

ORIW (Organisation RacismIslamophobia Watch)18 Rue du chemin de fer67200 Strasbourg, FranceTél : + 33(0)3 88 84 49 30E-mail : [email protected]

Report on Racism and islamophobia in French-speaking

European countries2015-2016











AND EDUCATIONAL ……………………………………………………………..…............15

MEDIA, SOCIAL MEDIA AND CULTURE……………………………………………...17

GOOD NEWS…………………………….………………………………………...……............20

WORLD NEWS ………………….……………………….…………………………………..... 28

OUR ADVANCEMENT ……………………..…………………………………………….......34

ANALYSIS REPORT…………………………………………………………...….…..……....41


Introduction – islamophobia is a complex phenomenon ORIW, Organization « Racism islamophobia watch » is an organization headquartered in Lyon, France with an executive office in Strasbourg, France. We work with expert and lawyers in order to fight against islamophobia and racism in French-speaking countries.

This project has been established in October 2013 in order to fight against discrimination and islamophobic acts which are increasing dramatically nowadays due to the influence of political parties, media, prejudices and fear in the society. Taking in account all these ideas and actions, ORIW supports and assists people whose moral and legal values of life are in danger because of racist or islamophobic action in Europe French-speaking countries (France, Belgium, Switzerland).

ORIW diffuse monthly and annually reports in order to inform people and national authorities and to call upon a growing collective awareness about the dramatic situation faced nowadays by the Muslim community. To this end, the organization presents, also ad hoc reports to international organizations, such as the Council of Europe and the OSCE, in occasion of their monitoring and reporting cycles, and takes part to international events as speaker and/or organizer of such debates.

Today the word Islamophobia is known by everybody, it can be said that this fears is mainly caused by the low knowledge people have about Islam. This fear somehow legalizes the discrimination in ordinary life in Europe. Nevertheless, a punctual and precise definition of this phenomenon doesn’t exist yet and the terminology ‘islamophobia’ is often used in different – and sometimes even inappropriate - ways by the diverse actors of the fight against discriminations.In the definition of the CNSDH (Commission Nationale Consultative des Droits de l’Homme – National consultative Commission for Human Rights) – which has formalized the use of the terminology at level of public discourse in the summary of its 2014 Annual Report by recalling the definition done in 2013 as “apparition of nearly a phobia, namely an intense fear towards Islam and Muslims in France provoking a climate of dread and hostility in their regard”. However, the word hasn’t received legal acknowledgment yet leaving unpunished the perpetrators of islamophobic actions.

In October 2010, in occasion of the annual the OSCE Human Dimension Implementation Meeting in Warsaw, the organization COJEP International1, together with other European NGOs engaged in the fight against racism and discrimination, had already presented a proposition for an official Islamophobia definition. According to such definition islamophobia is a form of intolerance and discrimination motivated by fear, distrust and hatred of Islam and its adherent. It is often manifested along with racism, xenophobia, anti-immigrant sentiment and religious intolerance. Examples of islamophobia include hate speech, violent acts, and discriminatory practices, which can be manifested by both non-state actors and state officials. Islamophobic rhetoric associates Muslims with terrorism and portrays them as an international and domestic threat. It reinforces negative stereotypes about Muslims as a monolithic group whose culture is backward and fundamentally incompatible with human rights and democracy.

1 See their website,


Therefore, Islamophobia is an intersectional discrimination, product of a new form of racism – the cultural racism2 - where intolerance is grounded in the origin and the freedom of expression. Islamophobia is a discriminatory act that can manifest even as a hate crime.

After the terrible attacks to the magazine Charlie Hebdo last 7 January and the deplorable facts at the Hyper Casher of Porte de Vincennes happened in Paris, ORIW questioned itself again on the grave issue of Islamophobia in France and the increase of hatred in all social environment, considering also a certain cowardice of public institutions and politicians. The public debate on Islam, Islamophobia and freedom of expression has become inflamed.Islam is not anymore only a religion, but it has become the identification of ISIS extremist terrorism, which is menacing and putting in danger the worldwide population. In Europe, Muslims are the easy target of violent attacks and populist political speech, which use the diffused fear and feelings of insecurity for electoral aims. They hide behind fundamental democratic values, such as the freedom of expression. We worry for the future of European Muslims by fearing an even more increased stigmatization of Muslim worship.

When we talk about Islamophobia, we speak out for violated human rights and freedoms or restricted for a part of the population. Violations happen everywhere, at school, at job places, in job market, etc. The principle of non-discrimination, as described in several covenants and international documents signed by French, Belgian and Swiss governments is not complied with, instead it’s manipulated and deformed by the approval and the promulgation of discriminatory and liberticidal laws – an example could be the 2004 law on the prohibition of wearing religious signs in public schools or the 2011 law on the prohibition of concealed face in public. Discrimination is the consequence of behaviors that are tolerated and legitimized by authorities themselves.

What we are presenting here is the second year report issued by ORIW since its constitution and it represents the assessment of our activities from October 2014 to August 2015. Taking into account our quite young constitution and our limited human resources, our research developed in particular on the internet through daily press-review, received testimonies and analysis of political speech, official data from national authorities and legislative proposal with relevance for the ordinary life of Muslim people.

To better describe the Islamophobia issue as it appears today in European French-speaking countries and its diverse aspects, the report is divided into five different sections: episodes of racism and Islamophobia; institutions, public and political speech; Islamophobia in mass media and culture; good news; our actions and progresses. The documents observes the structure of ORIW monthly report, published on our website (, from which we have extrapolated only some of the facts and the events already presented during the past year.

I- Episodes of racism and islamophobia

After having followed during 12 months all the events dealing with discrimination and racism in the French-speaking European space, ORIW has collected a significant number of data on Islamophobia. The numbers of episodes where one 2 See “We must fight against the staging of a war of identity!” Mr Raphael Liogier interviewed by ORIW in occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination,


or more people – Muslims or possessing a Muslim cultural background - have been aggressed or have suffered from a disgraceful treatment for this simple reason, as the quantity of article collected in this regard are stunning. So far, year 2015 has been characterized by an uncontrolled explosion of violence against French Muslim from the aftermath of January attacks in the premises of Charlie Hebdo and in the Hyper Cacher of Porte de Vincennes in Paris. We have witnessed of a consequent increase of racist and anti-Muslim acts and of islamophobic remarks, not only in France, but also in Belgium, where the behavior of the government often follows French government’s.

Just a few data: in the wake of the attacks to Charlie Hebdo, 54 islamophobic actions have been denounced till 12 January3, on 19 January anti-Islamic actions had already raised to 1164.The targets of these actions are people but also a great number of places of worship.5

This report contains a few official data. In the first quarter of 2015 the rate of Islamophobic events inFrance reached a percentage of 500%, if we compare it with the same period of the last year. This worrying assessment was sent by the National Observatory against Islamophobia to the Prime Minister Manuel Valls, on the day before the presentation of the government’s plan to fight against racism and anti-Semitism.6

The organization Muslim Rights Belgium published on 23rd April its report on Islamophobia in Belgium in 2014: 696 reports of discrimination was made in the Francophone part.At this point, a reflection is compulsory: how many actions haven’t been reported to authorities and, therefore, haven’t been recorded? How many people haven’t spoken out – and will never do - for angst of reprisals?

In this part of the report, we describe the most striking and serious episodes perpetrated against Muslims (or people presumed as such) in European French-speaking countries that we have acknowledged thanks to media and collected witnesses’ statements. They are presented in chronological order – From October 2014 to August 2015 – and they refer to episodes which are identifiable as hate crime by diverse international organizations, such as Council of Europe and OSCE – vandalized mosques, physical aggressions, profanation of place of worship and cemeteries, vandalism against Muslim business activities, etc.

I- Physical and verbal personal assault

3 The numbers have been recorded by the Ministry of Interiors. See the article published on, 4 Here a “short” list of Islamophobic actions against some place of worship and a video, 2015/01/19/97001-20150119FILWWW00272-116-actes-anti-musulmans-depuis-charlie-hebdo.php.5 See See the percentage of islamophobic events in the link below; Presque autant d'actes antimusulmans recensés en 2015 que sur toute l'année 2014,


From France 2, September 26, 2015 7

Saturday, September 26 2015, during a broadcast on France 2, "On n’est pas couché," Nandine Morano was the guest of honor. The Hate speech of the former minister about the France’s roots has created considerable controversy following the use of the term "white race ". Indeed, the MEP has said that "France is a country of Judeo-Christian roots, France is a Caucasian country." Moreover, she continues by invoking General de Gaulle, "I want France to remain France and I do not want France to become Muslim." By these words, Nadine Morano has shaken the public. Also, many critics were reported on social networks. The program presenter did not stay quiet, saying that "the problem is that today in 2015, you still make this distinction! There are people who are not that white but are French as much as you and me. It is crazy to hear that! "He said. Finally, the speech maintained by Nandine Morano was unsuccessful. Not really aware of the term she uses, she tried to put in perspective what she said by specifying that “France is a white race country which also welcome people from other countries” (Picture from France 2)

From Paris-France, September 19 2015

Intissar Kherigi young lawyer also leader of one of the European Muslim youth organizations wearing headscarves has been discriminated against. Indeed, she did not want to take off her headscarf on her photo for a pass to the Paris metro. They required pictures "bareheaded" for identification purposes.

From Katibin, December 11 2015 8

There was an assault after the FN's score: "We just voted Le Pen, it is to get you out of here." In the Nord-Pas-de-Calais Picardy region last Sunday, the FN won enough votes to lead the first round of regional elections of 2015. A victory that seems to have exacerbated Frontists convictions of a man whose excitement of the "a victory" has quickly lead to anger in the grocery store where the man went, the employee refused the check due to lack of identification, then he entered into a rage.

Islam & info, December 15 2015 9

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Saturday 12 December, a young Muslim woman of 22 years old was attacked by fifty years old Islamophobic woman in the metro station Rose Garden. The attacker has insulted the student of being "terrorist" before spitting at her face and hit her. A complaint was filed by the victim.

From Islam & info, December 14 2015 10

Social and economic death. These words that define the results of house arrest ordered by the Interior Ministry under the state of emergency. The president of the Sanabil association, organization supporting Muslim prisoners, was under house arrest a few days after the attacks of 13 November. Since he is unable to get to work as he has to point four times a day to the police station of his city. A situation that caused his dismissal despite ten years of seniority. Social and economic death resulting from the implementation of specific measures to Muslims deemed "radical".

I- Vandalism to properties and attacks against places of worship

From AFP, October 9 2015 11

The FN mayor of Mantes-la-Ville (Yvelines), who wanted to preempt a local in order to install the city police instead of a future mosque Friday was denied new legal setback in front of the Appeal Administrative Court (CAA) of Versailles.In its order consulted by AFP, the judge CAA considers that the mayor "has necessarily exercised its preemptive right to counter" the proposed transfer of a Muslim prayer room, validated by the PS old Mayer in late 2013 but fiercely opposed by the mayor elected in March 2014.

From Corse matin, January 9 2016 12

Dozens of flyers were placed that night, on cars parked in the city center of Bastia saying that "Islamophobia is not a crime, it's an opinion, and it is self-defense ".So a few hours after the attack against Charlie Hebdo, this movement, unknown till then, and called Republican resistance, fanned the embers through extremist discourse.

