Page 1: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie


Abstract of the Proceedings




In the Year A. L. 5798. A. D. 1798.

BE IT REMEMBERED, that on application of the MoftWorfhipful William R. Davie, Grand Mafter, to the

Legiflature of North Carolina, holden in the city of Raleigh,

in November, A. D. 1797, they were pleafed to grant to

him, and the fraternity of our Craft in this ftate, a lawincorporating the Grand Lodge of North-Carolina: whichby the Moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter is ordered to berecorded among the archives of Mafonry, as a perpetual

teftimony of gratitude due from the Craft, to wit,

“An ACT to incorporate the Grand Lodge ofNorth-Carolina.

“ Be it enacted by the General Affembly of the ftate of“ North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority“ of the fame, That the Moft Worfhipful Grand-Mafter,


Page 2: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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“ the Right Worfhipful Deputy Grand Matter, Wardens“ and Members, who are at prefent, or in future may be“ of the Grand Lodge of North-Carolina, be, and they are“ hereby conftituted and declared to be a body corporate,“ under the name and title of the Grand Lodge of North-“ Carolina: and by fuch name fhall have perpetual fuccef-“ fion and a common feal; and may fue and be fued, plead and“ be impleaded, acquire and transfer property; and pafs all

“ fuch bye laws and regulations as fhall not beinconfiftent“ with the conftitution or laws of this ftate, or of the United“ States—any thing to the contrary notwithftanding.



A true copy, J. Glasgow, Secretary of State.

By order,

Robert Williams, Grand Secretary


April 14, A. L. 5798. A. D. 1798.

By order of the Moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter, a fpecial

Grand Lodge was called at the Univerfity of North-Carolina,

for the exprefs purpofe of laying the foundation and corner

ftone of the principal college of that feminary; and to join

the Truftees of the University in one ejaculation to Heavenand the Great Architect of the Univerfe, for the aufpices of

his eternal goodnefs and wifdom, for the profperity of learn-

ing, wifdom and virtue of that college—when were prefent


The Moft Worfhipful the Honourable William R. Davie,

Grand Mafter.

The Right Worfhipful Officers and Members of the GrandLodge of North-Carolina.

The Brothers, Officers and Members of feveral the RightWorfhipful Lodges in this ftate under the jurifdiction of

this Grand Lodge, called here by order and fummons of

the Moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter for the purpofe aforefaid.


Page 3: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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The Lodge was opened in due form.

On motion, and feconded, Refolved, That this GrandLodge proceed in the ancient and ufual form of Mafonry, un-der the direction of the Moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter, to

the place appointed, to form a general proceffion with the.

Truftees, Faculty and Students of the Univerfity.—His Ex-cellency the Governor of the ftate of North-Carolina, andthe Honourable the Council of State, the Honourable the

Judges of the Supreme Courts of Law and Equity, the Gen-tlemen of the Bar from the Superior Court of Hillfborough,

the Rev. Mr. Bingham, A. M. and prefident of the acade-

my in Chatham county, and the ftudents of that feminary,

with many gentlemen of respectability from different parts

of North-Carolina, attending here for this exprefs purpofe.

The proceffiion was then formed by all the Brothers afore-faid, cloathed in mafonic order, and in folemn form proceed-ed to the place appointed; when a general proceffion wasagain formed, in company with the Craft, by all the abovementioned gentlemen, under the direction and fuperintend-ence of the. Moft Worfhipful William R. Davie, GrandMafter, and Major-General of the militia in this ftate, in

the following order:

Architect,Mechanicks and Peasants,

Grand Mu fie,

Teacher and Students of Chatham Academy,Students of the Univerfity,

The Faculty of fhe Univerfity,The Gentlemen of the Bar,The Honourable the Judges,

The Honourable the Council of State,His Excellency the Governor,

The Truftees of the Univerfity,The Mafonic Craft, withThe Grand Mafter.

In which form the grand proceffion was conducted in aMafonic manner by the direction of the Craft. It confifted

of feveral hundred perfons. It began at the old college,

and was made to the great road leading up the country byNunn’s tavern, thence up the faid road near to Nunn’s



Page 4: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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tavern, and thence to the place appointed for the erection

of the new and main college, where the order was reverfed,

accompanied with mufic fuitable to the occafion.—Thofegentlemen who made the procefiion, and were not of theCraft, formed themfelves and ftood around the place onwhich the building is to ftand

;when the fraternity, led by

the moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter, continued their procef-

fion around the building three times, in a folemn manner;

when they came to the foutheaft corner of the college, the

Grand Mafter alone, attended by the chief officers and Craft,

proceeded in the antient form of Mafonry to lay in amafonicorder the Corner Stone

which was accordingly done.

