Page 1: OM€IN - NYS Historic… · Sa>'laar, wM praaaat their aaaaal Chriatawa Piagiaai, Swada> avealiig, Dec

CMMttMi Pa«« 4- S m ., DfC. 2i r , W 4


The ThomasesFanncrb Falk,

New Yaeiifimm m iMie lewa hi

l ie k k a e . m M dMwyvMe, we Mh M ewr trmmt perch letewrty toehe4 acreae a lawely et’ Mow, cai e d Bayaoa Baeaf, Bawhis paal ear doer, watchhig the faraMwa harveal- tag thefar crape of cattoa, wtj baaaa aad eager caaa, aelghbora' dacha ewIaiariBg aad goaddag ei each ether aad a dag awhaaihig acruaa la

th rw u h ea, thah peata aad a l

GwMoqaeady, the alllladiie,

Evetyn P. MeniweatiierAppeal For Food

The YMCA ef BafMa aad Kile C aoa^, H.U.W. wuK IHIgh M wal Oahaaih Wath aral are ■p p iahag la hwai

tn gee fnme faHMit tMMribMMk Imf

Thi piw^aai w ll laha plaec hi dec parWi h a l aadhartaH hahhad the rharrh baWhig. at M Braaawhh BKd., la Om Haadhi Faih area.

The cwagragadaaa haaaai Faadh Chthaaar Fwlv wfi k h r piaca atiar the yaa* rhe*ew*« pragraei. The part:> wM iaatare aheg-a^aag ChrlM-

raatart faa l haat. ar Cary HaflaM a. kaa*T aa

iCarol Caeaoo, Eaat fM c TMCA, Jaaa• t e n a , Waal SMa TMCA,I83-9M*I Caeih Ehad, Em i dawara YMCA, hM-IMhi or AHhar J. MMttM.

Prizes Himnle)lM aaa wM ha awardad ai a

ChMraa aad yoolh fra* Aa Saaday Schaal i i Oar SaeW a

•jr Schaal, will g# la the

The EraagaMcai Board af Oar Savtar, wM alaa he

aa Saaday, at die

»'*»*» ClulatiBaa poodto aw al. *• ''"»**>« hton. aad the fruiU:alno

eadhwey cmkiac oaat fit mta year bms hoUdar whodala owJte a IMch of Buaandtiin Ral^n Sqtiam Thaw chew* bar oaokha

Oaufomia ndauu. coetmui. and nuia, * eandkd «ta«w for extra dilhcht Wump OaMfonua

bare alwapa b a n a tarortte tagtadient for dpaelak h o U ^3sn>2:::s?ssr2r ’''SUOAgrUlM RAiaiM

‘b eap batcwh eap brawa aoear. fhwl* paehed N I1 cop dtlad tlaar

■tahta rihtaa

0 - : cat mteU ahk U.iaaaraa

cMkr >packadi


Annual Xmas Program

The yaaag paapU al lha Lotharaa C harrh ef Oar Sa>'laar, wM praaaa t their aaaaal Chriatawa Piagiaai, Swada> avealiig, Dec. 23. ala>ja p-ai T ^ jii ai*a

o M h i

attach aaathar dog aa lha other aide that woa gahig alaag paacafaly hal waa weB able la defend hiaiaelf.

Bal Me goaa aa here }aal aa N dooa hi ether parta af Ihe world, a nan good and aoace bad, aoBM lave and aaaae hale. Bal H to cnaiferthig la haow

lhai Gad to the aaiae ovacYwbaro aad la Ihe midat of aMwy Idada of ehangoa. (iad to waiddag aver hto craatioo and waiting for dw part af Maiaair that ha breathed tala raaa la change and het aan Hhe Hba.

Vary oflea we tafer la m om lacidant lhal raailad* aa af one or Bwra of ear friends, that Gad has nMde for aa along life’s pathway aad he to stlH worhing bare lor ear gaed, while he does the saine all over the werld.

So while rashlag here and ihare al this Ihne of the year, lot as paaso and gKo thanhs la the cresUlve belag, we call Gad. Lai aa act Hhe It to Hto Mrtkday aad nal oars. While wo give Santa Claps so amch pratoa, let as give aiaea praise le Him from whaai all hleasfaiga flew,

Bamomhar, aa wo tosh forward la IY7S, h to Cad who to hoop lag ns attva.

Let a t Jale heart and hand and affhaa,

am laved by Gad, am radaaaaed by God, am saved by Gad. am pratacled by God,

am made whale by Gad, am bald hi dm patoi af God'a

May Gad heap «ad dhoct yea. la ear prayer.


