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Dear Friends of Bethany House Services,I pen this letter as the new Board President and want to start with a heartfelt thanks to Steve Brinker for his leadership, wisdom and counsel to BHS over the past 15 years. Steve laid a great foundation upon which we can build and expand our mission.

Much has changed over the past year. Most notably, our board, staff and supporters have fully embraced the growth and stretching that comes with the addition of the Mercy beds. Our organization tripled in size over the past year.

One of the biggest challenges has been finding ways to overcome issues associated with the scattered shelter sites. Simply put, to accommodate our growth, we need to consolidate and expand our current operations to become more efficient, while still providing the same services and personal touch that is the core of our mission.

Special thanks to the Facilities Assessment Committee who have met weekly to find new, closer, temporary shelter facilities, studied an expanded facility, engaged a design firm and started the search for a suitable location.

Thanks also to our wonderful and fully engaged Board, Executive Director and staff who continually step up to the plate and lend a helping hand whenever the need arises.

Lastly, thanks to you— our wonderful volunteers and supporters. Please know that whatever small or large gesture or help you provide translates tenfold to our women and children’s lives for many years to come.

Please continue to help us fulfill this vital mission.

Bob Inkrot, President

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“Unbelievable growth” best describes 2015. Thanks to the foundation laid by Sr. Mary Stanton over three decades, Bethany House was well prepared to take on the expansion across all of our services. In the past we sheltered 1 of 10 homeless families in our community; today we shelter 5 of 10 homeless families. Our housing program grew by 35% and we added a Shelter Diversion program.

The challenges were many—four shelter locations rather than one and all four buildings were built in the late 1800’s. Just imagine the facility issues! We confirmed early on that the single site shelter with 24 hour supervision and supports like we have at the Fairmount shelter is the best way to provide shelter services for families. The year ended with our families relocated to newer, safer, and healthier apartment buildings just two miles from Fairmount.

Our expansion of services called us to revisit our Mission, Vision and Core Values to ensure they not only reflect all of our services but capture the essence of our work, the goals of our families and the guiding principles for our interaction with others. We also found ourselves in need of a brand refresh and new marketing materials to support our growth. The international branding company LPK provided their expertise pro bono and you will see their work throughout this report.

2015 also marked the publication of Solutions for Family Homelessness, the community-wide plan to make family homelessness rare, brief and nonrecurring. It was an honor to serve on the Steering Committee and Bethany staff contributed on every phase of the project. At the same time our Board and staff were writing a new strategic plan to guide Bethany House’s future.

I thank all of you for your support of our families and I invite you to join us in the important work that lies ahead. Cincinnati’s increase in family homelessness reinforces the urgency of our efforts. The faces of the 610 homeless children we sheltered this year show us how critical our work is. Together we can lift families out of homelessness.

Susan S. Schiller, Executive Director

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NEW MISSION, VISION AND CORE VALUES2015 also brought changes to the Bethany House Mission, Vision and Core Values.

We wanted to ensure our Mission and Vision not only reflected the agency’s expansion of services but captured the essence of our work and the end results for our families.

NEW MISSIONBethany House Services empowers homeless and at-risk families with the solutions to achieve housing stability and long-term self-sufficiency.

NEW VISIONOur vision is to live in a community where all families have a place to call home and no one spends a night without shelter.

TOMORROW, who will really care how fast we grew? Isn’t it more important to know what we are building with our growth, and why? Measuring more is easy; measuring better is hard. Measuring better requires a clear mission, an exciting vision and shared values. – Ron Hendrick

2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORSBethany House Services acknowledges the contributions of the following Board Members for their time and leadership in 2015.• Robert J. Inkrot, President• Denise D. Schumacher, Vice President• M. Gail Myers, Secretary• Sue Dyer, Treasurer


H. Kim Baird

Jessica E. Bauml

Douglas M. Boschert

Stephen G. Brinker

Lucy Crane

Sharron M. DiMario

Michael F. Haverkamp

Steven D. Hengehold

Sr. Lynn Heper, SC

Kirk M. Koppenhoefer

Nadine Liggett

Megan J. McCuen

Sean G. Mullins

Kathrine R. Phillips

Robert M. Poulos

Sharon C. Raess

Albert C. Smitherman

Terri L. Williams

Calvin T. Wright

BETHANY HOUSE LEADERSHIP• Susan S. Schiller, Executive Director• Darlene D. Guess, MSOL, LSW,

Director of Client Programs• Gwendolyn M. Green, MEd, LSW,

Shelter Director• Kelly K. Freyler, CPA, Finance Director

• Amy C. Pelicano, Development Director

NEW CORE VALUESCore Values are our guiding principles and they define how Bethany House relates to our employees, clients, and the external world. They represent our highest priorities, guiding our decisions and behaviors—they are the core of Bethany House’s soul.

Respect—We value, listen to, learn from and appreciate each other, our clients, our volunteers, our donors and our community.

Empowerment—We encourage, build confidence, inspire, and promote each person’s right to self-determination.

Integrity—We insist on absolute honesty, the highest standard of conduct, and accountability to each other and to all of our stakeholders.

Excellence—We demonstrate exceptional performance and service.

Collaboration—We work with each other and our community to fulfill our mission and achieve our vision.

Hospitality—We welcome with compassion those in need of housing and services.

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Our 2015 Report to the Community is one of unbelievable growth. The foundation of our three decades of service to Cincinnati prepared us well to take on this challenge. In 2014 we sheltered 1 of 10 homeless families in our community; in 2015 we sheltered 5 of 10 homeless families. In 2015 our Housing program also grew by 35% and we added a Shelter Diversion program.

SHELTER — In 2015, Bethany House sheltered 909 individuals, 610 of whom were children. Shelter services were provided in four locations—our original shelter in Fairmount and in three apartment buildings located in Over-the-Rhine, Mt. Auburn and Walnut Hills. We provided 45,275 bed nights and 129,552 meals.

RECIDIVISM RATES — We monitor families after they leave our shelter for two years to see if they have returned to any of the shelters in the area. Of those sheltered at Bethany House in 2013 and 2014, 79% remained in their homes and did not return to homelessness.

Bethany House also provides Post Shelter Support to families after they leave our shelter. Of the 58 families who received Post Shelter Support in 2013 and 2014, only three families experienced another episode of homelessness in 2015.

NEW SHELTER DIVERSION PROGRAM — Shelter Diversion diverts a homeless family from the shelter placing them directly into housing. Bethany House began this program in June 2015 and served 33 families, for a total of 119 individuals—84 were children.

BETHANY HOUSING PROGRAMS — In 2015 Bethany’s Rapid Re-Housing programs grew by 35% supporting the move of 175 families from emergency shelters into permanent housing. Of the 588 individuals served, 406 were children. Positive Housing outcomes were achieved by 99% of these families.

BETHANY HOMES — In 2015 34 families received permanent, safe and affordable housing at Bethany Homes.

INFORMATION AND REFERRALS TO COMMUNITY RESOURCES — Bethany House responded to 10,859 calls for information and referral for shelter and community resources.

FAMILY HOUSING PARTNERSHIP — 2,114 individuals from 665 families were served by the four family shelters in Greater Cincinnati in 2015. Bethany House is the managing agency for this partnership.

SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR VOLUNTEERS — 1,353 volunteers donated 9,905 hours in 2015 to support our mission and our families.



Bed Nights




2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015










2014 2015 2014 2015


117 175

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Orlanda Robinson has worked hard to keep her three kids out of unsafe situations.Living in New York four years ago, she said she was nearly killed in a home invasion. She said she could not bear to stay in the apartment complex where the crime happened, but there was nowhere else to go. She and the children moved into a homeless shelter, until her mother and siblings back in Cincinnati begged her to come.

In Cincinnati, she lived with her mom and mom’s boyfriend at first. That, it turned out, wasn’t safe either. Once again, there was nowhere to go. This time she turned to Bethany House.

“I was really broken.”

She lived by Bethany House rules and did her assigned chores. And she said in her eight weeks there, the women and staff of Bethany House helped her heal.

“I feel 100% better than I did a few months ago.”