After this, prayers by the Rev. Mr. Caldwell, A. M. andone of the faculty of the Univerfity, and a numerous audi-

ence of gentlemen and ladies, were offered up to Heaven,the throne of Grace and Omnifcience, imploring the bene-diction and fuperintendence of the God of knowledge andvirtue to that foundation of future literature.—The procef-

fion was then again formed by order of the Grand Mafter,

to the chapel; where a handsome and well compofed eulogywas delivered by the Rev. Mr. Caldwell, and many pieces

of vocal and inftrumental mufic were performed as Hallelu-

jahs, by perfons appointed for that purpofe.

The procefiion of the Craft was then conducted by the

Grand Mafter to the lodge room, and after the bufinefs of

the lodge was finished, it was adjourned in due form.

A copy from the records,

Atteft, Robert Williams, Grand Secretary.

Agreeable to a notice and order from the Moft WorfhipfulGrand Mafter, the Grand Lodge of North-Carolina conven-ed in the Lodge-room in the city of Raleigh, on the annualcommunication, the 22d of November, A. L. 5798, A. D.

1798—when were prefent,

r. w. James Glafgow, d. g. m. Grand Mafter pro temp.

r. w. Montfort Stokes, G. j. w. g. s. w. pro temp.r. w.

Page 5: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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r. w. Probate Collier, g. j. w. pro temp.r. w. Richard Freear, g. x.

r. w. Robert Williams, g. s.

r. w. James Rhodes, g. s. d. pro temp.

r. w. William Martin, g. j. d. pro temp.

Delegates from the different lodges produced their cre-

dentials and took their feats, viz.

St. John’s, No. i. Wilmington—Brother Benj. Mills.

St. John’s, No. 4. Kinfton—B. Probate Collier.

American George, No. 17. Murfreefborough—B. JamesJones.

King Solomon, No. 18. Jones county—B. Amos Johnfton.

Panfophia, No. 25. Moore county—B. William Martin.

Columbiam Lodge, No. 28. Wayne county—B. JohnBledfoe and B. James Rhodes.

St. Tammany, No. 30. Wilmington—B. A. D. Moore.

Beaufort Lodge in Cai'teret county, by difpenfation, B.

Micajah Pigott and B. Nathaniel Pinkham.

Vifitor—B. Duke Williams, of Rockingham county.

On the reprefentation of B. Rhodes, of Columbian Lodge,

No. 28, Wayne county, it is ordered that the faid Lodgehave a credit entered on the books of the Treasurer, of the

fum of five pounds, which they heretofore paid to the GrandSecretary, by order of the Grand Lodge.

The Lodge was clofed in due form, to meet on the 24th



Page 6: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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T U E S D A Y, November 24, 1798.

The Grand Lodge met according to adjournment.


r. w. Robert Williams, g. s. Grand Matter pro temp.

r. w. Henry Potter, g. s. w. pro temp.

r. w. Peter Cafto, g. j. w. pro temp.

r. w. Francis Pugh, g. s. pro temp.

r. w. Probate Collier, g. s. d. pro temp.

r. w. Amos Johnfton, g. j. d. pro temp.

Delegates from the different Lodges.

St. John’s, No. 1. Wilmington—B. Benj. Mills.

Royal White Hart, No. 2. Halifax—B. Stephen W. Car-

ney and B. Matthew C. Whittaker.

St. John’s, No. 4. Kinfton—B. Probate Collier.

Royal Edwin, No. 5. Windfor—B. Francis Pugh and B.

John Johnfton.

Johnfton-Cafwell, No. 10. Warrenton—B. James Turnerand B. Oliver Fitts.

St. John’s, No. 13. Duplin—B. Thomas Kenan.

American George, No. 17. Murfreefborough—B. JamesJones.

King Solomon, No. 18. Jones county—B. Amos Johnfton.

Panfophia, No. 25. Moore county—B. Neil Smith andWilliam Martin.

Columbian, No. 28. Wayne county—B. James Rhodes andB. John Bledfoe.

Beaufort Lodge, by difpenfation in Carteret county—B.

Micajah Pigott and B. Nathaniel Pinkham.

Vifitor—B. Duke Williams, of Rockingham county.

