

1. Prenume: Călin

2. Data şi locul naşterii: 23 iulie 1930, Bucureşti

3. Cetăţenie: Română

4. Stare civilă: Căsătorit

5. Studii: Instituţia Universitatea din


Facultatea de

Matematica si Fizica

Universitatea Bucuresti,

Facultatea de Fizica

Perioada: de la (luna, anul)

până la (luna, anul)

1949-1953 1964-1966

Grade sau diplome obţinute Licentiat in Fizica

Doctor in Fizica

6. Titlul ştiinţific: Doctor în Fizica, specialitatea Fizica Nucleara si Particule Elementare (1963), Profesor


7. Experienţa profesională:


de la …..(luna, anul)

până la …..(luna, anul)

1953-1998 1953-1998

Locul: Bucuresti, Bucuresti,

Instituţia: Facultatea de Fizica Facultatea de Fizica

Funcţia: Profesor universitar dr. Profesor universitar dr.

Descriere: - activitati de cercetare prin

spectrometrie gamma de inalta

rezolutie a radioactivitatii probelor

din mediul marin

- punerea in functiune a unor lanturi

de detectie si analiza gamma de

inalta rezolutie: activitati de

intretinere, masurare si depanare

- dezvoltarea de software pentru

analize gamma spectrometrice

specifice probelor de mediu

- activitati de intercomparare (a

laboratoarelor de profil) a

rezultatelor obtinute in masuratori

gamma spectrometrice de inalta

rezolutie asupra unor probe de

- activitate didactica si de cercetare in

diferite proiecte de cercetare ale

grupului de fizica nucleara relativista

din cadrul catedrei


9. Locul de muncă actual şi funcţia: Universitatea Bucuresti, Facultatea de Fizica, Catedra de Fizica

Atomica si Nucleara, Profesor universitar (consultant)

10. Vechime la locul de muncă actual: 51 ani (de 6 ani consultant)

11. Brevete de invenţii: Nu

12. Lucrări elaborate şi/sau publicate (se anexează – lista lucrarilor elaborate/publicate trebuie sa contina

maxim 5 (cinci) lucrari in domeniul proiectului, relevante pentru activitatile ce urmeaza a fi desfasurate in

cadrul proiectului):

13. Membru al asociaţiilor profesionale: Societatea Româna de Fizica, Societatea Europeana de Fizica,

Academia de Stiinte din New York (SUA)

14. Limbi straine cunoscute: franceză, engleză, rusă

15. Alte competenţe: Operare Windows, Microsoft Office, Origin, FORTAN

16. Specializări şi calificări:

Tara Perioada si domeniul

Elvetia CERN – Fizica energiilor înalte 1973

SUA LBL – Fizica energiilor înalte 1971

Rusia (URSS) IUCN Dubna – Fizica energiilor înalte, Fizica nucleara relativista

17. Experienţa acumulată (inclusiv experienta manageriala) în alte programe/proiecte


Programul/Proiectul Funcţia Perioada:

Studiul ciocnirilor nucleon-

nuleon si ciocnirilor nucleu-

nucleu la energii intermediare

si inalte cu implicatii in

cunoasterea structurii materiei

si evidentierea tranzitiilor de

faza in materia nucleara.

Determinarea signaturii

acestor tranzitii. Implicatii in


Director de proiect 1993-1997

Contract de grant cu CNCSU

nr.5009/1993, tema 21,

nr.5009/1994, tema 21,

nr.4009/1995, tema A10,

nr.5009/1996, tema 305,

nr.7009/1997, tema 53

Studiul asupra influentei

geometriei si simetriei

Executant 2003-2005

Contract CERES nr. 33549/2003,

mediu, coordonate de AIEA

- elaborarea normelor metodologice

privind analizele gamma

spectrometrice efectuate asupra

probelor de mediu atat in conditii

normale cat si in caz de accident

nuclear pentru Reteaua Nationala de

Supraveghere a Radioactivitatii

Mediului (RNSRM)

- activitate de coordonare a

activitatii RNSRM

- coordonarea echipei de radiometrie

si de analiza gamma “in situ” in caz

de accident nuclear

- elaborarea manualului calitatii

privind implementarea standardului

de calitate ISO 17025:2000


ciocnirilor in interactii

nucleare relativiste utilizand

acceleratori de tip “Collider” -


tema 4Td,

Cod CNCSIS 129

Algoritmi pentru reconstructia

de imagini in tomografia cu

pozitroni - PETTOF


2003 - 2005

Contract CERES nr. 3-104/


Evoluţie Hubble, hadronizare

şi nucleosinteză. Informaţii

asupra “Exploziei

primordiale” (Big Bang) din

ciocniri nucleare - HUBBLE

Executant 2004 - 2006



Studiul fenomenelor fizice

complexe prin metode de

calcul distribuit de înaltă

performanţă - COMCIP

Executant 2005 - 2008

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Sistem satelitar permanent cu

traiectorie contolata la joasa

altitudine - SISATJA

Executant 2005 - 2008

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Analize ultrasensibile AMS

de profilare in adancime a

concentratiilor de tritiu si

deuteriu cu aplicatii in Fizica

mediului la proceduri de

detritiere si in diagnoza

experimentelor de fuziune -


Executant 2005 - 2007

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Tomografie in Arheometrie Executant 2005 - 2007

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Studiul dinamicii si

transferului radionuclizilor in

ecosisteme specifice Dunarii

si Marii Negre

Executant 2000 - 2002

Contract 493/1994, cod ANSTI


Studiu preliminar de impact

pentru depozitul intermediar

de combustibil ars – DICA,

CNE Cernavoda

(Nota: Faza - analize

radiologice asupra probelor

de apa din panza freatica din

zona viitoarei amplasari a


Responsabil de faza 2001

Activitati de promovare a

actiunilor urgente de

implementare a Conventiei de

la Stockholm asupra

Executant 2002 - 2004

Contract 81/CE/2000


Poluantilo Organici

Persistenti (POPs) in


Studiul asupra influentei

geometriei si simetriei

ciocnirilor in interactii

nucleare relativiste utilizand

acceleratori de tip “Collider” -


Executant 2003-2005

Contract CERES nr. 33549/2003,

tema 4Td,

Cod CNCSIS 129

Algoritmi pentru reconstructia

de imagini in tomografia cu

pozitroni - PETTOF

Executant 2003 - 2005

Contract CERES nr. 3-104/


Evoluţie Hubble, hadronizare

şi nucleosinteză. Informaţii

asupra “Exploziei

primordiale” (Big Bang) din

ciocniri nucleare - HUBBLE

Executant 2004 - 2006



Studiul fenomenelor fizice

complexe prin metode de

calcul distribuit de înaltă

performanţă - COMCIP

Executant 2005 - 2008

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Sistem satelitar permanent cu

traiectorie contolata la joasa

altitudine - SISATJA

Executant 2005 - 2008

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Analize ultrasensibile AMS

de profilare in adancime a

concentratiilor de tritiu si

deuteriu cu aplicatii in Fizica

mediului la proceduri de

detritiere si in diagnoza

experimentelor de fuziune -


Executant 2005 - 2007

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Tomografie in Arheometrie Executant 2005 - 2007

Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


Studiul dinamicii si

transferului radionuclizilor in

ecosisteme specifice Dunarii

si Marii Negre

Executant 2000 - 2002

Contract 493/1994, cod ANSTI


Studiu preliminar de impact

pentru depozitul intermediar

de combustibil ars – DICA,

CNE Cernavoda

(Nota: Faza - analize

radiologice asupra probelor

de apa din panza freatica din

zona viitoarei amplasari a


Responsabil de faza 2001

Activitati de promovare a Executant 2002 - 2004


actiunilor urgente de

implementare a Conventiei de

la Stockholm asupra

Poluantilo Organici

Persistenti (POPs) in


Contract 81/CE/2000

Studiul asupra influentei

geometriei si simetriei

ciocnirilor in interactii

nucleare relativiste utilizand

acceleratori de tip “Collider” -


Executant 2003-2005

Contract CERES nr. 33549/2003,

tema 4Td,

Cod CNCSIS 129

9. Algoritmi pentru

reconstructia de imagini in

tomografia cu pozitroni

bazata pe RPC

Director de proiect din partea



Contract CERES nr. 3-


10. Evoluţie Hubble,

hadronizare şi nucleosinteză.

