  • jjj

    nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday)

    Pastor 主任司鐸 Fr. Bruce-John Hamilton

    Assistant 助理司鐸 Fr. James Kairu

    Chinese Mass 中文彌撒司鐸

    Fr. Anthony Ho

    Parish Secretary Helen Estrellado

    Parish Office Hrs 堂區辦事處時間 Tue—Fri 8:30am to 12:00 pm

    1:00 to 4:00 pm Closed for Lunch at 12:00 – 1:00 pm

    Corpus Christi Elementary School 6344 Nanaimo Street Vancouver, BC V5P 4K6 Phone: 604-321-1117 Fax: 604-321-1410 Email: [email protected] Website: Principal: Ms. Rosa Natola

    Sunday Mass 主日彌撒 Saturday Vigil 週六:

    5:00 pm (English 英) Sunday 週日: 8:00 am (English 英) 10:00 am (English 英) 12:00 pm (English 英) 3:00 pm (Cantonese)

    Weekday Mass 平日彌撒 Mon.—Fri. 週一至五 8:00 am Wednesday 9:05 am (School Mass when in session) Friday 7:00 pm Saturdays & Holidays 9:00 am

    Reconciliation 修和聖事

    Saturday 9:30 am – 10:15 am 4:00 pm – 4:45 pm Monday—Friday 7:45 am —7:55 am Friday 6:15pm —6:40 pm Sunday (In Cantonese) 2:30—2:55 pm

    Liturgy of the Hours/Devotions

    Office of Readings Daily 7:00 am Saturdays/Holidays 8:00 am Lauds Daily 7:40 am Saturdays/Holidays 8:40 am Sunday 7:30 am Holy Rosary, after weekday Mass Divine Mercy Devotion Fridays 6:35 pm Our Lady of Perpetual Help Saturday 9:30 am




    5:45 至 6:45

    聖時:下午 6:00

    May 19, 2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter

    November 11, 2018 Thirty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time


    Adoration Chapel Jarka Fusekova/Araceli Hinz

    Baptism Preparation Class Jackson Fong/Adelia Yiu/

    Anita Gill/Scholastica Au

    Bible Study Fr. Bruce-John Hamilton (Scripture Study)

    Joyce Fung (Tuesday Morning Group)

    Joseph Chiu (Chinese)

    Catering Theresa Stewart

    Catholic Women’s League Leni Fong, President

    Chinese Community Frank Chan


    Sat. 5pm & Sun. 8am Dominica Chan

    Sun. 10am Dorothy Li

    Sun 12pm Cristy Luettschwager

    Chinese 3pm Vincent Lau

    Church Care Helen Estrellado

    Altar Linens Agnes Lo

    Church Flowers Monica Lau

    Church Cleaning Cristy Luettschwager

    Church Gardens Adele Almoite

    Couples for Christ Neil & Cristy Loresco

    Russell & Theresa Zablan

    Richman & Nina Therese Manalili

    Eucharistic Ministry Bill Lam

    Knights of Columbus David Robinson, Grand Knight

    Legion of Mary Vickie Cornwall, President

    Project Advance Jackson Fong/Simon Yeung

    RCIA Fr. Bruce-John Hamilton (English)

    Joseph Chiu (Cantonese)

    Readers Irene Goh-Ko

    Safe Environment Ruby Socorro Arico

    Seniors’ Ministry Jackson Fong/Theresa Stewart

    Senior Management Team Fr. Bruce-John Hamilton/Fr. James Kairu/

    Jackson Fong/David Robinson/Rick Lam/

    Veronica Yam/Helen Estrellado

    Ushers Vacant

    Welcoming Ministry Connie Robinson

    Youth Ministry Fr. James Kairu, Director

    Altar Servers Fr. James Kairu

    Junior Youth Melchor Berceles/Lois Umali

    Parish Religious Education

    Program (PREP) Veronica Yam, Coordinator

    Queen of Angels Vivien Leung, Coordinator


    The Baptism Preparation Classes for

    parents are held every 1st (Part 1) and

    3rd (Part 2) Saturdays of the month,

    10:30 am to 12 noon, except during

    the months of July and August.

    Parents must attend both sessions.

