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Page 1: Orhan Camii

Ýzmit'in Fetih Simgesi

ORHAN CAMÝÝ(Gazi Süleyman Paþa Camii)



Hazýrlayan / Prepared By

Volkan ÞENEL



The Conquest Symbol of Ýzmit

(Ghazi Süleyman Pasha Mosque)









. G




Page 2: Orhan Camii


Caminin güneybatýsýnda

bulunan hazirede, caminin

imamlarý ve yakýnlarý, eskiden

bulunan medresenin mü-

derrisleri ve Nakþibendî Tari-

katýna Mensup bazý þeyhlerin

mezarlarý bulunmaktadýr.


The tombs of imams of

this mosque and their

relatives, teachers of the

former medrese, and some

Nakhshibendi sheikhs are in

the graveyard which is in the

southwest of the mosque.


Orhan Camii Çeþmesi

ORHAN CAMÝÝ(Gazi Süleyman Paþa Camii)


Ýzmit þehrine hakim bir

tepede (Orhan Mahallesi),

Ý ç k a l e ' n i n i ç e r i s i n d e

bulunmaktadýr. Camii, Orhan

B e y ' i n o ð l u Þ e h z a d e

Süleyman Paþa tarafýndan

1332 yýlýnda yaptýrýlmýþtýr.

Ýzmit'teki Türk dönemi

yapýlarýnýn en eskisidir.

Short History

The mosque is located on a high hill of Ýzmit in Ýçkale district (Orhan Mahallesi), commanding a fine view of the city. It was built on the order of Orhan 's son Süleyman Pasha in 1332. It is the oldest of all the Turkish period architectures.

ORHAN MOSQUE(Ghazi Süleyman Pasha Mosque)

Page 3: Orhan Camii


Caminin minaresinin oriji-

nal haliyle ilgili elimizde fazla

bilgi bulunmamaktadýr. 1945

yýlýnda yýldýrým düþmesi,

1999 yýlýnda da deprem

felaketi sonucu zarar gören

minare 19. yüzyýlda yapýlmýþ-

týr. Günümüzdeki minare

2007 yýlý onarýmýnda yaptýrýl-

mýþtýr. (19. yüzyýl özelliklerini



We do not have much

informat ion about the

original form of the minaret,

of this mosque. The minaret

which was damaged due to a

lightning in 1945 and an

earthquake in 1999, was th

built in the 19 century. The

present minaret was built

during the restoration in

2007 (reflects the features of th

the 19 century.)

Orhan Camii'nin orijinal

inþa kitabesi günümüze ulaþ-

mamýþtýr. Harim kýsmýnda

bulunan ve yakýn tarihlerde

hazýrlanmýþ olabileceði düþü-

nülen, levha kitabede þu

bilgiler yer almaktadýr.

The original construction

epigraph of the Orhan

Mosque does not exist today.

The following information is

written on the plate epigraph

which is in the yard of the

mosque and thought to be

prepared recently.


Page 4: Orhan Camii

Cami yapýldýktan sonra töre gereði

kýlýçla hutbe okunmuþ, o tarihten sonra

her hutbeye kýlýçla çýkýlmýþtýr. (Osmanlý

devlet geleneðinde savaþla alýnan

yerlerde hutbe kýlýçla okunurdu. Bu adet

fethi simgelemekteydi.)

Yuvarlak kemerli mihrabýn

üst kýsmýnda yeþil zemin

üzerine yazýlmýþ “Zekeriya

mabedde namaz kýlarken

melekler ona seslendiler”

(Al-i Ýmran/39) ayeti vardýr.

Mihrap niþi içerisinde perde

biçimli motif ve ucunda kandil

görülmektedir. Minber, yan

aynalýk ve korkuluk kýsým-

larýndaki süslemeleriyle

dikkat çekmektedir. Süsle-

meleri barok tarzda ve

bitkisel karakterlidir.

“Then the angels called

unto him (Zekeriya), while he

was standing in prayer in the

chamber (mihrab)” (Al-i

Ýmran/39) verse from the

Quran is written on a green

background at the top of a

round, arched chamber.