Informaţii asupra “Exploziei

primordiale” (Big Bang) din

ciocniri nucleare - HUBBLE

Director de proiect din partea





11. Studiul fenomenelor fizice

complexe prin metode de

calcul distribuit de înaltă

performanţă - COMCIP




Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


12. Sistem satelitar permanent

cu traiectorie contolata la

joasa altitudine - SISATJA




Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


13. Analize ultrasensibile de

profilare in adancime a

concentratiilor de tritiu si

deuteriu cu aplicatii in Fizica

mediului la proceduri de

detritiere si in diagnoza

experimentelor de fuziune -





Contract CEEX2005 – Programul


14. QGPBB Director de proiect Contract CEEX2006

15. EXATOM Responsabil


Contract CEEX2006

16. FARRA Director de proiect din partea


Contract CEEX2006

17. PROFIZNUC Director de proiect din partea


Contract CEEX2006

18.ROEUSEN Responsabil


Contract CEEX2006

19. MAPERACID Membru Contract CEEX2006

18. Alte menţiuni:

Membru al colaborarii internationale SKM 200 de la IUCN Dubna

Membru al colaborarii internationale "Anomalon" de la IUCN Dubna

Membru al colaborarii internationale NA-38 de la CERN Geneva


Membru al colaborarii internationale NA-50 de la CERN Geneva

Membru al colaborarii internationale BRAHMS, RHIC - BNL


Articole stiintifice publicate în reviste de specialitate

din stainatate cotate în sistemul ISI

1. The analysis of the two pion resonances in two prong -p interactions at 7-8 GeV

- C.Besliu, T.Angelescu, El.Balea, O.Balea, Al.Mihul -

Phys.Lett.6(1963)77 (I1 = [(1.461+3.670)/2]/5 = 0.513)

2. Analysis of energy variation of baryon behaviour in inelastic nucleon scattering

- C.Besliu et al -

Nuclear Physics (1966) (Imin

2 = [(1.825+3.642)/2]/3 = 0.911)

3. Neutron-proton elastic scattering from 3 to 10 GeV

- C.Besliu et al -

Il Nuovo Cimento A70(1969)1 (Imin

3= 0.444/5=0.089)

4. Some aspects of the reactions -pn


+ at 11 GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al -

Il Nuovo Cimento A70(1969)1 (Imin

4= 0.444/5=0.089)

5. On the K+

angular correlations in


+m and


o+m (m>3) reactions at 8 GeV

- C.Besliu et al -

Phys.Lett.(1970) (I5 = [(1.461+3.670)/2]/5 = 0.513)

6. A scaling test in -p semi-inclusive reactions

- C.Besliu et al -

Phys.Lett.B46(1973)389-391 (I6 = 3.670)/5 = 0.734)

7. Life time of some excited states in 64,66,68


- C.Besliu et al -

Nuclear Physics A21(1974)104-108 (Imin

7 = (1.825/3 = 0.608)

8. Topological cross sections of np interactions in the interval of monochromatic neutron momenta 1-5 GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al -

Nuclear Physics B99(1975) (Imin

8 = 3.642/6 = 0.607)

9. Observation of anomaly in the +

- effective mass spectrum with M = 0.4 GeV/c

2 and p < 0.3 GeV/c in

the reaction np d+

- at a neutron incident momentum pn= 1.73 GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al -

0uclear Physics A35(1979)104-108 (Imin

9 = (1.825/5 = 0.365)

10. Pion production in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu, V.Boldea, V.Topor Pop, R.Topor Pop, V.Popa, A.Olariu, Al.Jipa -

Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.XV(1985)353-362 (I10 = 2.611/7 = 0.373)

11. Multi-quark effects in high energy nucleon-nucleon and nucleus-nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu, I.Caraciuc, F.Cotorobai, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, D.Pantea, L.Popa, V.Popa, R.Topor Pop, V.Topor Pop

Prog.Part.Nucl.Phys.XX(1988)243-252 (I11= 2.611/10 = 0.261)

12. The study of non-strange dibaryonic mass spectra in the np reaction at 5.1 GeV/c

- C.Besliu, L.Popa, V.Popa -

J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys.18(1992)807-821 (I12 = 1.091/3 = 0.363)

13. Search of dibaryonic states in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, L.Popa, V.Popa, V.Topor Pop -


J.Phys.G: Nucl.Part.Phys.19(1993)1831-1841 (I13 = 1.091/4 = 0.273)

14. Participants in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Il Nuovo Cimento A106(3)(1993)317-325 (I14 = 0.444/2 = 0.222)

15. Particle production in He-Li collisions at 4.5A GeV/c

- Elena Al-Baaj, S.Al-Baaj, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Il Nuovo Cimento A107(9)(1994)1611-1623 (I15 = 0.444/4 = 0.111)

16. Flow effects in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, A.M.David, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 45(7-8)(1995)651-656 (I16 = 0.339/4 = 0.085)

17. The moments method for the analysis of the multiplicity distributions in nucleus-nucleus collisions at high


- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, R.Zaharia, A.M.David -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 22(2)(1996)231-242 (I17 = 1.091/4 = 0.273)

18. Coincidence method for the determination of minor elements in steel by proton-induced prompt gamma-ray

spectrometry (PIGE)

- T.Badica, C.Besliu, Antoaneta Ene, Agata Olariu, I.V.Popescu -

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B111(1996)321-324 (I18 = 1.140/5 = 0.228)

19. Multielemental analysis of metallurgical samples by thermal neutron activation

- I.V.Popescu, T.Badica, Agata Olariu, C.Besliu, Antoaneta Ene, Al.Ivanescu

- Journal of Radioanal.Nucl.Chem.Letters 213(1996)369-376 (I19 = 0.184/6 = 0.031)

20. Jets of nuclear matter in He-AT inelastic collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, R.Zaharia, J.G.Rican, Maria Iosif -

European Physical Journal A1(1)(1998)65-75 (I20= 1.379/7 = 0.197)

21. Some experimental results on unusual states in relativistic nuclear collisions

- Alexandru Jipa, Cãlin Besliu, Maria Iosif, Radu Zaharia -

Il Nuovo Cimento A112(1999)1-25 (I21= 0.444/4 = 0.111)

22. Trace analysis of ancient gold objects using radiochemical neutron activation analysis

- A.Olariu, M.Constantinescu, O.Constantinescu, T.Bãdicã, I.V.Popescu, C.Besliu, D.Leahu -

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry Lett. 240(1999)261-267 (I22 = 0.184/7 = 0.026)

23. Correlation between excitation energy and nucleonic phase-space in the p;rojectile fragmentation process

- C.Besliu, D.Felea, V.Topor Pop, A Gheaþã, Al.Jipa , I.S.Zgurã, R.Zaharia -

Physical Review C60(1999)24609 (I13 = 2.597/7 = 0.371)

24. Determination of local density and effective atomic number by the dual-energy computerized tomography

method with thw 192

Ir radioisotope

- Costel Rizescu, Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa -

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 465(2001)584-599 (I15 = 1.406/3 = 0.468)

25. Complex analysis of the “Cannon of Giurgiu” by computerized tomography with 192


- C.Rizescu, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, I.Neacsu -

Journal of Archaeological Science (2001) – (I16 = 0.404/4 = 0.101)

26. Klein-Gordon equation from the path integral formalism

- D.Felea, C.Besliu, I.S.Zgură, R.Mărginean, Al.Jipa, R.Nanciu -

European Physical Journal C20(4)(2001)713-716 (I17 =5.194/6 = 0.865)

27. Strangeness at BRAHMS

- S.J.Sanders for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C. Besliu....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 27(2001)671-676 (I18 =1.480/48 = 0.031)

28.The BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC

- M.Adamczyk, I.G.Bearden, C. Besliu......, Al.Jipa, ....., A.Wieloch -

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A499(2003)437-468 (I19 = 1.406/48 = 0.029)

29. Rapidity dependence of the antiproton-to-proton ratio in Au-Au collisions at NNs = 130 GeV


- I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură -

Physical Review Letters 87(11)(2001)112305(1-4) – (I20 = 6.668/54 = 0.123)

30. Charged particle densities from Au+Au collisions at NNs = 130 GeV

- I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură -

Physics Letters B523(2001)227-233 (I21 = 4.200/54 = 0.078)

31. Results from BRAHMS experiment at RHIC

- Flemming Videbaek for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) –

Nuclear Physics A698(2002)29c-38c (I22 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

32. Particle ratios at forward and mid-rapidities

- I.G.Bearden for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Nuclear Physics A698(2002)667c-670c (I23 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

33. Results from BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC

- P. Staszel, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Beşliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., C.Ristea, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Acta Physica Polonica B33(2002)1387-1403 (I24 = 0.600/54 = 0.011)

34. Pseudorapidity Distributions of Charged Particles from Au+Au Collisions at the Maximum RHIC

Energy, NNs =200 GeV

- I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., C.Ristea, ...., I.S.Zgură -

Physical Review Letters 88(20)(2002)202301(1-4) (I25 = 7.323/54 = 0.135)

35. Results from the BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC

- by BRAHMS Collaboration (D. Rohrich, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) – Journal of

Physics G28(2002)1841-1851 (I26 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

36. Charged particle multiplicities at BRAHMS

S.J.Sanders for BRAHMS Collaboration ((I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) -

Acta Physica Hungarica - Heavy Ion Physics 15(2002)315-326 (I27 =0.200/54 = 0.004)

37. Radidity dependence of charged antihadron ratios in Au-Au collisions at , NNs =200 GeV - I.G.Bearden,

D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., C.Ristea, ....., I.S.Zgură –