    Call the Parish Office to pre-register

    for the class. Baptism celebrations

    are held every 1st and 3rd Sundays

    of the month following the 12:00

    noon Mass.


    We welcome your wedding celebration

    at Corpus Christi Church. To arrange

    the date and begin your preparations,

    please contact the Parish Office or either

    one of our priests at least 6 months prior

    to the proposed wedding date.


    If your loved one, relative or friend

    would like to arrange for a priest for the

    administration of the Sacrament of the

    Anointing of the Sick or to visit the sick

    in a hospital, please phone the Parish

    Office. Or you may contact the hospital



    604-877-5918 (Pager)

    Fr. Jude Iloghalu (Mon., Tue., Fri.,

    Sat. and Sun.)

    Fr. Miguel Segura Blay, Fr. Gilbert

    Nunez, Fr. Luis Martin Brain

    Delgado (Wed. and Thurs.)


    Fr. Martin Tuyen Nguyen, OP




    St. Theresa’s Parish (Chaplain)



    Fr. Rajesh Madtha, OCD


    WELCOME TO NEW PARISHIONERS AND VISITORS: If you would like to become a member of the Corpus Christi

    Parish Community, please complete a Parish Registration Form (located at the Welcoming Booth or by the bulletin board on the left-hand side near the main door of the Church) and introduce yourself to the priests. Envelopes are assigned to those

    who request for them. Please pick them up at the Parish Office.

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]

  • Saturday, May 18 Vigil Mass 5:00 PM for Rose Taphorn, RIP

    Sunday, May 19 Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM for All Parishioners, living & deceased

    10:00 AM for Concetta Cardarelli, Gino & Angelo Martino, RIP 12:00 PM for Deceased Members of Blaza Family

    3:00 PM for All Sick People, Health

    Monday, May 20

    9:00 AM for Celso P. Rempis, RIP

    Tuesday, May 21

    8:00 AM for Sabino Rossi, RIP

    Wednesday, May 22

    8:00 AM for O’Reighlly Family, Intention 9:00 AM SCHOOL MASS

    Thursday, May 23

    8:00 Am for Epifania Garcia, RIP

    Friday, May 24

    8:00 AM for Ruben Mascardo, Jr., RIP 7:00 PM for Jose & Julia Macapinlac, RIP

    Saturday, May 25 9:00 AM for Malcolm Hastie, RIP

    Vigil Mass 5:00 PM for Araceli and Felimon Estrada, RIP

    Sunday, May 26 Sixth Sunday of Easter 8:00 AM for Florence Albi, RIP

    10:00 AM for All Parishioners, living & deceased 12:00 PM for Elivera Family, Thanksgiving

    3:00 PM for Mary Tam, RIP





    $110,000 PARISH GOAL

    May 19,2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter

    First Week Report

    Total Pledges - $21,770.00 Total number of gifts - 49 % of Diocesan Goal – 32%

    % of Parish Goal – 20%

    Last weekend, Project Advance 2019 was launched in our parish. The goal for the Archdiocese is $3.25 million. The Parish Goal for this year is $110,000 which covers our commitment to the Archdiocese of $68,000 and the balance for our local parish needs.

    Please consider making a gift. Volunteers will be available at the back of the Church to take in your donations/pledges Likewise, you can visit the archdiocesan website, to donate online and make your pledge to our parish.

    Together, let us continue to “live gratefully and give generously by supporting the faith to continue the legacy”.

    Thank you and may God bless you abundantly and reward you for being a good steward.

  • Corpus Christi School Annual Parish Picnic

    The Annual Parish Picnic will be held next Sunday, May 26th, from 10am to 3pm. Funds raised will go towards school technology, sports resources and Gr.7 outdoor education. Any left-over funds will go towards the new school/parish centre building project. Come and join the fun!!!!

    ALTAR SERVERS SUMMER CAMP August 14-16, 2019

    The Altar Servers Summer Camp Package is now ready and available for pickup at the Parish Office on weekdays or at the Sacristy during weekends. Deadline for registration is Friday, May 31st.


    For those who recently registered with the parish and requested for 2019 envelope box sets, please claim them at the Welcoming Booth.


