
04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 1

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue Contratto

Finlandia SI Vari 28/09/2011 30/06/2012

Italia 20 SI Stagionale 02/12/2011 31/05/2012

Italia 1 SI 14/12/2011 30/06/2012

N. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Varie posizi


Valmet Automotive is an international, experienced provider of automotive engineering, vehicle manufacturing, convertible roof systems and related business services. Our areas of expertise are premium cars, convertibles and electric vehicle s. We have made our name with top quality and our references are world-class. We employ over 1600 professionals in Finland, Germany, Poland, Sweden and the USA. If you are interested i n making an international career on the frontline of automotive industry, we can offer you several open positions in Germany, Finland and the USA. We also have a constant need for product d evelopment, quality and production technology engineers to work in our current and fut ure projects. Open applications are always welcome.We are looking for automotive engineering professio nals with suitable education (MSc or BSc of Engineering, Mechanics etc.) complemented with expe rience in project work. Valmet Automotive’s Roof systems business line is currentl y looking for R&D engineers for Osnabrück, Germany. For further information on these positions , please contact [email protected] . You may email your application to [email protected] . Valmet Automotive’s Engineering and Manufacturing b usiness lines are now looking for Project and Design Engineers for Finland and the USA. To se e our currently open positions, please visit: you not find a position of your interest, pl ease send an open application at _id=3791&lang=ukValmet Automotive is strategically expanding its au tomotive service offering and world-wide presence. In this, our greatest asset is the person nel. We are always interested in new talent. Please, do not hesitate to contact us or send your application at any

Per lavorare in villaggi turistici in Italia da giu gno a tutto agosto 2012 si ricercano candidati con precedenti esperienze di lavoro di animazione bambi ni, contatto clienti e organizzazione attività sportive. Necessaria l'ottima conoscenza della ling ua italiana + una altra lingua fra Inglese, Olandese o Tedesco. Max 30 anni. Inviare candidatur e con foto a [email protected] con l'indicazione in oggetto "Touristic Entertainer Pug lia Summer 2012 / EP". English speaking Entertainers Job location : Summer Resorts in Italy Work availability: from June 2012 to August 2012 Job description: Tourist Entertainers (activit ies for children, guests contact and animation or sport activities for children and adults) in a t eam of entertainers. Skills required - Strong interpersonal and communication skills - Age: max 3 0 - Languages: English or Dutch or German: excellent - Italian : intermediate - Preferable : e xperience in entertainment for children or in sport s activities - Apply to : [email protected] wi th photo and object "Touristic Entertainer Puglia Summer 2012 / EP".

Italiano + Inglese o Olandese o


We are seeking an EXECUTIVE SECRETARY ENGLISH MOTHE R TONGUE for a leading multinational company located in the Veneto Region (North Est Italy). The candidate for this position required to be English mother tongue and f luent in Italian, will provide direct advanced secretarial support to the CEO throughout a variety of business related ventures on a daily basis. Other important prerequisites include excellent com munication and organizational skills, as well as experience at a similar level in a related field . Frequent traveling and overtime are not required. Candidates interested in this position are asked to send their application form, signing the authorization for the treatment of privacy in accor dance with law 196/03, to our web-site, in the “Current Research” section , citing Ref. 263/AGL.

English mother tongue and fluent


High School or University graduation

Tempo Indeterminato full time

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 2

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Germania 10 SI 29/03/2012 30/06/2012

Italia 1 NO Inglese fluente 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

We are one of Europe’s largest engineering contract ors. We have 39 locations in 18 countries and currently employ 2,500 people. We’ve been developin g outstanding and innovative ideas and solutions in the automotive, aviation, mechanical a nd energy engineering fields for decades. We are responsible for innovative projects and designi ng the technologies of tomorrow as a contractor to well-known OEMs, system suppliers and vendors. For our branch near Wolfsburg in Germany we are looking for: CATIA V5 design enginee rs (m/f) Responsibilities: • Self-dependent research and development work • CATIA V5 free formed surfaces • Direct customer contact Requirement: • Graduate degree in Mechanical Engineering • Several years of professional experience • High experience skills in CATIA V5 • Possess good language skills in German and Englis h • Please make sure your application is in German or English only as we will accept those only • CV’s in any other languages will be ignored We offer you a very worthwhile career and the chanc e to employ your know-how in varied and challenging projects. Our short decision paths and good organisation mean that every enthusiastic employee can realise his or her ideas and exploit attractive promotion possibilities. A comprehensive Work-Life-Balance programme rounds of f what we have to offer very nicely. Please send your application documents by E-mail to [email protected] and tell us about the emoluments you expect and the earliest da te you could join our company.

Fluent English or German

ANALISTA FUNZIONALE JUNIOR. Il candidato ideale, ch e avrà maturato almeno un anno di esperienza, sarà inserito all’interno di un progett o ambizioso, dinamico e internazionale; dovrà garantire il supporto operativo; svolgerà attività relative allo sviluppo di nuovi applicativi.Si occuperà di:analisi dei requisiti;controllo della r ispondenza del prodotto informatico garantendo le esigenze degli utenti; testing funzionale;test d i produzione;rilascio di documentazione di analisi;supporto agli utenti;Competenze tecniche ri chieste:Sistemi operativi: Unix/Linux (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX);Linguaggi di programmazione: VB6, A sp.Net, VB Script, CSS, HTML, XML;DataBase: Oracle 9g-10g, Sql Server, MySQL.Rich iesta inoltre:conoscenza fluente della lingua inglese;disponibilità a trasferte e trasferi menti all’estero per gestire progetti internazionali.Completano il profilo: flessibilità, orientamento al cliente e spirito propositivo.Costituisce titolo preferenziale la pro venienza da contesti bancari/finanziari. Sede di lavoro: Milano Tipologia contrattuale: tipologia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi in fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturat e.I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 198/2006), sono invita ti a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Tempo Determinat


04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 3

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Italia 1 SI Inglese fluente 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

Italia 1 NO Inglese fluente 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

ANALISTA FUNZIONALE SENIOR. Il candidato ideale, do vrà aver maturato un’esperienza triennale in attività di analisi funzionale e sviluppo applic ativi; sarà inserito all’interno di un progetto ambizioso, dinamico e internazionale; dovrà garanti re il supporto operativo.Si occuperà di:analisi dei requisiti;controllo della rispondenza del prodo tto informatico garantendo le esigenze degli utenti; testing funzionale;test di produzione;rilas cio di documentazione di analisi;test cases;supporto agli utenti;Competenze tecniche rich ieste:Sistemi operativi: Unix/Linux (AIX, Solaris, HP-UX) ;Linguaggi di programmazione:VB6,Asp.Net, VB Script, CSS, HTML, XML;DataBase: Oracle 9g-10g, Sql Server, MySQL.Richiesta inoltre:conoscenza fluente della lingua inglese;dis ponibilità a trasferte e trasferimenti all’estero per gestire progetti internazionali.Completano il p rofilo: flessibilità, orientamento al cliente e spirito propositivo.Costituisce titolo preferenzial e la provenienza da contesti bancari/finanziari. Sede di lavoro: Milano Tipologia contrattuale: tipo logia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi in fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturate.I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 198/2006), sono invitati a leggere l’informativa su lla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Tempo Indetermina


SYSTEM ENGINEER JUNIOR. Il candidato ideale, inseri to all’interno di un gruppo già esistente, dovrà aver maturato un’esperienza di uno/due anni n el ruolo, dovrà garantire:installazione, amministrazione e risoluzione dei problemi dei sist emi AS/400;installazione, amministrazione e risoluzione dei problemi dei sistemi AIX e WebSpher e, Application Server;implementazione e procedure di backup dei dati e delle configurazioni AS/400, AIX e WebSphere;supporto operativo a fornitori e consulenti esterni;attività di assist enza agli utenti in qualità si supporto di 2° livello;gestione, adattamento dell’architettura per gli aspetti di hardware, software o connettività dei sistemi di competenza.Competenze tecniche richieste:Buona conoscenza Host AS/400Buona conoscenza AIXBuona conoscenza WebShereBuona conoscenza dei sistemi Storage IBMBuona conoscenza protocollo TCP/IPCompletano il profilo: ottima capacità di comunicaz ione, buona gestione dello stress; capacità analitiche e propensione al problem solving.Spirito di iniziativa ed atteggiamento propositivo.Sede di lavoro: MilanoTipologia contrattuale: tipol ogia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi in fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturate. – scopo assunzione. I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 198/2006), sono invitati a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Tempo Indetermina


