  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample





  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample




    EDUCATION...................................................................... ...................................

    Definitions..................................................................... ...................................

    OBE Roots.................................................................... ...................................

    OBE Philosoph........................................................... ..................................

    OBE P!in"iples............................................................. ...................................

    OBE P#!pose................................................................ ..................................

    Assess$ent C!ite!i%.................................................... ....................................

    SUMMAR&......................................................................... ...................................

    REFERENCES.................................................................. ...................................

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample




    Outcomes based education (OBE) is a process that

    involves the restructurin o! curriculum" assessment and

    reportin practices in education to re!lect the

    achievement o! hih order learnin and mastery rather

    than the accumulation o! course credits# ($uc%er" 2004).

    $hus the primary aim o! OBE is to !acilitate desired

    chanes &ithin the learners" by increasin %no&lede"

    developin s%ills and'or positively in!luencin attitudes"

    values and udment. OBE embodies the idea that the

    best &ay to learn is to !irst determine &hat needs to be

    achieved. Once the end oal (product or outcome) has

    been determined the strateies" processes" techniues"

    and other &ays and means can be put into place to

    achieve the oal.


    Outcomes are clear learnin results that learners have to

    demonstrate at the end o! sini!icant learnin

    e*periences: what learners can actually do with what

    they know and have learned. Outcomes are actions'

    per!ormances that embody and re!lect learner

    competence in usin content" in!ormation" ideas and

    tools success!ully. +eyser (1,,,) says &hen learners do

    important thins &ith &hat they %no& they have ta%en a

    sini!icant step beyond %no&in itsel!. -ella" Berardinelli

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    Burro& (1,,/) reminds us o! the importance o!

    accountability mechanisms (learner assessment) that

    directly re!lect student per!ormance and help learners

    %no& &hat they %no. $hus outcomes describe the

    results o! learnin over a period o! time the results o!

    &hat is learned versus &hat is tauht.

    OBE is de!ined as a comprehensive approach to

    orani3in and operatin an education system that is

    !ocused in and de!ined by the success!ul demonstrations

    o! learnin souht !rom each student# (pady" 1,,4). 5n

    Education 6epartment o! 7estern 5ustralia document

    describes OBE as an educational process &hich is

    based on tryin to achieve certain speci!ied outcomes in

    terms o! individual student learnin. $hus" havin

    decided &hat are the %ey thins students should

    understand and be able to do or the ualities they should

    develop" both structures and curricula are desined to

    achieve those capabilities or ualities. Educationalstructures and curriculum are rearded as means not

    ends. 8! they do not do the ob" they are rethouht# (7illis

    9issane" 1,,).

    $uc%er (2004) notes that OBE and outcomes !ocused

    education (O;E) are o!ten con!used or used


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    are desined speci!ically to assess the learners?

    achievement o! the outcomes. 8n this paper OBE and

    O;E are used synonymously.

    Behind these de!initions lie an approach to plannin"

    deliverin and evaluatin instruction that reuires

    administrators" teachers and learners to !ocus their

    respective attention and e!!orts on the desired results o!

    education (9illen" 2000) and to be accountable !or &hat

    transpires (pady" 1,,4@ -ella" et al" 1,,/). $he shi!t

    to&ard OBE is similar to the total uality movement as it

    re!lects the best &ay !or individuals and orani3ations to

    et &here they are oin is !irst to determine &here they

    &ant to be then plan bac%&ard to determine the best &ay

    to et !rom here to there. Proponents o! OBE assume

    there are many &ays to arrive at the same results. OBE

    is currently !avored internationally in countries such as

    Aanada" outh 5!rica" e& Cealand and Dnited tates

    (alan" 2000).

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    OBE Roots

    5n outcomes based approach to education dates bac%

    some 00 years to cra!t uilds o! the iddle 5es in

    Europe in the !orm o! apprenticeship trainin models and

    there are many e*amples still in place today (pady"

    1,,F). alan (2000) analy3ed past educational re!orms

    that in!luenced OBE and identi!ied the !ollo&in:

    $yler?s educational obectives 8n 1,0 $yler identi!ied

    !undamental issues important &hen developin and

    plannin instruction" includin purpose" content"orani3ation and evaluation.