10 a-residence/11


From Islam et Info, janvier 6, 2016 13

Since the state of emergency, thousands of abusive searches have been made. In Annecy, it is the Teppes district mosque that has been targeted by the Police. This umpteenth abusive search, that had lead to nothing, demonstrates the respect that is allocated to Muslims places of worship by the French government. This iniquitous repression has very much touched the Bosnian Muslim community of Annecy, which has undergone numerous searches, even in shops.

From Le Monde, January 20, 2016 14

Anti-Muslims acts have “tripled” in 2015 and the anti-Semite acts “stayed in a high level”, announced the Minister of the interior Bernard Cazeneuve in a La Croix interview published Wednesday January 20th. Mr Cazeneuve stated a “5% diminution of the anti- Semite acts, which still is a high lever with 806 acts recognized”. The number of the anti- Muslims acts is “around 400”. A record amount since 2011, date of the creation of L’Observatoire national contre l’islamophobie (National Observatory against islamophobia), instance in the Conseil Français du culte musulman (French council of Muslim faith) (CFCM), according to its president Abdallah Zekri. 2014 has been sold out with 133 anti-Muslims acts according the number of charges dropped in that matter. From Oumma, January 20, 2016

According to the national Observatory against islamophobia, and between January the 1st and December 31th 2015, 429 islamophobic acts have been registered, versus 133 in 2014, i.e. a raise of 222 %.

Par Libération, February 3, 2016 15

The facade of a halalbutcher was strafed onthe night of Tuesday toWednesday on theseaside of Propriano(south Corse)according to a AFPjudicial source. Thebuilding locateddowntown has been« hit by shot fromheavy weapons ingust » has said theprosecutor of Ajaccio, Eric Bouillard, adding that it might be an assault rifle. There were no casual victims, Bouillard, who visited the site, said that the butcher manager was "a person without history." This action was not claimed and there is no on-site inscription, according to the first element of the investigation, which was assigned to the brigade of Sartène and the gendarmerie.

From le Figaro, February 3, 2016 16



Pork was sent to an Islamic organization: The French council of Muslim cult (CFCM) has received the last days’ multiple insult letters, among which there was a slice of pork. It is a first, has said Wednesday in AFP the president of the National Observatory against Islamophobia. “After mosques, the CFCM is targeted” lamented, disillusioned, the president of the observatory, Abdallah Zekri, after a year 2015 that saw the anti-Muslim acts more than triple from 133 in 2014 to 429 last year.

From Islam info, April 11th, 2016

As the days go by, the shape a new political design against veiled women takes place. And reverse the stigma of women submitted from the male of her family, in general her brother, father, husband to the woman subjected to a dangerous movement, extremist, bad because Muslim and thus annihilate the religious nature of this garment to a totalitarian vision. While the headscarf is an eminently religious symbol by holding it motivation in a divine order, it is hijacked by political symbol. Therefore, not only the media and politicians can apply to it issues much ward off and especially more delicate such as Salafism that lead to terrorism and the imposition of Sharia law in France, but especially this semantic disguise bypasses part of secularism. A word is not stolen by another for the sake of rhetoric but rather for a politic purpose.

From Islam and info, may the 4th 2016 17

Fanny, a woman who converted last year to Islam has been expulsed from her high school because of her “too long” skirt that she wore “too often”. Facing this injustice, her mother, who is catholic, decided to support her daughter by initiating a legal action.From Islam and info, May the 5th 2016 18 The judicial decision of April 22, ordering the closure of the mosque in Saint Gratien accompanied by a fine of 800 Euros for each violation, is not

final. The fight goes on.



From Islam and info, May 9 2016 19 The CARI (Coordination against Racism and Islamophobia) announces that a Tunisian, living in France, has been sent back to his country of origin while his plane had just landed at Roissy-Charles-de Airport Gaule Airport. According to the association’s statement, Mr. R. C. had a legal statute and lived with his wife and three children at Saint Ouen (93). Legal action will be launched to try to help this family caught off guard.

II- Institutions, public and political speech.

From le 20 minutes, September 9 2015 20

"Yes to the generosity, but not blind generosity. "Mayor Republicans Roanne (Loire), Yves Nicolin, is ready to welcome migrants in her town of 40,000 residents. But not all refugees. Initially, only the Christian refugees, persecuted by Daesh in Syria because of their religion.

From September 9 2015

The town of Charvieu-Chavagneux (Isère) was ready last night to welcome refugees, but "on the condition that it is a Christian family," because Christians "do not cut the head of their boss". According to the text, approved unanimously by the city council, the right wing of the city hall says that they want to "overcome the irresponsible foreign policy of the State by hosting a refugee family, on the condition that it is a Christian one".

From halalbook, September 10 2015 21

The Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo has spared no efforts to the plight of refugees, dozens of families were welcomed and housed by the town hall. Apparently very affected by the drama of these families, the mayor even published a welcome tweet in English, French and Arabic.Marine Le Pen, who in her great kindness, is not really delighted with the arrival of migrants, fuming at the idea that others could be moved, even to rejoice in this new wave of migration.

From la Redaction I&I, October 21, 2015 22

The Vice president of the Front National, Florian Phillippot, supposedly liberal and the sovereigntist wing of the party, said this morning on RTL, that he will fight against the construction of the Strasbourg Mosque if he is elected in the regional elections.

From la Rédaction I&I, October 14, 2015

19 21 22


Jean Louis Masson “the today’s immigration is the terrorism of tomorrow!” In a scandalous speech Senator Jean Louis Masson has helped stigmatize clearly and distinctly Muslim populations "from" of immigration, from the Maghreb and sub-Saharan Muslim.Designated as the responsible of all the "problems", they are in fact, dare we say, all the children of Arab or Muslim blacks that are treated as potential "terrorists of tomorrow." "Immigration today is the terrorists of tomorrow! "Said Jean Louis Masson.

From La Rédaction, October 22, 2015 23

The result of anti Muslim act is not better that the previous given by the National observatory against islamophobia, which is related to the CFCM. During the first nine months of 2015, 330 islamophobian act were identified in France, versus 110 in 2014, so a raise of 200%, has said the instance October Thursday 22.

From Islam & info, November 16, 2015 24

Abdelaziz Chaambi Coordination against Racism and Islamophobia (CRI) announced the aggression of a young 17 years old boy who is Muslim in Lyon, Bellecour place. Jessim was the target of a radical group "identity" which has beaten him in the city center.

From Islam & info, November 16 2015.25

Several mosques are the target of islamophobic degradation; - Creteil: red blood cross tagged on the mosque- Oloron: The mosque and the Muslim butchery are tagged with Nazi inscriptions- Pontarlier: Racist words were written on the city mosque wall, and ham was drop

in front of the place.

23 25 islamophobes/


From le journal du musulman, November 26, 2015.26

Islamophobic tag was discovered this Wednesday morning on the prayer room door, ins Draguignan, in the Van, has announced Ivan Auriel, the prosecutor.

From page halal, November 20, 2015 27

Consternation, in this Wednesday, for the believers of Chavanoz Mosque. Five days after the Paris attacks, inscriptions were found on the gate and walls of the Shrine.

Rédaction Islam&Info, 19 December 2015 28

We can see on the following video recorded by the blogger Al Kanz, the member of parliament Meyer Habib insulting Islam with the words « Islamic gangrene ». It is an overview of what can be said in the French parliament without any problem.

Islam&Info, Marseille-France 5 December 2015 29

The local of a Turkish cultural association Millenium was targeted by 4 cocktails molotov on Friday night in north of Marseille. The place was used as a praying room for the Turkish community on Fridays. 3 or 4 persons would be responsible of this new islamophobic act against a worship place. At the moment nobody was arrested. The association Millenium develops cultural and sporting activities for Turkish workers. Since the attacks of November the 13rd, Muslim associations notice a raise of islamophobic acts. Several mosques were tagged, hijaby women were attacked and halal restaurants were assaulted.

26 islamophobes/27 17718.html28 29


From L’Express, January 9, 2016 30

In an interview given to L’Express, the sociologist Marwan Muhammed declared « contrary to what some people can say, it is not impossible to criticize Islam and Muslim. It actually became a “national sport” that a lot of public speakers practises or even simple citizen. It even is one of the rare subject where ignorance is not an issue for the expertise and where the mainstream media allow them-selves to consecrate as representative, the less legitimate person, if he is not simply hated.

From Amnesty International, February 4, 2016 31

On February the 4th 2016, Amnesty International published a report entitled "shattered lives; the disproportionate impact of the state of emergency in France. " In this report, Amnesty International says that research suggests that, in many cases, the measures imposed because of the state of emergency have not been limited to what was strictly necessary for the requirements of the situation of urgently referred, and had a disproportionate impact on the human rights of many of those affected.

From Islam info, April 11th, 2016 3

As the days go by, the shape a new political design against veiled women takes place. And reverse the stigma of women submitted from the male of her family, in general her brother, father, husband to the woman subjected to a dangerous movement, extremist, bad because Muslim and thus annihilate the religious nature of this garment to a totalitarian vision. While the headscarf is an eminently religious symbol by holding it motivation in a divine order, it is hijacked by political symbol. Therefore, not only the media and politicians can apply to it issues much ward off and especially more delicate such as Salafism that lead to terrorism and the imposition of Sharia law in France, but specially this semantic disguise bypasses part of secularism. A word is not stolen by another for the sake of rhetoric but rather for a politic purpose.

From Atlantico, April 5, 2016 32

This Monday night, at theDejazettheatre, in Paris, inconclusion of a seminar, thePrime Minister has fullyassumed the hard-linegovernment on the secularism,in opposition to the left wingparty, which advocates greaterflexibility in its application. Thehead of



government was firstpaid tribute to ElisabethBadinter, which is committedagainst the "Islamic fashion" but he also gave its clear opinion on the veil, "the veil is not a fashion clothes, it is an enslavement of women, claiming a political sign, "he explained, adding that the question of the veil at university is asked.

From Islam and info, May the 4th 2016 33 Everyone talks about the « reform of Islam ». The words that Valls used as well as others, point to a disastrous future for the Muslim community in France. The worst is that, this group of opportunistic politicians, supported by a number of intellectuals and newspapers that have made the demonization of Muslims their best workhorse, have great relations within hierarchs of Islam in France who do not hesitate to discuss with them friendly.

From Islam and info, May the 4th 2016 34

Luc Chatel, former Minister of Education and author of the circular banning veiled women to accompany their children during school trips, has launched a new attack against the visibility of Muslim women in France. The LR MP for the Haute Marne, has criticized Manuel Valls in particular for his silence on the "#HijabDay" held at Sciences Po.Faced with such criticism, the Prime Minister did not hesitate to violently criticize the initiative by " strongly condemning” the event. More seriously, the head of government, cropped by François Hollande on the headscarf issue in the universities, has helped to spread his personal opinion, in front of a national assembly thrilled.

From Islam et Info, may 12th 2016 35

The Ecquevilly mosque, where is presiding the Salafist Youssef Abou Anas, has been searched on Tuesday night. The Prayer room was under supervision for a long time the by the intelligent services.