04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 4

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Italia 1 SI Inglese fluente 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

Italia 1 SI 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

SYSTEM ENGINEER SENIOR. Il candidato ideale, inseri to all’interno di un gruppo già esistente, dovrà aver maturato un’esperienza di almeno tre ann i nel ruolo, dovrà garantire:installazione, amministrazione e risoluzione dei pr oblemi dei sistemi AS/400;installazione, amministrazione e risoluzione dei problemi dei sist emi AIX e WebSphere, Application Server;implementazione e procedure di backup dei da ti e delle configurazioni AS/400, AIX e WebSphere;supporto operativo a fornitori e consulen ti esterni;attività di assistenza agli utenti in qualità si supporto di 2° livello;gestione, adattam ento dell’architettura per gli aspetti di hardware, software o connettività dei sistemi di competenza.Competenze tecniche richieste:Buona conoscenza Host AS/400Buona conoscenza AIXBuona conoscenza WebShereBuona conoscenza dei sistemi Storage IBMBuona conoscenza protocollo TCP/IPSede di lavoro: Milan. Tipologia contrattuale: tipo logia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi in fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturate. I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 198/2006), sono invitati a leggere l’informativa su lla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Tempo Indetermina


PROJECT MANAGER/RESPONSABILE TECNICO AREA WEB PIATT AFORMA MICROSOFT. Synergie Italia spa, Divisione IT ricerca per impor tante azienda IT marchigiana un Project manager. Il candidato ideale, inserito all’interno della Divisione Nuove Tecnologie, dovrà aver maturato una valida esperienza in attività di anali si e sviluppo web su piattaforma Microsoft.Ricoprendo il ruolo di capo progetto sarà responsab ile delle distinte attività, si occuperà di:organizzare le attività di lavoro;gestire e coordinare il gruppo di lavoro;distribuire ed affidare compiti all’interno del tea m;verificare e garantire il corretto funzionamento de lle attività di sviluppo;proporre interventi di miglioramento per una maggio re efficienza.Competenze richieste:ottima conoscenza degli ambienti di sviluppo su pi attaforma Microsoft: .NET (C#,, VB.Net);ottima conoscenza Sharepoint 2010;buona conoscenza di SQL SERVER;buona conoscenza della lingua inglese;ottime doti relazionali;forte propensione al problem solving;ottime doti comunicative, gestionali, organizzative e di leader.Sede di lavoro: Provincia di Ascoli Piceno. Tipolog ia contrattuale: tipologia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi in fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturate.I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 198/2006), sono invita ti a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Buona conoscenza


Tempo Indetermina


04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 5

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Italia 1 SI 23/03/2012 31/05/2012

Regno Unito SI 01/03/2012 30/06/2012

TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN APPLICATION. Il can didato ideale dovrà occuparsi della gestione strategica della società, gestione ed ada ttamento sia da un punto di vista architettonico, che del sistema informativo. Parteciperà a progetti internazionali, assumendosi la responsabilità per l'attuazione tecnica e architettonica. Principa li attività:fornire supporto tecnico, fornire soluzioni IT competenti per sostenere le loro esige nze del business, coordinare i team tecnici, distribuendo compiti e responsabilità. Competenze t ecniche e competenze richieste: Sistemi Operativi: IBM iOS - IBM AIX - Microsoft Windows / Windows Server Analisi e sviluppo: Project Management - UML - Modeling Tool - IBM ILE (Legacy) + IBM - WebSphere / RAD (Java) - Microsoft VisualStudio. NET.Ottima conoscenza della lingua in glese. Eccellente capacità di analisi, di comunicazione e negoziazione, di lavorare su scaden ze precise. Attitudine al problem solving e problem setting. Ottima gestione dello stress.Sede di lavoro: Milano. Tipologia contrattuale: tipologia e livello contrattuale saranno discussi i n fase di colloquio in base alle effettive esperienza maturate. I candidati ambosessi (D.Lgs 1 98/2006), sono invitati a leggere l’informativa sulla privacy (D.Lgs 196/2003) sul nostro sito

Ottima conoscenza


Tempo Indetermina


We are currently recruiting CNC Millers, Turners, S etters, Programmers and Operators for our clients in the Lothians, Fife, Aberdeen and Dundee. We have been advertising our job offers on the UK market extensively in the past few months bu t the response has been very poor. The CNC skills are in such great demand at the mome nt that there are few active jobseekers on the market. Therefore, we decided to think outside the box when it comes to attracting candidates. We spoke to our clients and they would be willing to consider bringing across teams of suitably experienced candidates providing they m eet the following requirements: 1) right to work in the UK; 2) each team has to hav e a foreman/chargehand who speaks good English and will be able to delegate/liaise with th e English speaking staff on site; 3) all candidates must have previous experience of working on CNC mac hines with at least on the following controls: Fanuc, Siemens (or Sinumerik), Heidenhain , Giddings & Lewis, Mazatrol (on Mazak machines) ; 4) willing and committed to relocate to Scotland – all jobs are permanent . In addition to the abovementioned skills, the following experie nce would be an advantage: 1) ability to programme CNC machines and read engin eering drawings 2) previous experience of working abroad 3) experience in Oil and Gas or a heavy engineering industry The current salary for CNC professionals is very mu ch varied and dependent on experience and the skills mentioned above. However, suitably skill ed candidates can expect to earn from 20 000 British pounds per year upwards. Selected candidat es will be screened over the phone first by myself and my colleagues in order to gain a more in -depth understanding of their experience and expectations. It is also important for all candida tes to be aware that if selected for an interview with a client, they will be required to come across to Scotland in person and will need to cover the costs of flights and accommodation (if necessary). Having said that, we have a dedicated team of Consultants in our offices who would be happy to pr ovide them with relocation information when they get an offer of employment. Thank you very muc h for assisting us with this project and please do not hesitate to contact me for more infor mation, Agnes Urbanska Resourcer HR Consultancy T : 0131 226 9218 F : 0131 226 9219 E : [email protected]

Fluent English

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 6

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 10 Advantage 02/04/2012 20/05/2012

Italia 15 SI 02/04/2012 31/07/2012

ENGINEERS AND COMPUTER SCIENTISTS. dSPACE is the wo rld’s leading producer of engineering tools for developing electronic control units (ECUs) and mechatronic systems. Located in Paderborn our company headquarters is th e perfect place for computer scientists and engineers with the following SKILLS and QUALIFICATI ONS to start a career: • Diploma in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, or computer engineering (Bachelor's Degree, Master's Degree, or PhD) • Very good proficiency in English or German; • The interview, set up by dSpace HR manager, will be run in English • Good pr oficiency in object-oriented software development • Good proficiency in the programming l anguages C# or C++, as well as proficiency in the programming language C Knowledge and experie nce in one or several of the following areas is advantageous, but not required: • Proficie ncy in programming embedded systems and/or real-time systems • Proficiency in control engineer ing, measurement engineering and the functionalities of electronic control units • Pract ical experience in working with oscilloscopes and other electronic measuring devices • Developing wit h AUTOSAR • Practical experience with MATLAB®/Simulink® • Proficiency in the Python scrip ting language • Proficiency in using the .NET framework • Experience in working with UML • S oftware engineering, such as OOA, OOD and UML • Automotive bus systems, such as CAN, LIN and FlexRay • Experience in test methods, testing tools, and quality management • Qualificati on as an ISTQB® Certified Tester WHAT dSPACE OFFERS: o Active support in finding accommod ations in Paderborn o An above-average, performance-oriented salary (13-month salary with a n optional company performance bonus) o Active support in attaining German language profici ency (if applicable, also for the spouse or partner) o A solid training concept based on mentor s o An innovative, future-oriented product range o Multifaceted, diverse tasks within project teams o An excellent partnership-based work climate o A high level of personal responsibility H OW TO APPLY: If you are curious about what dSPACE can offer you, send your application (cover letter, curriculum vitae, academic certificates incl. grades, job references or other references, e arliest desired starting date, proposed annual salary) in English as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected] Interviews in Engli sh will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to the candidates selected both by EUR ES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English or German

Degree (Electrical, mechanical or computer Engineering)