Today, she and her kids – ages 11, 9 and 6 – live in an apartment in the West End. She got a better job as a medical scheduler at a hospital. Her kids politely greet a visitor to the apartment. Orlanda tears up when she talks about the staff who helped her.

Ms. Karen, who worked overnight: “She prayed with me. She believed in me more than I believed in myself at the time.”

Ms. Lana: “She was an inspiration.”

Ms. Debbie: “She was uplifting and motivating to me. She told others: ‘I see a lot in her.’”

Ms. Kim, in charge of Orlanda’s personal program and who still meets with her once or twice a month: “She helps me with anything I need.’”

Orlanda still comes to Bethany House periodically to participate in services held by church groups that rotate through. She stays in touch with the women who were there with her.

“If it weren’t for Bethany House and how they embraced me and treated me there, I don’t know where I’d be.”

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Cardinel Brooks has worked hard.She found two jobs when she first moved to Cincinnati about 25 years ago – at a fast food restaurant and at a part-time security job. But she could not make ends meet. She could not afford the most basic need, a place to live.

Eventually, Cardinel found Bethany House. “They really put me on my feet.” Over a couple of months, Bethany House helped her put together a deposit and first month’s rent and set her up with a little furniture.

That put her on a course that was good for her for several years. She married. She and her husband lived in a home. She got new, better work but continued to work two jobs.

And then a medical crisis struck. Cardinel’s husband had the first of three strokes. He began to have seizures. He could no longer work. He needed round-the-clock care. Money ran out.

Cardinel moved her husband into a nursing home to make sure he had a roof over his head and had care. But she became homeless and alone.

She turned again to Bethany House. They helped her get through for a few weeks until she had enough money to get a place to live. Today, she lives in an apartment on Glenway Avenue and spends many days at the nursing home helping with the care for her husband.

In addition to the direct help and guidance Bethany House provided, Cardinel says the experience there with other women “softened my heart more. To see women with kids going through that, it got to me.”

Sometimes now she helps other young women herself, even offering them space at her apartment until they can get on their feet.

“Thanks to Bethany House there is a homeless facility where mom, dad, and their children can stay together.”

“There should be more places like Bethany House.”



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Are you Interested in Leaving a Legacy for Cincinnati’s Homeless Families?A bequest through a Last Will and Testament is the simplest way to create a lasting legacy of support for homeless families in our community. Suggested language for making a bequest to Bethany House Services; “ I give and bequest to Bethany House Services, 1841 Fairmount Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45214, the sum of $____ or ____% of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate for its general purpose.”

Financials audited by Barnes Dennig


Contributions 23% $717,265

Government Contracts 57% 1,756,222

Special Events (net expense) 3% 99,810

Rental Fees Bethany Homes 5% 162,971

Investment Income 1% 5,542

Foundation Grant Revenue 10% 309,197

Other Income 1% 31,572

Total Revenue $3,082,579


Shelter 33% $883,939

Rapid Rehousing 33% 889,439

Shelter Diversion 1% 25,646

Family Housing Partnership 15% 403,574

Permanent Housing 6% 169,257

Total Program Expenses 88% $2,371,855

Development 6% 154,179

Administration 6% 187,131

Total Expenses $2,713,165


AssetsCash and Cash Equivalents $229,568

Receivables 308,816

Investments 1,825,400

Property and Equipment 863,553

Other Assets 41,103

Total Assets $3,268,440 LIABILITIES AND NET ASSETS

Liabilities Accounts Payable $54,908

Accrued Expenses 75,051

Security Deposits 11,157

Total Liabilities $141,116

Net Assets 3,127,324

Total Liabilities and Net Assets $3,268,440

Development 6%

Administration 6%

Foundation Grant Revenue 10%

Other Income 1%

Investment Income 1%Rental FeesBethany Homes 5%Special Events (Net Expense) 3%

Total ProgramExpenses88%



Development 6%

Administration 6%

Foundation Grant Revenue 10%

Other Income 1%

Investment Income 1%Rental FeesBethany Homes 5%Special Events (Net Expense) 3%

Total ProgramExpenses88%



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2015 DONORSTHANK YOU to all of our supporters in 2015. Through your support of our endowment, annual fund, special events and gift-in-kind donations, we have been able to provide homeless families emergency shelter, housing and support services. All donors are very important to us and we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of all names listed. If a name was overlooked or printed incorrectly, please contact us at 513-557-2403 so we can correct our records.

ENDOWMENTAmerican Financial GroupMr. James Cain and Ms. Laura AmslerMs. Lucy CraneEvergreen Advisors, Inc.Ms. Cynthia KimberMr. and Mrs. Richard KlusMr. and Mrs. Kirk KoppenhoeferThomas E. and Pamela M. Mischell Family Foundation

ANNUAL FUND$300,000-$399,000Mercy Health

$10,000-$49,999Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Ronald BrichlerCatholics United for the Poor (CUP)Charles H. Dater FoundationCotswold FoundationFarmer Family Foundation

Thomas R. & Marion F. Blohm Fund at The Greater Cincinnati FoundationHeidt Family FoundationJack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust, PNC Bank and Karen B. Wachs, Co-TrusteesMarge & Charles J. Schott FoundationPNC BankScripps Howard FoundationSutphin Family FoundationThe Andrew Jergens FoundationThe Lawrence Home AssociationThe Spaulding FoundationUnited Way of Greater Cincinnati

$5,000-$9,999August A. Rendigs Jr. and Helen J. Rendigs FoundationMr. and Mrs. David BuescherEdward C. and Robert C. Bott FundGeneral Mills Community Action Council FoundationMr. and Mrs. Michael Haverkamp

Mr. and Mrs. Ed HubertMr. and Mrs. Kyle MorisonThe TJX Companies, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Perry Washburn

$1,000-$4,999Mr. and Mrs. Daniel AerniAgnes Nordloh Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs.Kevin AugMr. and Mrs. Kim BairdMs. Kristyn BorreroMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. BrinkerMr. and Mrs. Donald BrownMs. M. Phoebe BrownDr. Lee ByerlyCarroll Family Fund of the GCFCenter for Spiritual LivingChemed FoundationMr. and Mrs. Jimmy ChristopherCincinnati Gyro Club FoundationCincinnati Monthly Meeting of Religious Society of FriendsMr. William Creech

Mr. and Mrs. John DettmerMrs. Clare A. DriehausMr. and Mrs. Terrence DyerMr. Jimmy EdwardsElder High SchoolFifth Third BankHenry and Elaine FischerMr. and Mrs. Kenton GastMr. Louis D. George and Ms. Anne T. VertucaMr. William F. Groneman and Ms. Maureen FlanaganMr. Alfred HillKenneth & Joan Campbell FoundationKiwanis Club of Cheviot-WestwoodKnox Presbyterian ChurchMr. and Mrs. Troy KurimskyMr. and Mrs. Thomas LeugersLevin Family FoundationLila Gallimore TrustLKC FoundationLululemon USA Inc.Magnified Giving

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Mr. and Mrs. David MartinMr. Joseph MischellMs. Suzanne MorrisseyMr. and Mrs. Sean MullinsMs. Gail Myers and Mr. Fred KlaissNorth Bend Yacht ClubOhio River Valley Combined Federal CampaignOur Lady of the Visitation ChurchDr. and Mrs. Richard ParkMr. and Mrs. Richard PaulsenPeter F. and Mary W. Levin Philanthropic Fund at Interact for ChangeMr. and Mrs. Robert ReedMr. and Mrs. Jack RichterRobert A. & Marian K. Kennedy Charitable TrustMr. and Mrs. Ferd SchneiderMs. Mary SchweitzerMs. Kathryn ShahaniMr. and Mrs. Joey SharpMr. and Mrs. William ShoemakerMr. and Mrs. Rob SnyderMr. and Mrs. James SteffenStella M. Buerger Charitable TrustSummertime Kids Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation The Homan FoundationThe Pepper Family Fund of the GCFThomas E. and Pamela M. Mischell Family FoundationTruist

Virginia K. Weston Assistance Fund of GCFMr. and Mrs. Calvin Wright

$500-$999Mr. and Mrs. Philip AllardDr. Maggi Atterbury and Mr. Bruce P. BernardMr. and Mrs. Tom AugMs. Debra Barrett and Mr. John W. McCainMr. and Mrs. Matthew BrownfieldChico’sMr. and Mrs. Michael CordesmanChurch of the SaviorDaughters of Penelope

