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THEGroup Partners


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Has To Work.




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Has To Work.



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An Inspired Vision, setting clear direction and intention, through the application of Decision Quality – solidified into a Solution, delivered against a Shared and Owned Roadmap, operating on an Optimal Platform – all achieved through Collective Endeavour and Strong Leadership. Underpinned by relentless and sustained execution!

To deliver this requires considerable commitment, expertise and a deep understanding of what it takes to make change stick. It demands real depth in every dimension – both the right IP and resources, the right skills, long-term investment and strong partnership.

Any change to anything requires the application of significant will and dedicated, well organized resource. Whether it’s culture

or an operating model, human behavior, customer service or the product range.

Transformation requires four key ingredients at least:

1. A conscious ‘will’ on the part of those driving the change

2. A clear and unified direction of travel

3. The focused commitment of the workforce

4. The capabilities and resources to make it happen

Within the will comes motivation and appreciation. This is not simple. Appreciation only comes after prolonged engagement that results in ownership of the idea. The will is achieved and then sustained when the inspired leader creates the environment for an engaged team to collaborate and fine-tune the Vision and the plan as it emerges.

This is a team endeavour.


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We hear that all the time. But whose context? And how do we decide how wide a context to consider, without becoming overwhelmed by the sheer complexity that results?

It goes without saying that the wider your appreciation is, the better you will understand others’ perspectives and discover better ways of thinking about your challenge. And just because you are considering a wide context doesn’t mean


that you have to tackle everything in one go. Mastery comes from understanding all of the moving parts and their interoperability and possessing a framework for connecting them, against which you can make quality decisions.

We can learn so much from nature – the most effective living system and yet the last model for us to think of adopting in our business. Nature’s single purpose is to survive and to do that requires it to continually evolve and, despite our clumsy interventions, it does an incredible job.

context!YOU HAVE TO

To function as a living system requires appreciation of all of the moving parts, the dynamics of that system and the multiple ways that they affect all ‘moments of truth’ (key events or activities) that can cause an effect (good or bad).

Your reading of the rest of this document, and the value you derive, will be determined by the context within which you consider each topic and how many of the connections across topics you take on board.


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This compendium of Structured Visual Thinking™ takes each one of the system dynamics the moving parts that we typically work with and adds further definition to them from a Group Partners perspective and based on the insight we have gathered related to managing the complexity of businesses in the 21st Century.

We start with the Future – one that is becoming harder and harder to predict, beyond the certain knowledge that the world today is rapidly changing, dynamic and full of surprises. Success in the 21st Century is as much about readiness for anything as it is about sound business experience.


Out of intense complexities, intense simplicities emerge.

Winston Churchill


THEGroup Partners

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The FUTUREThe future belongs to the real leaders. The ones who are prepared to change everything in pursuit of their outcome.

Those who challenge convention.


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Those who continually explore and embrace the wider context with limitless energy and curiosity. Leaders in the future will be the ones that can manage the increasing dynamics and complexity of the 21st Century. Doing all this in ways that have yet to be imagined.

In the future there are three kinds of businesses – those who make it happen, those who let it happen and those that wonder what happened. A distinguishable ‘Vision’ is what determines a global leader. The ‘Vision’, if shared, is the spark that causes things to happen. A leader has typically paved the way for differentiated value and the ‘Vision’ must be designed to ensure it will stay there.

Consumers and users in every industry on the planet demand quality as ‘table stakes’. All consumers expect a seamless, synchronized and valuable experience for themselves. We are all consumers and users and we expect a solution and intelligent service as standard. We can each walk if we don’t get it. It is here that leaders win or lose and where the big bets we make ultimately pay off.

The future is about solutions emerging in real-time, co-created for the customer with the customer. The future means partnering with the consumer to design better and better solutions. This is the only strategy for a leader to win and stay winning.The future is a place

where people are empowered to do creative and valuable work in the blink of an eye, at the stroke or ‘pinch’ of a screen. Tools and applications are designed for sheer performance and frictionless enjoyment. They work. Everything works the way we think. Orchestrated. Choreographed. Fluid.

