
On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

Razvan Pascanu [email protected]

Universite de Montreal

Tomas Mikolov [email protected]

Brno University

Yoshua Bengio [email protected]

Universite de Montreal


There are two widely known issues with prop-erly training Recurrent Neural Networks, thevanishing and the exploding gradient prob-lems detailed in Bengio et al. (1994). Inthis paper we attempt to improve the under-standing of the underlying issues by explor-ing these problems from an analytical, a geo-metric and a dynamical systems perspective.Our analysis is used to justify a simple yet ef-fective solution. We propose a gradient normclipping strategy to deal with exploding gra-dients and a soft constraint for the vanishinggradients problem. We validate empiricallyour hypothesis and proposed solutions in theexperimental section.

1. Introduction

A recurrent neural network (RNN), e.g. Fig. 1, is aneural network model proposed in the 80’s (Rumelhartet al., 1986; Elman, 1990; Werbos, 1988) for modelingtime series. The structure of the network is similar tothat of a standard multilayer perceptron, with the dis-tinction that we allow connections among hidden unitsassociated with a time delay. Through these connec-tions the model can retain information about the pastinputs, enabling it to discover temporal correlationsbetween events that are possibly far away from eachother in the data (a crucial property for proper learn-ing of time series).

While in principle the recurrent network is a simpleand powerful model, in practice, it is unfortunatelyhard to train properly. Among the main reasons whythis model is so unwieldy are the vanishing gradient

ut xtEt

Figure 1. Schematic of a recurrent neural network. Therecurrent connections in the hidden layer allow informationto persist from one input to another.

and exploding gradient problems described in Bengioet al. (1994).

1.1. Training recurrent networks

A generic recurrent neural network, with input ut andstate xt for time step t, is given by equation (1). Inthe theoretical section of this paper we will sometimesmake use of the specific parametrization given by equa-tion (11) 1 in order to provide more precise conditionsand intuitions about the everyday use-case.

xt = F (xt−1,ut, θ) (1)

xt = Wrecσ(xt−1) + Winut + b (2)

The parameters of the model are given by the recurrentweight matrix Wrec, the biases b and input weightmatrix Win, collected in θ for the general case. x0 isprovided by the user, set to zero or learned, and σ is anelement-wise function (usually the tanh or sigmoid).A cost E measures the performance of the networkon some given task and it can be broken apart intoindividual costs for each step E =

∑1≤t≤T Et, where

Et = L(xt).

One approach that can be used to compute the nec-essary gradients is Backpropagation Through Time(BPTT), where the recurrent model is represented as

1 This formulation is equivalent to the more widelyknown equation xt = σ(Wrecxt−1 + Winut + b), and itwas chosen for convenience.





v2 [






On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

a deep multi-layer one (with an unbounded number oflayers) and backpropagation is applied on the unrolledmodel (see Fig. 2).




ut−1 ut ut+1







Figure 2. Unrolling recurrent neural networks in time bycreating a copy of the model for each time step. We denoteby xt the hidden state of the network at time t, by ut theinput of the network at time t and by Et the error obtainedfrom the output at time t.

We will diverge from the classical BPTT equations atthis point and re-write the gradients (see equations (3),(4) and (5)) in order to better highlight the explodinggradients problem. These equations were obtained bywriting the gradients in a sum-of-products form.

















WTrecdiag(σ′(xi−1)) (5)

∂+xk∂θ refers to the “immediate” partial derivative of

the state xk with respect to θ, i.e., where xk−1 istaken as a constant with respect to θ. Specifically,considering equation 2, the value of any row i of the

matrix ( ∂+xk∂Wrec

) is just σ(xk−1). Equation (5) also

provides the form of Jacobian matrix ∂xi∂xi−1

for the

specific parametrization given in equation (11), wherediag converts a vector into a diagonal matrix, and σ′

computes the derivative of σ in an element-wise fash-ion.

Note that each term ∂Et∂θ from equation (3) has the

same form and the behaviour of these individual termsdetermine the behaviour of the sum. Henceforth wewill focus on one such generic term, calling it simplythe gradient when there is no confusion.

Any gradient component ∂Et∂θ is also a sum (see equa-

tion (4)), whose terms we refer to as temporal contribu-tions or temporal components. One can see that each

such temporal contribution ∂Et∂xt


∂+xk∂θ measures how

θ at step k affects the cost at step t > k. The factors


(equation (5)) transport the error “in time“ fromstep t back to step k. We would further loosely distin-guish between long term and short term contributions,where long term refers to components for which k tand short term to everything else.

2. Exploding and Vanishing Gradients

As introduced in Bengio et al. (1994), the explodinggradients problem refers to the large increase in thenorm of the gradient during training. Such events arecaused by the explosion of the long term components,which can grow exponentially more then short termones. The vanishing gradients problem refers to theopposite behaviour, when long term components goexponentially fast to norm 0, making it impossible forthe model to learn correlation between temporally dis-tant events.