Physical Review Letters 90(10)(2003)102301(1-4) (I28 = 7.323/54 = 0.135)

38. From y=0 to y=3: Recent Results from BRAHMS

- I.G.Bearden for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Nuclear Physics A715(2003)171c-179c (I29 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

39. Rapidity dependence of charged particle yields for Au+Au at NNs =200 GeV – D.Ouerdane for BRAHMS

Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) – Nuclear Physics

A715(2003)478c-481c (I30 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

40. Rapidity dependent net-proton yields in Au+Au at NNs =200 GeV

- D.Ouerdane for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Nuclear Physics A715(2003)482c-485c (I31 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

41. High p_T measeuremets with BRAHMS

- C.E.Joergensen for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Nuclear Physics A715(2003)741c-744c (I31 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

42. Transverse momentum spectra in Au+Au and d+Au collisions at NNs = 200 GeV and the

pseudorapidity dependence of high p_T supression - I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa,


....., C.Ristea, O.Ristea, ....., I.S.Zgură – Physical Review Letters 91(7)(2003)072305(1-4) (I32 = 7.323/56 =


35. Rapidity dependence of charged hadron production in central Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV

with BRAHMS –

D.Ouerdane for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură

) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G30(2004)S1129-S1132 (I35 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

36. High pT charged pion and proton production in sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV Au-Au and d-Au collisions –

Zhongbao Yin for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G30(2004)S983-S987 (I36 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

37. High p_T hadron spectra at high rapidity -

Ramiro Debbe for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G30(2004)S759-S765 (I37 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

38. Scanning the phases of QCD with BRAHMS

M.Murray for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură ) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G30(2004)S667-S674 (I38 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

39. Rapidity dependent strangeness measurements in BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC -J.H.Lee for the

BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură ) -

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G30(2004)S85-S92 (I39 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

40. Nuclear stopping in Au-Au collisions at sqrt(S_NN) = 200 GeV -

BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură) –

Physical Review Letters 93(2004)102301 (I40 = 7.323/56 = 0.130)

41. Evolution of the nuclear modification factor with rapidity and centrality in d-Au collisions at sqrt(S_NN)

= 200 GeV

BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură) –

Physical Review Letters 93(2004)242303 (I41 = 7.323/56 = 0.130)

42. The new Physics at RHIC. From transparency to high pT suppression -

J.J.Gaardhoeje for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) -

Nuclear Physics A734(2004)13-27 (I42 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

43. Rapidity dependence of high p_T suppression -

C.E.Joergensen for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) -

Nuclear Physics A734(2004)65-69 (I43 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

44. The naïve parton model and BRAHMS measurements –

Ramiro Debbe - for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) –

Acta Physica Hungarica A: Heavy Ion Physics 21(2-4)(2004)117-123 (I44 = 0.200/54 = 0.004)

45. Proton to antiproton distributions at RHIC –

Flemming Videbaek - for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) –

Acta Physica Hungarica A: Heavy Ion Physics 21(2-4)(2004)131-136 (I45 = 0.200/54 = 0.004)

46. High pT results for Au-Au collisions at GeVsNN 200 -

Zhongbao Yin for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …,

I.S.Zgură ) –

European Physical Journal C33(2004)s01, PS06, s603-s605 (versiunea electronică) (I46 =5.194/56 = 0.095)


47. Strangeness production in sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV at RHIC -

J.I.Jordre for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa, …, I.S.Zgură ) –

European Physical Journal C33(2004)s01, PS06, s624-s626 (versiunea electronică) (I47 =5.194/56 = 0.095)

48. Overview of the results from the BRAHMS Experiment -

Alexandru Jipa for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …,

I.S.Zgură ) –

Acta Physica Hungarica A: Heavy Ion Physics 22(1-2)(2005)121-137 (I48 =0.200/56 = 0.004)

49. Towards measuring pseudorapidity dependence in elliptic flow at BRAHMS -

H.Ito for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics G31(4)(2005)S23-S25 (I49 =1.480/54 = 0.027)

50. Forward and midrapidity like-particle ratios from p+p collisions at GeVs 200 –

BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Physics Letters B607(1-2)(2005)42-50 (I50 = 4.200/54 = 0.078)

51. Properties of matter at forward rapidities at RHIC

D.Roehrich for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Nuclear Physics A749(2005)295c-298c (I51 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

52. Quark-gluon plasma and colour glass condensate at RHIC? The perspective from the BRAHMS Experiment

- BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Nuclear Physics A757(1-2)(2005)1-27 (I52 = 2.600/54 = 0.048)

53. Charged meson rapidity distribution in central Au-Au collisions at GeVs 200

BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Physical Review Letters 94(16)(2005)162301 (I53 = 7.323/56 = 0.130)

54. The forward high P(T) puzzle

- J.J.Gaardhoje for the BRAHMS Collaboration ((I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …,

I.S.Zgură ) –

European Physical Journal C43(2005)287-293 (I54 =5.194/56 = 0.095)

55. Recent results from the BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC

P. Staszel for the BRAHMS Collaboration ((I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

International Journal for Modern Physics A20(2005)4369-4379 (I55 =1.56/56 =0.027)

56. Centrality dependent particle production at y = 0 and y ~1 in Au+Au collisions at GeVsNN 200

- BRAHMS Collaboration ((I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură ) –

Physical Review C72(2005)014908 (I56 =2.597/56 = 0.046)

57. Centrality dependence of charged particle pseudorapidity distributions from d-Au collisions at

GeVsNN 200

- BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, … C.Beşliu, …, Al.Jipa …, I.S.Zgură) – Physical Review

Letters 94(3)(2005) )032301(I57 = 7.323/56 = 0.130)

Notă. Listă incompletă

Articole stiintifice publicate în reviste de specialitate

ale Academiei Române

1. Une méthode de déterminer des masses des particules nucléaires par la densité des graines (I)

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.1(1956)651-655 (I1 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

2. Metod opredelenia masî I energii ionizimiuºcih ciastiþ pri pomoºci iadernoi emulsii (II)

- C.Besliu et al -


Rev.Roum.Phys.2(1957)229 (I2 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

3. O metodã absolutã de determinare a fluxurilor de neutroni termici

- C.Besliu et al -

Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 3(1959)651-655 (I3 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

4. Asupra posibilitatilor de determinare a lui Z cu ajutorul razelor

- C.Besliu et al -

Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 3(1959)151-155 (I4 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

5. Distribution angulaire des protons de 6.2 MeV diffusés élastiquement et inélastiquement par 32


- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.6(1961)97 (I5 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

6. Difuzia inelasticã a neutronilor de 5.2 MeV pe As

- C.Besliu et al -

Comunicãrile Academiei RPR XIX(1962)141 (I6 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

7. Isotopic spin weights for +p interactions with strange particle production

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.16(1971)651-655 (I7 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

8. On the behaviour of the average transverse momentum of secondaries in -p high energy interactions

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.16(1971)190 (I8= 0.200/3 = 0.067)

9. Quark model and strange particle interactions at high energies

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.18(1973)1139-1145 (I9 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

10. Inclusive reactions in -p interactions at 21 GeV

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.18(1973)483-492 (I10 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

11. Study of correlation functions for semi-inclusive reactions -pn

- + X at 21 GeV

- C.Besliu et al -

Rev.Roum.Phys.22(1977)651-655 (I11 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

12. Pion production in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, R.Topor Pop, V.Boldea, L.Popa, V.Popa, V.Topor Pop -

Rev.Roum.Phys.32(1987)651-655 (I12 = 0.200/9 = 0.022)

13. Geometrical modelation for O-Pb and O-Ne nuclear collisions at 4.5 GeV/A total energy

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Rev.Roum.Phys. 33(1988)409-412 (I13 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)

14. Exotic effects in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 3.6 GeV/nucleon

- C.Besliu, L.Popa, V.Popa -

Rev.Roum.Phys. 34(1989)1231 (I14 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

15. Studiul ciocnirilor centrale nucleu-nucleu la 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al

Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 41(1989)713-744 (I15 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

16. Non-strange di-nucleonic resonances

- C.Besliu, L.Popa, V.Popa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 36(1991)221-225 (I16 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

17. A geometrical picture of relativistic nuclear collisions from experimental results

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 37(10)(1992)1011-1024 (I17 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)

18. Dybarions and nuclear matter

- C.Besliu, L.Popa, V.Popa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 37(1992)219 (I18 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

19. On the size of the pionic source in relativistic nuclear collisions


- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 38(4-5)(1993)507-511 (I19 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)

20. Modification of the rest mass of the particles generated from dense and hot nuclear matter

- Cãlin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Radu Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 46(5-6)(1994)389-395 (I20 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

21. Some dynamical features of the nuclear fragmentation in nucleus-nucleus reactions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Felea, G.Stoicea -

Romanian Reports in Physics 48(5,6)(1996)359-366 (I21 = 0.200/5 = 0.040)

22. Signals of the projectile fragmentation process in nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c incident


- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, R.Moasa, S.Zgura, Maria Haiduc, D.Felea -

