Page 1: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

The digital scholar, identityon the Web and ORCID


Gudmundur A. Thorisson <[email protected]> Tony Brookes bioinformatics group

Departments of GeneticsUniversity of Leicester

-- Outline --• How did I get sucked into this stuff?

• Ongoing/planned genetic researcher data pub. projects w/ ORCID component

• How might ORCID fit into the broader online identity landscape?

This work can be freely copied, redistributed and adapted, as long as proper attribution is given

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 2: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester



Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 3: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 4: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Prof Anthony J Brookes GEN2PHEN coordinatorChair, Bioinformatics and GenomicsDepartment of GeneticsUniversity of Leicester, UK

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 5: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 6: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

The data sharing problem


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 7: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Lack of incentives for sharing

• Effort required to prepare, package and submit datasets to public repositories

• Time better spent writing papers & grants

• All sticks (funders, journals) - no carrots

• Need incentives - treat data as publications, credit creators


“[...] Many of the issues regarding data availability can be addressed if the principles of “publication” rather than “sharing” are applied. However, online data publication systems also need to develop mechanisms for data citation and indices of data access comparable to those for citation systems in print journals”

Costello, M. Motivating Online Publication of Data. BioScience (2009) vol. 59 (5) pp. 418-427

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester




ORCID ID: B-1242-2010G. Thorisson, Univ. LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, Univ. LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, Cold Spring Harbor Lab.

ORCID ID: G-1442-2009J. Smith, Univ. North Pole

ORCID ID: D-2400-2010J. Smith, Luthor Corporation

Name ambiguity => attribution challenges

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 9: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester



Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 10: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


1. Diagnostic laboratories

2. Central ‘clearinghouse’

3. End-users (e.g. LSDB curators)

Publish data Retrieve Atom feeds

Submi&ng  muta,ons  from  diagnos,c  labs  using  “Café  RouGE  enabled”  so<ware  via  simple  bu@on  click

Data  are  shared  with  diverse  3rd  par,es  via  manual  retrieval  or  automated  feed-­‐based  monitoring/retrieval

Cafe Variome - facilitating exchange of genetic data

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 11: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Cafe Variome - facilitating exchange of genetic data

dbSNP  (coding)UniProt


Submission  from  diag.  lab

Metadata  describing  varia,on  data  published  elsewhere

Data  shared    with  diverse  3rd  par,es  and  data  usage/cita,on  tracked  via  DOI


DOI  assigned  to  incoming  data  upload

Already  stable  IDs  so  no  DOI  assignedA@ribu,on  given  to  data  submi@ers

via  ORCID  unique  iden,fier

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 12: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Cafe Variome - facilitating exchange of genetic data

dbSNP  (coding)UniProt


Submission  from  diag.  lab

Metadata  describing  varia,on  data  published  elsewhere

Data  shared    with  diverse  3rd  par,es  and  data  usage/cita,on  tracked  via  DOI


DOI  assigned  to  incoming  data  upload

Already  stable  IDs  so  no  DOI  assignedA@ribu,on  given  to  data  submi@ers

via  ORCID  unique  iden,fier

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 13: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


G. Thorisson, Univ. [email protected]

ORCID ID: A-883-2010

4x variants in BRCA2gene in patient X

Publication credit for Cafe Variome deposits

CV user has linked his user account with his ORCID profile

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 14: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


G. Thorisson, Univ. [email protected]

ORCID ID: A-883-2010

4x variants in BRCA2gene in patient X

G. A. Thorisson (A-883-2010). 4x variants in BRCA2 gene. Published online via Cafe Variome. 21 January (2011) doi:10.1255/caferouge.BRCA2-2352354


Publication credit for Cafe Variome deposits

CV user has linked his user account with his ORCID profile

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 15: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

GWAS nanopublications• Foray into semantic publishing

– GWAS Central as ‘nano-publisher’

– variant<->disease assertion as nanopub

rs19243 <associatedWith> Type II diabetes + condition & provenance

• Provenance part to include:– Contributors IDs

– Contributor roles:

• Author(s) on original GWAS paper

• Curator

• Registrant

• Citability: register DOI for nanopub?


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

ORCID collaborative development


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 17: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

ORCID collaborative development


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 18: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Online identity and attribution


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 19: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Key ORCID use case: submitting manuscript to journal

Attribution link deposited into ORCID:

A-883-2010 <created> 10.4259/psycho-review.gbilder2010.Foobar

Bilder, G. Foobar (A-883-2010) study of cracked pots in Uruguy. Psychoceramics Review. Published online May 23 2010. doi:10.4259/psycho-review.gbilder2010.Foobar

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 20: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

• But, there’s lots more ways of contributing to science

• I want be acknowledged for ....


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 21: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

... my data publications in Dryad and other public repos


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 22: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

.. my nanopublications


!" #"$%%&'()*" +"

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 23: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

.. my nanopublications


!" #"$%%&'()*" +"

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 24: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

... my Taverna analytical workflows and other digital research objects published on myExperiment


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 25: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

... my Wikipedia contributions


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 26: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

... my contributions to open-source software projects


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 27: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


• etc. etc. etc.

• In short, ‘I wanna’ aggregate all those contributions and showcase me as a ‘digital scholar’

Challenge: Identity fragmentation

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 28: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 29: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 32: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

How do I link all those different sub-identities together that matter to me professionally?


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 33: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Technologically, this is not rocket science


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 34: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Technologically, this is not rocket science


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 35: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester

Single sign-on with social IDs


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 36: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


What’s love ORCID gotta do with it?An online identity for the digital scholar,

centred on contributor ID?


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Page 37: ORCID participant meeting May 2011: The digital scholar, identity on the Web and ORCID

ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


What’s love ORCID gotta do with it?An online identity for the digital scholar,

centred on contributor ID?


ORCID ID: B-1242-2010G. Thorisson, Univ. LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, Univ. LeicesterG. A. Thorisson, Cold Spring Harbor Lab.

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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ORCID Participant Meeting, Harvard 18 May 2011 G. A. Thorisson, University of Leicester


GEN2PHEN Consortium

Prof Anthony J. Brookes Bioinformatics Group

This work has received funding from the European Community's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)under grant agreement number 200754 - the GEN2PHEN project.


Contact me! Gudmundur ‘Mummi’ Thorisson

<[email protected]> |<[email protected]>

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

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