    The Holy Family Hospital Gift Shop is very much in need of volunteers who are willing to help. For more information, please contact Carmen Leung at 604-439-9229.


    Who Am I?

    Join us for a weekend workshop to help you discover the gifts you bring to the parish work; improve your relationships in leadership; increase your productivity in parish ministry; and develop your unique strengths as a parish leader, coordinator, or catechist. May 25 - 26 and June 1 - 2 at the John Paul II Pastoral Centre in Vancouver. Note: This is one workshop being held over 2 weekends (4 days). Register here:


    The Matthew 7.7 Prayer Brigade, a prayer warriors group of the Office of the Filipino Ministry ( that gathers month-to-month in different parishes for Intensive Prayer with Scriptural Rosaries during a three-hour Eucharistic Adoration, invites all on May 26, 2019 (Sun.), 1:00-4:00 pm, in St. Joseph, 32550 7th Avenue, Mission, BC. Prayers are in English and invitation is for all to unite ourselves in prayer and sacrifice for the sanctification of the ordained ministry and consecrated persons, for the renewal and strengthening of the Catholic Church in all levels, for our families, for healing of illnesses and of victims of sexual abuses, of broken relationships, for justice and peace in the world, for intentions of families in our Archdiocese. Petitions and Thanksgiving boxes are provided and will be brought to the Blessed Sacrament before start of the Adoration.

    Marital Money Matters

    Takes place on Saturday, June 8, from 2 to 5 pm at St. Mary's Gym in Vancouver. Facilitated by Christian Dy, award winning educator, team leader, and financial advisor. When he is not advising clients or giving financial workshops, he can be found analyzing investments and creating financial education videos for his YouTube channel.

    Stewardship Reflections

    “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have

    loved you, so you also should love one another." (John 13:34)

    It is easy to love someone when they love you back. But it takes strength and courage to love someone when we feel

    unappreciated, used or feel our opinion doesn’t matter. It takes courage to “love my neighbor” when he may be someone I

    don’t like, someone I don’t know or someone that doesn’t look like me..

    Copyright © 2018 Archdiocese of St. Louis

    Annual Parish &

    School Picnic


    FAST - Do not eat any food an hour BEFORE Mass begins. Only water is allowed

    COME EARLY - Allow 10-15 minutes of meditation before Mass

    DRESS PROPERLY - This is to show decency and honour to God

    NO PHONES - Turn your mobile phones to SILENT mode

    GENUFLECT - Kneel your right knee in the direction of the Tabernacle before sitting

    PARTICIPATE - Sing, respond, listen and pray

    COMMUNE - Examine conscience beforehand

    THINK OF OTHERS - Respect the pew and queue

    BE STILL - Don’t be in a hurry. Enjoy and feel God’s presence and thank Him for His graces

  • 5th Sunday of Easter

    I want to welcome, albeit one week late, William Mancao to our parish for the summer period. William is a

    seminarian who has just completed 1st year theology. As you read this he is becoming acquainted with all aspects of the

    parish and parish life. I ask all of you, knowing full well that you will, welcome William to our parish for this important

    phase of his seminary training and keep him in your prayers (as with all seminarians) that if it is God’s will he will be

    ordained to the priesthood. It is important, as well, that all of us pray for vocations to the priesthood. God has in no way

    ceased to call men to the priesthood; the difficulty is that, it is becoming increasingly difficult for them to hear because of

    the tsunami of distractions and temptations in the world. We need to be convinced though, that while it may be more

    difficult for men to hear it is by no means impossible. So pray, and pray for the long game, meaning until death, and not

    just in spurts, or for a month, or year…till death.

    Today is the Seniors High Tea, which begins at 1pm. This is an event that is enjoyed by our senior parishioners. It

    is also a good opportunity for others to serve you, as you have served us in so many different ways throughout the years.

    This is a small way that we can show you our appreciation for your sacrifice and service to the Lord, our parish and the

    community. For the seniors, I will see you there! I want to thank, in advance, all of the organizers who have put this event


    Tomorrow, Monday the 20th, is Victoria Day, and it is a National Holiday. It is a good idea to try and make time

    to be with family, and perhaps even attend the 9am Mass on that day. Why not?, as it is great way to start the day. We

    should always be thankful that we have holidays like this. In pre-Christian times there were no holidays, except with the

    Jewish people and they were ordered by God to take one day of rest and spend it worshipping Him. The word holiday

    comes from “holy-day,” and is another thing to be thankful for as children of God.

