Download - OM Module 1

  • 7/27/2019 OM Module 1




    (BBA Sem V)

    Prepared By: Ms. Mitika Mahajan

    (Assistant Professor, Rai University)

  • 7/27/2019 OM Module 1


    What you are going to learn..

    Operations Management

    Nature, scope, process.

    Operations strategy transshipment and transportation and ERP

  • 7/27/2019 OM Module 1



    Operations management is the management of

    processes or systems that create goods and/or

    provide services.

    Operations is often defined as a transformation


    It encompasses forecasting, capacity planning,

    scheduling, managing inventories, assuringquality, motivating employees, deciding where

    to locate facilities, buying material and

    equipment and maintaining them, and more.

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    Example: Airline Company

    Forecasting : Such things as seat demand forflights, the growth in air travel, and weatherand landing conditions.

    Capacity planning: Deciding the number ofplanes and where to use them.

    Scheduling of planes for flights and forroutine maintenance; scheduling of pilots and

    flight attendants; and scheduling of groundcrews, counter staff, and baggage handlers.

    Managing inventories of such items as foodand beverages and spare parts.

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    Example: Airline Company

    Assuring quality, essential in flying andmaintenance operations, where the emphasis is onsafety. Also important in dealing with customers atticket counters, check-in, telephone and electronicreservations, and in-flight service, where the

    emphasis is on efficiency and courtesy. Employee motivation and training in all phases of


    Location of facilities according to top managers

    decisions on which cities to provide service for,where to locate maintenance facilities, and where tolocate major and minor hubs.

    Buying materials such as fuel, food, bags, and spareparts. Buying aircraft and maintaining it.

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    Operation as transformation Process

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    Operation as transformation Process

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    Nature of Operation Management

    (Operations interfaces with a

    number of supporting functions)

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    Nature of Operation Management

    (Operations interfaces with a

    number of supporting functions)

    Accounting supplies information to management on costs

    of labour, materials, and overhead, and may provide

    reports on items such as scrap, downtime, and inventories.

    Accounting includes accounts payables and accounts

    receivables. Accountants gather the information needed forfinancial statements as well.

    Purchasing has responsibility for procurement of

    materials, supplies, equipment, and services. Close contact

    with operations is necessary to ensure correct quantitiesand timing of purchases. The purchasing department is

    often called on to evaluate vendors for quality, delivery

    time reliability, service, price, and flexibility. Purchasing

    may also be involved in arranging incoming transportation,

    receiving, and inspecting the purchased goods.

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    The personnel or human resources department is

    concerned with recruitment and training of personnel,

    labour relations, contract negotiations, wage and salary

    administration, and ensuring the health and safety ofemployees.

    Product design in manufacturing companies usually is

    done by engineers, but in other companies it could be done

    by architects, scientists, chemists, and chefs. Designerscreate goods and services from information given to them

    on markets by marketing and provide product

    specifications to operations to make the products.

    Maintenance is responsible for general upkeep and repair

    of equipment, buildings and grounds, heating and air-

    conditioning; removing toxic wastes; parking; and perhaps


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    Manufacturing engineering is responsible for design or

    purchase of the machines and equipment needed in the

    production process. Also called process engineers, they are

    mainly trained as mechanical engineers, but other fieldslike electrical and chemical may also be needed.

    Logisticsinvolves the transportation of raw material to the

    plant, storage, and shipping of goods to warehouses, retail

    outlets, or final customers. Management information systems (MIS) is concerned

    with providing management with the information it needs

    to effectively manage. This occurs mainly through

    designing systems (hardware and software) to capture

    relevant information and preparing reports.

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    MANAGEMENT To guide the system by decision making.

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  • 7/27/2019 OM Module 1


    Use of Operation Management

    Many companies use operations

    management strategies, tactics, and

    actions in order to improve theirefficiency and effectiveness.

    Efficiency refers to operating at

    minimum cost and fast, whereaseffectiveness refers to achieving the

    intended goals (quality).

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    Evolution of different concepts in

    Operation Management

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    A comparison of craft, mass,

    and lean production

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    Operations StrategyAn Overview

    What Is Operations Strategy?

    Operations strategy is the development of a

    long-term plan for using the major

    resources of the firm for a high degree of

    compatibility between these resources andthe firmslong term corporate strategy.

  • 7/27/2019 OM Module 1


    Operations StrategyAn Overview

    What Is Operations Strategy?

    Some of the major long-term issues addressedin operations strategy include

    How large do we make our facilities?

    What type of process(es) do we install to makethe products or provide services?

    What will our supply chain look like? What will be the nature of our workforce?

    How do we ensure quality?

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    Operations Strategy Means Adding

    Value for the Customer

    Perceived customer value= Total Benefits

    Total Costs

    In determining the value of a product, be ita good or a service, customers take into

    consideration all of the benefits derivedfrom the product and compare it with all ofthe costs of that product.

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    Value for the Customer


    When this ratio is >1, customers perceive

    value; the greater the number, the more


    When this ratio is

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    Transfer of a shipment from one carrier, or morecommonly, from one vessel to another whereas intransit.

    Transshipments are usually made

    (1) where there is no direct air, land, or sea link betweenthe consignor's and consignee's countries,

    (2) where the intended port of entry is blocked, or

    (3) to hide the identity of the port or country of origin.

    Because transshipment exposes the shipment to ahigher probability of damage or loss, some purchaseorders or letters of credit specifically prohibit it.

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    Any device used to move an item from

    one location to another. Common forms of

    transportation include

    planes, trains, automobiles, and other two-wheel devices such as bikes or motorcycles.

    The process of shipping or moving an item

    from point A to point B.

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    ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)

    A software to improve the performance of

    the organizational resource planning,

    management control and operational


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    Benefits of ERP

    Accurate sales forecasting

    Order tracking

    Integrated purchase orders

    Reduced cycle time

    Faster information transactions

    Lays groundwork for e-commerce

    Reduction in business lead time

    Improved customer satisfaction

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    Selling Buyer concept of ERP system

    Order Processing Cycle

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    Steps of ERP system implementation

    Project Planning

    Requirement determination

    Vendor selection

    Plan of implementation

    Implementation of ERP solution



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    Steps of ERP system implementation

    Project Planning: Deciding project goals,

    recognizing business needs, and estimating

    project cost

    Requirement determination: Develop list of

    specific requirements that company needs

    Selection of vendor: two types of vendors

    ERP providers

    ERP implementers

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    Steps of ERP system implementation

    Plan of implementation: Scope, timeline,project sponsor, budget, risk analysis,communication, impact analysis, training,scope of management process, process for

    feedback Implementation of ERP solution: Execute the

    ERP according to needs of the company

    Testing: Examine that all information

    generated are precise and working properly Evaluation: focuses on the purpose and

    objectives that were set in the planning stage.

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