  • 1. Passport to the World An Intervention to Depression With VI Families Passport to the World by VI Families

2. The power of connections Passport to the World by VI Families 3. The power of connections ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: $107.4 million as of Sept. 3 Compared to less than $3 million over the same 1 month period last year 3 million donors = because their friends told them to Innovative use of technology and social connections that would not have been possible 10 years ago Passport to the World by VI Families 4. Passport to the World by VI Families Passport to the World An Intervention to Depression 5. Staying connected Passport to the World by VI Families 6. Staying connected Passport to the World by VI Families 7. Staying connected Passport to the World by VI Families 8. Staying connected Passport to the World by VI Families 9. 55% of communication is visual Passport to the World by VI Families 10. Virtual Interactive Families Telehealth Hospice Palliative care Senior health care Telemental services Pediatrics home health care Care coordination World health care India Africa Education National Association of Activity Professionals Passport to the World by VI Families 11. The expectations Younger generation expects technology Senior generation accepts technology Passport to the World by VI Families 12. The results 93% of family hospice caregivers indicated a video-visit was as good as an in-person conversation Passport to the World by VI Families 13. Depression Loneliness is a major precipitant of depression 18.8 million Americans; 9.5% of adult population One of the most common mental health disorders in U.S. Third most common cause of hospitalization in the U.S. for 18-44 80% = some level of functional impairment 27% = serious difficulties in work and home $43 billion each year Passport to the World by VI Families (Psychology Today July 1, 2003) (CDC) (NIMH) ( (American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists) 14. Depression in seniors 20% of those 55+ have mental health issues Most prevalent mental health problem among older adults Depressed residents transferred 50% sooner 2.1 times the rate of dying within the year Suicide rate for 85+ is highest of any age group in the nation Passport to the World by VI Families (CDC) (Watson, et al., 2003) (American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists) 15. I am: Lonely Bored Does any one care? Does any one listen when I talk? Place-bound I want: Be with my loved ones Learn new things Contributing my great ideas Fulfill my bucket- list Passport to the World by VI Families Depression 16. Related industries $2.4 billion A DAY $18.2 billion $632.1 billion Passport to the World by VI Families 17. Seniors 2014: 42 million 2030: 76 million 20% of U.S. population 85+ will comprise the most rapidly growing segment of the U.S. population Passport to the World by VI Families (American Association of Geriatric Psychiatrists) 18. Seniors and spending Baby Boomers outspend other generations by $400 billion In the next 10 years, annual spending on wellness-based services = $1 trillion Outspend younger generations online 2:1 Boomers: 27 hours/week; Millennials: 25 hours/week Passport to the World by VI Families (US Government Consumer Expenditure Survey) (Paul Zane Pilzer, The Next Trillion) (Forrester Research) (WSL/Strategic Retail) 19. All about the experience Seniors spending is growing in: Education Experiences Passport to the World by VI Families 20. Passport to the World An Intervention to Depression Passport to the World by VI Families 21. Fall 2006 Passport to the World by VI Families 22. I want: Be with my loved ones Learn new things Contributing my great ideas Fulfill my bucket-list I am: Lonely Bored Does any one care? Does any one listen? Place-bound Passport to the World by VI Families Depression Technology 23. Passport to the World by VI Families 24. April 2006 Passport to the World by VI Families 25. Passport to the World by VI Families 26. Passport to the World by VI Families 27. Passport to the World by VI Families 28. Testimonials from residents Passport to the World by VI Families Wait until I tell my son and grandson what I did today! I feel like Ive benefitted from it because of all the things that Ive learned. Just learning! I love learning. 29. Testimonials from residents Passport to the World by VI Families I learn everything I can. In 85 years, I have a little bit of knowledge. (laughs) now I feel so YOUNG like NEW! What is the Acropolis? 30. Testimonials from administrators and staff For the second Passport experience, residents anxiously showed up thirty minutes early for the activity! Its akin to magic when they experience the fun of being there. Their eyes light up, smiles all over and they continue to talk until dinner. It benefitted them because it triggered memories. It brings out their cognitive... Saying things like oh, I remember that and they they start remembering things. Its a huge benefit. Passport to the World by VI Families 31. Testimonials from administrators and staff It gave the residents an opportunity to think about other things, besides Im here; Im alone. We have a very difficult time providing activities that our men enjoy participating in. Passport would be ideal. Am very interested in pursuing this further. It was the most residents weve ever had at an event - and only 1 fell asleep! Passport to the World by VI Families 32. Passport to the World by VI Families 33. The Promise of Passport Qualitative research indicates the experiences increase quality of life among individuals in long-term care facilities: The interactive experiences increases an older persons attention span, decreases depression, and lessens the feelings of loneliness and isolation. Passport to the World by VI Families Parker-Oliver, et al. Rush Medical Center NIH/NIA Study (Lancet Neurology, J. Nursing Care Quality, Educational Gerontology, 2010). 34. The Promise of Passport: Beta Results Passport to the World by VI Families Before After Variable x SD x SD t p LSNS 11.93 6.47 12.00 6.89 -.024 .98 GD 3.66 3.28 2.46 .83 1.39 .18 PCS 38.95 9.80 40.20 9.36 -.301 .76 MCS 52.98 13.00 62.17 3.97 -2.92 .01 As reported in the: Journal of American Medical Directors Association, 1.2011 All variables before and after the Passport Broadcast Intervention LSNS social support; GD depression: PCS physical health: MCS mental health Note: PCS and MCS comprise the SF-12. 35. The Promise of Passport: Research results from beta Residents were assessed for depression, social support and general health (physical and mental) A significant increase in the mental health subscale was found for residents post- intervention (p

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