
Holy Family & St Mary of the Angels Keyston Rd, Fairwater CF5 3NP Kings Rd, Canton CF11 9BX

12th 19th April 2020 Easter Sunday Cycle A

Holy Saturday (11th April)

8.30pm Easter Vigil

For the wellbeing of the NHS and all key workers

Easter Sunday– The Resurrection of the Lord (12th April)

10.00am Wellbeing of Archdiocese

12.00am People of the Parish

Monday of the Easter Octave (13th April)

9.30am Boleslaw Glowacki

12.15am Pat Collins

Tuesday the Easter Octave (14th April)

9.30am Intentions of Rachel & Ki

12.15am Bake Family & Betty Lee

7-8pm Adoration & Benediction

Wednesday of the Easter Octave (15th April)

9.30am Joseph Lee

12.15am John Irene Constans & Veronica Matthews

Thursday of the Easter Octave (16th April)

9.30am Intention of Pat Minto

12.15am Holy Souls

7-8pm Adoration & Benediction

Friday of the Easter Octave (17th April)

9.30am Keiron Lane

12.15am Holy Souls

Saturday of the Easter Octave (18th April)

9.30am Holy Souls

12.15am DWA & DR Uttley

Second Sunday of Easter (19th April)

Divine Mercy Sunday

10.00am Cathleen Neil

12.00am Dianne Braine

Evening Prayer (Vespers) live-streamed 7pm dai-ly including Tuesday & Thursday

A Parish of the Archdiocese of Cardiff, registered charity No 242380

St Mary’s Masses Easter Sunday

In Mary Oliver’s poem “praying”. She speaks about the importance of being still, paying attention and making space for God. With these extraordinary circumstances we are living through, the church seems particularly empty (although we know we do not ever celebrate the Sa-cred mysteries alone). However, during the Easter Vigil, the church is supposed to carry with it some symbols of emptiness; the holy water stoups, the tab-ernacle, the darkness of the church before the lights are turned on. And into the darkness comes the Pas-chal fire, spreading and illuminating the church as the light of Christ is passed from person to person. Today, we hear the Gospel of the empty tomb. When the disciples witness the empty tomb, it is a sign that Jesus has risen. Into the emptiness and darkness of Good Friday, Jesus brings light. Into our fears, Jesus brings hope. Into our hatred, he brings love. We hear a lot of talk nowadays about mental health; about the importance of giving our loved ones time and space to talk; being present in their worry and grief, especially in these trying times. When we pray, God holds such space for us and we in turn offer him a silence in which another voice may speak. We can also offer that space to others, whether as individuals or a Church by ensuring we are a place of welcome and hope.

Dear Guardian Angel, Go for me to the Church, there kneel down at Mass for me. At the Offertory,

take me to God, and offer Him my service: what I am, what I have, offer as my gift. At the Consecra-

tion, with your seraphic strength, adore my Saviour truly present, praying for those who have loved

me, for those who have offended me, and for those now deceased, that the blood of Jesus may purify

them all. During Holy Communion, bring to me the Body and Blood of Jesus uniting Him with me in

spirit, so that my heart may become His dwelling place. Plead with Him, that through His sacrifice all

people throughout the world may be saved. When the Mass ends, bring home to me and to every

home, the Lord’s blessing. Amen

A Prayer shared by Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster and President of the

Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales.

Donations to Missio– Red Boxes

We have recently received a letter from the Mill Hill missionaries to inform us of the total raised through the Red Box appeal during 2019. St Mary of the Angels The total was £3,065. May I offer my sincere gratitude for your generosity. A particular word of thanks must go to Roberta Meredith, our parish organiser. Holy Family The total was £1,707.89. May I offer my sincere gratitude for your generosity. A particular word of thanks must go to Phil Smith, our parish organiser. Keep placing your change in the Red Boxes in support of struggling missionary communities across the world that is if you have any spare change at the minute!

Thank you kindly to all of you who have sent emails in to show your support for live-streaming of Masses. It does have a great impact to remember that we are still very much in contact with those of you at home. We hope you don’t mind if we can’t necessarily re-spond to every single one, but be assured we do take note and are grateful.


Parish Contacts

The Priory 67 Talbot St. Canton, Cardiff tel: (029) 20 230 492

Parishes of St. Mary’s and Holy Family new email address is: [email protected]

Canon Peter Collins e-mail: [email protected]

Fr Nick Williams e-mail: [email protected]

Deacon Professor Maurice Scanlon e-mail: [email protected]

tel (029) 2021 2651 Website:

St Mary’s SVP contact number 07731847622.

Parish Safeguarding Reps

Ellery Hennessy (St Mary’s Rep awaiting appointment)

Primary Headteachers:

Holy Family

Louise Mills Tel: 20565354

St. Mary’s

Claire Russell Tel: 2022 5680

Secondary Headteachers:

Corpus Christi

Patrick Brunnock Tel: 20761893

Mary Immaculate

Huw Powell Tel: 2059 3465

St David’s 6th Form College

Mark Leighfield Tel: 20498555

Easter Greetings!