Mr. Charles DelaneyEastminster Presbyterian ChurchMr. and Mrs. David EllisElsa M. Reiter Fund of The Greater Cincinnati FoundationMr. and Mrs. John GrohMs. Mary HilvertMr. and Mrs. James HoutzImmanuel United Church of ChristMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotMr. and Mrs. Charles KaiserKeySource Medical, Inc.Mrs. Linda KlumpMr. and Mrs. Urban KocherMr. and Mrs. Daniel Long

Mr. and Mrs. William MasonMr. and Mrs. Robert MayerMiller-Valentine-Walsh FundMother of MercyMs. Ann Paulsen and Mr. Al GarnerMr. and Mrs. Rob PoulosMr. and Mrs. Barry ReynoldsMr. Michael C. SchillerMr. and Mrs. Michael J. SchillerMr. and Mrs. Louis SchroderMr. and Mrs. Samuel SimonMs. Dana L. Davis and Ms. Denise SchumacherMs. JoAnn Strong and Ms. Carolyn BurkeMrs. Louise TatgenhorstMr. and Mrs. Garry TerrellThe Manuel D. and Rhonda Mayerson FoundationTruGreen FoundationVision OneMr. and Mrs. Steve WalshWestwood United Methodist WomenMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey WitteMrs. Betty Wuest

$100-$499Mr. and Mrs. Erik AllabenAmeritas Life Insurance CorpAmeritas Mutual Holding CompanyMr. Daniel E. Ansel and Mrs. Susan E. Emerson-AnselMs. Johanne ArmstrongBahl & Gaynor Investment Counsel




$1,000-$4,999 CONTINUED

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Mr. and Mrs. Michael BenkenMr. and Mrs. George BensMr. and Mrs. Andrew BermanBernard J. and Karen D. Wilger Fund of the GCFMr. and Mrs. Duane BerwangerDr. and Mrs. Harry BlaneyBlue Ash Presbyterian ChurchBlue & Co., LLCMs. Beth BodenheimerDr. and Mrs. Jeremy BorskyMr. and Mrs. Doug BoschertMr. and Mrs. Gerald BreenMrs. Lydia BrinkerMr. Thomas BrinkmanMs. Amy BrunerMs. Sally CardosiMr. and Mrs. Walter CarrollMr. and Mrs. Ben ChamberlainMr. and Mrs. Boyd ColglazierCincinnati Youth CollaborativeDr. and Mrs. Sidney CohenMr. and Mrs. Marc ComisarMr. Steve Cooley and Ms. Lisa JoliatMs. Ruth Ann CooperMr. and Mrs. John CrawfordMr. and Mrs. Ross CrawfordCreative Echoes, LLCMr. Andrew CrosierD&R Promotions, LLCMr. Jeffrey Davis and Ms. Rina SapersteinMr. and Mrs. Bill Davis

Deborah Hall Fund of The Greater Cincinnati FoundationMs. Ann DeGrootMr. and Mrs. Francis DeJosephMr. and Mrs. Robert DisbennettMr. William DorwardMrs. Robert DriehausMr. and Mrs. Robert DuganMr. Nicolas Dunning and Dr. Lisbeth M. LazaronMs. Susan EberleMr. and Ms. Neil EisnerMs. Constance ElsaesserMr. Jeremy FauberMr. Alan FaulhaberMs. Ilija FilipovMr. and Mrs. Robert FiskMr. Tim FlemMr. and Mrs. James FresonGallagher -Schiff, Kreidler-Shell, Inc.George & Mary Jo Budig Family FoundationMr. and Mrs. Earl GettelfingerMr. and Mrs. Thomas GoodwinGroesbeck United Methodist ChurchMs. Vicki Groh and Mr. Mark WoodwardMr. and Mrs. Michael GrohMr. and Mrs. James GroveMr. James GusweilerMr. David HaireMr. and Mrs. Thomas HamantMs. Diane Hart

Hartzell United Methodist WomenMs. Charlene HattonMr. and Mrs. David HegemannMs. Janet HeidenMrs. Anne HeidtMr. and Mrs. Lawrence HeitkampSr. Lynn Heper, SCMr. and Mrs. Fred HeyseMr. and Mrs. William HickmanMr. Ronald L. Hill and Mr. Thomas J.LohnerMr. and Mrs. Steven HilsMr. and Mrs. Tim HillMr. and Mrs. Michael HinzmanH-M Co.Mr. and Ms. David HoeslMs. J. Brenda HoskinsMr. and Ms. Gerry HounchellMr. Timothy HouseMs. Ann HowardMr. Griffin HurdRuth M. Hurlburt Trust✝ Mrs. Jean InkrotMr. and Mrs. Timothy JablonJewish Federation of CincinnatiJohn W. and Marianne Peck Fund of the GCFMr. Andrew JohnsonDr. and Mrs. Edmund W. JonesMs. Amy Jones HarriganMr. and Mrs. Roy KaiserMr. and Mrs. David KampMr. and Mrs. Brian Kasson

Mr. and Mrs. Tom KeckeisMr. and Mrs. David KernanMr. and Mrs. Tim Kern, Sr.Mrs. Patricia KesslerMr. Nicholas KieferMr. George KingstonDr. and Mrs. Earl KiskerMs. Elizabeth KisselKiwanis Club of Greenhills- Forest ParkMs. Mary Lou KleneMr. and Mrs. Raymond KnuevenMr. and Mrs. Dan KramerKroger Community RewardsMr. and Mrs. Raymond KronerKroner Dry Cleaners Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas KuechlyMr. Richa KumariMs. Mary LahtiMr. and Mrs. Joseph LangleyMs. Jennifer LeugersMr. and Mrs. William LeugersMr. and Mrs. James LeydaMr. James LoomisMrs. Mary LitkovitzMr. and Mrs. Richard LoutzenhiserMs. Donna LuggenMs. Carolyn MaddoxMs. Alice MagginiMs. Kelly Malone and Ms. Kari Lynn KitchenMr. Lucas MarksityMr. Gordon Massa

2015 Donors

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ors Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mayerchak

Ms. Jeanette McCarthyFr. Harry MeyerMr. and Mrs. Allan MeyerMr. and Mrs. Robert MierenfeldMs. Colleen MillerMr. and Mrs. Gary MillerMontgomery Presbyterian ChurchMs. Vivian Kay MorganMs. Mary Sue MorrowMr. and Mrs. Ken MullenMs. Lori Murphy and Mr. Scott D. MillerMr. Jim MurrayMr. Bill Nester and Ms. Cindy SchenkelMr. and Mrs. Robert NewmanMs. Mary Elizabeth NeyerMs. Lynn NiehausMs. Eleanor Jeanne NoeOakley Square Eye AssociatesMr. Brian O’ConnorMs. Susan OsbornSr. Mary Donata Ovelgonne, RSMMr. and Mrs. James PaulinMr. and Mrs. Jeffery PeliniMs. Rachel PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Jack PhippsMr. Jeffery PickardMrs. Barbara Poppe and Mr. William D. FaithMr. and Mrs. Russell PorterMs. Bersetha Ranson

Mr. Joseph RatermanDr. and Mrs. Ranjit RathMr. and Mrs. Nicholas RaymondMr. and Mrs. Nathan RitcheyMr. and Mrs. Robert RonckerSam Hickman PaintingMr. Robert SatheMrs. Anita SaylorMr. and Mrs. Thomas SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Alan SchneiderMr. Robert ScholzMr. and Mrs. James SchottelkotteMr. and Mrs. Jerry SchuehlerMr. and Mrs. Gregory SchultzMr. John SheaMs. Judy SissonMr. and Mrs. William SlonekerMs. Genevieve SmithSociety of TransfigurationSorenson Communications, IncMr. and Mrs. Arthur Sphar Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Spurr IIIMs. Margaret SteinerMs. Donna SteinmetzSt. Ann ChurchSt. Paul United Church of ChristMr. and Mrs. John StantonMr. and Mrs. David SteinDr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stephens, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob SuerMr. and Mrs. Gerald SullivanStock Insurance AgencyMr. and Mrs. Robert Summe

Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. SzewcDr. and Mrs. Robert TardiffMr. and Mrs. Tom TateMs. Kim TeegardenThe Arthur J. Gallagher FoundationThe Arborwoods Ladies ClubThe Community Church of CincinnatiMr. and Mrs. George ThomasTierney’s Cleaning & Lawncare ServiceTNS Business Solutions, LLCMr. and Mrs. Wayne TolbertMr. and Mrs. Bill TorokMr. and Mrs. John TrueDr. Marianne VasMrs. Patricia VolkMr. and Mrs. William WachsMr. and Mrs. Edward WandstratMs. Karen WeeseMr. and Mrs. Thomas WeidmanWestwood Woman’s ClubMr. Jeffrey T. Whaley and Ms. Eileen BensDr. Cleota WilbekinReverend Carl WolleringWood HoldingMr. and Mrs. Robert WoodiwissMr. Darryl WorshamMr. and Mrs. Lee YeazellMr. and Mrs. Dan YoungZonta Club of CincinnatiMs. Betty Zwayer

$1-$99Mr. William AdkinsAdrian Durban FloristsMr. and Mrs. Matthew AlvordAmazon SmilesMr. and Mrs. Paul AnhoferMr. and Mrs. David ArmstrongMr. Frank AucielloDr. and Mrs. Bernard BacevichMr. and Mrs. Stanley BaimanMs. Mildred BarhorstMr. and Mrs. Andrew BartishMs. Rosemary BauerMs. Terrie BeckMr. and Mrs. William BenvieMr. and Mrs. James BeslMr. and Mrs. John M. BiereMr. and Mrs. Donald BlumMr. and Mrs. Jeff HookerMr. and Mrs. Bruce BostianMr. Forrest G. Brandt and Ms. Kathy WadeMs. Carolyn BrownMr. and Mrs. Russell BrownMs. Lori BrunnerMr. and Mrs. Dale BuranMr. Harold BurchMr. Michael BussomMr. and Mrs. James CahillMr. and Mrs. Nicholas CarrelliMr. Gholam ChabiMs. Jennifer Chubinski and Mr. Sergio Filippo

$100-$499 CONTINUED


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Cincinnati Missionary Baptist District AssociatonMr. and Mrs. Donald ClancyMs. Judy DamicoMr. and Mrs. Andrew DartDr. and Mrs. Kenneth DavisMr. and Mrs. Gabriel DeguiaSr. Marilyn Rose Dietz, RSMMr. and Mrs. George DixonMr. and Mrs. Robert J. BensMr. and Mrs. Paul EmmerichMs. Julie EvansMs. Priscilla FauxMr. and Mrs. Edward FayloMr. and Mrs. Edward FeldhausMs. Judith FindsenMs. Diane ForsterMs. Phyllis FosterMs. Nancy FosterMr. and Mrs. Paul FrancisMr. and Mrs. Joseph FreyMr. and Mrs. Alan FreySr. Virginia Ann Froehle, RSMMr. and Mrs. William FroschauerMs. Marjorie GaibleMs. Cara GalbreathMr. and Mrs. Kenneth GanoteMr. and Mrs. J. Neal GardnerMr. and Mrs. Larry GeigerMr. and Mrs. Brian GeigerMs. Angela GellenbeckDr. and Mrs. Stephen GerstnerMr. and Mrs. Richard Girardot

Ms. Cynthia GivensMs. Catherine Goetz and Mr. Connally Edozien✝ Sr. Mary Grafe, SCMs. Martha Ann GramssMs. LaDonna GrayMs. Mary Beth GroeneMr. Eric GrohMr. Gary GrohMr. and Mrs. Robert GromeMs. Betty GrupenhoffMs. Christina GuggenbergerMs. Catherine GullemannMs. Heather HaakeMr. and Mrs. Atallah HajjarMs. Sarah HammersMrs. Betty HansMs. Elizabeth HartmannMr. and Mrs. Steven HerboldMs. Laurie HibnerHonorable Lee and Mrs. Barbara HildebrandtMr. and Mrs. Joe HoerstMr. and Mrs. Donald HoganMr. and Mrs. Richard HolthausMs. Frances HornikelMs. Anne Stanton HooverMs. Ruth HolthausMr. and Mrs. Bill HughesMs. Mary Jo HuismannMs. Pat Ihlendorf

Mrs. Anne Ingalls- LawrenceMr. and Mrs. Andrew JohnsonMs. Lois JohnsonMr. William J. Joyce Jr.Mr. Peter JoyceMr. and Mrs. Bob KaiserMr. and Mrs. Bill KampmanMr. and Mrs. Bernard KarwischMrs. Audrey KasakMr. and Mrs. Raymond

KathmanMr. and Mrs. Kevin KeefeMr. Nusrat KhanMr. and Mrs. Brian KirkpatrickMr. and Mrs. Jerry KochMr. and Mrs. James KoettersMr. and Mrs. Tom LacyMr. and Mrs. Jeff LadenburgerMr. and Mrs. Robert LessnauMs. Kathy LiguzinskiMr. and Mrs. Thomas LinnemanMr. and Mrs. Thomas LittleMr. and Mrs. James LoefflerSr. Marianne Longo, RSMMr. and Mrs. Richard LonnemanMs. Patricia LunaMs. Alenka MaricMr. Frank MarlettoMr. and Mrs. David Mattingly

Ms. Lynne MayoMs. Carmella Mazzei

Ms. Patti McGeeverMr. and Mrs. Michael McKeown

Rev. James MeadeMr. Eliot Menifee

Mr. and Mrs. Michael MeyerMr. and Mrs. Ronald MielechMs. Rhonda MillerMr. and Mrs. Mark MooreSr. Marie Moore, RSM

2015 Donors


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13ANNUAL REPORT 2015 12 13

Mr. Robert MorelandMs. Eileen MosherDr. and Mrs. Donald MurdockDr. and Mrs. Charles MyerMs. Peggy NorthcuttMr. and Mrs. J. Paul OchenkowskiMr. and Mrs. John O’LoneMs. Lina OrrMr. and Mrs. Michael OwensP.E.O Chapter EKMr. and Mrs. John PanykoMs. Jeanne Pecquet

Ms. Grace PedotoMs. Catherine PetersMs. Mary PetersonMr. and Mrs. Pat PetrieMr. and Mrs. R.J. PfalzPiazza Discepoli - Piccolo Wine RoomMr. and Mrs. Alvin PillerMr. Gary PloehsMs. Karen Swedersky PodMr. and Mrs. Darwin PopenoePresbyterian Women in Westood First Presbyterian ChurchMs. Nancy Pushkar

Dr. and Mrs. Norbert RanzDr. and Mrs. John RatermanMs. Patricia ReamanRemke’sMs. Margaret RentzMr. and Mrs. George RichterMr. and Mrs. Mario RobertoMr. and Mrs. Peter RobinsonMr. and Mrs. Clarence RoudebushMs. Mildred RueveMs. Mary RyanMs. Jane SchehlMr. and Mrs. Ed SchroederMr. Mark R. Schroder and Mrs. Mary J. Inkrot-SchroderMs. Mary Jo SchuldMs. Judy SchwallieMrs. Margaret ScullyMs. Pamela J. Senefeld and Mr. Russell B. NaberMr. and Mrs. Carl ServizziMr. Carl ShannonMr. and Mrs. Daniel SheedyShimmy MobMs. Judy ShoopMr. John ShowalterMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey ShriverMs. Doreen SingMr. and Mrs. Michael SontagMs. Christina SpanyerMr. and Mrs. David SpeiserMr. and Ms. Ron SpohrSt. Paul United Methodist Church

Dr. and Mrs. Paul StaubitzMr. and Mrs. David StoneSub ZeroMr. Clifford SuciettoMr. and Mrs. Donald SuerMr. and Mrs. Tom SzarwarkMr. and Mrs. Victor TenkmanMs. Jane TeufenMs. Esther TombragelMs. Renee TownleyMs. Margaret TrautmannMr. and Mrs. Ryan TroescherMr. Bob TrombleyMs. Barbara TuchfarberMr. and Mrs. Reginald VictorMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey WadelinMr. and Mrs. Keith WagnerMr. and Mrs. Christopher WalesMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey WallMr. and Mrs. William WardMs. Barbara A. Weber and Ms. Mary Elizabeth BushMr. and Mrs. Edward WehnerMr. and Mrs. Lindley WeikertMr. and Mrs. David WempeMr. and Mrs. Michael WenningMs. Sally WetenkampMr. and Mrs. Edwin WhiteMs. Gail WickMr. and Mrs. Richard WielandMr. and Mrs. Sam WilderMr. Jerry Wilkerson and Ms. Cheryl Meadows





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2015 Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn WilliamsDr. James WimmersMr. and Mrs. Randall WittichWm. Kramer and Son, IncMr. and Mrs. George WoltermanWomen’s Fellowship UCC in OakleyMr. and Mrs. Bruce Yeazell


GOLD SPONSORSMercy HealthTotal Quality Logistics

SILVER SPONSORSMr. and Mrs. Mike McCuenUltimate Rehab, LTD.

