government funding programs through assistance with

business cases, project management plans and grant applications for key projects.

3.2.7 Provide feedback and advice to government departments about options to improve grant

program processes.

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1.1 Employment and Skills

Support labour force participation and workforce development.

[lead - Peter Mitchell]


1.1.1 Maintain industry-based skills and employment networks in Port Lincoln, Whyalla and Ceduna to monitor and assess the skills needs of employers.

1.1.2 Provide targeted training through RDAWEP skills and workforce development programs.

1.1.3 Align the training provision with State Government employment creation priorities to enhance access to funding from government programs.

1.1.4 Provide Career Development Services from Whyalla and Port Lincoln to enhance the work-readiness of unemployed and under-employed people.

1.1.5 Pursue opportunities to attract and retain a skilled workforce.

Objective To provide human capital with the skills and capabilities required by industry for current operations and future growth. To provide part-time and under-employed

people with cross-industry, transferable skills to increase their employment hours across multiple industries.

To attract skilled workers and their families from other regions to provide a workforce with the skills and capability for future development initiatives.

Rationale Some employment in the agriculture, fishing and aquaculture industries is seasonal and short-term.

The region has a relatively small population and an ageing workforce. Due to the pending retirement of ‘baby boomers’ and migration of young people to Adelaide for

study and employment, the region does not have a sufficient population to provide the workforce needed for anticipated industry and economic growth.

Background/Ongoing Activities – All of region

RDAWEP successfully applied to the Department of State Development (DSD) to provide Career Development Services (CDS) in the 2017-2018 year.

Background/Ongoing Activities – Whyalla

Career Development Services offers a shop front service to the community of Whyalla. Services are provided to assist people into work, to increase their hours of work,

or advice with a career change. Support is offered through empowering the job seeker to understand about self-marketing and meeting the needs of the employer.

RDAWEP is working with local employers to identify potential training opportunities for new employees through the Jobs First Employment Project.

RDAWEP is working closely with TAFE SA to develop and support the Accelerated Multi-Trade Training program.

RDAWEP is collaborating with a Youth Worker from Plaza Youth to assist their students with career advice, resumes and cover letters.

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New Participants Employment Outcomes

July 11

August 9

September 10

October 7 4

November 7

December 5

January 20 1


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.2 The Jobs First Employment Project application for a mentor

for the 2017 Multi-Trade project was submitted to the

Department of State Development for assessment.

The contract is to provide post placement support to

the 15 students who completed the 2017 Multi-Trade

project. This support is for a period of 12 weeks, to be

completed on 31st

March, 2018.

Janene Piip was selected to be Mentor for the 15

students who have completed the Multi Trades

Project. Janene has 3 employment outcomes so

far. The project runs until end of March.

1.1.2 The Jobs First Employment Project application for a mentor

for the 2018/2019 Multi-Trade project has been sent to

the Department of State Development who are assisting

with the submission process.

Submitted the Multi Trades JFEP application into DSD for


The application was not successful. The mentor is

a key part in the retention and success of students

gaining employment. RDAWEP will be working

with DSD to put in another application.

1.1.1 Participated in the steering committee meeting for the

Multi-Trades project.

The group was updated on the progress of the mentor,

and discussed the next intake for 2018.

30 students are starting the Multi Trades project

on the 20th

February. There is also a reserve list, so

that places can be backfilled early in the training if

students drop out.

1.1.3 RDAWEP’s Career Practitioner attended the first Whyalla

Industry Leaders Group meeting and met with the new


Discussion included what the groups focus would be for

the next 6 months, and how many projects they would

be working on.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.5 An enquiry was received from a regional business about

internships for engineers.

Provided information and facilitated an introduction to

two universities that offer regional internships.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

D E C E M B E R (Cont.)

1.1.1 Multi-Trades Project. An information session was held on

December 12 as scheduled.

RDAWEP placed 6 people from the course with heavy

industry businesses (and potential employers) to complete

their electrical work placements.

Commenced a search process for a suitable post training

mentor for course participants.

Based on feedback from industry and expected trade skills

shortages a decision was made to proceed with the

program and intake for 2018.

RDAWEP was notified that the JFEP application for post

project mentoring had been successful but the application

for a mentor for the 2018 program was not supported.

25 people attended the information session about

the 2018 course. A follow up session is planned for


A mentor is now in place to support 2017 students

for 3 months post-training.

1.1.1 Participated in the steering committee meeting for the

Multi-Trades project.

Workplace training was arranged for the remaining 8

students who wanted electrical work experience.

The students have completed the work placement

component of the training course. They will now

work with the mentor to gain apprenticeships or

work in heavy industry.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.1 Attended the first Whyalla Industry Leaders Group (ILG)

meeting and met with the new members.

The group discussed what their focus would be for the

next 6 months, and how many projects they would be

working on.

1.1.5 RDAWEP convened a business information session on

improving productivity through healthy workplaces.

Information on benefits, programs and support was

presented by AI Group, Return to work SA and

Department of State Development.

The session was attended by approximately 6

organisations who are major regional employers.

1.1.3 Training and Skills commission visit to Whyalla.

Communication is ongoing with members of the Training

and Skills Commission. Arrangements have been made for

Commission members to visit a heavy industry

manufacturer in Whyalla.

RDAWEP convened a breakfast meeting with the Heavy

Industry Cluster to discuss skills issues relating to heavy

industry and participated in an additional meeting to

provide information about regional skills and training


The Training and Skills Commission were provided

with a comprehensive overview of local and regional

training and workforce issues.

1.1.1 Multi-Trades Project. RDAWEP convened multiple meetings

and communications with DSD and TAFE SA in regard to the

Multi-Trade Training Program, support for two JFEP funding

applications and the potential to run a similar program in


Based on feedback from industry and expected trade

skills shortages a decision was made to proceed with the

program and intake for 2018.

An information session was planned for December

12. The course and information session was

promoted through industry networks and local



A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.3 The Jobs First Employment Project application for a mentor

for the Multi-Trade project has been sent to the

Department of State Development who are assisting with

the submission process.

RDAWEP is working with Zyggy Kulesza, Program Officer,

DSD to ensure that the JFEP application is approved.

November update: The application was

submitted to DSD for assessment.

1.1.1 RDAWEP participated in the steering committee meeting for

the Multi-Trades project.

Discussions included the next round of work placement

for 9 of the Multi-Trades students, for work experience

in the electrical sector.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

O C T O B E R (Cont.)

1.1.1 RDAWEP participated in the steering committee meeting for

the Cert III in Disability training.

Students have now completed training and are in the

process of finishing off the work placement component

of their training.

6 students have gained employment to date and a

few of the students are still applying for work.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.4 Meeting with the mentor who is working with students

who have completed Certificate III in Individual Support

(Disability) through TAFE SA Whyalla.

The students have completed the work placement

component of the training course. Some of the

students have been offered employment. The students

have worked hard and really enjoyed completing their

work placements.

6 of the students have been offered employment.

1.1.3 The Jobs First Employment Project application for a mentor

for the Multi-Trade project has been sent to the

Department of State Development who are assisting with

the submission process.

1.1.1 Participated in the steering committee meeting for the

Multi-Trades project.

Discussions included the next round of work placement

for the Multi-Trades students, and which organization

would be the host.

8 students successfully completed their week of

work placement. All the students said they had a

very positive experience while on placement.

1.1.1 Participated in the steering committee meeting for the Cert

III in Disability training.

Most of the students have now completed their work

placement and TAFE training hours. A graduation date is

being organised to congratulate the students on their


1.1.1 Attended the interactive Department of State Development

Jobs & Skills Major Workshop.

RDAWEP’s Career Development Centre were invited to

provide input on what training our region would like to

see in the next round of funding.

1.1.1 Attended the opening event for Novita in Whyalla. The event included an overview of the services that

Novita would be providing for the Whyalla community

1.1.2 The Multi-Trade Training project steering committee

convened to review and monitor progress. Applications for

funding to support a student mentor and project manager

for this project has not been forthcoming and multiple

students have left the course.

Industry remain very supportive and are providing on the

job work experience.

RDAWEP continues with limited resources to work

with TAFE to minimise damage and further

dropouts. TAFE have also expressed that the

program is needed and have expressed that they are

keen to roll out a similar concept across the Upper

Spencer Gulf during 2018.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.4 Meeting with Alexander Robinson from Alexander Robinson

Mentoring regarding Cert III in Individual Support student’s


4 students have been offered employment on

completion of their work placement.

1.1.3 Working on a Jobs First Employment Project application for

the Multi-Trade project, to be submitted to DSD for

funding for a Mentor.

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W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

A U G U S T (Cont.)

1.1.1 Attended the monthly staff meeting of Uniting Care Wesley

to introduce the Career Development Centre and gave

them an overview of the services available to their clients.

1.1.3 Attended the Future Jobs Fund – Regional Information

Sessions for Eyre and Western.

1.1.1 Met with Vicky form Activ Consulting who deliver the

NEICE training.

1.1.1 Meeting with Dion Dorward and Peter Mitchell from

RDAWEP, and Tim Coote, DSD to discuss the Industry

Leaders Group meeting and content.

1.1.1 Meeting with Margaret Mullen who is delivering the New

Opportunities program with Mission Australia.

Margaret is seeking referrals for the program which

began in August.

1.1.3 Attended the 2 day Disability Workforce Hubs coordination

meeting in Adelaide.

Guest speakers were from the NDS, NDIS and the DSD


1.1.3 Delivered a resume workshop to the students attending

the Multi-Trades Project.

1.1.2 The Career Development Centre assisted 18 participants in

August with resume and cover letter support.

1.1.2 RDAWEP collaborated with TAFE SA to arrange a second

intake for the Multi-Trade Accelerated Vocational Training

Project, to top up numbers for the second half of the year.

Effectively this project is being run solely by TAFE who

have been contracted by DSD.

The groups were successfully topped up with new

students and are generally progressing well.

1.1.1 RDAWEP participated in and provided input to a workshop

facilitated by DSD to collect information about regional

workforce issues and current and future skills gaps.

DSD are compiling information and are expected to

report outcomes before the end of 2017.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.3 JFEP application for Walga Mining for 5 components of

Certificate II in Construction. Through the training, Walga

mining have committed to take on all 12 participants as

employees. A high percentage of these students were


The project is complete and 2 of the participants have

gained employment and 2 increased their hours.

Walga did not win one of the local contracts and are

not taking on any of the participants from this


August update: 3 of the students who completed

the Pathways to Construction training have gained

employment or increased hours of employment.

1.1.4 2 workshops were delivered to students who are in the

process of completing Certificate III in Disability.

2 of the students have been offered employment

after they have finished their work placement.

1.1.4 Meeting with Alexander Robinson from Alexander Robinson

Mentoring regarding Cert III in Individual Support student’s

training and their progress so far.

All the students have been allocated work placement to

complete a total of 110 hours.

A letter was sent to one student who has missed too

much training to continue.

1.1.4 Participated in the steering committee for the Multi-Trades


1.1.3 Worked on the Multi-Trade project application to DSD for

case management and project management.

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W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

1.1.2 Participated in the steering committee for the Cert III in

disability training.

1.1.4 Meeting with Nicola Nesbit from the Salvation Army to

advise her of CDC services available to their clients.

A Salvation Army client utilised the CDC services for help

with his resume.

1.1.3 Meeting with Alex Todd, Richard Horgan and Tim Coote to

discuss the next intake of students for the Multi-Trade


1.1.4 Working with students from Mission Australia who are

attending the New Opportunities Training that is ACE


Students have now completed the training with Mission

Australia and are looking for employment.

Ongoing support from the CDC has been offered to all


1.1.3 Contact is being made with Whyalla employers to see how

RDAWEP, through DSD can assist with training requirements

for new workers.

Working JFEP projects are:

Certificate III in Disabilities which runs until September

Multi-Trades project.

1.1.2 RDAWEP convened multiple meetings and communications

with DSD and TAFE in regard to the Multi-Trade Training

Program. RDAWEP convened meetings of the steering group

(including TAFE, DSD, RDAWEP and industry

representatives) to implement actions required to correct

problems experienced with the program. In particular,

addressing lack of project management and case


A number of corrective actions were implemented

including advertising and information sessions. It has

been identified that the high dropout rate was considered

to be due to lack of case management and core support

for students.

An urgent funding application was submitted to DSD on

19 July to seeking funding for the resources required to

provide project management and case management

including structured mentoring for the students.

The actions were successful, there has been no

further student dropouts. A number of students

have been referred to TAFESA literacy and numeracy

supports. The program was successfully topped up

with 17 additional students at the half year


Currently waiting on a DSD response to the funding


August update: A decision was made to re-submit

the application as a special project with a revised

budget. This was to enable definitive advice to be

provided about the project.

Both applications are currently being considered.

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Participants (accrued) Employment Outcomes


Target Commenced Exited Target Actual


August 190 197 152 48 42

September 190 197 161 48 49

October 373 278 246 71 81

November 373 278 251 71 84

December 373 282 251 71 84

January 393 343 251 85 84


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.2 Iluka Project is a Jobs First employment Project (JF-

000022) for the Iluka mine.

This project is complete and acquitted. Thirteen participants have gained employment.

1.1.2 Primary Producers SA Project is a Jobs First Employment

Project (JF-000069) for the farming sector on EP.

This project is complete and acquitted. Seventeen participants have gained employment.

1.1.2 Housing SA Project is a Jobs First Employment Project (JF-

000097) an employment project for Housing SA.

This project is complete and acquitted. Four participants have gained employment.

1.1.2 RDAWEP submitted a Jobs First Employment Project (JF-

000225) for West Coast Home Care (the aged and

disability sector) in Port Lincoln.

The submission was unsuccessful and other means of

carrying out the training work are being investigated.

None yet

1.1.2 RDAWEP has submitted a Jobs First Employment Project

(JFEP) submission for West Coast Youth and Community

Services to train 20 young people in Cinema Operations at

the Port Lincoln Cinema (Youthoria).

The project has been developed in response to the needs

of young people seeking employment and skills in Port

Lincoln. The project has also been developed based on

the opportunity to utilise the Youthoria Cinema and

facilities as a youth employment enterprise developing

skills that match employer requirements in the region.

The submission was successful and implementation

is underway.

1.1.4 Disability Workforce Career Services Project (JF-000178)

application has been successful. This will further the CDS

work for more people with an interest in entering the

disability sector. Whilst the earlier program was extremely

successful, people in Port Lincoln and the West and Far

West of the region have not yet been targeted.

Agreed KPI’s are 100 participants to receive one on one

career advice and 15 workshops to be facilitated.

To date 61 people have received one on one career

development services and 9 workshops have been


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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.2 Primary Producers SA Project is a Jobs First Employment

Project (JF-000069) for the farming sector on EP.

Participant exits from this project have increased from

16 to 20.

Employment outcomes have increased from 14 to


1.1.5 The oyster industry on Eyre Peninsula is having major

problems sourcing spat from its traditional supplier due to

the POMS virus, which has necessitated laying off most of

its workforce. It is recognized that when spat supplies are

restored and operations get back to normal, there will

most likely be a shortage of skilled workers. Meetings have

been held with some growers to identify ways in which this

skill shortage can be minimized.

Discussions have been held with some growers and a

response is being developed.

January Update:

Oyster growers have received some fee relief from

the South Australian Government and the District

Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula.

1.1.5 RDAWEP assisted the Institute of Company Directors (AICD)

with their regional presentation in Port Lincoln.

Positive feedback was received from AICD for the


AICD are now looking at rolling out the

presentation and discount offers to the Whyalla



A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.1 The Industry Leaders Group (ILG) is an industry based

skills and employment network administered by RDAWEP

consisting of membership from the EP’s major industry

sectors. The most recent meeting was held on the 15th

November 2017.

Minutes are available on request.

A number of action items came from the meeting:

Aged and Disability sector - Convene sessions with

WCHC and Local Government to discuss aged and

disability opportunities.

Fishing sector - Provide information to RDAWEP

regarding constraints that prevent onshore processing of


Mining sector - Iron Road to provide a GANTT chart or

similar schedule to assist with employment and skills


General - Tim Coote to circulate the Terms of Reference

of the ILG. RDAWEP to extend an invitation to Minister

for Disabilities, Hon. Katrine Hildyard to visit Port


None yet

1.1.2 The Eyre Skills and Employment Network is mainly an

agency based skills and employment network administered

by RDAWEP to ensure that agencies are able to share ideas,

programs and experiences. The first of these meetings will

be held on the 13th


This meeting will begin with introductions, where

members will be given the opportunity to introduce

themselves and their organisation.

Regional Manager DSD Tim Coote and Peter Mitchell

RDAWEP will lead a brief discussion on the role of the


Peter Mitchell will report on the status of current projects.

Tim Coote will report on recent developments with DSD

and WorkReady. Each member will be given the

opportunity to raise/discuss issues around skills and


Agenda is available on request.

None yet

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

1.1.2 Primary Producers SA Project is a Jobs First Employment

Project (JF-000069) for the farming sector on EP.

Participant exits from this project have increased from

16 to 20.

Employment outcomes have increased from 14 to


1.1.2 Housing SA Project is a Jobs First Employment Project (JF-

000097), an employment project for Housing SA.

TAFE SA commenced training in Ceduna on the 22nd


September. Participation has increased from 12 to 18.

Employment outcomes have started to eventuate

with 4 people having gained new employment.

1.1.2 RDAWEP has submitted a Jobs First Employment Project

(JFEP) submission for West Coast Home Care (the aged

and disability sector) in Port Lincoln.

The submission is currently with DSD for consideration. December Update: The submission was

unsuccessful and further work is being carried out

to strengthen the application.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.1 Agenda and associated material has been forwarded to

members for the ILG meeting to be held on the 15th

November 2017.

Further recruitment is necessary, specifically in the

hospitality sector.

None yet

1.1.2 Iluka Project is a Jobs First employment Project (JF-000022)

for the Iluka mine.

There are 23 participants who have commenced in this

project with 12 participants exited to date.

Ten participants have gained employment to date.

1.1.2 Primary Producers SA Project is a Jobs First Employment

Project (JF-000069) for the farming sector on EP.

Participant exits from this project have increased from

11 to 16.

Employment outcomes have increased from 9 to


1.1.2 Housing SA Project is a Jobs First Employment Project (JF-

000097) for Housing SA.

TAFE SA commenced training in Ceduna on the 22nd


September. Participation has increased from 8 to 12 with

the final two units of training to commence in the week

beginning 6/11/2017.Participant commencements are

now 12.

None yet

1.1.2 RDAWEP is currently preparing a Jobs First Employment

Project (JFEP) submission for West Coast Home Care (the

aged and disability sector) in Port Lincoln.

None yet

1.1.4 Disability Workforce Career Services Project (JF-000178)

has been submitted as a JFEP project to carry out further

CDS work for more people with an interest in entering the

disability sector. Whilst the earlier program was extremely

successful, people in Port Lincoln and the West and Far

West of the region have not yet been targeted.

The application has been successful. Agreed KPI’s are

100 participants to receive one on one career advice and

15 workshops are to be facilitated. The project identifier

is JF-000178.

None yet


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.1 Membership for the Industry Leaders Group (ILG) has

expanded to include members from the aged and disability

sector and local government/Port Lincoln airport.

Further recruitment is necessary, specifically in the

hospitality sector.

None yet

1.1.2 Participant exits from the Jobs First Employment Project JF-

000069 (primary industries) has increased from 3 to 11.

Employment outcomes have increased from 3 to 9.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

1.1.2 Jobs First Employment Project JF-000097 is an employment

project for Housing SA.

TAFE SA commenced training in Ceduna on the 22nd


September for 8 participants with first aid.

Other units to be delivered are:

Participate in safe food handling practices

Prepare rooms for guests and residents

Operate basic machinery and equipment

Write simple informal workplace texts

None yet

1.1.2 Jobs First Employment Project JF-000022 – Iluka mine. Participants that have completed their training has

increased from 11 to 12.

1.1.3 RDAWEP is currently preparing a Jobs First Employment

Project (JFEP) submission for the aged and disability sector

in Port Lincoln.


1.1.3 RDAWEP is currently preparing a JFEP submission to carry

out further CDS work for more people with an interest in

entering the disability sector. Whilst the earlier program

was extremely successful, people in Port Lincoln and the

West and Far West of the region have not yet been


The application has been submitted. Agreed KPI’s are

100 participants to receive one on one career advice and

15 workshops are to be facilitated.


1.1.4 Jobs First Employment Project JF- 000031 is a Career

Development Services project (CDS) for the Port

Lincoln/Eyre program for 40 participants.

This project is now complete and successfully acquitted

with 39 participants receiving CDS

Sixteen of the 39 participants exited have gained

additional employment.

1.1.4 Jobs First Employment Project JF-000062 is an enhanced

career services for the whole of Eyre Peninsula for

disability sector. The target is for 100 participants who are

job seekers and existing workers to gain information on

how to work or upskill for work in the disability sector.

The time allowed for this project was originally between

February and June 2017 and DSD extended this to the end

of October 2017.

This project is essentially complete and an acquittal will

soon be provided to DSD. One hundred people have

received this enhanced CDS.

This project was mainly about providing awareness

of work opportunities in the disability sector.

Nevertheless, 14 participants gained additional

employment and 10 others have chosen to study

further for the disability sector.


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.1 RDAWEP has entered into an agreement with DSD to

provide executive support to an Eyre Peninsula Industry

Leaders Group (ILG). The ILG’s purpose is to influence,

promote and support shared regional and state

government skills, training and employment priorities.

ILG’s should consist of membership from the regions 4

largest employing sectors.

To date members have been recruited from the retail,

mining, fishing/aquaculture and manufacturing sectors.

Further recruitment is necessary. It is proposed to meet

4 times per year.

None yet.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

A U G U S T (Cont.)

1.1.2 Jobs First Employment Project JF-000069 is an employment

project for the primary industries sector. Participants have

been recruited to add to their skills in the areas of small

engine diagnostics and repairs, manual arc welding,

chemical handling, truck driving (HC and MC), front end

loader and shearing.

This project is essentially complete and an acquittal will

soon be provided to DSD. 24 people participated in

various combinations of the training units on offer. The

standout success of this project is the inclusion of HC

and MC driver training with 20 people having done one

or other of these.

Three of the 24 participants have exited this

program to date with all 3 gaining additional


1.1.2 Jobs First Employment Project JF-000022 is an employment

project to train 15 people for work at the Iluka mine.

Training is being delivered by Career Employment Group

on site at the Iluka mine and in Whyalla.

This project is nearing completion with 23 participants

having commenced training. Of these, 11 have

completed their training.

Eleven participants have exited this program to

date with 9 gaining additional employment.