2.1. The mechanics

To understand this phenomenon we need to look at theform of each temporal component, and in particular atthe matrix factors ∂xt

∂xk(see equation (5)) that take the

form of a product of t − k Jacobian matrices. In thesame way a product of t − k real numbers can shrinkto zero or explode to infinity, so does this product ofmatrices (along some direction v).

In what follows we will try to formalize these intu-itions (extending a similar derivation done in Bengioet al. (1994) where only a single hidden unit case wasconsidered).

If we consider a linear version of the model (i.e. set σ tothe identity function in equation (11)) we can use thepower iteration method to formally analyze this prod-uct of Jacobian matrices and obtain tight conditionsfor when the gradients explode or vanish (see the sup-plementary materials for a detailed derivation of theseconditions). It is sufficient for the largest eigenvalueλ1 of the recurrent weight matrix to be smaller than1 for long term components to vanish (as t→∞) andnecessary for it to be larger than 1 for gradients toexplode.

We can generalize these results for nonlinear functionsσ where the absolute values of σ′(x) is bounded (sayby a value γ ∈ R) and therefore ‖diag(σ′(xk))‖ ≤ γ.

We first prove that it is sufficient for λ1 <1γ , where

λ1 is the absolute value of the largest eigenvalue ofthe recurrent weight matrix Wrec, for the vanishinggradient problem to occur. Note that we assume theparametrization given by equation (11). The Jacobian

matrix ∂xk+1

∂xkis given by WT

recdiag(σ′(xk)). The 2-norm of this Jacobian is bounded by the product of

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

the norms of the two matrices (see equation (6)). Dueto our assumption, this implies that it is smaller than1.



∥∥∥∥ ≤ ∥∥WTrec

∥∥ ‖diag(σ′(xk))‖ < 1

γγ < 1


Let η ∈ R be such that ∀k,∥∥∥∂xk+1


∥∥∥ ≤ η < 1. The

existence of η is given by equation (6). By inductionover i, we can show that





)≤ ηt−k ∂Et


As η < 1, it follows that, according to equation (7),long term contributions (for which t−k is large) go to0 exponentially fast with t− k.

By inverting this proof we get the necessary conditionfor exploding gradients, namely that the largest eigen-value λ1 is larger than 1

γ (otherwise the long term com-

ponents would vanish instead of exploding). For tanhwe have γ = 1 while for sigmoid we have γ = 1/4.

2.2. Drawing similarities with DynamicalSystems

We can improve our understanding of the explodinggradients and vanishing gradients problems by employ-ing a dynamical systems perspective, as it was donebefore in Doya (1993); Bengio et al. (1993).

We recommend reading Strogatz (1994) for a formaland detailed treatment of dynamical systems theory.For any parameter assignment θ, depending on the ini-tial state x0, the state xt of an autonomous dynamicalsystem converges, under the repeated application ofthe map F , to one of several possible different attrac-tor states (e.g. point attractors, though other type ofattractors exist). The model could also find itself ina chaotic regime, case in which some of the followingobservations may not hold, but that is not treated indepth here. Attractors describe the asymptotic be-haviour of the model. The state space is divided intobasins of attraction, one for each attractor. If themodel is started in one basin of attraction, the modelwill converge to the corresponding attractor as t grows.

Dynamical systems theory tells us that as θ changesslowly, the asymptotic behaviour changes smoothlyalmost everywhere except for certain crucial pointswhere drastic changes occur (the new asymptotic be-haviour ceases to be topologically equivalent to the oldone). These points are called bifurcation boundariesand are caused by attractors that appear, disappearor change shape.

(Doya, 1993) hypothesizes that such bifurcation cross-ings could cause the gradients to explode. We wouldlike to extend this observation into a sufficient condi-tion for gradients to explode, and for that reason wewill re-use the one-hidden unit model (and plot) from(Doya, 1993) (see Fig. 3).

The x-axis covers the parameter b and the y-axis theasymptotic state x∞. The bold line follows the move-ment of the final point attractor, x∞, as b changes. Atb1 we have a bifurcation boundary where a new attrac-tor emerges (when b decreases from∞), while at b2 wehave another that results in the disappearance of oneof the two attractors. In the interval (b1, b2) we are ina rich regime, where there are two attractors and thechange in position of boundary between them, as wechange b, is traced out by a dashed line. The vectorfield (gray dashed arrows) describe the evolution of thestate x if the network is initialized in that region.

Figure 3. Bifurcation diagram of a single hidden unit RNN(with fixed recurrent weight of 5.0 and adjustable bias b;example introduced in Doya (1993)). See text.

We show that there are two types of events that couldlead to a large change in xt, with t→∞. One is cross-ing a boundary between basins of attraction (depictedwith a unfilled circles), while the other is crossing a bi-furcation boundary (filled circles). For large t, the ∆xtresulting from a change in b will be large even for verysmall changes in b (as the system is attracted towardsdifferent attractors) which leads to a large gradient.

