  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    If you became aphilanthropist


    where would yougive your money

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    • !op 300 "# $oundations give %3.6bn annually

    • Government grants to charities & %'(.6bn

    • )stimated in excess of '6(*000 registered

    charities in the "#

    +ow can we ma,e sense of this

    Grantma,ing matters…

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    $unders spend a lot of time in traditional donor collaboratives

    -an open data help surface common issues and target resources

      - . , ,

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    $unders gather and publish some/ data through annual reports

    ...but it isnt open* it isnt standardised* and it isn1t well used

    -ould better use be made of the data gathered

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015

    6/14-an open data build a fuller* up to date picture

    Imagine if it was as easy as this…

    coastal communities

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    2e funded the first step…

    !his is ust the beginning…

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    2hat can we learn from others

    2e ,now it is possible…

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015





    5esearchers Government

    2e ,now there is diverse demand...

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    It1s already happening ...

    upporting 708 publishers sharing %millions in grants

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    Example of prototype

     – illustrative only 

    9eople are already using the data …

    360Giving :abs ; 9roducts* prototypes < research

    • )elpin% %rant

    seekers find fundin%• )elpin% funders

    connect their ork• )elpin% researchers

    to understand trends

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015


    • 4 new -)=• 5esourced tech team• >emand; :abs

    • upply; 9ublishing

    Releance is eer(thin%/ (our ideas matter

    01#2iin% is open data infrastructure3

  • 8/20/2019 Our Open Data Journey - Where do the good grants go? - ODI Summit 2015



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