Page 1: ON-CAMPUS CLASSROOMS PROSPECTUS Front Page€¦ · • Australian Charlotte Mason Curriculum for all On-Campus students. We are currently developing our own Charlotte Mason Curriculum




“Learning to live in… goodness, truth and beauty”

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3. Welcome

4. Our Vision

6. Historical Background

9. What is the Charlotte Mason Curriculum?

12. The Prep Year: What age should my children enrol?

14. Legal Issues: - The Legal Entity - Accreditation of

award certificates - Centrelink Payments for Parents

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My team and I are very excited to welcome you to Charlotte Mason College. It’s

a new day for us as we are looking forward to opening up a world of opportunity

for your child. Charlotte Mason College (CMC) is an accredited Distance

Education and On-Campus Non-State School offering flexible arrangements

and individualised student learning.

CMC arose out of the Christian Homeschooling Movement, and from a

concern to provide a Christian classical liberal arts education using the

Charlotte Mason Method. All members of the School Board have either

been Home-Education parents or Home-Education students and have

used a Christian Classical Education Program.

Now as an Accredited Non-Government Christian School, we provide…

• Charlotte Mason’s unique methods for helping each child develop a love of learning.

• Preschool to Year 12 On-Campus Classical Education and talent development options

or ...

• Preschool to Year 12 Distance Education Programme.

• Australian Charlotte Mason Curriculum for all On-Campus students. We are currently

developing our own Charlotte Mason Curriculum for Distance Education students.

• Flexible arrangements that can include combinations of part-time classroom with

Distance Education, TAFE and University subjects, and learning from community or

business mentors.

• Graduation Certificates (Certificates III, IV & Diploma and/or Qld Certificate of


• Parent Supervisor Mentoring: on-going support and training in how to supervise your

child’s education. Support via telephone, Skype, e-mail consultations.

• Prepare your children for their destiny and calling in life, not just a job.

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At Charlotte Mason College (or CMC) we are concerned that children should

not merely acquire knowledge and skills, but should have opportunity to

experience an abundant life within all that is good, true and beautiful.

C M C F A M I L I E S P U R S U E L I F E S T Y L E S O F . . . .

...'goodness' – through Christian character training via the

disciplined development of the habits needed for success in life.

The CMC program employs Charlotte Mason's gentle common-

sense methods of child training.

...'truth' – through the search for knowledge in the sciences,

humanities and the arts. Students engage with quality classic

literature from the great thinkers and leaders throughout history;

they engage with what Charlotte Mason called ‘living books’ and

real-life practical experiences; and

...'beauty' – by maintaining a warm, loving, positively affirming atmosphere in

the home or classroom; setting up an aesthetically beautiful and ordered learning

environment; and by becoming familiar with classic artworks and music composers.



“The people themselves begin to understand and to [search for] an education which

shall qualify their children for life rather than for earning a living. As a matter of fact, it is

the man who has read and thought on many subjects who is, with the necessary

training, the most capable in handling tools, drawing plans, or keeping books. The

more of a person we succeed in making a child, the better will he both fulfil his own life

and serve society.”

-Charlotte Mason, Towards a Philosophy of Education, 1923

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At CMC, we believe in a well-rounded practical, academic, and cultural

education for all, in order to prepare every student for a constantly changing

world of varied opportunities. In some schools, the ‘non-academic’ children are

relegated to the ‘trades’ pathway, whereas the higher performing students are

prepared for university. Both of these assumed outcomes can be

somewhat narrow in focus. At CMC, we prepare children to live life well

in a way that also prepares them for success whether they pursue

further tertiary study, careers, trades, marriage, family, friendships,

and recreation hobbies – prepared for all of life!


We aim to re-ignite the love of learning through a balance of

practical hands-on activities, cultural and artistic pursuits, a

smorgasbord of inspiring food-for-thought, academic skill

development, and Christian character training.

Commentators have called Charlotte Mason's methods 'the gentle art of education'.

Although she lived a century ago, her understanding of children, her elegantly simple

and common-sense methods have been validated by the latest research on brain

function and educational psychology, and these methods will effectively bring out the

very best in your children.