15 RESEARCH POSITIONS IN COMPUTATIONAL AND SYSTEMS BIOLOGY. Description:The Research and Innovation Centre at the Edmund Mach F oundation (CRI-FEM) is a major International research institution with strong inte rests in Fruit Genomics, Quality Health and Nutrition of Agricultural Products, Agro-ecosystems Sustainability, Biodiversity and Molecular Ecology. To support interdisciplinary research and develop systems-level integrative approaches connecting genotype to phenotype, the CRI-FEM has n ow established a Computational Biology Centre (CBC). To drive forward this strategic expan sion the CRI-FEM is seeking to attract up to 15 high calibre scientists in key areas covered by the CBC. Specially welcome ERC young investigators or applicants. 3 GROUP LEADERS 3 RESE ARCH SCIENTISTS 4 RESEARCH ASSISTANTS 5 POST DOCTORAL FELLOWS . For further in formation visit . All candidates are invited to send a complete CV, p ublication list, names and email addresses of three referees, statement of research interests and accomplishments to : [email protected]

English Dottorato di ricerca

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 7

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 11 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 14 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

11 Italian ENGINEERS – Software ModellingFerchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS:Development of security relevant software for aviation, automotive and medical technology, Mentoring of the complete software life cycle ranging from requirement analyses, draft, modelling and implementation to testing the software in hardware in the loop devices, Utilisation of appropriate development tools such a s DOORS, Matlab/Simulink and C.PROSPECTS:Development of cross-divisional expertise ; Targeted seminars; Performance monitoring, Permanent IG Metall labour contract wit h an expected gross annual salary between €45.000 and €65.000.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Software Modelling- Ferchau Engineering". Intervie ws in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Ital y at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

14 Italian COMPUTATIONAL ENGINEERSFerchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS:FEM-Computation of different components and a ssemblies, Preparation of CATIA V5 models, Preparation of ANSYS Workbench nets, Comput ation of static and dynamic loading cases, Analyse and Optimate the computation results . PROSPECTS: Development of cross-divisional expertis e, Targeted seminars, Modular job training, Permanent IG Metall labour contract with an expected gross annual salary between €45.000 and €65.000.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Computational Eng - Ferchau Engineering". Intervie ws in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 8

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 14 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 14 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

14 Italian DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS - HardwareFerchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS: Development and dimensioning of power electr onic devices including measurement and control technology, Circuit simulation and creation of circuit diagrams and layouts, Laboratorial testing and qualification of electronic circuitsSelf-dependent handling of development projects as well as project supervision until introduction of series production, Technical support for constru ction and installation.PROSPECTS:Development of cross-divisional expertise ; Targeted seminars; Development of expert competence, Permanent IG Metall labour contr act with an expected gross annual salary between €45.000 and €65.000.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Development Hardware - Ferchau Engineering". Inter views in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates se lected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

14 Italian RESEARCH ENGINEERS Ferchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS: Realization of development-related examinati ons of components, Planning and conduction of experiments; validation of experiment al results as well as record keeping and administration of experimental and release reports, Conduction of apparatus and system analyses at customers and users, Calibration of mea surement systems and automation of experimental progress (programming with LabVIEW, Di adem).PROSPECTS:Development of cross-divisional expertise ; Targeted seminars; Development of expert competence, Permanent IG Metall labour contr act with an expected gross annual salary between €45.000 and €65.000.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Computational Eng - Ferchau Engineering". Intervie ws in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 9

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 16 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 17 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

16 Italian SOFTWARE-DEVELOPER ENGINEERS Embedded So ftwareFerchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS: Development, automation and application of s oftware testing methods for control units (C, C++); Static and dynamic software module tests, integration as well as and system tests; Application and development of embedded software so lutions in the test range of complex systems; Effective error detection and error correc tion by using applicable methods for early error prevention; Implementation of software qualit y processes and tools.PROSPECTS:Development of cross-divisional expertise ; Talent management programmes; Targeted seminars; Permanent IG Metall labour contr act with an expected gross annual salary between 45.000 € and 65.000€.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Software Developer - Ferchau Engineering". Intervi ews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

17 Italian DESIGNER ENGINEERS Ferchau Engineering branches: Aerospace, Automotive , Commercial Vehicles,Medical Engineering, Plant Engineering, Railway Vehicles.LOCATION: Bavaria: Augsburg, Munich, Nürnberg, Rege nsburg, Rosenheim.TASKS: Designing of various components (interior, e xterior, carcass, power train); Creating of drafting (3D-Modelling) including the documentation of modifications from existing designs; Drafting; Close cooperation with relating specialty departments e.g. experimental department, calculation department and construction department. PROSPECTS:Development of cross-divisional expertise ; Targeted seminars; Modular job training, Permanent IG Metall labour contract with an expecte d gross annual salary between €45.000 and €65.000.QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED: University degree (Master and/or Bachelors Degree), Working experience as junior professional, professional or senior professional, Fluent oral German skills and Fluent written and oral English skills.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Designer - Ferchau Engineering". Interviews in Eng lish or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Ital y at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English and German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 10

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 5 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 5 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

5 ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS - AERONAUTICSRESPONSABILITIES- Project-related accountability of tasks as a Cons ultant at our local customers in the aeronautic industry- Experience with software projects in avionic- Experience in developing a safety-critical softwa re for the Aviation-Standard DO-178- Testing of the developed software at the HiL-test bench- Implementation of the Control and Chance Manageme ntPROFILE - University degree in aerospace or comparable degr ee- At least one year of relevant work experience or internships in various field of the Aeronautic industry- Experience in the following areas:o C/C++o Matlabo Simulinko Adao Pascalo UNIXo Linuxo Windows- Business fluent in German or EnglishJOB LOCATION : Munich. APPLICATION : send cover letter + CV in English (nothing in Ita lian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Develop Aeronautic - Crescendo Ind.". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English or German Degree

5 ITALIAN QUALITY ASSURANCE/AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEERS RESPONSABILITIES- Implementation of the quality pre-planning proces s- Supplier liaison regarding quality issues- Processing of complaints and problem solutions us ing 8D process- Participation in feasibility study, risk analysis , specification creations and the implementation of the necessary processes- Coordination of activities for the development an d compilation of documents for process and product releasePROFILE - University degree in mechanical engineering, indu strial engineering, automotive engineering- At least five year of relevant work experience in the field of automotive- Experience in the following areas:o APQP/QVPo Q-methods, QM-Systemso SAP beneficial- Business fluent in German or English- Willingness to travelJOB LOCATION : Munich. APPLICATION : send cover letter + CV in English (nothing in Ita lian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Quality Engin - Crescendo Ind.". Interviews in English or G erman will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English or German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 11

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

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Data Pubblic.

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Germania 5 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

5 ITALIAN ENGINEERS for SOFTWARE/HARDWARE DEVELOPE R – AUTOMOTIVERESPONSABILITIES- Project-related accountability of tasks as a Cons ultant at our local customers in the automotive industry- Development of embedded systems- Preparation of specifications, architecture, syst em design- Simulation, implementation-Coordination of the interface with customers, inte rnal and external development partners- Integration and testing of functional modelsPROFILE -University degree in automotive engineering, elect rical engineering, mechatronics, physics,aeronautics, space- At least one year of relevant work experience or internships in various field of the automotive industry- Experience in at least one of the following areas :o System engineering (hardware /software systems)o Requirements engineering, in particular the creat ion of system specifications and designdocuments for the entire project cycle (DOORS)o Software Integrationo Software Qualityo Configuration Managemento HMI/ Navigation System Development (C, C++, Java)o Software Architecture- Business fluent in German or EnglishJOB LOCATION : Munich. APPLICATION : send cover letter + CV in English (nothing in Ita lian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: “SW Hard Developer - Crescendo Ind.". Interviews in Eng lish or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Ital y at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English or German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 12

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Germania 5 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 5 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

5 ITALIAN ENGINEERS for SOFTWARE/HARDWARE DEVELOPE R – AUTOMOTIVERESPONSABILITIES- Project-related accountability of tasks as a Cons ultant at our local customers in the automotive industry- Development of embedded systems- Preparation of specifications, architecture, syst em design- Simulation, implementation-Coordination of the interface with customers, inte rnal and external development partners- Integration and testing of functional modelsPROFILE -University degree in automotive engineering, elect rical engineering, mechatronics, physics,aeronautics, space- At least one year of relevant work experience or internships in various field of the automotive industry- Experience in at least one of the following areas :o System engineering (hardware /software systems)o Requirements engineering, in particular the creat ion of system specifications and designdocuments for the entire project cycle (DOORS)o Software Integrationo Software Qualityo Configuration Managemento HMI/ Navigation System Development (C, C++, Java)o Software Architecture- Business fluent in German or EnglishJOB LOCATION : Munich. APPLICATION : send cover letter + CV in English (nothing in Ita lian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Develop Aeronautic - Crescendo Ind.". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent English or German Degree