    The priests of the Archdiocese will be on retreat these next two weeks, the retreat is always at Mission, or the

    Abbey, where the Benedictine Monks live. I will be on the first retreat and Fr James will be on the second. Please pray for

    the priests of the Archdiocese and be assured that we will pray for you.

    Continuing with my weekly section on the Sacraments: Now that I have discussed the different types of sin, it is

    important to review what the requirements are for a valid and profitable Confession

    For a confession to be valid there must be the confession of all mortal sins. For a confession to profitable there

    are five steps involved:

    1) Examination of Conscience: this is a very beneficial and necessary spiritual exercise if any spiritual growth is going to take place. It involves asking three questions at the end of the day: 1.1) What have I done wrong with

    respect to God, my neighbour, and myself; 1.2) What have I done right; 1.3) What specific things can I do

    tomorrow in order to make some improvement. This resolution should be practical, attainable and concrete.

    Remember to deepen in your devotion to Mary during the month of May, pray the Rosary each day, or pray the

    Regina Caeli at 12pm each day.

    Fr. Hamilton

  • 本堂神父的話


    雖然稍嫌遲了一週,我歡迎 William Mancao 先生參與服務我們本堂。William 是剛完成了第一年神學的


    William 是重要的;所以,懇請大家為 William、也為修生們祈禱,期望在天主聖意下,他們都能穩步到









    家大小共同參與上午九時彌撒的機會 ── 是一天好開端的方法。能有「假日」,我們應該感恩。基督宗


    「聖日」,不工作,只務恭敬天主的事。「假日」的英文字 holiday,源自「聖日 holy-day」,促使作






    (一)省察。省察屬必需的靈修,以期達到靈益的境界。我們可自問:1) 我對天主、對別人、對自己,

    曾做過什麼錯事呢?2) 有什麼事我是做對了的呢?3) 我怎樣可以使自己有進步呢?對這些自問的答案



    Hamilton 神父

  • SUNDAY, MAY 26, 2019



    DAY 2019

    Corpus Christi Parish Picnic

    6350 Nanaimo St.

    10:00am – 3:00pm

    All proceeds go to Corpus

    Christi’s school technology, sports resources

    and Gr. 7 outdoor education.


    ──── RAFFLE 50/50












    ──── MARTIAL



    ──── MARTIAL






    DAY! 😉

  • Beloved: Living MarriageStrengthen your mariage with a practical video series that will help you put faith at the center of your relationship so it can thrive.

    Ignatius of LoyolaThis modern and very human movie is an incisive and thrilling look at Saint Ignatius’s transformation into a soldier-saint.

    Joan of ArcWitness the story of the legendary warrior and saint who, at seventeen, led one of the world’s greatest military campaigns.

    God with UsChildren and adults alike will be captivated by this account of Jesus’s life, featuring vivid storytelling and high impact animation.

    For more great content, sign up for free at

    ⊲ Made for Greatness by Leah Darrow⊲ Marriage and Family by Scott Hahn⊲ What’s So Great about Being Catholic? by Jason Evert

    Ode to Saint CeciliaHear the dramatic story of a modest young woman from Rome whose life has influenced poets, composers, and painters. Enjoy these other audio dramas as well:

    True WorshipFather Michael Schmitz takes you deeper into the Mass.Check out these other popular Lighthouse Talks:

    ⊲ Brother Francis ⊲ The Trials of Saint Patrick

    Enjoy FORMEDThis Summer

  • How to limit screen time this summer for your kids (and why you should)

    These 5 strategies will help you and your kids have a much more peaceful summer.

    Screen time is an insidious thing. When you’re at your wits’ end during summer vacation and you need a few minutes to get some work done or just to have some peace and qui-et, bringing out the screens can seem like just the thing. But often it has the reverse effect, and both you and your kids can end up paying dearly for that hour of quiet.