The future though is not a path for the faint-hearted. It requires a new level of effort, creativity and inspiration. A crusade that makes others want to follow. It demands that the entire enterprise and its wider ‘eco-system’ are in lock step. Moving together as one. The future is now! It just needs a Vision to bring it to life.


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the Philosophy


In an ever-changing landscape, being able to adapt and respond to new developments is Job 1. Anticipating and even shaping the direction is where leaders should be heading.

Even if we had a crystal ball it’s highly unlikely we would place much store in it. Apart from the inherent dangers of relying on a single prediction, or at least a single source of information, there is much to be gained from the process of exploration and enquiry.

You never know what you may learn and the more open-minded your approach, the more you will discover. Opportunity is everywhere. The skills and capabilities that we seek to help us embrace the future and continue to adapt are not the ones that have sustained us over the last few decades. Now the successful organization requires a culture and environment of openness, exploration and creativity – and a willingness to listen to the people who can best contribute, not just those in a position of power.

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the Approach


It is second nature in Group Partners Practice to constantly seek out new concepts and ideas and to find new ways to use them to stimulate thinking. We learn from every assignment and are totally open to new techniques, as long as they meet the core principles of Structured Visual Thinking™.

We bring the results of our curiosity to every new engagement from the very start of the process. This shows up in many ways:

• Through the creation of stimulus material that sets the challenge in a wide context and through potentially new lenses and perspectives

• Through pre-workshop exercises and discussion

• Through wide ranging community debate and blogs

Additionally our proprietary 4D™ frameworks business equations drive our discussions and force us to think hard about where we want to position ourselves in this future.

In Application:

D1. Discovery – In the early phases, and where our clients invest time to use this framework, we can explore the business context and trends in related industries and consider what we might do to differentiate ourselves.

D2. Development – This framework forces us to declare an ambition and a future. We do this against a clear frame of reference that ensures we consider the dynamics most affecting our world. The more seriously we take these dynamics the better prepared we will be for the future.

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Wouldn’t it be great if we were all shooting for the same thing...?

Collectively building strategies and plans that were beautifully connected and interoperable?

In a world where the organization is still constrained by silos and functional departments, the odds of everyone linking up to a unified outcome are not that high. It is too easy to be caught up in departmental agenda



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and self-interest. Even where the leadership has declared a clear ambition and purpose there is rarely a holistic blueprint supporting it that has only one intention – the best possible outcome for the business.We would argue in today’s world that we would acknowledge the triple context rather than purely internal ambition.

We use the term ‘goal congruency’ deliberately. There is no single goal for most organizations – that would be unrealistic.

What we mean is the achievement of an aligned strategy. One where individual department goals achieve their functional objectives in a way

that is supportive of the overall outcome and in harmony, fully connected to the intentions of fellow departments. It’s going to help significantly if you have a good understanding of your most important stakeholders, both internal and external.

This is the foundation for a living system.


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the Philosophy


Aligning a variety of goals across an organization requires us to first establish the common denominator that will lift everyone up from their own perspectives to consider the common good; that ultimate set of goals that everyone should be shooting for.

This is not about micro-managing every business unit or department. It’s about giving everyone a common direction and establishing the frame for them, within which they can build the best plans. This requires a team to open their minds and be willing to see and appreciate the pressures and drivers of others, and to have a better awareness of the implications of their own goals and plans on other departments and teams.

This requires clear and appropriate governance and a shared framework for operating – without overly constraining the organization’s ability to empower its teams at a local level.

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the Approach


This is a critical foundation to establish in any engagement. We will be testing for alignment to goals and direction from the very beginning – this shapes the way we think about designing the program for each client.

Very few organizations are able to declare goal congruency – a significant challenge for any large organization. It requires a lot of conditions to be met for it to really exist, in a sustainable way – you can’t demand this.

In Application:

D1. Discovery – One of the primary outcomes of a Discovery session is team alignment. The very act of taking a group of people with individual goals and perspectives through the 11 conversations of Discovery creates the first foundation of alignment. As we explore the business context modules within this framework we test more thoroughly how well we understand what it is that we are all trying to achieve. With this we can begin to declare a direction of travel.

D2. Development – As we move forward and start to shape our strategy we keep the goals and objectives now framed in context in Module D1-K and build our definition so that we all fully appreciate what these goals mean to all of us. Not many of us get out of bed and come to work simply to help the business make money – it helps to translate these into the significant outcomes – a clear definition of success.