There is a curtain-shaped

motif and a candle on the

mihrab niche. The pulpit

draws attention with the

engravings on the side

transom and banisters. The

engravings are baroque and

have drawings of plants.

Fatih'i Ýzmit Gazi Süleyman Paþa bin Orhan ve Fatih'i

Hereke ve Fatih'i Aydos ve Fatih'i Kocaeli Sancaðý

Sene 728

Ben 'a camii þerif ve medrese

Sene 733


“The son of Orhan and the

Conquerer of Ýzmit, Ghazi

Süleyman Pasha and the

Conquerer of Hereke, the

Conquerer of Aydos and the

Conquerer of Kocaeli

Year 728

The mosque and the

madrasah built on his order

Year 733”

After the construction of the mosque

was completed, a sermon (khutba) was

given with a sword as a tradition, and

from that date onwards all the sermons

were given with a sword. (As per the

Ottoman tradition, the sermon was

preached with a sword in the conquered

places. This tradition was a symbol of


Orhan Camii Ýnþa Kitabesi

Ýzmit'i Osmanlý Topraklarýna KatanOrhan Gazi

Orhan Gazi'nin Oðlu Süleyman Paþa


. G





Minber Süslemesi

Mihrap Üzerindeki Ayet

Page 5: Orhan Camii

Süsleme Unsurlarý

Caminin harim kýsmýnda;

kubbe içerisinde ortada güneþ

ýþýnlarýný andýran çizgiler,

ýþýnlarý sýnýrlayan rozetler,

rozetlerin çevresinde de farklý

büyüklüklerde elipsi andýran

þekiller yer almaktadýr. (Bu

bezemelerin 20. yüzyýlýn

baþýnda iki denizci eri

tarafýndan yapýldýðý rivayet



There are lines resembling

sun rays, rosettes lining off

the rays, and elliptical

drawings of different sizes

around the rosettes in the

middle of the interior side of

the dome, in the harim part of

the mosque. (It is rumoured

that these engravings were

made by two sea men in the

early 20th century.)

Bazý kaynaklarda yapýnýn

eski bir kiliseden camiye

çevrildiði belirtilse de, yapýlan

incelemelerde caminin kilise

ile hiç bir ilgisinin olmadýðý

tespit edilmiþtir.

Even though it is stated in

some resources that the

building was formerly a

church and that it was later

transformed into a mosque, it

is found out after some

investigations that the

mosque has no connection

with a church.


Kubbe Süslemeleri

Vaaz KürsüsüSüslemesi

A. Ö




1950 li yýllarda Orhan Camii

Page 6: Orhan Camii


The mosque which was built

in 14th century was restored

many times in 19th century

(1843), in 20th century (1947,

1967, 1969, 2004, and 2007);

it underwent several changes

compared to the original


The present appearance of

the mosque resembles the one

repaired on the order of Sultan

Abdülmecid after 1843. Sultan's

gathering place, women's

gathering room, son cemaat

place (half-open preparation

place outside the mosque where

people can pray if the mosque is

too crowded.), dome, pulpit and

preaching rostrum were added

to the mosque after this



14. yüzyýlda yapýlmýþ olan

cami; 19. yüzyýlda (1843),

20. yüzyýlda (1947, 1967,

1969, 2004, 2007) çeþitli

onarýmlar geçirmiþ, orijinal

yapýya göre birçok deðiþik-

liklere uðramýþtýr.

Caminin günümüzdeki

hali, 1843 yýlý sonrasý Sultan

Abdülmecid'in emriyle ger-

çekleþtirilen onarým sonrasý

ortaya çýkan durumu yansýt-

maktadýr. Hünkâr mahfili,

kadýnlar mahfili, son cemaat

yeri, kubbe, minber ve vaaz

kürsüsü bu onarým sonrasý

yapýya eklenmiþtir.

6 11

Sultan Abdülmecid Dönemi Onarým Kitabesi


MinberVaaz Kürsüsü

Page 7: Orhan Camii

Orhan Camii'in, Sultan Abdülmecid dönemi ta'lik hatlý onarým kitabesi günümüzde Kocaeli Arkeoloji ve Etnografya Müzesi'nde sergilenmektedir.

The renewed epigraph of the Orhan Mosque of the Sultan Abdülmecid period is displayed in Kocaeli Archeology and Etnography Museum.