It is however neither necessary nor sufficient to crossa bifurcation for the gradients to explode, as bifurca-tions are global events that could have no effect lo-cally. Learning traces out a path in the parameter-state space. If we are at a bifurcation boundary, butthe state of the model is such that it is in the basin ofattraction of one attractor (from many possible attrac-tors) that does not change shape or disappear whenthe bifurcation is crossed, then this bifurcation willnot affect learning.

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

Crossing boundaries between basins of attraction is alocal event, and it is sufficient for the gradients to ex-plode. If we assume that crossing into an emergingattractor or from a disappearing one (due to a bifur-cation) qualifies as crossing some boundary betweenattractors, that we can formulate a sufficient conditionfor gradients to explode which encapsulates the obser-vations made in Doya (1993), extending them to alsonormal crossing of boundaries between different basinsof attractions. Note how in the figure, there are onlytwo values of b with a bifurcation, but a whole rangeof values for which there can be a boundary crossing.

Another limitation of previous analysis is that theyonly consider autonomous systems and assume theobservations hold for input-driven models. In (Ben-gio et al., 1994) input is dealt with by assuming itis bounded noise. The downside of this approach isthat it limits how one can reason about the input. Inpractice, the input is supposed to drive the dynamicalsystem, being able to leave the model in some attrac-tor state, or kick it out of the basin of attraction whencertain triggering patterns present themselves.

We propose to extend our analysis to input drivenmodels by folding the input into the map. We considerthe family of maps Ft, where we apply a different Ft ateach step. Intuitively, for the gradients to explode werequire the same behaviour as before, where (at leastin some direction) the maps F1, .., Ft agree and changedirection. Fig. 4 describes this behaviour.









xt xt

Figure 4. This diagram illustrates how the change in xt,∆xt, can be large for a small ∆x0. The blue vs red(left vs right) trajectories are generated by the same mapsF1, F2, . . . for two different initial states.

For the specific parametrization provided by equa-tion (11) we can take the analogy one step furtherby decomposing the maps Ft into a fixed map Fand a time-varying one Ut. F (x) = Wrecσ(x) + bcorresponds to an input-less recurrent network, whileUt(x) = x + Winut describes the effect of the input.This is depicted in in Fig. 5. Since Ut changes withtime, it can not be analyzed using standard dynami-cal systems tools, but F can. This means that when aboundary between basins of attractions is crossed forF , the state will move towards a different attractor,

which for large t could lead (unless the input maps Utare opposing this) to a large discrepancy in xt. There-fore studying the asymptotic behaviour of F can pro-vide useful information about where such events arelikely to happen.














xt xt

Figure 5. Illustrates how one can break apart the mapsF1, ..Ft into a constant map F and the maps U1, .., Ut. Thedotted vertical line represents the boundary between basinsof attraction, and the straight dashed arrow the directionof the map F on each side of the boundary. This diagramis an extension of Fig. 4.

One interesting observation from the dynamical sys-tems perspective with respect to vanishing gradientsis the following. If the factors ∂xt

∂xkgo to zero (for t−k

large), it means that xt does not depend on xk (ifwe change xk by some ∆, xt stays the same). Thistranslates into the model at xt being close to conver-gence towards some attractor (which it would reachfrom anywhere in the neighbourhood of xk).

2.3. The geometrical interpretation

Let us consider a simple one hidden unit model (equa-tion (8)) where we provide an initial state x0 and trainthe model to have a specific target value after 50 steps.Note that for simplicity we assume no input.

xt = wσ(xt−1) + b (8)

Fig. 6 shows the error surface E50 = (σ(x50) − 0.7)2,where x0 = .5 and σ to be the sigmoid function.

We can more easily analyze the behavior of this modelby further simplifying it to be linear (σ then being theidentity function), with b = 0. xt = x0w

t from which it

follows that ∂xt∂w = tx0w

t−1 and ∂2xt∂w2 = t(t−1)x0w

t−2,implying that when the first derivative explodes, sodoes the second derivative.

In the general case, when the gradients explode they doso along some directions v. This says that there exists,in such situations, a vector v such that ∂Et

∂θ v ≥ Cαt,where C,α ∈ R and α > 1. For the linear case (σ is theidentity function), v is the eigenvector correspondingto the largest eigenvalue of Wrec. If this bound istight, we hypothesize that in general when gradients

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

Figure 6. We plot the error surface of a single hidden unitrecurrent network, highlighting the existence of high cur-vature walls. The solid lines depicts standard trajectoriesthat gradient descent might follow. Using dashed arrowthe diagram shows what would happen if the gradients isrescaled to a fixed size when its norm is above a threshold.

explode so does the curvature along v, leading to awall in the error surface, like the one seen in Fig. 6.

If this holds, then it gives us a simple solution to theexploding gradients problem depicted in Fig. 6.

If both the gradient and the leading eigenvector of thecurvature are aligned with the exploding direction v, itfollows that the error surface has a steep wall perpen-dicular to v (and consequently to the gradient). Thismeans that when stochastic gradient descent (SGD)reaches the wall and does a gradient descent step, itwill be forced to jump across the valley moving perpen-dicular to the steep walls, possibly leaving the valleyand disrupting the learning process.