BRONZE SPONSORS84.51Barnes DennigDr. Mary Brown and Mr. Mark DatoGail Myers, PRA Friend of Bethany

FOOD AND BEVERAGE SPONSORSA Friend of BethanyA La Carte Dessert & CateringGlazer’s Distributors of OhioHaute ChocolateMaverick ChocolateRhinegeist Brewery

AUCTION, RAFFLES AND SUPPORTERSMr. and Mrs. Philip AllardMr. and Mrs. Matthew AlvordA Friend of BethanyAmazon FulfillmentAnonymousMr. and Mrs. Kim BairdBarnes Dennig & Co., Ltd.Mr. and Mrs. Greg BaukeMs. Jessica BaumlBenefit Salon & SpaBenzie SalonBotanicaBrazee Street StudiosMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. BrinkerMr. and Mrs. Joe BroderickDr. and Mrs. Jim BrockmanDr. Mary P. Brown and Mr. Mark E. DatoMr. and Mrs. Andrew BryansMr. Mark ByronCafé DeSalesCamp Bow WowMr. and Mrs. David CarrierMr. and Mrs. Walter CarrollCincinnati Arts AssociationCincinnati Marriott at RiverCenterCincinnati Nose, Sinus & Facial Plastic SurgeryCincinnati Reds Hall of Fame & MuseumCincinnati Shakespeare Company

Cincinnati Symphony OrchestraCity BarbequeCoCo Creative WellnessThe Corporation at Findlay MarketCOSIMs. Katie CoughlinCourtyard by Marriott Cincinnati Midtown/RookwoodMs. Lucy CraneMr. and Mrs. Ross CrawfordMr. and Mrs. William CunninghamDare to DanceMr. and Mrs. A. David DavisMs. Terri DebrulerMs. Kim DefluiterDeutsch Family Wine & SpiritsDewey’s PizzaMr. and Mrs. Michael DiMarioMr. and Mrs. Frank DiNardoDog House GroomingMs. Alexandra DolbierDonna Salyers’ Fabulous FursDonna’s Gourmet CookiesDowntown GirlDream DinnersDunnhumby USA, LLCMr. and Mrs. Terrence DyerMr. and Mrs. Barry ElkusEnoteca EmiliaEnsemble Theatre CincinnatiMr. and Mrs. Martin FarmerFurniture Solutions for the Workplace LLC

Gail Myers Public Relations, LLCDr. and Mrs. Stephen GerstnerMr. Greg Spahr and Ms. Liz GlassmeyerGlazer’s Distributors of OhioGreat Parks of CincinnatiGreener StockMr. James GusweilerMr. and Mrs. David HadleyRaul Haas JewelersHalf Price BooksMs. Daria HardemanMr. and Mrs. Michael HaverkampMr. and Mrs. Joseph HaydenDr. and Mrs. Robert S. Heidt, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Russell HeilMr. and Mrs. Steven HengeholdSr. Lynn Heper, SCMr. and Mrs. Joe HoerstHouse of Run N TriMr. and Mrs. Dave HoweMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotIntuitive Touch Massage TherapyIron Chef GrillJag’s Steak and SeafoodMr. and Mrs. Craig JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Michael JordanMr. and Mrs. William JostworthMr. and Mrs. Jerome JuddMr. and Mrs. Steve JungDr. Rama KasturiMr. and Mrs. Tim KelleyKim Natural Nail

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Mr. and Mrs. Timothy KochKnickers of Hyde ParkMr. and Mrs. Harold KremerThe Kroger CompanyMr. and Mrs. Joseph KronerMr. and Mrs. Raymond KronerMr. and Mrs. Jeff LadenburgerMr. and Mrs. Gregory LampertMs. Erika LehmanMr. and Mrs. Thomas LeugersMs. Mary LeveeMs. Laura LongMs. Kathy LozanoMs. Patricia LunaMadison’s at Findlay MarketDr. Carolyn McCabe and Mr. Joe WimanMr. and Mrs. Mike McCuenMs. Karen McHaleMr. and Mrs. Anthony MichelMs. Jennifer MitchellMr. and Mrs. John MitchellMr. and Mrs. Jeff MolskiMr. Frances MorletMr. and Mrs. Michael MorrisonMs. Lisa MuethingMs. Gail Myers and Mr. Fred KlaissNeal’s Design RemodelCarol NeckelMr. Bill Nester and Ms. Cindy SchenkelMr. Pat NiehausMr. and Mrs. Ronald Odenbeck

Mr. and Mrs. Daniel PardekooperThe Party SourceMr. and Mrs. Bryan PeckPerfect North SlopesMr. and Ms. Thomas PernikPhipps ReprographicsMr. and Mrs. Jeffrey PieperPNC BankMr. Daniel PolizziMr. and Mrs. Paul ProphitMr. and Mrs. David RaessMs. Leah RectorMs. Suzanne RengersMr. and Mrs. Albert RheinRhinegeist BreweryRichter & PhillipsMr. and Mrs. Steve RobertsonRockQuest Climbing CenterMr. and Mrs. Brian RossMs. Beth SafiSal*n Salon ImageMr. and Mrs. Thomas SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Gregory SchaiperMr. and Mrs. Michael SchillerMs. Dana L. Davis and Ms. Denise SchumacherSerendipity JewelryShane Weber SalonMr. Yale Siedner and Dr. Marilyn WanderMs. Lisa Siegel and Mr. Chris FelixSimply Power YogaMr. and Mrs. John Spencer

Ann Speyer/The PapergirlDr. and Mrs. Robert J. Stephens, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Mike StrombergMr. Benjamin Suer and Ms. Alexis Bonacci-RobertsMr. and Mrs. Bernard SuerMs. Robie SuggsMr. and Mrs. Gerald SullivanTaft Museum of ArtTanya’s Image & Wellness SalonTheatre Management CorporationMr. and Mrs. Stephen TinoTriHealth Fitness & HealthTotal Quality LogisticsMs. Barb TuchfarberUltimate Air ShuttleUltimate Rehab, LTDMargaret Umberger of Persimmom Lane InteriorsMr. and Mrs. David ValentineMr. and Mrs. David ValzThe Velvet CricketVenice on VineMr. and Mrs. Albert VierlingMr. and Mrs. Tim VioxMr. Forrest Brandt and Ms. Kathy WadeMr. and Mrs. Tim WarningMr. and Mrs. Ben WellsThe Westin CincinnatiMr. and Mrs. David WhangWhirlybird GranolaWidmer’s Cleaners

Mr. and Mrs. Scott WilliamsWoodhouse SpaMr. and Mrs. Thomas WorleyMs. Susan WyderYoga Alive


BIRDIE SPONSORSApplied Mechanical Systems


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Bahl & Gaynor Investment CounselKutol Products Company, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael McGrawMiller-Valentine-Walsh FundOhio National Financial ServicesMr. Joseph RhodenbaughMs. Denise SchumacherTriHealth

BEVERAGE SPONSORSMr. and Mrs. Kim BairdEvergreen Advisors, Inc.First Financial BankRendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, L.L.P.Taft Stettinius & Holister LLPThe Cincinnati Mine Machinery Co.Mr. Gregory Woods

EAGLE SPONSORSMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotMesser Construction Co.Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Suer

TEE SPONSORSMr. Greg IonnaKMK LawMowry, Marty & Bain, Inc.