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    continuum ranin !rom no pro!iciency# to per!ect

    per!ormance#. Ariterion=re!erence instruction and

    assessment is based on attainin speci!ic outcomes

    and on testin !or competence in terms o! stated

    criterion. $his !orm o! instruction compares a learnin

    outcome or mastery o! competencies &ith a

    predetermined e*ternal standard. uccess is

    measured by demonstration o! standards !ollo&ed by

    remedial intervention as reuired. Ariterion=

    re!erenced assessment is the pre!erred mode o!

    assessment in OBE.

    pady?s OBE approach closely resembles aer?s

    (1,F2) uidelines in terms o! e*pected per!ormance"

    conditions under &hich it is attained and standards !or

    assessed uality. OBE learnin proramme

    assessment and learner?s competence can be

    compared to speci!ic criteria. Aompetence in the

    reuired outcome (learner behaviours) is

    demonstrated by culminated o! sini!icant learnin&ithin a conte*t" and speci!ic time!rame reuired by

    the individual learner. OBE is e*plored in reater

    detail in the !ollo&in sections.

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    OBE Philosophy

    OBE can be rearded as a theory (or a philosophy) o!

    education (9illen" 2000). 7ithin OBE there are a certainset o! belie!s and assumptions about learnin" teachin

    and the systemic structures &ithin &hich activities ta%e

    place. pady (1,,4) proposes three basic assumptions:

    all learners can learn and succeed@ success breeds

    success@ and teachin institutions# (schools) control the

    conditions o! success.

    9illen (2000) de!ines t&o basic types o! outcome. $he

    !irst includes per!ormance indicators o!ten measured in

    terms o! tests results" completion rates" post course

    employment" and so !orth. 8t also emphasi3es learner

    mastery o! traditional subect related academic

    outcomes'content and some cross discipline outcomes

    (such as problem solvin or &or%in cooperatively). $he

    second is less tanible and usually e*pressed in terms o!

    &hat the learners %no&" are able to do or are li%e as a

    result o! their education. 8t stresses lon term" cross=

    curricular outcomes &hich relate to !uture li!e roles o! the

    learner (such as bein a productive &or%er" a responsible

    citi3en or parent). $hese t&o approaches are &hat pady

    (1,,4) respectively calls traditional'transactional (content

    based) and trans!ormational (outcomes based) learninsystems. ee belo& latter is the !ocus o! this research

    and includes standards to be consistently demonstrated

    by the learner at the end o! a sini!icant learnin


    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    Content B%se' Le%!nin( Ve!s#s O#t"o$es B%se'Le%!nin(

    )So#!"e* Sp%'+ ,--

    Aontent Based Hearnin ystem Outcomes Based Hearnin ystem

    Passive students 5ctive learners

    5ssessment process e*am radedriven

    Aontinuous assessment

    Iote learnin Aritical thin%in" reasonin" re!lection action

    Aontent based'bro%en into subects 8nteration %no&lede" learnin relevant' connected situations

    $e*tboo%'&or%sheet !ocused teachercentred

    Hearner centred educator' !acilitator use roup' tea

    ee syllabus as riid non neotiable Hearnin prorammes seen as uides that allo& edube innovative creative in desinin prorammes' a

    $eachers'trainers responsible !orlearnin = motivated by personality o!teacher

    Hearners ta%e responsibility !or their learnin" learnermotivated by constant !eedbac%' a!!irmation o! &orth

    Emphasis &hat teacher hopes toachieve

    Emphasis outcomes &hat learner becomes unde

    Aontent placed in riid time !rames ;le*ible time !rames = learners &or% at o&n pace

    tay in sinle learnin institution untilcomplete

    Hearners can ather credits di!!erent institutions untilJuali!ication

    Previous %no&lede e*perience inlearnin !ield inored Each timeattends &hole course

    Ieconition o! prior learnin: a!ter pre=assessment" lcredited outcomes demonstrated or trans!er credits e

    OBE Principles

    ;our principles uide the trans!ormational OBE

    approach" ta%en toether they strenthen the conditions

    !or both learner and teacher success:

    clarity o! !ocus

    desin do&n

    hih e*pectations

    e*panded opportunities

    5ccordin to pady (1,,/) the basic principle o!

    trans!ormational OBE is the clarity o! the !ocus. $his

    principle in!ers that curriculum development"

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    implementation and evaluation should be eared by the

    outcomes &hich are e*pected as the culminatin

    demonstrations o! the learners. $he principle clearly

    delineates that the articulation o! the desired end point is

    essential !or success!ul outcomes (7illis 9issane"

    1,,G). Aurriculum planners and educators have to

    identi!y a clear !ocus on &hat they &ant learners to be

    able to demonstrate at the end o! sini!icant learnin

    time. Once these outcomes have been identi!ied" the

    curriculum is constructed by bac%&ard mappin o!

    %no&lede and s%ills. $he desin do&n aspect in!ers that

    all curricular and educational activities should be

    desined bac% !rom the point &here the e*it outcomes#

    are e*pected to happen.