Presented at the Regional Youth Traineeship Program

Round 2 - Welcome to Local Government Induction held in


Shared inspirational career story to Local Government



A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.1.4 RDAWEP has applied to DSD to deliver enhanced career

services for the whole of Eyre Peninsula for disability sector

careers originally between February and June 2017 to job

seekers and existing workers who have identified they wish

to work or upskill for work in the disability sector. DSD have

extended this program to the end of October 2017.

A National Disability Services (NDS) Employment

Coordinator has been connecting with employers to identify

emerging employment opportunities. Career Service

providers play a part in assisting local employers to access

workers with appropriate attitudes and skills for work in the

disability sector.

The application has been successful and RDAWEP has

since subcontracted this work to SkillSmart who has

reported that there is considerable interest in

participation in the disability sector.

To date 79 participants have commenced.

Not yet

1.1.3 A Jobs First Employment Project application has been

submitted to DSD for an employment project for Housing


The primary objective is to establish a pool of experienced

and competent jobseekers to provide room maintenance,

yard maintenance, catering and administration services to

itinerate Aboriginal people who need short term

accommodation, help and welfare assistance.

Housing SA will be the employer and will assist during the

program to ensure that as many of the fifteen participants

as possible are well prepared to apply for ten new positions

when they are advertised immediately after the training is


A secondary objective is for local mainstream employers to

have access to a ready and available skilled workforce in the

medium and longer-term.

The Housing SA application has been successful This is a

paid training program in Ceduna for fifteen Aboriginal

people in the skills needed to maintain services at the

Ceduna Town Accommodation Centre (TAC) and will

commence in August.

Training will be delivered by TAFE SA and the training

units have been selected to best suit the demands of the

jobs and they are:

Participate in safe food handling practices

Prepare rooms for guests and residents

Operate basic machinery and equipment

Write simple informal workplace texts

First aid and OH&S.

Four other applications are still being developed.

None yet

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

1.1.2 Currently preparing a submission for the retail sector in Port

Lincoln. It is hoped that this may be replicated in Ceduna.

1.1.2 The Jobs First Employment Project (JFEP) to train people for

work at the Iluka mine is about to enter its final stage of


To date 9 people have been recruited with a target of 18.

1.1.2 The JFEP for the primary industries sector is well underway.

Participants are being recruited to add to their skills in the

areas of small engine diagnostics and repairs, manual arc

welding, chemical handling, truck driving (HC and MC),

front end loader and shearing.

To date 20 people have been recruited with a target of 40.

Two people have been trained in Heavy Combination truck

driving to date and have successfully passed their driving


1.1.2 RDAWEP has submitted a JFEP application in conjunction

with the agriculture sector to capitalise on employment

opportunities in these seasonal industries. Providing

unemployed and underemployed people with the skills

sought after in this industry enhances cross skilling capacity

in the seasonal workforce and provides job seekers with the

skills to match employer requirements.

Similar programs in recent years have yielded good results

when participants possess the skills required to undertake

seasonal work.

Whilst this project will provide participants with formal

training and assistance to gain employment in a number of

industries, this application is specific to requests from the

agriculture industry as it faces an imminent shortage of

workers for harvest and general carting.

The application has been successful and 40 participants

have signed up to 5 units each in the areas of HC and MC

truck driving, welding, diagnostic procedures and

servicing small engines, shearing and chemical


Not yet

1.1.1 Prepared financial reports for the auditors for 2015/2016

DSD employment and CDS projects.

1.1.2 Some refinement was added to the EO Workforce Builder

marketing plan.

This has been used in the Port Lincoln CDS application to


None yet.

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1.2 Indigenous Development

Implement proactive strategies to enhance Aboriginal well-being, labour force participation, and economic development.

[lead – Howard Coote]


1.2.1 Support initiatives to improve Aboriginal community development, organisational development and governance.

1.2.2 Provide opportunities to develop Aboriginal business enterprises, with a focus on tourism, cultural and land-related initiatives.

1.2.3 Develop caring for country projects for Aboriginal people and communities.

1.2.4 Support native title groups, traditional owners and Aboriginal communities to co-manage public land, manage natural resources, and record and

manage sites of Aboriginal cultural significance.

1.2.5 Support awareness raising activities about Aboriginal cultural knowledge and law.

Objective Proactive strategies are required to reverse Aboriginal disadvantage and improve the well-being of Aboriginal people.

Rationale Aboriginal people comprise about 6.0% of the regional population, which is notably above the proportions in South Australia (1.9%) and Australia (2.6%).

The greatest concentration is in Ceduna, where Aboriginal people comprise about 25.0% of the Council population.

The region’s Aboriginal profile is consistent with studies about Aboriginal disadvantage which indicate that, compared with the non-Indigenous

population, Aboriginal well-being is adversely affected by lower levels of educational attainment, higher levels of entrenched unemployment, lower

labour force participation, and a disproportionately high percentage of unskilled and semi-skilled workers in the labour force.

Background/Ongoing Activities A regional network has been established that includes the following Aboriginal organisations: Yalata, Scotdesco, Koonibba, Ceduna, Aboriginal Lands

Trust, and Port Lincoln. The network also includes the Transitional Accommodation Centre, Housing SA, DPMC – Ceduna, Regional Health Ceduna, Save

the Children, Red Cross, Ceduna Koonibba Aboriginal Health Service, the homeland groups (Munda & Wanna Mar, Bullinda, Munda Munda Wadutjinna,

Tia Tuckia, Akenta and Ikkata. Business ventures that include Walga Mining in Whyalla, and the Playford Avenue Arcade are also in the network along

with both of the regions natural resource management groups (EPNRM and AWNRM).

RDAWEP is connecting the three tiers of government plus relative NGO’s to develop the Far West Aboriginal Tourism Strategy.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.2 Meetings were held with Ceduna Art Centre, Language Centre,

Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation, Koonibba Community Aboriginal

Corporation, Scotdesco, Maralinga Tjarutja, Aboriginal Lands

Trust, and the Head of Bight whale venture to discuss an

application to the Department of State Development’s Business in

Excellence Fund for financial support to implement the Far West

Aboriginal Tourism Strategy.

All organisations and ventures supported the concept of

the application. This enabled the application to be

completed and submitted before the deadline.

All organisations appreciated being included in

the process. The results of the application will

be known by mid February (prior to the State

Government going into caretaker mode for the


1.2.2 Met with the Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation, in particular

the Far West Coast Investments Board in relation to obtaining

funding support to match the DSD Business Excellence Fund

criteria of matching projects $1 for $1.

The presentation to the Board was accepted, and they

can see the benefits of supporting Aboriginal

organisations in their region. The Board requested that

they would like to discuss the proposal themselves and

let me know.

The Board agreed to support the proposal in

principle and would leave the details to be

worked out should the application be


1.2.1 Provided advice to the Wirangu Association in relation to having a

disclaimer on their membership application form. The

association does not want the members applying to think the

application process means automatic membership.

A new application form has been developed.

1.2.2 The original concept design of the Ceduna Art and Language

Centre has been reviewed by Ceduna Aboriginal

Corporation/Ceduna Art, and Language Centre representatives.

However the Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation are thinking the new

building needs to go much further than just an Art and Language

Centre. They are thinking more along the lines of an

“Interpretation Centre” that will also host the Visitor Centre, the

regions Aboriginal history, museum, artefact display, audio

centre, performing arts, visual arts, Language, foods, café and be

connected to a wildlife sanctuary.

A review of existing plans will need to reflect this. It is

recommended that the State Government be approached

to provide funds from the RIF to have concept designs

and a business case developed.

1.2.1 Met with the Coordinator of Port Lincoln Aboriginal Corporation

to advise that RDAWEP would provide support to assist in getting

their financial reporting back on track

The proposal was very well accepted by the Coordinator,

who intend to discuss the activity with the Board.

1.2.2 RDAWEP was contacted by the Chairperson of Bullinda Aboriginal

Corporation with a request to obtain tenders to share farm the

rural property at Laura Bay.

Advised that a tender document will be developed, for

the Bullinda Board to review in February. Met with the

current share farmers who have been most helpful in

reviewing the current agreement.

1.2.2 Met with the CEO of Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation to negotiate

being sub-contracted to continue management of the Yalata

Passenger Service.

Had further discussions, however we are still waiting on

the minister to give final approval.

1.2.2 Prior to anything happening with the Maralinga Tourism

Business Plan, the organisation is having to rectify health and

safety issues that have surfaced as a result of heavy rains in the

region. These include plumbing (blocked earthen ware pipes)

and bare electrical wiring.

1.2.2 The Maralinga Tourism Business Plan was received in early

January with comments from the legal advisor and the Maralinga

Tjarutja General Manager.

Due to other project priorities the review of the

comments will be deferred until February.

1.2.4 DRAFT Guidelines were developed for an Expression of Interest

document for the Aboriginal Rangers Program and were

submitted to EPNRM for comment.

Awaiting comment.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.1 RDAWEP provided assistance to facilitate the Annual General

Meeting in Koonibba for the Koonibba Aboriginal Community.

Assistance included information relating to the financial report,

and the election process.

The financial report (which had an unqualified audit) was

accepted and the easy to understand format was

appreciated. The election of board members was

successful with the introduction of a staggered

changeover of members every two years.

The community members that attended

appreciated the assistance that RDAWEP


1.2.1 Meeting with the Manager, Scotdesco as part of the tourism

development agreement.

The meeting planned for January will include the board,

staff and community members,

1.2.2 Assistance was provided to Wirangu Association to notify

regulatory groups with information relating to office bearers.

The Association is now compliant and moving forward

with plans for Glen Boree Station (near Fowlers Bay).

1.2.2 Ceduna Art and Language Centre - The original design has

been changed to provide more room for production and packing,

plus having a separate entrance for the Language Centre.

RDAWEP coordinated a representative from the SATC to

meet at the Centre to further explore its tourism


The planning, together with a site visit from

SATC, has stimulated genuine discussion. A

meeting has been made with the Indigenous

Land Corporation to discuss the future of the


1.2.2 A meeting with the Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation

(FWCAC) Chief Executive Officer and two board members

obtained approval in principal for funding to support the

engagement and implementation of a coordinator to take the Far

West Aboriginal Tourism Strategy to the next stage.

This funding will be used to match support from the

DSD’s Business Excellence Fund.

1.2.2 The launch of the Far West Aboriginal Tourism Strategy

(FWATS) was held at the Ceduna Hotel Forum Room on

13/12/2017. 48 persons attended including representatives

from the three tiers of government, RDAWEP Chairperson and

Board members, Peter Treloar MP, Ceduna Mayor, and

representatives from all Aboriginal organisations in the Far West

including the Aboriginal Lands Trust, and business and tour


The launch was very successful and received excellent

coverage in the West Coast Sentinel. Excellent feedback

has been received from the SATC, DPMC, DSD, and many


A visit to the Ceduna Arts and Cultural Centre,

that included Board members and the SATC

representative, was successful. The SATC

representative commented that the

development of the Ceduna Arts and Cultural

Centre would be valuable to the region.

1.2.2 RDAWEP were contacted by the Chairperson of Bullinda

Aboriginal Corporation with a request to obtain tenders to share

farm the rural property at Laura Bay.

Advised the Corporation that a tender document will be

developed for the Bullinda board to review on


1.2.2 A meeting was held with the CEO of Ceduna Aboriginal

Corporation to negotiate being sub-contracted to continue

management of the Yalata Passenger Service.

The CEO agreed that contracting RDAWEP would be the

best way to continue this activity, given that there is only

6 months remaining. A further meeting is planned for

January 16th


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.2 Negotiations were held with the long-term Maralinga Tjarutja

legal advisor about historical circumstances pertaining to the

handover of the Section 400 land which are relevant to the

Maralinga Tourism Business Plan.

The legal advisor is reviewing the Tourism Plan to add

relevant detail to assist the progression of the tourism


The Tourism Plan will be modified when the

proposed amendments have been received and


1.2.1 The business plan for the development of a Children’s Centre at

Koonibba is complete.

RDAWEP used the completed plan to work with the

Koonibba Aboriginal Corporation to complete a funding

application to ensure the Childcare Centre continues.

Positive feedback has been received.

1.2.1 RDAWEP met with the new Chairperson of Scotdesco, Jeff Scott. Jeff would like to see positive change, including the use

of tourist related facilities.

A further meeting is planned for Jan 2018.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

1.2.2 RDAWEP facilitated the AGM of the Wirangu Association. The meeting was most successful. A permanent

committee has been formed and office bearers have

been elected. It was agreed that an organisation plan

needs to be developed.

1.2.1 Developed a draft of Scotdesco’s Housing and Tenants policy to

assist the DPMC to work with the new Scotdesco committee.

The draft policy gave DPMC a starting point to workshop

the policy with the Scotdesco committee. RDAWEP

agreed to facilitate a workshop if required.

1.2.2 A meeting was held with the CEO of Ceduna Aboriginal

Corporation to negotiate a sub-contract to continue management

of the Yalata Passenger Service.

The CEO agreed that contracting RDAWEP would be the

best way to continue this activity, given that there is only

6 months remaining. A further meeting is planned for


1.2.4 A literature review of Aboriginal Ranger Programs across

Australia was commenced.

Development of a DRAFT Aboriginal Ranger Program

Consultation Survey, Guidelines and Tender documents

are underway as informed by the literature review.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.1 RDAWEP is providing assistance to Koonibba Aboriginal

Community for the development of a business plan for the

Children’s Centre, to meet new funding criteria.

The plan is partially developed including additional

infrastructure (sleeping area and bathroom) being


1.2.1 Meeting with the Manager, Scotdesco as part of the tourism

development agreement.

A further meeting is planned for November.

1.2.2 An agreement was made with the Wirangu Association to

facilitate their Annual General Meeting on 09 November, 2017.

A meeting agenda with mandatory items was forwarded

to members.

1.2.2 Lowe and Redding Design has been engaged to develop a

concept design for the Ceduna Art and Language Centre’s new

building on the existing site.

The original concept design has been reviewed by

Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation/Ceduna Art, and

Language Centre representatives. Changes have been


November update: Changes have been made to

the plan and a review of the business plan will

now be instigated.

1.2.2 Initial discussions were held with the Far West Coast Aboriginal

Corporation (FWCAC) re potential funding support to engage a

Tourism Strategy Implementation Officer.

FWCAC recommended that an application and a

presentation to the board of directors be undertaken.

November update: A meeting has been

planned for 5th

Jan 2018 to discuss a funding


1.2.2 The Maralinga Tourism Business Plan was completed and

issued to Maralinga Tjarutja and PMC on 9 October.

November update:

The business plan has been reviewed by Andre Collet, Solicitor

and Sharon Yendall, Coordinator of Maralinga Tjarutja, and

changes have been made.

The plan included a working action plan to assist

Maralinga Tjarutja to progress the project. The action

plan was supported with a schedule showing that the full

development of the tourism venture could be achieved in

2.5 years. This timeframe assumed that the project

would be funded from $6 million provided to Maralinga

Tjarutja by the Australian Government to upgrade

infrastructure and develop the tourism venture. The

timeframe would need to be substantially extended if

grant funding is sought to implement to progress the


The preparation of an Interpretation Plan and

development of an Interpretive Centre is critical

to achieve the commercial viability objectives of

the tourism initiative. Maralinga Tjarutja needs

to make major decisions about whether to

pursue the full development of the tourism

initiative, or retain the venture at its current

small scale, part-time level. If the latter is

adopted, it is highly unlikely that the

commercial viability and job creation objectives

of the initiative will be achieved.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

O C T O B E R (Cont.)

1.2.2 The foreword, editing and graphic design of the Far West

Aboriginal Tourism Strategy (FWATS) was finalised. Designs were

created for supporting merchandise for the launch of the

strategy in December, including banners, hats, bags and t-shirts

using the Desert to Sea logo.

The FWATS is now printed and supporting launch

merchandise is designed and ready for production.

In-house graphic design expedited the process

for preparing for the launch, and reduced costs.

November update: The launch date has been

set for 5th

December at the Ceduna Hotel.

Invitations have been sent to 50+ stakeholders

and business representatives.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.2 A meeting was held with the Department of the Prime Minister

and Cabinet (PMC) about the draft Maralinga Tourism Business

Plan. The draft plan was prepared in consultation with Maralinga

Tjarutja as part of the project to develop the Far West Aboriginal

Tourism Strategy. Some minor changes to the draft were


Outstanding issues concerning the provision of

Australian Government funding for the infrastructure

capex were progressed. Critical Australian Government

correspondence to Maralinga Tjarutja about the transfer

of the Section 400 land is being sought to clarify matters

about government grant funding program eligibility.

Feasibility study documents from 2002 and

2003 were sent to PMC to provide

comprehensive background information about

the Maralinga Village tourism development.

1.2.2 The Maralinga Tourism Business Plan was progressed and

modified with the changes sought by PMC. Information was

sought from the Maralinga Tjarutja (MT) Acting General Manager

(with a long involvement in the organisation) about the purpose

of the money paid to MT with the transfer of the Section 400


The response from the Acting Manager was

unsatisfactory, and documentary evidence to support his

advice was not provided. Further assistance was sought

from PMC to resolve this matter.

In the meantime, the Action Plan section of the business

plan was substantially progressed.

During the initial negotiations for preparation

of the business plan, MT sought a practical

working document that would list the tasks that

need to be implemented to develop the tourism

enterprise. The Action Plan provides this detail.

The Action Plan will be completed in October.

1.2.4 Developed a quotation for the scoping of an Aboriginal Rangers

program for DEWNR.

Submitted by closure date. RDAWEP has been awarded the contract.

1.2.2 RDAWEP’s Acting Tourism Officer was introduced to key Aboriginal

tourism development stakeholders on the Far West Eyre Peninsula

coast by RDAWEP’s Aboriginal Economic Development Officer.

Implementation of the Far West Aboriginal Tourism

Strategy can now be delivered more collaboratively by


A launch of the Far West Aboriginal Tourism

Strategy is to be scheduled for November 2017.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.1 Further discussion with the CEO of Koonibba regarding the

establishment of a community store.

An agreement has been entered into with Richard

Pagiaro who has engaged Lowe Redding Design to

undertake design work plus planning application.

1.2.2 Met with the CEO of Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation and further

discussed the solar farm project.

Discussed the restructuring of their financial operation

including the need to appoint new directors for the

business arm.

1.2.1 Met again with the Manager, Scotdesco to arrange a time to

engage their Board to ascertain their direction for Scotdesco.

Agreed to meet with new board and discuss their future


1.2.1 Discussion with Maralinga Tjarutja the possibility of upgrading

the premises from which administration is provided.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

A U G U S T (Cont.)

1.2.2 The Aboriginal Affairs Minister, on advice from the Premiers

Department has suggested that our local member be approached

to write the message at the commencement of the Tourism

Strategy document.

1.2.2 A meeting is planned for October to approve a suitable working

structure for the land and ownership of the wildlife sanctuary in


1.2.2 A Business Plan for a craft venture in Port Lincoln was developed. An application for funding support has been submitted

to the Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation.

1.2.2 A meeting to re-structure and appoint a new committee for the

Wirangu Association is scheduled for 09 September, 2017.

1.2.1 The Jawun group, from the Defence Science and Technology

group in Canberra, sought assistance from RDAWEP with the

preparation of a Social Atlas for the Ceduna area. Jawun forms

partnerships between Indigenous organisations and corporate

and government groups. Jawun sought data information from

RDAWEP to assist the project.

Indigenous specific data was provided from the Live

Regional Resource. It was advised that RDAWEP would

not be updating data sources until the expanded

community profile data from the 2016 Census became


Dr Irena MotykaAli from Jawun appreciated the

prompt response and found the information

provided very useful.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.2.2 RDAWEP commenced the business planning project for Maralinga

Tjarutja to develop a sustainable tourism enterprise at Maralinga

Village. This project was commissioned by the Department of the

Prime Minister and Cabinet (PMC) as part of a broader initiative to

prepare an Aboriginal Tourism Strategy for the far west of the

region. The target area encompasses land from Ceduna to the WA


The project entails updating the tourism business plans for

Aboriginal groups and organisations in the target area, including

Maralinga Tjarutja, Yalata community, Scotdesco community,

Koonibba community and the Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation.

The project tasks for Maralinga Tjarutja are to:

Review and update the Maralinga Tourism Business


Prepare a new marketing plan,

Provide an updated feasibility study,

Recommend initiatives to value-add to tourism product

to increase production and sales,

Identify digital marketing opportunities, and

Assess the existing infrastructure at Maralinga Village

and make recommendations about future needs.

The project commenced with a field trip to Maralinga

Village to identify the project progress to date.

The field trip included consultation meetings in

Ceduna with Maralinga Tjarutja staff and

management, including the Chair of MT Council.

The draft Tourism Business Plan was prepared,

and issued to Maralinga Tjarutja and PMC for

comment and additional suggestions.

Due to other project commitments the final

business plan will be prepared in late September.

1.2.2 Met with the Yalata CEO and Business Manager on 18/07/2017 to

present the Far West Aboriginal Tourism Strategy. Discussed

tourism related business opportunities with Yalata including the

further development of the Caravan Park and the improved beach

fishing enterprise. Yalata agreed with the strategy and can

appreciate how it will help their enterprises.

The Army Aboriginal Community Assistance Program

(Department of Defence) program is undertaking work at

the Yalata Caravan Park that includes a number of

recommendations included in the revised Yalata Caravan

Park Plan.

1.2.1 Met with the CEO of Koonibba to discuss content of the agreement

needed for the engagement of a Project Manager to manage the

establishment of the community store in Koonibba.

An agreement was developed for Koonibba to engage

Richard Pagliaro to project manage the establishment of a

store in the community.

1.2.2 Followed up with Maralinga Tjarutja/Oak Valley in relation to the

development of their business plans to support improving their

tours to Maralinga Village.

Business Plans are in the concluding stages of


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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

1.2.1 Follow up meeting with the Manager of Scotdesco to arrange a

time to engage their board to ascertain the direction for


1.2.5 Met with Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation to ascertain their

intention in relation to the Ceduna Art, Cultural, and Language


Lowe and Redding Design have been engaged to develop

concept plans for the Art / Cultural / Language Centre to

be built on the same site as the current venture.

1.2.2 Met with the Aboriginal Lands Trust to discuss the Far West

Aboriginal Tourism Strategy.

The Trust apologised for not being able to attend the last

two workshops, however are very supportive of the plan.

1.2.2 The Tourism Strategy has been developed. It will go to print once

the State Minister for Aboriginal Affairs ratifies the Ministers

Message. The Member for Flinders has agreed to follow up on


The strategy in draft form has been accepted

and has been used to support funding for the

Koonibba Store, work to be undertaken by the

Army Aboriginal Community Assistance

Program (AACAP) in Yalata, and funding for the

design of the Ceduna Art, Culture and

Language Centre.