From Islam et info, May 17 2016 36

Jean Francois Copé wants to forbid the wear of headscarf in every public institution. Everyone knows Jean François Copé’s obstinacy toward Muslims. Indeed, campaigning for the nomination for president among the Republicans, he made the fight against Islam his spearhead.Thus, he has proposed to establish a "code of secularism and Worship" providing in particular the ban on religious symbols in public institutions. He promises, if elected, to "punish radical behavior,": punish all visible Muslims.

From Islam & info, June 2016 37

Chritine Tassin "Riposte Laique" and "Republican resistance" continues to call for hatred against Islam. After declaring that "Islam is a bitch," she is now calling to fight against "the implementation of Sharia law" in France with "tear gas and Swiss Army knives." This is a new call to hatred on public space that has been shared nearly 11,000 times on Facebook and viewed almost a million times.The laxity of the state regarding to extreme right groups causes a rise of hatred against the Muslim community. The words of Christine Tassin is clearly a call for a civil war.

III- Islamophobia in mass media and cultureAll schools and institutes are the places where kids and youngsters are educated; here, the education to the respect of the other, diversity and vivre ensemble should be the values to be passed by teachers trained with the aim to grow tomorrow’s responsible citizens. Nevertheless, in French and Belgian schools a dangerous trend of stigmatization and conflation is registered to the detriment of certain categories of pupils and students, as they belong to a Muslim family or they have Turkish, North African or Middle East family name; student refused in class by their professors because of their head covering or teenagers rejected for a long skirt “ostentatious of a religion” and head-scarfed mothers who are forbidden to accompany their kids during school trips.



Again, the debate between religion and secularism in schools has become polarized and has made of Islam and Muslims a mixture of people who are unable of “living together” with others because of their opinions, beliefs and habits.

The situation is not better at the level of the mass culture proposed by media, where intellectuals, writers and other public figures gladly take part in the stigmatization of Muslim, in particular after the attacks to Charlie Hebdo, and excusing themselves by a simple exercise of their freedom of expression.Concerning social networks, on several pages and in public groups, publications and comments incite to commit violence against Muslims. In this regard, ORIW cooperates with No Hate Speech Movement – an on-line campaign of the Council of Europe to fight on-line hate speech38 - by reporting any islamophobic and racist content. Moreover, our staff report continuously the same contents to Facebook administrators, sometimes inviting our followers to join the same action. To date the reported contents haven’t been removed yet, but we will continue reporting until our goal will be reached.

Moreover, in the first months of 2015 ORIW has realized a survey by some pupils and students in French schools (Annex I to this report). The questions focus on the perception of the existence and the frequency of the discrimination by the interviewed people and has given to participants the opportunity to describe episodes of discrimination suffered in their schools.

Schools and other educational institutions

From Bien public, October 21 2015 39

Intelligence agencies have reported "abuses" and phenomena of "Islamic radicalism" in some sports clubs. The phenomenon worries François Hollande.There is no "general case, but there are enough individual cases suggesting the attempts to use a number of clubs to make a proselytizing work." A RTL guest yesterday morning, Francois Hollande announced what the intelligence services have revealed late last week: the" radical Islamist drift "in some sports clubs located in popular neighbourhoods in France.

From Islam & info, October 15, 2015 40

Thierry Braillard attack the Muslim community in the ... sport! After attacking young women wearing the headscarf, women wearing the niqab, nurses veiled the accompanying veiled mothers, meals in the canteen, the fight against radicalization, the media and political class has yet found a way of stigmatizing just over the French Muslim minority. It is Thierry Braillard who launched this new offensive against the French



Muslim community. Indeed, under the pretext of fighting against communalism, it is once again a war that is made to the Muslims freedom to live their religion in public. This is from a report entitled “revealing and inquisitors”, "sport vector of sectarianism and radicalism," the minister Thierry Braillard confided to the Islamophobic journalist Calvi on radio waves. This report supposed to be confidential would denounce a "communitarian withdrawal" observed by SRCT in many parts of France in the sport.

Islam&Info, Loiret-France 2 December 2015 41

By directly using as a model the Vichy administration, management of departmental services of Education did not hesitate to apply through official documents to head teachers to establish an anti-Muslim profiling. Indeed, it is clearly requested to report any "infringing parent" to the "principle of secularism" wearing " cloth that held ostensibly a religious affiliation." When we know that it is the same word "ostensible" which was used to prohibit schools for young Muslim women wearing the hijab, we understand who is affected by this Directive. Toupry Denis, the director of the DSDEN Loiret, caught red-handed, has promised to reverse but nothing seems to have been done in this direction. The filling for "radicalization" initiated by Dounia Bouzar were any Muslim child practicing as the target of a state monitoring and services. This is now the parents who will be filled for religious affiliation.

Islam&Info, France le 5 December 2015 42

The National Education said it had documented 857 cases of "suspected radicalization" of Muslim students in 2014-2015 year. An impressive figure who questioned the filing of Muslim students in public schools. Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, Minister of Education, evoked at a hearing before the Senate 816 reports of "radicalization of suspicion." The National Education has noticed an increase with 857 cases.

From Oumma, January 20, 2016 43

Why Muslims students are less well rated and more punished than others? The historian François Dupaire and the sociologist Béatrice Mabilon-Bonfils wrote a book « Fatima less well rated that Marianne » published in the L’aube edition. A book about the institutional racism in the national education who reproduces discriminations, and especially ethnical discrimination.

From RT in French, April 20, 2016 44

Switzerland suspended the naturalization process for the family of two Muslim brothers, after the refusal of the latter to shake hands with their teachers, triggering a national debate on religious freedoms. Tuesday, the canton of Basel-Country authority where is the city of Therwil, said that the naturalization process initiated by the family had been

41 visibles-et-leurs-enfants/42 43


put on hold. The information was confirmed by the spokesman of the Canton, Adrian Baumgartner, in an email quoted by the agency ATS.

From Islam et info, May 11 2014 45

Because she wears the hijab, a woman is being refused at a gym. Here is a sad story that reveals the foul atmosphere in which we live these days in France. Indeed, according to the CCIF which relates this story, an other young Muslim woman was discriminated against because she wears the hijab.

IV- Media, social media and culture

From France TV info, September 10, 2015 46

The Beziers Mayor, doesn’t want to welcome Syrian refugees in his city. He said it in the municipal newspaper, faking a APF picture. He repeats and adds that those who entered in the Devèze illegally will not be welcomed in the city schools.

From Islam en France, de fdesouche 47

Is it appropriate to talk about Islamophobia regarding to acts and discrimination against Muslims? The word anointed has been the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH)."The term Islamophobia is not only slippery but dangerous," argues Caroline Fourest. "It does not mean 'phobia towards Muslims' but 'phobia towards Islam'. If being critical of a religious is found, in official reports, equivalent to racism, it is an unacceptable intellectual intimidation" For Jean-Christophe Moreau, co-author of Islamophobia, the concept Islamophobia is exploited by "activist" which defend some practices such as wearing the headscarf, which is revealing according to him "more the identity than the individual rights." "There is a form of identity assignment that is exercised through this confessionalization of anti-racism” he said.

From le journal du musulman, November 26, 2015 48

A Front National candidate insulted Islam and compared French Muslim to animals. To Pierre Dinet, candidate to the regionals in Aquitaine Limousin Poitou Charentes “yes we do are in a war, and it is more than time de take the arm and free France of this Hydra stinking, deadly that Islam is”

From Al Kanz, November 16, 2015 49

45 47 49


It has not escaped anyone that for years Islam is making headlines on the media. On the Internet, Le Figaro, Marianne or Valeurs actuelles are in a race of the one who has the most clicks, counting on the muslimbashing. Islamophobic people massively share on social networks items that devote to public Muslims obloquy. Reality so well integrated by several press titles that they have developed an editorial strategy on it.

From Islam and info November 16, 2015 50

Islamophobic and racist comments have multiplied since the terrible Friday attacks. They are not the first and others will follow. We can only deplore it. Like every crisis involving from close or far, the Muslim minority, collective responsibility resurfaced in the country. Unfortunately, by fear or opportunism, some play this dirty game and thus, prove to Islamophobic and xenophobic people that they are right.The coming days will tell us how this error is obvious. December 10, 2015 51

In the frame of the state of emergency in France after the attacks of November 13, people filed S were under house arrest. Are there abuses? Halim, stamped as "radical Islamist" think to be a victim of a misunderstanding. Meeting with Halim in this extract from "Further investigation" of December 10, 2015.

La Rédaction | 23 December 2015 52

Latifa Ibn Ziaten announced this week that she will press charges against two people who followed after a symposium on 8 December in the National Assembly during which she was booed by participants because of her headscarf.

From Islam and info, December the 5th 2015 53

The Coalition against Racism and Islamophobia (CRI) has made condemn Eric Zemmour repeat offender for inciting hatred against Muslims. The court sentenced him to a fine of 3000 Euros and to pay 1,000 Euros in damages to CRI.

From Contre-Attaques, February 15, 201611

Invited on the show “on n’est pas couché” to promote his book “spirit of Judaism” Bernad Henri Levy, philosopher and intellectual media said citing the story of Hagar and Ismael, that Muslims were "the enemies of

50 51 52 1988715_23.php#xtor=CS2-238


the Jews." His comments elicited no reaction what so ever on set, nor controversy despite the seriousness of their reach.

From Islam et Info, May 3 2016 54

"French Molenbeek Label." The Radical Generation Identitaire group launched a new poster campaign in some cities in France. Last night, they stuck their first posters in a residential area of Trappes, an affront to the city youth who have decided to react. Islamophobic Generation Identitaire group has created what he calls "the French Molenbeek label." A name that has its sources in the statements of Patrick Kanner, Minister of the City, which had indicated that there were "a hundred neighbourhoods in France" with "potential similarities to Molenbeek"

From Islam et info, May 5th 2016 55

The conversion to Islam of a dozen policemen causes concern to the intelligence services. According to the MP Yves Albarello, the "breaches of secularism" progress in police stations and prisons. "Look carefully their mission. [...] 17 cases of police officers who converted to Islam were reported in a confidential note by the management of local security in the Paris area. "The response of the Minister of Justice, Jean-Jacques Urvoas, did not wait. Specific measures have already been established in order to not recruit policemen on which there would be "doubts".

IV – Good News Although all the encountered difficulties and even if the road to a real « living together » has a long way to go, some opening signs towards a relaxed and serene dialogue encourage a more positive view for the future. The NGOs who work to this aim are numerous and even some politicians and other public figures actively work together to the realization of a more just and equal society.

This section is devoted to the progresses and signs of progresses in the fight against racism and discriminations, in particular in reference to Islamophobia, in French-speaking countries and elsewhere.

From Al Kanz, September 22, 2015 56

Thursday, September 24, Muslims will celebrate Eid al-Adha. We will be a weekday, so a school day. The Eid al-Adha is a religious festival, as are Yom Kippur for Jews - which will take place tomorrow, Wednesday - Vesak feast for Buddhist or Christian holidays

53 musulmans/54


that are into the calendar effect in France. The law explicitly authorizes exceptionally students affected by these celebrations to be absent. The text on the subject is Circular No. 2004-084 of 18 May 2004, Official Journal (OJ) of 22 May 2004, which states that:Authorisation of absence must be granted to students for major religious holidays that do not coincide with a day off and whose dates are recalled each year by an instruction issued to BO.