Principal Speaks To Women’s Business Club

M ra. Jane C naalngham , principal al Sch ant No. h, waa dm gaaot moaher of the Negro

adrieveasenta af the papBa are hnprevlag.

Throagh the reading al varloaa boohs In the Mbrartaa aad dnaaroems, the chHdraa had teamed aboat ana^F of oar htotarlcnl blach leaders.

However, they also needed to team abaat the blach and Faerto Bkan toadrrs of tadaiy aad hi Baffalo, who have met silh aaccaaa. Many af the blarh and Paerla Rieaa teadera hi Baffalo particlpaled hi a weah-teag obsarvaace of Mach Hlalory at Schaal Six,

The childreB were highly matWatad by the pcaseace af evoT M peepte from the cammanlty, aad were able la * identify with them aad lhah eiparlencea.

The moot vital pragrama going on al School Six arei 1. Early Paah, Follow Thrat«h, TKla I CemprehenaKe Road' lag and Malhenurtics, aad BreahfasI Program.

The saecesa of Mra. Canningham’a hevaivonamt aa an ndmiwisirator at School Six, to bacaasc aha has a anlqne lacaHy. They have ovarrama the bhmh and white tosaas aanl are werhiag m a learn la help edacale a l of Ike chl drsn. There to a warm, friendly atmeaphs rr when atm eaters Iho acbeel, with a tetaf raapett for both papOa and facMty. This enhances the sbMiy af the papBs le team.

In Memoriamla tevtag ateomry ef am

dear canahi aad friend, Oscar K aai, who pemod away. Do-

3, 1*73.

OSCAR KNOX We wRI never forget year

imRIng face,Aa'yan Rved aroand as here, Aad an one over can tahe the place.Of the one we loved so dear.

Slgnodt Sam Wade. Cemda Mrs. Maggie Pemdeh, Friend

Pebutantes Of fh e'S O «

The very first ceatrflwtten ff pabHctty and pic tares for the Gamma Phi Omega Chapter of the Alpha Keppy Alpha Sererlty’e first two D ebataalc Pageants were gheo by the Baffalo Crherten, L'psialc New Yarh’s oMy official mhierlty aewspaper.We theoghl h woald be alee for the pnbHc le teeh at some of the yeang ladies who partlcipal^ in the event, in the very early ’SOs, ander the direction of Mrs. George Seay

Mrs.the tele Mra. Eamte Stewart.

The EdHorAmong Maae shewn acat

Maiisha McGaemh. BarbaraMsffvfm, Cvtffe Shhtev Cepe- l a ^ , Barbara Htehs, Shtotey Shaw, Camdnila Baa li i , Fmn- chea Abmaes, Bosdta Smith and Aifema Hnwhlna.

— Criterion Photo Today’s debetaales are

shewn below.

Social givon by dm Faad-Rato. teg Comm trier of Oiterhato L'ailed M sihedlst Cbnrch, Sonday, Fohraary *ih, al li3R,ianral and Mnstea.

Califfirnia RaiHinM Are Favorite In HfiHday Kei'ipeg

I’s Cfah [Bnffale Clnh| Her lepir waa,

“ What's Good AAenl Om School PnrthateHy at SchaalSte.”

Mrs. Camdngham reaRied that there was a deftehs need la help dm blach aad Pnarto Rican ctdidrsn to see them­selves In a laaltettraRy paaldve way. She aood dm thoase,

TW Thmmm wm hi • mmumlmgfMi way to M p the

Mrs. Godfrey’s Work On Display

WUhefaniaa Godfrey, Bte- tale weaver, exhibU^ wall hangings, woven mashs, and rwpe scalptarc In the iavHa- Ihmal eshibllten af crafts tided, “ Haysiach F.acoanler Sommer 1974,’’ at the Maiphy Flee Art Center, Margna State (toBege, Bnitl- auwe, Maryland.

This sxhtblllaw

twelve oatstandiag craftsmen end teachers bom st rom the United Stoles who participated in the Afrfcaa and Aft*. Ameri­can sessleas a t Haystack Monniain School of Crafts, Deer Isle, Maine, daring Jaiy aad Aagnsi.

The showing was ran at Morgan Slate* CoBege bam Dec. I to 20lh. James E. Lewis and Henry 0 . Tanner, are Profexiare of Art. Mr. Tanner to dhrector of the gallery.

Todays Debutantes

Canttenfaig a Iradilian the Gamma PU Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority wffl present its 20th Deba- lante’s Pageant aad BaB, an Sat.. Dec. 21st, at 0 p.m., te . Ktehihan's Maaic Hall.