Romanian Reports in Physics 48(5,6)(1996)367-379 (I22 = 0.200/7 = 0.029)

23. Resonance matter formation in collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Nicoleta Ioneci, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 48(5,6)(1996)427-433 (I23 = 0.200/4 = 0.050)

24. On a new way to evidence shock waves in relativistic nuclear collisions: the shock polar method

- C.Besliu, V.Cartas, Al.Jipa -

Romanian Reports in Physics 49(5-7)(1997)611-617 (I24 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

25. Phenomenological picture on the cumulative effect in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the incident kinetic

energy of 3.65 A GeV

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Maria Iosif, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru -

Romanian Reports in Physics 49(5-7)(1997)531-544 (I25 = 0.200/6 = 0.033)

26. An extension of the classical shock wave mechanism for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, V.Cartas, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 50(1998) - in press (I26 = 0.200/4 = 0.050)

27. Signatures of the thermodynamic equilibrium in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c involving

relative small participant nucleon numbers

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, D.Argintaru, R.Zaharia, D.Felea, I.S.Zgurã, Cristina Argintaru, Cl.Grigorie

Romanian Journal of Physics 43(1-2)(1998)489-500 (I27 = 0.200/8 = 0.025)

28. Hydrodynamic flow, non-equilibrium phenomena and longitudinal momentum-transverse momentum

correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- Cãlin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Claudian Grigorie, Maria Iosif, Radu Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 50(1998) - in press (I28 = 0.200/5 = 0.040)

29. On the dznamics of the nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c involving relative small numbers of


- Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 44(5-6)(1999)247-283 - in press (I29 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)

30. On the possibility to observe the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition

- Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Radu Zaharia, Florin Constantin, Horia Petrascu, Isao Tanihata -

Romanian Journal of Physics 44(1999) - in press (I30 = 0.200/6 = 0.033)

31. Neutron activation analysis of Dacian ceramics from Romanian territories

- Calin Besliu et al

Romanian Archaeometry 2(1988)113 (I31 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

32. Analiza obiectelor de cupru preistoric din Muzeul de Istorie din Cluj-Napoca

- Calin Besliu, Gh.Lazarovici, Agata Olariu -

Acta Musei Porolissensis XVI(1992)97-128

(I32 = 0.200/3 = 0.067)

33. An extension of the classical shock wave mechanism for nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, V.Cartas, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 51(7-10)(1999)561-570 (I15 = 0.200/4 = 0.050)


34. Hydrodynamic flow, non-equilibrium phenomena and longitudinal momentum-transverse momentum

correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C. Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Claudian Grigorie, Maria Iosif, Radu Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 50(1998) - in press (I17 = 0.200/5 = 0.040)

35. On the dynamics of the nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c involving relative small numbers of


- C. Besliu, Alexandru Jipa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 44(5-6)(1999)247-282 (I19 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)

36. On the possibility to observe the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition

- C. Besliu,, Alexandru Jipa, Radu Zaharia, Florin Constantin, Marius Petraşcu, Isao Tanihata - Romanian

Journal of Physics 44(1999)7-14 (I20 = 0.200/6 = 0.033)

37. Aparent temperatures of the 4He projectile fragments at 4.6 A GeV incident energy

- C. Besliu,, D.Felea, Al.Jipa, I.S.Zgură, A Gheaţă, R.Zaharia -

Romanian Reports in Physics 52(8-9)(2000)583-591 (I21 = 0.200/6 = 0.033)

38. An estimation of the particle source characteristics in Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL energies (BRAHMS


- C. Besliu,, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Felea, I.S.Zgura, Fl.Constantin, Cl.Grigorie, F.Videbaek, J.J.Gaardhoje -

Romanian Reports in Physics 52(8-9)(2000)591-599 (I22 = 0.200/9 = 0.022)

39. Aparent temperatures in p+Ag/Sm/Tm/Au target fragmentation at 12 GeV

- C. Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Felea, I.S.Zgură and MULTI Collaboration from KEK Tsukuba - Romanian

Reports in Physics 52(8-9)(2000)600-608 (I23 = 0.200/10 = 0.020)

40. BRAHMS Experiment. First experimental results

- BRAHMS Collaboration (D.Argintaru, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C. Besliu,, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

Romanian Reports in Physics 53(2001)205–216 (I24 = 0.200/58 = 0.003)

41. Collision geometry reflected by different detectors at BRAHMS experimental set-up

- BRAHMS Collaboration (D.Argintaru, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C. Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) and

Oana Câţu, Oana Culea, Cătălin Ristea, Gabriel Taban, Emil Stan, Marius Rus, Adriana Cistelecan, Adrian

Perieanu -

Romanian Reports in Physics 53(2001)263-271 (I25 = 0.200/58 = 0.003)

42. UrQMD predictions for Au+Au collisions using BRAHMS experimental set-up

- BRAHMS Collaboration (D.Argintaru, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C. Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) and

Oana Câţu, Oana Culea, Cătălin Ristea, Gabriel Taban, Emil Stan, Marius Rus -

Romanian Reports in Physics 53(2001)249-261 (I26 = 0.200/58 = 0.003)

43. Time evolution and thermal balance for the nuclear flow in He+Al, He+Cu and He+Pb reactions at 4.5 A


- C. Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Felea, I.S.Zgură, B.Iliescu, Amelia Horbuniev, Cl.Grigorie -

Romanian Reports in Physics 53(2001)217-240 (I27 = 0.200/8 = 0.025)

44. On the structure of the particle source in ultrarelativistic nuclear collisions

- Al.Jipa, C. Besliu, G.Taban, I.S.Zgură, D.Felea, Oana Câţu, Oana Culea, Cătălin Ristea -

Romanian Reports in Physics 53(2001)241-247 (I28 = 0.200/8 = 0.025)

45. Changes in behaviour of some physical quantities as signals of phase transitions in relativistic nuclear


- Al.Jipa, C. Besliu, D.Argintaru, Cl.Grigorie, D.Felea, I.S.Zgură, R.Zaharia, Fl.Constantin, E.. Stan, Oana

Ristea, Cătălin Ristea, G.Taban -

Romanian Journal of Physics 48(1-2)(2003)499–510 (I29 = 0.200/12 = 0.017)

46. On the possibility to evidence the contributions of the spectator and participant regions to the particle

prodaction in relativistic nuclear collisions

-C. Besliu, Alexandru Jipa -

Romanian Journal of Physics 48(2003) – in press (I30 = 0.200/2 = 0.100)


47. On the intermittecy in peripheral He-Li interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- Al.Jipa, C. Besliu,, I.S.Zgură, D.Felea, C.Mitu, B.Iliescu, I.Arsene, M.Potlog -

Romanian Reports in Physics 55(2003) – in press (I31 = 0.200/8 = 0.025)

48. Temperatures and densities in nuclear matter obtained in Au-Au collisions at RHIC-BNL energies

-BRAHMS Collaboration (D.Argintaru, I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C. Besliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) and

Em.Stan, I.Arsene, C.Mitu, M.Potlog -

Romanian Reports in Physics 55(2003) – in press (I32 = 0.200/62 = 0.003)

49. On the intermittency in peripheral He-Li interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- Al.Jipa, C.Beşliu, I.S.Zgură, D.Felea, C.Mitu, B.Iliescu, I.Arsene, M.Potlog

Romanian Reports in Physics 56(2)(2004)250-257 (I33 = 0.200/8 = 0.025)

50. On the nuclear fragmentation mechanisms in nuclear collisions at intermediate and high energies

- Al.Jipa, C.Beşliu, D.Felea, …. C.Mitu, B.Iliescu, I.S.Zgură, I.Arsene, M.Potlog

Romanian Reports in Physics 56(4)(2004)577-600 (I34 = 0.200/21 = 0.010)

Articole stiintifice publicate în reviste de specialitate

ale universitatilor

1. Dependenta factorului de contractie a emulsiei nucleare în functie de înclinarea si adâncimea urmelor

- C.Besliu et al -

Revista Universitatii 1(1954) (I1 = 0.100/2 = 0.050)

2. Dynamical aspects in relativistic nuclear collisions. Experimental results

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Scientific Annals of Al.I.Cuza University Jassy XXXVI(1990)* (I2 = 0.100/2 = 0.050)

3. On the size of the pionic source in He-Li collisions at 4.5A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru, Cristiana Iosif, G.Iosif, V.Popa -

Scientific Annals of the University of Bucharest (Physics)XLII(1993)3-6 (I3 = 0.100/7 = 0.014)

4. On the hypernuclei production in relativistic nuclear collisions at 4.5A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, Irina Tudorascu, R.Zaharia -

Scientific Annals of the University of Bucharest (Physics) XLIII(1994)26-34 (I4 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

5. On the possible connection between the chaos parameter and the multiplicity distribution correlation


- C.Besliu, Maria Iosif, Al.Jipa -

Analele Universitatii Bucuresti - Fizica XLV(1996) (I5 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