From Huffington post, September 29, 201557

A civic professor of history and geography and civic education, Nicolas Huguenin, wrote an open letter to Nadine Morano, in this letter Mr. Huguenin fiercely critics Nadine Morano’s position stating that;"I have not watched your television pretation last night. I went to a concert where magnificent artists had performed works by Liszt, Brahms and Chopin, and after so many beautiful sound, the idea of hearing you charging your nonsense voice of a fishmonger « lepénisée » repelled me slightly. No, completely, actually. But this morning, I took some and I watched eight (long) minutes of your intervention. And let me tell you, madam, that your illness -named "disease porridge head" – make you say nonsense ».

From BFMTV, September 6, 2015 58

For Claude Bartolone, welcoming refugees is "a matter of honor for our country and a way for our civilization." The President (PS) of the National Assembly and regional candidate in Ile-de-France, invited on Sunday night BFMTV, insisted the need for France to give hospitality to migrants who rush by thousands from the conflict areas.

From Courrier de l’Atlas, September 8, 2015 59

Lilian Thuram Foundation - Education against Racism, offers a scorlariship of EUR 10 000 for one year. A research project that will focus on education against racism.

From Bien public, October 6, 2015 60

At Chenôve, un meeting to get to know each other and live together. The Workers' Catholic Action (ACO) organized recently in Chenôve, a meeting between Christians and Muslims.

From Islam and info, October 18, 2015 61

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Alain Minc, an economist and former adviser to Nicolas Sarkozy, released a new book "Un français de tant de souches." He proposes to facilitate what he calls "the integration of Muslims" by suspending the 1905 law on secularism and demonstrating "reasonable accommodation."Alain Minc present him self as an assimilated Jew immigrant who noticed the rise of secular fundamentalism against Islam. For example, he mentioned the umpteenth controversy surrounding alternative menus in school canteens. He points to the political and media using secularism to exclude, marginalize the Muslim community.

From le journal du musulman, November 2015

Nicolas and Pauline launched a particularly touching initiative. The two friends through the streets of Val-de-Marne, part of Hauts-de-Seine and Essonne to paste hearts and messages of peace on the doors of several mosques.

From le journal du musulman, September 2nd 2015

The LIS association has renewed this Sunday's operation of distribution of free Quran. Some Muslims met on the forecourt of La Defense to offer passers copies of the Holy Quran translated into French.

TRT Français, le 12 December 2015

Denmark has passed a new law that enounce the seizure of migrants’ jewellery. In a new public channel, the Minister of Justice and Immigration, Sören Pind had indicated the need to confiscate valuables item migrants. "The income that will then be obtained may be used for their needs," he said. The proposal then became law this week. Engagement alliances, watches and mobile phones will not be confiscated but the objects that cost more than 300 Euros will be. The law is already aroused great reactions in the Danish and Swedish public and it is unclear on how the police will apply this law.

Oumma, France le 11 December 2015 62

A Muslim candidate for the 2017 presidential election? With its good results in the regional elections in 2015, the Union of French Muslim Democrats are already preparing for presidential and parliamentary elections 2017.

Oumma, France le 16 December 2015

More than 100 imams of mosques and 25 municipalities met Tuesday, 15.12 around the prefect of the Rhône Alpes region to find solutions aimed at eradicating the development of radicalism. During this unique gathering in France, Muslims leaders have made a



series of ten proposals to restructure, better form themselves and open more to society more.

Oumma, United Kingdom, le 10 December 2015

An anti-Trump petition, prohibiting him from entering the United Kingdom, is breaking records of signatures. A frantic pace where to affix signatures (more than 440,000) on the petition posted Tuesday on the website of the British Parliament, to call for back up Donald Trump on entering the UK.

le JDM, Brussels le 11 December 2015 63

Employees of the Brussels Employment Office can now wear the hijab.

Oumma, Canada le 13 December 2015 64

In Canada, a glee club sang a traditional Muslim song to welcome the Syrian refugees. This historic anasheed well known in the Muslim world with the title " “Tala al-badru`alaynâ " (The full moon has risen upon us) is the one that was sang to welcome the Prophet (SAWS) in Madinah where he found refuge.

Ajib, France le 11 December 2015 65

The Senate agreed to a commission dedicated to the Muslim faith. Wednesday night, the Senate gave its approval for the establishment of an information mission on Islam. This project will establish a commission of issues related to Islam in France. Its main role will be to organize and finance the Muslim religion in the country. Funding for mosques, released [...].

La Rédaction | 23 December 2015 66

Latifa Ibn Ziaten announced this week that she will press charges against two people who followed after a symposium on 8 December in the National Assembly during which she was booed by participants because of her headscarf.

From Oumma, January 6, 2016 67

Is there less islamophobia in Quebec than in Europe? The DZ chronic from Quebec asked this question to Amir Khadir, a Quebecer for whom the level of discrimination against Muslims does not reach the one who persists in Europe. According to Haroun Bouazzi,

63 64 65 66 67


founder of AMAL association (Association for Muslims and Arabs for the laicity in Quebec), there is an islamophobia in Quebec, due to some political parties, but on the other hand, it does not infect the social success of Quebec from Maghreb immigration.

From Le Parisien, January 9th 2016

Is it really a surprise? A Muslim woman wearing a hijab has been kicked out of a Donald Trump rally this Friday. She was asked to leave after she silently protested against the white house candidate, written in her garment in capital letters: “Salam, I come in peace”. The television footage of the rally, that took place Friday in Rock Hill in South Carolina, shows that the woman has been lead out in calm toward the exit by a policeman, while the supporters of the republican primary candidate agitate their signs toward her direction, with vehemence for some of them.

From Oumma, January 13, 2016 68

Barack Obama urges Americans to reject the Islamophobic political rhetoric against the Congress. "When politicians insult Muslims, whether abroad or our own citizens, when a mosque is vandalized or a child is abused, it does not make us stronger contrary to the claims of those who allow themselves to do that. It discredits us to the world, and makes our goals harder to achieve. It is a betrayal of our principles and our values. " he said.

From Islam et info, January 4, 2016 69

In Great Britain, islamophobia has a raise of 275%: British Muslims do no longer feel safe. They feel a change in the atmosphere to all that is related to Islam. Attacks against Muslims have doubled in Britain since 2013 and they have exploded since the attacks in Paris in November. Hijaby women are the first victims of the exacerbated fear of British people. They are often attacked verbally and physically in the streets or public transport by Islamophobic groups determined to make them feel like they are no longer welcome in Britain. Islamophobia is spreading like wildfire in European countries. The suspicion towards Muslim people generates tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims.

From Islam et Info, January 3, 2016 70

The Slovak prime minister Robert Fico, hits hard regarding to Islam. Currently campaigning for his re-election, he hopes to "monitor every Muslim in the country." For social democrat (Smer-SD), all Muslims are potential terrorists. The shocking point of his strategy lies in its immediate effect in the survey: the more he attacks the Muslims the more he rises in popularity.



From l’Assemblée Nationale, February 3, 201671

On the proposal of the MP, Jean-Jacques Candelier, a commission of inquiry was created of thirty members to analyse the development of Islamophobia in France and set up legal provisions against speeches, ideas, Islamophobic acts and policies. Taking rightly comments of the Collective against Islamophobia in France, Jean-Jacques Candelier says in its draft resolution: "According to Elsa Ray, spokesman of CFIC "Islamophobia in France is a structural phenomenon, that took root and developed within the institutions." The 2015 report of his organization shows that 71% of discrimination that are based on religious affiliation occurs in institutions. Islamophobia is a problem in extension. This is an issue that corrodes our society by designating an enemy from within. This is a problem for the Republic and for those who suffer daily. Whereas the prohibition of Islamophobic expression in public space is related to the laws who governs freedom of expression and that Islamophobia is not punishable as such in France, we ask you to adopt this motion for a resolution. "

From TRT, February 3, 2016 72

During a 3-day meeting, organized by the Turkish-American Cultural Community (TACS) and the Council of Muslim Organizations of the United States (USCMO), many politicians, academics and leaders of non-governmental organizations talked about the raise of islamophobics speeches of these last days, and the integration of Muslims in the Western world. Turkish Minister of Foreign affairs, Mevlut Cavusoglu, thanked in a letter the organizers of the meeting in which the member of the Board of TACS Cetin Guzel and the representative of USCMO, Usame Cemal. In the end of the meeting, the letter from Mr. Cavusoglu has been read to the participants. "We Muslims, have many values and traditions that match perfectly to the universal values of humanity. The misinterpretation of Islam by fanatics, unfortunately, hurts the image of Islam and its believers ".

From Le Figaro, February 3 2016 73

Activist from the islamophobic group Pediga, was going to parade Saturday in Calais against the arrival of the migrants, who tried to go to England. They will not have the authorization. The minister of the interior, Bernard Cazeneuve, confirmed Wednesday after noon, that no demonstration, which can “disturb public order”, “no matter the organizer” will be allowed in Calais as long as “the current mood will remain”, after a meeting in Paris with the regional elected representatives.

From France TV, February 7 2016 74

The American federal capital will host, in October 2016, the most important exposition dedicated to the Holy Book of Islam. It was initiated by the Freer and Sackler Gallery,



which depends to the National Museum of Asian Arts. It occurs on the electoral campaign that is marked by islamophobia. This is an add that will probably pounce Donald Trump. The Qur'an will be honoured in Washington, on the eve of the US presidential election. The program includes a major exhibition dedicated to the holy book of Islam, as reported by The Art Newspaper. Since the beginning of his in campaign, the candidate to the Republican primary for the presidential multiplies attacks against anything related to Islam. He even made a solemn appeal to the "total and complete cessation of the entry of Muslims in the United States" causing controversy in his own camp.

From Contre Attaques, February 12, 2016 75

Alain Gresh was questioned in the Senat about Islam in France: January the 13th tasks, on the mission of information organization, the position, funding of Islam in France, and place of worship have been launched at the request of UDI-UC. It is in that matter, that Alain Gresh, journalist and ex-editor in chief in “Le Monde diplomatique” has been questioned.

From Z.S en VRAC, April 15 2016 76

France is increasingly pinned to it intolerance of people of Muslim faith or for its intransigence toward migrants. These are the conclusions of the annual global report on human rights presented by the chief of US diplomat John Kerry. This is not the first time that abuses committed against foreigners or French citizens not quite "secular" in the eyes of French law, are highlighted. Accused of being Islamophobic by the Americans themselves, the hexagon could be imposed some sanctions for his highly intolerant behavior for those who are considered second class citizens.First one to point the finger at other’s failure, especially if they are from Muslim countries, the French state forgets that he is far from a model of virtue. And John Kerry has not bothered to remind that to the French.

From Islam& info, April 28 2016 77

In Marseille, a synagogue will be converted into a mosque. A transaction that cost 400 000 Euros to al Badr organization and which will permit to host in better conditions the Marseille believers of Islam.

From Islam and info, April 29 2016 78



Saturday, the mosque in Montataire will hold an open day to discover Islam for non- Muslims. Started at 14:30, the curious could visit the site, ask questions and participate in many workshops offered for the occasion."We want them to discover what Islam is really about, without the image that can be conveyed by some media, explains Khalid El Ammari, president of the Association of Muslim worship Montataire. We must break the clichés that can move and emphasize the living together. "

From Islam and info, April 11 2016 79

Hawa, a young student and initiator of the petition "united against the government hatred", was chosen to represent France at the 4th International leadership conference for youth in Malaysia, which brings together many young leaders from around the world. She also committed herself against the words of Laurence Rossignol on the hijab and the "Islamic fashion". The theme this year is perfectly current with the event, as it entitled "United in Diversity - A crossroads of cultures."