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CMC is governed by the Parents National Education Union (Australia), which had its

roots in the original Parents National Education Union (PNEU) in the UK over a century

ago. The founder of the original PNEU (UK), Charlotte Mason (1842-1923), was a British

education philosopher, reformer and pioneer in the field of education. Her concept of

‘living books and real- life experience’, as a foundation for educating, shaped many of

the schools of Great Britain at the turn of the 20th century.

In 1896 Charlotte Mason wrote a book titled 'Home Education'

and later books titled 'School Education', 'The Formation of

Character', 'Ourselves', 'Parents and Children', plus a final

treatise called 'Towards a Philosophy of Education' (1923).

She established a network of schools in England and other

countries, a correspondence education service, and a

training college for teachers, nannies, governesses, and

tutors called 'The House of Education'. In the 1930's there

were a few PNEU schools in the southern States of

Australia. One of these (The Wilderness School) is still

operating today, though not strictly following her philosophy.

In 1995, the McNeice family, inspired by Charlotte Mason's work with the

original PNEU, established a non-profit ministry that would hopefully inspire parents

with a vision of an education towards living an abundant life. For 22 years, they

supported all home-educators with a legal advocacy service and provided advice for

families using a broad range of resources and strategies. In 2012, they registered a

range of nationally accredited qualifications (Certificate III, Certificate IV, and Diploma)

effectively providing an alternate pathway for homeschool graduates.

Over the years, Bruce and Karen McNeice have worked with more than 3000 families as

they launched out into this journey of training their children with enthusiasm, conviction

and determination.


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The kind of parents that enquire and enrol in CMC, tend to be those who

are not satisfied with a conventional education; but have in mind or are

searching for a higher vision of who their child can become. They are

searching for an education that treats their child as a precious person

with unique qualities, and that values the role of the parent as an

important member of their child's education team.

In 2014, the Parents' National Education Union (Australia) Inc was

established – to continue the work of Charlotte Mason's original PNEU

that operated from 1887 to 1989; and then in 2017, PNEU (Australia)

gained successful registration as an Accredited Non-Government

School and School of Distance Education.


Since 1995, the ministry had operated under the names of

Christian Academy of Life, Unity College, and Eastgate College.

From 2017, the new registered school took on a new name

(Charlotte Mason College) to more accurately reflect its

philosophical foundations, joining a growing movement of

Charlotte Mason Schools in numerous countries around the

world. Many Home-Educators also search the internet for

information on Charlotte Mason's Methods, so this new name will

make it easier for them to find us and get the help they need.

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“Teachers owe much to Charlotte Mason’s deep insight into child psychology and to the

new principles in character building and mind training which she advocated, but parents

owe her still more. The gratitude of countless mothers in all parts of the world, who have

profited by her counsel, will be her enduring memorial.”

Elizabeth R. Her Majesty the Queen Mother

“The P.N.E.U. has been one of the most vitalising factors on

the educational life of our country for half a century, and has

steadily fastened attention upon the vital point of close

cooperation between the school and home. It has constantly

upheld the more human as contrasted with the more

commercial tendencies in educational development. For all of

this it deserves the gratitude of the whole nation. “

Archbishop William Temple

“She brought into the life of education a light and sweetness

which transformed school routine into a personal search for

beauty and truth. Her memory lives not only in the hearts of

her colleagues and students but in the history of national


Sir Henry Richards Late Senior Chief Inspector, Board of


“She threw a shaft of light across the land.” She loved England and therefore the

upbringing of the children of England. She longed that they should have what to her had

been beyond price- the habit of reading great books which disclose the mind of man, seen

in the light of ‘a far-off divine event’.”

Sir Michael Sadler K.C.S.I, C.B. Late Vice-Chancellor Leeds University

“And so she came as deliverer and as an awakener. Finding that children’s minds were

expected to take whatever was given them whether they could digest it or not, and

convinced that Nature here as elsewhere must be obeyed if it is to be controlled, she

proclaimed her convictions fearlessly, and succeeded by the practical demonstration of the

common sense which underlay them in convincing of their truth and wisdom.”