The BaB Is Ihc flnate af a series ef events which commenced te Ihc Spring of 1*74. These activilles have tedoded; a game night, a concert al Metedy Fair, a tear to Toranlo, Canada, a camam- aity service ptajcct, which tadaded doing volaalecr work at several kicai hespitato, the “ Dasidkt Affair’’, aa lafanaal

daneo. whata Rkc paranto af dm Debs were gaetee, a charm t ebeef aad branch.

Iprsxidcatl of PW Omega Chapter,

to Mtoa Marten Mavfteidi caaw w uasa at me non, terv. Lean Henderson; aad PahHcity chaIrwoHiaa. Mrs. John L. DeBerry.

J. H. Sanders To Host Xmas Service

.Standing at the bead af the table are Mrs. J. H. Sanders, ef Memorial Bapttet Charch, Hambeldt al E. Ferry Si. They will be bests for U aiea Christmas Service. Wednes­day, Dec. 25lb, al 10 a.m.

Tbte pictHre was taken at a bifthday party te honor ef Mrs. Sanders, shortly after they arrived in BaSalo, in the '.SOs, to bead Macedonia Baptist Charch, — Criterion Photo

lenefit Given For Duke Ellington Cancer Center

“ The Cotton Ciab Retame to Broadway’’ waa bald Monday Dec. 16. from * p.m., to 1, et the RcseUnd Deacn City. 239 W. S2ad St.. New York Qty.

The ealire proceeds are to be ased for the Dake ERington Cancer Ccxrter. Ambeaaadm Angler BkhBe Hake, waa boaarary chaiimeo, sietotad by Mercer end Rath ERington.

Featared were an srigteal Catton Chib Rcvoc, incbidteg each greats a t Cab Calloway, The Nicholaa Brothers. Pag Leg Bates, Mae Barnes, Ihe Original Ink Spots, Stomp and Stampy, the Ceposetics, the Lindy-Hoppers, the Satia Doth, etc. Clarence Rebtowan, waa the prodneer.

★ ★ Pizza Spvcial ★ ★Bipffalo't Lar9«st IHzxaFlieeNf cK IV|tp(’roiii 2 0 ’'

$3.00699 FiNmf>re 8914400

Bailey P lssa & SubsOpen Osify 4-12 PM.


For obiy $8.28 per meek, $1,000 worth of new furniture, g t e r e o K »ppti«iieeR, etc., emn be y o u r a For gg inuned1*te credit line, egU: MR. MADDEN

• • ■ - • 4 7 1

t ip s For The P erfect Hairdo


Cood Mews Cfcrlsfnicis S to re




NOME RU RIMIUIS Eqaqipef To Handle M Of Yw Needs

h rnae Of Bereament•w ffnlo 'a M oat Mederw

Onoteifloiis WMi A MeaningCampBod From DMIeeant AnilmrsBy

Akna BrooksnMahes A Wands ifni Chriitmm GRt.

Why Not Bay Ona Pm A FrtendA

Only $3."Tasrdorctek B34-3662

M3.«2a4 m 8S3-2973

5 WaMen kme

To do your hair liks s profMwonsl. 'you can benefit from advice from a pro. One such expert is Alfred Fnmay. famed New York beauty consultant who has worked with a number of the top black fashion models

Mr. Korney offers a five-step pton to he)p a woman make the most of her crowning glory, easily snd simply. This advice. *nd more, to offsivd U> young women around the ctwntiy — via tapes and slidm as part of the "Discovery Studio" course offered a t vetocted Sears stores.

Herk't Mr. Kornay's .Master Plan: S. Determine the kind of hairstyle that’s best for you by rssUy studying your face shape. To do so, tie a scarf around your head. cooctaUng all the hsir Keep in mind that your 'do m utt not onty >iuit your face shape, but must balance your height and frame A targe Afro, for example, would be overpowenng on s small woman.

3. Get a good haircut and have your hair trimmed regularly. Find a salon that understands your hair type and knows how to work with R. 3. Care for your hsu by com bi^ it — but never with a metail ’ Afro'' comb, if you start with dry hair, romb vary lightly from the top in short strokes After the hair is untangled, usa long sirokss to shape the heir

4 R s ^ the labels on shampoos rarsrutly. and satott one that's formulated for your hair type. It should be thorough, yet gsntto. & Dssp roodition your h ^ about once a month. When applying a heir ahseit, um ooe with a built-in conditioner.

As Mr. Komsy sums op. "A black womsn's heir n daiicats — snd so mtitt be trsatod erith Tender Loving Core "

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