1.2.2 Discussions were held with Mayor Suter of Ceduna about the

future operational structure and ownership of the property

designated for the wildlife sanctuary. Plans were made to meet

with Ceduna Aboriginal Corporation and Far West Coast Aboriginal

Corporation. It was agreed to come up with a legal structure that

would be suitable to the three groups.

Although the Ceduna District Council will be unable to be

a joint venture partner they have indicated that they will

provide support for the Native Title Group and Ceduna

Aboriginal Corporation to be jointly connected to the land

and ownership of the wildlife sanctuary.

1.2.1 Met with the Ceduna District Council to support improvements to

the Aboriginal Sporting Complex.

Visited site with contractor and provided advice re

location of the old dump which seems to be a matter of

concern for the EPA and irrigation system.

EPA has not advised the results of the soil testing

as at 31/07/2017.

1.2.2 Developed business plans for a craft venture in Port Lincoln. Application for funding support has been submitted to the

Far West Coast Aboriginal Corporation.

1.2.2 Developed a lease agreement and rental agreement for the

Wirangu Association.

The property lease will improve income by 20% and will

also give secure tenure for the lessee, and security for the

lessor. Developed a tenancy agreement for the same

group to provide for better management of the station


Currently the association is not able to enter

into a lease agreement – new office bearers are

required for the association to be compliant.

1.2.2 Assisted development of Waldya Spirit Tours / Scotdesco visitor

information brochure.

Aboriginal tourism providers were pleased with results. Ongoing

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1.3 Social and Community

Develop social and community infrastructure and services.


1.3.1 Assist Local Government and community groups to prepare business cases and grant applications for capex funding from government

infrastructure programs.

1.3.2 Encourage the development of multi-purpose community facilities providing civic, recreation, information, tourism, arts and cultural heritage


1.3.3 Assist Local Government with initiatives to improve the functionality and amenity of regional towns including street scaping, signage, foreshore

development, walking trails and the upgrade of town entrances.

1.3.4 Work with government and telecommunications providers to improve mobile and Internet connectivity across the region.

1.3.5 Encourage and support the delivery of strategic community events and activities, particularly in areas with high levels of tourism attraction.

Objective To improve the functionality and quality of recreational and cultural infrastructure, particularly in larger regional centres.

To find solutions to resolve Internet and mobile connectivity blackspots in the region.

Rationale Improved community infrastructure and services is essential to enhance the liveability and amenity of townships and attract workforce families to the


The lack of digital communication in some areas is impeding community functioning and access to online government and other services – including

emergency services – and is preventing the use of social media platforms by the community and tourists.

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1.3.1 Received notification that a grant application to the

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (FRRR),

developed by RDAWEP for the District Council of Tumby

Bay for the installation of FREE Public Wifi, was


The grant application was developed in under 12 hours

with the District Council being extremely grateful for the

work undertaken by RDAWEP.

Tumby Bay are in likely to be the first council in the

region to have FREE public WiFi.

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1.3.5. A new demographic profile using 2016 Census data was

prepared for DC Tumby Bay and issued to the Progress

Association and Council for future use.

The draft Tumby Bay Wall to Wall Festival project plan was

reviewed with comment provided to improve the


RDAWEP advised about the need to have written

quotations to support the project costing. The grant

application responded that this was impossible and

that they would submit the application without this


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.3.5 Assistance was provided to the Tumby Bay Progress

Association with the development of an arts and

tourism-related event. The Association is planning to

host an annual event, commencing over the Easter

holiday weekend in 2019, which will include the

painting of public and private walls by professional and

community artists, supported by a food, wine and music


RDAWEP reviewed and updated the Tumby Bay economic

profile to provide the evidence-base to support a grant

application to the BBRF Community Investments Stream.

Additional support was provided with the provision of a

project management plan template.

A new demographic profile for Tumby Bay will be

prepared in early December, and assistance will also be

provided with the grant application wording.

1.3.5 A survey was conducted with attendees at the TAR

centenary to assess interest in the purchase of a DVD

with visual (photo and video) materials from the


The DVD production would have needed to be cost

neutral as a budget was not available for this purpose.

The response to purchase the DVD was relatively poor,

with less than 30 potential sales identified. As the sale of

100-200 DVDs would have been needed to cover the

production costs, the initiative was abandoned.

All of the visual materials were forwarded to the National

Railway Museum for archival purposes and future use on

its website, along with copies to ARTC and Pacific National.

The survey had an unexpected consequence.

Numerous complimentary comments were received in

the responses about the role of RDAWEP in the

organisation of the event. This included a response

from Barry Osborne, a WA policeman based in Eucla,

who stated that the TAR centenary was “the best

informed, best organised and best run event that he

has ever attended”. Similar responses were received

from another 22 people, including cash sponsor Doug

Sprigg from the Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary.

The collective responses were forwarded to the

National Railway Museum and Event Coordinator.

1.3.1 Assistance and advice was provided to the District

Council of Cleve regarding the implementation of the

Cleve Accommodation Study.

RDAWEP project managed the development of a Cleve

Accommodation Study in 2016/17 to ascertain the

feasibility and cost benefit of establishing a range of

accommodation in the Cleve township.

Council have endorsed the study and its

recommendations and are looking at options for


RDAWEP is providing ongoing support.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.3.5 The TAR Centenary was held on 17 October.

Approximately 400 people attended the event at a

remote site 4kms west of Ooldea on the Trans

Australian Railway Line. The weather was atrocious, at

about 40 degrees C, and blowing a very strong north-

easterly across the Nullarbor Plain.

The ceremonial part of the event was emceed by Bob

Sampson from the National Railway Museum, and

included talks by Sharon Yendall and Mima Smart

(Maralinga Tjarutja), Dion Dorward (RDAWEP), Tim Ryan

(Executive General Manager of ARTC), and Dick Smith,

the major event sponsor.

SA Musician, Mike Roberts, sang his song about the

railway line – Bands of Steel – and launched his CD of

the same name at the official ceremony.

The program was timed so that Tim Ryan and Dick Smith

unveiled a plaque on the southern monument at 1.45pm,

the exact time that the railway lines were linked on 17

October 1917. The plaque contained the wording:

This plaque was unveiled on Tuesday 17 October 2017 to

commemorate the 100th

anniversary of the ‘joining of the

rails’ and the completion of the Trans Australian Railway.

National Railway Museum

Australian Rail Track Corporation

Regional Development Australia Whyalla and Eyre


Dick Smith Foods

Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary.

Aerial photographs of the event were taken by a drone.

The new steel monuments, constructed by ARTC, will

leave a lasting legacy of the nation-building railway

infrastructure. The plaque will leave a lasting legacy to

all of the organisations involved in coordinating the



A feature news item, produced by Ron Kandelaars, was

broadcast on the Channel 7 News on Saturday 21


There was a flurry of requests for follow-up articles

about the event, with information and photographs

provided to the West Coast Sentinel, Port Lincoln

Times, Eyre Peninsula Tribune, and Track and Signal

Magazine, with additional information provided for the

RDAWEP Regional Newsletter and community

newsletters at Streaky Bay and Quorn.

1.3.5 Planning for the TAR centenary was finalised, and

Project Update No 6 was distributed to people on the

event database on 5 October. The update provided

written acknowledgement of the sponsors, people,

companies and organisations which provided cash, in-

kind and other support for the centenary celebration.

The planning arrangements included:

Negotiations with Pacific National for the provision of

a train,

Provision of information to a cameraman assisting

Ron Kandelaars to prepare a television documentary

of the event, and

Provision of information to Melbourne-based Channel

9 News reporter, Andrew Lund.

Bob Sampson, Executive Officer of the National Railway

Museum, was interviewed by Lund on 6 October, and

footage about the event was broadcast on the Channel

9 News on Sunday 8 October.

A briefing paper was prepared for the Department of

Infrastructure and Minister Darren Chester on 11


1.3.5 RDAWEP met with Port Lincoln Rotary Club to discuss

future master planning of the Axel Stenross Museum,

and connectivity to the Barngala (Parnkalla) Extension

Trail and the Port Lincoln Foreshore Masterplan.

Connections were provided to City of Port Lincoln’s DRAFT

Open Space Strategy and Strategic Directions Plan,

outlined relevant 2016/17 Annual Business Plan and

Budget considerations and detailed methodology for

approaching Council and the Port Lincoln Chamber of

Commerce and Tourism Group.

Provided regional snapshot data for Eyre Peninsula’s

visitor economy.

Business Case planning and concept development is


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.3.2 Planning process and engagement for the Bennett Oval

redevelopment project is ongoing. Grant applications

and sources of funding for new infrastructure are being


Consultants plan has been released for consultation.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

1.3.5 Arrangements for coordinating the TAR centenary on 17

October were substantially progressed. Over 382

people and 183 vehicles have been registered on the

database to attend the event.

This activity included:

Negotiations with Maralinga Tjarutja and other

parties to progress logistical issues,

Maintenance of the event database,

Correspondence with event attendees on the

database register,

Preparation of draft agenda for the official

ceremony and speeches, and

Preparation of an indicative project budget.

Solutions were pursued to progress options for the use of

Ooldea Airstrip for fly-in attendees. The negotiations with

Maralinga Tjarutja were positive, enabling pilots to land at

Ooldea at their own risk. This caused the major sponsor,

Dick Smith, to change his mind about attending the event,

and will now attend and be guest speaker.

Contact was made with the Pacific National head office in

Sydney. Arrangements are being pursued to have a train

parked at the TAR memorial site to provide an appropriate

background for the celebration.

A site meeting was held at Ooldea on 12th


between RDAWEP, National Railway Museum, Australian

Rail Track Corporation, Department of Environment, Water

and Natural Resources and other parties. The purpose was

to finalise the requirements and protocols for attending

the event.

The various contacts with Pacific National were very

positive and it is hopeful that a train will be provided at

the event. If successful, Pacific National will be invited

to have a representative speak during the official


Following decisions made at the site meeting, Project

Update No 5 was issued to people on the database to

inform them about the event attendance requirements.

1.3.5 Collaborated and facilitated with Tasting Australia to

prepare a Famil on the Lower Eyre Peninsula to test the

feasibility of a Tasting Australia event in April 2018.

A full day schedule was organised to host a Tasting

Australia representative and Wine and Event Consultant. A

classic car donated by the Port Lincoln Auto Club was

secured for the day.

The Famil will be conducted in early October.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.3.5 The arrangements for coordinating the Trans-Australian

Railway (TAR) centenary on 17 October were


Over 320 people and 152 vehicles had been registered

on the database to attend the event.

This activity included:

Negotiations with Maralinga Tjarutja and other parties

to progress logistical issues,

Maintenance of the event database,

Correspondence with event attendees on the database

register, and

Preparation of Project Update No 4 to keep attendees


Solutions were pursued to progress options for the use

of Ooldea Airstrip for fly-in attendees. The

negotiations with Maralinga Tjarutja were positive,

enabling pilots to land at Ooldea at their own risk. This

caused the major sponsor, Dick Smith, to change his

mind about attending the event.

1.3.2 RDAWEP developed a promotional video for the new

pump track installed by the District Council of Tumby Bay

through fundraising by Colour Tumby (Progress


The video was promoted on social media and digital

communication networks.

Tumby Bay Progress Association are looking to use the

video at their launch in October.

1.3.2 RDAWEP investigated and developed a project brief and

preliminary budget for installation of LED lights at

Bennett Oval.

This project was developed to target the ‘Fund my

Neighbourhood’ grant program for community


The project budget exceeded the limit for this funding

program. Alternate funding sources are being


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.3.5 Event consultation and planning with Coffin Bay

Tourism Association regarding the upcoming ‘A Day on

the Bay’ on September 24, 2017. Supported a SATC

funding application.

Developed additional transport objectives and famil

strategies for attending journalists and the tourism


Negotiations are currently underway for transport

negotiations with neighbouring regional towns.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

1.3.2 Met with the Eyre Peninsula Football Zone management

to discuss the process to undertake planning, and

subsequent recommendations for the future of football

on EP.

A survey was developed to be completed by football clubs

and leagues, to be used as a tool for future


Clubs appear reluctant to partake in the survey concept.

Another strategy will be developed.

August update: Survey results from football clubs are

starting to come in. The SANFL is proposing support

for a zone football manager.

1.3.2 Communications with Whyalla Council in regard to

improvement of sporting facilities is ongoing.

RDAWEP has worked with Whyalla Football league and

Whyalla Council to develop and lodge a Dept. of Sport

and Recreation facilities planning grant.

Planning and engagement will be ongoing.

Grant applications and sources of funding for new

infrastructure are being investigated.

Communication is ongoing.

1.3.2 A project to re-develop the Bennett oval with updated

infrastructure and facilities including a multi-sport

precinct is underway and is in the planning phase.

RDAWEP participated in a meeting with the project

consultant (Oneeighty Sport and Leisure Solutions, Mark

Band), Whyalla Council and other stakeholders to review and

provide feedback on initial concept designs.

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1.4 Tertiary Education

Pursue opportunities to grow tertiary education facilities and expand course provision.


1.4.1 Liaise with the University of SA and Adelaide University about options to expand tertiary facilities and course provision in Whyalla.

1.4.2 Collaborate with education providers in Whyalla to facilitate international student enrolment.

1.4.3 Liaise with TAFE SA about options to expand facilities and course provision at the Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Ceduna and Wudinna TAFE campuses.

1.4.4 Negotiate with TAFE SA about opportunities to provide employment-related, NRM and other training in smaller regional towns.

1.4.5 Liaise with tertiary institutions about options to expand remote access to courses online.

Objective The provision of better education facilities and greater course diversity to enhance the region’s tertiary education participation rates, which are low in

comparison with the Adelaide population.

Improved ability to undertake tertiary courses locally, or online, to help stem the migration of young people from the region.

Rationale There is a trend to centralise tertiary education facilities and courses in Adelaide at the expense of the regions. The consequence is that more regional

students now need to travel to Adelaide to study some courses and regional educational facilities are being underutilised. This is potentially

detrimental to building regional capability because it is generally understood that regional students have much higher retention and pass rates when

they do not need to travel to Adelaide for study.

Background/Ongoing Activities A monthly meeting has been scheduled with UniSA Regional Manager and TAFE SA Regional Manager for the purpose of sharing intelligence and

fostering collaboration.

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1.4.1 Meetings were arranged with UniSA to develop initial

concepts for a business incubator at the Whyalla campus

and to discuss plans for rollout of a Gig City precinct in


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


1.4.1 RDAWEP assisted UniSA to promote and provide relevant

contacts for an information session on the Future

Industries Accelerator Program.

The information session was successful with good

attendance. UniSA report strong interest in the program from

participants and are following up contacts.

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1.5 Health

Facilitate collaborative approaches for the development and delivery of health, aged care, child care and disability services.


1.5.1 Deliver targeted projects to support health, aged care, child care and disability services.

1.5.2 Support the implementation of Public Health Plans to address emerging health issues, facilitate preventative health programs, and promote

community connectivity and well-being.

1.5.3 Support the implementation of the State and Local Government Community Well-being Alliance to promote the health and well-being of


Objective To address issues impacting on the delivery of health, aged care, child care and disability services, especially for disadvantaged sectors of the

community. This should include proactive initiatives to drive preventative health programs, support community groups, and facilitate community

participation in decision making.

Background In late 2017 RDAWEP’s Whyalla and Port Lincoln offices were established as Disability Workforce Hubs, as part of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

During 2014 RDAWEP collaborated with industry partners to research and develop the report Living Well: Whyalla’s Masterplan for Disability and Ageing 2025

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1.5.2 Prepared and submitted NDIS Workforce Hub

Coordinator’s Activity Report to DSD.

Accepted by Department of State Development. Funding agreement milestone completed.

1.5.1 Commencement of Disability Hub connecting with

service providers across the region via face to face

meetings and telephone link ups where necessary.

Successful connection with ten service providers, who will

maintain regular contact and will have further business with

RDA by way of assistance with recruitment and skills

training of employees and potential employees.

Established strong business relationships that will

provide an outgoing connection between disability

service providers and RDAWEP via the Disability hub.

1.5.1 Planned and prepared information workshops aimed at

individuals looking to commence work within the

disability sector.

10 workshops are scheduled throughout the Eyre and

Western region in February.

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1.5.1 RDAWEP met with the CEO and management of a

national organisation currently providing allied health

and disability services in Whyalla. They are looking to

expand operations in Whyalla and the region.

Information was provided about potential gaps in local and

regional services, grants and workforce development


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1.5.1 The Disability and Ageing Project Implementation

Officer recruitment process was not successful.

The position is to be re-advertised pending a response from

Whyalla Council.

1.5.1 RDAWEP collaborated with DSD to participate and share

a display as part of a regional NDIS roadshow.

Information about NDIS hub services and operation was

provided as part of the trade display.

The event was well attended and included many

service and care providers.

1.5.1 RDAWEP convened a meeting with UniSA and a regional

business in regard to development of a collaborative

project to research service gaps for the NDIS in Whyalla

and surrounding regions.

A project brief is being developed. December update: A project brief was prepared and

lodged with UniSA for consideration and further

action. The project may be eligible for an industry


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1.5.1 Collation and selection of interview candidates for the

NDIS Workforce Manager, and Disability and Ageing

Project Implementation Officer job positions.

The Disability and Ageing project budget was followed

up internally and with Whyalla Council and

subsequently revised.

The NDIS Workforce Hub Coordinator position was filled.

The candidate selected for Project Implementation Officer

withdrew their application and the position will need to be


The NDIS Workforce Coordinator will commence on

04 December and will be based in the Whyalla office.

1.5.1 Coordinated the NDIS Workforce Hub signage and

badging for both Whyalla and Port Lincoln RDAWEP


Signs and transparencies on windows are in place. Hub badging is now complete.

1.5.1 RDAWEP promoted the upcoming NDIS expos in the

region for November.

All media and social media channels will be employed. Attendance will be measured in November.

1.5.1 RDAWEP provided information and facilitated promotion

of an NDS sponsored workshop on cloud computing and

implications for the NDIS.

The workshop has been scheduled for November.

November Update: An overview of functionality and benefits

of several cloud based practice management and accounting

packages was provided.

The workshop was attended by approximately 20

people representing several NDIS service providers

and other organisations associated with NDIS.

1.1.1 RDAWEP attended the Department of State Development

Providers and Practitioners seminar in Adelaide.

DSD presented updates on the NDIS, including updates on

reporting processes.

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1.5.1 The re-advertising process for the NDIS Workforce

Manager, and Disability and Ageing Implementation

Officer positions is underway. Information about the

Project Officer position was provided to UniSA for

promotion within their network to target additional


11 applications for the Project Officer position have been

received and reviewed with 2 candidates selected for

interview on 5 October. Unsuccessful applicants have been


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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

1.5.1 RDAWEP facilitated an Age friendly workshop for a UniSA

based research project into Age Friendly cities.

The meeting was well attended with good discussion

and information provided on multiple issues.

1.5.2 RDAWEP attended the District Council of Cleve’s Aged

Services Business Case workshop with VERSO


Innovative hub style models were discussed. King Island was

provided as an example hub style development for Eyre

Peninsula to research.

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1.5.1 NDIS Workforce Manager and Project Implementation

Officer job applicants were assessed and a

determination made that the positions would be re-

advertised with three applicants encouraged to rewrite

their applications ensuring job and person specifications

were addressed.

The re-advertising process is underway.

Information about the position was provided to UniSA for

promotion within their network to target additional


A determination will be made in October.

1.5.1 Coordinated NDIS signage quotations and contractor

negotiations for RDAWEP Port Lincoln and Whyalla


NDIS Hub signage to be installed in October.

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1.5.1 Position descriptions and job advertisements were

developed and finalised for the NDIS Workforce Project

Manager positon, and the Project Implementation Officer

for the Whyalla Health and Ageing project.

Positions were advertised in Whyalla and EP newspapers,

RDAWEP newsletter and online on

Applications close August 14 2017.

In principle funding support for the Implementation

Officer position was received from Whyalla council.

1.5.1 DSD distributed a media release launching NDIS

expansion and Regional Disability Workforce Hubs.

RDAWEP offices in Whyalla and Port Lincoln will form the

Eyre Peninsula Hub.

Media coverage generated 15 telephone and email enquiries

from various stakeholders regarding the NDIS Workforce Hub.

RDAWEP could manage enquiries without needing to

refer to DSD or other stakeholder agencies.

1.5.2 District Council of Tumby Bay requested and were

briefed on the District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula’s

Health and Ageing Study / survey.

Met with the CEO of District Council of Tumby Bay and

provided connection to District Council of Lower Eyre

Peninsula’s part-time Project Officer.

Results of the District Council of Lower Eyre

Peninsula’s Health and Ageing Study have been

requested to be shared between the City of Port

Lincoln and the District Council of Tumby Bay.

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2.1 Infrastructure

Promote investment to develop strategic infrastructure and foster sustainable business.


2.1.1 Facilitate infrastructure investment with government agencies and private sector companies.

2.1.2 Prepare a regional transport strategy to develop road, rail, port and airport infrastructure.

2.1.3 Facilitate the development of a multi-user Cape-class port facility.

2.1.4 Facilitate the development of container facilities in strategic locations.

2.1.5 Connect the Eyre Peninsula to the national standard gauge rail network.

2.1.6 Prepare a road infrastructure strategy to enhance road-train market access, and improve road safety for the community and tourists.

2.1.7 Progress the upgrade of Ceduna, Port Lincoln and Whyalla airports to provide direct interstate connection capability for passengers and exports.

2.1.8 Work with telecommunications providers and government to improve mobile and internet connectivity and enhance online business operations.

Objective The provision of improved and new transport and communications infrastructure is essential to ensure that business operations are globally

competitive and sustainable.

Substantial government and private sector investment is necessary to make supply chain infrastructure efficient and effective, provide access to new

markets, and create new export opportunities.

Improved communication infrastructure is essential to enable business to develop online markets and operate competitively in the digital economy.

Background/Ongoing Activities The provision of improved and new transport and communications infrastructure is essential to ensure that business operations are globally

competitive and sustainable.

The Ultra High Speed Broadband project will connect Whyalla businesses to the Very High speed optic fibre cable network via UniSA’s AARNet network.

Access and availability of this network will be critical for businesses in Whyalla to access future Department of Defence and other project supply chains.

Communications with a commercial service provider, DSD and other stakeholders is ongoing. The concept mirrors the State Government’s ‘Gig City’

project which joins multiple commercial precincts in northern Adelaide with access to Very High Speed Broadband. Vocus Communications manage the

AARNet optic fibre network Australia wide. The company own infrastructure in Whyalla with access to the existing optic fibre network.