HOLE SPONSORSMr. and Mrs. Brian AllenAmerican Heating & Air Conditioning Co.AmeritasBailey & Company Benefits GroupDr. and Mrs. Jeremy Borsky

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G. BrinkerCheviot Savings BankEisenzimmer Financial ServicesJostin Concrete Construction, Inc.North Side Bank & Trust CompanyRaymond James, Inc.Rendigs, Fry, Kiely & Dennis, L.L.P.TriState Orthopedic Products Inc.Western Hills Window Company, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Scott Williams

FOURSOMES & GOLFERSMs. Nancy BaroneMr. and Mrs. T.J. DavisMr. Ryan DavisMr. and Mrs. Donald G. DriehausMr. and Mrs. Grant CooperMr. and Mrs. Ryan EdwardsMr. Edward FeldmanHensley Custom Building Group, LLCMr. and Mrs. Arthur HathawayMr. and Mrs. Michael HaverkampMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotKehoe Financial Services, LLCMr. Scott MassaMr. and Mrs. Douglas MassaMr. Mark MingesMr. and Mrs. Wayne MoratschekMr. and Mrs. Sean MullinsMr. Bill Nester and Ms. Cindy SchenkelMr. William PriceMr. John Schultz

FOOD AND BEVERAGE DONORSGordon Food ServiceThe Kroger Company Remke Market Delhi Target

AUCTION, RAFFLES, CONTESTS & SUPPORTERSAnonymousMr. Andrew BeitingMr. Michael BihnMr. and Mrs. Elliot AdamsMr. Nick CiamponeMr. and Mrs. Grant CooperMr. Frank CradduckMs. Susan EberleMr. Edward FeldmanMs. Anne ErnstMs. Michelle FlanneryMr. Andre FrazierMr. and Mrs. Jay FreylerMr. Tommy GraceMr. and Mrs. Arthur HathawayMr. and Mrs. Michael HaverkampMr. Eric HendyMr. and Mrs. Steven HengeholdMr. John HensleyMr. Tim HensleyMs. Kaitlyn IrvineMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotMr. Todd JohnsonMr. Clif KennedyMr. and Mrs. Daniel Kroner

Mr. Ken KronerMs. Rosanna LakemanMr. Tony LonnaMr. Scott LovellMr. Robert LubyMr. Scott MassaMr. and Mrs. Douglas MassaMr. and Mrs. Mike McCuenMr. John McLaughlinMr. Mark MingesMs. Carissa MitchelMr. and Mrs. Wayne MoratschekMr. and Mrs. Sean MullinsMr. Bill Nester and Ms. Cindy SchenkelMr. and Mrs. Bill NewboldMr. Ryan NicholsMr. Jeff NorrisMr. and Mrs. John O’BrienOhio Eagle DistributingMs. Robyn OrnerMs. Lisa OwendoffMs. Courtney ParkerMr. and Mrs. Richard PaulsenMr. Don PavelyMr. William PriceMr. George RamichMr. Mark RobertoMr. and Mrs. Donald RowekampMr. Steve RuffMr. and Mrs. Mark SchaefferMr. and Mrs. Michael SchillerMr. John Schultz

2015 Donors


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Mr. Joel ScottMr. and Mrs. Derek ShaeferMr. Jim SpilmanMr. Benjamin Suer and Ms. Alexis Bonacci-RobertsMr. Matt WienkeMr. Scott WinfieldMr. Gregory WoodsMr. Jeffrey WorthingtonDr. John Zisko

GIFT-IN-KIND45/46 Fine Mens ApparelAmazon FulfillmentAnheuser BuschAston Oaks Golf CourseMr. Jason BeccaccioBethany House Board of DirectorsMr. and Mrs. Doug BoschertBrazee Street StudiosCamargo CadillacChris Felix Fine ArtCincinnati BengalsCincinnati RedsCincinnati Recreation CommissionCincinnati ZooElder High SchoolGold Medal ProductsGordon Food ServiceGreat Parks of Hamilton CountyGreen Crest Golf ClubMr. Art HathawayMr. and Mrs. Michael F. Haverkamp

H & R Block Kehoe FinancialKings IslandKroger Food StoresMr. and Mrs. Robert LessnauLegendary Run Golf CourseMr. and Mrs. Dale LiggettMagna-MugOhio Eagle DistributorsPhipps ReprographicsMarvin Lewis Community FundRemke MarketMr. and Mrs. Butch RowekampShaker Run Golf CourseSymphony HotelTaft Museum Jeff Torbeck PhotographyTriHealthMr. and Mrs. Michael TierneyVIP Back Rubs, LLCWellington Orthopaedic & Sports MedicineXavier University


KING SPONSORSHeidt Family FoundationMercy Health

QUEEN SPONSORSMarge & Charles J. Schott FoundationUnistrut

JESTER SPONSORSDr. Rebeccah L. Brown and Mr. Dan O. JonesDriehaus Insurance GroupEGC Designers Builders Construction Management

PLATINUM SPONSORSCheviot Savings BankCincinnati Dowel & Wood Products Co.Mr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotKutol Products Compnay, Inc.Messer Construction Co.Miller-Valentine-Walsh FundPNC BankDr. and Mrs. Michael RoddyMr. and Mrs. Butch RowekampMs. Denise Schumacher

Mr. and Mrs. Bernie SuerSkyline Chili, Inc.

GOLD SPONSORSA Taste of Class, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Michael BishopEvergreen Advisors, Inc.Mr. and Mrs. Greg FoltzMr. and Mrs. Mark FoltzMr. Matthew FoltzMr. and Mrs. Michael FoltzMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotKeating, Muething & Klekamp, P.L.L.Mr. and Mrs. Mike MaxwellMr. and Mrs. John ThompsonMr. John WisemanMr. and Mrs. Phillip WisemanWisemax

SUPPORTERSMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. BrinkerMr. and Mrs. Nicholas CarrelliMr. and Mrs. Ben ChamberlainCincinnati Friends of Charity, Inc.Mr. James CrawfordMs. Lindsay FieldMs. Deborah JacksonMs. Ashley JohnsonKohl’s #584Mr. and Mrs. Robert LessnauMr. and Mrs. Thomas LeugersMr. and Mrs. Daniel LucianoMr. and Mrs. Robert MayerMr. and Mrs. Mike McCuen





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2015 Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Anthony MichelMr. Bill Nester and Ms. Cindy SchenkelNorth Side Bank & Trust CompanyMr. and Mrs. Michael PieningMr. and Mrs. Peter ReboldMr. and Mrs. Albert RheinMr. and Mrs. Michael SchillerSr. Mary Stanton, RSMMr. and Mrs. James SteffenMr. Michael StockMr. and Mrs. Scott Williams

GIFT-IN-KIND21C Museum HotelAllusionsAmbiance Nail SalonAmerican GirlArnold’s Bar and GrillArthur’sChick-fil-AChina GourmetCincinnati Art MuseumCincinnati BalletCincinnati Nature CenterCincinnati Shakespeare CompanyCincinnati Zoo and Botanical GardenCosiCovedale Center for the Performing ArtsDairy QueenDave & BustersDermatology and Skin Care AssociatesDewey’s Pizza

Mr. and Mrs. Jerry DiersDrake PlanetariumEntertainment JunctionFlorence FreedomFrisch’s Restaurant, Inc.Gameworks - Newport on the LeveeGlamour ShotsGraeter’sHalf Price BooksHamilton County Park DistrictHeidt Family FoundationHyatt Regency CincinnatiJoseph-Beth BooksellersKeeneland Association, Inc.Kentucky Derby MuseumKentucky Horse ParkKids First Sports CenterMr. and Mrs. Jeff LadenburgerLouisville BatsMacaron BarMelting PotMs. Suzanne MorrisseyNatorp’s, Inc.Newport AquariumMs. Sylvia OsterdayOut of Thyme. Ltd.Perfect North SlopesQuilt OutreachRising Star Casino and ResortShedd AquariumMs. Katherine Stewart, LMTStillmeadow Country ClubStone Creek Dining Company