Every time we bring the group together to develop the next framework, or to refine and enrich the latest one, we build alignment. And by equipping the team to continue to apply the structure and logic of the frameworks we are enabling them to share a common model – something that they can all connect to.

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The Vision is our flag in the ground.

It ensures that the emerging ‘solution’ knows where to head. The Vision is designed to explain and inspire the viewer in equal measure. The Vision describes (what is often the abstract language) the meaning of “We want to be the best”, “We will be the leader” or “We will be the most innovative/excellent solution in this industry”.

The Vision is a unifying mechanism. It provides a story that can be shared across stakeholders, internal and external, in a way that makes it possible for everyone to describe and connect with. It is everyone’s vision and so the success of the strategy becomes personal to everyone and not just to the leadership.Visions have to be grounded in reality – believable and achievable – and they also have to inspire. Visions are the

emotional connection to the business and the manifestation of shared ambition and aspiration. Great Visions will be in harmony with the future – as far as we can predict that. They will be sensitive to the direction that economy, industry and society are all heading.

They will even be shaping the future. A Vision is in part a framework and in part a governing construct – something



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that ensures that the future is built in now and not bolted on later. This requires sufficient clarity to serve as the foundation for the ‘solution’ and the strategy that will deliver it.

The Vision is almost always a catalyst for change. Change often comes with the tag ‘transformation’ and that means utter change.Visions need continuous exposure to stay alive. They are not

something to be buried away in a management plan. They need to attract attention, to provide a constant reminder of where we are heading.

They need to be told over and over, and by as many people as possible, covering as many perspectives as necessary to resonate with everyone. Creating a shared sense of purpose.

Visions have to be realized.


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the Philosophy


We regularly come across situations where a team is busy building and implementing plans, and have even agreed priorities, yet can’t explain their Vision or how their many initiatives contribute to this.

Forcing a team to step back and define the Vision often opens up a huge and valuable debate and creates that elusive unifying story that everyone complains is missing, but didn’t really know how to get one.

Visions for us are generally told in multiple perspectives and break into 2 discrete components – we call these ‘happy duck’ and ‘busy duck’. ‘Happy duck’ describes our Vision for the customer while ‘busy duck’ looks at the world from a more operational perspective.

It’s not enough to be able to tell the story solely to the client or to the workforce, a Vision has to be complete. Without that there is no guarantee that you will be able to create that fully aligned and coherent business operation that is everyone’s nirvana.

An example of a D2 Future Vision

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the Approach


A Vision starts when we ask ourselves “What could we do?” Given the opportunity and the environment to imagine the art of the possible brings out the passion and creativity that is all too often stifled by everyday pressures.

Far too few businesses actually embed quality-thinking time in the working day – for those that do, the return will exceed the investment.

In Application

D1. Discovery – Where the first half of the framework seeks to create a solid foundation and appreciation, the second moves us to a new mindset. This is where we ask “so what?”. It’s great that we now have a much clearer and wider appreciation of our world and what we have to offer – but we could say the same of many other businesses, many of them our competitors.

In this part of the framework we suspend reality slightly and imagine any possible future scenarios – we can and will ground these later – first we need to think big.

Sometimes we will spend a day dedicated to these scenarios – really delving into each one and giving it identity and definition so that we can test the idea fully.

D2. Development – We will bring the best of these scenarios, when we have them, into the Development phase and use them to help us describe the Vision – we may even describe multiple Visions.

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Governance When that word crops up in your world what are the first words that spring to mind?


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If you were taking part in one of those psychological tests what would your immediate response be?

• Constraint?

• Bureaucracy?

• Delay?

• Authority?

Or would it be:

• Rigor?

• Decision Quality?

• Accountability?

• Structure?

Your response is most likely influenced primarily by past experience. Most people would agree that governance in some form is essential. Very few organizations give this topic the investment it deserves.

If they did more people would value it and it could even simply become ‘the right way to manage’, rather than some external enforcement system imposed on the majority by the minority.

What would that take?