On behalf of Fr Nicholas, Deacon Maurice and my-self, I extend warmest Easter greetings as we cele-

brate the Resurrection of the Lord.

We have received many messages from parishioners and are most grateful for your prayerful support. Be assured of our daily prayers for the wellbeing of our

parishes and for the Universal Church.

Stay safe and well!

Holy Family: David Rogers, Catherine Driscoll, Kay & Paul Parris, S h e i l a F e r r i t e r , J o a n L e w i s , C o l l e t t e Griffin, Edward Brown, Bernard Perry, Vivian Miller, Valentine, Hen-ry & Tony Fernandez, Gary Sutton, Mary Bodman, Brian Webster, Martin, Susanna, Chris Collins, Hanna Marenghi, May Dalet, Linda Mantle,

St. Mary’s: Fr Christopher Delaney, Bethan Williams, Jean Allen, Madison Lane, John & Marian Lamb, Jean Hayman, Will Johnson, Ivan Sadka, Laurence Tobin, Nadasiri Ifada, Cecily Hughes, James Church, Margaret Griffiths, Anthony Jackson, Tom Hopkins, Joanne Coakley, Helen Ward. Doreen Utley

Maria Sullivan, Corina Foster.

Pray for the Sick

Live-streaming of Masses at St Mary’s

We are sorry to hear that that some people have experienced significant difficulties with accessing the live-streaming web content. at It is clear from testing, however, that this not a universal issue, but, rather, device/ location dependent. Our IT advisor has confirmed that our website is capably handling the volume of traffic. Therefore, we have been forced to conclude that this is not an issue at our end. If you are experiencing difficulties, we would advise you to please contact your own broadband or hardware provid-er for technical assistance. Notwithstanding, did you know that you can also get access via a link at our provid-er’s website

Financial Matters

I am very conscious that parishioners will be facing significant financial uncertainty. The finances of both parishes are in a very healthy condition and there is no danger of us failing to cover our costs. A number of parishioners have asked for information concerning the establishment of standing orders. If you wish to receive information, then please email the parish and we can send a pack which includes relevant dec-laration forms. You may be able to establish a standing order directly with your bank. Our bank details are as follows:

Sort code: 20-18-23 (for both) St Mary’s Acc No: 03285375

Holy Family Acc No: 63656861

The Easter Vigil

Most bless of all nights. This night of the Passover when Christ passed from death to life is the most im-portant celebration of the Christian year. We celebrate our passing over through baptism from the death of sin to the life of grace. Christians, from the earliest times devoted this night to watching and waiting. We too keep our vigil knowing that the Lord will rise triumphant from the tomb.

The Easter Season

The fifty days from Easter Sunday to Pentecost are celebrated in joyful exultation. We sing out the great Al-leluia. The first eight days of the season are described as an octave of solemn celebration. We would normal-ly be celebrating the reception of neophytes into the Church and we would rejoice to lead them through their post-baptismal catechesis, or mystagogia. However, this year is marked by extraordinary circumstance and we have been unable to celebrate this blessing. We should all, nonetheless, strive to deepen our under-standing of the Paschal mystery and commit ourselves to a greater assimilation of its graces. Although we are currently deprived of our participation in the Sacrifice of the Mass, and of our reception of Holy Com-munion, we can still meditate on the Sacred Scriptures and practice the virtue of charity, even accounting for our now limited environment.

On the fortieth day of the Easter season, we will celebrate the Ascension of the Lord into heaven. The Apostles bear witness to this glorious event when Christ returns to His place at the right hand of the Father where He prepares a place for us. The ascension reminds us that the Lord will return at the end of time when the fullness of his authority and power will be revealed for all to behold.

The days following the Ascension provide am opportunity for the Church to prepare for the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Most Holy Paraclete. The Easter season comes to its completion after fifty days with the cel-ebration of Pentecost. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles empowers them to address all peoples and nations, addressing them with the very wisdom of Christ Himself.

The Easter Season Recently died

Mr Patrick Morris- The funeral will be celebrated on Wednesday 15th April.

Mr Gerald Rankmore- The funeral will be celebrated on Monday 20th April.

Mrs Ellen Matley- The funeral will be celebrated on Tues-day 21st April.

Mrs Hugette Skinner– who died 4th April 2020. The funer-al will be celebrated by Fr Andy Bord on Tuesday 21st April.

Mr Phillip Tamlin- The funeral will be celebrated on Wednesday 22nd April.

Please pray for the eternal repose of Mr Dudley Hurley, dedicated parishioner of Holy Family. We are still awaiting to hear of arrangements for his funeral.

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