The dashed arrows in Fig. 6 correspond to ignoringthe norm of this large step, ensuring that the modelstays close to the wall. The key insight is that all thesteps taken when the gradient explodes are alignedwith v and ignore other descent direction (i.e. themodel moves perpendicular to the wall). At the wall, asmall-norm step in the direction of the gradient there-fore merely pushes us back inside the smoother low-curvature region besides the wall, whereas a regulargradient step would bring us very far, thus slowing orpreventing further training. Instead, with a boundedstep, we get back in that smooth region near the wallwhere SGD is free to explore other descent directions.

The important addition in this scenario to the classicalhigh curvature valley, is that we assume that the val-ley is wide, as we have a large region around the wallwhere if we land we can rely on first order methodsto move towards the local minima. This is why justclipping the gradient might be sufficient, not requiringthe use a second order method. Note that this algo-

rithm should work even when the rate of growth of thegradient is not the same as the one of the curvature(a case for which a second order method would failas the ratio between the gradient and curvature couldstill explode).

Our hypothesis could also help to understand the re-cent success of the Hessian-Free approach comparedto other second order methods. There are two key dif-ferences between Hessian-Free and most other second-order algorithms. First, it uses the full Hessian matrixand hence can deal with exploding directions that arenot necessarily axis-aligned. Second, it computes anew estimate of the Hessian matrix before each up-date step and can take into account abrupt changes incurvature (such as the ones suggested by our hypothe-sis) while most other approaches use a smoothness as-sumption, i.e., averaging 2nd order signals over manysteps.

3. Dealing with the exploding andvanishing gradient

3.1. Previous solutions

Using an L1 or L2 penalty on the recurrent weights canhelp with exploding gradients. Given that the parame-ters initialized with small values, the spectral radius ofWrec is probably smaller than 1, from which it followsthat the gradient can not explode (see necessary condi-tion found in section 2.1). The regularization term canensure that during training the spectral radius neverexceeds 1. This approach limits the model to a sim-ple regime (with a single point attractor at the origin),where any information inserted in the model has to dieout exponentially fast in time. In such a regime we cannot train a generator network, nor can we exhibit longterm memory traces.

Doya (1993) proposes to pre-program the model (toinitialize the model in the right regime) or to useteacher forcing. The first proposal assumes that ifthe model exhibits from the beginning the same kindof asymptotic behaviour as the one required by thetarget, then there is no need to cross a bifurcationboundary. The downside is that one can not alwaysknow the required asymptotic behaviour, and, even ifsuch information is known, it is not trivial to initial-ize a model in this specific regime. We should alsonote that such initialization does not prevent cross-ing the boundary between basins of attraction, which,as shown, could happen even though no bifurcationboundary is crossed.

Teacher forcing is a more interesting, yet a not verywell understood solution. It can be seen as a way ofinitializing the model in the right regime and the right

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

region of space. It has been shown that in practiceit can reduce the chance that gradients explode, andeven allow training generator models or models thatwork with unbounded amounts of memory(Pascanuand Jaeger, 2011; Doya and Yoshizawa, 1991). Oneimportant downside is that it requires a target to bedefined at every time step.

In Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997); Graves et al.(2009) a solution is proposed for the vanishing gra-dients problem, where the structure of the model ischanged. Specifically it introduces a special set ofunits called LSTM units which are linear and have arecurrent connection to itself which is fixed to 1. Theflow of information into the unit and from the unit isguarded by an input and output gates (their behaviouris learned). There are several variations of this basicstructure. This solution does not address explicitly theexploding gradients problem.

Sutskever et al. (2011) use the Hessian-Free opti-mizer in conjunction with structural damping, a spe-cific damping strategy of the Hessian. This approachseems to deal very well with the vanishing gradient,though more detailed analysis is still missing. Pre-sumably this method works because in high dimen-sional spaces there is a high probability for long termcomponents to be orthogonal to short term ones. Thiswould allow the Hessian to rescale these componentsindependently. In practice, one can not guarantee thatthis property holds. As discussed in section 2.3, thismethod is able to deal with the exploding gradientas well. Structural damping is an enhancement thatforces the change in the state to be small, when the pa-rameter changes by some small value ∆θ. This asks forthe Jacobian matrices ∂xt

∂θ to have small norm, hencefurther helping with the exploding gradients problem.The fact that it helps when training recurrent neuralmodels on long sequences suggests that while the cur-vature might explode at the same time with the gradi-ent, it might not grow at the same rate and hence notbe sufficient to deal with the exploding gradient.

Echo State Networks (Lukosevicius and Jaeger, 2009)avoid the exploding and vanishing gradients problemby not learning the recurrent and input weights. Theyare sampled from hand crafted distributions. Becauseusually the largest eigenvalue of the recurrent weightis, by construction, smaller than 1, information fed into the model has to die out exponentially fast. Thismeans that these models can not easily deal with longterm dependencies, even though the reason is slightlydifferent from the vanishing gradients problem. Anextension to the classical model is represented by leakyintegration units (Jaeger et al., 2007), where

xk = αxk−1 + (1− α)σ(Wrecxk−1 + Winuk + b).