The best thinking that we have encountered, combined with

our own experience of what can make a difference suggests a number of conditions need to be present and aligned:

• Ownership

• Belief

• Clarity

• Relevance

• Capability

These then suggest that governance, to be effective, should contain the following components:

• Consequences

• Shared definition

• Meaningful measurement

Governance works hand in hand with Decision Quality. What is the point of investing time and energy in governing questionable activities? Maybe we should lose the word altogether and just call it Management?

Interestingly, when we first drafted this document Governance was placed right at the end – how easy it is to simply default and think about this last! We think it belongs better where it is now.

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the Philosophy


While we regularly use the term, our objective in assignments is to introduce a new way of thinking about governance from the earliest possible point in the process. This isn’t something that we bolt on at the end.

Getting everything lined up so that there is an effective model in place means knowing exactly

what success looks like, being able to tell that we are achieving it and knowing whose responsibility it is to contribute what value to the business. And for the inevitable exceptions there has to be a way of realigning or handling the unexpected.

Knowing where to focus precious resource and what sequence to prioritize the many projects and initiatives means having a framework that everyone can share.

An example of a Governance Framework

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It’s hard to pin governance down to a specific framework or module, although some play a more significant part.

Our frameworks themselves are governors when used well. The ability to see and maintain a clear line of sight across each individual framework and between the frameworks represents effective and integrated governance.

In Application

We call this the Business Equation and there is one for each of the first 2 frameworks:

D1 Business Equation

“By what decision criteria [H] do we decide what value proposition, story or offer [G] about which mix of product [E] and/or service [F], gets delivered through which channels [D], addressing what trend, market issue or point of pain [C], to which (most valuable) customer segments [B], resolving what aspiration or need [A]? With what capabilities and behaviors [I], against what timeline [J] achieving the goals [K] at minimum risk and maximum return on investment?”

D2 Business Equation

“To achieve the desired Strategic Outcome; (the ultimate goal) (H) and deliver the Redefined Conditions (G); (the measurable effects that result) optimally enabled by the necessary Governance, Capability and Cultural Environment Operating Model (F) - what is the planned Roadmap of Activities and Actions (E), (Action Plan) that will deliver against the integrated Strategic Themes (D) that themselves are directly driving the effects in (G) and take the business towards the new Future Vision (C) based on the Business Imperatives (B) (the business drivers) which will move the business away from the Current Reality (A) and fully answer the Exam Question?”

In addition to this – and closely linked to Decision Quality – is what we call ‘The Calculator’. This is a device that we use from the start of an engagement to map every dynamic of the world within which we operate and need to consider against our Exam Question. This very book is based on the construct of the Group Partners calculator for our method.

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For a Vision to persist the organization has to believe it will become a reality.

That means that we have to add definition and direction and show that we are serious and have a plan for achieving it.

Any Vision will be achievable through more than one approach and solution and can be introduced through a variety of routes. With so many opportunities and possibilities open to us how do we decide the best options for our business? How much time do we actually invest in making our decisions and how many people are actively involved in the process?

Many of the organizations that we work with are unable to describe a structured process for decision-making – yet this very act can make or break a strategy. The decisions that we take and the priorities that we choose will influence everything that follows.

Now we can start to build the future.



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the Philosophy


There are no cast-iron guarantees of success in today’s environment, but there are proven methods for giving yourself the best possible chance of succeeding – and of being able to respond and adapt to ever changing circumstances.

This is called Decision Quality (DQ) and it is a science that originates from Stamford University.

At its simplest level DQ requires us to think deliberately about our process for decision-making. This starts with understanding the context for our decisions – why and for what objective

are we making these choices? This is about establishing a Frame for your strategy – we call this setting the Exam Question. Without this frame any answer is arguably the right one and any road could lead you there.

With a clear frame you can then start to consider the criteria that you would apply that will help you to assess options. There are always options, the variables that could help you to determine trade-offs and compromises and the critical uncertainties that you have to take into account. With a clear appreciation of the impact that they could have on your eventual outcome.

An example of a Decision Framework

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the Approach


Like Governance, Decision Quality starts very early in our approach.

Our core method (4DTM) is fundamentally about Decision Quality. After all, that’s ultimately the essence of good strategic thinking. In our approach this starts with having clarity about what problem you are trying to solve and builds in rigor as the framework for making decisions emerges along with the context and options.