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2.1.7 A meeting was held with the CEO, Director of Works

and Infrastructure, and Port Lincoln Airport Manager on

12 January to progress options to capture data about

the quantity of product being exported from the region

via Port Lincoln Airport.

Business cases to support grant applications for the

Airport infrastructure development have been unable to

provide air transport export data because a procedure

is not in place to record export tonnages. The business

cases have consequently lacked strong evidence-based

argument about the economic role of the Airport, with

the result that several grant applications for

infrastructure development were unsuccessful.

The appointment of a new Airport Manager by DCLEP

provided an opportunity to revisit options to capture export


The Airport Manager consulted with freight carriers prior to

the meeting and provided a summary report of freight in

and out of Port Lincoln Airport per annum by the various


Total freight in and out p.a. is 187,760kg: comprised of

medical, general and banking in, and medical, general,

banking and seafood freight out. The seafood freight –

mainly via Qantas – is estimated at 26,000kg p.a.,

comprised of abalone and kingfish. Lobster is not freighted

by air, but is trucked to Adelaide Airport for export to

interstate and overseas markets.

Some follow-up research is required to identify

tonnages per product, which will enable product values

to be estimated from seafood industry reports to


DCLEP is now in a better position to present stronger

arguments about the economic role of Port Lincoln


2.1.1 RDAWEP participated in a consultative visit with Senator

Alex Gallacher, while on his regional rounds, hosted by

the District Council of Elliston.

General discussion and an overview of foundation

infrastructure for tourism was provided and very favorably

received by Senator Gallacher.

Senator Gallacher as quoted in the West Coast Sentinel:

“The best growth areas in Eyre Peninsula are going to

be in mining, exploration of drilling offshore, the

continuation of fishing, and one of the sleepers is

tourism,” he said.

“You have an airport at Ceduna, an airport at Port

Lincoln, there’s beautiful coastline and somebody has

to market that so people take in Smoky Bay, Sheringa,

Coffin Bay – even people in Adelaide don’t know about

these places.

“This part of the world is unsold in our own backyard

and it is an area of potential.”

2.1.1 Thevenard Dredging - RDAWEP met with Flinders Ports

in Adelaide to present the case for dredging of

Thevenard Port. All historical documents were brought

to the table and discussed, particularly current costs

with Port Adelaide dredging and how operations there

would apply to Thevenard Port.

Cost benefit ratios were formulated and after extensive work

shopping, a new approach was formulated.

A new approach to the dredging is being costed along

with modelling for a year’s shipping.

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2.1.3 RDAWEP met with farmers and businesses to continue

work on the potential shipping of export grain from the

proposed Cape Hardy multi user port.

Following the initial meet and greet, the group travelled to

the proposed port site to inspect maps, walk the site and get

a first-hand feel of where infrastructure may be built to be

able to competitively export grain. Following the site tour a

formal meeting was held in adjacent Port Neil to map out a

strategic approach for the next 6 months.

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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

2.1.1 RDAWEP engaged Parsons Brinckerhoff (PB) in 2007

to conduct a Geotechnical Investigation for

Thevenard Channel Dredging. The program

consisted of bathymetric, side scan sonar, seismic

reflection, seismic refraction and soft sediment

investigations. The study provided preliminary

information on the expected composition of

seafloor materials, in particular, 'hard rock'

materials, within the proposed channel so that

dredging budget estimates could be more

accurately assessed.

The study was not commissioned to provide information for

tendering purposes for which additional extensive geotechnical

investigations including extensive marine drilling programs

would be required.

To increase the channel depth to 10.7 mCD the difficult

dredging scenario would likely require a trailing suction hopper

dredger (TSHD) for 80% of the dredging, a cutter suction dredge

(CSD) for 18% and drill/blast/backhoe (D&B) for 2%.

One of the consortiums RDAWEP have been talking with have

suggested that a backhoe could take the place of a CSD for this


RDAWEP will meet with the port owner, Flinders Ports,

to discuss it’s appetite for assisting in the further

investigation required by dredging consortia to enable

an accurate tendering process, and for future

investment in Thevenard Port and associated channel

dredging, as investment by Flinders Ports will be key in

securing funding for channel dredging.

2.1.8 RDAWEP participated in a Gig City planning meeting

with UniSA, DSD, AARNet Whyalla and Mount Gambier

councils. The project proposes to extend the existing

optic fibre network around Whyalla, initially to enable

access to very high speed broadband by schools and

government agencies with possible extension to

businesses via a commercial service provider.

A component of the project would be the establishment of an

innovation hub at UniSA to provide a range of business incubator

type services to early stage businesses in Whyalla.

2.1.8 The High Speed Broadband project is progressing.

Multiple discussions and emails with Vocus

Communications, UniSA, Whyalla Council, DSD and

AARNet to determine where the Gig City proposal

may fit with Vocus plans and infrastructure. This is

important as Vocus own and operate much of the

existing fibre network and other IT infrastructure in

Whyalla. Vocus’s main focus is large

corporate/commercial customers.

Locations and budgets for high speed connections around the

city are under development.

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2.1.1 The District Council of Tumby Bay will be heavily

impacted by the proposed port at Cape Hardy.

RDAWEP met again with Council to discuss and plan

for the scenario that the Port is approved and goes


If the Port is approved the District Council of Tumby

Bay will be well positioned to implement affected


2.1.1 Preliminary discussions took place with a

landholder, service provider and Greening Industries

SA on the future of waste management on the Eyre

Peninsula, particularly organics composting.

All parties have agreed to continue discussions and information


Potential for 2018 grant application for infrastructure


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2.1.1 Provided economic development insight into a waste

management facility research and development

proposal for privately held land in the region.

The client was able to make important State Government and

waste management industry connections.


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J U L Y (Cont.)

2.1.2 Travelled to Wudinna for DPTI planning reform

update meeting. All EP councils, EPLGA and RDAWEP

attended to listen and provide feedback to the

planning reform process.

2.1.8 A meeting was held on 24 July between RDAWEP and

the State Manager for Vocus Communications to

review progress and discuss solutions. At the

meeting it was agreed that RDAWEP would prepare a

project position paper as a base to address this issue

with the CEO of Vocus telecommunications.

Multiple meetings have been held with UniSA,

NextGen and Vocus Communications who own and

operate IT infrastructure in Whyalla. These

organisations have sited cost, contractual and

technical impediments. Although communications

have been positive and ongoing, specific

impediments and/or solutions have not been

communicated to RDAWEP.

This project has been identified as a priority for the

Heavy Industry Cluster as a means to increase access

to manufacturing/heavy industry projects which

increasingly rely on data rich IT systems. A regular

meeting has been facilitated with representatives

from industry, Whyalla Council, UniSA and Whyalla

Chamber of Commerce to progress the concept of

commercial access to AARNet in Whyalla. A survey of

businesses was undertaken and reviewed.

August update:

A position paper was prepared and sent to Vocus

Communications CEO, State Manager and technical

team. Vocus have a solution which could connect

business customers promptly however funding is

required for additional infrastructure. Some

contractual issues also need to be resolved with

AARNet and the relationship to the State

Government’s Gig City project in Whyalla also needs


Summary of issues: Slow and unreliable internet access has been

discussed at multiple forums with improvement identified as a

high priority by industry in Whyalla. RDAWEP has worked with

UniSA to convene and facilitate a working group of industry

stakeholders to progress this issue.

RDAWEP has been led to believe an opportunity exists for

business and industry to connect to the AARNet high-speed fibre

that was connected to Whyalla in 2015. Infrastructure is now

owned and operated by a commercial internet service provider.

If successful, this initiative will offer Whyalla a unique

opportunity to service major mining, Defence industry, energy

and education projects which increasingly rely on fast, reliable


NBN is currently available in some parts of the city. Providers are

promoting plans with a minimum of 5 up to a maximum of 25

Mbps download speeds.

NBN is a fibre to the node network. It is not technically possible

to achieve performance similar to that of fibre to end user


As reported in many parts of Australia it is questionable if service

providers are delivering or will deliver the speeds promised.

Recently connected NBN users in Whyalla often report slow and

variable performance. UniSA, Whyalla campus report a 10Gbps

service both down and upload.

Heavy industry businesses in Whyalla have identified connection

to high speed broadband as a high priority. These are typically

medium and large businesses with a need for premium quality

communications to coordinate national and global operations.

Multiple discussions and emails with Vocus


During February 2017 Vocus met with 5 businesses in

Whyalla to discuss connections. Vocus advised that

meetings were positive. However, the company had run

into some unforeseen technical problems and have been

working to resolve them. More recent communications

outlined that they were close to a solution. This has not

been forthcoming.

The State Government have allocated budget funds to

develop a Gig City concept in Whyalla (similar to the

northern suburbs of Adelaide where businesses have

access to fibre to fibre Very High speed connections).

There is a need to clearly identify technical and

commercial impediments and solutions to connecting

Whyalla businesses to reliable high speed broadband,

including what plans are under consideration to the Gig

City concept in Whyalla and who would manage a Gig

City project. Communications are ongoing.

Despite sustained approaches to commercial service

providers and State Government, the AARNet system is

unable to be accessed or utilised by commercial


It is not clear what the impediments are or how they

could be overcome.

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2.2 Business Diversity

Strengthen, foster and promote business diversity and productivity.


2.2.1 Pursue solutions to improve industry and business innovation, skills development and viability.

2.2.2 Work with Councils to introduce new businesses and product diversity and reduce economic dependence on traditional key industries.

2.2.3 Support business, community and environmental value-adding initiatives.

2.2.4 Pursue niche market trade opportunities with business and industry sectors.

2.2.5 Facilitate and promote shared procurement initiatives to reduce recurrent operational costs and enhance competitiveness.

2.2.6 Strengthen whole-of-region branding to promote the region’s diversity and unique characteristics.

Objective Pursue greater diversity to enhance and promote the region’s comparative advantages, provide resilience to global price impacts, and minimise the

challenges of climate change. This should include activities to strengthen the viability of existing industries – such as agriculture and manufacturing –

and the development of new enterprises to showcase distinctive regional attributes – such as niche grain products; Aboriginal businesses; land and sea

nature-based tourism initiatives; premium seafood and wines; and quality mineral resources.

Rationale The regional economy is extremely diverse, with numerous industries contributing to employment, exports and GRP.

Background/Ongoing Activities The EP Brand Marketing Plan was completed in 2015/16 and an annual budget allocated for implementation.

A capability mapping exercise is ongoing for a range of heavy industry businesses with operations in and around the Whyalla area. A process has been

developed to capture detailed information about the capabilities of heavy industry businesses and their supply chains.

RDAWEP engages in regular communication and monthly meetings with Whyalla Chamber of Commerce to promote collaboration on projects and


A collaborative project proposal is being developed with RESA to establish a regional Defence industry innovation and training hub. Communication and

project development is ongoing.

The Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula Heavy Industry Cluster project was initiated and established by RDAWEP in mid-2015. Focus areas for the project are:

- To support growth and sustainability of heavy industry and supply chain businesses, in particular Department of Defence projects with access,

accreditation and potential collective bidding.

- Training and workforce development including trade skill sets

- Connecting Whyalla to AARNet Ultra High speed internet (see 3.2).

The group consists of a core leadership group of nine Chief Executive Officers of major regional heavy industry businesses along with participation

from Whyalla Council, RDAWEP and DSD. The Cluster is chaired by Mr Theuns Victor, General Manager of Liberty OneSteel Whyalla Steelworks. A rolling

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three month action plan is in place and regularly updated. There is regular and ongoing engagement with a further 52 largely Whyalla based supply

chain companies.

A subgroup of the Heavy Industry Cluster has been established to investigate formal collaboration and collective bidding, to determine if/how this issue

can be progressed, and the next steps.

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2.2.2 A meeting was held with several RDAWEP staff and the

newly appointed Wudinna District Council Community

and Economic Development Manager to gain an

overview of the role and the projects being pursued

by Council.

The implications for Wudinna from pending

commencement of Iron Road Limited’s Central Eyre Iron

Project (CEIP) was the main topic of discussion. The

proposal to construct a new Civic and Administrative

complex to enhance capacity to manage the CEIP was

identified as an opportunity to provide Wudinna with a

stronger regional role as a meeting and planning venue.

Future progress is subject to Iron Road securing

finance for the CEIP infrastructure. It is anticipated

that the financial outcomes will be known by mid-


2.2.1 RDAWEP developed and delivered an Expression of

Interest process Austrade with regards to an inbound

Singapore buyer trade delegation in March 2018.

Seven businesses submitted an EOI and itinerary

preparations are underway.

Industry reported that the approach was professional

and equitable, and they looked forward to future

initiatives that RDAWEP may facilitate.

2.2.1 RDAWEP facilitated a Business Mission workshop on

behalf of DSD Austrade.

Five businesses attended. Industry reported that the approach was professional

and informative, and they looked forward to future

initiatives that RDAWEP may facilitate.

2.2.1 Met with a passenger transport business to assist in

setting up social media and teaching how to use it.

Also updated their Google business listing.

Provided support to utilise online/social media tools to

promote the business.

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2.2.1 RDAWEP convened a meeting of the Heavy Industry

Cluster. Formal letters of invitation to join the Cluster

leadership group were prepared and sent to Oz

Minerals and BHPB.

Key agenda items included:

Progress on 3 Focus areas

Cultana/St Hilliers tender process

Multi-Trade project, outcomes and next steps

The Whyalla Innovation Hub proposal.

2.2.1 Heavy Industry Cluster priority 2 - Defence and

Defence Industry: A meeting was held with E&A Ltd

Executive Chair re membership, initial meeting and

potential actions.

Membership is confirmed with an initial meeting of the

group scheduled for 23 January.

2.2.1 Heavy Industry Cluster priority 3 - A cost effective

capable supply chain: Mr Peter Rostig, Manager

Engineering, Liberty OneSteel has agreed to lead this


An initial meeting to finalise membership, timeframes,

potential actions etc is scheduled for 4 January.

2.2.1 An enquiry was received from a Victorian based

business about the potential to undertake regional

trials of a soil conditioning product they have

developed. Trials would involve collaboration with


Information was provided about regional contacts.

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D E C E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 Ongoing business support was provided to the

company investigating establishing a facility in the

space and Defence sector.

Liaising with potential property owners

Providing other information and assistance with site

layout plans.

Site visits have been organised for late January.

2.2.1 Ongoing support was provided to an Agribusiness


RDAWEP liaised with Food SA and supported an application

for the Agribusiness Growth Program.

The application was successful.

2.2.1 The Eyre Peninsula Agriculture Advisory Group

(EPAAG) provided a written report to inform the

RDAWEP Board about issues affecting agriculture

across Eyre Peninsula. EPAAG was setup and funded


Issues raised by the EPAAG included:

Update on grain harvest and recent rain events.

Higher Mass Limits (HML) on roads across Eyre Peninsula


Mobile phone and landline connections are still patchy.

GM Canola ban in South Australia and lack of


Low level radioactive waste repository at Kimba – a

supplemental report detailed a fact finding mission to

NSW and ACT.

The comprehensive report was presented to the

RDAWEP Board at its meeting. The report was well

received and generated useful discussion and


2.2.1 The Port Lincoln Golf Club Incorporated (PLGC) is a

not for profit community organization. The PLGC is

run by volunteers, with 2 full time staff, casual staff,

contract staff, work for the dole participants and

disabled workers. The Management Committee has

now identified a need to expand its facilities and to

reach out to a wider community group to enable the

full social and economic benefits of the regional

facility to be achieved.

RDAWEP supports the project and provided a letter of

support for part funding of the project.

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2.2.2 A request was received from DC Lower Eyre Peninsula

on 30 November for an updated economic profile to

support a BBRF grant application to upgrade runway

lighting at the Port Lincoln Airport. An RDAWEP letter

of support for the project was also requested.

It is possible to meet both requests as preliminary work on

an updated economic profile for the southern Eyre

Peninsula was undertaken as part of preparing a new

profile for Tumby Bay.

The documents will be prepared in early December.

2.2.2 2015-16 EconSearch data were used to prepare new

economic profiles for Streaky Bay and Tumby Bay.

The preparation of these profiles was brought forward

to provide an evidence-base to support project

proposals in both Council areas that are seeking grant

funding from Round 2 of the BBRF. The closing date

for these submissions is 19 December 2017.

A review of 2016 Census data was also brought forward to

ensure that the profiles included the latest available

demographic data.

A new demographic profile for Streaky Bay was prepared

to support the grant application. The draft was issued to

Council for discussion at a meeting scheduled for early


2.2.1 An enquiry was received from a small business

startup. Provided preliminary advice and discussed

business planning and market research information.

The business was referred to an RDAWEP Business Advisor

for a follow up meeting.

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N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 An enquiry was received from a regional business

considering export of services. Provided information

and facilitated an introduction to the

AusTrade/TradeStart business advisor.

A range of state and federal export assistance programs

could apply to the company.

The AusTrade/TradeStart business advisor followed

up with the company directly.

2.2.1 A meeting was held with the SA Minister for Defence.

Primary discussion points included:

A program for better engagement between Defence

industry and potential Defence industry supply chain

businesses from the USG.

Proposal and funding to establish a USG based

Defence industry supply chain hub.

Funding for infrastructure to support Defence

industry manufacture in Whyalla.

Utilisation of Whyalla’s educational and training

facilities to accelerate workforce skilling for the

Defence industry.

Commercial opportunity for secure, green recycling

ships and other Defence assets at Whyalla.

The meeting included the CEO of Defence SA, Whyalla

Chamber of Commerce, Whyalla Council and RDAWEP.

Gained in principle support, to assist engagement

between the Defence industry and potential Defence

industry supply chain businesses from the USG.

2.2.1 Participated in the Cultana Environmental Advisory

Committee meeting.

RDAWEP is a member of this group convened by the

Department of Defence. The group meets biannually to

discuss a range of issues associated with the Cultana

training area.

The agenda included updates on the Cultana

expansion project infrastructure development;

Defence training; fire, pest, plant and vermin control

works; environmental management plan and system;

and the Cultana Pumped Hydro Project.

2.2.1 Multiple meetings and communications were

convened with DSD staff to progress actions from the

Heavy Industry Cluster.

2.2.1 Heavy Industry Cluster priority 1 - Diversification:

To reduce reliance of the local economy on a small

number of large businesses. A meeting was held with

the Mayor and CEO of Whyalla Council to review and

discuss this priority and the establishment of a

diversification sub-committee.

Diversification of Whyalla’s economy has been identified as

a key council priority. Whyalla Council is establishing and

will manage a committee to address this issue. RDAWEP

will be involved with this group and Council will report on

progress at Heavy Industry Cluster meetings.

2.2.1 Heavy Industry Cluster priority 2 - Defence and

Defence industry: Increase awareness and access to

opportunities in Defence and the Defence industry in

Whyalla. To be led by Ottoway Fabrication.

An initial meeting with the Chair of E&A Ltd is scheduled

for early December.

2.2.1 Heavy Industry Cluster priority 3: A cost effective

capable supply chain. To ensure a cost effective and

highly capable local supply chain. Met with GM

Whyalla steelworks to discuss this priority and the

establishment of a diversification sub-committee.

A manager from Liberty OneSteel would be allocated to

collaborate and lead this project. The initial focus of the

group will be on the development of a shutdown calendar

which could identify timing and resource requirements of

mining and resource processing businesses operating in

the region.

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N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 RDAEP met with Oz Minerals Community Liaison

Advisor to discuss: demobilisation of open pit mining

operations and transition to a dedicated underground

mining operation; implications for the local workforce;

and Carrapateena project development and Oz

Minerals participation in the Heavy Industry Cluster.

Impacts of change from open pit mining are expected to

have a relatively minor impact on the Whyalla workforce and


Information about the Heavy Industry Cluster project

was provided. A formal invitation to join the Heavy

Industry cluster to be sent for consideration. An

appropriate contact was provided by Oz Minerals.

2.2.1 Upper Spencer Gulf (USG) companies engagement

and visits to Defence industry suppliers and

Techport. RDAWEP is developing a proposal to bring a

group of regional businesses to Adelaide/Techport to

meet with T1, T2 and Defence industry supply chain

businesses. The aim of the visit is to:

Meet with prime and sub-prime Defence supply chain


Better understand the specific requirements of

potential Defence/Defence industry customers.

Make connections/network with other Defence supply

chain businesses who could be potential future


Communication with Defence SA, Defence Teaming

Centre and USG Cities to develop the visit program.

A proposed list of companies to include in the visit: ASC,

SAAB, BAE Systems, Codan, Navantia, Babcock Raytheon,

Lendlease, Naval Group and Lockheed Martin plus a site

visit to the Techport/ANI construction. There is potential

to also include Defence supplier Broadspectrum and CDIC

It is likely to be best run over two consecutive days,

potentially with an evening networking event with other

Adelaide based supply chain companies.

The visit is planned for early February, to coincide with a

visit to SA by shipbuilder Fincantieri and a group of their

supply chain businesses.

7 Whyalla businesses have expressed interest in


Awaiting confirmation of several other USG


December Update: The visit is being scheduled over

2 days, for February 12 and13.

2.2.1 A request was received from a company for assistance

in establishing a facility on the Lower Eyre Peninsula

in the space and Defence sector.

RDAWEP provided assistance in:

Identifying suitable locations

Identifying existing land use, environmental value and


Other information and assistance as required.

RDAWEP will be facilitating a site visit in Jan 2018 to

further explore opportunities.

2.2.1 A request was received from an agribusiness in

northern Eyre Peninsula for assistance in the

development of a feasibility study to diversify and

expand the business.

A list of suitable consultants was provided as well as

information on the Agribusiness Growth Program through

FoodSA, with a recommendation that RDAWEP assist the

business to secure a place in this program.

Discussions are ongoing and will be finalised in Dec


2.2.4 RDAWEP is working to explore market opportunities in


RDAWEP is in the process of negotiating a visit to southern

Eyre Peninsula from a government delegation from Ambon

City. RDAWEP has developed a draft itinerary that will

showcase a number of our key economic sectors.

Negotiations are ongoing and will be finalised in

early 2018.

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2.2.2 2x meetings with Whyalla Council senior management

to discuss a range of issues including activity plans

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O C T O B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 RDAWEP promoted and participated in an information

session launching BHP Billiton’s local buying program.

Local businesses with less than 20 FTE and a significant

local presence in the Upper Spencer Gulf (USG) can register

to participate in the program. Once registered, the

program provides a point of access to BHPB’s supply chain

for local SME businesses. The program provides

opportunity for SME businesses to undertake a wide range

of work on smaller work packages.

Three Whyalla sessions were well attended indicating

strong local interest.

