
A briefing by the English Department

Back to School Day for Primary 2 Parents & Guardians

Our Journey from P1 to P6

The Objective of this briefing:

Our Goals at Primary 6

• The PSLE Goals

• Realising the HGS Vision: Every girl a confident, creative and effective communicator

Primary 1 Programmes to build: • A love for the

language • Strong foundation

for the development of core language skills

Primary 2 to 6 • Well-designed curriculum and therefore programmes that

enable a focused and progressive mastery of the core skills • Platforms for our pupils to present their views critically and

express themselves creatively through the language arts

- To share the plans and programmes HGS has in

place to develop your child/ward on this journey.

Starting with the PSLE Goals:

Paper Component Marks/ (Weightings)

1 (Writing)

- Situational Writing - Continuous Writing

15 (7.5%) 40 (20%)

2 (Language Use and Comprehension)

- Grammar - Vocabulary - Visual Text Comprehension - Comprehension Cloze - Synthesis/Transformation - Comprehension OE

95 (47.5%)

3 (Listening Comprehension)

20 (10%)

4 (Oral Communication) - Reading Aloud - Stimulus-based Conversation

10 (5%) 20 (10%)

Total: 200 (100%)

Revised PSLE Components:

Paper 1: Continuous Writing

Old: 2 choices of questions (Picture or Scenario-based)

New A given topic with 3 supporting pictures to offer different angles of interpretation

Paper 2: Visual Text Comprehension

Old: A text with 5 Multiple-choice Questions

New A text with visuals (photos/graphics), 8 MCQs

Paper 2: Comprehension OE

Old: A text with 10 open-ended Qns to be answered in complete sentences

New A text, 10 OE Qns (in tables and sentences – To test: sequencing, true/false justification, comparison making etc.)

Revised PSLE Components:

Paper 4: Oral Communication

Old: Reading Aloud, Picture Discussion and Conversation

New Reading Aloud and Stimulus-based Conversation

New: Stimulus-Based Conversation For example: Pupils are shown a picture of a chocolate box. They may be invited to talk about why they would be interested to buy the box of chocolate. They would then be led to talk about related topics such as the importance of having a healthy diet.

In gist, what are the changes about?

Our answer: Not much : )

HGS Vision: Every girl a confident, creative and effective communicator

What impact do the changes in format have on our programmes in HGS?

- Programmes have been aligned since 2010 to develop the 21st century competencies Develop oral competence – spontaneity in

responding to stimulus, the ability to think on one’s feet, confidence to express a different view

Writing -- allows more room for personal expression & creativity, the use of stimulus which allows pupils to tap on their experiences

Reading and understanding – a greater emphasis on reasoning skills over and above the traditional interpretation of the finer points in texts.

Developing Oral Competence:

P1-2: Show and Tell, Retelling of a story, Stimulus-based Conversation P3-4: Oral presentations on a given topic, Stimulus-based Conversation P5-6: Oral Presentation on a personal stand made (Pupils argue for and against a simple case and respond to rebuttals) , Stimulus-based Conversation

Primary 1 and 2 Show and Tell: Example

Prompts: Tell us:

(a) What you have brought to class to show us

Describe the item

(b) Why you like it so much

Tell us two reasons

(c) How you would take care of it

If you need/plan to share it with someone else, how would you help the person to take care of it?

Primary 1 / 2 Stimulus-Based Conversation: Example 1

Stimulus-based conversation

Prompts for Stimulus-Based Conversation

(a) This is the cover of a story book. What do you think the story is about?

What do you think would happen at the end of the story?

(b) How did you celebrate your birthday this year?

How would you want to make it better next year?

(c) If it is your best friend’s birthday next week, what would you plan to do?

Would she like what you have planned? Why?

Primary 3 / 4 Stimulus-Based Conversation: Example 1 Prompts for Stimulus-Based Conversation

(a) Look at the picture. Which one of the items would you choose to buy as a present for your classmate’s birthday? Tell me why.

Which item would you like to receive as a present? Why?

(b) Do you have a special birthday present that you have given to someone? Tell me about it.

In what way is the present special?

(c) Sometimes a present can be meaningful, yet does not cost any money, especially when the giver has put in much effort. What are some meaningful gifts or acts of kindness that you have received? What made you appreciate the gift(s)?

Is there such a gift you would like to give to someone?

Gift Ideas

Developing Writing Competence:

P2: A progression from 1 to 4 pictures - Pupils conduct self and peer assessment for every

writing to reflect on their own thinking – metacognition

- Pupils critique view points and assess judgements - Continuous familiarization with the structure of

narratives P3-6: Adding the elements of interest and richness

• Dramatisation • Literary techniques, e.g charcterisation

Developing Reading and Comprehension:

Comprehension Packages designed at every level to ensure progressive development over the years: P1-2: Inferential Skills P3-6: Strategies (e.g. Socratic questioning, the use of drawings , dramatisation etc.) to enable the pupils to ask critical questions and visualise the intention of the writer and the depth of the writing -- to see beyond the obvious, to read between the lines

A Uniquely Haig Girls’ Approach to realise our Vision : )

Pupils • Respond to authentic stimulus (contemporary

artworks) • Examine and discuss real life social issues • Become comfortable with ambiguities argue for

both sides and examine grey areas • Express themselves through creative writing and oral

presentations of their artworks

(TIMEOUT_Think! Contemporary) Our Integrated Project Work @P4 - Place-based Learning at the Singapore Art Museum

Integrated Project Work at Every Level

Level Description Value Creation

P6 USE! (Understand, Solve and Educate) Community Based Problems

Research and advocacy: creative solutions to community based problems

P5 Science Innofair - Everyday Science! (Science in our Daily Lives)

Innovative products that solve everyday problems

P4 The Inspired Museum Explorers, Our Unique Travels (TIMEOUT) - Think! Contemporary

Creative writing and contemporary art installations that address the following issues: immigration and identity, heritage, nationhood and globalisation

P3 ACT! Joo Chiat Research and advocacy: design of brochures to promote the heritage and culture of Joo Chiat

P2 We Are One! Creative writing that promotes the appreciation of traditions in Singapore

P1 Walking through the Jungle Creative writing that promotes animal conservation

In Conclusion,

An invitation to All Parents and Guardians:

To join us on this very special journey together to develop your daughter/ward to become:

A confident, creative and effective communicator.

Thank You

We look forward to your continuous support and feedback.

Contact: Mr Bryan Ong (HOD-English) ([email protected]) Mrs Esther Tan (Level Head – English) ([email protected]) Tel: 63440293

Thank You

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