From Islam and info, April19 201613

Following the debate on theheadscarf ban at universitylaunched by Manuel Valls,Political Sciences studentsdecided to respond with a"Hijab Day". Students areinvited to come with aheadscarf to participate in thisday to support religiousfreedom. The concept wasimported from the UnitedStates seeks to "demystify thisfabric," says the organizers.



Young women who organized that day had the merit put to the right of a woman to cover herself in the center of debate. For Laetitia Demaya, organizer of the "hijab day", one of the objectives is to "give voice to the veiled women" and "engage in dialogue".

From le NouvelObservateur, April 9 2016 80

"Fed up". After thehostile political reactions to the launch of "Islamic" fashion by major brands and more generally toward the headscarf, which are packed to fill all the public debate, dozens of websurfers of all faiths publish on social networks, sign of support, photos of them wearing headscarves, under the hashtag # TousVoilés

From Islam and info, April 11, 2016 81

François Xavier Haquet is a poet who often reacts to the news, including the issues related to discrimination, secularism or Islamic veil. His letter to Muslims, a few days after the attacks in Paris made him known to the community.Yesterday he decided to give his views on the headscarf issue. An issue in all debates from Laurence Rossignol and Manuel Valls.

From Islam et info, May 16 2016

TV BOUQUET: Free channels on Islam from May 12 to 19, 2016.The Muslim TV Bouquet offers even more news and spirituality. The holy month of Ramadan approaching, so cultivate your faith with our new programs such as Objective Al Firdaws giving you tips to reach paradise, based on the hadith of the Prophet (SAWS), or a new season science and faith where Dr. Mustafa Mahmud argues the existence of Allah and signs of his greatness through science.

V-World News

From TRT France, December 12, 2015 82

Denmark passed a law that stipuate the seizure of migrants jewelry, to meet their needs. In a new public channel SVT, the Minister of Justice and Immigration, Sören Pind had indicated the need to confiscate valuables migrants. "The income that will be obtained may be used for their needs," he said. The proposition then became law this week. Engagement rings, watches and mobile phones will not be confiscated but the objects of more than 300 Euros that will have migrants with them, will be confiscated.



The law already brough reactions in the Danish and Swedish public and it is still unclear how the police will apply this law.

From Oumma december 16, 2015

More than 100 presidents and imams of mosques and 25 municipalities met Tuesday, 15/12 around the prefect of the Rhône Alpes region to find solutions aimed at eradicating the development of radicalism. During this unique gathering in France, Muslim leaders have made a series of ten proposals to restructure, better form and open more to society.

From Oumma, december 10 2015

Following the Paris Attacks, the San Bernardion Attack was also called a terrorist attack, in California, and Trumps declaration to forbid any Muslim to enter to the United States, Mark Zuckerberg published on his Facebook page a positive signal in which he reassures the Muslim community, where ever they are in the world, that they are welcome on Facebook “we will fight to protect your rights, and assure you a peaceful and safe environment” he said.

From Oumma, London December 11, 2015 83

Thursday December 10, a Muslim man was forced to get off the suburb train to the Finsbury Park station, when a man assaulted him verbally in a way that he had to reconsider reaching his destination. The assailant standing well dressed wearing a bag on his shoulder. He was very interested to the tablet that was holding the other passenger of Arab origin. When noticing this misplaced curiosity has immediately turn it off.

From Oumma, UK, December 10, 2015 .84

An anti Donald Trump petition, forbidding him to enter to the United Kingdom, breaks records in signatures. More than 440,000 signed the petition who was posted Tuesday on the British Parliament’s website.

From le Journal du musulman, December 12, 2015 85

Employees at the Brussels Employment Office can now wear the hijab.

81 précieux-des-migrants-420356?platform=hootsuite83 84 85 desormais-porter-le-hijab/


From Oumma, Canada, december 13, 2015 86

In Canada, a children's choir sang a traditional Muslim song to welcome the Syrian refugees. This historic anasheed well known in the Muslim world which title is"` Tala al-badru`alaynâ "(The full moon has risen upon us) is the one that was sung to welcome the Prophet (SAWS) in Madinah where he found refuge.

From Ajib, France, December 13, 2015 87

The Senate: an agreement was settled to create a commission on the Muslim worship. Wednesday night, the Senate executive board agreed to set up information mission on Islam. It consists in creating a commission interested in question regarding Islam. It main goal will be to organize and finance the Muslim worship in the country.

From Ajib, Switzerland, December 14 2015 88

In 2013, the Switzerlaand canton of St. Gallen was shaken up by the headscarf debate in school. Indeed, while a 14 years old schoolgirl wore the headscarf was going to school, the school administration prohibited her to come along. The case between the girl's parents and leaders of the institution had been brought to justice. The Federal Court delivered its verdict on Friday : the student can wear her headscarf in school. To argue this decision, the Court notes that such a ban is unconstitutional. The parents that had objected the school’s decision, in summer 2013, are relieved by the verdict. The decision was adopted as voted by four judges on the five. The federal judge has announced that the court holds that "the ban on headscarves is not necessary to ensure effective teaching"(le Temps). The federal judge highlighted that "wearing a headscarf makes neither rude nor unruly." Realistic words and yet seem to us so extraordinary these days.

From Oumma, december 17 2015 89

The public space neutrality, with unlimited boundaries for our politicians of all side, curled up in his primary secularism, failing to solve the real issue of France, should not extend toward French universities for the Observatory of laicité which, in its opinion highly expected opinion, released Tuesday, is likely going to make some people cringe, judging the will to legislate at any costs "neither useful nor appropriate ».

From Oumma, January 6, 2016 90

Is there less islamophobia in Quebec than in Europe? The DZ chronic from Quebec asked this question to Amir Khadir, a Quebecer for whom the level of discrimination against

86 87 88 89 90


Muslims does not reach the one who persists in Europe. According to Haroun Bouazzi, founder of AMAL association (Association for Muslims and Arabs for the laicity in Quebec), there is an islamophobia in Quebec, due to some political parties, but on the other hand, it does not infect the social success of Quebec from Maghreb immigration.

From Le Parisien, January 9th 2016 91

Is it really a surprise? A Muslim woman wearing a hijab has been kicked out of a Donald Trump rally this Friday. She was asked to leave after she silently protested against the white house candidate, written in her garment in capital letters: “Salam, I come in peace”. The television footage of the rally, that took place friday in Rock Hill in South Carolina, shows that the woman has been lead out in calm toward the exit by a policeman, while supporters of the Republican primary candidate agitate their signs toward her direction, with vehemence for some of them.

From Oumma, January 13, 2016 92

Barack Obama urges Americans to reject the Islamophobic political rhetoric against the Congress. "When politicians insult Muslims, whether abroad or our own citizens, when a mosque is vandalized or a child is abused, it does not make us stronger contrary to the claims of those who allow themselves to do that. It discredits us to the world, and makes our goals harder to achieve. It is a betrayal of our principles and our values. " he said.

From Oumma, January 27 2016 93

A young British Sikh manager, mistaken for a Muslim, traumatized by his interrogation at the Detroit airport. When he boarded the plane, that was suppose to take him to the other side of the Atlantic, to visit the US subsidiary of the company "Octave Security" installed in Leicestershire, this dynamic young executive manager never imagined that his stopover in Detroit would be fatal to him, because of his color skin and a fantasy to Islam, even though he is Sikh. Subject of a tough interrogation for 13 hours which



seemed like an eternity, hungry and dehydrated, and the shock of being accused of "illegal immigration" after 20 minutes, Amreet Surana quickly realized that they took him for a Muslim and therefore he went through, an unjustified and unjustifiable treatment.

From Islam et info, January 4, 2016 94

In Great Britain, islamophobia increased 275%: British Muslims do no longer feel safe. They feel a change in the atmosphere to all that is related to Islam. Attacks against Muslims have doubled in Britain since 2013 and they have exploded since the attacks of Paris in November. Women are the first victims of the exacerbated fear of British people. They are often attacked verbally and physically in the streets or in public transport by Islamophobic groups determined to make them feel like they are no longer welcome in Britain. Islamophobia is spreading like wildfire in European countries. The suspicion towards Muslim people generates tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims.

From Islam et Info, January 3, 2016 95

The Slovak prime minister Robert Fico, hits hard regarding to Islam. Currently campaigning for his re-election, he hopes to "monitor every Muslim in the country." For social democrat (Smer-SD), all Muslims are potential terrorists. The shocking point of his strategy lies in its immediate effect in the survey: the more he attacks the Muslims the more he rises in popularity.

From Oumma, February 4, 2016 96

Condemning the islamophobic rhetoric by the outrageous Donald Trump, Barack Obama, eager to correct “the extreme distorted perception” of Islam and Muslim, strongly condemned the anti-Muslim acts on the rise, and was outraged that kids are being targeted with intimidation and by the mosques desecration in the last few months.

From RTBF, February 2, 2016 97

In Belgium, the administrative supreme court agreed, on Monday, with a Flemish professor of religion who refused to sign a community education circular of the north of the country, relating to the ban of “convictional” clothes. Wearing the headscarf, she hasn’t been hired by the Maldegem school director. At the beginning of the scholar year 2013-2014, during her temporary designation as an Islamic teacher, this woman refused



to sign the circular. Because of the school’s rejection to hire her, she started a legal action to the administrative supreme court.

From Euronews, February 8, 2016 98

Around 2 000 people walked on Sunday in Sarajevo, the Bosnian Capital, to protest against the decision of the superior council of prosecutors and magistrate. The Muslim community, around half of the population, took it personally. Even if this measure is also targeting the cross that wear the Catholics and Orthodox. “My headscarf means everything to me” explains a demonstrator, “it is my life, my pride, my belief and my love for Allah”. “We defend the ideology of a democratic and free society” claimed the organizer, Ismmet Becar. A society where you can dress as Micheal Jackson if you want to, or be completely naked close to your office window working out. Similarly, you should be able to cover you head, wear a headscarf, dress as you feel like it”. The Muslim community fears that she will be put apart of the judiciary jobs institution, whether to be judge, lawyer, or administrative jobs.

From Yabiladi, February 2016 99

“Fed up” is a week word to describe the feeling of the Muslim community in the United-States, after months of presidential campaign and the manipulation by the Republican candidate Donald Trump. Whereas he is climbing in the opinion poll, Muslim are challenging him. “Enough is enough!” said the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) in a recorded video by NowThis, dedicated to the American presidential, and addressed to Donald trump. The MPAC talks in the name of the whole community targeted by these attacks from the Republican candidate since the beginning of the campaign. Between the call for the closure of mosques and the demand to close the US borders to Muslims, Trump has indeed multiplied outputs "stigmatizing" against Muslims. Last Friday at a meeting, he did it again, telling the "story" of 50 Muslims killed in the Philippines with "bullets dipped in pig's blood."