2.2.1 RDAWEP sponsored and attended the Whyalla

Chamber of Commerce and Industry Awards dinner.

RDAWEP sponsors the New Business of the Year award. RDAWEP was promoted positively as a sponsor of the


2.2.1 A discussion of a proposal was held with a small

business start-up. Preliminary business information

was provided and the business was referred to a

RDAWEP business advisor for a follow up meeting.

A meeting with a RDAWEP business advisor was scheduled.

2.2.1 RDAWEP facilitated an introduction and meeting for

the new AusTrade/TradeStart business advisor with

the Whyalla Chamber of Commerce and Industry


Increased awareness of export programs and support for

exporters and potential exporters from State and Federal

programs and the AusTrade global network.

An additional meeting was arranged by WCCI and a

member company who has recently commenced


2.2.1 Multiple meetings were held with Whyalla Chamber of

Commerce and Whyalla Council to prepare for a

meeting with the SA Defence Minister, Martin

Hamilton-Smith. Prepared discussion points with key

messages and prepared and collated an information

package. A site visit was arranged to Techport and a

briefing on the build project with the facility manager

in regard to project requirements.

There is strong and positive collaboration on a range of

projects and initiatives.

The meeting with the Minister and Techport visit is

scheduled for 01 November.

2.2.1 RDAWEP convened a meeting of the Heavy Industry

Cluster. Agenda, minutes and meeting documents

were prepared and circulated.

Key agenda items included:

cluster review Draft report and recommendations

focus areas

sub committees


Resources/Regions SA

Jobs Path program

Multi-Trade project.

2.2.1 The Heavy Industry Cluster review report and

recommendations were approved by members of the

Heavy Industry Cluster at the meeting on 10 October.

Follow up meetings have been scheduled with three sub-

committee leads.

A copy of the report was provided to METS industry cluster

advisor, Ian Dover, for review and feedback.

2.2.1 Communications are ongoing with members of the

Training and Skills Commission in regard to

arrangements for the visit of their board to Whyalla.

Arrangements were made for a meeting with Cluster

members to discuss skills issues relating to heavy


Arrangements were made for Commission members to

visit a heavy industry manufacturer, including a briefing by

management of the Whyalla operations.

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O C T O B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 RDAWEP is developing a proposal to bring a group of

regional businesses to Adelaide/Techport to meet with

T1, T2 and Defence industry supply chain businesses.

The aim of the visit is to:

meet with prime and sub-prime Defence supply

chain companies

better understand the specific requirements of

potential Defence/Defence industry customers

make connections/network with other Defence

supply chain businesses who could be potential

future collaborators.

A proposed list of companies to include in the visit includes:

ASC, SAAB, BAE Systems, Codan, Navantia, Babcock

Raytheon, Lendlease, Naval Group and Lockheed Martin

plus a site visit to the Techport/ANI construction. There is

potential to also include Defence supplier Broadspectrum

and CDIC.

It is likely to be best run over two consecutive days,

potentially with an evening networking event with other

Adelaide based supply chain companies.

Planning is for early February to coincide with a visit to SA

by shipbuilder Fincantieri and a group of their supply chain


Communication with ICN and USG cities to develop a

program and organise a group of USG businesses to


5 Whyalla businesses have expressed interest in


Awaiting confirmation of other USG businesses.

2.2.1 A project steering committee has been convened to

review and monitor progress of the Multi-Trade

Training Program. Additional applications for funding

to support a student mentor and project manager for

this project were discussed in detail with the group and


None of the funding applications submitted to date have

been supported and multiple students have left the course.

Arranged work experience for two students at Ottoway

fabrication and Heavy mech.

DSD advised that there has been discussions with

TAFE. DSD management were aware of the project

and that a new application would have a much better

chance of support.

2.2.1 RESA have advised that the Mining Equipment

Technology and Services (METS) program start date

has been postponed until February.

2.2.2 A funding application was submitted to Regions SA

(RDIF) to assist with additional costs associated with

the establishment of the Wetlands Café in Whyalla.

The outcome of the application is to be advised in January.

2.2.3 RDAWEP assisted with business planning for three

potential businesses in Whyalla (a courier, a restaurant

and a marine venture).

Planning is in progress. The courier is doing further

research and is trialing his idea to see if it will work.

2.2.4 The program guidelines for the Export and Regional

Wine Support Package were downloaded and reviewed.

There was no need for RDAWEP to provide comment

on the guidelines as they were very robust and

unlikely to be changed.

An opportunity was identified for a southern EP

consortium to be formed to apply for funding to attract

international wine tourists to the region. A proposal was

sent to the RDAWEP CEO for consideration.

A wine industry discussion paper, originally

distributed to local producers in February 2017, was

updated to support the project proposal. The update

provided new information about infrastructure

development at Peter Teakle Wines and Lincoln


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O C T O B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 The 2


Eyre Peninsula Agriculture Advisory Group

(EPAAG) meeting was held in Wudinna. 19 agriculture

professionals attended to provide RDAWEP with up-to-

date information and advice regarding the agriculture

industry across Eyre Peninsula (EP).

Issues raised by the EPAAG included:

Speed limit reduction on the Cleve to Kimba road with

no community consultation

Higher Mass Limits (HML) on roads across Eyre Peninsula

being inconsistent

Variable quality of roads across EP

National Heavy Vehicle Register and zone for EP

Service SA difficulties with registration of farm


Reduction to Grains Research & Development (GRDC)


Seasonal condition effect on agriculture

Lucky Bay Port Facility presentation update

Mining Act Review update

Mice and other pests.

A comprehensive report was presented to the

RDAWEP Board at its meeting. The report was well

received and generated useful discussion and


2.2.1 Assistance was provided to 3x start-up small

businesses in the form of business planning, cash flow

modelling and general mentoring.

2 of these businesses have now commenced


2.2.1 Business advice was supplied to 2x currently

operational small businesses.

Unfortunately one of these businesses has now



Provided marketing/promotional material to be

utilised onboard Calypso Star Charters to showcase EP

and its seafood to guests.

The following films were supplied:

Spencer Gulf and West Coast Prawns

Natural Oysters

Clean Seas Hiramasa Kingfish

Boston Bay Mussels

EP Seafood Frontier

Calypso Star Charters is an Advanced Eco Certified,

Award winning shark cage dive operator.


Provided marketing/promotional material to be

utilised in Tackle World Port Lincoln Imparja television


Provided Eyre Peninsula and fishing footage and Eyre

Peninsula brand logo to be included. Imparja’s broadcast area is over 3.6million square

kilometers, spanning six states and territories with

an estimated over one million resident viewers.


Assisted Jamshop advertising agency with

marketing/promotional material and ideas for a Motor

Accident Commission of South Australia (MAC)

outdoor fatigue campaign they will be running in

coming months.

Provided sculptures at Ellison images for their

consideration. Discussed using an image of the Kimba

silos rather than the request of a Big Galah image.

Provided Robert Lang’s contact details to source Kimba

silos image.

Images are to be used on the nearest MAC billboard

to that town to encourage drivers to stop and take a

break while driving as well as to provide incentive to

stop in small towns.

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2.2.4 The Australian Government and Wine Australia invited

RDAWEP to comment about the draft program

guidelines for a new Export and Regional Wine Support

Package. RDAWEP issued the correspondence to the 5

wine producers on southern Eyre Peninsula to get

advice from an industry perspective.

RDAWEP plans to review the guidelines and include

comment received from the local wine industry.

Comments about the draft guidelines need to be

submitted to Wine Australia by 18 October.

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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.4 Kazuyoshi Matsunaga is the Consul-General of Japan

in Melbourne and was recently visiting Port Lincoln.

The Consulate-General of Japan in Melbourne has

jurisdiction over Victoria, South Australia and

Tasmania, and is committed to promoting

cooperation, understanding, and the enhancement of

government, business and cultural relations with

Japan. RDAWEP met with the Consul-General to

promote the Eyre Peninsula and all it has to offer.

Subsequently, the Consul-General invited RDAWEP to

the Adelaide premiere of the 2017 Japanese Film

Festival Australia.

2.2.6 A meeting was held with new Peter Teakle Winery Chef,

Josh Harris, to overview the role of RDAWEP and to

provide Mr Harris with insight into our food and wine

product across the region.

A substantial list of producer contacts and marketing

product was passed over to Mr Harris, to assist him with

development of the new restaurant’s menu and market


The new restaurant is seeking to have an exclusive

Eyre Peninsula sourced menu.

2.2.6 Collaborated with DSD on holding a Luxury and

Functional Future of Food trade event in Port Lincoln

and surrounds, including a full day Famil for five trade


The event was attended by 28 food and beverage producers

from around the region and was one of the more successful

events that DSD has been involved with around South


The five South East Asian trade delegates are now in

direct contact with a number of the event attendees to

investigate and develop new export arrangements.

Knowledge was gained on the latest thinking,

government support and the future of the functional

and luxury food and beverage industry.

2.2.2 3x meetings with Whyalla Council senior management

to discuss a range of issues including activity plans.

2.2.1 Scheduled monthly meeting with Whyalla Chamber of


A range of issues were considered including a meeting with

SA Minister for Defence, Martin Hamilton Smith and

potential discussion points.

2.2.1 Fielded an enquiry and provided advice, information

and contacts to a SME business looking to grow their

business and access mining projects.

2.2.1 Interviews were completed with heavy industry

businesses as part of the Heavy Industry Cluster

review process. Collating, analyzing and reporting on

outcomes was commenced.

The final report was completed in preparation for

review and discussion at the Heavy Industry meeting

scheduled for 10 October. This will determine the

future and future direction for the Heavy Industry

Cluster project.

This review of the Heavy Industry Cluster was prompted by

changes in the business environment, a need to ensure

relevance and that tangible outcomes can be achieved.

Recent announcements about major projects in mining,

steelmaking, Defence industry and renewable energy

indicate a resurgence in heavy industry and a very welcome

turnaround from the past three years which featured

sustained low commodity prices, regional mining and

manufacturing infrastructure construction at a virtual

standstill. Multiple, substantial and long term heavy

industry projects currently in a planning phase across the

state represent substantial commercial opportunities with

potential to yield significant regional economic benefits.

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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.1 Meeting and communication with members of the

Industry Skills commission in regard to arrangements

for a visit to the region.

Provided an overview of projects in the region and

impending shortage of trade skills. The multi-trades

project with TAFE and lack of support from JFEP to

assist this type of project was also discussed.

Suggested a meeting with the Heavy Industry Cluster

and site visit to Whyalla manufacturing business.

Facilitated arrangements for a meeting with Cluster

members to discuss skills issues directly while in the region.

The proposed site visit is being arranged.

2.2.1 Attended the Defence Teaming Centre annual awards

dinner with a delegation from the Upper Spencer Gulf

cities. The event included presentations by the Minister

for Defence, Minister for Defence Industry and Chief of

the Defence Force. Most T1 and T2 Defence suppliers


Ongoing communication and discussions with ICN and

shipbuilder Navantia senior management.

Regular and ongoing engagement with the Department of

Defence and Defence Industry is important to build linkages

that are ultimately able to translate into working

relationships and opportunities for regional business in this


A proposal to bring a group of regional businesses to

Adelaide/Techport to meet with T1, T2 and Defence

Industry supply chain businesses is being developed

as a consequence of these communications.

2.2.1 Information was prepared and circulated to local

businesses about registration and attendance at

Pacific 2017, the international Defence Industry


Circulated information about St Hilliers in call for

Expressions of Interest from subcontractors and

suppliers for a broad range of goods and services for

the Cultana Training Area development project. All

could be supplied locally.

The conference provides an opportunity to meet and

promote T1 and T2 Defence Industry companies.

2.2.3 RDAWEP met with Momentum Design and the

owner/developer of a local publication to discuss

funding opportunities and assistance RDAWEP may be

able to offer such as marketing and promotion of the


RDAWEP has asked for a budget break down, including

revenue predications, prior to contemplating merit for



Provided marketing/promotional material to be

utilised at the 2017 Ceduna Oysterfest on September

29 – October 1.

The following were supplied:

The Seafood of the Eyre Peninsula booklet

Eyre Peninsula Culinary Adventure Guide booklet

Nullarbor Map

Eyre Peninsula banners

Whyalla, Port Lincoln, Cleve, Elliston, Franklin Harbour,

Lower EP and Wudinna tourism promotional films.

Oysterfest is one of Eyre Peninsula’s premier events,

celebrating local seafood, including Far West Coast



Met with Diana Williams (Peter Teakle Wines) to

introduce new chef Josh Harris, discuss RDAWEP’s

core business and to provide producer contacts on

Eyre Peninsula.

Eyre Peninsula’s producer network database was shared


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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

2.2.2 Whyalla Council’s Planning Manager has advised that

the tourism and hospitality venture will need to treat

the waste water as trade waste, will need additional

plumbing, and have the infrastructure designed. This

will add considerable cost to the venture.

An application is being conserved to the RDIF. .

2.2.3 RDAWEP has provided planning support for operations

for three businesses in Whyalla and connected them

to the Eyre Peninsula New Enterprise Incentive


One of the businesses is being nominated for a

business award.

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2.2.4 Singapore High Commissioner His Excellency, Mr

Kwok Fook Seng, was greeted in Port Lincoln to

discuss Eyre Peninsula trade opportunities. Mr Kwok

joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in February 1995

and last served as Ambassador and Chief Negotiator

for Climate Change (August 2014 to July 2016). Mr

Kwok was Singapore’s Permanent Representative to

the World Trade Organisation in Geneva (February

2011 to June 2014).

Discussions centered on Eyre Peninsula’s premium

seafood, grain, and food as well as energy solutions. The

event was coordinated by Primary Industries and Regions

SA that is an ongoing partner with RDAWEP.

Mr Kwok graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in

Communications Studies (Honours) from Murdoch

University, Western Australia in 1994 and a Master of

Public Management from the Lee Kuan Yew School of

Public Policy at the National University of Singapore in

2003. He was awarded the Public Administration Medal

(Bronze) in 2006 and the Public Administration Medal

(Silver) in 2008.

Positive relationships were built with the High

Commissioner and he thanked the RDA for insights

into the region.

2.2.1 The South Australian Oyster Growers Association

(SAOGA) seeks to ensure a sustainable oyster farming

industry in South Australia. RDAWEP was invited to the

annual conference and AGM in Coffin Bay.

The most important issue is the Pacific Oyster Mortality

Syndrome (POMS) which has seen oyster spat banned from

Tasmania and a rush across Eyre Peninsula to develop new

spat producing industries.

RDAWEP spent a lot of time with industry

stakeholders building relationships and a shared

understanding of all the issues facing the industry.

This will maximise the potential for success to secure

any future funding and development opportunities.

2.2.1 RDAWEP attended GROWING SA 2017, the inaugural

annual conference of South Australia’s grain and

livestock industries. It will be hosted by Grain

Producers SA and Livestock SA and is the first time

both organisations have partnered to host their yearly


The conference was an opportunity for primary producers

to hear the latest in policy developments, farm business

tips and commodity research while networking with each

other and industry service providers and policy decision-


2.2.1 RDAWEP Convened a meeting with Defence SA to

progress engagement of Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula

businesses with Department of Defence projects. In

particular the importance of participation with

Defence SA at Australia’s bi-annual Defence industry

conference, Pacific 2017. It is an international

conference and it is expected that most Defence

industry prime contractors and many global supply

chain businesses will attend.

Information about participation in Defence SA events costs

and benefits was circulated to the Heavy Industry and

Supply Chain Group with a request to express interest in


2.2.2 3x meetings with Whyalla Council senior management

to discuss a range of issues including activity plans.

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A U G U S T (Cont.)

2.2.2 The process to move the tourist activity and hospitality

venture in Whyalla forward, is now with the Whyalla

Council’s Planning Manager.

2.2.3 Connected the Eyre Peninsula New Enterprise Incentive

Scheme providers to three new start-up businesses.

The providers have made contact with one business

commencing and two needing to complete some minor

administration details prior to commencing the program.

2.2.6 Provided marketing/promotional material to be

distributed at the 13th

Global Maintenance Upper

Spencer Gulf (GMUSG) Conference and Trade Expo

held in Whyalla on August 22 – 24.

The following were supplied:

The Seafood of the Eyre Peninsula booklet

Eyre Peninsula Culinary Adventure Guide booklet

100 USBs containing:

- Overview of Whyalla Capabilities document,

- Whyalla tourism film, and

- Investing in Eyre Peninsula

The GMUSG is a resource industry and conference

and trade expo. South Australia’s gateway to

resources, energy, infrastructure and manufacturing.

2.2.2 RDAWEP supported the Whyalla Council trade display

and attended all associated functions at the GMUSG

Conference and Trade Expo in Whyalla on 23-24


The conference included announcements about major

projects in mining, steelmaking, Defence industry and

renewable energy, indicating a resurgence in heavy industry

across the state.

Upgrade and expansion plans of Liberty OneSteel, BHP

Billiton, and Oz Minerals represent regional commitments

of more than $2.5 Billion

It is expected that projects will commence their operational

phase within the next 1-4 years and will have an urgent need

for cost effective and highly capable supply chains.

Expansion of the Cultana Defence Training Area combined

with defence asset upgrade programs present new,

additional and substantial long term opportunities.

Information about RDAWEP projects, services and

support was requested and provided to many

commercial businesses with an interest in the region.

Additional follow ups about specific issues is in


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.2.2 Met with Whyalla City Council’s Group Manager for City

Development and Delivery to discuss potential tourist

and other commercial related activities.

The Development Manager continues to assist with the

tourist activity, and the hospitality venture being


The community consultation period regarding the

Café at Wetlands has expired. The Café Principal

advises that the cafe should be operational by the


2.2.4 The establishment of an oyster nursery on Eyre

Peninsula has been referred to Doug Adamson from

Austrade. Prospects for support are good.

Doug Adamson from Austrade will follow up directly with

the proponent.

2.2.1 Discussed the development of business plans with

three new businesses in Whyalla and upgrade of plans

for a fourth business. Two of the ventures will be

tourist related, one in manufacturing and one in retail.

Business plans have been developed. One of the ventures is

in discussions with the Whyalla City Council for use of a site.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

2.2.1 An Eyre Peninsula Agriculture Advisory Group meeting

was held in Wudinna. 16 people attended the meeting

to finalise the terms of reference and to hear

presentations by Chris Fitzgerald, Rural Financial

Counsellor and Robyn Packer, Rabo Bank regarding the

late start to the season due to dry conditions. Dion

Dorward provided an overview of the shutdown of

Thevenard Port due to structural issues of the

conveyor. Updates were also provided on transport

issues such as moving oversize machinery and night


The meeting was planned extensively beforehand and all

details taken care off.

Attendees said the meeting was worthwhile with

several action items going forward. A report has

been prepared for the RDAWEP Board update on

agriculture issues across the region.

2.2.1 RDAWEP convened meetings with DSD, Defence SA,

Regions SA and Industry Capability Network – South

Australia (ICNSA) to progress a wide range of economic

development issues including industry development,

supply chain development, promotion and access of

regional businesses to work on major projects, and

business diversification.

Engagement and communication continues, to progress

Defence industry engagement, Gig City/ High Speed

Internet access and USG economic development plans.

2.2.2 2x meetings with Whyalla Council senior management

to discuss a range of issues including activity plans.

2.2.4 Communications are ongoing with a Queensland based

company looking to relocate and expand their


Whyalla is one of several potential sites being assessed.

Relocation of the business to Whyalla would bring

substantial economic benefits including new jobs and


Communications with the company are ongoing and

indicate Whyalla is a serious contender.

2.2.1 A review of the Heavy Industry Cluster commenced with

members being asked their views about relevance,

future and direction of the group.

August update: Individual interviews were arranged and

convened with the 13 members of the Heavy Industry

Cluster Leadership Group members.

2.2.1 A formal proposal was lodged with Regions SA in late

July to seek co-funding ($74,400 per year for three

years) for physical and specialist human resources to

establish an Industry Supply Chain Hub servicing the

Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula region. The hub would be

established initially as a pilot project with potential to

extend across other industry sectors throughout

regional South Australia. The primary aim of the project

is to increase the sale and supply of goods and services

by Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula businesses to heavy

industry projects.

The project would be co-funded by RDAWEP, Whyalla

Council and potentially with contribution from


Currently waiting on a response from Regions SA.

August update: Additional information was

requested by Regions SA and provided during


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J U L Y (Cont.)

2.2.1 Communication with CDIC General Manager in regard

to regional Defence industry supply chains and follow

up on meetings earlier in the year.

Meeting and ongoing communications with the Project

Manager and Site Manager of St Hilliers who were

recently announced as the T1 contractor for

development of Phase 1 of the Department of

Defence’s Cultana Training Area. Provided a list of

contacts for Whyalla and EP businesses, discussed

supplier requirements, current gaps in their supply

chain, local procurement and referred a local company

contact for specific project work.

Currently waiting on confirmation of dates for a follow up

meeting to ensure ongoing engagement with provision of

CDIC services to multiple businesses in Whyalla and EP who

demonstrate potential to become a supplier to the Defence

industry supply chain.

2.2.1 Scheduled monthly meeting with Whyalla Chamber of

Commerce to discuss a range of issues including:

Cultana expansion and linking local business into

the project

Department of Defence asset recycling in Whyalla and

how this project could be progressed.

Knowledge and understanding of WCC/RDAWEP activity and

projects remains strong with positive collaboration on

projects and initiatives.

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2.3 Tourism

Facilitate sustainable development of the visitor economy.

[Lead – Brad Riddle]


2.3.1 Support local and regional partners implement tourism strategies, including the identification of areas for biodiversity protection, commercial

development, and visitor use.

2.3.2 Implement on-ground works to manage human impacts and enhance natural resources including fencing, signage, revegetation, erosion and pest

controls, and access track rationalisation.

2.3.3 Improve sustainable commercial and recreational use of tourism locations through the provision of visitor amenity infrastructure including camping

sites, toilet facilities and walking trails.

2.3.4 Raise awareness about the human impact on natural resources through education and interpretive signage.

2.3.5 Partner with the tourism industry, Local Government and DEWNR to facilitate the sustainable growth of tourism.

Objective To proactively manage the use and development of tourism locations to ensure they remain attractive and in excellent condition.

Commercial development of the coast and parks needs to be sensitive and balanced with conservation, to ensure that natural resources are sustained in

prime condition for future enjoyment by the community and visitors.

Rationale The tourism industry is substantially driven by the attraction of the coastline, sea and parks. The demand for nature-based experiences by tourists and

local people provides opportunities for commercial development, however increasing user pressure risks degrading the condition of natural resources.

DRAFT Proposal – Destination Eyre Peninsula Program Foundations for Success.