While these units can be used to solve the standardbenchmark proposed by Hochreiter and Schmidhu-ber (1997) for learning long term dependencies (see(Jaeger, 2012)), they are more suitable to deal withlow frequency information as they act as a low passfilter. Because most of the weights are randomly sam-pled, is not clear what size of models one would needto solve complex real world tasks.

We would make a final note about the approach pro-posed by Tomas Mikolov in his PhD thesis (Mikolov,2012)(and implicitly used in the state of the art re-sults on language modelling (Mikolov et al., 2011)).It involves clipping the gradient’s temporal compo-nents element-wise (clipping an entry when it exceedsin absolute value a fixed threshold). Clipping has beenshown to do well in practice and it forms the backboneof our approach.

3.2. Scaling down the gradients

As suggested in section 2.3, one simple mechanism todeal with a sudden increase in the norm of the gradi-ents is to rescale them whenever they go over a thresh-old (see algorithm 1).

Algorithm 1 Pseudo-code for norm clipping the gra-dients whenever they explode

g← ∂E∂θ

if ‖g‖ ≥ threshold theng← threshold

‖g‖ g

end if

This algorithm is very similar to the one proposed byTomas Mikolov and we only diverged from the originalproposal in an attempt to provide a better theoreticalfoundation (ensuring that we always move in a de-scent direction with respect to the current mini-batch),though in practice both variants behave similarly.

The proposed clipping is simple to implement andcomputationally efficient, but it does however in-troduce an additional hyper-parameter, namely thethreshold. One good heuristic for setting this thresh-old is to look at statistics on the average norm overa sufficiently large number of updates. In our ex-periments we have noticed that for a given task andmodel size, training is not very sensitive to this hyper-parameter and the algorithm behaves well even forrather small thresholds.

The algorithm can also be thought of as adaptingthe learning rate based on the norm of the gradient.Compared to other learning rate adaptation strate-gies, which focus on improving convergence by col-lecting statistics on the gradient (as for example in

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

Duchi et al. (2011), or Moreira and Fiesler (1995) foran overview), we rely on the instantaneous gradient.This means that we can handle very abrupt changesin norm, while the other methods would not be ableto do so.

3.3. Vanishing gradient regularization

We opt to address the vanishing gradients problem us-ing a regularization term that represents a preferencefor parameter values such that back-propagated gra-dients neither increase or decrease too much in mag-nitude. Our intuition is that increasing the norm of∂xt∂xk

means the error at time t is more sensitive to all

inputs ut, ..,uk ( ∂xt∂xkis a factor in ∂Et

∂uk). In practice

some of these inputs will be irrelevant for the predic-tion at time t and will behave like noise that the net-work needs to learn to ignore. The network can notlearn to ignore these irrelevant inputs unless there isan error signal. These two issues can not be solved inparallel, and it seems natural to expect that we needto force the network to increase the norm of ∂xt

∂xkat the

expense of larger errors (caused by the irrelevant inputentries) and then wait for it to learn to ignore theseirrelevant input entries. This suggest that moving to-wards increasing the norm of ∂xt

∂xkcan not be always

done while following a descent direction of the error E(which is, for e.g., what a second order method wouldtry to do), and therefore we need to enforce it via aregularization term.

The regularizer we propose below prefers solutions forwhich the error signal preserves norm as it travels backin time:

Ω =∑k

Ωk =∑k

∥∥∥ ∂E∂xk+1



∥∥∥∥∥∥ ∂E∂xk+1

∥∥∥ − 1



In order to be computationally efficient, we only usethe “immediate” partial derivative of Ω with respect toWrec (we consider that xk and ∂E

∂xk+1as being constant

with respect to Wrec when computing the derivativeof Ωk), as depicted in equation (10). Note we use theparametrization of equation (11). This can be done ef-ficiently because we get the values of ∂E

∂xkfrom BPTT.

We use Theano to compute these gradients (Bergstraet al., 2010; Bastien et al., 2012).





∥∥∥∥ ∂E∂xk+1



∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥ ∂E∂xk+1

∥∥∥∥ −1



(10)Note that our regularization term only forces the Ja-cobian matrices ∂xk+1

∂xkto preserve norm in the relevant

direction of the error ∂E∂xk+1

, not for any direction (i.e.

we do not enforce that all eigenvalues are close to 1).The second observation is that we are using a soft con-straint, therefore we are not ensured the norm of theerror signal is preserved. If it happens that these Jaco-bian matrices are such that the norm explodes (as t−kincreases), then this could lead to the exploding gradi-ents problem and we need to deal with it for exampleas described in section 3.2. This can be seen fromthe dynamical systems perspective as well: preventingvanishing gradients implies that we are pushing themodel such that it is further away from the attrac-tor (such that it does not converge to it, case in whichthe gradients vanish) and closer to boundaries betweenbasins of attractions, making it more probable for thegradients to explode.

