Page 1: OrientDB a database for the Web

(c) Luca Garulli Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License Page 1

Luca Garulli – Founder and CEO NuvolaBase Ltd

May 2012 29 - 30 in Cologne, Germany

Design your application using Persistent Graphs and OrientDB

Page 4: OrientDB a database for the Web

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Can we have a fast and scalable NoSQL

product with flexible schema,

transactions, SQL, security and the

support for complex types ?

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Reduce to the minimum the compromises

on fitting the application domain to a

persistent database supporting

multiple models

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OrientDB = { flexibility of Document databases

+ complexity of the Graph model

+ Object Oriented concepts

+ fast Index

+ powerful SQL dialect }

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Schema-full schema with constraints on fields and validation rules

Customer.age > 17

Customer.address not null

Customer.surname is mandatory matches '\b[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}\b'

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Why reinvent

yet another language when

the 100% of developers already

know SQL?

OrientDB begins from SQL

but improves it with new

operators for graph manipulation

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SELECT SUM(price) as prices, SUM(cost) as costs, prices-costs, margin/price

FROM Balance


function (key, values) {

var price = 0.0, cost = 0.0, margin = 0.0, marginPercent = 0.0;

for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {

price += values[i].price;

cost += values[i].cost;


margin = price - cost;

marginPercent = margin / price;

return {

price: price,

cost: cost,

margin: margin,

marginPercent: marginPercent



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Asynchronous Query

invoke callback when a record matches the condition

doesn't collect the result set

perfect for immediate results

useful to compute aggregates

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Enhanced SQL

SQL is not enough for collections, maps, trees and graphs

need to enhance SQL syntax

Easy syntax derived from JDO/JPA standards

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SQL & relationships

select from Account where = 'Italy'

select from Account where addresses contains ( = 'Italy')

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SQL & trees/graphs

select out[label='friend'].in from V where name = 'Luca' and surname = 'Garulli'

select out[@class='knows'].in from V where name = 'Jay' and surname = 'Miner'

traverse friends from Profile where $depth < 7

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SQL & strings

select from Profile where name.toUpperCase() = 'LUCA'

select from City where,3).toUpperCase() = 'TAL'

select from Agenda where phones contains ( number.indexOf( '+39' ) > -1 )

select from Agenda where email matches '\bA-Z0-9._%[email protected]?+\.A-Z?{2,4}\b'

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SQL & collections

select from Tree where children contains ( married = true )

select from Tree where children containsAll ( married = true )

select from User where roles containsKey 'shutdown'

select from Graph where edges.size() > 0

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Native JSON ODocument = new ODocument().fromJSON( "


'@rid' = '26:10',

'@class' = 'Developer',

'name' : 'Luca',

'surname' : 'Garulli',

'out' : [ #10:33, #10:232 ]

}“ );

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similar to triggers catch events against records, database and transactions

implement custom cascade deletion algorithm

enforce constraints

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You can avoid using 3°party caches

like Memcached

2 Level caches:

Level1: Database level, 1 per thread

Level2: Storage level, 1 per JVM

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OGraphVertex (V)

Person Address : Address


Customer totSold : float

Provider totBuyed : float

OGraphEdge (E)


since : Date

Resides since : Date

till : Date


Level : LEVELS

Vehicle brand : BRANDS

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OgraphVertex (V)

Person Address : Address

Polymorphic SQL Query

Customer totSold : float

Provider totBuyed : float

Vehicle brand : BRANDS

select from Person

where = 'Rome‘

Queries are polymorphics

and subclasses of Person can be

part of result set

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Fetch plans

Choose what to fetch on query and vertexes/edges loading

Vertexes/Edges not fetched will be lazy-loaded on request

Optimizes network latency

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Load only the root vertex

= *:1

Fetch plans Vertex



| lives city

+---------> Vertex ------------> Vertex

| 10th street Italy

| knows

+--------->* [Vertex Vertex Vertex ]

[ Marko John Nicholas]

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Fetch plans Vertex



| lives city

+---------> Vertex ------------> Vertex

| 10th street Italy

| knows

+--------->* [Vertex Vertex Vertex ]

[ Marko John Nicholas]

Load root + address

= *:1 lives:2

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Fetch plans Vertex



| lives city

+---------> Vertex ------------> Vertex

| 10th street Italy

| knows

+--------->* [Vertex Vertex Vertex ]

[ Marko John Nicholas]

Load root + all known

= *:1 knows:1

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Fetch plans Vertex



| lives city

+---------> Vertex ------------> Vertex

| 10th street Italy

| knows

+--------->* [Vertex Vertex Vertex ]

[ Marko John Nicholas]

Load up 3rd level of depth

= *:3

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OrientDB doesn’t use JOIN

but the “link” to traverse

millions of elements per second

In Blueprints benchmark, with a hot cache,

traverses 29,6M of records in less than 5 seconds

= 5,92M of nodes traversed per sec!

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OGraphDatabase Native, damn fast, not the most beautiful API

2 different API

OrientGraph TinkerPop Blueprints, slowest but:

common to other impls, Gremlin, SPARQL (via Sail)

All APIs are compatible among them!

So use the right one for the right case

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What to choose?

OGraphDatabase if you need

performance at any cost.

Use it for massive insertion or

low resources

OGraphDatabase Native, damn fast, not the most beautiful API

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What to choose?

OrientGraph if you want to stay


at the cost of less speed and more memory used

or to use Gremlin language,

or as RDF store + SPARQL

OrientGraph TinkerPop Blueprints, slowest but:

common to other impls, Gremlin, SPARQL (Sail)

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TinkerPop Blueprints basic API to interact with GraphDB

implements transactional and

indexable property graph model

bidirectional edges

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GraphDB & Blueprints API

OrientGraph graph = new OrientGraph("local:/tmp/db/graph”);

Vertex actor = graph.addVertex(null);

actor.setProperty("name", "Leonardo");

actor.setProperty("surname", "Di Caprio");

Vertex movie = graph.addVertex(null);

movie.setProperty("name", "Inception");

Edge edge = graph.addEdge(null, actor, movie, "StarredIn");


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Load graph

Run the console, open the database and load a graph in xml format

marko:~/software/gremlin$ ./


(o o)


gremlin> $_g := orientdb:open('/tmp/graph/test')


gremlin> g:load('data/graph-example-1.xml')


gremlin> $_g


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Displays outgoing edges of vertices with name equals to 'marko',

then the name of inbound vertices

gremlin> g:key-v('name','marko')/outE




gremlin> g:key-v('name','marko')/outE/inV/@name




gremlin> g:close()


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After first tests we decided to throw away the old Master-Slave

architecture because it was against the OrientDB philosophy:

(1) It didn't scale

and (2) It was hard to configure

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ORIENT database v.0.9.23

Type 'help' to display all the commands supported.

> connect remote:localhost/demo admin admin

Connecting to database [remote:localhost/demo] with user 'admin'...OK

> select from profile where nick.startsWith('L')




0| 10:0|Lvca |male |34

1| 10:3|Leo |male |22

2| 10:7|Luisa |female |27

3 item(s) found. Query executed in 0.013 sec(s).

> close

Disconnecting from the database [demo]...OK

> quit

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for Java developers 8 hours


Master Development 14 hours


for SOA 6 hours

OrientDB and the power of graphs

6 hours


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