5 ITALIAN SOFTWARE TEST ENGINEERS AUTOMOTIVERESPONSABILITIES- Implementation and documentation of software test s and software integration tests- Participation in system integration tests, test p lanning process- Assist with development of the process design for the testing management and configuration managementPROFILE - University degree computer engineering, computer science or equivalent- Experience in the following areas:o Embedded software testingo ISTQB Certifiedo SPICEo ISO26262o IEC61508 beneficial- Business fluent in EnglishJOB LOCATION : Munich. APPLICATION : send cover letter + CV in English (nothing in Ita lian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Test Engin - Crescendo Ind.". Interviews in English or G erman will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Fluent Business English Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 13

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Germania 20+15 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 60+30 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

20 Italian ENGINEERS and 15 E-MOBILITY positions BMW GROUP is looking for permanent employees in the field of Engineering and E-Mobility. When designing and developing the vehicles of the f uture, they focus on sustainability, efficiency, safety, eco-friendliness and maximum driving pleasu re. Join the BMW Group engineering team, benefit from e xcellent career development opportunities and help us shape the future of automotive engineer ing. They are currently offering the following exciting and challenging positions in the following areas: - High-voltage battery system design - Power electronics - Electric motors for hybrid and battery vehicles - Energy storage and hybrid systems - Development of electronic engine and drive compon ents - New control devices and future-orientated system architectures - Function development and calculation using simula tion PROFILE: degree in IT, electrical engineering, mec hatronics, mechanical engineering or a similar qualification, fluent German or English. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "E-Mobility - BMW". Interviews in English or German wi ll take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 201 2 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both by EURES Padova a nd ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent German or English Degree

60 Italian SOFTWARE ENGINEERS and 30 BUSINESS IT po sitions60 Italian SOFTWARE ENGINEERS and 30 BUSINESS IT positions BMW GROUP is looking for permanent employees in the fields of IT and Software. They are working on new models and concepts in the field of IT and software development. To achieve this they are developing new software architectures, wor king on new system integration and networking technology methodologies, such as for th e embedded software development or model-based software development for: - Driver assistance systems - Information and communication systems - Man-machine interfaces - Networked vehicle function - E/E Architecture - Driver experience course - Physical body PROFILE: degree in business computing, information technology or a similar qualification, fluent German or English. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "IT and Software - BMW". Interviews in English or German wi ll take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 201 2 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both by EURES Padova a nd ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent German or English Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 14

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Germania 20+10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

20 Italian MANUFACTURING and 10 CFRP ENGINEER posi tions BMW GROUP is looking for permanent employees in the fields of Manufacturing and CFRP. The BMW Group is looking far ahead – and redefining lig htweight construction in the automotive industry. The next step forward is the industrialis ation of carbon fiber production. To achieve this, they are building a team of engineers that will set standards for the future with their impressive knowledge of carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) . Discover interesting topics in CFRP fields in the B MW Group engineering team. They have interesting jobs on offer in the following areas: - Material, process and procedure development - Planning process / product - Chassis and wheel development - Control technology / alternator management - Set-up and structure planning - Logistics - Quality planning PROFILE: degree in IT, electrical engineering, mech atronics, mechanical engineering or a similar qualification, fluent German or English. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Manufacturing - BMW". Interviews in English or Ger man will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent German or English Degree

10 ITALIAN ENGINEERS for AVIATION and AEROSPACEItalian ENGINEERS for AVIATION and AEROSPACE are re quired by AEROTEC ENGINEERING. PROFILE: successfully completed university degree a nd have some professional experience in project coordination and/or aerospace, familiar in dealing with the current IT-tools, very good knowledge of English, strong analytical and concept ual skills and high degree of autonomy and responsibility, strong communication skills and abi lity to cross-departmental cooperation, enjoy working in an international environment.TASKS: able to analyze, improve and implement compl ex processes, able to bring in creative and independent solutions to technical issues and coope ration in international and interdisciplinary engineering, work in specialized project teams and close contact with customers to develop optimal solutions.JOB LOCATION: North Germany. Aerotec offers Permanent contract. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Aviation Engineer- Aerotec Engineering". Interviews in Engli sh will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 15

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

10 ITALIAN CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERSItalian CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ENGINEERS are requ ired by AEROTEC ENGINEERING. Must be graduated in the area of Aircraft, Aerospac e, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering or Engineering Management, experience in Configuration Management or mechanical/electrical installation of aviation systems considerated advan tageous, quick intellect and ability to drow on your creativity when solving technical problems, we ll-developed communication skills and capacity to work in a team-based environment, excel lent command of English or German at negotiating level, experience in Configuration Mana gement tools such as ACC2/ICC or drawing tools, e.g. CCD. TASKS – Configuration Management -Operative Change Management : responsabile for the full range of activities associated with the change and modification process, prepare and check documentation relating to changes: CR (Change Reque st), MP (MOD Propolal), TSR (Technical Repercussion Scheets), TD (Technical Description), MAS (Modification Approval Scheet). Configuration Management – Documentation and Attest ation Support : prepare, verify and review status of changes in compliance with Airbus process es and in coordination with those responsible (Cabin, FAF, FAL), monitor data quality in Configuration Management tool environment and ensure transparency/accurancy of da ta for each aircraft type, prepare Configuration Management documentation and ensure a chievement of milestones (e.g. FOT) relating to delivery process of aircraft and aircra ft components). JOB LOCATION: North Germany Aerotec offers Permanent contract. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Configuration Management - Aerotec Engineering". I nterviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestr e (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible can didates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English or German Degree

10 ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL/ELECTRO NIC SYSTEMSItalian DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS are required by AEROTEC ENGINEERING. PROFILE: engineering degree and have the major fiel d of study in electrical, telecommunication or IT engineering or able to demonstrate an equival ent qualification, able to use standard MS Office tools (especially MS Excel) and also have de eper knowledge in the creation of circuit diagrams by using tools like P-Spice, E-SeeXp plan, etc., programming skills in one or more languages such as Java, C++, etc. is an advantage, very good knowledge in the field of fluid mechanics or experience in the field of numerical s imulation, fluent English or German skills.TASKS: involved in the interpretation and analysis of systems, responsible for the electrical simulation, design and qualification of equipment a nd systems in various areas such as: lighting systems, data-and telecommunication systems, entert ainment systems and data recording systems, responsible for the specification of syste m components, test planning and correcting of errors in cooperation with suppliers for foreign-ma de components, work in special project teams and close contact with customers to develop optimal solutions.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Development Electr Engineer- Aerotec Engineering". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestr e (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible can didates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English or German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 16

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

10 ITALIAN DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS MECHATRONIC SYSTEM SItalian DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERS MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS a re required by AEROTEC ENGINEERING. PROFILE: engineering degree and have the major fiel d of study in mechanical, chemical, electrical engineering or aerospace system technolo gy or possess an equivalent qualification, able to use standard MS Office tools (especially MS Excel) and also have deeper knowledge in a simulation or calculation tool (such us Matlab, Ans ys, Abaqus, etc.) good knowledge in the field of fluid mechanics or experience in the field of nu merical simulation, fluent German or English.TASKS: involved in the interpretation and analysis of systems, responsible for the mechanical and/or electrical simulation, design and qualificat ion of equipment and systems in various areas such as: air conditioning/cooling systems, water/wa ter waste systems, oxygen systems, hydraulic systems, responsible for the specification of syste m components, test planning and correcting of errors in cooperation with suppliers for foreign-ma de components, work in special project teams and close contact with customers to develop optimal solutions.APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Development Mechatr Engineer- Aerotec Engineering" . Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestr e (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible can didates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English or German Degree

10 ITALIAN QUALITY ENGINEERS/QUALITY MANAGERSItalian QUALITY ENGINEERS/QUALITY MANAGERS are requ ired by AEROTEC ENGINEERING. PROFILE: successfully completed university degree i deally with focus on mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, etc., profound knowledge in ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and other quality systems, experience in the implementation o f FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) and Root Cause Analysis and knowledge of Six Sigma (Green Belt certification is desiderable), knowledge in LEAN, KAIZEN and eventually in consoli dated production systems, confident manner with customers and suppliers of various nati ons, strong assertiveness in the sense of project management and experience in interface mana gement, trascribed knowledge of project management successfully in practice and gained lead ership experience, good moderation and presentation techniques at all organizational level s, secure knowledge of MS Office, fluent in English (French and Spanish are an advantage).TASKS: involved in setting up and monitoring the qu ality plan for adequate and targeted measures for quality assurance, responsible for ens uring the compliance of processes with the planned activities, provide method for measuring co mpliance with contractual requirements, permorm FMEA and/or Root Cause Analysis and develop preventive and corrective measures within a team, assume the quality assurance by cont rolling and tracking of customer feedback and identification of parameters to ensure the effi cient processing of claims, accomplish a focused and constant quality reporting, independent ly assume tasks of the continuous improvement them in the process, prepare “Lessons L earned” within a team and implement them in the process.JOB LOCATION: North Germany. Aerotec offers Permanent contract. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Quality Engineer- Aerotec Engineering". Interviews in Engli sh will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English or German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 17