Articole stiintifice publicate în reviste de specialitate

din strainatate, care nu sunt cotate în sistemul ISI

si în unele reviste de specialitate din tara

1. Dépolarisation des mesons - dans des émulsions Nikfi placées dans un champ magnétique de 10

4 Oe

- H.Hulubei, M.Petrascu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 250(1960)1496 (I1 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

2. Interactions inélastiques - - nucléon a deux bras a / GeV

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 256(1963)3847 (I2 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

3. Intéractions élastiques np à 3-10 GeV

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 260(1965)4995 (I3 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)


4. La distribution de transfer de la quadri-impulsion du proton dans les intéractions inélastiques -p à l'énergie

incidente de 20 GeV

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 264(1967)1610 (I4 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

5. Intéractions élastiques np à 3-10 GeV

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 265(1967)1350 (I5 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

6. Sur le comportement du maxim de diffraction du baryon dans les intéractions inélastiques méson-nucléon

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 265(1967)1485 (I6 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

7. Corrélations angulaires des mésons dans les réactions

-pKm et

-pNKKm, avec m>3, aux

énergies de 7.5 et 8 GeV

- H.Hulubei, T.Angelescu, C.Besliu

Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences (1970) (I7 = 0.100/3 = 0.033)

8. Interpretation du processus pp+


o à l'aide de l'introduction d'une résonance '

- C.Besliu et al

Annales de Fisica 67(1)(1971)383 (I8 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

9. Asupra automodelãrii reacþiei de descriere a deuteronilor relativiºti

- C.Besliu et al

Journal of Nuclear Physics 27(5)(1978)1356 (I9 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

10. Observarea unei singularitãþi în distribuþiile masei efective a combinaþiilor p+


-) în reacþia




-n la Pn=(5.10.17) GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al

Journal of Nuclear Physics 29(6)(1979)1345 (I10 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

11. Observation of Anomaly in Spectrum of Effective Masses of +

- Mesons with M


- = 0.40 GeV/c

2 and

P< 0.03 GeV/c2 in Reaction npd


- at Neutron Momentum Pn=1.73 GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al

Iadernaia Fizika 29(6)(1979)1551 (I11 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

12. Ratio of average negative mesons number to average number of interacting protons in central nucleus-

nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu et al

Iadernaia Fizika 38(1983)1480 (I12 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

13. Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at 3.6 GeV/N

- C.Besliu et al Iadernaia Fizika 37(1987) (I13 = 0.100/4 = 0.025)

14. Fragment and particle production in O-Pb collisions at 4.5A GeV/c total momentum

- C.Besliu, Al.Bragadireanu, Al.Jipa, Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru -

Balkan Physics Letters 3(4)(1995)236-241 (I14 = 0.100/5 = 0.02)

15. Flow of nuclear matter in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, Maria Iosif, D.Felea, Sorin Zgurã -

Balkan Physics Letters 6(1998)54-58 (I15 = 0.100/8 = 0.0125)

16. Modification of the phase transition parameters in nuclear matter

- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, Maria Iosif, R.Zaharia, L.Aioanei -

Supplements of Balkan Physics Letters 6(1998)1-4 (I16 = 0.100/5 = 0.02)

Articole stiintifice publicate în "proceedings"-uri ale unor

conferinte internationale

1. Une méthode de dosage des mineraux radioactifs à l'aide des émulsions nucléaires

- C.Besliu et al Prima conferintã internationalã asupra Utilizãrii Pasnice a Energiei Nucleare, Geneva, 1955,



(I1 = 0.100/3 = 0.0333)

2. Asupra posibilitãtii unui maxim de interactie directã la captura mezonilor - de catre nuclee

- C.Besliu et al

A IX-a Conferintã Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Kiev, 1959

(I2 = 0.100/3 = 0.0333)

3. On the Neutral Pion Multiplicity in Reaction -p


- C.Besliu et al

Conferinta Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Dubna, 1964

(I3 = 0.100/5 = 0.020)

4. Analysis of the energy variation of baryon behaviour in inelastic NN scattering

- C.Besliu et al

Conferinta Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Dubna, 1964

(I4 = 0.100/5 = 0.020)

5. Study of strange particle production in -p collisions at 11 GeV/c

- C.Besliu et al

Conferinta Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Viena, 1968

(I5 = 0.100/5 = 0.020)

6. Study of isobaric masses for strange particle production in -p collisions with two charged prongs at 11


- C.Besliu et al

Conferinta Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Lund, 1969

(I6 = 0.100/5 = 0.020)

7. On the Goldhaber effect in the -p reactions at energies 4-20 GeV

- C.Besliu et al

Conferinta Internationalã de fizica energiilor înalte, Kiev, 1970

(I7 = 0.100/5 = 0.020)

8. Narrow hadronic resonances

- C.Besliu, Lucia Popa, V.Popa

Proceedings of the International Conference "Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics",

Dubna, Russia, 1990, World Scientific, Singapore, 1991, pag.189-195

(I8 = 0.100/3 = 0.0333)

9. Some experimental results from streamer chamber experiments in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 3.6

GeV/A kinetic energy

- C.Besliu, V.Topor Pop, R.Topor Pop, A.Olariu, Al.Jipa, M.Anikina, A.Golokhvastov, S.Khorozov,

E.Kuznetzova, J.Lukstins, E.O.Okonov, T.Ostanevich, G.L.Vardenga -

The XV-th course of the Brasov International School in Physics, Poiana Brasov, 28.VIII.-8.IX.1984 - -

comunicare oralã - lucrare publicatã în “Atomic and Nuclear Heavy Ion Interactions”, vol.II(1986)723-726

(Proceedings of the XV-th course of the Brasov International School in Physics, Poiana Brasov, 28.VIII.-


(I9 = 0.100/13 = 0.008)

10. Analysis of the bounce-off effect in nuclear collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c (SKM 200 Spectrometer)

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Moasa, R.Zaharia, Maria Haiduc, D.Felea, I.S.Zgurã -

The XV-th Meeting of the EMU01 Collaboration, Constanþa (Romania), 9-14.IX.1996, comunicare oralã -

publicatã în “Proceedings of the XV-th Meeting of the EMU01 Collaboration”.

(I10 = 0.100/7 = 0.014)

11. Projectile nucleus fragmentation signals in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/cincident momentum

and in nuclear emulsion

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Moasa, R.Zaharia, Maria Haiduc, D.Felea, I.S.Zgurã -


The XV-th Meeting of the EMU01 Collaboration, Constanþa (Romania), 9-14.IX.1996, comunicare oralã -

publicatã în “Proceedings of the XV-th Meeting of the EMU01 Collaboration”.

(I11 = 0.100/7 = 0.014)

12. Global analysis and hydrodynamic flow in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Maria Iosif, Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru, D.Felea, Cl.Grigorie, Nicoleta

Ioneci, Cl.Rusu, I.S.Zgurã -

International Symposium on Large Scale Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei, Messina (Brolo), Italia, 15-

19.X.1996 - comunicare oralã - publicatã în Proceedings of the International Conference “Large Scale

Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei”, Messina (Brolo), Italia (Editors: G.Giardina, G.Fazio, M.Lattuada) -

World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1997, pag.307-317

(I12 = 0.100/11 = 0.009)

13. Analysing and processing data from EMU01 Collaboration using World Wide Web versus JDBC (JAVA

Database Connectivity)

- EMU01 Collaboration and C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

First Workshop of Cooperative Research Information System in Physics, Oldenburg, Germania, 31.VIII-

4.IX.1997 - comunicare oralã - publicatã în varianta electronicã http://www.physik.uni-

(I13 = 0.100/3 = 0.001)

14. The projectile fragmentation process at energies above 1 A GeV. A new temperature dependence approach

- D.Felea, I.S.Zgurã, A.Gheata, V.Topor Pop, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

The 8th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons “Baryons’98”, 22-26.IX.1998, Bonn, Germany -

poster - will be published in Proceedings

(I14 = 0.100/7 = 0.014)

15. Forward energy and multiplicity in Au-Au reactions at NNs = 130 GeV

- Michael Murray for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) -

lecţie invitată - published in Proceedings of the XXX-th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics

(ISMD 2000), Tihany, Lake Balaton, Hungary - World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong,

2001, pages 452-457 (6 pages) (I8 = 0.100/48 = 0.002)

16. Charged Particle Multiplicities at BRAHMS

- S.J.Sanders for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) -

The 17th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Park City, Utah, USA, Marchn 10-17, 2001- published in

Proceedings of the17th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Park City, Utah, USA, March 10-17, 2001, 10

pages (I9 = 0.100/48 = 0.002)

17. Results form the BRAHMS Experiment

- Flemming Videbaek for BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) -

The 15th

International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2001),

Stony Brook and Brookhaven, New York, USA, 15-20 January 2001 – plenary lecture – va fi publicată în

Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2001 (I10 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

18. The BRAHMS Time Projection Chambers (TPCs)

Peter Christiansen for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) -

The 15th

International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2001),

Stony Brook and Brookhaven, New York, USA, 15-20 January 2001 – poster – va fi publicată în Proceedings

of the Quark Matter 2001 (I11 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

