  • 8/4/2019 Old Testament Introduction Lesson 1 Section 2


    Source and TraditionCritical Reconstructions of

    the Pentateuch

    Old Testament Introduction

    SMC Bi 521, Spring 2013Visiting Lecturer: David Battle

  • 8/4/2019 Old Testament Introduction Lesson 1 Section 2



    The student will . . .

    Name and describe the classical

    documentary hypothesis of the


    Describe the basic sources as identifyby of source critics.

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    Objectives (Continued)

    Describe the basic assertions of

    Tradition Criticism.

    Distinguish the standard source critical

    reconstruction of the Old Testament

    from Noths tradition critical


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    Historical Criticism

    Source Criticism postulates that the

    Pentateuch and related books were compiled

    from earlier documents.

    Tradition Criticism seeks to trace the various

    tradition-clusters behind the sources used in

    the compilation of the Pentateuchal books.

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    Source Criticism(old literary criticism)

    Jean Astruc

    Conjectures Concerning the Original

    Memoranda (1753)

    Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis

    Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918) Prolegomena zur Geshichte Israels (1878) orIntroduction to the

    History of Israel

    Reset the Documentary Hypothesis into ahistorical reconstruction of the religious

    development of Israel JEDP in his work.

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    Julius Wellhausen (1844-1918)

    Reordered the Sources of the Pentateuch

    and order according to a reconstructed the

    history of Israelite religion.

    Early or pre-Israelite people had to be polytheist. Monolatry



    Ethical Monotheism


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    Graf-Wellhausen Hypothesis

    Identifies four source documents in

    the Pentateuch.

    J or the Yahwist (Jahwe) Source

    E or the Elohim Source

    P or the Priestly SourceD or the Deteronomist

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    J or Yahwist Source

    Indentified Uses the name YHWH for God.

    Describes God in anthropomorphic terms.

    Sets many of its narratives in Judah.

    Moses' father-in-law is Reuel and the Law

    was given at Mount Sinai.

    Emphasizes the faith of the Patriarchs.

    Emphasizes the three-fold promise toAbraham: land, descendants, and blessing.

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    J or Yahwist Source


    The fullest of the four sources.

    Originally a Judean Epic

    Dated to the Tenth Century B.C. (ca. 950)

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    E or Elohim Source

    Identified Uses the title Elohim for God.

    Describes God in transcendent terms.

    Narratives occur mostly in Northern Kingdom.

    God communicates with mankind through

    dreams and visions not person to person.

    Shows interest in the prophetic office.

    Moses receives his revelation at Mont Horeb. Moses father-in-law is named Jethro.

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    E or Elohim Source


    Very fragmentary.

    Very often attached to J (JE)

    Prophetic emphasis implies that it comes form the

    schools of the prophets found in the Northern


    Was a collection of traditions originating in the

    kingdom of Israel during the 9th and 8th centuries B.C.

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    D or Deuteronomist

    Identified Identifies Mount Horeb as place of Moses


    Emphasizes the prophetic office.

    Core is the Deuteronomic Code.

    Deuteronomy 12-26

    Emphasizes the Levites.

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    D or Deuteronomist

    ReconstructedOriginated among the Levites in the

    northern kingdom.

    Came to prominence during the reformsof Josiah in 7th century B.C.

    Deuteronomy 12-26

    Very concerned with centralized worship.

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    P or Priestly SourceIdentified

    Uses Elohim as the divine name along with other titles

    like El or El Shadday.

    God is very remote.

    Emphasizes the Covenants: Noahic, Abrahamic, and


    Place of Moses revelation is Sinai.

    Is very concerned with the sacrifices and rituals holiness.

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    P or Priestly Source


    Was a compilation of ritual regulations, and

    genealogies from the late monarchal and exilic


    The Priestly redaction of the Pentateuch was

    done during the Exile and return to the land.

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  • 8/4/2019 Old Testament Introduction Lesson 1 Section 2


    Tradition Criticism

    Martin Noth (1902-1968)

    Investigated the traditions behind thesources and the text.

    A History of Pentateuchal Traditions(1948)

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    Tradition Criticism

    Noth searched for the Grundlage or common

    traditions among the sources.

    The common traditions between E and J

    Guidance out of Egypt Guidance into the promised land

    Promises to the Patriarchs

    Guidance in the wilderness

    Revelation at Sinai Various tribes brought these traditions with them into

    an Israelite antiphony.

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    Deuteronomistic History

    Deuteronomy serves as an introduction to the

    Historical Books.

    Deuteronomic Code

    Deuteronomistic History (DH)

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  • 8/4/2019 Old Testament Introduction Lesson 1 Section 2



    Each of these critical reconstructions are very free,

    modern abstractions of the History of Israel.

    They assume that the ancient writers freelyreconstructed the history of Israel.

    Thus, modern reconstructions are based upon

    conjectured reconstructions.

    Such reconstructions provide only a nebulous

    framework from which to discern the original

    meaning of the text.

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    Both Source and Tradition make valid


    Source Criticism is correct in seeing a

    Hexatuech in that many of the major themesintroduced in Genesis through Deuteronomy

    are not resolved until Joshua.

    Tradition Criticism is correct to note that

    Deuteronomy is dramatically different fromGenesis through Numbers and that it serves

    as backdrop for the historical books.

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    The Bible is a very complex and subtle work.

    There are many sub themes but they are all

    intended to be read together.

    Umberto Cassuto (1883-1951)

    Argued that use of the divine names reflected

    a theological coherence in their blending or


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    Concluding Remarks

    Every writer has an agenda in writing.

    The interpreters job is to understand the

    message and agenda of the writer.

    We have the text.

    We have some historical background. Reconstructions should help us understand

    the text as it stands, not to rewrite the text.

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