This is an extension of Governance. Knowing how we make decisions and understanding the variables, trade-offs and uncertainties provides us with the data to start to create a more structured and relevant approach to decision-making.

In Application

D1. Discovery – We have a module in this framework dedicated to decision-making. From the beginning we will test how decisions should be made – what criteria will provide the best means to judge options and where compromise needs to be made. The data will come directly from discussion and often through the conversations of the other modules – if asked directly what the criteria are, we doubt we would get the right response.

D2. Development – We will continue to test the criteria and also the filters that may need to be applied when making decisions. By the time we reach the strategies and initiatives in this framework we will have a strong hypothesis to test – and this will continue to be refined by the team as they build out the framework.

D3. Decision – In some cases we go very deep! While the decision phase is not strictly sequential in some instances we will dedicate group time to work through the strategies and initiatives to stress-test the options. This is particularly relevant where there are multiple ways to achieve a Vision, or even multiple Visions and scenarios.

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SharedMEANING Whenever our love affair with the

latest term or buzzword dies we invent a new language.

And when we don’t achieve the results we want we call it a fad, blame it on a flawed model and invent a new and more complex one.What if we simply invested our energies into gaining clarity and appreciation of each others’ perspective and meaning?

We are a diverse breed with different value systems, different capabilities and different levels of awareness. That diversity is what makes great teams (when we learn how to combine strengths) so where is the sense in trying to force our language on others and expect the meaning to translate exactly as we intended? Just because we know what we meant doesn’t mean that everyone else sees the world in the same way, or speaks the same language.Somehow we have to find a way of getting beyond semantics and personal mental models and open our minds, eyes and ears to truly hear what we are all trying to say.

Goal congruence will never be fully achieved without us uniting over definition.


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the Philosophy


Shared Meaning is a close relative of Goal Congruency. It’s hard to have one without the other.

In a world that works virtually for so much of the time, having a shared language is essential. The cost of discovering that we were all working to a different set of definitions gets higher the longer we go our own way. A statement of the obvious!

While Goal Congruency can be established and then tested on a periodic basis, new developments and initiatives require their meaning to be constantly defined. And meaning needs to run deep into every aspect of the organization for it to be effective, particularly where it supports shared governance.

It helps if everyone can literally see what they are talking about.

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the Approach


Even the most rigorous processes can’t completely guarantee that everyone is going to develop their vision/strategy/plans against a common definition, or that they left a workshop with a single interpretation of the outcome.

This is why visualization plays such a significant part in our philosophy and approach. It is a proven scientific fact that visual information can be processed (12) times faster than word alone. Of course we use word as well and structure. While any picture is helpful, to achieve a lasting appreciation requires something more rigorous – and every bit as compelling.

In Application

Everything we do has a visual aspect – every framework, every piece of stimulus and every deliverable is a carefully designed blend of visual and narrative.

The critical insights of every workshop discussion and our subsequent consolidation are documented and provided as deliverables. Our aim in every engagement is to leave the client better equipped than they were when we were invited into their world.

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“Just give me the solution!” – everyone wants to cut to the chase and get their problems fixed.

We are a species on a mission to get everything done as quickly and easily as possible. And in a world where everyone can become an ‘expert’ instantly why go to a ton of trouble analyzing and discussing the answer – we just want to get on and do it.

Solution Quick fixes are so attractive in this scenario. Just paper over the cracks with the latest new technology or tool and by the time we discover that the problem didn’t really go away we’ll probably be long gone.

Isn’t that what the last group did?

In many ways we can draw parallels to the early days of software design and data modeling. Remember that

moment in time when we learned that hard coding was not a very good idea? The same applies to designing solutions today – we have just extended the context within which we consider systems significantly.

What is actually wrong with getting to the root cause first? Those agile, rapid methods and that shiny new toy will still be there and you might even find that you get the right one this way.


