  • Old Louisville by the NumbersA Statistical ProfilebyMichael Price

    Urban Studies InstituteUniversity of Louisville

    Spring 2006

  • Geography

    For this study, Old Louisville was defined as five Census Tracts (50, 51, 52, 53, and 66). Tract 53 contains the University of Louisville, DuPont Manual High School, Noe Middle School, and YPAS. Tract 51 includes the Limerick Neighborhood. The entire study areabounded by York Street (North), I-65 (East), 9th Street (West), and the University (South)is 1.7 square miles.

  • DemographicsHousing Households and familiesEducational characteristicsEconomic characteristicsCrime reportsHealthy births


  • U.S. Census Bureau decennial censuses

    Kentucky birth and death records

    Jefferson County Public School records

    Louisville Metro Police crime reports

  • Since 1980, the number of residents in Old Louisville has been stableat approximately 13,000 persons. The neighborhood is home to roughly two percent of the total population of Jefferson County.

  • Tract 51Tract 52Tract 66Population Density

    Old Louisville is the most densely populated neighborhood in Jefferson County. In 2000, three Census Tracts (51,52, and 66) had the highest population density among all county census tractsover 10,000 persons per square mile. For the study area, as a whole, there were 7,800 Old Louisville residents per square mile. Across Jefferson County, on average, there were 1,800 residents per square mile.One dot represents one person in 2000. Data are shown for census blocks.

  • Map: one dot equals one person age 65 or above in 2000. Data are shown for census block groups.Seniors in Old Louisville are concentrated in central blocks.

  • Old Louisville Housing Trends1990-2000

    In 2000, there were 8,060 housing units in Old Louisville, a reduction of 157 units since 1990 or 1.9 percent.

    Occupied units increased by 172 or 2.5 percent and vacant units decreased by 329 or 25.5 percent.

  • Housing units with 20 or more units in structure

  • Map: one dot represents one family household with children under age 18 in 2000. Data are shown for census block groups.Families reside throughout Old Louisville.

  • Seniors living alone in Old Louisville

    Map: one dot represents one person age 65 or above living alone in 2000. Data are shown for census block groups

  • College students in Old Louisville

    Map: one dot equals one person enrolled in college in 2000. Data are shown for census block groups.

  • Poverty Map 2000

    Grey dot represents one person. Red dot represents one person living in poverty. Data are shown for census block groups.

  • Crime in Old Louisville

    Map: one dot represents one report of criminal activity made to Louisville Metro Police in 2003. Data are shown by street address.

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