4. Experiments and Results

4.1. Pathological synthetic problems

As done in Martens and Sutskever (2011), we addressthe pathological problems proposed by Hochreiter andSchmidhuber (1997) that require learning long termcorrelations. We refer the reader to this original pa-per for a detailed description of the tasks and to thesupplementary materials for the complete descriptionof the experimental setup.

4.1.1. The Temporal Order problem

We consider the temporal order problem as the pro-totypical pathological problem, extending our resultsto the other proposed tasks afterwards. The input isa long stream of discrete symbols. At two points intime (in the beginning and middle of the sequence) asymbol within A,B is emitted. The task consists inclassifying the order (either AA,AB,BA,BB) at theend of the sequence.

Fig. 7 shows the success rate of standard SGD, SGD-C(SGD enhanced with out clipping strategy) and SGD-CR (SGD with the clipping strategy and the regular-ization term). Note that for sequences longer than 20,the vanishing gradients problem ensures that neitherSGD nor SGD-C algorithms can solve the task. Thex-axis is on log scale.

This task provides empirical evidence that explodinggradients are linked with tasks that require long mem-ory traces. We know that initially the model oper-ates in the one-attractor regime (i.e. λ1 < 1), inwhich the amount of memory is controlled by λ1. Morememory means larger spectral radius, and, when thisvalue crosses a certain threshold the model enters richregimes where gradients are likely to explode. We seein Fig. 7 that as long as the vanishing gradient prob-

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5Log of sequence length












Figure 7. Rate of success for solving the temporal orderproblem versus log of sequence length. See text.

lem does not become an issue, addressing the explod-ing gradients problem ensures a better success rate.

When combining clipping as well as the regularizationterm proposed in section 3.3, we call this algorithmSGD-CR. SGD-CR solved the task with a success rateof 100% for sequences up to 200 steps (the maximallength used in Martens and Sutskever (2011)). Fur-thermore, we can train a single model to deal withany sequence of length 50 up to 200 (by providing se-quences of different lengths for different SGD steps).Interestingly enough, the trained model can gen-eralize to new sequences that can be twice aslong as the ones seen during training.

4.1.2. Other pathological tasks

SGD-CR was also able to solve (100% success on thelengths listed below, for all but one task) other patho-logical problems proposed in Hochreiter and Schmid-huber (1997), namely the addition problem, the mul-tiplication problem, the 3-bit temporal order prob-lem, the random permutation problem and the noise-less memorization problem in two variants (when thepattern needed to be memorized is 5 bits in lengthand when it contains over 20 bits of information; seeMartens and Sutskever (2011)). For the first 4 prob-lems we used a single model for lengths up to 200,while for the noiseless memorization we used a dif-ferent model for each sequence length (50, 100, 150and 200). The hardest problems for which only onetrail out of 8 succeeded was the random permutationproblem. In all cases, we observe successful generaliza-tion to sequences longer than the training sequences.In most cases, these results outperforms Martens andSutskever (2011) in terms of success rate, they dealwith longer sequences than in Hochreiter and Schmid-huber (1997) and compared to (Jaeger, 2012) they gen-eralize to longer sequences.

Table 1. Results on polyphonic music prediction in nega-tive log likelihood per time step. Lower is better.

Data setDatafold


Piano- train 6.87 6.81 test 7.56 7.53 7.46

Nottingham train 3.67 3.21 3.24test 3.80 3.48 3.46

MuseData train 8.25 6.54 6.51test 7.11 7.00 6.99

Table 2. Results on the next character prediction task inentropy (bits/character)

Data setDatafold


1 step train 1.46 1.34 1.36test 1.50 1.42 1.41

5 steps train N/A 3.76 3.70test N/A 3.89 3.74

4.2. Natural problems

We address the task of polyphonic music prediction,using the datasets, Nottingham andMuseData described in Boulanger-Lewandowski et al.(2012) and language modelling at the character levelon the Penn Treebank dataset (Mikolov et al., 2012).We also explore a modified version of the task, wherewe ask the model to predict the 5th character in thefuture (instead of the next). Our assumption is thatto solve this modified task long term correlations aremore important than short term ones, and hence ourregularization term should be more helpful.

The training and test scores reported in Table 1 areaverage negative log likelihood per time step. We fixedhyper-parameters across the three runs, except forthe regularization factor and clipping cutoff threshold.SGD-CR provides a statistically significant im-provement on the state-of-the-art for RNNs onall the polyphonic music prediction tasks exceptfor MuseData on which we get exactly the same per-formance as the state-of-the-art (Bengio et al., 2012),which uses a different architecture. Table 2 containsthe results on language modelling (in bits per letter).