Background / Ongoing Activities A new SA Regional Visitor Strategy is currently being written. The new evidence based plan will assist the industry to grow jobs and investment based

upon an improved understanding of regional needs and shared prioritisation across government and industry.

A Local Government Tourism Advisory Group has been established to identify common priorities and maximise opportunity.

Regular regional tourism statistics are collated, interpreted and distributed.

Represent and advocate for regional South Australia and Eyre Peninsula as a board member of the South Australian Tourism Industry Council (SATIC).

Ensure the priorities of regional South Australia are reflected in SATIC’s plans and operations and that SATIC provides an effective platform for its

regional tourism members.

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Represent and advocate for Eyre Peninsula as a member of the South Australian Regional Tourism Network. Attend bi-monthly meetings representing

the Eyre Peninsula tourism industry, RDAWEP and EPLGA.

Represent and advocate for Eyre Peninsula tourism in the development of the DEWNR/SATC Nature Based Tourism Strategy. Opportunities have been

identified in Eyre Peninsula National Parks and crown lands.

Represent and advocate for Eyre Peninsula tourism with EPNRM.

Provide regular information to Local Government including active promotion of RDAWEP plans.

The Eyre Peninsula Brand Program marketing plan was developed and implemented in 2015-16 to provide strategic direction for tourism stakeholders.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.5 Funding was secured from Regions SA to deliver a

combined ‘Eyes on Eyre’ Wayfinding, Coastal Access and

Camping Options investigation with the development of a

coastal access framework app for use by Local

Government. The project commenced in December to be

completed by April 2018.

Auditing commenced and data collation, analysis and

reporting is underway.

2.3.5 An Eyes on Eyre media release was distributed. The Eyre Peninsula Tribune responded with an article and an

ABC interview with Deane Williams is scheduled.

Coverage was positive and encouraged

attendance at February’s information session.

Social media chatter was positive.

2.3.5 A new Cummins and District Tourism Committee and

website has been developed to share what Cummins has

to offer to the wider community following presentations

by RDAWEP at both Council and the Cummins Business


Influenced the community to take action and drive initiative. Website, social media and committee will soon be

up and running.

2.3.5 RDAWEP was approached by an accommodation provider

looking for assistance to undertake a significant


Hosted the SATC investment team in Port Lincoln looking at a

range of opportunities.

Ongoing support was provided with development approvals.

A Business Case is being developed.

A Business Case template has been provided.

2.3.5 RDAWEP is undertaking an expression of interest process

for a strategic tourism asset.

Met with Pare Design to develop an Information

Memorandum. Webpage development has been initiated.

RDAWEP provided assistance including

EOI agreement signed

Prospectus has been developed.

Marketing to begin in February.

2.3.5 RDAWEP hosted a Whyalla Tourism staff famil in Port

Lincoln to increase regional networks and linkages.

2.3.5 RDAWEP is supporting the SATC to deliver a Tasting

Australia managed event in Eyre Peninsula.

Logistical and event support was provided as required. The festival is to be launched from Coffin Bay in

February, with a managed event to take place in


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.5 Assistance and advice was provided to the District

Council of Cleve regarding the implementation of the

Cleve Accommodation Study.

RDAWEP project managed the development of a Cleve

Accommodation Study in 2016/17 to ascertain the feasibility

and cost benefit of establishing a range of accommodation

in the Cleve township.

Council have endorsed the study and its

recommendations and are looking at options for


RDAWEP is providing ongoing support.

Council Deputation in December.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

D E C E M B E R (Cont.)

2.3.5 RDAWEP provided ongoing support, advice and

assistance to the development of the South Australian

Regional Visitor Strategy (SARVS).

Enabling Infrastructure priority projects have been

submitted for inclusion.

The SARVS is expected to be completed by March


2.3.5 RDAWEP was approached by an accommodation provider

seeking assistance to undertake a significant


RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Design and development approvals

Grant funding.

A meeting has been scheduled with the SATC in

mid January.

2.3.5 RDAWEP provided advice and support to EP Cruises

regarding their proposed business relocation from

Streaky Bay to Ceduna.

RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Facilitating a meeting of businesses in Ceduna to link

product to saleable packages.

A market demand survey will be completed during


An oyster grower has been secured to partner

with the tours.

2.3.5 RDAWEP continued to assist a business seeking to

undertake an expression of interest process for the sale

of a significant regional tourism asset.

RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Formation of an EOI agreement and prospectus.

Both parties will sign the agreement and begin

work in January.

2.3.5 RDAWEP provided advice and support to Australian

Wildlife Adventures regarding their business aspirations.

RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Access to the China market (students)

Review of new tour itineraries

Advice and support in liaising with the SATC.

New product to be launched in Jan 2018.

2.3.5 SATC Emerging Product Program

RDAWEP has reviewed the initial listings and provided

advice on potential participants for 2018.

SATC will be undertaking three visits to Port

Lincoln, Ceduna and Whyalla (including

surrounding areas) to provide business support

to identified businesses.

2.3.5 The ServiceIQ: Smarter Business Workshops Program

has been designed to build industry capability,

productivity and quality in tourism businesses

throughout the State.

The Program is an initiative of the Premier of South

Australia and is being delivered by SATIC using funding

provided by the South Australian Tourism Commission,

Government of South Australia, and Commonwealth

Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure (TDDI) program.

RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Identifying regional priorities and partnering with SATIC to

deliver workshops in the region

Managing all local logistics and bookings

Promoting the workshops through local networks.

RDAWEP has secured 5 workshops to take place

between February and June, topics include:

Facebook Marketing for tourism businesses

Customer Journey Mapping

Understanding the China market.

2.3.5 RDAWEP provided assistance to Local Government


Deputation to Cleve Council on regional tourism

priorities and projects.

Provided advice and support to the PLCC and local

tourism operators with the development of a city

tourism strategy.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

D E C E M B E R (Cont.)


Cooperative video project for Local Government.

Marketing and Distribution plans for the Franklin Harbour

and Wudinna films are complete.

Franklin Harbour stats:

Youtube: 77 views

RDAWEP FB: 1 share, 369 video views, 9

reactions, 1 comment, 789 people reached.

EPASF FB: 72 shares, 4, 157 video views, 255

reactions, 43 comments, 11,533 people reached.

Wudinna stats:

Youtube: 1.3k views

RDAWEP FB: 7 shares, 924 views, 29 reactions, 1

comment, 1,768 people reached.

EPASF FB: 76 shares, 4,263 views, 291 reactions,

35 comments, 10,596 people reached. A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.5 RDAWEP provides ongoing support, advice and assistance

to the development of the South Australian Regional

Visitor Strategy (SARVS).

The development of the SARVS is being led by the eleven

tourism regions in conjunction with the SATC, SATIC,

RDASA and LGASA to identify key priorities to grow

regional tourism across South Australia.

Ongoing input has been provided for RDASA and RDAWEP


The Eyre Peninsula Regional Response Plan has been


Enabling Infrastructure projects are currently being


The SARVS is expected to be completed by March


2.3.5 RDAWEP’s Economic and Tourism Development Manager

attended the SA Regional Tourism Chair’s Forum (proxy

for the CEO).

The SA Regional Tourism Chair’s Forum occurs approx.

quarterly and consists of all eleven tourism regions and the


2.3.5 RDAWEP attended the SA Regional Tourism Manager’s


The SA Regional Tourism Manager’s Forum occurs approx.

quarterly and consists of all eleven tourism regions and the


2.3.1 Nature Based Tourism Strategy

Eighteen business-ready opportunities have been

released through an EOI process.

This package offers a range of accommodation, hospitality

and tour opportunities throughout the state.

Three opportunities from the Eyre Peninsula are included in

this package:

1. Donnington Point – Port Lincoln National Park

2. Eco-Lodge – Port Lincoln National Park

3. South Neptune Island Accommodation

More details can be found HERE

Stage One of the Expression of Interest process

closes on the 31st

Jan 2018.

2.3.5 RDAWEP was approached by an accommodation provider

looking for assistance to undertake a significant


RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Statistics and market demand data

Competitor analysis

Information and advice on being grant ready

Funding and investment opportunities.

The business is now undertaking the

development approval process.

2.3.5 RDAWEP provided advice and support to EP Cruises

regarding their proposed business relocation from

Streaky Bay to Ceduna.

RDAWEP provided assistance including:

Marketing and sales advice

Market demand data

Competitor analysis.

A meeting has been scheduled for mid Dec with

business leaders in Ceduna.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

2.3.5 RDAWEP was approached by a business seeking to

undertake an expression of interest process for the sale

of a significant regional tourism asset.

RDAWEP held initial discussions with the business. Both parties are exploring options to form an


2.3.5 RDAWEP is working with the SATC to identify and include

a number of regional tourism businesses in the Emerging

Product Program in 2018. This program will provide

significant subsidies and opportunities for a business to

engage with the international market.

RDAWEP has reviewed the initial listings and provided advice

on potential participants for 2018.

Participants will be finalised in early 2018.

2.3.5 RDAWEP attended the Whyalla Tourism Group Meeting. RDAWEP provided a brief introduction to our organisation

and a number of key tourism projects that are currently


The meeting provided an opportunity to build

relationships with several accommodation

providers in Whyalla. A number of follow up

meetings have been scheduled with individual


2.3.5 RDAWEP attended the South Australian Tourism Awards. There were seven finalists from the Eyre Peninsula.


2.3.5 RDAWEP was approached by the SATC and MasterChef to

secure additional funding required to bring the filming of

an SA episode to Port Lincoln. The SATC was seeking

$120k for this opportunity.

RDAWEP put a proposal to local seafood and tourism

industries to secure the funding required.

RDAWEP was unable to secure the investment

required therefore the episode will only be shot in

Adelaide and surrounds.

2.3.5 Let’s Go Caravan and Camping Show 2018

RDAWEP is facilitating a regional stand at the SA Let’s Go

Caravan and Camping Show in Feb 2018. RDAWEP is

partnering with Streaky Bay Promotions who want to

increase their presence at this year’s show.

An expression of interest has gone out to industry to assist

and be involved.

The show will take place in Feb 2018.



Deputations were delivered to the District Council of

Lower Eyre Peninsula, District Council of Tumby Bay,

District Council of Streaky Bay, District Council of Cleve,

and EPLGA Works and Engineering Committee. Also met

with the Cleve Tourism Association, City of Port Lincoln

CEO and Tourism Officer, Whyalla Tourism Focus Group,

City of Whyalla and District Council of Ceduna to secure

funding for the delivery of the Wayfinding (signage

audit), Coastal Access Strategy and Camping Options


Funding was secured from the majority of Eyre Peninsula

councils for delivery of the three projects.

With funding secured, projects will commence in

December 2017.

2.3.5 An RDAWEP representative judged the Port Lincoln

Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Business Excellence


The awards were a great success. Award winners and commendation recipients

received excellent promotion and recognition.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.1 Two quotations were received from consultants for an

Eyre Peninsula tourism signage audit and strategy


Quotations were presented to members of the Local

Government Tourism Advisory Group and one was selected.

RDAWEP commenced securing contributions from all eleven

Councils and Out of Areas region to deliver the project.

All members of the Local Government Tourism

Advisory Group agreed that the quotations were

of a high standard and that the project was

considered to be of the highest priority to build a

visitor economy foundation.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

O C T O B E R (Cont.)

2.3.1 The Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure

(DPTI) were approached for a financial contribution

towards the delivery of the Wayfinding (Signage) Audit

and Strategy.

DPTI declined to financially contribute to the project but did

provide access to their internal database of Tourism Approach

Signage for reference.

Access to DPTI’s internal database of Tourism

Approach signage is beneficial to the EP

Wayfinding Project.

2.3.5 South Aussie with Cosi SATC Production Assistant was

provided with new product information for film


New product includes: Coffin Bay National Park Yangie

Campground, Elliston’s coastal walking trail and Wirangu

reconciliation monument, Waldya Tours in Streaky Bay,

Whyalla Wetlands Café and Dolphin Treasure Hire also in


SATC have submitted the information to their

production planning team.

2.3.5 RDAWEP met with the SATC and Norwood Football Club to

discuss cross-promotional ideas for Eyre Peninsula.

The EP Seafood Frontier logo exposure/branding

opportunities were discussed, including Guernsey

placement, Norwood Oval signage and video promotion

during events quarter/half-time breaks. Discussed

involvement of EP Businesses in Parade Food and Wine


SATC will follow up.

2.3.5 Facilitated coverage of Camel Beach House, Goin Off

Safaris and Calypso Star Charters in Tiger Air Magazine.

The Splurge and Wild SA features were of a high standard

and were subsequently cross-promoted through all SATC

channels and RDAWEP channels.

Tiger Air has a readership of 40,000.


Collaborated with Georgina Rickard, Senior Editor, Storey

Nation on media for Tourism Australia (TA) featuring Eyre

Peninsula, to promote across TA channels.

Provided footage from the DCLEP tourism film along with

content information.

Content will be presented on Tourism Australia

channels in November.

November update: The film was promoted on

Tourism Australia’s Facebook page with almost 8

million page likes. Film stats: 4,063 shares, 515k

views, 25k reactions and 3.4k comments.

The film was also shared by South Australia which

has over 1 million page likes. Film stats: 120

shares, 27k views, 1k reactions and 206



The Kimba film, part of the Local Government

cooperative video project, was finalised.

Marketing and distribution plans are being compiled for

Kimba, Franklin Harbour and Wudinna.

November update:

Film stats:

YouTube: 49 views

RDAWEP FB: 132 shares, 8.3k views, 587

reactions, 81 comments, 25,647 people reached.

Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier FB: 48

shares, 3.9k views, 261 likes, 39 comments,

9,331 people reached.

A marketing campaign for the Franklin Harbour

and Wudinna films is scheduled for December.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.5 Coordinated with SATC to run television advertisements

promoting Ceduna Oysterfest.

Advertisements were placed during prime time television

shows (Adelaide Crows matches, The Block, Australian

Survivor, Seven News and The Project.)

2.3.5 Assisted with the preparation and volunteer promotion of

a Tourism Lounge to be established at the Ceduna


Display materials and social media channels were exploited

to advertise the event and need for community volunteer


Tourism Lounge was satisfactorily resourced and


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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

2.3.5 Conducted a regional accommodation audit assessment

on behalf of SATC to identify accommodation that:

Offers a visitor experience as part of the

accommodation (ie. farm stay, vineyard stay,


Requires renovation / refurbishment that will improve

existing offering

Looking at adding rooms or new build to the property

Looking for an investor

Seeking funding/grant should something become


SATC are now coordinating with ATDW listed

accommodation providers on Eyre Peninsula to perform a

more detailed survey in order to inform the Regional Visitor

Strategy Response Steering Committee.

A report with recommendations will be completed

by the end of October 2017.

2.3.5 Provided SA Life Magazine, The Advertiser and REX

Inflight magazine journalists with contacts, to develop

additional copy and media coverage to promote the

region capitalising on the Coffin Bay - A Day on the Bay


A comprehensive contact list and leads were provided. The Adelaide Advertiser ran a significant page

three article on Oysters on the Eyre Peninsula and

SA Life ran a 10 page spread in its SA Life Food

and Wine edition of its magazine. REX’s OutThere

Inflight Magazine also features Eyre Peninsula


2.3.5 Released a Request for Quotation to selected consultants

for an Eyre Peninsula Tourism Signage Audit and Strategy


All Councils excluding Whyalla agreed to participate in the

collective procurement initiative.

Quotations will be assessed and a determination

made in October.


Assistance was provided to Whyalla City Council with

tourism data.

Provided links from where RDAWEP accesses data:


Also provided detailed information on statistics in

relation to direct versus indirect tourism jobs.

Feedback received indicated the information provided was

excellent and will be most helpful.

2.3.5 Self-drive options along with EP marketing material were

provided to SEGRA to market to delegates who intend to

self-drive the EP.

This included:





Assistance was provided to SA Life Magazine to gather

story ideas and contacts for an EP feature article, in

particular Port Lincoln and Coffin Bay.

Provided a range of operators and businesses as well as

developments and events happening around the area.

Article to appear in Dec/Jan issue.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


2.3.5 Met with the Monitoring, Evaluation & Reporting Officer at

Natural Resources Eyre Peninsula to discuss the

development of kayak trails to increase community

participation in marine parks.

The Emerging Leaders Group responsible for the business

case development were provided with EP tourism statistics

and relevant intel on existing service providers.

A Business Case was developed and submitted to

the State Government.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

A U G U S T (Cont.)

2.3.1 Provided UWAI with Eyre Peninsula Seafood Frontier logos

and permission to utilise on and in UWAI app


Visitor information brochures were supplied and ordering

procedures explained. Signage and display furniture are now

being sought.

UWAI is an SATC supported information

technology approach to improve visitation from

China to South Australia.

2.3.1 Presented an overview of the Destination Eyre Peninsula

Program – Foundations for Success strategy to the Tumby

Bay District Community Consultative Group.

The Group requested to work more closely with the

implementation of the strategy.

RDAWEP was approached to work with the District

Council of Tumby Bay and their progress

association on a grant application.

2.3.1 Reviewed the Tourism Strategy Options Paper prepared

by Port Lincoln Chamber of Commerce.

RDAWEP was invited to present at the Port Lincoln Chamber

of Commerce Tourism Sub-Group meeting on August 7th


the Destination Eyre Peninsula – Foundations for Success


As a result of presentation, the sub-group is

looking to revise its strategy options with a view

to seeking increased tourism resourcing.

2.3.1 SATC launched an Eyre Peninsula Billboard Campaign in

Adelaide in August 2017 – there were six billboards

promoting champion tourism experiences across the


Increased visitation, awareness and bookings were recorded

across SATC Eyre Peninsula landing pages with bookings to

Camel Beach and Gawler Ranges proving the most popular.

Additional bookings were gained for key tourism


2.3.1 Facilitated an Eyre Peninsula feature spread in the SA Life

Food & Wine Magazine – Tasting the Regions of South

Australia edition.

Content for 10 pages was sourced. The Magazine is South Australia’s largest selling

lifestyle magazine.

2.3.1 Facilitated media contact and promotion of District

Council of Kimba’s Silo Art project.

SATC and SA Weekender began to promote on their social

media streams.

Over 122,000 followers with 1.5k video views and

climbing have been recorded.

2.3.1 Presented to the EPLGA CEO’s meeting on the status of

the Destination Eyre Peninsula Foundations for Success

strategy and overviewed a proposed regional signage

audit and strategic recommendations.

10 out of 11 Councils have collectively agreed to a regional

procurement approach for signage strategy and will support

a staged implementation program for the Destination EP


Further consultation to take place.


RDAWEP provided assistance to DCLEP with judging their

boundary signs competition. Members of the public

submitted entries in two categories, amateur and


RDAWEP evaluated submissions and provided feedback

based on criteria received from DCLEP.

2.3.1 An Eyre Peninsula Study Tour was developed with Dave

Doudle of Goin’ off Safaris for inclusion in the 2017

SEGRA post conference study tour options.

The study tour concept was provided to SEGRA to promote

and seek minimum numbers.

September update:

The Study Tour is not progressing due to

insufficient numbers.

2.3.1 Initiated discussions with HWR Media on distribution

options for the 2018 Eyre Peninsula Visitor Guide. The

South Australian Tourism Commission ceases regional

visitor guide distribution in June 2018.

A detailed distribution report of the EP visitor Guide for the

past 2 years was obtained from the South Australian

Tourism Commission and provided to HWR Media.

HWR can begin analysing future direction of the

guides and if/how the print run can be revised to

reduce the cost of distribution.

2.3.1 A dedicated fishing microsite was developed within

RDAWEP’s regional tourism website as part of

the successful RecFish Grant Application for the

development of a Fishing and Camping Guide to the Eyre


Assistance was sought from local councils to complete a

template listing species locations. Data was compiled into a

comprehensive fishing map of the region.

Information was provided to Momentum Design to integrate

into the website.

The development of the fishing microsite will

assist regional visitors in recreational fishing and

allow RDAWEP to promote appropriate fishing

events, locations and target species in a visual

and engaging manner for each of the 9 coastal

areas and crown lands.

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2.3.5 Facilitated a meeting of the Local Government Tourism

Advisory Group. Discussions included:

Main street or CBD free public WiFi.

An online ticket service provider presented on options

for event management.

Updates were provided on SATC’s WiFi Hotspot Project

which at this stage has one Eyre Peninsula location

under development (Ceduna).

Smart City and events management are strategic priorities

that were identified. Work has commenced to secure

professional advice to develop business cases and/or

funding applications for those Councils willing to progress

works in these areas.

Grant programs are now being actively sought by

those Councils wishing to progress FREE Public

WiFi Projects.

2.3.1 The Visitor Information Outlet at Tumby Bay ceased

operating. A meeting was held with a new site owner to

discuss set-up and delivery strategies.

Visitor information brochures were supplied and ordering

procedures explained. Signage and display furniture are now

being sought.

A new Visitor Information Outlet in Tumby Bay is

now operational.

2.3.1 RDAWEP has negotiated with SATC, DEWNR and local

tourism providers in Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula to

facilitate the filming for two Channel 10 lifestyle

programs – iFISHTV and What’s Up Down Under Caravan

and Camping Show (WUDU).

RDAWEP was successful in facilitating $7,000 of value in

sponsorship to permit the iFISHTV program to film one, 1

hour episode and three 30 minute segments.

RDAWEP provided a comprehensive DRAFT itinerary and

activity schedule for SATC to submit to producers of WUDU

who are proposing a 6 episode filming schedule on the Eyre


IFISHTV will be filming over 5 days in late August.

WUDU will be filming in October over 2.5 weeks.

Neither program would have committed to

filming if sponsorship had not been obtained.

2.3.1 Attended meeting with EPLGA and City of Port Lincoln to

discuss Council’s future strategic directions with


City of Port Lincoln outlined their sub-regional goals and

focus on developing sub-regional visitor information



2.3.3 Investigated lease agreement models for the Eyre Trails

group and Tumby Bay Progress Association for private

land invested in care and control of Council for the

purpose of trail developments.

District Council of Yorke Peninsula have provided model

lease agreements for the Eyre Peninsula to consider and

adapt. The lease agreements were developed between

Council and private landholders to ensure the Walk the

Yorke trail could proceed.

Tumby Bay Progress Association is nearing

construction development of a down-hill, return

trailer loop mountain bike trail.

2.3.1 Collaborated with SATC on an outdoor campaign for Eyre


The campaign was launched in Adelaide on 31 July 2017 to

run through to October 2017.


2.3.1 Facilitated the tourism component of the upcoming

SEGRA Conference.

Participated in a Local Planning Committee teleconference to

provide direction on the study tour component and overall

marketing contribution for SEGRA.

The Study Tour package was completed.