Taft Museum of ArtTavern Restaurant GroupThe BonBonerieThe Children’s TheatreThe Web Extreme EntertainmentTheatre Management CorporationUnited Dairy FarmersVenice on VineVIP Back Rubs, LLCWidmer’s CleanersWine Cellar InnovationsYMCA Camp KernMr. and Mrs. Michael SchmidtSpecial Thanks to the Northern Kentucky Restaurant Association

GIFT-IN-KIND DONORSAbundant Life Apostolic Church Outreach MinistryMr. and Mrs. James ActonMr. and Mrs. Keith AdamsAgainst the Grain ScholarsAiken High SchoolMs. Molly AldrichMr. and Mrs. Robert AllbrightAlpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Phi Psi OmegaAlpha Kappa Alpha, Omicron ChapterAmazon FulfillmentAmeritasMs. Laura AmiottMs. Joyce AndersonMs. Susan AnkenbauerAnonymous

Apex Supply Chain TechnologiesMr. and Mrs. Tom AugMs. Kelly AustinA.W.PMs. Charmetra BaileyMr. and Mrs. Kim BairdMr. Larry BantaMs. Kim BarnesMs. Stacey Barton TilleyMs. Rosemary BauerMs. Jackie BaumgartnerMrs. Rosanne Beatty/Braves UnitMs. Sue BerdingMs. Linda BernhardtBertke & Sparks Computer Constulting, Inc.Ms. Sheri BessoBig John MoversMs. Clare BlankemeyerMs. Linda BommerMs. Linda BonnerMs. D. BookerMs. Kristin BoothDr. and Mrs. Jeremy BorskyMs. Lois BrandstetterMr. and Mrs. Ryan BrennerBridgetown Finer MeatsMr. and Mrs. Stephen G. BrinkerMs. Alicia BrinkmanMs. Christel BrooksMs. Nickie BrooksMs. Julia BunzattMs. Jodi Burcham

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ors Ms. Carolyn Burke

Ms. Vanessa BurchfieldMs. Susan BurgerMr. and Mrs. Matthew BurnsMs. Daisha BurtonBusken BakeryMs. Alexis CainMr. Tom CalderMs. Courthney CalvinCardnoMr. and Mrs. Henry CarotaMr. and Mrs. David CarrierMr. James CarrollMr. and Mrs. Walter CarrollMr. and Mrs. Mike CarrollMs. Traci ChaffinMs. Cheryl CharkinsChris Felix Fine ArtChristmas for Jesus’ PoorChums, IncChurch of the SaviorChurch Women UnitedCincinnati Bar AssociationCincinnati Children’s Medical CenterCincinnati Hills Christian AcademyCincinnati Monthly Meeting of Religious Society of FriendsCincinnati RedsCincinnati Youth CollaborativeCincyBiteCintas CorporationCITI Women’s NetworkMr. Daryl Clark

Ms. Caren CohenMr. and Mrs. Robert CohenMr. and Mrs. Lawrence ColemanMs. Keya ColemanMr. Anthony Coleson/Coleson Community GroupMr. Tom CollinsCommunity Baptist ChurchMr. and Mrs. Joseph CondrenMs. Christina ConleyMr. and Mrs. Bill CookMr. Robert CowanMr. John CramerMs. Sara CrandallMs. Melinda CromerMr. and Mrs. Joseph CullenMs. Terri CurrioMr. and Mrs. Robert DalyMs. Linda DanielsMs. Sharon DanielsMr. Matthew DaughertyMs. Christina DavisMr. and Mrs. Danny DavisMr. Kevin Davis and Ms. Darshena DavisMs. Rhea DawkinsMs. Allison DeGraafMs. Laura DelaneyDelta Gamma Sorority AlumnaeMs. Rebecca DennisMr. and Mrs. Michael DiMarioMs. Kelly DixonMrs. Alisa Dixon

Mr. Jon DooleyMs. Wendy DornMs. Amy DowlingDrop Inn CenterMs. Candace DunDunnhumby USA, LLCMs. Ashley EdelenMs. Melissa EilerElder High SchoolMr. Matthew ElstonMr. John ErnstErica Holloman FoundationEsther Price CandiesETB Music and Fine Arts CenterMr. Francis L.F. Falgiano IIIMr. and Mrs. Martin FarmerMs. Pam FarrellMs. Angie FegusonMs. Diana Feldman-SmithFidelity InvestmentsMr. Charley FioriniFirst Baptist Church West College HillMr. and Mrs. Dan FlaniganMr. and Mrs. John ForresterMr. and Mrs. Phil FoxMr. and Mrs. Bill FrambesMs. Ericka FrenchMr. and Mrs. Alan FreyMr. and Mrs. Jay FreylerMs. Marilyn FriersonMs. Patricia Froehle and Mr. Kenneth OwensMs. Chrissy Frye

Ms. Shannon GantzerGarnish CateringGarrison Global AcademyGE Aviation - US MilitaryMr. and Mrs. Larry GerkeMr. and Mrs. Tom GerstleMr. and Mr. Edward GieseGifted Hands SalonMs. Monique GilliamMs. Kia GlantonMs. Julie GlazerMr. Gary GlazierMr. Mike GlotfecterGo DutchMs. Dawn GodfreyGold Star ChiliMs. Megan GoldenMr. and Mrs. Tim GoldrainerMr. Paul GoldstoneGood ShepherdMs. Audre GoodwinMs. Doris GradyGreat Clips Harper’s StationGreat Friends Working Cooperatively (GFWC)Greater Cincinnati Relocation Services, IncMs. Linda GreenGreen LawnMr. and Mrs. Jeff GreggMs. Carrie GreshamMr. and Mrs. Mark GriesmerMs. Gillian Grobe


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Mr. and Mrs. John Groh & FamilyMrs. Rachel GruberGuardian Angels SchoolMs. Christina GuggenbergerGwynedd Mercy UniversityMs. Nicole HahnMs. M. HamptonMs. Debi HanesMs. Justine HarmonHarris Sales, Inc.Ms. Quwana HarveyHatting’s GroceryMr. and Mrs. Michael HaverkampMs. Amanda HazlettMs. Stephanie HeagertyHealth Insurance MarketplaceMr. and Mrs. Terrence HeenanHeidt Family FoundationDr. and Mrs. Robert S. Heidt, Jr.Ms. Gail HeimburgerMs. Alberta HemsleyMs. Tina Hendley-YochmanMs. Quinaia HendricksSr. Lynn Heper, SCMr. and Mrs. Edward HerbersMr. Mark Herrmann and Ms. Emily CooperMs. Elisabeth HieberMr. and Mrs. Tim HillMr. and Mrs. Keith HillMs. Alexandria HillMs. Grace HillMs. Mary Hilvert

Ms. Maria HintzMs. Kayla HobbsMr. and Mrs. Scott HoblerMr. and Mrs. Richard HoehnMr. Adam J. HoffmanMs. Melanie HolleyHome DepotMs. Asia HoodullerMr. Rich HoppHormel FoodsMs. Iris HughesHumana Women’s Network Resource GroupMs. Rhonda HumphreyImmaculate Heart of MaryIndian Hill Primary SchoolMr. and Mrs. Robert InkrotMs. Erin InsleyInspire Salon & Boutique

Iron Sharpens Iron Personal TrainingMs. Tina JansenMs. Sarah JarboeMr. and Mrs. Randy JohnsonMs. Lakisha JohnsonMs. Geri JohnsonMs. Keianna JohnsonMr. and Mrs. Arthur JohnsonJohnson Moving & StorageMs. Nancy JonesMs. Jane JosshuaMr. and Mrs. Jerome Judd and FamilyJunior League of CincinnatiMs. Kady JusticeMs. Deborah KelleyMs. Erin KellyMs. Emily KellyKemper Road Christian Church