These results suggest that clipping the gradients solvesan optimization issue and does not act as a regular-izer, as both the training and test error improve ingeneral. Results on Penn Treebank reach the state ofthe art achieved by Mikolov et al. (2012), who used adifferent clipping algorithm similar to ours, thus pro-viding evidence that both behave similarly. The reg-ularized model performs as well as the Hessian-Freetrained model.

By employing the proposed regularization term we areable to improve test error even on tasks that are not

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

dominated by long term contributions.

5. Summary and Conclusions

We provided different perspectives through which onecan gain more insight into the exploding and vanishinggradients issue. To deal with the exploding gradientsproblem, we propose a solution that involves clippingthe norm of the exploded gradients when it is too large.The algorithm is motivated by the assumption thatwhen gradients explode, the curvature and higher or-der derivatives explode as well, and we are faced witha specific pattern in the error surface, namely a val-ley with a single steep wall. In order to deal withthe vanishing gradient problem we use a regulariza-tion term that forces the error signal not to vanish asit travels back in time. This regularization term forcesthe Jacobian matrices ∂xi

∂xi−1to preserve norm only in

relevant directions. In practice we show that these so-lutions improve performance on both the pathologicalsynthetic datasets considered as well as on polyphonicmusic prediction and language modelling.


We would like to thank the Theano development teamas well (particularly to Frederic Bastien, Pascal Lam-blin and James Bergstra) for their help.

We acknowledge NSERC, FQRNT, CIFAR, RQCHPand Compute Canada for the resources they provided.


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Analytical analysis of the explodingand vanishing gradients problem

xt = Wrecσ(xt−1) + Winut + b (11)

Let us consider the term gTk = ∂Et∂xt


∂+xk∂θ for the

linear version of the parametrization in equation (11)(i.e. set σ to the identity function) and assume t goesto infinity and l = t− k. We have that:





By employing a generic power iteration method basedproof we can show that, given certain conditions,∂Et∂xt



)lgrows exponentially.

Proof Let Wrec have the eigenvalues λ1, .., λn with|λ1| > |λ2| > .. > |λn| and the corresponding eigen-vectors q1,q2, ..,qn which form a vector basis. We cannow write the row vector ∂Et

∂xtinto this basis:


=∑Ni=1 ciq


If j is such that cj 6= 0 and any j′ < j, cj′ = 0, using

the fact that qTi(WT


)l= λliq

Ti we have that



= cjλljqTj + λlj



qTi ≈ cjλljqTj (13)

We used the fact that∣∣λi/λj ∣∣ < 1 for i > j, which

means that liml→∞∣∣λi/λj ∣∣l = 0. If |λj | > 1, it follows

that ∂xt∂xk

grows exponentially fast with l, and it doesso along the direction qj .

The proof assumes Wrec is diagonalizable for simplic-ity, though using the Jordan normal form of Wrec onecan extend this proof by considering not just the eigen-vector of largest eigenvalue but the whole subspacespanned by the eigenvectors sharing the same (largest)eigenvalue.

This result provides a necessary condition for gradientsto grow, namely that the spectral radius (the absolutevalue of the largest eigenvalue) of Wrec must be largerthan 1.

If qj is not in the null space of ∂+xk∂θ the entire temporal

component grows exponentially with l. This approachextends easily to the entire gradient. If we re-write itin terms of the eigen-decomposition of W, we get:





cjλt−kj qTj



On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

We can now pick j and k such that cjqTj∂+xk∂θ does not

have 0 norm, while maximizing |λj |. If for the chosen

j it holds that |λj | > 1 then λt−kj cjqTj∂+xk∂θ will dom-

inate the sum and because this term grows exponen-tially fast to infinity with t, the same will happen tothe sum.

Experimental setup

Note that all hyper-parameters where selected basedon their performance on a validation set using a gridsearch.

The pathological synthetic tasks

Similar success criteria is used in all of the tasks be-low (borrowed from Martens and Sutskever (2011)),namely that the model should make no more than 1%error on a batch of 10000 test samples. In all cases,discrete symbols are depicted by a one-hot encoding,and in case of regression a prediction for a given se-quence is considered as a success if the error is lessthan 0.04.

Addition problem

The input consists of a sequence of random numbers,where two random positions (one in the beginningand one in the middle of the sequence) are marked.The model needs to predict the sum of the two ran-dom numbers after the entire sequence was seen. Foreach generated sequence we sample the length T ′ from[T, 11

10T ], though for clarity we refer to T as the lengthof the sequence in the paper. The first position is sam-pled from [1, T

10 ], while the second position is sampled

from [T′

10 ,T ′

2 ]. These positions i, j are marked in a dif-ferent input channel that is 0 everywhere except for thetwo sampled positions when it is 1. The model needsto predict the sum of the random numbers found atthe sampled positions i, j divided by 2.

To address this problem we use a 50 hidden unitsmodel, with a tanh activation function. The learn-ing rate is set to .01 and the factor α in front of theregularization term is 0.5. We use clipping with a cut-off threshold of 6 on the norm of the gradients. Theweights are initialized from a normal distribution withmean 0 and standard derivation .1.