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 10 YES 17/04/2012 05/05/2012

Italia 50 NO Stagionale 16/04/2012 11/06/2012

10 ITALIAN TEST ENGINEERSItalian TEST ENGINEERS are required by AEROTEC ENGI NEERING. PROFILE: university degree as an Engineer, Physicis t or Computer Scientist, testing experience within the industrial or research-oriented practice , ideally experience with the programming control devices or laboratory controlles (PLC, Labv iew, C++, ADS2, etc.), team oriented, highly motivated and flexible, very good English skills.TASKS: develop test strategies for implementation o f testing at the component or system level, responsible for the planning and contruction of tes t environments in compliance with customer specifications, as well as general standards and re gulations, support customers and internal project teams in the analysis and implementation of test tasks, accompany evaluation of test data and document the results according to the specifica tions.JOB LOCATION: North Germany. Aerotec offers Permanent contract. APPLICATION: send cover letter + CV in English (not hing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespadova@provincia., please refer on subject: "Test Engineer- Aerotec Engineering". Interviews in Engli sh will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) – Italy at the end of May 2012 (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selected both b y EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn). VALID up to 5th of May 2012.

Fluent English Degree


Inglese, Tedesco e Francese

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 18

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Italia 1 SI Inglese 16/04/2012 30/06/2012

VEM SISTEMI S.p.A., società presente sul mercato it aliano e operante dal 1986 nel settore dell’ICT ricerca: Data Center Technician VEM SISTEMI è un’az ienda specializzata nella progettazione, realizzazione e gestione di infrastrutture di Infor mation Communication Technology e di Building Automation. Fornisce servizi ad elevato valore aggi unto, quali: consulenza, progettazione, fornitura, realizzazione, manutenzione e assistenza di infrastrutture di rete locale, rete geografica e sicurezza informatica e tecnologica con soluzioni avanzate e tecnologie altamente performanti. Il titolare della posizione, che risponderà al Resp onsabile Design & Delivery, avrà l’obiettivo di gestire ed implementare progetti relativi ad infras trutture Data Center ed avrà le seguenti mansioni: Progettazione ed implementazione di infra strutture Data Center in termini di: Capacity Planning Free cooling Cabling Facility Management E nergy Efficiency Attività di PreSales e gestione clienti Gestione e mantenimento Rapporti c on i Vendor Per un corretto svolgimento del ruolo, si richiede: Diploma di perito elettronico/e lettrico o Laurea in Ingegneria elettronica/ telecomunicazioni Esperienza minima di 4 anni nel ruolo Competenze in ambito elettrico, elettrotecnico e cabling, energy management ed impi antistica Buona conoscenza dell’inglese tecnico Disponibilità a trasferte Disponibilità all a reperibilità Nel processo di selezione, sarà data particolare attenzione e priorità alle candidature in possesso di almeno una tra le seguenti certificazioni: CDCDP, CDCEP, DCP, o legate ai Vend or APC/Rittal Contesto Professionale: Siamo un’azienda attenta al capitale umano e all’innovazi one. Chi entra a far parte del nostro gruppo, verrà inserito in un percorso di formazione continu a, sia finalizzata al conseguimento delle certificazioni che allo sviluppo on the job. Orient ati alla valorizzazione delle competenze individuali, offriamo l’opportunità di crescere pro fessionalmente all’interno di un contesto sfidante e tecnologicamente avanzato. Profilo: Siam o alla ricerca di una risorsa contraddistinta da ottime competenze realizzative, spiccate doti relaz ionali e pro attività caratteriale. Desiderio di miglioramento ed approfondimento continuo, flessibi lità, orientamento alla precisione e competenze di pianificazione, completano il profilo . Sede di lavoro: PADOVA Si specifica che, al fine di un corretto affiancamento, per un periodo i niziale, lo start up della risorsa avverrà presso la sede di Forlì (FC) Tipologia contrattuale propos ta: Livello, inquadramento e RAL saranno commisurati alle competenze del candidato. Ai sensi della normativa vigente l'offerta di lavoro si intende estesa a entrambi i sessi. (L 903/77 e L 12 5/91). Si invitano gli/le interessati/e a prendere visione dell’informativa privacy ( b-privacy) e ad inviare un CV dettagliato con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati (D. lgs. 196 /03), citando il RIF. DC_12 all’indirizzo di posta [email protected]. Indicare RAL ed eventuale periodo di p reavviso.

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 19

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

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Italia 1 SI Inglese 16/04/2012 30/06/2012

Italia 1 SI Inglese 24/04/2012 30/06/2012

VEM SISTEMI S.p.A., società presente sul mercato it aliano e operante dal 1986 nel settore dell’ICT, per l’apertura di una nuova sede a Padova , ricerca la figura di: SERVER & STORAGE SYSTEM ENGINEER VEM SISTEMI è un’azienda specializz ata nella progettazione, realizzazione e gestione di infrastrutture di Information Communica tion Technology e di Building Automation. Fornisce servizi ad elevato valore aggiunto, quali: consulenza, progettazione, fornitura, realizzazione, manutenzione e assistenza di infrast rutture di rete locale, geografica e di sicurezza informatica. Il titolare della posizione, che rispo nderà al Technical Area Manager, avrà le seguenti mansioni: Progettazione ed implementazione di infra strutture Server e Desktop Virtualization e SAN Progettazione e realizzazione di strutture Acti ve Directory e posta elettronica Progettazione ed implementazione sistemi di Backup e Disaster Rec overy Attività di ricerca e sviluppo Attività di PreSales e gestione clienti Per un corretto svolgim ento del ruolo, si richiede: Laurea in Ingegneria elettronica/ telecomunicazioni /Informatica Esperie nza minima di 4 anni nel ruolo Buona conoscenza dell’inglese tecnico Disponibilità a tra sferte Disponibilità alla reperibilità Nel processo di selezione, sarà data particolare attenz ione e priorità alle candidature in possesso di almeno una tra le seguenti certificazioni: MCP Micr osoft - VCP VMware – CCA Citrix Siamo alla ricerca di una risorsa contraddistinta da un elevat o problem solving e spiccate doti relazionali. Desiderio di miglioramento ed approfondimento conti nuo, orientamento alla precisione e competenze di pianificazione completano il profilo. Contesto Professionale: Siamo un’azienda attenta al capitale umano e all’innovazione. Chi en tra a far parte del nostro gruppo, verrà inserito in un percorso di crescita professionale continua. Orientati alla valorizzazione delle competenze individuali, offriamo l’opportunità di misurarsi co n obiettivi concreti e stimolanti, all’interno di u n contesto sfidante e tecnologicamente avanzato. L’In quadramento ed il trattamento economico, in grado di soddisfare le migliori candidature, verran no definiti in base alle effettive competenze nel corso dell’iter selettivo. Sede di Lavoro: PADOVA B enefit e Facilitazioni: PC, cellulare, buoni pasto. Ai sensi della normativa vigente l'offerta d i lavoro si intende estesa a entrambi i sessi. (L 903/77 e L 125/91). Si invitano gli/le interessati/ e a prendere visione dell’informativa privacy ( e ad inviare un CV det tagliato con autorizzazione al trattamento dei dati (D. lgs. 196/03). Indicare RAL ed eventuale pe riodo di preavviso.