    $he principle o! hih e*pectations elicits hiher level o!

    standards then &ould normally be set as only those can

    be labeled completed. ;urther learners are supported to

    culminate hiher level o! per!ormance (pady" 1,,/).E*panded opportunities provide !or a !le*ible approach in

    time and teachin methodoloies matched aainst the

    needs o! the learner allo&in more than one opportunity

    to succeed (9illen" 2000). Each o! these principles are

    e*plored and applied to practice belo&.

    O#t"o$es B%se' P!in"iples 0 e1pl%n%tion 2


    )So#!"e* Sp%'+ ,--3 4illen+ 5666

    OBE Principles E*planation 5pplication to practice

    Alarity o! !ocus ;ocus on &hat &antlearners be able to dosuccess!ully

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    OBE Principles E*planation 5pplication to practice

    intentions;ocus assessments on sini!outcomes

    6esin do&n Bein curriculum desin&ith a clear de!inition o! the

    sini!icant learnin thatlearners are to achieve bythe end o! their !ormaleducation

    6evelop systematic education curric$race bac% !rom desired end results

    8dentity learnin buildin bloc%s#Hin% plannin" teachin assessdecisions to sini!icant learner outco

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    directly a!!ectin learnin are under the educational

    system?s control#" learnin is dependent on the

    &illinness o! teachers and others to believe in the

    approach and support learners in their learnin. 5s OBE

    philosophy reuires educators !ocus more broadly on

    accomplishin results versus simply providin a service"

    it di!!ers reatly !rom more traditional !orms o! education"

    most notably in it?s:

    overall approach (!rame&or%)

    perception o! time

    &hat and ho& standards are assessed

    ho& per!ormance is determined

    Each o! these !our areas is !urther e*plored belo&. 9ey to

    this approach is clear learnin outcomes around &hich all

    o! the system?s components can be !ocused. 8mportantly

    is the reuirement o! establishin conditions as &ell as

    the opportunities that enable and encourae all learnersto achieve the essential outcomes (pady" 1,,4).

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    Le%!nin( Sste$s* Content B%se' 7e!s#s O#t"o$es


    )So#!"e* Sp%'+ ,--

    Hearnin ystemAharacteristics

    Aontent Based ($raditional'$ransactional) Outcomes Based ($rans!orm

    ;rame&or% Prede!ined curriculum" assessment credentialin in placetructures ends#" no de!ined learners?outcomes

    Aurriculum" instructionaassessment per!ormestandardstructures support outco!le*ible a means to delearnin ends#

    $ime 8n!le*ible constraint !or educator learnerschedule controls learnin success

    Dsed alterable source needs o! educator lea



    Aomparative competitive approach

    Hin%ed to predetermined curve# or uotao! possible successes

    Hearners potentially able

    credit !or achievin per!ostandardso uotas standards p


    Aontinuous testin permanent radinista%es on permanent record: bestrades records !ast consistentper!ormers@ slo&er learners never catchupever assess' document &hat learnerscan ultimately do success!ully

    acro vie& learnin achievementista%es inevitable stepdevelopment" internali3idemonstratin hih leveper!ormance capabilitiesDltimate achievement &do

    Assessent Criteri!

    9illen (2000) says to be use!ul in an OBE system"

    assessment criteria should con!orm to the !ollo&in


    $he assessment procedures should be valid they

    should assess &hat they are intended to assess

    $he assessment procedures should be reliable they

    should ive consistent results

    $he assessment procedures should be !air they

    should not be in!luenced by any irrelevant !actors

    such as the learner?s cultural bac%round

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    5ssessment should re!lect the %no&lede and s%ills

    that are most important !or learners to learn

    5ssessment should tell educators and individual

    learners somethin they do not already %no&"

    stretchin learners to the limits o! their understandin

    and ability to apply their %no&lede

    5ssessment should be comprehensive and e*plicit

    5ssessment should support every learner?s

    opportunity to learn thins that are important

    Because learners are individuals" assessment should

    allo& this individuality to be demonstrated

    5s &ell" to ensure !air" euitable and transparent

    udment" the criteria used durin the assessment

    process must be identi!ied" !ormulated and made %no&n

    to all candidates be!ore assessment ta%es place. $he

    implications o! pady?s !our principles in determinin

    &hether a candidate?s demonstration'per!ormance &as

    su!!icient" are that assessment must be summative(continuous monitorin &ith !eedbac%)" per!ormance

    based (authentic in the &or%place' real li!e environment)

    and criterion re!erenced (assessment criteria). $he

    transition !rom traditional'transactional learnin to

    trans!ormative outcomes based learnin reuires

    educators to !acilitate the learnin process by creatin

    and e*pandin learnin opportunities. $he learner?s role

    is to actively participate in and contribute to&ards the

    learnin process. $o !acilitate learnin curriculum

    (learnin proramme) development is essential.