The model is trained on sequences of varying lengthT between 50 and 200. We manage to get a successrate of 100% at solving this task, which outperformsthe results presented in Martens and Sutskever (2011)(using Hessian Free), where we see a decline in successrate as the length of the sequence gets closer to 200

steps. Hochreiter and Schmidhuber (1997) only con-siders sequences up to 100 steps. Jaeger (2012) alsoaddresses this task with 100% success rate, though thesolution does not seem to generalize well as it relies onvery large output weights, which for ESNs are usuallya sign of instability. We use a single model to dealwith all lengths of sequences (50, 100, 150 200), andthe trained model generalizes to new sequences thatcan be up 400 steps (while the error is still under 1%).

Multiplication problem

This task is similar to the problem above, just thatthe predicted value is the product of the random num-bers instead of the sum. We used the same hyper-parameters as for the previous case, and obtained verysimilar results.

Temporal order problem

For the temporal order the length of the sequence isfixed to T , We have a fixed set of two symbols A,Band 4 distractor symbols c, d, e, f. The sequence en-tries are uniformly sampled from the distractor sym-bols everywhere except at two random positions, thefirst position sampled from [ T10 ,

2T10 ], while the second

from [ 4T10 ,

5T10 ]. The task is to predict the order in which

the non-distractor symbols were provided, i.e. eitherAA,AB,BA,BB.We use a 50 hidden units model, with a learning rate of.001 and α, the regularization coefficient, set to 2. Thecut-off threshold for clipping the norm of the gradientis left to 6. As for the other two task we have a 100%success rate at training a single model to deal withsequences between 50 to 200 steps. This outperformsthe previous state of the art because of the successrate, but also the single model generalizes to longersequences (up to 400 steps).

3-bit temporal order problem

Similar to the previous one, except that we have 3random positions, first sampled from [ T10 ,

2T10 ], second

from [ 3T10 ,

4T10 ] and last from [ 6T

10 ,7T10 ].

We use similar hyper-parameters as above, but thatwe increase the hidden layer size to 100 hidden units.As before we outperform the state of the art whiletraining a single model that is able to generalize tonew sequence lengths.

Random permutation problem

In this case we have a dictionary of 100 symbols. Ex-cept the first and last position which have the samevalue sampled from 1, 2 the other entries are ran-

On the difficulty of training Recurrent Neural Networks

domly picked from [3, 100]. The task is to do nextsymbol prediction, though the only predictable sym-bol is the last one.

We use a 100 hidden units with a learning rate of .001and α, the regularization coefficient, set to 1. Thecutoff threshold is left to 6. This task turns out to bemore difficult to learn, and only 1 out of 8 experimentssucceeded. As before we use a single model to dealwith multiple values for T (from 50 to 200 units).

Noiseless memorization problem

For the noiseless memorization we are presented witha binary pattern of length 5, followed by T steps ofconstant value. After these T steps the model needsto generate the pattern seen initially. We also con-sider the extension of this problem from Martens andSutskever (2011), where the pattern has length 10, andthe symbol set has cardinality 5 instead of 2.

We manage a 100% success rate on these tasks, thoughwe train a different model for the 5 sequence lengthsconsidered (50, 100, 150, 200).

Natural Tasks

Polyphonic music prediction

We train our model, a sigmoid units RNN, on se-quences of 200 steps. The cut-off coefficient thresh-old is the same in all cases, namely 8 (note that onehas to take the mean over the sequence length whencomputing the gradients).

In case of the dataset we use 300 hid-den units and an initial learning rate of 1.0 (whir thelearning rate halved every time the error over an epochincreased instead of decreasing). For the regularizedmodel we used a initial value for regularization coef-ficient α of 0.5, where α follows a 1/t schedule, i.e.αt = 1

2t (where t measures the number of epochs).

For the Nottingham dataset we used the exact samesetup. For MuseData we increased the hidden layer to400 hidden units. The learning rate was also decreasedto 0.5. For the regularized model, the initial value forα was 0.1, and αt = 1

t .

We make the observation that for natural tasks itseems useful to use a schedule that decreases the reg-ularization term. We assume that the regularizationterm forces the model to focus on long term correla-tions at the expense of short term ones, so it may beuseful to have this decaying factor in order to allowthe model to make better use of the short term infor-mation.

Language modelling

For the language modelling task we used a 500 sig-moidal hidden units model with no biases (Mikolovet al., 2012). The model is trained over sequences of200 steps, where the hidden state is carried over fromone step to the next one.

We use a cut-off threshold of 45 (though we take thesum of the cost over the sequence length) for all ex-periments. For next character prediction we have alearning rate of 0.01 when using clipping with no reg-ularization term, 0.05 when we add the regularizationterm and 0.001 when we do not use clipping. Whenpredicting the 5th character in the future we use alearning rate of 0.05 with the regularization term and0.1 without it.

The regularization factor α for next character predic-tion was set to .01 and kept constant, while for themodified task we used an initial value of 0.05 with a 1


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