19. Proton and anti-proton yields at mid-rapidity in central Au-Au collisions at

Dana Beavis for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –


The 15th

International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2001),

Stony Brook and Brookhaven, New York, USA, 15-20 January 2001 – plenary lecture – va fi publicată în

Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2001 (I12 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

20. Centrality dependent d

dNch measurements for 3.4 at RHIC

J. H.Lee for RAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

The 15th

International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2001),

Stony Brook and Brookhaven, New York, USA, 15-20 January 2001 – poster – va fi publicată în Proceedings

of the Quark Matter 2001 (I13 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

21. Particle ratios at forward and mid-rapidities

I.G.Bearden for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Beşliu, ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

The 15th

International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (Quark Matter 2001),

Stony Brook and Brookhaven, New York, USA, 15-20 January 2001 – plenary lecture – va fi publicată în

Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2001 (I14 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

22. Recent Results From BRAHMS experiment at RHIC

J.H. Lee for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Lucrare prezentată la Conferinţa Internaţională "Frontiers in Contemporary Physics II", Vanderbilt

University, Nashville, March 5, 2001– va fi publicată în Proceedings "Frontiers in Contemporary Physics

II", 2001 (I15 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

23. The Reaction Mechanisms at RHIC

Jens Jorgen Gaardhoje for BRAHMS Collaboration – (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) –

lecţie invitată la “QCD and Hadronic Interactions”, Moriond Meeting, Les Arcs, France, March 2001 – va

fi publicată în Proceedings of Moriond Meeting, 2002 (I16 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

24. Charged particle multiplicities at BRAHMS

H.Ito for the BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

International Nuclear Physics Conference, 30 July - 3 August 2001, Berkeley, CA, USA - va fi publicată în

Proceedings of INPC 2001 (I17 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

25. Particle spectra and ratios at RHIC

J.H.Lee for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

International Nuclear Physics Conference, 30 July - 3 August 2001, Berkeley, CA, USA - va fi publicată în

Proceedings of INPC 2001 (I18 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

26. BRAHMS Experiment at RHIC-BNL

J.J.Gaardhoje for BRAHMS Collaboration - (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) –

Presentation at APS Meeting, April 2001, Washington, USA, APS – va fi publicat (I19 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

27. Peter Christiansen for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,


"Rapidity dependence of net-protons at sqrt(s_NN) = 200GeV Au-Au collisions"

Presented at PANIC02, Osaka, Japan (September - October 2002) - (I20 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

28. Jens Ivar Jørdre for the BRAHMS Collaboration(I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Rapidity dependence of strange particle ratios and spectra at sqrt(s_NN) = 200GeV Au-Au collisions "

Presented at PANIC02, Osaka, Japan (September - October 2002) - (I21 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

29. H. Ito for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Pseudorapidity distribution of of charged particles from pp and Au+Au collisions at RHIC energies "

Presented at PANIC02, Osaka, Japan (September - October 2002) - (I22 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

30. Dieter Roehrich for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

“Results from the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC“


Presented at the ICHEP meeting Amsterdam, Holland (August 2002) - (I23 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

31. I. G. Bearden for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Results from the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC"

Presented at the QM02, Nantes, France (July, 2002) - (I24 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

32. J. H. Lee for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, D.Beavis, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Rapidity Dependent Net-proton Yields in Central Au+Au at sqrt(s_NN) = 200 GeV "

Presented at the QM02, Nantes, France (July, 2002) - (I25 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

33. C.E. Jorgensen the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"High pt spectra at forward rapidities in sqrt(snn)=200 GeV Au+Au collisions "

Presented at the QM02, Nantes, France (July, 2002) - (I26 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

34. D.Ouerdane for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Rapidity Dependence of Charged Particle Yields for Au + Au at sqrt(snn)=200 GeV."

Presented at the QM02, Nantes, France (July, 2002) - (I27 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

35. F.Rami for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Charged Particle Production at RHIC energies, sqrt(snn)=130 GeV" Proceedings of 'QCD and high

energy hadronic interactions', Moriond, Les Arcs, March 2002 - (I28 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

35. Peter Christiansen for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Particle Ratios from BRAHMS at sqrt(s_NN) = 200GeV"

Presented at the 18th Winter Workshop on Nuclear Dynamics, Nassau (Bahamas) January 20-27, 2002 - (I29

= 0.100/54 = 0.002)

37. D. Ouerdane the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Towards matter-antimatter Balance at RHIC. Anti-particle to particle ratios measured with Brahms"

Presented at the XL International Winter meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio (Italy) January 21-26, 2002 -

(I30 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

38. Zbigniew Majka for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Early results from the BRAHMS experiment at RHIC: Pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles

from Au+Au collisions at snn=130 and 200 GeV"

Presented at the XL International Winter meeting on Nuclear Physics, Bormio (Italy) January 21-26, 2002 -

(I31 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

39. R. Debbe for the BRAHMS Collaboration(I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Particle production at RHIC energies" - Presented at The 8th Conference on Intersections of Particle And

Nuclear Physics CIPANP2003, New York City, New York (May 19-24, 2003) - (I32 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

40. J.H. Lee for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)

"Rapidity Dependent Strangeness Measurements in BRAHMS" - Presented at The 7th International Conference

on Strangenss in Quark Matter, Atlantic Beach, North Carolina (March 12-17, 2003) - (I33 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

41. R.Debbe for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) - " The

Naive Parton Model and BRAHMS measurements " - Presented at 19th winter workshop on Nuclear Dynamics

Breckenridge, Colorado, USA (February 8-15, 2003) - (I34 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

42. F.Videbaek for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) - "Proton

and anti-proton distributions at RHIC " - Presented at 19th winter workshop on Nuclear Dynamics,

Breckenridge, Colorado, USA (February 8-15, 2003) - (I35 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)


43. Fouad Rami for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură) -

NATO Advanced Studies Institute - "Structure and Dynamics of Elementary Matter", Kemer, Turkey,

September 22-October 2, 2003 - The proceedings will be published as a book in the "NATO Science Series" by

Kluwer Academic Publishers (deadline - November 15, 2003) - (I36 = 0.100/54 = 0.002)

44. Jens Jorgen Gaardhoeje for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) – The New Physics at RHIC. From Transparency to the High p_t Supression – Nucleus-Nucleus

Collisions Conference, Moscow, 2003 (I37 = 0.100/56 = 0.002) – Proceedings in press (15 pagini)

45. Claus O.E. Jorgensen for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) – Charged Meson Rapidiy Distributions in Central Au-Au Collisions at (sqrt(s_NN)) = 200 GeV –

Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions Conference, Moscow, 2003 (I38 = 0.100/56 = 0.002) – Proceedings in press (15


46. Michael Murray for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)– Is

there one thermal source or many at RHIC? - International Symposium On Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions,

Tucson, Arizona, USA, octomber 2003 (I39 = 0.100/56 = 0.002)

47. Eun-Joo Kim for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)–

Centrality Dependent Identified Hadrons Production at y=0 and y~1 at RHIC - International Symposium On

Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Tucson, Arizona, USA, octomber 2003 (I40 = 0.100/56 = 0.002)

48. J.H.Lee for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, ....., I.S.Zgură)–

Flow at RHIC - International Symposium On Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Tucson, Arizona, USA, octomber

2003 (I41 = 0.100/56 = 0.002)

Flemming Videbaek for the BRAHMS Collaboration (I.Arsene, I.G.Bearden, C.Besliu , ....., Al.Jipa, .....,

I.S.Zgură) – Longitudinal and Transverse Dynamics in Heavy Ion Colisions at RHIC - International Symposium

On Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Tucson, Arizona, USA, octomber 2003 (I37 = 0.100/56 = 0.002)

Lectii invitate la conferinte internationale

1. Unele rezultate experiomentale noi în producerea de particule prin interacþii hadronice la energii înalte

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Facultatea de Fizicã a Universitãtii Milano, Italia, 1968

2. Asupra interactiilor pion -proton la energii înalte

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Facultatea de Fizicã a Universitãþii Paris-Orsay, Franta, 1968

3. Asupra producerii de particule starnii în interactii pion-nucleon la energii înalte

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Facultatea de Fizicã a Universitãtii Paris-Sud, Franta, 1968

4. Interactii neutron-proton la energii înalte

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Facultatea de Fizicã a Universitãtii Nisa, Franta, 1968

5. Probleme noi în Fizica nuclearã relativistã

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Conferinta internationalã a IUCN Dubna, Rusia, 1972

6. Obtinerea de semnale experimentale la tranzitia de fazã vapori-lichid nuclear în ciocniri nucleu-nucleu la

energii în jur de 100 A MeV

Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa

Lectie invitatã la Institutul RIKEN Tokio, Japonia, 1997

7. Asupra dinamicii ciocnirilor nucleu-nucleu la 4.5 A GeV/c, ciocniri care implica un numar relativ mic de

nucleoni participanti

Cãlin Besliu

Lectie invitatã la Scoala Internationalã de Fizicã nuclearã, Predeal, România, 1998