2.3.1 Commenced development of a regional approach to

securing greater participation in the Australian Tourism

Data Warehouse.

An initial approach has been made to TAFE to secure the

assistance of students in developing and delivering a

workshop/door knocking approach across Whyalla and the

Eyre Peninsula.


2.3.1 Attended meeting in Port Lincoln with tourism operators.

Mapped out approach going forward to improve relations

with Port Lincoln Council and achieve tourism goals.

Strategy discussed was implemented at follow up

meeting with Member for Grey and Assistant

Tourism, Trade and Investment Minister.

2.3.1 RDAWEP attended a tourism forum with Member for Grey

Rowan Ramsey and Assistant Tourism, Trade and

Investment Minister Keith Pitt at Boston Bay Wines. Eyre

Peninsula tour operators have highlighted that a regional

approach and better marketing of the region is what is

needed to bring more tourists to the area.

Member for Grey and the Assistant Tourism, Trade and

Investment Minister commented that they were pleased to

see the Port Lincoln tourism community had so many

passionate operators that are all focused on one common


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2.4 Water Resources

Manage and develop water resources to provide abundant quality supply for community and economic use.


2.4.1 Pursue water resources monitoring, planning and management via the Eyre Peninsula Water Taskforce.

2.4.2 Support investigations to assess the technical viability and economic feasibility of augmenting the Eyre Peninsula’s water supplies.

2.4.3 Liaise with government and private sector companies about water efficiency measures and alternative water supply solutions and technologies.

2.4.4 Identify strategic water supply locations to maximise economic, community and environmental benefits.

2.4.5 Pursue synergies by linking water supply solutions with regional energy planning strategies.

2.4.6 Partner with Local Government on urban stormwater and waste water planning implementation.

Objective To develop and manage water allocation plans to provide water supply security. Water allocation planning should exceed the demand thresholds

needed for survival, and aim to supply a sufficient quantity of water to catalyse economic development and population growth.

Rationale Water security is a key issue for the Eyre Peninsula due to limited supply from ground water basins and the River Murray.

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Eyre Peninsula Water Taskforce - The purpose of the

January meeting was to harvest strategic information

from RDAWEP representatives which might be relevant

input into the EP Water Strategy planning process. In

particular, RDAWEP’s insight into the changing EP

landscape re demographics, future types of industry,

town sizes/locations etc and what factors are driving

these changes.

RDAWEP again provided information and case studies to

demonstrate the cheap and abundant water was an

economic driver.


The rebooted Eyre Peninsula Water Taskforce had its

first meeting in Wudinna – a central location for the

Eyre Peninsula.

The meeting format reflected the RDAWEP

recommendation for an updated Terms of Reference to

reflect an ongoing economic link to water availability –

more than just the drought which influenced the start of

the Taskforce.

The rebooted meeting format was well received and

will continue to grow.

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Two meetings were organised in Adelaide with two

engineering companies that had completed storm water

and wastewater investigations in Port Lincoln and the

Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association. The goal

was to fully understand the work done so far and to

give the consultants a shared vision for Port Lincoln’s

future complete water resources.

RDAWEP facilitated the meetings and all outcomes were


Agreement was reached that a joint presentation

would be made to SA Water to better integrate storm

water harvesting into the reuse scheme, giving

greater water volumes available and to reduce the

rising salinity.


RDAWEP facilitated 2 engineering consulting companies

to meet with SAWater in Adelaide. The meeting was

very well attended with SAWater taking the time to send

numerous personal to cover off on all facets of the

complete water balance of Port Lincoln.

All historical, current and future issues were robustly

covered in the meeting.

SAWater thanked RDAWEP for organising the

meetings and agreement was reached for RDAWEP

and the SAWater business manager to lead a joint

approach to water issues for the region.

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RDAWEP participated in a consultative visit by

SAWater’s Trade Waste Network Manager to discuss

progress of the Port Lincoln Wastewater Network

Upgrade project, and to discuss using waste oil to

create energy in a cogeneration plant. Currently a large

amount of trade waste is separated on site and trucked

to Adelaide 650 kms away. To avoid transport costs

and create energy in Port Lincoln using waste is one of

RDAWEPs Circular Economy goals.

General discussion and reiteration of future potential for

stormwater capture, treatment and reuse in conjunction

with the management of wastewater discharge and

recycling. Also, strong discussion on the viability of SA

Water providing services to proposed and approved

mining and resource developments on Eyre Peninsula.

SA Water were supplied with comprehensive feedback

to input into their revision of the region’s long term

water strategy.

Further meetings are scheduled for Adelaide in

October to discuss water projects being undertaken

in Port Lincoln by Adelaide engineering consultants.

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Wallbridge Gilbert Aztec’s (WGA) draft report

“Stormwater Harvesting and Blending with

Recycled Wastewater” was presented to RDAWEP in

Adelaide. On behalf of SA Water and the Pt Lincoln

Racecourse, RDAWEP commissioned WGA to investigate

an option of utilising stormwater harvesting to capture

and treat stormwater for blending with treated

wastewater, to control irrigation water salinity in Port


RDAWEP ensured that the report was consistent with

previous reports to SA Water considering desalination

and potable water blending options to reduce salinity.

RDWAEP also negotiated for the report to be jointly

funded externally by SA Water and the Port Lincoln


The report was designed with an objective in mind to

attract future funding towards the capital costs

associated with the project. The stormwater blending

option has further community benefits such as flood

control, amenity (wetlands and bird watching), as

well as reducing pollution discharged to the marine



SA Water were briefed extensively on WGA’s stormwater

harvesting report for Port Lincoln to reduce the salinity

of the wastewater reuse irrigation scheme.

SA Water are an important stakeholder as the volume of

wastewater discharged to the marine environment is

directly affected by the success of the wastewater reuse

irrigation scheme. Significant time was spent to

understand and tease out all of SA Water’s concerns to

ensure that all options were considered thoroughly.

Feedback was presented back to WGA who continue

to refine the report.

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RDAWEP attended and contributed to the Eyre Peninsula

Demand and Supply Statement Reference Group

meeting. The draft report was considered and feedback

given including relevant economic data for the region

affecting water demand. Also in attendance were staff

from EPNRM, SA Water, DEWNR and DPC.

Economic data and feedback given was well received.

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2.5 Energy

Pursue solutions to provide a cost effective and secure power supply, and develop a low carbon economy.


2.5.1 Prepare a regional energy strategy.

2.5.2 Facilitate the replacement of the Eyre Peninsula power transmission system.

2.5.3 Liaise with government and private sector companies about power supply solutions and alternative technologies.

2.5.4 Support the development of renewable energy projects in strategic locations to maximise economic, community and environmental benefits.

Objective Transmission infrastructure has reached end of life predictions and needs to be replaced. Numerous energy solutions are being explored, with

preference for renewable generations and storage systems using solar, pumped hydro, and wave and wind energy.

Rationale Energy security is a critical issue on the Eyre Peninsula, due to a low capacity power transmission system which does not provide sufficient supply to

meet existing industry and communication needs.

Background/Ongoing Activities

Through continued lobbying, research and sharing of energy information, RDAWEP has established itself as the lead agency for pursuing energy

solutions across Eyre Peninsula. RDAWEP was consequently appointed for a 2-year term to the SA Power Networks Renewable Reference Group to

provide valuable insights into the practicalities of connecting renewables into the grid.

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Smart Mini Grid with Port Lincoln Tuna Industry update.

Following the January meeting at the Port Lincoln Hotel, all

participants were provided with their individual modeling

by Eye Energy.

The industry participants have showed support for

collaboration on the energy needs of the industry.

Individual positions, ideas and concerns/questions in

developing the strategy going forward are being listened to

and considered.

Existing retail contracts are in place varying from 1-3 years

which directly affects the full realisation of the project.

South Australian Power Networks Innovations Manager is

keen to be kept in the loop on progress as this date



ElectraNet Transmission upgrade - After consultation

with Local Government and community, RDAWEP provided

written feedback to ElectraNet’s planned upgrade to

transmission lines across Eyre Peninsula.

While the planned upgrade met the requested standard

given by RDAWEP, it was acknowledged that the planned

upgrades would have no effect on the West Coast of Eyre

Peninsula as the reliability and quality of electricity supply

is determined by the distribution grid, not the

transmission grid.

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J A N U A R Y (Cont.)


RDAWEP met with a leading energy management firm to

discuss energy solutions for business and Local


The goal goes toward empowering businesses,

government entities and not-for-profits of all sizes to

understand and take control of their energy needs.

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RDAWEP presented the positive attributes of the Eyre

Peninsula to an international energy and building company

regarding investment in intensive horticulture in the


RDAWEP spent time to present Eyre Peninsula's existing

natural resource attributes and investment potential. The

trust built will facilitate future working relationships.

RDAWEP have since provided further written data

regarding solar irradiance, soil type and sea water

quality to the company. The company are

returning to Australia to spend a week inspecting

the region and being introduced by RDAWEP to

local stakeholders.


SA Power Networks (SAPN - South Australia’s electricity

distribution company) have separated their CaMS

(Construction and Maintenance Services) arm from the

regulated side of the business which allows them to

become a generator. Business was concerned that there is

potential for this to be a conflict of interest in the fact that

SA Power Networks grant the network connections for

66kV and below which covers renewable projects across

Eyre Peninsula.

RDAWEP listened to the concerns of business and spent

time with SAPN to relay concerns for SAPN to respond to.

SAPN responded that in accordance with requirements

introduced by the AER’s new ring-fencing guideline SA

Power Networks, as the electricity distribution network

service provider, can only undertake electricity distribution

services after 1 January 2018. Any other, non-distribution

services can only be undertaken by a legally separate

entity from the SA Power Networks partnership, but this

entity can be a subsidiary company of the partnership. To

this end, SAPN have established two new entities Enerven

Energy Infrastructure Pty Ltd and Enerven Energy Solutions

Pty Ltd to undertake future non-distribution works post 1

January 2018.

The full SAPN response has been forwarded to



A solar company has approached DC of Tumby Bay with a

solar farm proposal. RDAWEP has established a reputation

for providing sound energy advice and worked closely with

the DC’s CEO to assess the application.

RDAWEP also called upon an independent energy expert to

provide advice on the application to supplement RDAWEP’s

assessment of the project and proponents.

With minor amendments and clarifications

provided, stage one of the proposal has been

approved by Council.


RDAWEP have been working with a local innovative energy

solutions company on several significant projects across

Eyre Peninsula. The projects vary from large solar farms to

smart mini grids. RDAWEP scheduled a workshop with the

company to tackle current issues and develop a strategy

for 2018.

The workshop provided valuable insights to all parties. Meetings are continuing to ensure the best

outcome for Eyre Peninsula.

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2.5.4 Assisted by way of advice to a solar developer to start up a

venture capital company to raise funds for a solar project in

the Tumby Bay/Lipson area.

Introduced the entrepreneur to a RSM business

development specialist for further advice on corporate


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RDAWEP met with an energy consultant in Whyalla to listen

to some of the difficulties faced by energy generation

providers and to discuss strategy and provide advice for

several energy projects across Eyre Peninsula.

There are common hurdles faced by energy generators

including changing regulations such as fast frequency

response, time taken and costs for connection to the

distribution network and financing. RDAWEP was able to

provide advice around strategy while at the same time

listen and gain insight into the state of new energy

generation not only on Eyre Peninsula, but more broadly

across South Australia.


RDAWEP facilitated a presentation to the City of Port

Lincoln by an international power supply company. The

company provided an overview of capability and how it

applied to providing power backup for not only the City of

Port Lincoln, but across Eyre Peninsula.

Following the meeting several site visits were undertaken

to better examine and discuss possible power solutions for

Eyre Peninsula.

The company outlined a possible future

partnership model to provide community benefit

as well as providing power.


The Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia

(SEGRA) - Disruption a Catalyst for Change, conference was

held in Port Augusta with the RDAWEP being a key sponsor.

One of the key themes of the conference was renewable

energy as it applies to sustainable agriculture, thermal

storage, reducing energy costs for industry, and a spotlight

session on 24/7 Renewable Energy.

The case for distributed renewable energy generation in

Australia is now so strong it is set to occur regardless of

government policy and settings. Disruptive technology has

met disruptive business models and investment is starting

to pour in.

RDAWEP has been a leader in this area across

Eyre Peninsula and was able to provide leadership

and real case studies in creating jobs and growth

from the energy revolution underway.


The South Australian Power Networks (SAPN – SAs energy

distribution company) Renewables Reference Group this

month presented a case study of the recent decision to

upgrade the Kangaroo Island undersea cable – what was

considered, why some solutions were dismissed and the

economic weightings that led to the final decision. Also

presented was SAPNs future network strategy.

RDAWEP presented an update to the group of current

energy projects across Eyre Peninsula which generated

much interest, questions and feedback.

Many more networks were created in the

renewable energy space.

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Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA)

is conducting an inquiry into reliability and quality of

electricity supply on the Eyre Peninsula (EP). RDAWEP is the

central point of contact across EP and works with ESCOSA

on agendas, communication and event management. A

stakeholder forum was held in Port Lincoln to present the

draft recommendations and give stakeholders the

opportunity to comment on the options raised and any new

options. Key issues raised in the forum will be considered

for the final report.

RDAWEP facilitated the forum on behalf of ESCOSA. The forum was well received and ran on time

covering all items in the agenda.

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S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)


An Energy Investigation Feasibility Study is being

undertaken by consultants for RDAWEP and an Eyre

Peninsula regional town.

A desk top investigation of the local town substation data

and its relationship to town and district, has been

conducted and results presented to Council. The study

established that there was a reasonable case for the

District Council to engage in further investigation of its

energy options.

On request a scope of work for a high level feasibility study

to investigate the energy options available was presented

to the Council.

The objectives of the investigation are:

1. town and district energy security and quality of supply

2. district and Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) line

subscriber energy security and quality of supply

3. resilience and community development

4. whole of community capacity, benefit and buy-in

5. benefit the vulnerable in the community.

RDAWEP has spent several days with the Council and

energy consultants on site and at Council meetings, to

ensure communication was clear and that all Council’s

questions could be accurately responded to in a timely


The Council has agreed to fund the feasibility

investigation and earmarked the project for

further funding applications.


September 28 2017 is the anniversary of the extreme

weather event that destroyed transmission lines and sent

South Australia black in 2016. As such there was a lot of

media interest in what Eyre Peninsula and in particular Port

Lincoln and Whyalla, had done in the meantime with

regards to energy security. RDAWEP has a reputation as

having a solution based approach to energy security,

reliability, quality and lower cost. Consequently RDAWEP

did several interviews for print and television media during

the day outlining the impact on business and the

community, as well as the numerous energy projects in the

pipeline that will benefit not only Eyre Peninsula, but South


RDAWEP spent hours taking journalists to key sites across

Port Lincoln ensuring that clear consistent messages

around energy were put across. Extensive time was spent

answering journalist questions in the office, in cars, and

on various sites. Local energy consultants and the Mayor

of Kimba were also introduced to talk about their solutions

for Eyre Peninsula. The story ran on two front page

regional newspapers and was the lead story on ABC

television news.

A CEO of a leading hydrogen company saw the

news story and contacted RDAWEP to discuss a

demonstration hydrogen project involving fuel

cell for agriculture machinery, hydrogen

production from renewable energy and fertilizer

for the agriculture industry. As a result a

demonstration project has been put forward for

possible joint funding.

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The SA Government’s Department of Environment Water

and Natural Resources (DEWNR) have a Climate Knowledge

Information Community (KIC) team. RDAWEP presented to

the team, updating them on the energy solutions RDAWEP

is pursuing across Eyre Peninsula.

Interesting case studies and lots of pictures and graphs

were used to paint a picture of the challenges and

solutions across Eyre Peninsula.


Essential Services Commission of South Australia (ESCOSA)

conducted two consultation workshops in Port Lincoln and

Streaky Bay. RDAWEP is the central point of contact for the

consultation and helped plan the meetings.

Consultation confirmed the need for further solutions

based workshops.

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A U G U S T (Cont.)


RDAWEP attended the August South Australian Power

Networks (SAPN) Renewables Reference Group. RDAWEP is

currently serving a 2 year term on the Group. A tour was

undertaken of the SAPN Network Innovation Centre. A

workshop was also conducted to develop a workplan for

the next 18 months.

It was clarified that the topics should be

discussed within the context of renewables. Also,

it was agreed that SAPN would provide outcomes

from the workshop, an outline of the topic for

discussion, background information and

proposed outcomes in advance of the meeting.

Also, that SAPN would bring to the table the

‘change levels’ and the topics that the group is in

a position to influence.

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Attended the District Council of Kimba’s council meeting to

provide an energy update of regional issues. Stayed for

Council meeting to contribute to discussion.


RDAWEP organised for a private energy consultant to start

the audit process of an energy solution for Kimba. Also in

attendance were 2 energy auditors who, along with

RDAWEP undertook a site inspection across Kimba as a first

step towards increasing energy reliability and quality as

well as providing community benefit.

An initial draft report has been provided to DC


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2.6 Mining – Mineral, Oil and Gas Resources

Facilitate the development of strategic mineral, oil and gas resource projects.

[lead Alex Todd/Peter Scott]


2.6.1 Assess the impact and benefits of proposed mineral, oil and gas projects.

2.6.2 Inform the Agenda of the Eyre Peninsula Mineral and Energy Resources Community Development Taskforce.

2.6.3 Prepare submissions as required to the Australian and South Australian Governments about the impact and benefits of mineral, oil and gas projects

on the economy, community and the environment.

2.6.4 Facilitate the improvement of supply chain, energy and water infrastructure to support resource projects that will bring long-term development

benefits to the region.

2.6.5 Make the health of the region’s ecosystems a primary consideration in economic development planning and deliberations of the Eyre Peninsula

Mineral and Energy Resources Community Development Taskforce.

Objective Mineral, oil and gas projects provide opportunities to diversify the regional economy, create employment, and bring flow-on economic and community

development benefits to businesses and townships. Projects need careful assessment to ensure they do not pose irrevocable risk to the sustainable

management of ecosystems and natural resources, or negatively impact on the productivity of industries that depend on pristine environmental

conditions for their viability – e.g. agriculture, fishing, aquaculture and tourism.

Rationale The region has plentiful deposits of high quality mineral resources including magnetite, graphite, zircon and kaolin. Oil and gas exploration is also

being undertaken on the land and sea.

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EP Mineral & Energy Resources Community Development

Taskforce met in Port Lincoln. RDAWEP is a key member

of the taskforce and informs the agenda.

Presentations were made by Resources and Engineering

Skills Alliance (RESA), Renascor Resources: Siviour Graphite

Deposit Project, Statoil: Great Australian Bight Exploratory

Drilling Program, Enlighten Power Systems, and Department

of State Development: Mining Act Review.

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2.6.4 RDAWEP travelled to Whyalla to make a joint presentation

to Whyalla City Council regarding the Central Eyre Iron


The number of jobs and economic development for Whyalla

providing heavy industry services to the mine was well


A positive story was covered in the local


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3.1 Regional Governance

Implement regional governance initiatives to achieve better and longer-term regional development initiatives.


3.1.1 Facilitate and support the establishment and operation of the Eyre and Western Region Joint Planning Board.

3.1.2 Develop and manage partnerships with regional organisations, Local Government, and the Australian and State Governments.

3.1.3 Facilitate collaborative regional planning initiatives with government, business and community stakeholders.

3.1.4 Align the region’s development needs with Australian and State Government planning and economic priorities to improve access to funding from

government programs.

3.1.5 Implement collaborative project initiatives.

3.1.6 Maintain and develop regional communication and engagement via marketing strategies, consultation plans, and performance measurement.

Objective To form a single Planning Board to drive the collective and agreed priorities of RDAWEP, EPLGA, and EPNRM and the 11 Councils and 58,000 people that

occupy the Eyre Peninsula. This will enable the region to advocate collectively with a single voice; better exploit its comparative advantage, and develop

synergies to achieve more effective and longer-term regional development outcomes.


Existing modes of government services delivery do not adequately address the development needs of South Australia’s regions.

Regional areas are typically comprised of numerous LGAs with an RDA responsible for regional economic development planning. However, most of the

Councils have small populations and thereby lack the critical mass and policy leverage to influence Stat and Australian Government decision making.

The consequence is that regional aspirations are often not heard, and regional development needs are not being met. This dilemma is exacerbated in

Councils with shrinking populations.

Background/Ongoing Activities

The DRAFT Regional Strategic Plan has been prepared by RDAWEP, EPLGA and EPNRM. Establishment of the Joint Planning Board is ongoing and subject

to consultation.

The Eyre Peninsula Brand Marketing Plan was developed and implemented in 2015-16 to provide strategic direction for food industry stakeholders.

The Corporate Marketing Plan was developed and implemented in 2015-16 to provide strategic direction.

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A Creative Brief / Tender document was developed for

redevelopment of

Met with Pare Design to discuss redevelopment and

obtain quote.

Quote to be assessed and a determination made.

3.1.1 The preparation of a Regional Analysis is being

progressed to support whole-of-region strategic

planning and governance initiatives. The Regional

Analysis is a supplement to the Regional Strategic Plan

and will provide the evidence-base to support the claims

and rationale in the document. The Strategic Plan is

presently in draft and has been circulated to key

stakeholders for feedback. The task of preparing the

Analysis was deferred while waiting for detailed ABS

2016 Census data to be released.

The Regional Analysis is based on 2016 Census data and the

latest 2015-16 economic data from EconSearch. The ABS

data is drawn from General Community Profiles and

QuickStats, because more detailed data sets – such as

business counts and socio-economic indexes – are not yet


The consequence is that some information in the Regional

Analysis is drawn from older data sources.

The use of older and newer data within the Analysis

is not satisfactory because it diminishes the

veracity of the document to provide a strong

evidence-base for the Regional Strategic Plan. The

sections based on older data will need to be

updated as soon as newer data is released by the


The pending retirement of the Special Projects

Manager will make it necessary for RDAWEP to

determine alternative arrangements to achieve this

analytical capacity.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 45 changes were made to the database in January.

At 31 January, the database listed 5,209 contacts.

3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 3,961 page visits in January. A decrease of 7.6%

from December.

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for social media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 5.8% to 6,662


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 6.2% to 6,294 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 5.2% to 631. increased page views by 19.5% to

10,863. increased page views by 22.30%

to 4,384.

Nullarbor (digital version) increased page views by 35.20%

to 33,238.

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3.1.2 A 2015-16 Economic Profile for Wudinna was prepared

and sent to Council on 21 December for project


Based on the original 2013-14 profile, the text was modified

to reflect the progress of the Iron Road CEIP at Warramboo.

