Page 1: Pathway Frequently Asked Questions

© 2011 Simon Stevens [1/3]

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Pathway? Pathway is a database of currently over 30000 lifestyle-focused contacts covering a huge amount of topics relating to lifestyle, living, disability, society, sport and other major issues. Produced within Microsoft Outlook each contact contains a service or personal name, job title, organisational name, email address, web address, phone number, fax number and postal address and a contact image if available, as well as being categorised. The database has taken 20 years to produce and it one of the most comprehensive available to be launched properly and an expansion plan to grow to 50000 contacts by April 2012 including organisations in the UK, Europe and the World reflective on every possible lifestyle related topic.

What does the database cover? The database covers over 500 categories across Art, Communication, Education, Employment, Health, Leisure, Lifestyle, Society, Sport and Technology. This includes contact details for, with a normal degree of error, every UK and International Sport’s government body, every UK Government body, every country’s government, every UK impairment organisation, every UK Prison, every UK media organisation (TV, Radio, Magazines and Newspapers), every major charitable organisation and so much more.

How will it help me? The database will provide users with instant access to a large amount of useful contact information, which will enable them to research many areas of interest and make direct contact with organisations in a manner web based searches could not do. As the database is in outlook and other formats, it is complimented by the functionality such software provides allowing you to take the power the information provides to the next level of effective empowerment.

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Why it is different to Google? We live in a world where it is possible to find any and every kind of information we may want but it may take a bit of hunting. When it is possible to find any piece of information you can imagine, it is often our imagination which limits our access to things we would find useful if we knew about them. Pathway offers users direct access to organisations on almost every lifestyle topic, many of which people may not automatically believe existed like the British Toilet Association, going far beyond anyone’s imagination.

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What versions are available? Currently, the only version of Pathway available to purchase is Pathway Gold. This is our standard version of the database which includes all fields in all publicly available contacts in a range of file formats. This version suits the needs of the majority of users and it is excellent value for the information provided.

How much does it cost? Pathway Gold is available for the following prices;

Price Download USB Stick

Standard £149 £159

For Supporting Organisations £99 £109

For Individuals £49 £59

Supporting Organisations and Individuals may be asked to verify their status at my discretion. Pathway Gold will be available to download from the internet using a special link, or on an USB for an extra £10 includes shipping to anywhere in the world.

What is a supporting organisation? A supporting organisation is a formal or informal organisation which directly or indirectly improves the life opportunities and experiences of specific communities or individuals. The acceptance of an organisation as a supporting organisation is at my discretion.

What is included? Pathway Gold is downloaded as a zip file which includes the following;

PDF Introduction to Pathway

Database as an Outlook file

Database as in CSV file

Database in other formats

Other useful and relevant files.

How can I buy a copy? You can purchase the database using the Buy button at; Using paypal, a number of payment methods are available.

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