Cãrti si monografii publicate în edituri din tarã

si litografii ale universitatilor

1. Complemente de Fizica si structura nucleului

Cãlin Besliu

Oficiul de Informare si documentare al Institutului Central de Fizicã, Bucuresti-Mãgurele, 1987, 318 pagini

(I1 = 0.954)

2. Elemente de Fizicã nuclearã relativistã. Note de seminar si îndrumãtor de laborator

- Calin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa

Editura Universitãtii Bucuresti, 1999 - sub tipar (140 pagini)

(I1 = 0.210)

3. Elemente de Fizică nucleară relativistă. Note de curs

- Alexandru Jipa, Calin Besliu -

Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, 2001, ISBN 973-575-373-2 - (397 pagini) – 0.397 puncte

4. Modele de structură nucleară şi mecanisme de recţie. Note de curs

- Alexandru Jipa, Calin Besliu -

Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, 2001 ISBN 973-575 (196 pagini) – 0.196 puncte

II. Lucrari prezentate la conferinte internationale

II.1. Some experimental results from streamer chamber experiments in central nucleus-nucleus collisions at 3.6

GeV/A kinetic energy

- C.Besliu, V.Topor Pop, R.Topor Pop, A.Olariu, Al.Jipa, M.Anikina, A.Golokhvastov, S.Khorozov,

E.Kuznetzova, J.Lukstins, E.O.Okonov, T.Ostanevich, G.L.Vardenga -

The XV-th course of the Brasov International School in Physics, Poiana Brasov, 28.VIII.-8.IX.1984 - -

comunicare orala - lucrare publicata în “Atomic and Nuclear Heavy Ion Interactions”, vol.II(1986)723-726

(Proceedings of the XV-th course of the Brasov International School in Physics, Poiana Brasov, 28.VIII.-


II.2. Pion production in high energy nucleus-nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, R.Topor Pop, V.Boldea, L.Popa, V.Popa, V.Topor Pop -

International Summer School in Physics, Poiana Brasov (Romania), 26.VIII.-6.IX.1986 - poster

II.3. A geometrical picture of the relativistic nuclear collisions from experimental results

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Predeal International Summer School in Physics "New Trends in Theoretical and Experimental Nuclear

Physics", Predeal (Romania), 26.VIII.-7.IX.1991 - comunicare orala

II.4. Fragment and particle production in O-Pb collisions at 4.5A GeV/c total momentum

- C.Besliu, Al.Bragadireanu, Al.Jipa, Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru -

The sixth Bodrum School in Physics "Particle Physics and Cosmology", Bodrum (Turkey), 12-25.IX.1992 -

comunicare orala

II.5. On the flow tensor in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Argintaru, Cr.Argintaru, D.Felea -

The XXVII International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, 20-27 July 1994 - reference number

Gls-0773 - poster

[Proceedings of the XXVII-th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Glasgow, 20-27 July 1994,

(Editors: P.J.Bussey, I.G.Knowles) - Institute of Physics Publishing, Bristol and Philadelphia, , vol.II, pag.1440]

II.6. Moments method in the analysis of the multiplicity distributions


- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, R.Zaharia, A.M.David -

International Conference of Young Physicists - Prague, July 1994 - comunicare orala

II.7. Resonance matter formation in nuclear collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Nicoleta Ioneci, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

EPS Conference on Heavy Ion Physics, Brussels, Belgium, 27.VII.- 2.VIII.1995, reference number EPS-0512,

p.993 - poster

II.8. Jets of nuclear matter in He-Li collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, S.Petruescu, M.Popvici, J.G.Rican, R.Zaharia -

EPS Conference on Heavy Ion Physics, Brussels, Belgium, 27.VII.- 2.VIII.1995, reference number EPS-0511 -


II.9.On the behaviour of the K/ ratio in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, Maria Iosif, R.Zaharia -

The XII International Conference on Ultra-Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions “Quark Matter’96”,

Heidelberg, Germany, 20-24.V.1996 - poster [Nuclear Physics A610(1996)569c]

II.10.Collision geometry, correlations and collision dynamics in nucleus-nucleus at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Cristina Argintaru, Dan Argintaru, D,Felea, Cl.Grigorie, Maria Iosif, Nicoleta

Ioneci, Cl.Rusu, V.Cartas -

The XXVIII -th International Conference on High Energy Physics, Warsaw, Poland, 25-31,VII.1996, reference

number PA06-021 - poster [Proceedings of the International Conference on High Energy Physics, 25-

31.VII.1996 (Editors: Z.Ajduk, A.K.Wroblewski) - World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong

Kong, 1997, vol.II, pag.1779]

II.11.Anomal states in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, Maria Iosif, R.Zaharia -

The tenth EPS General Conference, Sevilla, Spania, 9-13.IX.1996 - poster

II.12.Global analysis and hydrodynamic flow in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Maria Iosif, Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru, D.Felea, Cl.Grigorie, Nicoleta

Ioneci, Cl.Rusu, I.S.Zgura-

International Symposium on Large Scale Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei, Messina (Brolo), Italia, 15-

19.X.1996 - comunicare orala - publicata în Proceedings of the International Conference “Large Scale

Collective Motion of Atomic Nuclei”, Messina (Brolo), Italia (Editors: G.Giardina, G.Fazio, M.Lattuada) -

World Scientific, Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1997, pag.307-317

II.13. Global analysis in the study of the dynamics of the relativistic nuclear collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Maria Iosif, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, D.Felea, Cl.Rusu, S.Zgurã,

R.Moasa, V.Cartas, Cl.Grigorie, Nicoleta Ioneci, J.G.Rican

Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, 19-26.VIII.1997, Jerusalem, Israel - abstract reference

number 056, poster (

II.14. Flow angles, thrust angles, nuclear matter jets and phase transitions in relativistic nuclear collisions

- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, R.Zaharia, Maria Iosif, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru

Europhysics Conference on High Energy Physics, 19-26.VIII.1997, Jerusalem, Israel - abstract reference

number 057, poster (

II.15. Flow of nuclear matter in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, Maria Iosif, D.Felea, Sorin Zgurã -

The Third General Physics Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, 2-5.IX.1997, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, BPU-

3 - comunicare orala - Conference Abstracts , pag30 (1O-013)

II.16. Modification of the phase transition parameters in nuclear matter

- Al.Jipa, C.Besliu, Maria Iosif, R.Zaharia, L.Aioanei -

The Third General Physics Conference of the Balkan Physics Union, 2-5.IX.1997, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, BPU-

3 - poster - Conference Abstracts, page 46 (1P-032)

II.17. Analysing and processing data from EMU01 Collaboration using World Wide Web versus JDBC (JAVA

Database Connectivity)


- EMU01 Collaboration and C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

First Workshop of Cooperative Research Information System in Physics, Oldenburg, Germania, 31.VIII-

4.IX.1997 - comunicare orala - publicata în varianta electronica http://www.physik.uni-

II.18. On the competition between equilibrium and non-equilibrium particle production mechanisms in nucleus-

nucleus collisions at 4.5 A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, D.Felea, Maria Iosif, Cl.Grigorie,

I.S.Zgurã -

International Nuclear Physics Conference, 24-28.VIII.1998, Paris, France - poster - Abstracts of Contributed

Papers - Session V - page 496, vol.II

II.19. Dynamics analysis of the nuclei-nuclei collisions with small number of participants at 4.5 A GeV/c

- Cãlin Besliu, Alexandru Jipa, Vasile Topor-Pop, Radu Zaharia, Daniel Felea, Sorin Zgurã, Dan Argintaru, Cristina

Argintaru, Maria Iosif, Vlad Popa, Lucia Popa -

invited lecture at the Predeal International Nuclear Physics Summer School 1998 - comunicare oralã de 2 ore

prezentatã de Prof.univ.dr.C.Besliu

II.20. The projectile fragmentation process at energies above 1 A GeV. On the correlation between excitation

energy and nucleonic phase space

- D.Felea, V.Topor Pop, A.Gheata, I.S.Zgurã, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

International School of Subnuclear Physics “From the Planck length to Hubble radius”, 29.VIII.-7.IX.1998,

Erice, Sicily, Italy - comunicare oralã

II.21. The projectile fragmentation process at energies above 1 A GeV. A new temperature dependence approach

- D.Felea, I.S.Zgurã, A.Gheata, V.Topor Pop, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

The 8th International Conference on the Structure of Baryons “Baryons’98”, 22-26.IX.1998, Bonn, Germany -

poster - will be published in Proceedings

III. Preprinturi

III.1. Multi-quark effects in high energy nucleon-nucleon and nucleus-nucleus collisions

- C.Besliu, I.Caraciuc, Fl.Cotorobai, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, D.Pantea, L.Popa, V.Popa, R.Topor Pop, V.Topor Pop -

Preprint, Central Institute of Physics, Centre of Astronomy and Space Sciences, Bucharest-Mãgurele, HE-