3.1.2 A 2015-16 Economic Profile was prepared for Port

Lincoln and issued to the Council with a request for the

project listing to be updated.

3.1.2 Demographic Profiles using the latest available 2016

Census data were prepared for Streaky Bay, Tumby Bay

and Lower Eyre Peninsula.

These profiles support the Economic Profiles with additional

data, but were prepared as stand-alone documents.

3.1.2 The new economic profile for DC Lower Eyre Peninsula

was completed and provided to Council on 4 December.

A support letter for the project from RDAWEP was also

prepared and issued to Council.

The profile was reconfigured in RDAWEP branding

to use as an attachment with the grant application.

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D E C E M B E R (Cont.)


The final proof of RDAWEP’s Annual Report was


The Annual Report was completed.

3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 4,286 page visits in December. A decrease of 5.7%

from November.

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 14.5% to


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 8.7% to 5,925 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 6.4% to 600. increased page views by 6.5% to 9,093. decreased page views by 8.5% to


Nullarbor (digital version) increased page views by 16.5%

to 24,584.


The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for December was

distributed on 12th

December 2017.

Sent to 2627recipients.

31.37% open rate.

6.72% click rate.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 21 changes were made to the database in December. At 31 December, the database listed 5,202


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3.1.2 Regional Economic Data Packs - The fourth installment

of annual region and Local Government economic data

was prepared for distribution to local Councils. These

data are prepared annually for RDAWEP and the EPLGA

by EconSearch at a 20-industry and 78-industry level.

This installment covers the period 2015-16.

These are the latest available data, as it takes about 18

months for EconSearch to collate the raw data from

multiple sources.

The annual data are prepared as hard copy and electronic

packages, supported with explanatory papers about industry

classifications, employment, exports, and gross regional

product (GRP). The papers include an overview of key

changes and trends from 2012-13.

The data packages are provided to Councils at EPLGA

meetings, and are designed to give Councils a better

understanding of the economic performance of industries in

their district.

These data are used to prepare occasional

economic profiles of each Council district. These

profiles assist Councils to identify weaknesses in

local industry performance and these data provide

evidence to support strategies to diversify their


The impact and benefit has yet to be determined,

as it appears that many Councils have yet to apply

the use of these data in their planning and reports.


Collaborated with Pare Design on creating a

contemporary designed 2017 – 18 RDAWEP Annual


Further proofs have been received for approval. The Annual Report is due to be complete in


3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 4,545 page visits in November. A decrease of

30.2% from October.

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N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 3.6% to 5,496


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 4.9% to 5,452 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 13.3% to 564. decreased page views by 7.4% to

8,541. increased page views by 11.3% to


Nullarbor (digital version) decreased page views by 5.10%

to 21,111.

3.1.6 The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for November was

distributed on 2nd

November 2017.

Sent to 3,258 recipients.

29.43% open rate.

6.17% click rate.

3.1.2 A paper was produced for a Local Government CEO on

Eyre Peninsula on the costs of recruitment and training.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 130 changes were made to the database in November. At 30 November, the database listed 5,201


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3.1.2 RDAWEP presented to Cummins Traders at the reformed

Cummins and District Enterprise Committee Breakfast on

October 31.

The group were pleased to hear more about the work of

RDAWEP and in particular the breadth of projects.

The group were most interested to hear about work

being undertaken to increase renewable energy

projects on EP.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 285 changes were made to the database in October. At 31 October, the database listed 5,223 contacts.


Worked with Pare Design on the 2017 – 18 RDAWEP

Annual Report document design.

The proof has been received to review. The Annual Report is due to be complete in


3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 6,512 page visits in October. An increase of 30%

from September.

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 2.8% to 5,305


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 2% to 5,199 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 4% to 498. increased page views by 8% to 9,224. increased page views by 9.7% to


Nullarbor (digital version) increased page views by 10.6%

to 22,246.


The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for October was

distributed on 5th

October 2017.

Sent to 3,178 recipients.

27.44% open rate.

6.24% click rate.

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3.1.6 Text was prepared for two sections of the 2016-17

RDAWEP Annual Report. This included a summary of key

achievements (adapted from the Annual Performance

Report on Outcomes), and a revised regional profile.

The profile included a notation explaining that the

demographic data were from the 2011 Census, because

2016 Census had yet to be processed for RDAWEP planning

purposes. The profile was updated with 2014-15 economic

data, which are the latest available.

The Annual Report will be placed on the RDAWEP

website after endorsement by DIRD.

3.1.1 The Eyre Peninsula Local Government Association

(EPLGA) is governed by the EPLGA Board. The eleven

member Board consists of Council Members, usually

Mayors and Chairpersons who are elected to represent

their individual council. RDAWEP attended the Board

meeting to contribute to the discussion about the

establishment of a pilot for a Joint Planning Board with

local government, RDAWEP, EPLGA and Natural

Resources Eyre Peninsula.

The Joint Planning Board model has been in development for

over 2 years with numerous consultations and reports


Agreement was reached to proceed with the pilot

and suggested changes to structure were adopted.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 62 changes were made to the database in September. At 30 September, the database listed 5,159


3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 5,004 page visits in September. A decrease of 25%

from August.

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 3% to 5,161


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 1% to 5,100 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 5.5% to 479. increased page views by 7.7% to 8,536. decreased page views by 1% to


Nullarbor (digital version) decreased page views by 17% to


3.1.6 Created content for the RDAWEP newsletter.

The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for September was

distributed on 5th

September 2017.

Sent to 3,154 recipients.

31.25% open rate.

8.63% click rate.

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3.1.6 The Annual Performance Report on Outcomes for the

2016-17 Business Plan was prepared. The report

includes 4 case studies for:

Whyalla Heavy Industry Cluster,

Regional Governance and Regional Planning,

Far West Aboriginal Tourism Strategy, and

Energy Solutions.

The task of preparing the case studies was shared by 4

RDAWEP Development Managers.

3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 6,674 page visits in August. A decrease of 7% from


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A U G U S T (Cont.)

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 2.6% to 5,008


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 4.4% to 5,048 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 3.2% to 454. increased page views by 1.2% to 7,927. increased page views by 4% to


Nullarbor (digital version) increased page views by 9% to


3.1.6 Created content for the RDAWEP newsletter.

The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for August was distributed

on 3rd

August 2017. Sent to 3,168 recipients. 31.88% open

rate. 7.23% click rate.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 71 changes were made to the database in August. At 31

August, the database listed 5,095 contacts.

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3.1.1 RDAWEP attended the DPTI planning reform meeting at

Wudinna, about the establishment of Joint Planning

Boards (JPB).

Information was obtained about the State Government

guidelines for forming JPBs, and the requirements and

objectives of the Boards.

The information will provide direction for the proposed

regional governance model for the Eyre Peninsula.

A JPB meeting was held with the RDAWEP, EPNRM

and the EPLGA Chairs and staff on 25 July to

determine the framework for consultation with

Local Councils.

A PowerPoint presentation was prepared to deliver

relevant information at the consultation meetings.

3.1.6 Contributed to RDAWEP’s newsletter detailing

information on:

SEGRA Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional

Australia Conference

SA State Budget

Future Jobs Fund

PaTH Internship

Australian Tourism Exchange Conference.

3.1.3 Attended the Tumby Bay Consultative Committee with

local MP, and Tumby Bay CE and Mayor. RDAWEP

updated the group on tourism and energy across the

region. Lincoln Minerals did a presentation on the local

graphite mine.

RDAWEP will continue to provide a Chair to the


3.1.6 RDAWEP’s Corporate website Received 7,170 page visits in July. An increase of 39% from


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J U L Y (Cont.)

3.1.6 Create and distribute content for Social Media

applications in order to grow social media reach.

Eyre Peninsula Instagram audience grew by 0.9% to 4,878


Eyre Peninsula Australia’s Seafood Frontier Facebook

audience grew by 5.6% to 4,834 followers.

RDAWEP Facebook audience grew by 3.8% to 440. increased page views by 17.5% to

7,831. decreased page views by 6.5% to


Nullarbor (digital version) increased page views by 18.7%

to 22,208.

3.1.6 Created content for the RDAWEP newsletter:

The RDAWEP Regional Newsletter for July was distributed on


July 2017. Sent to 3,193 recipients. As of 16Aug17 –

32.81% open rate. 6.97% click rate.

3.1.6 Maintain a database of regional stakeholders. 53 changes were made to the database in July. At 31 July,

the database listed 5,082 contacts.

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3.2 Grants and Investment

Pursue regional funding opportunities.


3.2.1 Establish a dedicated cross-agency grants and investment team.

3.2.2 Identify grant funding opportunities and communicate grant program information to stakeholders.

3.2.3 Implement a Project Tracking mechanism to monitor stakeholder project proposals.

3.2.4 Assess the grant readiness of project proposals.

3.2.5 Provide advice to stakeholders about options to make projects grant ready.

3.2.6 Support stakeholders to access government funding programs through assistance with business cases, project management plans and grant

applications for key projects.

3.2.7 Provide feedback and advice to government departments about options to improve grant program processes.

Objective To support stakeholders to obtain funding from government programs and increase the level of investment in the region. The provision of a cross-

agency team will broaden the expertise base and maximise opportunities for investment attraction.

Background/Ongoing Activities Organisations and Councils in regional areas are experiencing a long-term trend of increasing operational costs and growing dependence on

government support from grants and subsidies. Government funding dependence is heightened with larger development projects, because regional

areas typically lack the population base to raise sufficient revenue to cover project capex. Regional organisations are consequently competing against

each other for limited funding from government programs.

Access to government funding is highly competitive and becoming increasingly more difficult. Thresholds for evidence-based supporting

documentation are being raised, and partner funding contribution requirements are being tightened.

To have any chance of funding success from government programs, organisations are now required to invest considerable human and financial

resources into the preparation of high quality, professional grant applications.

Communication in regard to State Government support for multiple industry development projects and initiatives is ongoing.

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3.2.6 A grant application is being prepared for the Excellence

in Small Business Program to provide small business


The application has been prepared and submitted.

Awaiting outcome.

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3.2.6 RDAWEP sections of Streaky Bay Foreshore Tourist Park

were completed. This included the project benefits and

strategic importance sections.

The grant application merit criterion 1 and 2 were

prepared by adapting the project benefits text.

The various sections were provided in time to meet

the grant application submission deadline.

3.2.6 Advice was provided to the Ceduna Hospital and Village

Auxiliary about its proposal to lodge a grant application

with the BBRF to upgrade two hospital rooms.

The nature of the project was discussed at length and it

was advised that the project would not meet the stringent

guidelines of the Infrastructure Projects Stream Guidelines.

The Auxiliary determined that it would seek

funding from the Ceduna Foreshore Hotel

community grants program instead.

3.2.6 In response to a request from Natural Resources Eyre

Peninsula, employment, GRP and export data about the

aquaculture and fishing industries was provided to

assist a regional grant application to the NLP Smart

Farm Partnerships Grant Program.

The information was extracted from the support papers

prepared for the 2015-16 Council Economic Data packs.

The information was provided in Word format to enable


The information was greatly appreciated by the

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting Officer from

Natural Resources EP.

3.2.6 Assistance was provided to a local consultant with a

BBRF grant application for the Port Lincoln Golf Club


Business case and project management templates were

provided for use, along with data about the Port Lincoln

cruise ship market. RDAWEP business cases and economic

profiles were also provided as examples of the quality

expected for successful grant applications.

3.2.6 A new demographic profile for DC Streaky Bay was

prepared for the Business Case using 2016 Census


A project meeting was held on 5 December with the

Manager of Community and Economic Development and

CEO to determine an action plan for completing all

sections of the Business Case and BBRF grant application.

The documents are being jointly prepared by

RDAWEP and Council with responsibility shared for

different sections of text to ensure that the best

possible grant application is achieved. The

complexity of the task is compounded by the very

short (6 week) window to submit grant applications

after the funding round was announced.

3.2.2 A project was reviewed and a letter of support prepared

for a significant Whyalla based BBRF application.

The application was lodged successfully.

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3.2.6 A separate email and the Round 2 BBRF guidelines and

sample grant application form were sent to Streaky Bay

Council. RDAWEP is assisting the Council with

improvements to its BBRF Round 1 grant application for

resubmission in Round 2.

To date this has included:

Text with evidence about the caravan and camping

sector market to support caravan park upgrades.

Provision of a new economic profile based on the new

2015-16 economic data from EconSearch, and 2016

Census data.

3.2.6 Round 2 of the Building Better Regions Fund opened on

7 November, and the various guidelines and support

documents were released.

RDAWEP sent an email about the opening of Round 2 to

the 11 Council CEOs the same day.

Grant funding submissions have to be lodged by 19

December 2017. This only gives a 6-week window

for the preparation and lodgement of grant


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N O V E M B E R (Cont.)

3.2.6 A file note was prepared about the AusIndustry

feedback on the Big Swamp Community Centre (BSCC)

Inc. Round 1 BBRF grant application, explaining why

RDAWEP recommended that the grant application be

lodged with the Community Investments Stream.

The file note also provided advice about changes required

to the grant application and support documents if BSCC

decides to re-submit the application in Round 2 to the

Infrastructure Projects Stream. The document was

emailed to BSCC for reference.

Confusion about project eligibility has been

clarified in the Round 2 BBRF guidelines. The

guidelines have been changed to include the

statement that infrastructure projects cannot be

funded under the Community Investments Stream.

This now removes any doubt, and will ensure that

people lodge their grant submissions to the right

funding stream in the future.

3.2.2 BBRF round 2. Guidelines were reviewed and a

summary of the program key points prepared. Both

were circulated with web links to relevant organisations.

An application is under development.

3.2.2 RDAWEP communicated with a Kimba based business

about the National Radioactive Waste Management

Facility Community Benefit Program and provided agency

contacts, guidelines and web links.

An application is under development.

3.2.2 An enquiry was received from a regional SME business

about grant programs and funding. Information, advice

and relevant contacts for three grant funding programs

was provided.

3.2.2 A request was received from the Gallipoli Beach ANZAC

Day Steering Committee for advice and assistance to

raise capital for the development of the site and ANZAC

day event.

RDAWEP met with key members of the group and provided

advice on funding opportunities with particular focus on

new methods of community funding such as crowd


RDAWEP will provide further assistance once a final

budget has been produced.

3.2.2 RDAWEP attended the community seminar on the

National Radioactive Waste Management Facility

Community Benefit Programme – Kimba, South


RDAWEP offered assistance to applicants including the

District Council of Kimba.

The seminar provided RDAWEP with an opportunity

to gain a better understanding of, and build

relationships with, those that are applying for


A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


3.2.4 Regional Jobs and Investment Program (RJIP) projects

were reviewed with 5 applicants to develop an

understanding of potential economic benefits.

Formal letters were prepared to accompany and support

each application including demonstrating alignment with

RDAWEP priorities.

3.2.6 Feedback on the unsuccessful BBRF Round 1 grant

application by the Big Swap Community Centre was

received from AusIndustry. The advice was that the

application was deemed ineligible because it was

submitted to the wrong grant program stream – i.e. the

application should have been submitted to the

Infrastructure Stream, not the Community Investments


RDAWEP does not agree with the AusIndustry assessment,

and recommended submitting the application to the

Community Investments Stream.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

O C T O B E R (Cont.)

3.2.6 The signing of the Grant Funding Deed for the

successful BBRF Round 1 grant submission for the

Elliston to Wudinna Communication project occurred in

Port Lincoln on 12 October.

The signing took place at a luncheon hosted by DC Elliston

at the Marina Hotel in Port Lincoln. Attendees included DC

Elliston, RDAWEP, and the Telstra State Manager, and

Telstra State Business Account Manager.

The activity substantially value-added to a positive

relationship being developed between Telstra and


3.2.6 The unsuccessful BBRF Round 1 submission from DC

Streaky Bay for the upgrade of the Streaky Bay Tourist

Park was reviewed. This included analysis of the

business case, grant application and the grant assessor

feedback about the submission.

The round 1 submission was prepared by Streaky Bay

Council against the advice given by RDAWEP in January

2017. RDAWEP advised that the project was not grant

application ready, and that there was insufficient time

to prepare a quality application.

The review found fundamental flaws in the business case

and grant application merit assessment criteria. The key

issues were that the main claims about the project merit

and benefits were extremely thin on substance, based on

plausible conjecture, and were not supported by evidence

or robust argument. These flaws were identified by the

grant application assessors.

The need for evidence and data to support all claims is

clearly explained in written RDAWEP advisory papers

provided to pending grant applicants with the RDAWEP

business case template.

RDAWEP held a meeting with the Streaky Bay

project team on 23 October to review the BBRF

Round 1 submission by Streaky Bay Council.

Numerous issues and short-comings were

identified with the business case and grant

application, with strategies identified to improve

the documents.

RDAWEP will provide assistance to Council during

November-December to strengthen the evidence-

base of the documents.

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3.2.6 Economic data for Whyalla in 2014-15 were provided to

a local consultant to assist the preparation of a business

case for a business development at Whyalla.

The explanatory papers for industry classifications,

employment, exports and GRP were also provided to assist

the data analysis.

3.2.4 Multiple meetings and communications with four

organisations in regard to RJIP projects, submissions,

application processes and provision of regional data to

support applications.

Each organisation is developing applications for the


3.2.6 The Gardner’s Vineyard business case for new

infrastructure development was completed. A project

description was also prepared for the grant application

to the Future Jobs Fund grant program.

Updated business case included:

New descriptions of vineyard operations on the

southern Eyre Peninsula,

A project benefits summary,

Building contract information, and

Cash flow details for the construction and operation

over 3–years.

The grant application was submitted by the due

date of 29 September.

3.2.6 Following a request for Information from the Member

for Flinders, an extract from the Gardner’s Vineyard

business case was provided to assist the preparation of

a support letter for the project.

The extract included key elements of the business case

argument including: the executive summary, building

fabric description, project benefits summary and

alignment with relationship with local, regional and State

economic development planning. A copy of the RDAWEP

support letter was also provided.

The MP appreciated the project background

information and had sufficient material to prepare

the support letter.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

S E P T E M B E R (Cont.)

3.2.6 A business near Port Lincoln was successful with a grant

application to the State Government for new

infrastructure development. RDAWEP assisted the

enterprise with the business plan and grant application.

The owners sought RDAWEP advice about the

employment KPIs and project milestones in the draft

Grant Deed. The business was concerned that the FTE

employment KPIs might not be achieved.

The business was advised to seek a change to the

timeframe to achieve the employment KPIs because the

dates proposed in the Deed did not allow time for

recruitment processes or marketing impact to grow the

customer base.

The outcome of the request to change the KPI

timeframes is yet to be advised.

3.2.2 A formal letter was received from Regions SA stating that

no further funds were available to allocate to the project

to establish an Industry Supply Chain Hub servicing the

Whyalla and Eyre Peninsula region. The proposal for co-

funding was lodged with Regions SA in late July.

The project remains important and alternate arrangements

need to be made.

3.2.6 A new project plan, budget and application was prepared

to repair the damaged scoreboard building at the Bennett

Oval in Whyalla.

An application seeking $96,000 funding was successfully

lodged with notification of outcomes due in early 2018.

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


3.2.6 Meetings were held with the owners of Gardner’s

Vineyard to progress the business case for new

infrastructure development and become grant

application ready.

The business case will be progressed in early September to

enable a grant application to be lodged with the State

Government by the due date of 29 September.

3.2.6 Assisted Tumby Bay Progress Association, Colour

Tumby subcommittee and District Council of Tumby Bay

with the preparation of a grant application to the

Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal (Seeds of

Renewal Program). This process led to a replicated grant

application to the Australian Government’s Stronger

Communities Programme.

Grant applications were submitted and accepted by the

due date.

Awaiting advice on success.

3.2.2 Attended the Future Jobs Fund Information Session

delivered by the Department of State Development.

Information gained was distributed via RDAWEP’s

newsletter to the stakeholder database.

A proposed tourism venture at Whyalla submitted a

Business Case grant application.

3.2.6 Assisted the Coffin Bay Tourism Group in obtaining

$5,000 grant money from SATC’s Community Events

Development Program.

$5,000 was grant funded. A Day on the Bay event budget for marketing was

significantly improved.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

A U G U S T (Cont.)

3.2.6 RDAWEP has supported RESA in their application to

secure funds for a management development program

for managers in Mining Equipment Technology and

Services businesses (METS).

The project will be based in Whyalla and delivered across

the USG.

The project will target procurement and business

development managers, and company strategy advisors.

A series of six, one day workshop sessions with

interactive online material will be delivered by subject

matter experts. The program includes mentoring onsite

to support implementation.

Communications with RESA about program delivery are


RDAWEP convened two information sessions in Whyalla that

were well attended with good interest. RESA are now

considering holding other information sessions around the


Advice from RESA is that their funding application

has been successful.

September update:

RESA have been developing schedules and

contacting businesses across the region to market

the program. Start date is expected to be in mid-


3.2.4 Meetings with three organisations in regard to grant

funding. Advice was provided about eligibility,

competitiveness, application processes and

requirements. These meetings were followed up with

specific information about Whyalla population

demographics, market research, business planning and

intellectual property protection.

The organisations are currently considering

business plans, funding applications and next


3.2.5 RDAWEP communicated with a Kimba based business in

regard to plans for expansion and accessing grant

programs. Connections were made with an appropriate

contact in a Federal Government agency to provide more

specific advice and assistance.

September update:

Ongoing communication and provided information

about State Government grants that may be

applicable for the project

A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?


3.2.6 Two submissions seeking co-funding for projects were

submitted for review by DSD (Project Management and

Structured Mentoring for participants in the Multi-Trade

project) and Regions SA (Industry Supply Chain Hub

pilot project). Industry diversification remains a key

issue for growth and development of Whyalla and

surrounding region economies.

To date there has been no financial support for any

proposed projects.

August update: DSD advised that the Project

Management and Mentoring application lodged as a

special project would not be supported and must be

submitted as a JFEP application, even though it did

not comply with the program eligibility criteria. It

was also recommended that the project budget be


3.2.2 A meeting was held with a heavy industry business to

discuss a substantial capital investment project in

Whyalla. Eligibility, competitiveness and application

processes for both state and federal grant funding

programs were reviewed.

September update:

The company is developing a substantial RJIP grant

funding application.

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A C T I O N W H A T D I D W E D O ? H O W W E L L D I D W E D O I T ? D I D I T H A V E A N I M P A C T ?

J U L Y (Cont.)

3.2.2 Prepared program summaries and emailed

information including guidelines and links to

further information, to the Whyalla heavy industry

contact list and other organisations relating to the

Australian Government’s Regional Jobs and

Investment Packages program and the State

Government’s Future Jobs fund.

Liaised with AusIndustry to organise and promote a

RJIP information session.

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