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    $here are many positive aspects to OBE" particularly

    !rom a trans!ormational vie&point. 8t supports a rational

    approach to education as a means rather than an end in

    itsel! and support cooperative versus competitive

    learnin. 8t demands that those &ho plan" manae and

    account !or &hat happens to !ocus their e!!orts onto

    learnin and attainment o! desired outcomes as

    opposed to curriculum content and achievement o!

    rades. Hearnin is no loner time and teacher

    dependent. Hearners" educators and others &ho support

    learnin have to become more attune to creatin the

    conditions that supports learnin and attainment o!

    desired outcomes. 5s noted by pady (1,,4)" OBE

    demands a commitment to continuous ro&th and

    improvement is critical to success#.

    A''ition%l OBE Te!$s 8ith Definitions )So#!"e*

    9ese!+ ,---

    OBE $EI 6E;88$8O

    E*it Outcomes

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    OBE $EI 6E;88$8O

    Aompetence li!e &orldsocio=cultural" lanuae literacy di!!erences in roups" communitbroader societyAoncepts" principles" procedures relevant decisionsAhanin nature o! nursin = local" national lobal conte*ts


    6emonstrated ability to:Evaluate nursin practice collaborative practice &ith other pro!es8nterate learner per!ormance

    Hearn !rom o&n action5dapt to chanes or un!oreseen circumstances

    5ssessment Ariteria(!or interatedcompetence)

    Hearner should:+enerate" e*plore consider options !or appropriate action8denti!y appropriate action = particular conte*t" topic" learner roup' resourcesE*plain particular session selectionPer!orm identi!ied actionAontinuously monitor adapt per!ormance as reuiredE*plain reasons !or per!ormance

    Evaluate per!ormance and identi!y areas !or improvementIe!lect on learnin per!ormance6evelop plan'stratey !uture action interatin &hat learned throure!lection


    Process &hich determines learner?s applied competenceIane o! assessment practiceOver a lenth o! time8n diverse conte*ts

    Ariterion Ie!erenced5ssessment

    5ssess learners in relation to proramme' module outcomes:Alearly identi!y outcomes6etermine assessment purpose use o! results6esin per!ormance tas% elicit e*pected outcomespeci!y assessment criteria

    elect construct scorin recordin instruments5ssessment Ariteria Broad evidence statements to decide i! speci!ic outcome has been ach

    observable processeslearnin products

    Iane tatements E*act details o! &hat ho& much learninar% acceptable level o! statements8ncrease in comple*ity sophisticationot reuired !or all assessment criteria


    Brea%do&n o! &hole proramme-aryin lenths$hree types !undamental" core elective

    ;undamental odules 8ncludes leanin &hich !orms roundin'basis

    Aore odules 8ncludes compulsory learninElective odules 8ncludes additional credits


    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    8n summary" the !ocus o! education has shi!ted !rom the

    educator to learner ho&ever this shi!t reuires chane

    &ithin the educational system in order to !acilitate

    learnin. Establishin an OBE system !or education is

    the best &ay !or a particular learner to reach the desired

    outcomes. $he role o! the educator is to enable and

    encourae all learners to achieve essential outcomes

    &hile the learner actively participates in and contributes

    to&ards the learnin process. OBE also demands a

    commitment to continuin pro!essional development and

    li!elon learnin.

    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle!October 2004


  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample



    5run" P. 1,,/. 5n Evaluation o! the Proposed e&

    Aurriculum !or chools in Ielation to 9uhn?s

    Aonception o! Paradims and Paradims hi!ts.

    outh 5!rican Kournal o!

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample




    pady" 7. 1,,4. Outcomes Based Education:Aritical 8ssues and 5ns&ers. 5merican 5ssociation o!

    chool 5dministration: 5rlinton" -irinia.

    pady" 7. 1,,F. 7hy Business AanMt 5!!ord the

    $rashin o! OBE. orthern $erritory 6epartment o!

    Education. Ietrieved >1 October 2002" !rom



    $uc%er" B. 2004. Hiterature Ievie&: Outcomes=

    !ocused Education in Dniversities. Hearnin upport

    et&or%" Aurtin Dniversity o! $echnoloy. Ietrieved

    October 1," 2004" !rom


    -ella" K." Berardinelli" P. Burro&" K. 1,,/.

  • 7/25/2019 Outcomes Based Education Sample


    5ustralia: Education 6epartment o! 7estern


    Prepared by: Mollie B#tle! 20

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