Maschio Gaspardo spa è un'azienda veneta nata nel 1 964 che ha contribuito all'innovazione delle tecniche agricole nel mondo. Oggi Maschio Gaspardo spa è un gruppo industriale leader nel mercato delle macchine agricole con i marchi MASCHI O e GASPARDO, 5 stabilimenti nel mondo e 14 filiali commerciali. Le società del gruppo siner gicamente ogni giorno ideano nuove soluzioni, applicano e creano tecnologie, per lo sviluppo dell 'agricoltura. RICERCA: 1 Addetto Acquisti Profilo: Richiesto diploma di Perito Meccanico, cap acità di lettura del disegno meccanico per interfaccia coi fornitori da gestire. Prevista, dop o corso formativo, l'acquisizione della mansione di Responsabile dell'ufficio Acquisti in Romania. R ichiesta esperienza nella mansione di 2-5 anni e buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese. Sede di La voro: Padova/Romania Retribuzione: da un minimo mensile netto di € 1300 ad un massimo di € 2 000 in relazione all'esperienza del candidato. Contratto offerto: è previsto l'inserimento con con tratto a tempo determinato che, dopo il corso formativo, potrà essere trasformato in contratto a tempo indeterminato. Sistemazione all'estero inclusa. Candidatura: gli interessati devono inviar e la propria candidatura (Lettera di Motivazione e CV) in Italiano e in Inglese via e-mail esclusiva mente all'indirizzo: [email protected] con riferimento nel l'oggetto “Acquisti - Maschio/Gaspardo”.

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 20

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Italia 3 SI Inglese 24/04/2012 30/06/2012

Italia 2 SI Inglese 24/04/2012 30/06/2012

Maschio Gaspardo spa è un'azienda veneta nata nel 1 964 che ha contribuito all'innovazione delle tecniche agricole nel mondo. Oggi Maschio Gaspardo spa è un gruppo industriale leader nel mercato delle macchine agricole con i marchi MASCHI O e GASPARDO, 5 stabilimenti nel mondo e 14 filiali commerciali. Le società del gruppo siner gicamente ogni giorno ideano nuove soluzioni, applicano e creano tecnologie, per lo sviluppo dell 'agricoltura. RICERCA: 3 INGEGNERI MECCANICI o PERITI MECCANICI Profilo: Laurea in Ing egneria Meccanica o affine o diploma di Perito Meccanico, almeno 5 anni di esperienza nella progettazione/disegno con software CATIA V5. Saranno valutati anche i candidati con esperien za nel disegno con Solid Edge e SolidWorks. Richiesta disponibilità a trasferte all'estero per la presentazione dei progetti. Richiesta una buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese. Sede di Lavoro: Pa dova Retribuzione: da un minimo mensile netto di € 1300 ad un massimo di € 2000 in relazion e all'esperienza del candidato. Contratto offerto: è previsto l'inserimento con contratto a t empo determinato che, dopo il corso formativo, potrà essere trasformato in contratto a tempo indet erminato. Prevista l'indennità di trasferta. Candidatura: gli interessati devono inviare la prop ria candidatura (Lettera di Motivazione e CV) in Italiano e in Inglese via e-mail esclusivamente all 'indirizzo: [email protected] con riferimento nell'oggetto “Ingegneri meccanici o per iti meccanici - Maschio/Gaspardo”.

Maschio Gaspardo spa è un'azienda veneta nata nel 1 964 che ha contribuito all'innovazione delle tecniche agricole nel mondo. Oggi Maschio Gaspardo spa è un gruppo industriale leader nel mercato delle macchine agricole con i marchi MASCHI O e GASPARDO, 5 stabilimenti nel mondo e 14 filiali commerciali. Le società del gruppo siner gicamente ogni giorno ideano nuove soluzioni, applicano e creano tecnologie, per lo sviluppo dell 'agricoltura. RICERCA: 3 INGEGNERI GESTIONALI per la Logistica Profilo: Laurea in Inge gneria Gestionale con specializzazione in Logistica. Richiesta esperienza di almeno 2 anni ne lla programmazione della produzione. La figura sarà formata nello stabilimento padovano per poi ricoprire ruoli di responsabilità nella logistica degli stabilimenti all'estero. Richiesta una buona conoscenza della lingua Inglese. Sede di Lavoro: Padova/Estero Retribuzione: da un minimo mensile netto di € 1300 ad un massimo di € 2000 in relazione all'esperienza del candidato. Con tratto offerto: è previsto l'inserimento con contratto a tempo determinato che, dopo il corso fo rmativo, potrà essere trasformato in contratto a tempo indeterminato. Sistemazione all'estero incl usa. Candidatura: gli interessati devono inviare la propria candidatura (Lettera di Motivazi one e CV) in Italiano e in Inglese via e-mail esclusivamente all'indirizzo: eurespadova@provincia con riferimento nell'oggetto “Logistica- Maschio/Gaspardo”.

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 21

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Stellenanzeige für GruppenmitarbeiterAssist our teams

as a group employee (male/female)Anthojo is leading the wayin the field of care, integration assistance, rehab ilitation and spa treatment. Expand your potential in our strong group of compan iesWe are engaging:20 registered NURSESOur expectations:capability to work in a team, capability handling s tress,reliabilitycreativity, humor, curiosity and interest concernin g peopleentrants are welcomeYour duties and responsibilities:carrying out structural measures in shift work on a daily basisthorough training in a multi-professional teamfair wages as well as working conditionsconstant further vocational trainingsApplication: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothin g in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on subject: "Anthojo". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to el igible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

Geriatric Nurses & Clinical NursesBeneVit is offering services for elderly people nee ding care in a residential accomodation or ambulatory environment. With a highly innovative co ncept BeneVit in the past 5 years built up 13 residential care homes for elderly people, living i n separate appartments and in flat sharing commu-nities. Another 3 residential homes will be e stablished in 2012, further locations are in a planning stage. Each resi-dential home consists of 4-6 appartements for 12-14 aged persons requiring care. In each appartement geriatric nurse s and housekeeping employees take care of the resi-dents, which were involved in every day li fe activities under therapeutical assistance. For more information you can view our homepage www.benevit-pflege.deBeneVit is looking for examinated geriatric or clin ical nurses (with certificate or diploma) to accompany the further de-velopment of the new resid ences in different places in Germany.We offer:permanent contract-salaries between 2.000 - 2.400 Euro-crash course in Germaninnovative nursing concepts-assistance in flat-hunt ingWe expect:certificate or diploma in geriatric or cl inical nursingpositive attitude and personal attention to elderly peoplegood German language skillsApplication: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothin g in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on subject: "BeneVit". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to el igible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 22

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

The DRK - Schwesternschaft "Bonn" e.V. (DRK Sisterh ood) is a community of interests of women and men who work with qualified training and furthe r training in nursing occupations. The Sisterhood is characterised by internationality and tolerance. The community currently has members from 47 nations, who are guided by the seve n Red Cross principles. Wide Range of Occupational Options . We are looking for the work areas of intensive care, anaesthesia and operative nursing and general nursi ng for the Bonn University Teaching Hospital and the Catholic hospitals Gemeinschaftskrankenhaus Bonn and Eduardus-Krankenhaus gGmbH in Cologne for the soonest possible date. 20 Specialist NURSES for Anaesthesia or Intensive C are Nursing or Operation Service and Nurses. We are looking for able people with a high level of social competence and readiness to cooperation. We expect a completed nursing occupati onal training and good communication abilities with a basic knowledge of the German lang uage.We offer you:remuneration orientated towards DRK wo rking conditions - additional old-age pension - continued and further training options- f urther additional benefits -individual on-the-job training and support - assistance in looking for a flat / some places for individual people available in personnel homes – possible to sit in on lecturesYou can find detailed information on the DRK-Schwes ternschaft „Bonn“ e.V. and our employment exchange on our homepage: www.schwesternschaft-bonn.drk.deApplication: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothin g in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on subject: "DRK". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to el igible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 23