From liberation, April 19 2016 100

In Brussels, despite the malaise created with the attacks, the believers of Islam feel better integrated than in France, in reaction of the recent remarks of Minister of interior. While we always blame them for not taking a stand against the terrorists, we saw hundreds of Muslims, in Place de la Bourse in Brussels, put a candle, a bouquet, a paper, singing "I love you Bruxelles, Brussels I adore you ... "to the tune of Honey I love you » or chanting loud" ISIS GET OUT! ". A banner" Not in the name of Islam " hung on walls. Right after the attacks, the Belgian director Ismaël Saidi signed a text entitled "Why



Muslims do not go out massively in the streets to condemn" and it begins with "Because we are driving taxis that bring people home for free since yesterday, because we're treating the wounded in hospitals, "and ends with "Because we are in mourning."

VI- Our Action and advancement

For the last year, we worked on several reports, and also pleaded in front of international institutions such as HADLE, OSCE, etc. However, it is not enough. This is why, ORIW organized several events and conference, to sensitize society on racism and islamophobia, with the support of national and international organizations, such as Side events, parliamentary assembly of the council of Europe (APCE) or Human Dimension Meeting organized by the OSCE/ODIHR in Warsaw. But ORIW also intervene in cinema night and debate organized by other organizations, as well as seminars and symposia.

Strasbourg, ORIW/COJEP, January 2016

ORIW organised a meeting at COJEP, with the participation of different international organisation, such as CCIB, FEMYSO, la Foie, but also Comité du 15 mars et liberté. The discussion was about the current events specially the state of emergency, how to be more efficient to fight against abuses that is resulting, and reflection on solution.

Strasbourg, Session des INGO at the Council of Europe, January 2016

ORIW and international COJEP, attended the NGO Working Group at the Council of Europe on the fight against Islamophobia, but also youth radicalization. ORIW could, through these various work group, talk about claims, and talked about possible solutions.

Strasbourg, April 2016

At the session of INGOs of April, the team ORIW and COJEP international met several MPs to push through claims on the issues of the fight against youth radicalization and the root causes. But also on Islamophobia and the recognition of the terms and practices as a crime in the eyes of the law.There were also discussions on the current situation in France with the audience Rapporteur.

Ankara, April 29/30 2016

Participation to a table ronde/international conference with the Prime Minister's department, chair of overseas affiliates and Turkish communities and other European organizations that deals with Islamophobia to consolidate a common strategy to fight against this phenomenon.


Genève, COJEP international/ORIW – June 2016

June 28, took place at the United Nations 32th session of the Council of Human Rights. For the occasion a conference was held on the topic of Islamophobia, specially "the rise of Islamophobia in Europe, what dangers? ". As such, many organizations have responded to the call, including COJEP international and ORIW but there was also the participation of Foundation de l’entre-connaissance and UNAM. This conference started with defining the term Islamophobia. To highlight the distrust and hatred generalized to the Muslim community and Muslims. To show what are the consequences and dangers. A note was made on the tolerance to hostility toward Muslim, from our representatives who sometimes participate themselves in this Islamophobia through political speeches. There is an overall politicization of the rejection of Muslims and the community. This Islamophobia challenges all the values of democratic countries and the rule of law. We note that today's laws defend poorly victims experiencing Islamophobic acts and assaults. And this must change, by recognizing Islamophobia as a specific crime. Some solutions have been proposed, such as being an actor in the society, to avail democratic means, and not to position themselves as victims, but we have to take action to fight against this flea. Also by pushing youth to higher education and excellence to reverse this trend.

Strasbourg, may 29/30 2016

Participation in the seminar 'No hate web. No hate speech ». Fight against hate speech 'at the Palace of Europe - Council of Europe, under the patronage of Mr. Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe, organized by the LICRA in partnership with No Hate Speech Movement, Respect area, University of Strasbourg and Strasbourg.

Strasbourg, France –June 2016

The ORIW in partnership with COJEP International, organized in the Council of Europe a side event on the occasion of PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe) to discuss the need for a global, shared definition of Islamophobia.The discussion was held around the interventions of Ms. Cinzia Mantoni and Mrs. Bianca Oneata, coordinators of the ORIW and Mr. Fatih Karakaya, moderator and member COJEP.

Vienna, July 2015

Two person from ORIW Miss Cinzia Mantoni and Miss Bianca-Eliza Oneata, visited Austria in the OSCE to participate in the "OSCE Supplementary Human Dimension Meeting - Freedom of Religion or Belief, Fostering Mutual respect and Understanding ", a forum of discussion about the implementation of OSCE commitments regarding freedom of religion or belief, and thus explore opportunities for greater cooperation between states and civil society OSCE space.



“We must fight against the staging of a war of identity!”. Mr Raphael Li- ogier interviewed by ORIW in occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.The International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is celebrated annually on 21 March. On that day in 1960, the police opened fire and killed 69 people during a peaceful demonstration taking place in Sharpeville (South Africa), against the apartheid laws. On this occasion several NGOs and European Institutions have proposed to organize a European-wide Action Week against racism. ORIW took the initiative to contribute to this project and reiterate its commitment against islamopho- bia and racism by emphasizing the view of a public figure that fights against conflation and prejudices. Our contribution to this week against racism is an interview with Professor Raphael Liogier, a sociologist and philosopher, appreciated and known for his religious studies. Currently he is a university professor at the Institute for Studies of Aix-en-Provence, he is part of the International College of Philosophy (Paris) since 2006 and directs the Observatory of religion and Master Religions and society; he is also member of the International Commission for Peace Research (UNESCO).

What does this day dedicated to the fight against racial discrimination signify for you?

Globalization is a phenomenon that characterizes the world since the early XVII- XVIII- XIX centuries. Usually, when we speak about globalization we think about the financial flow, movement of material goods, the flow of information, but it is first and foremost the human flow. So globalization has led to an attendance of more intense of human breeding. This also led to critical globalization issues, which go with the process of modernity, that is to say forms of rejection of people who are different from us, that we meet in the traditional world. These people, they are different from us, because institutionalized racism presents them as barbarians, savages, outsiders, who are on the other side of the border; we do not see them, they are elsewhere. In the modern world, black people live among us and this leads to a form of rejection. Modernity in- volves “a living together” where we have different ways of living, being, different appearances. For the first time in human history is inevitable to live together. This requires an enormous effort as well as a change of our imaginary and thought-from a thought of exclusion towards a thought of cohesion. Even if this march took place in South Africa, a place where racial segregation existed, we can see its significant role for the upcoming generations, on a global scale. It is also a signal that at some point or another we will have to go beyond racial discrimination towards a sort of global governance, global civil society. To understand the importance of this march for the whole humanity, it is compulsory to analyze the origin of the concept called “race”. Indeed, we must be able to tell the difference between species and race from a biological point of view. There is only one species, referring to a group of living beings who resemble and are similar in terms of genetics whose purpose is to procreate and cross-breed.

Speeches, ideologies and racist conversations must be condemned but this is not

enough. What other methods should we use to fight against racism?

In this moment we have some places around the world-in anthropology these places are known as “geography of anger”-where there is a high level of frustration and people tend to become nationalists. It is a reality that in Europe, more than everywhere else, we encounter different forms of symmetrical processes opposed to the idea of globalization, which have


their origin back in in the early 2000. This is manifested in a rejection of immigration, while Europe has the lowest number of immigrants-or at least where immigration is a lot more controlled. Europe is afraid of losing its identity. The idea of identity is strictly related to race, because identity means being the same and this implies morphology, face, and skin- color, so nowadays Europeans fear losing the identity of what they were, considering Europe as the centre of the colonial world. Today’s racism is not normal as the one related to skin-color. Instead it is a global and general racism, involving a cultural extension: a link-up between racism and islamophobia. The link with islamophobia is seen especially in Europe as it is facing an identity crisis. In order to stop this dramatically and destructive situation happening in Europe, we must organize campaigns, marches, but we must do all this with honesty and desire to succeed. Suppression is not the solution. We must work to stimulate people’s desire to act. We must organize different cultural movements, as we did against homophobia. We managed to transform this in something positive, by making fun of it. It is very important to act and change things on a cultural and humor basis.

Islamophobia is a very spread theme giving the international context. What are the steps

that we and other organizations must follow in our fight against Islamophobia?

Organizations have a crucial role, in the suburbs as well as in the outlying neighborhoods. But they must act in the city centers and even in the bourgeois world. Furthermore, we must fight against paranoid speeches, which are becoming more and more popular. Politicians and media should stop using our identity crisis as an instrument that goes against people. This new concept which is a “cultural racism” is based on what we could call “populism”-being used by whatever the political party is, “to protect the true people”, giving them the feeling of being “a true French”, “a true and good German” and being represented by politicians who seem to be the true descendants of the French or German people In this game, minorities play the role of a fake people, an enemy of the French one, because they are just pretending and trying to act like the latter.This game is easy if the enemy is represented by the Muslims because they can make use of Europe’s Christian identity but also of modernity: how do Muslims express and most important, women’s freedom in Muslim countries. Those who act as progressives feel they have the right to be Islamophobic. And last but not least we have those priests, sociologists etc. who pretend being tolerant but in reality they are fighting against these values. Racism as we see it today is against those people who are not the true people, with whom we have a paranoid relationship, not a phobic one because having a phobia means being scared while being paranoid is when we think others look at us with anger, an attitude against the “true people”.

Do you think that all the efforts made by these organizations and those made by Muslim

people living in France are enough for the “living together”?

First of all, there are some organizations, such as CCIF, that fight against islamophobia and manage to do a great work regarding the legal issues in favor those people, victims of Islamophobic reactions. But it is necessary to change these debates because they are insensitive and Muslims are not present during these debates. Nowadays a minority is attacked in its whole, even if these people are different from one another; they are seen as a whole and discriminated as such. There must be some political initiatives to fight against discrimination also expressed by the government through politic policies.


Muslims must go out and create political debates, strong and political speeches raise their voice. We need political organizations which are able to raise their voice, the same as a trade union or other Muslims, no matter their political views :right wing, left wing, small or big, they should all get together as Muslims. They must get out and act. Sometimes Muslim people are led by cowardice or apathy in matters of politics. Changes have been made but it is not enough. Ironically, if there such attitudes existed before that would be more reassuring for the rest of the population, precisely because it would mean that Muslims affirm their responsible citizenship and their behavior would be that of citizens, of the “real” French people, German, English, etc. and want to be treated as such. Fully Muslims and at the same time entirely French, without return to characteristics That is private and ethno cultural. This should not only be told by intellectuals, but it would have to be clearly stated by Muslims, by policies.Muslims must express themselves, have access to media and be present during debates that are more or less seized by Islamophobic people. Sometimes we can see people like me or like Mr. EdwyPlenel, sometimes CCIF representatives, even if this is less common, but we never see Muslim people who really get involved in political debates. They have the right to take part in public debates, but right now we are stuck because on one side we refuse to have a dialogue with these people and on the other side they do not have some real political representatives.

On 19th February, Nicolas Sarkozy stated: "We do not want head-covered women

because in the Re- public men and women are equal". But this is only the last among

sexist and Islamophobic statements coming from persons of the public sphere and

institutions. How to fight effectively against prejudices and exclusion if the politics

passes continuously this kind of racist messages?