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the Philosophy


The best blueprint or framework creates necessary structure without imposing unnecessary constraint. Creativity is alive in the way it is populated; rigor is present in the way it is structured. Fundamentally this approach ensures that we:

1. Consider every moving part of the system and its purpose

2. Understand the interoperability across all dimensions of the system

3. Know what needs to change and choose the right sequence in which to affect the change

Through this we seek to create a balanced/less risky solution and a conclusion to the Exam Question we are asking: “What is the optimal solution and roadmap to achieve the operational environment, and in so doing, properly augment/enable the business goals locally/globally?”

Now we are ready for the Journey.

Illustrating the moving parts

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In order that any Solution is rigorously engineered to meet the Vision it needs to include every component that contributes to its success to be considered and designed as a complete system.

And the word system here is used in its widest possible context. This means policies, processes, values, principles, capabilities, behaviors, technologies and tools that all add up to delivering the Vision.

In Application

These need to be treated as a calculated set of conclusive components, and not some arbitrary jumble of bits that may or may not work together when put to the test. For Group Partners this means structured frameworks – this is another application of our calculators – they serve as the solution context that in turn informs the strategies and initiatives that will deliver the Vision.

These structures serve as Blueprints for the Solution.

D2. Development – Guided by the Vision and outcomes, and fully connected to the most important things to address, we can build our strategies and initiatives that define the solution. Within this module we include everything that is needed to deliver the Vision that by now everyone in the team has co-created. This includes acknowledgement of in-flight projects and covers every aspect of the business.

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A Coherent Vision – A Unified Business Platform.

A unified Platform means standardized systems and streamlined processes, delivering unique solutions to individual consumers and users all the time, every time. A unified Platform gives any business the ways and means to be leaders – valued and indispensable – locally, regionally and globally!

All over the world, all the time.

This is where we get down to the things that are so personal to everyone and represent the


ultimate test of achievement. Here is also where semantics rears its head again. When we talk of operating models we mean everything that it takes to operate in a way that is in harmony with our vision and the very DNA of the business, nothing less.

This is not a conversation about the organization chart and is most definitely not about low level procedures and who does what. While this is still the primary response to organization design we believe this to be an approach and mindset that time expired sometime in the last decade. In a world that is increasingly networked and operating



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on a global, or at least multi-national level in one way or another, we have to take a more inclusive approach to the way we design our operating model. This is equally relevant when it comes to a workforce that is used to being connected to whoever, however and whenever.

The new generation of business leaders will not flourish in hierarchical silos using outdated methods and technologies. Some kind of organization is still necessary, it just doesn’t have to be approached in the conventional way. More enlightened organizations are already

applying new models with great success. When organizations struggle to perform at their best there are nearly always organizational design issues at the heart of the problem. The optimized organization doesn’t have to talk about processes or enforce complex rules and multiple layers of management. Stuff just happens, because everyone knows where they are heading, how they contribute and what it will take to get there.

And once there they are fully committed and empowered for constant evolution.


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the Philosophy


It’s all too easy to declare a new strategy and Vision and expect the rest to follow.

OK, maybe even that is not necessarily easy, but having an intention that is then successfully articulated and embraced widely is still just the beginning.

Knowing what this means to the way everyone works together, the way the organization is managed is one of the keys to success. This is design in its truest sense and in the best strategies is part of the thinking from day one. Your organization is full of human beings who bring their own identity and uniqueness to work with them and if allowed will use that to the best of their ability to deliver the Vision.

An example of an Operating Model

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the Approach


We will be exploring the operational implications for the business from the very start.

Even before the workshop and first group discussion we will be exploring the client environment and getting our heads inside that world, testing how much we can learn about the DNA and culture of the business.

In Application

D1. Discovery – one of the questions that we ask after we have allowed ourselves the creativity of imagining the future is “what is stopping us as an organization?” If these options are so attractive why haven’t we already implemented them? This will start to tease out the cultural and behavioral challenges, as well as the more practical organizational and governance issues – everything that is holding the business back, albeit unintentionally.

D2. Development – By the time we get to the Operational Model module of this framework we have all the clues that we need to think about what we need to have in place to land this vision. In this module, and with no excuse for missing the hidden implications, we can define the correct structure and mode of operating for the business and in a way that will sustain the Vision.

