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This is a simple way to get noticed. Some of us are too serious at work and do not meet our colleagues and seniors. We may do wonderful things but if we do not have the required human relations skills then we will never be noticed. We need to make others know our achievements. It is important to communicate with our seniors make them known what we have done.


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• The principle of management by walking around in the office / plant can be practiced by all. We are not alone in our company. There are many others who too are doing wonderful things for the company. We need to get up from our seats and go around meeting people with a smile, discuss with them find out ground realities to effectively deal with situation. Meeting others will always give us fresh ideas, refresh our enthusiasm and make us visible and lovable.

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Keep knowledge of your subject up to date. Your talk / presentations have to be based on facts / figures and proper analysis. Nothing should be talked about in air. Anticipate the possible questions and be prepared with the logical answers. This will show your matured and professional approach to business making you visible. Big talks may be impressive but if it is not followed up by action result is zero. Have faith in your ability, take initiative, work systematically and deliver results. Do not give excuses, walk that extra mile and bring results. You are then bound to be visible.

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• Men / Women cannot live in isolation. People are our greatest assets. We have to have a good team work. We cannot have the use and throw approach to people. We have to thank the people and remain connected. You should have an open mind and listen to others. This will earn us more visibility.

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• During performance management system process persons with visibility have an edge over non visible. Hence it is very critical that we should not only perform will but should get well noticed by all concerned.

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