III.2. Particle production in He-Li collisions at 4.5A GeV/c

- El.Al-Baaj, S.AL-Baaj, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Preprint Institute of Atomic Physics, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Physics HE-122(1993)

III.3. Analysing and processing data using World Wide Web versus JDBC (JAVA Database Connectivity)

- C.Besliu, D.Felea, A.Gheatã, Mihaela Gheatã, Maria Haiduc, D.Hasegan, Al.Jipa, V.Topor-Pop, R.Zaharia,

S.Zgurã -

Progress Report 1996-1997 - Institute for Space Sciences Bucuresti-Mãgurele, Romania, pag.58-59

III.4. Collective motion of nuclear matter at relativistic energies

- Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru, C.Besliu, D.Felea, A.Gheatã, Mihaela Gheatã, Maria Haiduc, D.Hasegan,

Maria Iosif, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, S.Zgurã -

Progress Report 1996-1997 - Institute for Space Sciences Bucuresti-Mãgurele, Romania, pag.59-61

III.5. Signals of the projectile fragmentation process in nucleus-nucleus interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c incident


- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Maria Haiduc, Sorin Zgurã, Daniel Felea -

Progress Report 1996-1997 - Institute for Space Sciences Bucuresti-Mãgurele, Romania, pag.62-63

IV. Lucrãri prezentate la Conferinta Nationalã de Fizicã

Fizicã nuclearã relativistã


IV.1 Asupra numãrului de protoni participanti si distributiilor de multiplicitate pentru pionii negativi în ciocniri

O-Pbsi O-Ne la energia totalã de 4.5 GeV/A -

C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, E.O.Okonov, G.L.Vardenga -

Lucrãrile Primei Conferinte Nationale de Fizicã, 21-23.X.1982, Bucuresti-Mãgurele, pag.21 - prezentare oralã

IV.2. Determinarea numãrului de protoni participanti în ciocniri O-Pb la energia de 4.5 GeV/A

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, R.Topor Pop, V.Topor Pop, M.Preda, M.Anikina, E.Lukstins, E.O.Okonov,

G.L.Vardenga, S.Khorozov -

Lucrãrile celei de a sasea Sesiuni de Comunicãri stiintifice "Progrese în Fizicã", 4-6.X.1984, Sibiu, pag. 158-

159 - prezentarea oralã

IV.3. Mecanism de interactie pentru ioni grei relativisti - C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Lucrãrile celei de a noua Sesiuni de Comunicãri Stiintifice "Progrese în Fizicã" (A II-a Conferintã Nationalã de

Fizicã), 23-24.X.1987, Bucuresti-Mãgurele, pag.79-80 - prezentare oralã

IV.4. On the determination of the number of participants in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Lucrãrile celei de a zecea Sesiuni de Comunicãri Stiintifice "Progrese în Fizicã", 6-8.X.1988, Constanta, pag.

18-19 - prezentare oralã

IV.5. The study of the cumulative production of negative pions in the interactions of He nuclei at 4.5 GeV/A

with different nuclear targets

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, A.Olariu, R.Topor Pop, L.Popa, V.Popa, V.Topor Pop -

Lucrãrile cele de a zecea Sesiuni de Comunicãri Stiintifice "Progrese în Fizicã", 6-8.X.1988, Constanta, pag.

199-200 - prezentare oralã

IV.6. On the possibility to identify the positive particles in the streamer chamber

- C.Besliu,D.Felea, Ed.Herman, Al.Jipa, T.Ponta, V.Popa -

Lucrãrile celei de a unsprezecea Sesiuni de Comunicãri Stiintifice "Progrese în Fizicã", 5-7.X.1989, Oradea,

pag.19 - poster

IV.7. Semnale experimentale ale unor stãri neconventionale în ciocniri nucleare relativiste

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Lucrãrile Conferintei Nationale de Fizicã, 24-27.X.1990, Cluj-Napoca, pag.5 - prezentare oralã

IV.8. Participants in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Paper abstracts of National Conference of Physics, 23-26.X.1991, Brasov, page 1 - prezentare oralã

IV.9. Particle and fragment production in O-Pb collisions at 4.5A GeV/c -

C.Besliu, Al.Bragadireanu, Al.Jipa, Cristina. Argintaru, D.Argintaru -

Paper abstracts of the National Physics Conference, 21-24.IX.1992, Iasi, page 1 - poster

IV.10. On the size of the pionic source in relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Paper abstracts of the National Physics Conference, 21-24.IX.1992, Iasi, page 3 - prezentare oralã

IV.11. On the flow tensor in nucleus-nucleus collisions at 4.5A GeV/c

- C.Besliu, D.Felea, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, D.Argintaru, E.Oantã, Cristina .Argintaru -

Paper abstracts of the National Physics Conference, 14-16.X.1993, Constanta, page 2 - prezentare oralã

IV.12. Experimental methods to prove angular anomalies in the emission of the particles and fragments in

relativistic nuclear collisions

- Cristina Argintaru, D.Argintaru, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, S.Petruescu, M.Popovici, J.G.Rican, R.Zaharia -

Paper abstracts of the National Physics Conference, 21-23.IX.1994, Sibiu, page 2 - prezentare oralã

IV.14. Signals and some dynamical features of the projectile fragmantation process in nucleus-nucleus

interactions at 4.5 A GeV/c incident momentum

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, R.Moaºa, I.S.Zgura, G.Stoicea, M.Haiduc, D.Felea -

National Physics Conference: Paper Abstarcts, 30.XI-2.XII.1995, Baia Mare, page 2 - poster


IV.15. Calculation of quantities of interest in High Energy Physics using Visual Basic 3.0 - The flow tensor


- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia -

National Physics Conference: Paper Abstracts, 30.XI-2.XII.1995, Baia Mare, page 7 - prezentare oralã

IV.16. Simulation and experiment to perform a new detection device for the study of the nuclear liquid-vapour

transition in nuclear matter

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, Cl.Grigorie, M.Bercu, S.Tanase, H.Petrascu, Fl.Constantin, Cristina Bordeanu,

M.Petrascu, Isao Tanihata -

Conferinta Nationala de Fizica, 16-18.IX.1998, Constanta - poster

IV.17. Correlations between nuclear matter hydrodynamic flow and the nuclear matter jets in relativistic nuclear


- D.Argintaru, Cristina Argintaru, C.Besliu, Al.Jipa -

Conferinta Nationala de Fizica, 16-18.IX.1998, Constanta - poster

IV.18. Comparisons between the hadronization processes after “Big Bang” and quark-gluon plasma formation in

relativistic nuclear collisions

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, Amelia Horbuniev -

Conferinta Nationala de Fizica, 16-18.IX.1998, Constanta - prezentare oralã

IV.19. On the nuclear multifragmentation characteristics in proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions at

high energies

- C.Besliu, Al.Jipa, R.Zaharia, T.Murakami, K.B.Tanaka, J.Murata, D.Felea, I.S.Zgura

Conferinta Nationala de Fizica, 16-18.IX.1998, Constanta - prezentare orala

Some comments on the phase diagram parameters for the nuclear matter formed in Au-Au collisions at

RHIC-BNL energies - BRAHMS Collaboration (D. Argintaru, I.G. Bearden, D. Beavis, C. Besliu,…, Al.

Jipa, …, D. Felea, I.S. Zgura, C Ristea, Oana Ristea) and Emil Stan, Ionut Arsene, Ciprian Mitu, Mihai

Potlog - Conferinta Nationala de Fizica,26-28 septembrie 2002 ,Tg-Mures

Influenta acceptantei aranjamentului experimental BRAHMS asupra datelor obtinute in ciocniri Au-Au

la 200 AGeV in SCM - BRAHMS Collaboration (D. Argintaru, I.G. Bearden, D. Beavis, C. Besliu,…, Al.

Jipa, …, D. Felea, I.S. Zgura, C Ristea, Oana Ristea) and Emil Stan, Ionut Arsene, Ciprian Mitu, Mihai

Potlog – Conferinta Nationala de Fizica,26-28 septembrie 2002 ,Tg-Mures

Noi rezultate experimentale obtinute în ciocniri Au-Au la energiile disponibile la RHIC-BNL folosind

sistemul de detectie BRAHMS - BRAHMS Collaboration (D. Argintaru, I.G. Bearden, D. Beavis, C.

Besliu,…, Al. Jipa, …, D. Felea, I.S. Zgura, C Ristea, Oana Ristea) and Emil Stan, Ionut Arsene, Ciprian

Mitu, Mihai Potlog – Conferinta Nationala de Fizica,26-28 septembrie 2002 ,Tg-Mures

Particle identification and reconstruction algorithms for Brahms Experiment at RHIC- BRAHMS

Collaboration (D. Argintaru, I.G. Bearden, D. Beavis, C. Besliu,…, Al. Jipa, …, D. Felea, I.S. Zgura, C

Ristea, Oana Ristea) and Emil Stan, Ionut Arsene, Ciprian Mitu, Mihai Potlog – Conferinta Nationala de

Fizica,26-28 septembrie 2002 ,Tg-Mures

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