Page 1: Online Marketing Terms every Entrepreneur should be aware of – II

Online Marketing Terms every Entrepreneurshould be aware of – II

This post is the continuation of the previous post where we discussed about online presence, CTAs, Remarketing and Referrals. Let us take it a step further and discuss some more terms.

Lead and ConversionBoth these terms are sometime misunderstood. Both form an important part of your any marketing campaign be it through PPC, Facebook Ad, email or call. Whenever you release an online marketing campaign and post it on various public platforms, people will come and visit it. Every click would take them to a landing page. Till this stage it is the lead. However, if the person proceeds further and takes an action like buy or subscribe, it is the conversion.

Customer Acquisition Cost or CACCAC refers to the amount spent on acquiring new customers. We all understand that for any online business, acquiring customers is very important. When you work with any online marketing company, it performs this task for you.

Page 2: Online Marketing Terms every Entrepreneur should be aware of – II

So, now when you know these terms, you are in a better position as tohow an online marketing company works and what to expect from them. Online marketing is evolving with every passing day and if implemented in a right way can do wonders for your business.

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