Ms. Sujean KimDr. and Mrs. Earl KiskerMr. and Mrs. Tom KiskerMs. Jennifer KlafterMs. Linda KlemsMs. Mary Lou KleneMs. Caroline KloppMr. and Mrs. James KoettersMr. Nick KongdechKounter KultureKorean Presbyterian ChurchMs. Leigha KraemerThe Kroger CompanyLab SupportMr. and Mrs. Jonathan LaBareMr. and Mrs. Anthony LafkasMs. Valerie LandellMs. Abby LandersMs. Kelly LaskeyLaSoupe CincinnatiMs. Kirsten LawLeading Ladies Christian MinistryMs. Laura LealMs. Gina LeeMr. and Mrs. Ernest W. LeeLeesa MattressMs. Karen LeonardMr. Alexandr LeonteMr. and Mrs. Robert LessnauMr. and Mrs. Robert LevinMs. Jamie LewisMs. Audrey LewisMr. and Mrs. Jeff Lierman

2015 Donors

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Mrs. Marie Lillis and FamilyMr. and Mrs. Todd LipscombMs. Santana LipscombMs. Jocelyn LoganMr. Frank LohmillerMs. Cathy LohmuellerMr. and Mrs. Steven LohrerMr. John LoveLoveland High SchoolLoveland United Methodist WomenLoyola AcademyMr. and Mrs. Bob LudkeMs. Laurie LunnMr. and Mrs. Sultan LunsfordMr. and Mrs. Matthew LutherLuxottica RetailMs. Antonia Mack

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene MakowskiMs. Jill MalikMr. and Mrs. James MalloniMs. Emily ManningMs. Lakshmi Sangam and Mr. Sharathbabu MaramrajuMaribelle’s RestaurantMs. Alenka MaricMs. Dubravaka MaricMr. and Mrs. Byron Marsh-WeltonMs. Janet Martin-RushMary Magdalen HouseMcAuley High SchoolMs. Tori McCafferyMs. Susan McCarthyMr. and Mrs. Jonah McDermott and FamilyMs. Kimberly McGinnisMr. and Mrs. Michael McGrawMs. Nancy McintyreMr. and Mrs. Tim McKennaMs. Tina McNayMs. Corri MeeksMercy HealthMesser Construction Co.Mr. and Mrs. Michael MeyerMr. and Mrs. D.J. MichaelMs. Leanna-Yvonne MillerMr. and Mrs. Stephen MolloyMr. and Mrs. Kenneth MonroeMontgomery Presbyterian ChurchMs. Joy MooneyMs. Patti Moore

Ms. Latorias MorrisMs. Suzanne MorrisseyMother of MercyMount Saint Joseph UniversityMt. Washington Presbyterian ChurchMt. Washington United Methodist ChurchMs. Adriana MuzquizMs. Pamela J. Senefeld and Mr. Russell B. NaberNational Coalition of Black WomenNational Wildlife Turkey FederationMr. and Mrs. Robert NealMr. and Mrs. Michael NeltnerNew Beginnings Christian CenterNew Church Of MontgomeryNew Jerusalem Baptist ChurchNew Unity Baptist ChurchMr. and Mrs. Jim NewmanMr. Jim NewmanDr. Carolette NorwoodOak Hills High SchoolOhio Valley Quilters GuildOlive GardenOur Lady of LourdesMs. Gwendolyn ParhamMs. Sandra ParksMs. Linda ParksMs. Taylor PaynePenn StationMs. Summer PenniePeppermint PigPermaganic Co. Eco Garden

Mr. and Mrs. Randy PhelpsMs. Pat PhillipsPiazza Discepoli - Piccolo Wine RoomMrs. Jennifer PickettMs. Sarah PiquardMr. and Mrs. Rob PoulosMs. Kelli PratherMrs. Deb Price & The Dinner ClubProcter & GambleMr. Edward PryorRadio OneMr. and Mrs. David RaessMs. Rosale RahnMrs. Diane Rankin and Girl ScoutsMs. Amy RapienMs. Jen RedmondMr. and Mrs. Darren RehrerMs. Melinda ReillyMs. Amy RichardRiver Metal RecyclingMs. Isabelle RiveraMr. and Mrs. Todd RoatMr. and Mrs. Mike RodellMr. and Mrs. Thomas RoettgersMs. Brittany RogersMs. Lauren RogersMrs. Constance RoseMr. and Mrs. Brian RossMr. and Mrs. Donald RowekampMs. Mary-Kate RyanSan Antonio ChurchMr. and Mrs. Thomas SchaeferMr. and Mrs. Mark Schaeffer





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2015 Donors

Mr. and Mrs. Gregory SchaiperMs. Kacie SchallerMr. and Mrs. Michael SchillerMs. Sue SchlembachMs. Vicky Schottelkotte and Mr. Gordon PutzkeMs. Kathleen SchottelkotteMs. Catherine SchultzMs. Dana L. Davis and Ms. Denise SchumacherMs. Judy SchwallieMs. Mary SchweitzerMr. and Mrs. Ben SeinenMs. Cindy SenefeldSeven Hills SchoolMs. Erin ShafferSharpsburg ElementaryShelterhouseMs. Tamika SheltonMr. and Mrs. Marvin Shelton, Jr.Mr. and Mrs. Alfred ShepardMs. Debra ShepardMs. Lisa Siegel and Mr. Chris FelixSierra Environmental Group, IncMs. Marie SietzSigma Omega Alpha Kappa AlphaMr. Drew SimpsonMr. Gagandeep SinghMr. and Mrs. Stephen SkavlemMs. Jessica SmithMs. Tywana SmithMs. Reanne SmithMr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith

Somi Javaid & AssociatesMs. Theresa SpauldingMr. Bill Sprankles and friendsSt. Ann ChurchSt. Cecilia SchoolSt. Columban ParishSt. Gertrude MadeiraSt. James Episcopal ChurchSt. James of the ValleySt. Jude ParishSt. Rita School for the DeafSt. Teresa of Avila ChurchSt. Therese Little FlowerSt. Ursula AcademySt. Vincent de PaulSt. Xavier High SchoolSr. Mary Stanton, RSMMs. Gertrude StefankoMs. Carmen StoneMs. Katherine StraleyStrategies to End Homelessness, Inc.Mrs. Karen StrietMs. JoAnn Strong Mr. Benjamin Suer and Ms. Alexis Bonacci-RobertsMs. Carrie TaylorMs. Nicole TepeThe Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus ChristTheta Phi AlphaMs. Jamie ThibertMs. Delores ThomasMs. Dana ThomasMs. Colette Thomas

Ms. Donna ThomasMs. Lynn ThompsonTickets for KidsMr. Ryan TilleryMr. and Mrs. Neil TilowTruGreenMs. Joyce TubbsMs. Barbara TuchfarberUnion Baptist ChurchUnited Way of Greater CincinnatiUpSpringUrsuline AcademyUWUAMr. and Mrs. David ValentineValley Interfaith Food & ClothingMs. Katie VonErdenMr. and Mrs. Robert WagnerMr. and Mrs. Ed WagnerMr. and Mrs. Matt WallbrownMr. and Mrs. Perry WashburnMs. Erica Washington

Ms. Amy WatsonMr. Thomas WeeksMr. and Mrs. Lindley WeikertMr. and Mrs. Scott WellensMs. Laura WellerdingMs. Stacey WethingtonWestin CincinnatiMs. Whitney WestrichMs. Kasey WhippMs. Monique WhiteMs. Dina WilderMr. Jerry Wilkerson and Ms. Cheryl MeadowsMs. Deborah WilliamsMr. and Mrs. Scott WilliamsMs. Mary WilliamsonMr. and Mrs. David WilsonWine Cellar InnovationsMr. and Mrs. Marshall WinnerWithrow High School Z ClubMs. Kathleen Wittich and Mr. Bernard RapienMs. Melissa WoodMs. Joyce WoodruffMs. Megan WuMs. Brittney WynnMr. and Mrs. Alan YaffeMr. and Mrs. Charles YeazellMs. Ebokue YisraelMr. and Mrs. Jonah YokoyamaMr. and Mrs. Benjamin ZaringZonta Club of CincinnatiZuber Safety & Security LLC

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It starts with one step.Families come to Bethany House from many different paths, life experiences and circumstances.

No matter the twists and turns life has thrown at them, they come to Bethany House seeking the same thing, a place to find rest and restoration. That’s what we provide: care and comfort, community and support, encouragement and inspiration, each leading them one step closer to a home of their own.


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