The Lord Primate of Ireland John Archbishop of Armagh


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i) The Content – Q: “What is taught?”

ii) The Embedded Worldview – Q: “Which values & belief-

system undergirds the moral, spiritual and character training?”

iii) The Learning Philosophy – Q: “How is it taught?”

iv) The Accredited Qualification – Q: “What do you get at the

end; and what doors of opportunity will it open for you?”

Learning to live in goodness, truth, and beauty.

The Charlotte Mason Method enable is a broad general and cultural education

with four distinctive features that make it such a unique and highly sought-

after programme.

i) The Content - The entire library as our textbook, and the whole world as our



A Charlotte Mason Program provides a broad general and cultural education from

Preschool to Year 12 and beyond. It employs the liberal arts and sciences to provide

a rigorous tertiary preparation using what is known as ‘living books’ and the ‘great

books’ to engage students in ‘the great conversation’ with the cultural giants, thinkers

and leaders who have been influential in the development of Western Civilisation and

culture. Most textbooks represent the editor's concept of what is important in a

subject. Rather than limiting the students to the ideas of one author or publishing

company, students learn to be true 'scholars', investigating many primary sources

and immersing themselves in the real-life stories of the scientists, authors,

philosophers, artists, leaders, geniuses, and the common people of the period they

are studying. They become like the Bereans, who the Apostle Paul said were ‘more

noble’ because they didn't just take his word for it, but searched out the scriptures to

see what was truly true.

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ii) The Embedded Worldview:

iii) The Learning Philosophy:

Charlotte Mason's motto was, 'Education is an atmosphere, a discipline, a life.’


Charlotte Mason proposed that “Anyone who wants to teach children needs to

decide whether man [sic] is just physical, or something more. It can't be both

ways, and even the most trivial detail of the school day will line up with one or the

other of these two fundamental perspectives.” (Mason, 1910)

Because the secular State Education System, stems from a belief

that humans are merely the meaningless product of matter,

chance and time, there is no inherent unifying meaning so that

each subject is independently adrift. However, in a Charlotte

Mason philosophy, we believe there is an overarching story that

unifies all subjects and brings them to life; because there is a

transcendent personal God who is really there, who is not silent,

who acts in real space and time history, and who offers meaning

and purpose to people. Therefore, without having to force any

cross-curricular activities, topics and subjects naturally integrate

in a way that makes sense, so the students discover the big

picture of life. Subjects are interwoven within thematic units of

study; they interconnect, so there is a reason for studying

Science, Literature, History and the Arts.

The CMC philosophy of learning draws on the work of great thinkers and

educators such as Charlotte Mason, Mortimer Adler, Dr Francis Schaeffer, and


Education is an atmosphere: The atmosphere of the learning environment is

seen to be crucially important. When considering atmosphere, we care about

both the physical environment of the classrooms, as well as the 'social-

emotional' atmosphere, that it is both disciplined and friendly, with staff and

students always positively uplifting one another.

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Education is a discipline: Of course, it takes much time and effort to continually

train everyone towards this type of supportive learning culture. One of the key roles

of the Learning Advisor and parent is to work diligently on the formation of habitual

character traits until they become the innate 'modus operandi' of the child.

Education is a life: Mason believed in respecting the person-hood of each child;

and that our role as educators is to foster the love of learning as a lifestyle. Instead

of force-feeding them information, she respected and trusted the child's mind to

digest and assimilate quality food for thought. She was careful to present a

smorgasbord of quality mental food, and then allowed them to share their

thoughts and discoveries, and to come to conclusions on their own.

In her classes, she tried not to over-explain, lecture, or analyse; and

tried not to get too much between the student and the author or

artist they were studying.

Mason recommended 'whole' books rather than condensed

snippets. She gave the children time to read a 'whole' book by an

author rather than a selected reading in an anthology, so they could

fully understand and appreciate what the author had to offer. Rather

than using textbooks which are typically full of 'canned bits of information'

with rote memorisation of facts, she recommended what she called 'living' books

which were excellently written stories and texts authored by someone who is

passionate about their topic and brings it to life. Living books were often written in

conversational style, and included selected biographies, classics, and historical

novels. Quality books of this sort allowed the reader to identify with and understand

the personal lives of the characters while gleaning important contextual facts.