D4. Deployment – In some engagements we will unpack this module into a framework of its own and define this model in great detail with emphasis on the culture, the capabilities and the environment that will be needed. Most businesses have partnerships that can help them to implement the physical systems and design the new processes. As long as they don’t completely hand over the problem to others there is no reason why bringing in the experts now should derail success.

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Leverage – In the 21st Century no leader can stay in front without leveraging the best of the best.

To try to build (and then continue to develop) everything one’s-self is a sure signal to the market of impending failure. It is just unsustainable.

Yet so few get beyond lip service. It is proven ‘corporate suicide’ – economics of the madhouse – to develop proprietary hardware, software or infrastructure that could be overtaken tomorrow. Developing the next ‘thing’ – be they fashionable devices, new services, staying ahead of the technology tsunami or investing in anything but the core business alone – is increasingly high risk.

Partnering in the right way, with those already leading in their fields, is the only sure bet. Engaging with the workforce to think this way – creating a culture of difference. Everyone inspired to work like this.

A well-designed organization has very few hard boundaries that create walls between the internal workforce and the wider network.

Collective Intelligence is an expression that resonates with most people. Building it into the environment requires new and much more transparent models.

This may be a time to rethink that Operating Platform!

MEANINGFUL Partnerships

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the Philosophy


A true value network extends well beyond the traditional organizational boundaries and the approach to partnering is embedded in the Vision, in the approach to decision-making and the operating platform.

Without this mindset we are left with the poor relation of ‘partnership’, one we see more often than its’ more open and transparent cousin: it’s called ‘supplier management’.

It’s helpful to declare our true intention for partnership vs. control. There is a direct impact on how we organize and govern and the behaviors that we ask of our workforce.

An example of a Partner Vision from a Customer Experience Framework

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the Approach


It is important for us to understand what kind of partnership our client really wants and to be sure that they have thought carefully about this and appreciate what this will take.

Where the partners are involved in this process we have much more confidence that the intention is serious.

In Application

We bring in the external perspective in a number of ways and the degree that this is covered will depend on the Exam Question typically. However, in these days where the ability to partner or form mutually beneficial alliances is hardly an option, the topic will always come up at some stage. How deeply we address this is often dependent on the openness and willingness of the business to collaborate.

D1. Discovery – As we build the business context we are exploring the world of our stakeholders – internal and external. How highly we score partners and potential partners in our stakeholder prioritization and how well we can describe their perspective is a clue to our current ability to partner.

D2. Development – If we are serious about partnership then our significant relationships should feature throughout the framework – in our Vision, our measures of success and our strategies – and also in the Operating Model that fully embraces these relationships with the right level of governance and transparency. Where Development includes our supplementary Excellence Frameworks (e.g. Customer, Operational) there will be a Vision dedicated to partnership.

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A shared Roadmap. That’s what everyone says they need – it’s so obvious isn’t it?

Very few successful transformations have been achieved by acts of individual heroism, although some may claim that to be the case.

What does that really mean though? In many cases a shared roadmap simply translates to a project plan packed with tasks, deliverables and milestones, allocated to a bunch of people who have the responsibility to magically deliver. For some this becomes the day job, others hand the problem over to professional project managers trained in the mysteries of critical paths and Gantt chart. In other instances it is an additional – maybe part time – responsibility, an unwelcome addition to an already bursting day job.

A project plan is undoubtedly a critical resource in achieving a successful transformation. We would argue that it only becomes a valuable tool if backed up by decision quality, strong and effective governance, capacity and capability.

And let’s not forget engagement.

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the Philosophy


Change isn’t something you do to people. Change, transformation, whatever term is most appropriate, is something people engage in.

A typical construct for a Roadmap

That’s the only way it becomes sustainable. The gantt chart helps to juggle the many moving parts for sure, but making those activities and deliverables meaningful requires deep appreciation and widespread endorsement.

This is hard for the people involved and difficult to achieve. To do this requires that ‘will’ and ‘commitment’ – the care and sensitivity, experience and an enabling platform.

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the Approach


Roadmaps are not a team sport in reality! Trying to build a shared roadmap live in session is not for the faint-hearted.

However, getting the team aligned to a structure and approach for building this is critical. We apply some standard principles to the roadmap that ensures that we cover everything and build the structure so that it can be managed in harmony with business as usual, not as a conflicting agenda.