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Cerchiamo infermiere ed INFERMIERI che abbiano a cu ore il benessere degli anziani e vogliano vivere e lavorare in Germania. Cerchiamo dipendenti motivati e teniamo alla collaborazione tra colleghi e ad un’atmosfera lavorativa contraddistin ta dal rispetto e dalla tolleranza nei rapporti con gli altri. Offriamo ottime condizioni di lavoro :· Ottima introduzione alla lingua, alla cultura e all’assistenza tedesca· Alloggio, vitto e paghetta durante il periodo di integrazione (ca. 6 mesi)· Dopo aver concluso l’introduzione ed aver superat o l’esame di tedesco:o Contratto a tempo indeterminato con pensione inte grativa aziendale aggiuntivao Una volta ottenuto l’attestato di fine formazione : almeno 2.367,93 € (lordi) al mesecon settimana lavorativa di 39 oreo Indennità per il lavoro domenicale e nei giorni f estivi, nonché per il lavoro notturnoo Almeno 26 giorni di ferieo Numerose possibilità di perfezionamento e carrier aProfilo del candidato:· Infermiere ed infermieri professionali con esperi enza lavorativa· Buona conoscenza del tedesco o voglia di imparare il tedesco· Interesse ad un’attività pluriennale in Germania· Capacità di integrarsi nella cultura tedesca, buo ne capacità organizzative, affidabilitàIl processo di integrazione presso la Evangelische HeimstiftungDurata: ca. 5-7 mesi· Periodo durante il quale entrerete in contatto, a ttraverso un interessante programmaquadro, con la cultura, l’assistenza, la famiglia, la lingua e il paesaggio della Germania· Corso intensivo di lingua e cultura in Germania ( 645 unità didattiche)· Sostegno ed aiuto in tutti i processi amministrat ivi importanti· Servizio di accompagnamento pedagogico· Integrazione nel gruppo di colleghi avendo come “ tutor” un dipendente tedesco che sioccupa dei dipendenti stranieri· Alla fine del tirocinio: 2 mesi di tirocinio in u na casa di cura per poter approfondire laconoscenza della lingua tedesca e conoscere le stru tture e i processiCome candidarsi:Se siete interessati ad un posto di lavoro orientat o al futuro e a vivere in un Paese dell’UE bensviluppato e prospero dal punto di vista economico, mandateci la vostra candidatura (Lettera di motivazione e CV) in lingua tedesca o inglese (asso lutamente niente in lingua italiana) a: [email protected] con riferimento in oggetto “ Evangelische Heimstiftung”. I colloqui si svolgeranno a Mestre (VE) in lingua ted esca o inglese in data che verrà comunicata ai candidati ritenuti idonei.

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 24

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Vi offriamo la possibilità di entrare a fare parte del nostro personale di assistenza. Ricerchiamo 20 INFERMIERI diplomati Richiediamo:• Attestazione di formazione professionale di infer miera/infermiere conseguita nel proprio paese di origine• Conoscenza della lingua tedesca (corso base)Offriamo:• apprendistato di formazione • ambiente lavorativo aperto e cooperativo• corso di perfezionamento della lingua tedesca • assistenza nelle pratiche burocratiche e nelle pr ocedure di riconoscimento• informazioni personalizzate e supporto nella rice rca di abitazione• contratto a tempo determinato presso la nostra st ruttura Service GmbH fino al riconoscimento professionale da parte del governo dell’Alta Bavier a• dopo il riconoscimento professionale , pagamento secondo le tariffe del servizio pubblic o• attività interessante e autonoma• prospettiva di lavoro sicura a lungo termine in u n’azienda di successo con contratto a tempo indeterminato • organizzazione personalizzata dell’orario di lavo ro Ulteriori informazioni sulla nostra struttura sono reperibili nel sito web: . Come candidarsi:Se siete interessati ad un posto di lavoro orientat o al futuro e a vivere in un Paese dell’UE bensviluppato e prospero dal punto di vista economico, mandateci la vostra candidatura (Lettera di motivazione e CV) in lingua tedesca o inglese (asso lutamente niente in lingua italiana) a: [email protected] con riferimento in oggetto “ Evangelische Heimstiftung”. I colloqui si svolgeranno a Mestre (VE) in lingua ted esca o inglese in data che verrà comunicata ai candidati ritenuti idonei.

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 25

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 2 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Kliniken Schmieder is a specialist hospital leading in the fields of neurology and neurologi-cal rehabilitation which is located at six sites and ha s approximately 1,700 employees. In ad-dition to ac ute cases with neurological conditions, patients with s equelae following brain in-jury as well as tumour, vascular and inflammatory brain diseases are treate d in our clinics. The Acute Neurology department of our clinic in Allensbach has 40 beds and treats all acute and chronic conditions in the field of neuro logy, which is approximately 1,500 cases per year. A 7-be d monitoring unit with two ventilator beds is integ rated in the Acute Neurology de-partment. The diagnostic options include the full range of neurophysiologica l methods as well as colour duplex sonography. In add ition, we have our own MRI scanner (1.5T), a spiral CT scanner, a clinical laboratory and a sleep labor atory. Medical employees are in possession of the trainer certificates for EEG, EMG, EP and ultrasoun d issued by the German Society for Clinical Neurophysiology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinisch e Neurophysiologie - DGKN). The patient management is largely digitalised with electronic p atient records.We are looking for a full-time or pa rt-time JUNIOR DOCTORS ("Assistenzarzt [m/w]") to specialise in neurology (Basic doctor degree is sufficient to apply) who is able to start working at the earliest possib le time. We offer you:Regular internal further education and support with external further education 4-months rotation to the additional neurological diagnostic procedures under guidance o f a senior physician Together with the Neurorehabilitation department at the Allensbach si te, we are authorised to provide continuing medical education ("Weiterbildungsermáchtigung") for 4 year s in neurology Opportunity to receive continuing medical education for 1 year in social medicine and 1 year in rehabilitation Opportunity to switch temporarily to the neurological clinic of the Hegau medical centre in Singen as part of the further training in neurology Opportunity to cooperate in s cientific projects including writing your doctor's thesis Individual and family-friendly part -time models Performance-based compensation in accordance with our corporate labour agreement w hich is based on the labour agreement for physicians concluded with the German Con-federation of Municipal Employers Associations (Vereinigung der kommunalen Arbeitge-berverbande – VKA) Additional income by preparing expert opinion reports Participation in the pool An attractive corporate pension scheme Contribution to relocation costs Help with flat-hun ting. Application: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothing in Italian) as a PDF file or a W ord file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on su bject: "Schmieder JdNeurologyA". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarte rs of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified d ate will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).Valid up to

the 20th of May 2012

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 26

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

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Germania 2 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Kliniken Schmieder is a specialist hospital leading in the fields of neurology and neurological rehabilitation which is located at six sites and ha s approximately 1,700 employees. In addition to acute cases with neurological conditions, patients with sequelae following brain injury as well as tumour, vascular and inflammatory brain diseases ar e treated in our clinics.We are looking for a full-time or part-time 2 JUNIOR DOCTORS ("Assistenz arzt [m/w]") to specialise in neurology (Basic doctor degree is sufficient to apply) for our clinic in Gailingen at the Hochrhein (near Lake Constance) who is able to start working at the earl iest possible time or as agreed. The Neurological Rehabilition unit at our clinic in Gai lingen has 245 beds for Phases C to E. The full electrophysiological and neurosonological assessmen t including endoscopic swallowing studies can be done on-site; neuroradiological examinations are performed in Allensbach. During your training, you will have the opportunity to gain exp erience in the field of neurological rehabilitation as well as in diagnostic procedures and treatment o f neurological/neurosurgical conditions under the guidance of a specialist. Thanks to internal ro tation, you will receive comprehensive specialist training in the necessary neurological diagnostic p rocedures (EEG, EP, EMG, NCV, DUS, duplex, swallowing studies, vertigo assessment, CT and MRI are available on-site). In addition, we offer you: Regular internal further education and support with external further education We are authorised to provide continuing medical education "Weiterbildungsermachtigung") for 2 years in neurology. Since our clinic is grouped with the cli nics in Allensbach and Constance, you can complete the full specialist education in neurology The opportunity to cooperate in scientific projects including writing your doctor's thesis Ind ividual and family-friendly part-time models Performance-based compensation in accordance with o ur corporate labour agreement which is based on the labour agreement for physicians conclu ded with the German Confederation of Municipal Employers Associations (Vereinigung der k ommunalen Arbeitgeberverbande - VKA)Additional income by preparing expert opinion repor ts An attractive corporate pension scheme Contribution to relocation costs Help with flat-hun ting Application: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothing in Italian) as a PDF fil e or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on su bject: "Schmieder JdNeurologyG". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to el igible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 27

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

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Germania 2 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Kliniken Schmiedcr is a specialist hospital leading in the fields of neurology and neurologi-cal rehabilitation which is located at six sites and ha s approximately 1,700 employees. In ad-dition to acute cases with neurological conditions, patients with sequelae following brain in-jury as well as tumour, vascular and inflammatory brain diseases ar e treated in our clinics.The Psychotherapeutic Neurology unit in our clinic in G ailingen provides a specific range of diagnostic procedures and treatments for patients w ith co-morbid neurological and mental disorders. In addition to this, we also focus on ps eudo-neurological disorders. Since this unit will be extended, we are looking for a full-time or part -time 2 JUNIOR DOCTORS ("Assistenzarzt [m/w]") for the Psychiatrics/Psychotherapy unit (ba sic doctor degree is sufficient to apply) who is able to start working immediately and who is commit ted and happy to join a multi-professional team. The clinical work is characterised by integra ted, somato-psychosomatic treatment that directly connects medico-neurological, psychotherap eutic, neuropsychological and socio-therapeutic approaches. By learning to understand h ow medico-somatic and psy-chosocial aspects of conditions can be grasped in a different iated way and, at the same time, be understood in their interaction and therapeutically influenced , you will gather knowledge and experience which you can live on throughout your medical caree r. In addition, we offer you: A working atmosphere that is cooperative and characterised by appreciation A structured concept to work you in Regular internal further education and suppo rt with external further education Opportunities to receive further education in psych iatrics, psychotherapy, neurology, social medicine, rehabilitation and - in the continuing me dical education group - in psychoso-matic medicine. You can also acquire knowledge and experi ence in neuropsychology. The opportunity to cooperate in scientific projects Individual and family-friendly part-time models Performance-based compensation in accordance with our corporate labour agreement which is based on the labour agreement for physicians concluded with the German Confederation of Municipal Employers Associations (Vereinigung der kommunalen Arbeitgeberverbande – VKA) An attractive corporate pension scheme Contribution to relocation costs Help with flat-huntingApplication: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothin g in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on subject: "Schmieder Jd Psych". Interviews in English or German will tak e place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communic ated to eligible candidates selected both by

EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).Valid up to the 20 th of May 2012

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 28

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

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Germania 20 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Germania 3 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

Postgraduate training in general medicine Various locations in Lower-Saxony Hospitals, general practitioners and the Associatio n of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians Lower-Saxony jointly offer the complete postgraduat e training in general medicine. We are looking for physicians for the postgraduate training at more than 20 locations: Aurich / Bad Gandersheim / Buchholz / Celle / Cuxha ven / Emden / Gifhorn / Gronau / Herzberg / Hildesheim / Leer/ Nienburg / Nordhorn / Nordenham / Northeim / Peine / Rotenburg (Wümme) / Salzgitter / Salzwedel / Stade / Sulingen / Uelzen /Verden / Wildeshausen / Wilhelmshaven / Wittmund / Winsen / Wolfsburg In Germany there are two different medical specialities (internal medicine in a hospital and general medicine in a me dical practice) obligatory for the postgraduate training in general medicine. Optionally parts of t he postgraduate training can be done in medical specialities of your choice for example in surgery or paediatrics. (Basic doctor degree is sufficient to apply) In a postgraduate training net work hospitals cooperate with medical practices in the vicinity to offer the complete postgraduate training combined. Each network offers a variety of medical specialities. Thus allows a local, struc tured, efficient and individual postgraduate training. The postgraduate training general medicine: (excerp t from the regulation on further education in Lower-Saxony) 60 months in total: 36 months internal medicine in a hospital Thereof up to 18 months in medical specialities with direct patient contact (also possible in a medical practice) 24 months general medicine in a medical practice Thereof 6 months in surgery We offer: - an Individual and flexible postgraduate tr aining - training in internal medicine (24 - 36 mon th) with all necessary contents - Optionally training i n medical specialities of your choice for up to 12 month - training in general medicine in a medical p ractice (18-24 month) - family-friendly, part-time opportunities - integration in local doctors' netwo rks - support and advice from mentors - coordination of the training by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians - collectivel y agreed salary for the stationary part of the traini ng and for the training in a medical practice at a comparable level (about 4.000,- Euro) - best prospe cts for establishment.For a postgraduate training you require a germany m edical license. For information please contact: Niedersächsischer Zweckverband zur Approba tionserteilung, Berliner Allee 20, 30175 Hannover, Tel.: 0511/380-2561 Fax: 0511/380-2565 Se nd your application in English or German with details of your preferred locations to: [email protected], please refer on subject: "KVN". Interviews in English or German wil l take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communic ated to eligible candidates selected both by

EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).Valid up to the 20 th of May 2012 For further informations:

Good German Degree

As a constantly growing home care nursing service w e, the Mani Häusliche Pflege, are always looking for motivated and committed employees, with good nursing skills. Therefore we are looking for 3 NURSES and geriatri c nurses (m/f) to work on a fulltime (40 hours/week) or part-time (20 hours or 30 hours/week ) based contract. We are looking for you to support our personal home care service. No stiff wo rk in a clinic or a nursing home, but close contact with individuals. Working with us, you will take care of the patients needs in their homes and supply them with all medical provisions. This m eans you can work absolutely self-dependent while being part of a passionate, motivated team. B esides our family-friendly working hours you can expect a pleasant working environment, educatio n and training and an attractive retirement package, an unlimited contract but above all ... a great team! Application: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothin g in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on subject: "Mani". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to el igible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 29

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 10+10 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

We are interested in recruiting 10 registered NURS ES and 10 registered nurses specialized in anaesthetics and intensive care for different hospi tals in Germany. Sana Personal Service GmbH is a subsidiary company of Sana Kliniken AG, which is Germany’s fourth largest private hospital group. Its business model is based on long-term suc cess and stakeholders’ confidence in the company. This includes double-digit growth rates, i nnovative services, company management geared towards value-based success factors and a co mmitment to transparency. Our goal is high-end medicine with a wide range of care service s. The group includes currently 43 hospitals with a business volume of 1.629,2 Mio. EUR in 2011. Over 23.000 employees take care of 1.5 Mio. patients a year. Beyond that there are 12 further h ospitals, 17 nursing homes and diverse service companies in the group. Sana Personal Service GmbH provides other group com panies with the manpower of their employees. This form of employment requires flexibi lity as well as social and professional adaptability. Essential function Preparing differen t anaesthetic machines and monitoring equipment Assistance on any established techniques of general and regional anaestheticsAssistance on anaesthetizations Pre- and postoperat ive preparing and post-processing of different anaesthetic techniques Caring and control ling of patients in the anaesthetic recovery room as well as their caring under allowance of spe cial postoperative needsMechanical auto transfusions Professional and pers onal skills Completed education in medical and health care (nurse diploma), beneficially an ad vanced training in anaesthetics and intensive care Work experience, particularly in intensive car eGerman language skills Ability to work under pressu re and readiness to take on responsibilityDependability and flexible attitude with respect to work assignments an new learningAbility to manage multiple and varied tasks with en thusiasm and prioritize workload with attention to detail Willingness to work in a matrix environme nt and to value the importance of teamwork Application: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothing in Italian) as a PDF file or a Word file to the following email address: eurespado [email protected], please refer on subject: "Sana". Interviews in English or German wi ll take place at the headquarters of Veneto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be c ommunicated to eligible candidates selected both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

04/05/2012 Le offerte di lavoro EURES sono riservate solo ed e sclusivamente ai cittadini comunitari 30

Paese Profilo professionale Lingue ContrattoN. posti

Richiesta esperienza

Livello scol.

Data Pubblic.

Data scadenza

Germania 2 YES 02/05/2012 20/05/2012

We are a modern and efficient regular hospital for acute cases with tradition. Since more than 110 years we medicate patients in Germany according to the newest medical and care giving activity standards. We are the regional medical centre and e ssentially responsible for the towns Winterberg, Hallenberg and Medebach with 100 availa ble beds on three care stations and nine short time care locations.Our medical operating dep artments include: surgery, anesthesia, intensive care and internal medicine (including ger iatric medicine and cardiology). Nearly 200 qualified and well grounded employees ta ke care for an annual rate of approximately 15000 inpatient and ambulatory patients. Where ever possible we educate our employees in our hospital. For example the apprenticeship of young p eople as hospital nurse. We are especially proud that we encourage budding d octors financially during their academic studies and afterwards to guarantee an interdiscipl inary advanced training. For detailed information, please visit our homepage : www.khs-winterberg.deJob profile: 2 MEDICAL ASSISTANTS (m/f) We intervie wed for: Medical Assistant with interests for general internal medicine and geriatric medicine. E xperience knowledge in internal medicin is advantageously but not necessary. Your Germans skil ls should be level B2 Goethe Institut. A basic doctor degree is sufficient to apply.We offer you: A 2 years well structured education in clinical internal medicine and geriatric an educati on cooperation with surrounding hospitals grant fore further education Emergency medical trai ning possible Supporting with house-hunting Our strengths:collegial teamwork in a good Atmosphe re modern equipped X-ray department a connected modern laboratory Negotiated pay (tariff ): standard rate in €: first year 3.735,91 second year 3.947,67 third year 4.098,91 Application: Send cover letter + CV in English or German (nothing in Italian) as a PDF file or a W ord file to the following email address: [email protected], please refer on su bject: "St. Franziskus". Interviews in English or German will take place at the headquarters of Ve neto Lavoro in Mestre (VE) (the specified date will be communicated to eligible candidates selecte d both by EURES Padova and ZAV-Bonn).

Good German Degree

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