As the voice of Muslim people at political level has been confiscated, we cannot hear a Muslim voice challenging what Nicolas Sarkozy has said. Mr. Sarkozy does populism by saying 'we do not want' and pretending to represent the true French people.We must fight against the staging of a war of identity. We must get out of this scenario and start to accept a political voice from Muslims. Today there is no acceptance of this political Muslim voice but there is also an absence of it: public space is blocked for them and at the same time there aren’t people who are actually forcing the public space for speaking. We must demonstrate that Islamophobia is a new form of cultural racism that grows today in the con- text of European populism. And therefore it is not against Islamophobia as such that we must fight against, but it’s the cultural racism as a whole. Islam is only a pretext. Islamophobia is the top of the iceberg of a very worrying cultural transformation in the evolution of racism. We should implement a real social movement that mobilizes to defend the values all the whole society. Islamophobia is putting in danger our society – the values of liberté, fraternité and egalité - but also the great democratic principles of European societies. Today’s moderate Muslim moderate plays the role of black persons who weren’t thieves in the last century. Moderate Muslims are those who serve us and that we can control. So moderate in the meaning that they are not the same as the others because of the moderation. The idea of moderation is an aberration because the concept of moderation is a condescending definition meaning that some Islam can be stood, but not much. Therefore, talking about a moderate Islam is like talking of the negritude. In essence the black people were seen as criminals and in the same manner Muslims are by nature


terrorists. When one takes into consideration the concept of moderation it is because we judge negatively the other.

After some tragic events, such as the attacks in Paris and Copenhagen and the shooting

of the three young Muslims in the United States, we often see people of different

religions and beliefs to attack each other on media, in particular on social networks. Why

religions are once again used as a pretext for to discriminate and hate?

Because religions are part of the decor of the war of identities and civilizations. We use religion to justify this frustration, and today we live in a world with enormous social and economic frustration. In his book The clash of civilizations, the American Samuel Hungtinton says that since the twentieth century we live in a kind of big bubble of information, in a mixture of symbols where there is not only a single civilization. There are a lot of disparities between the different civilizations and thus people assume different positions in different situations. People feel like the members of a big family, where there is the child who feels frustrated and wants to fight what the parents do, who agrees with his sister and his sister tries to take advantage from the situation. In the same family there are postures that are related to the situation. At present, we have plenty of identities built in the Internet: anyone can construct and deconstruct his own identity and image. We are not sure of our own identity; we are destabilized.Religions give the illusion of a stability, which is lacking today. People know less and less what they are because of this ground of uncertainty. This is the principle of fundamentalism: being strong by insult- ing others to reassure themselves. In a world of instability and fluctuation of identities, people feel the desire to cling on something having an appearance of stability; religion is exactly this: the illusion of stability. We are fragile.

You are known and appreciated for your studies on religious beliefs; your opinion is

respected by people of diverse cultures. So, how to go beyond appearances and

prejudices in everyday life?

Yet admitting globalization as such, with the retraction of national sovereignties, religions and false stabilities. By admitting it, there would be space for hybridization, crossing and meeting of people from different cultures. Although, as long as there won’t be a global governance - for example a global internet governance - there won’t be possibility to regulate frustration, because of the lack of global redistribution. We witness daily a big gap between extremely restrictive administrative perimeters of nations and the actual perimeter of this civilization which should be of global humanity. In this gap, uncontrollable frustrations live. We should eliminate this gap and create global governance, with forms of redistribution, with an internet regulation etc. The only way to settle this problem of the cultural racism and identity instability is to promote an identity of man, which would also be a political identity of the human. Utopia.

The fight against racism passes through education, through citizen fight but also through

good politics. In this regard, what would you recommend to our government?

Today the globalization of the transmission of values creates problems because we refuse to admit the pluralism of the identities.I have made a proposal to our present


government to create the only French center for the study of the identities - a center that would study how to individuals become part of the society – in order to try and understand what is happening with the help of different kinds of experts - such as anthropologists, sociologists, politicians, even IT, media and sport specialists - on the issue of diversity. My purpose would be to mix all this in a large research laboratory, which would be a research center producing research on what is really happening at social levels and to detect anti-social radicalism trends. For example, today there are people who do the jihad even if they are not Muslims, not even fundamentalists, but something else. We have to understand what is happening with Islam to become the symbol of anti-social imagination. In the 70, being anti-social meant being punk and listening to rock music; today, being antisocial is to dress in black and show the DAECH black flag. Many of these people are not even Muslims, but illiterates. And the fundamentalism that lives in our society it is not even jihad but it is a mixture of phenomena that we do not know yet, as we refuse to study what happens in reality. What we need is a real geographical map of our society. This center should be at the same time research institute and training institute for all public actors - teachers of schools, social workers, even policemen, volunteers, diplomatic staff, nurses and nursing staff. For the first time, we would have people formed directly on the research results according to different things going in the various levels of studies – schools, hospitals, internet, etc. So research and training center, but also information center to raise awareness with campaigns based on research on concrete reality. The name would be Institute of Plural Identities (institutpluridentités) and it should have antennas in Paris and in other major cities; its heart would be in Marseille. The reason for this lies in the fact that Marseille is a laboratory for the plural identity. Marseille is a gateway to the Mediterranean: there are many problems related to the Mediterranean but, at the same time, There are many problems that could be solved thanks to the Mediterranean. Villa Mediterranée – a center located on the MUCEM esplanade - would be the ideal place.

In your opinion, what are the missing elements in current French society to become an

example of positive multiculturalism rather than a space of misunderstanding and


We need to dissolve prejudices and to go beyond the idea of a pure French identity, since at present the French identity has already hybridized itself with lux, images and mixed with a multitude of other things. Today we live in an intercultural and even transcultural context, crossings have introduced in our society ways of living, cultures and religions that can be considered as part to the French culture.For example, when talking about multiplicity of cultures we think about American society that is formed by a multiplicity of groups. The difference there became more relative, there is an acceptance of the mixture. In France, this acceptance lacks. In the world there are places where cross-cultural society works well. In France and in the entire Europe, there is a sense of loss of identity, a sense of uncertainty. Europeans feel politically incapable and have the feeling that they have lost their central place and cannot accept that colonial countries like India are becoming more and more powerful.


Strasbourg, ORIW, April the 1st 2016

ORIW Strasbourg organized a conference on April the 1st 2016 on the theme "light of Islam in the current context." For this, two speakers debated on various issues related to it, especially with Houssam Bentabet interested on the question "how fight against violence when part of the population is afraid of Islam?". And also Saydi Diamil Niane who proposed a reflection on the theme of Islamophobia.

ANALYSE OF THE ANUAL REPORT During throughout the year, the team of ORIW was present on the ground and in cooperation with international organizations such as LICRA, OSCE, ALDE. We realized several projects conferences, seminars, panels, and interviews to raise awareness and be the voice of the victims of these heinous acts. ORIW report is useful in a way that they permit tp share and inform discriminatory acts carried out against part of the community.

During the year 2015-2016, ORIW witnessed numerous Islamophobic and racist acts. We help all the victims who have asked us a legal approach, moral and psychological. We have listed several sources of acts, both verbal and physical. The results were catastrophic.

From the killing of Charlie Hebdo, these acts had already exploded in France. In addition, following the bloody shootings in Paris that killed more than a hundred people, the Muslim community has seen Islamophobic and racist acts increase. Just hours after the attacks in Paris, Islamophobic acts were recorded. In France, the sources show that the Muslim community is categorized after each terrorist act committed. The confusion is widespread.

The most affected of this situation are unfortunately women and children. Indeed, because of their dress, women are most exposed to threats and assaults. They are not safe neither in the streets nor in the subway, nor in shops. Moreover, even outside French-speaking countries, the population of various countries was influenced by the information disseminated by some media and political elites. For example, the most common misinformation about Muslim women, and especially veiled ones, is that they are submitted to a male. Whereas, in reality, a large overwhelming majority, the veil is a choice. The international society need know and disseminate more information on the reality of things rather than spread discord, spread bad the image of Islam and Muslims. Worldwide, the veil has never been a blockage of a woman and can not be limited only to Islamophobic right.

Also, Muslim but also people of different skin color are attacked, beat, assaulted and treated in the street as they worth less than others. They are again target of Islamophobic and racist aggressors. Many such acts of racism and Islamophobia are compiled in our report.


Furthermore, schools are also becoming a place of discrimination, racist and Islamophobic speech. Muslim children are subjected to these acts in the classrooms while they are supposed to learn just like all other children. There is an inequality. In France, the mayor refused to shake hands with a student because of his skin color. She shacked the hands of all citizens who waited in front of her, except a young woman whom she pretended not see. Again, we are discriminated against.

Public places and places of worship are also under threat. Indeed, a kebab located in Blaye was targeted by gunfire. This place belonged to a person of the Muslim faith. Mosques are also targeted. In front of these mosques, slice of ham, Islamophobic and racist tags, blood red crosses and Nazi inscriptions, are found. Prayer rooms are also attacked.

The French Government reinforces these actions by closing mosques. They proclaimed a state of emergency, but in November many searches and assignments were made in the Muslim places of worship, and restaurant and within Muslim families. The closure of mosques by the police increased. The prefects ordered a series of closures throughout France, including two mosques in Venissieux Beausoleil and closed arbitrarily.

Muslims are constantly attacked because of their faith, as if they were responsible for ISIS acts. French people, as much as other population, were chocked by theses massacre, but emotion should not encourage discriminatory measures toward Muslim people.

The incitement to hatred against Muslims that are launched from the forums and social networks as hateful and provocative slogans are subject to change and move on to practice in various forms against Muslims and their place of worship. In addition to their human dignity to be trampled, restrictions in their daily lives, intimidation; it is the values of French society that will be undermined.A month after the attacks of 13 November, Islamophobic and racist thought continue unfortunately to spread more and more. The Muslim community is still the target of Islamophobic and racist aggressors.

During December Islamophobic acts and racism have steadily increased. The French Government also extended the state of emergency for three months. The introduction of a state of emergency has allowed 2764 administrative searches throughout France, according to the report published by the National Assembly. And, only to mid-December, 96 searches were conducted in the jurisdiction of Colmar. All these searches have damaged residences, restaurants, etc.... Moreover, these brutal raids and harsh towards the Muslim population have led to psychological and moral problems. Some of them were fiercely injured and other people were seriously traumatized, as we can see in the testimony of a young woman who is the subject of a search, also cited in the report of December.

The League of Human Rights has also published a press release entitled "out of the state of emergency." The press release includes a total of 110 signatories of international


organizations, institutions, associations ... Another point is to be specified; all kinds of search powered by the government contribute to the strengthening of amalgam and discriminatory practices, including by police. Unfortunately, these are not "terrorists who are terrorized," but youth and populations. They are the victim of arbitrary sanctions because of their origin and / or religion. These multiple infringements of the democratic contract are a poor response to terrorism. Our country was hurt, but far from healing, the state of emergency exacerbates the risk of impoverishing our democracy and delegitimizing our freedom.

In these circumstances, we want governments to:

Stick to their role as guarantors of rights defense of and public freedoms • Restore the right to demonstrate • Stop arbitrary searches and house arrest and to act within the framework of legal

proceedings • Implement effective control guarantees; • Lift the state of emergency; • Waive a constitutional reform prepared in emergency and to unacceptable


Regarding Islamophobic and racist acts, many of verbal and physical attacks were carried out against innocent victims. These constitute an unacceptable crime which undermines the ethical foundations of our society and threatens the future of the citizens in France. We must all commit ourselves to the administrative procedures necessary to cancel the abusive house arrest decisions and establish strong cases that will compensate victims.