Güzin'i Al-i Osmanlý hazret-i Orhan'ý ziþanýn

Vezir ve erþed evladý

Yapdý fi sebil-l 'Ullah hem nam-ý emin 'Ullah

Süleyman gaza piþe idüp müþrikleri berbad

Müþerref olduðu dem hakip ayindan ser-i Ýzmid

Bu vala cami'i balaya itdi sýkle is'a

Ruz-ý vakite az kaldý kim ol ma'bed-i ülya

Rükü-ý secdeye müþrif taharrükle ola mu'tad

Rýza Paþa görüb emr-i ibadette bu halatlý

Tutub destin hulusla kýyama eyledi

Ki ya'ný sevk-edüp zýl'lý-ý Hüda Abdülmecid Han'a

Kemal-i ihtiyacýn ol makamýn eyledi irad

Yine tacdide kendi zat-ý ziþanýn edüp me'mur

Oda… emsal eyledi hemçün dil-nihad

Ve rütbe-i saye-i þahanesinde ol dý muhtahken

Metanetle görenler zan ederler beyze-i pülad

Ýde emr-i þehinþahisin i Allah müstefi

Namaz-ý abidin oldukça minhac-i dil-i aba

Hitamýnda yazub tarih-i tamýn hame-iz zaik

Bu dilcu ma'bedi Abdülmecid Han kýldý nev-bünyüd

1259 (M.1843)

Kadýnlar mahfili ve hünkar

mahfili iki bölümden oluþ-

maktadýr. Hünkar mahfilinin

kadýnlar mahfiline bitiþik olan

kýsmý padiþahýn ibadet etmek

için kullandýðý, diðer kýsmý ise

padiþahýn dinlenmek ve diðer

ihtiyaçlarýný gidermek için

kullandýðý mekânlardýr.

The women's gathering

place and the sultan's

gathering place is made up of

two parts. The part of the

sultan's gathering place which

is next to the women's

gathering place was used for

praying by the sultan. The

sultan was using the other

part of it to have a rest etc.


Hünkar Mahfili

Kadýnlar Mahfili

Page 8: Orhan Camii

Mimari Özellikler

Kuzey-Güney istikame-

tinde dikdörtgen plana sahip

olan caminin, beden duvarlarý

kâgir tarzda yapýlmýþtýr.

Caminin esas ibadet yeri

olan harim kýsmý, yapýnýn en

eski yeridir. Giriþ kapýsý

üzerinde “Allah Teâlâ þöyle

buyuruyor: Müttakilere

(Allah'a karþý gelmekten

sakýnanlara) cennetlere

esenlikle, güven içinde

girin, denilir.” (Hicr/46)

ayeti vardýr. Dikdörtgen planlý

olan harimin kýble yönü

duvarýnda mihrap ve minber,

doðu duvarýnda vaaz kürsüsü

bulunmaktadýr. Harim kýsmý-

nýn ortasýnda ahþap bir

kubbeye yer verilmiþtir.

Tavan düz ahþap çýtalýdýr.

Tavan ile kubbeyi ahþap

saçaklar ayýrmaktadýr. Kubbe

dört adet ahþap direk üzerine

oturmaktadýr. Caminin son

cemaat yeri ahþaptýr.

Architectural Features

The mosque ha s a

rectangular plan in the north-

south direction and the walls

are built of stone.

The main praying section

of the mosque, harim, is the

oldest part of the mosque. A

verse from the Quran “The

God says: "The believers are

told to enter the Gardens and

Springs in peace, in complete

security!" (Surat al-Hijr, 46)

is written on the entrance

door. The mihrab and the

pulpit stands by the wall of

rectangular-shape harim,

which is on the Kýblah

direction, and the preaching

rostrum stands by the east

wall. There is a wooden dome

in the middle of the harim.

The ceiling is made of flat

wooden laths. Wooden

fringes separate the ceiling

from the dome. The dome

stands on four wooden

columns. Son cemaat place of

the mosque is also made of



Harim Giriþ Kapýsý (Kuzey)

Harim Kýsmý (Genel)

Kýlýç ile Hutbe Okunmasý

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