Page 1: Our India - an excellent presentation

Why don’t I get my daily bread?

Page 2: Our India - an excellent presentation

And why can’t I get you to help me?

Page 3: Our India - an excellent presentation

Its simple…

Page 4: Our India - an excellent presentation

Both of us are citizens of this country but

neither of us is empowered…

Page 5: Our India - an excellent presentation

I’m not empowered

to feed myself


Page 6: Our India - an excellent presentation

You are not empowered…

…to help me..!

Page 7: Our India - an excellent presentation

In India, 230 million people are undernourished — the highest for any country in the world

Malnutrition accounts for 50% of child deaths in India

Every third adult is reported to be malnourished

Page 8: Our India - an excellent presentation
Page 9: Our India - an excellent presentation

But strangely… Food inflation in our country is 20% - the highest among developing countries

A farmer in Nasik, 180 kilometers from Mumbai, gets 3 rupees for a kilogram of onions

But strangely…

The same onion sells at a retail price of 25 to 30 rupees in Mumbai

Page 10: Our India - an excellent presentation
Page 11: Our India - an excellent presentation

Foodgrain harvest during 2008-09 was a record 233 million tonnesWhile the demand was only 219.01 million tonnes

The food output has grown annually by 1.98 per cent between 2004-05 and 2008-09, which is higher than the estimated population growth of 1.5 per cent during this period

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Page 13: Our India - an excellent presentation
Page 14: Our India - an excellent presentation

In 2009-10, the Government of India spent Rs 32,000 crores on food subsidy to 7 crore BPL families

This means that Rs 4,500 was spent to feed my family of four … for one year… or Rs 375 per month… (on paper of-course)

On an average 75% of the food subsidy funds are stolen…which means that my family received food worth only Rs 94 for an entire month…

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Page 16: Our India - an excellent presentation

For record, while you struggled to save your job last year, working a third more than regular and being paid a third less than what you usually do,

While a fifth of you actually lost your job although you worked as hard as others….

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…some Indians really made it big..

The list of India’s richest 100 people included 52 billionaires (nearly doubled from 27 a year ago)

The collective wealth of these 100 is nearly Rs. 13 lakh crores (which is almost one fourth of the country’s GDP)

The top 10 richest Indians have a fortune of $155 billion (almost four times that of China’s top 10)

In addition India’s corrupt politicians, bureaucrats and fund agents earned Rs. 17 lakh crores (almost 15 times more than the total income tax paid by all Indians anually)

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Page 19: Our India - an excellent presentation

Merely 10,000 disgusting corrupt individuals earn

more than 120 crore Indians…

…combined together

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Both of us are citizens of this country butneither of us is empowered…

Page 21: Our India - an excellent presentation

I want you to rise..I want you to fight…

For me

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Page 23: Our India - an excellent presentation


For your own self…

Page 24: Our India - an excellent presentation

By eliminating those who kill us everyday on our

own land…Who steal from us what has

been ours for generations…

..Eliminating themCompletely !!!

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