In Application

D1. Discovery – We do have a roadmap positioned in our very first framework as it is important that we never forget this aspect. And even in the early Discovery frameworks there is value in raising awareness to any known milestones, or even setting a timeframe for the strategy.

D2. Development – In this phase we start to take the roadmap more seriously and will be starting to map out the key initiatives and horizons for implementation. Typically this starts in session and then continues as the team takes away assignments and validates/refines their plans. At this point we will continue to support the creation of this roadmap remotely.

D3. Decision – Where we include this phase the roadmap is more detailed and much more robust and the team will have invested group time considering the different options and identifying the new tasks, the activities that remain and those that stop altogether. By the end of this process there should be nothing else for anyone to do that isn’t on this roadmap.

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It’s easy to recite any number of qualities that are evident in great leaders. Often our selection is a reflection of our own values or perspectives.

Interestingly there are 2 qualities that have emerged as the top characteristics of the most successful and widely recognized leaders: humility and an iron will – an intriguing mix.

What is clear is that leadership has to be present in many places and at many moments. And not just from the most senior people in the organization - although that’s a great place to start.

Leadership has a purpose beyond individual recognition. It is an essential condition for any successful strategy. Without strong and committed leadership the challenges along the way will prove harder to combat.



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The consequences of those challenges in particular are:

• Doubt

• Confusion

• Cynicism

• Denial

• Apathy

This places a huge responsibility on those picking up the mantle of leadership. And even the best leaders need a support mechanism to guide them through the inevitable challenges.

Challenges like:

• How do you convince people who are weary and overburdened that they will benefit from a transformation?

• How do you instill confidence in the team and build passion and commitment for a Vision?

• How do you ensure that you are getting the best from your organization – that you have the right people in the right jobs doing the right things at the right time?

• How do you balance accountability with empowerment and co-creation?


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the Philosophy


We stated much earlier in this document that ‘the Future belongs to the real leaders’.

It may be time to redefine what leadership means, just as it is long overdue to think differently about

An example of a Leadership Framework

organizational design and management. In our experience it is far too easy for others to use leadership as the reason for what is wrong in their company. Yet when asked who the leaders are it is nearly always the same people pointing the finger away from them.

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the Approach


The act of getting a senior team in a room together gives us an opportunity to witness their current level of leadership and to ask some challenging questions.

While our approach is always deeply respectful, it is often necessary to force what are difficult conversations out into the open. The response from the team will tell us how strong a leadership we have in the business and this is a strong indicator for the likelihood of success in sustaining whatever we create together.

In Application

D1. Discovery – there is no single controlling module in this framework for addressing leadership, it will appear in discussion in many ways. In reality the entire act of Discovery and Alignment is a precursor to establishing leadership – assuming it wasn’t there in its entirety already. And by this we are not referring to the most senior person in the room – although they will be equally under the spotlight with this process.

D2. Development – Taking ownership of driving through this strategy and investing the time and effort to fully leverage the emerging framework in Development is a critical imperative – one of the most commonly listed imperatives in this framework (Module B) is Leadership. And it starts with the team being willing and able to take the outcomes of the work in session out to the wider enterprise and to continue developing this into a sustainable and executable program.

We will in some cases take the Development phase further and deep dive specifically on Leadership – particularly where this is a key concern for the business. As with other Excellence Frameworks we have one dedicated to this topic.

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This document represents our views on tackling the many challenges of businesses in the most holistic manner and embracing the principles of systems thinking.

It contains our personal insights and experiences gained through working with some of the largest global companies and their leadership teams.

We passionately believe that a new way of thinking is not a luxury or a latest fad – it is essential to stay viable and survive in business. The world today is unbelievably different from the one that built the modules and practices that we continue to follow. While the burning platform may not be that apparent yet to everyone, the most enlightened are giving this serious thought and exploring new ways of working.

For Group Partners every dynamic in this document is part of an interconnected system that only works optimally when everything is aligned. We have spent the last 10 years developing frameworks and techniques that help organizations break out of their old models. We will continue to evolve our Practice and embrace new concepts, tools and techniques to stay at least one step ahead in this dynamic, fast changing world that offers so much opportunity if we are brave enough to embrace the future.



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