At its beginning, 2016 is no exception regarding to racism and islamophobia. As our report shows, racism and Islamophobia has grown considerably. In 2015, according to the National Observatory against Islamophobia, 429 anti-Muslim acts were recorded, versus 133 for the year 2014, means an increase of 222%. We call on national authorities to respond to that, so that it won’t rise again in 2016. Nationally and internationally, these kinds of acts are from different social categories. From the ordinary citizen to the recognized intellectual, from the governed to the one who govern, we identify racist and Islamophobic acts or word. Especially the National Front (FN) candidate, who does not hesitate to fuel hatred towards Muslim citizens. What is probably the most serious, is the institutional racism, such as the National Education, like we can see in the book "Fatima less well rated than Marianne," written by historian François Durpaire and sociologist Beatrice Mabilon-Bonfils. Racism and Islamophobia in political circles are now a universal evidence. For some intellectuals in France, like the sociologist Raphaël Liogier, Islamophobia would even be supported by the government. Oriw salute the sociologist Raphaël Liogier about these critical because the fact that Manuel Valls claims "we have no right to say that we are against antisemitic, one can legitimately say that we are Islamophobic" is unacceptable and unjustifiable to give a bad image of Islam and Muslims. These words made us understand that Manuel Valls does not respect French coming from the Muslim community. This is unacceptable for a prime minister, supposed to represent the entire population, legitimate to use the term


Islamophobia. Oriw wishes that all the civil society, including political elites, would be more sensible not to use hate speech against Islam and Muslims because such comments could increase tension and create conflicts undermining peace and mutual respect within the French civil society. Our civil society must be more cautious and vigilant against verbal and physical attacks and discriminatory acts and Islamophobic disclosed at institutional, cultural and media. We must all mobilize to be more conscientious in order to not fall into any trap and not endanger our solidarity and fraternity. ORIW would be the pacifying agent in the societal environment to regress maximum violent acts against human and establish the live in peace.We strongly salute the initiatives such as the Orient XXI website that aims to fight against ignorance, which is the common basis of all forms of racism. As ORIW, we would like the development of these kinds of actions in the mainstream media, to contribute especially to the knowledge of Islam and Muslims. It is an undeniable fact that rejection of Muslims is powered by some speeches that hold some political figures. If it is the duty of the government to take any criminal, administrative, legislative or preventive measures to fight against the rise of racism, it probably goes to non-governmental organizations to sensitize public opinion. To this end, ORIW continues and expands its actions to raise awareness of a better public opinion.

In February, 2016, it is with a great infortune, that we keep seeing racist and islamophobic acts at all levels of the society.The outcome is as bad as the previous month. As shows the work of researcher Chris Allen, there are two kind of islamophobia: Islamophobia as a process and as a product. Regarding the process, it is the ideology producing discourses and attitudes. In our report, we find that the political elites, among others, are the origin of this ideological production. After this ideological production on the other, in this case; Islam, its effect happens: it is what Allen calls Islamophobia as a product. These effects lead to exclusions and discriminatory practices. If renowned intellectuals, such as Bernard Henri Levy can declare publicly that Muslims are the enemy of the Jews on a TV without any sort of reaction, it will undoubtedly have effects on the population. To fight against this new form of racism that is Islamophobia, a lot of


responsibilities remain with the political and intellectual elite. The political elite must take legislative measures to recognize Islamophobia as a crime. It is now obvious that a part of the French population suffers from discrimination because of their real or supposed Islam. This is confirmed by the report of the National Consultative Commission on Human Rights in 2014: "There is no denying that the word (Islamophobia) is now part of the political, media and institutional landscape. It illustrated it-self by quite massive news, on the occasion of various disturbing facts that have succeeded, like the attacks targeting covered women. "We support the initiative of the deputy Jean-Jacques Candelier which is the source of an inquiry commission of thirty members, to analyze the development of Islamophobia in France. This commission, although belatedly formed, is a key step to implement the legal provision to fight against speeches, ideas, actions and Islamophobic policies.

The months of March and April have not been immune by public "blunders" from our representatives. Indeed, even if a campaign was launched to denounce anti-Semitic and anti-Muslim violence, which increased significantly after the tragic attacks that hit France; politicians, including government ministers set an example by verbally attacking the Muslim citizens on their conviction. Comparing the willingness of women to cover their head to the "niggers" who were for slavery, or say in a totally uninhibited way that the headscarf is an "oppression of women". We are therefore faced with two contradictory attitudes, since Ms. Rossignol even said that she’s speaking "under the title of minister of women's right" and not as an individual who would give his personal opinion.The French government, which proclaims itself to be secular, can not be in more interference than it is currently. How representatives of the French people, who by the principle of secularism must be neutral, can give judgment on a religion and its practices?

Unfortunately, nowadays, ORIW shows in all these reports and interview that the French population still not has this freedom, fraternity and solidarity. The majority of French citizens are not happy with this situation, racist and Islamophobic acts that occur constantly. ORIW asks representatives and politicians, why there is so much blame to politicians and against certain extremist media criticizing religion and religious practices of Muslims including the question of the headscarf, the Islamic dress obliged attack verbal and physical, etc. Instead of solving this famous problem that endures for years and find appropriate solutions. They, try to undermine social cohesion, to break the living together and the relationship of a plural society. So what will be the future of France? French citizens also want a freedom of religious practice as much as the other countries of the European Union. The reaction was fast, social movements have been launched especially with the campaign #tousvoilées. Solidarity was shown and French, Muslim or not, noticed the eagerness there was against this minority population.

We strongly encourage the devices implemented by the government, whether the one on violence against Muslims or discrimination in hiring, but the same government should be an example to his people. We demand that such acts do not go unpunished. We say stop to this stigma, this racism, this uninhibited Islamophobia, mostly from the state. Do we need to remind that France is the country of lights, freedoms and human rights? And therefore, the respect of everyone in his freedom of thought, expression, and conscience are inalienable rights for every human being. Rapahel Liogier said "Islamophobia is a new form of cultural racism that develops" then we must act so that it


does not spread. That Islam and Muslims are not new scapegoats of politicians who would use manipulation to get around the real problems that our society is facing, such as rising unemployment, economy, ecology, etc. It is unacceptable that reputation, which is the pride of France, is vitiated by speeches engendered by ignorance. And those other countries such as the US must position themselves in recall and denounce intolerance marked against French minorities.

In France, a big majority of politicians has a hostile position towards the Muslim community. The last few months, ORIW and other international organizations are starting to be seriously concerned about the hateful speeches that politicians use towards Islam and Muslim people. Just lately, we witnessed those potentially hateful speeches.

Especially Manuel Valls, the « French danger ». A very famous prime minister for his hateful words against Islam and Muslims. He is currently a much disliked politician among the French citizens, especially among the Muslim community, non-governmental organizations and think-tanks, in a national and international scale.

Indeed, Manuel Valls was invited to speak in a meeting at the Dejazet theatre by the French branch of the American Jewish Committee (AJC), a communitarian organization aligned with the Israeli far right positions. All day, under the guise of fighting against Islamism, the speakers spread their hatred against Islam and Muslims.

The Prime minister fitted right in. Also, he didn’t hesitate to violently bash the Science Po students by « condemning strongly » the hijab initiative. Even worse, the head of government, brought to order by François Hollande on the issue of the veil at university, detailed his personal opinion in front of a delighted national assembly.

« We have to be extremely attentive by what you underlined, especially in the veil matter. It might my opinion, but I will continue to affirm that within the respect of beliefs, I discriminate what’s about religious freedom and what’s a sign of women enslavement. »

A new statement that adds to the ones from the last weeks, including one where he accused the veil to be a « political tool » and enslavement for women ». A way for the prime minister to get around secularism and to target the religious community.

But at the same time, Manuel Valls, strong with his republican principles will continue to go after financial contracts in Saudi Arabia, for the love of petrodollar.A prime minister representing 60 millions of French citizens can not continue to govern with blind ideology and trample on citizen’s dignity.

On the set of the LCI Channel, Marwan Muhammad, executive director of the collective against Islamophobia in France, said that "Manuel Valls is in the process of radicalization." At present, France is going bad because of its economy lowered, its unemployment above, instead of working and solve the real issues of France such as social issues, economic, environmental and unemployment, Manuel Valls deals and only attack Islam and Muslims to a point that he calls to reform Islam because for him all the social problems, economic, environmental and unemployment comes from Islam. ORIW


strongly condemns the various physical and verbal attacks against Muslims and Islam. Even if he is a prime minister or a president, no one has the right to undermine social peace and inter-relationship because everyone should have the right to live freely its own conviction, from any religion including Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism,.... in the framework of mutual respect.

In recent months, a growing increase stigma against students appeared in public schools, because of the long skirt the port. As the case of a girl, Fannie who converted to Islam. Faced with this unfair event, unfortunately, our civil society is silent and does not undermine legal action. Indeed, in the history of France, wearing a skirt regardless of model or length has never been publicized and an issue of secularism. Moreover, even the pope's François criticized the secularism of France. Pope Francis pin France for its tendency to "exaggerate secularism". The French secularism, this specificity being a shadow of itself, which boasts the country of « Lumières » imagining still being the beacon of tolerance that illuminates the world, that nobody envy outside our borders, few are those who are dazzled by denaturation, flagrant and focused, the spirit and letter of the 1905 Act.

It did escape the wisdom of Pope Francis, who combines the plural "the roots of Europe" and urged not to "ghettoized" refugees, that secularism in full and repressive sectarian drift against French citizens Muslim, is on the wrong track.The pontiff himself moved, told to the Catholic daily La Croix in an interview published today, Tuesday, May 17, pressing gently where the shoe hurts cruelly: "The small criticism I be addressing to France in this regard is to exaggerate secularism. (...) France should take a step forward on this issue to accept that openness to transcendence is a right for all, "said he has confident in fear the advent of a" triumphalist vision or avenger" or "colonialist ", at the mention of "Christian roots "of the Old Continent.

For months, the Ministry of Education receives complaints and criticism by non-governmental organizations, institutions, thinks thank and centers of education to say stop and respond to these outfits' restrictions and the wearing of the headscarf.

The Muslim community and Muslim students suffer daily discrimination and Islamophobic acts. The Muslim community would get more rights and freedom to live as egalitarian other minority religious community. ORIW is fiercely requesting the Ministry of Education to take precautions against these discriminatory practices and exclusion of Muslim students.Other organizations as the CCIF also deals with two isolated remaining similar cases. As the Organization Racism Islamophobia Watch (ORIW), we also denounce with the utmost firmness the fury and the arbitrary decisions of the State against Muslim citizens.

That is why the Minister of Education must call to order the staff it is responsible of, and end these abuses and avoid disrupting the education of some students in full period examinations. Secularism can not be invoked to justify an ideological blindness to the exclusion of students or their humiliation.

As ORIW we will maximally promote and defend victims of racism and Islamophobic acts, using all our legal tools.


The ORIW will always be ready to support the victims of Islamophobia in these dark times that people have to cross the real or perceived Muslim faith. Today is the solidarity of time to act and to establish civil peace for tomorrow does not look like today. Up to us to make it more beautiful, more just, in unison with all women and all men of good will.


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