    I learned this the hard way last summer. The first few weeks of summer vacation were filled with poorly regulated, unstructured screen time. More often than not, my kids ended up fighting as much over the screens as they did using them. When I inevitably reached my limit and took the screens away altogether, the rest of the day devolved into complaining and bickering. It took me a few weeks before I wised up to the turmoil that screens were actually causing, and I spent the rest of the summer learning through trial and error how to regulate screen time most effectively. To save you (and myself) the hassle of reinventing the wheel, I’m going to share the most effective strategies for limiting screen time so you can have a process to implement when school gets out.

    1 NO SCREENS IN THE MORNING Placing screen time at the beginning of the day is an great way to set yourself and your kids up for a long, frustrating day. Even if you limit their screen time to an hour or less, the profound dopamine rush of screen time in the early hours will make everything that follows seems subpar. Activities they would normally enjoy, like riding bikes outside or going to the library, will be met with resistance and hostil-ity. Screen time is often overstimulating, which leads to exhaustion and discontent — not the tone you want to set for a long summer day.

    2 LIMIT SCREENS TO A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF TIME AND A CERTAIN TIME OF DAY Learning to limit their screen time to less than an hour a day was the quickest lesson I learned, but it took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out that not having a set time in the day for screen use was creating as much stress and anxiety as too much screen time had. My kids didn’t know what to expect, so they constantly asked for what they wanted. It made me crazy, and I usually handed over the iPad when they had worn me down asking, begging, pleading, and whining. Kids aren’t stupid, and mine are no exception — they knew all they had to do was pester me for screen time until I gave in. My patience dwindled rapidly until I limited screens to the after-noon while the toddler napped. They complained a bit, but adjusted to more quickly than I expected. Setting a firm boundary and not allowing myself to deviate from it ended up giving me hours of peace and quiet while my kids threw themselves into activities they’d been eschewing.

    3 ACTIVE PLAY BEFORE PASSIVE PLAY Once my kids knew they couldn’t expect screens in the morning, they were eager to play outside. We spent most mornings in the back-yard swimming, but other days they rode bikes, drew with sidewalk chalk, played hopscotch, or we took a short trip to the nearest park. Kids absolutely need at least a few hours of physical activity per day during the summer for their physical health and their mental and emotional well-being. Just like adults, kids have trouble regulating their emotions without regular exercise — so make sure you prioritize active play before considering passive screen time.

    4 MENTAL STIMULATION CAN PREVENT OVERSTIMULATION One of the biggest mistakes I made last summer was letting my kids have screen time right after lunch, when their little brother went down for a nap. He napped for 2 hours, which ended up being way too much overstimulation for his siblings to handle, so I replaced the screen time after lunch with quiet reading time. They each had to spend at least 30 minutes reading quietly and another 30 engaged in some other form of quiet play, like coloring or crafts. They were only allowed to use screens after the full hour of quiet time was up — and I was surprised to find that at least half the time, they became so absorbed in their chosen quiet time activity that they never even asked for screens at all. Waking their brains up with healthy stimulation was often enough to keep them from craving the unhealthy over-stimulation of screen time.

    5 MAKE THEM WORK FOR IT The last lesson was the one that took me the entire summer to figure out. If kids believe that screens are a right and not a privilege, they’ll see any restrictions as an injustice. This can pit your kids against you if they start to think you’re withholding something they have a right to. I finally managed to flip the tables by making screens a privilege they had to earn, rather than something freely given. Every day, they each had one big chore or two smaller ones to complete before they were allowed to ask for their hour of screen time. Some days they stamped, whined, complained, dragged their feet, and never got the chores done at all. The next day, those chores were still waiting for them.

    But some mornings they got up and did them before we had even had breakfast, which had the dual benefit earning their screen time and inspiring their siblings to do the same. Regardless of what happened on any given day, the dynamic surrounding screens was pro-foundly altered. The kids knew what they had to do to earn them, and if they didn’t do it, they knew it was their own choice rather than some form of parental tyranny. They couldn’t argue their way out of it (even though they tried). It just was, and eventually — about the last week before school — they accepted it.

    It might seem like an overwhelming list of things to make your kids learn to check off before handing them that iPad, but I promise you that putting this in place at the very beginning of the summer and sticking to it like glue will make your summer infinitely easier and more peaceful.


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