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Project: Micro Justice• ‘Empowering the poor and make legal aid sustainable’• In: Kenya• Who: Bottom of Pyramid (20m)• Through: web/mobileThe central questions:1) How involve tech community?2) How to use mobile technology?3) What improvements to make to the current website?4) Which outreach activities?

Feedback presentation from Nairobi

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1) How involve tech community?1) Involved respected developers / bloggers2) Form a group, part of a team / rewards3) Be clear on cause and technical challenge dev’s can solve

2) How to use mobile technology?1) Link SMS to Q&A database with model answers2) Mobile website3) Free, call-back hotline

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3) What improvements to make to the current website?1) Clear messaging2) Calls to action: I want advice, I can give advice, I want to support3) Social media

4) Which outreach activities?1) Mobile legal clinic across the country2) Social activities like football tournaments3) Involve local ambassadors

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Full co-creation lab write-up

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‘Bottom of the pyramid’:• Low web access• Illiteracy is issue• Do have access to mobile phone• Do not use written contracts but do have verbal agreements• Form 50% of population (20 million in Kenya)• Have irregular income stream (40% is unemployed)• Are typically being exploited, not protected by e.g. unions• Little knowledge of their rights

Target Audience Definition

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Domestic: Home:

Rent Conflict Family (divorce, marriage) Assets Insurances

Life/death: Inheritance Funerals insurances

Brainstorm on legal focus area’s in Kenya for this target audience

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Work Remuneration:

Contract (written, verbal) Payments Working conditions Exploitation

Government Laws-civil rights Conflicts Law enforcement Legal system

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Citizens rights, especially: Land entitlement Dealing with the police Employment rights Family and domestic

Priority needs for the target audience in Kenya:

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I. INFORMATION SERVICES: Access to info Q&A (FAQ) Interaction

II. PERSONAL SERVICES: Client-lawyer Personal advise Personal assistant (eg in dealing with a court case)

The website can provide:

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How to involve legal experts: Using rating and testimonials of experts / lawyers Involve universities Allow people to work in an area (both thematic and

geographically) they are passionate about Be clear involvement is for social value Local organizations, e.g. NGOs >> involve:

Lay people Experts who are not practicing As business for income

Solutions (1)to questions asked in case description

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How involve developer community: Rewards Open source / data approach Goodies (t- shirts, stickers; n.b. call for clear and powerful branding) Social media group Recognition through contribution Become/be part of a team Events (eg ‘hackathons’); meet ups to come to final products

To realize this the following is needed: Clear description of social value and publicize it Clear description of the challenges/needs Active blog/site with frequent news updates (can be community blog)

Solutions (2)

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How to make it accessible and promote it: Q&A through SMS Use existing networks:

Organizinational Digital / online

Group of ambassadors Mobile legal clinics Endorsements:

Professional body Civil society Firms

Solutions (3)

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Brainstorm on four key questions

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- People have to register; must be low threshold / easy- Collect demographics to better target information (including locations)- People can ask questions through sms- Use USSD technology (direct question and feedback)- Implement “IVR” system to deal with illiteracy issue (in local language)- Hotline call-back clients “flashes” call center/expert calls back.

Can have different lines for different themes.- All contents should be accessible via mobile- Questions on SMS can be answered through links sent through SMS

referring to the answer on a mobile website

1. Ideas for using mobile phone and text messaging

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- Send info updates/news through SMS- Give pre-loaded phones to ambassadors (with complete web

content) - Promotion of outreach activities through SMS- Include ads/firm names as source of income- Use collected geo-location information and Q’s asked to target

outreach activities- Local information used for mapping: FAQ’s, conflict resolution,

transparency, research

- Save all SMS Q&A’s to database and automate replies when same/similar question asked

- Post SMS questions to website and allow crowd to answer

1. Ideas for using mobile phone and text messaging (2)

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OUTREACH:1. Mobile legal clinic: How?

– Mobile vans (volunteers/ hired legal with local entertainers experts)– Local ambassadors– Local immediate administrators; e.g: chiefs

Where?– Respective localities (chief’s camp)

When?– Periodically, e.g: once a month

2. Ideas for outreach activities

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• Through posters/ pictures (because of illiteracy issues)• Trough local NGO’s/civil society/collaboration with microjustice

organizations• Through mass media/ radio/TV- preferably in mother tongue• Through schools/curriculum/campaign • Local ambassadors• Local administrators• Locations: social halls, CBO(youth),football tournaments, women

groups (chamas), church clergy/religion institutions

2. Ideas for outreach activities (2)

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o Needs community buy-in, launch (=publicity)o Leverage on « Facebook connect » easier sign-upo Clear calls to actons and design to prompt sign-up. “make a difference!”

stress social valueo Use professional contact form (not free web-based email like currently)o Incentives for all users must be captured and presented clearly on

homepageo Partner for content! Organizations, individuals, bloggers of interesto Video: walkthrough of the cause the content creator and consumers

3. What to improve on the current website

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o downloadable “information packs”/toolkits/slides decks etc.o Translation: feature should appear on header (top of page)o Share success storieso Mobile, mobile, mobile!! – mobile web versiono Active blog covering all aspects (and twitter)o FAQ’s- About/historyo Team/contribution page and Developers sectiono Download content / open source codeo Usage statistics

3. What to improve on the current website (2)

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Sketch of what the homepage could look like

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1. Page breaking development (challenges) into sections/chunks with description >> Dev can take credit for specific component

2. Forum posing questions to meet technical challenges3. Team board noting contributions:

Recognition > Important for tech jobs these days

4. Affiliate with educational institutionse.g: international students come complete internship/work experience in a “social” project

5. Utilize existing frameworks where possible6. Coder competitions7. Publish on blogs/call to contribution8. Getting key developers/bloggers for others to follow / get


4. How to involve the web developers community

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