She employed a comprehension technique called 'narration' as a significant learning tool.

The child is required to listen intently to a reading (only once) and then retell it as closely

as he/she can. Charlotte Mason believed this helped a child to interact with the material

in an original way and to assimilate and connect information in the process. She felt it

was important that children be exposed to only the best literature rather than 'twaddle'

which was how she defined literature written 'down' to a child's level.

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Charlotte Mason believed in a structured morning of basic academics and then

dedicating time in the afternoon to real-life situations through hands-on projects,

work experience, play, exploration, nature walks, visits to the museum, and

reading. This would allow education to be a life-enriching, joyous experience, and


iv) What Qualification or Award will the students

receive, and where will that lead to?

Depending on their level of achievement, CMC students will

graduate with one or more of these four qualifications by the end of

their Year 12 (or Gap-year 13) studies.


a) Certificate III in General Education;

b) Certificate IV in Liberal Arts;

c) Certificate IV in Science;

d) Diploma of Musical Theatre

The Cert III would be equivalent to a 'General and Vocational Year 12'; the Cert IV

would be equivalent to an 'Academic Year 12 or Tertiary Preparation Certificate'; and

students with a Diploma are performing at first year university level.

The Prep Year: What age should my children enrol?

According to the Qld Education Department: “Prep is the first year of school and provides

the foundation for your child's education. From 2017, it is compulsory for Queensland

children to undertake Prep prior to Year 1. Prep is a full-time program

in primary schools. Children attend Monday-Friday, generally from 9am-3pm.

Children must be 5 by 30 June in the year they enrol.”

Check the table on the next page to see when your child can start Prep.


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“Parents enrolling their child in school have the option of an early or delayed start.

Enrolment age variations may be due to a child’s development and readiness, and

could improve their ability to learn.”


“It is not compulsory for your child to attend the Prep year as soon as they are old enough

—5 by 30 June in the year they enrol. You can delay their entry by 1 year if you feel they are

not ready, but when they start school, they should still start in the Prep year.”

Child Born 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5

Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4

Kindy Prep Year 1 Year 2 Year 3

Kindy Prep Year 1 Year 2

Kindy Prep Year 1

Kindy Prep


1 July 2008 to 30 June 2009

1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010

1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011

1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012

1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013

1 July 2013 to 30 June 2014

1 July 2014 to 30 June 2015

1 July 2015 to 30 June 2016


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The legal entity:

The College is governed by the incorporated association (Parents' National Education Union –

Australia Inc.), which has been established to promote the Charlotte Mason method of

education, to equip and support parents, and to develop alternate Australian curriculum.


Accreditation: It is exciting that after serving families for 22 years, Charlotte Mason

College is now accredited with the Qld Non-State Schools Accreditation Board as an

approved school for Prep to Year 12 including both Classroom and Distance

Education. As such, it also provides an approved legal option for parents to have their

children being educated at home via Distance Education. Along with the benefits of

school accreditation in Queensland, we have also registered Nationally Accredited

Awards that provide an alternate pathway to university and careers. These courses

provide an alternate system of credit for Senior Secondary equivalent subjects from

qualifications at the Certificate III, Certificate IV, and Diploma level.

Accredited Courses: The College currently partners with Registered Training Organisations for the delivery of nationally accredited subjects. Students 16 years and I older (in Grades 10-12), will usually be enrolled in one of our accredited courses. We can also set up the students’ LUI Number (the Learner Unique Index – with Qld Curriculum Assessment Authority) so that Senior students can bank credits towards their Qld Certificate of Education, if they choose to. A ‘Confirmation of Enrolment’ letter is issued once your child is fully enrolled at Charlotte Mason College. This letter may assist older students and / or families to apply for Centrelink payments and allowances related to study.

To discuss enrolment of your child /children at Charlotte Mason College or to receive more information please contact our reception on [email protected]

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