B. Probate

Page 7: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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B. Probate Collier, from St. John’s, No. 4. Kinfton, in-

troduced certain inftrudtions from the faid Lodge to him astheir reprefentative

; which were read and referred to a com-mittee, confifting of Brothers Robert Williams, RichardFreear and P. Collier, and to report thereon accordingly.

B. James -Turner, from Johnfton-Cafwell Lodge, No. 10.

Warrenton, produced a lift of the members of faid Lodge,and a tranfcript of their proceedings. B. William Martin,from Panfophia, No. 25. produced a lift of the members of

faid Lodge, and a tranfcript of their proceedings. And B.

Thomas Kenan, from St. John’s, No. 13. produced a lift of

the members of the faid Lodge, and a tranfcript of their

proceedings, together with a copy of their bye-laws; whichwere feverally approved of, and ordered to be filed.

B. J. Johnfton, from Royal Edwin Lodge, No. 5, Wind-for, produced a petition, figned by a number of brothers,

Matter Mafons, refiding in the neighborhood of Windfor,and counties adjacent, praying to receive a charter, conftitut-

ing a Lodge in the neighborhood of Sandy-Run : which the

Grand Lodge think proper to gram in part, by iffuing a dif-


On motion of B. Francis Pugh, it is refolved, that Bro-

thers James Turner, Oliver Fitts, John Johnfton and Ste-

phen W. Carney, be a committee to examine the accounts as

they ftand charged on the Treafurer’s books againft RoyalEdwin Lodge, No. 5. and make a report thereof accordingly.

The Lodge was then clofed in due form, to meet on the

9th of December.

SUNDAY, December 9, 1798.

The Grand Lodge met according to adjournment.


The Moft Worfhipful His Excellency William R. Davie,

Governor of the ftate of North-Carolina, Grand Mafter.

r. w.

Page 8: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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r. w. Montfort Stokes, g. j. w. g. s. w. pro temp.

r. w. David Caldwell, g. j. w. pro temp.

r. w. Robert Williams, g. s.

r. w. Oliver Fitts, g. s. d. pro temp.

r. w. Neil Smith, g. j. d . pro temp.

Members—Brothers, the Hon. Samuel Johnfton, formerGrand Matter; Henry Potter and Peter Caffo.

Reprefentatives from the different Lodges:

St. John’s, No. i. Wilmington—B. Benj. Mills.

Royal White Hart, No. 2. Halifax— B. Stephen W. Car-

ney and Matthew C. Whittaker.

Johnfton-Cafwell, No. 10. Warrenton—B. James Turnerand B. Oliver Fitts.

St. John’s, No. 13. Duplin—B. Thomas Kenan.

American-George, No. 17. Murfreefborough—B. James

J ones.

Panfophia, No. 25. Moore county—B. William Martinand B. Neil Smith.

Mount-Maria, No. 29. Iredell county—B. Col. DavidCaldwell.

Beaufort Lodge, by difpenfation in Carteret county-—B.

Micajah Pigott and B. Nathaniel Pinkham.

Vifitors—Brothers Jofeph T. Myers, of Warrenton;Sa-

muel Purviance, of Fayetteville;and Robert Whyte, of

Glafgow county.

Received from Stokes Lodge, No. 32. in Cabarrus county,

a lift of their officers and members, together with a tran-

fcript of their proceedings : from Mount-Maria Lodge, No.

27. Iredell county, and Beaufort Lodge in Carteret county,

by difpenfation, lifts of their officers and members, together

with a tranfcript of their proceedings;which were feverally

read and approbated, and ordered to be filed.


Page 9: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

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The Grand Mafter laid before the Grand Lodge, the vifi-

tations made by himfelf, and proxies appointed for that pur-pofe, to the feveral Lodges under the jurifdiction of this

Grand Lodge; which were feverally read and approved of,

and ordered to be filed among the archives of the GrandLodge.

On motion, and feconded, Refolved,That a charter iffue

to certain Brothers in the county of Carteret, conftituting

a Lodge of Free and Accepted Mafons, by the name of Je-

rufalem, No. 35, to be holden at a place called the Straights,

in faid county, or near to a fchool houfe about that place.

That the charter be directed to Ifaiah Davis, Mafter; JohnHill, Senior Warden; and Thomas Harrifs, Junior Warden:and that the Secretary of this Lodge fill up the faid charter


Whereas it is reprefented by a refolution of PanfophiaLodge, No. 25. Moore county, that the place at which the

faid Lodge is now holden, is inconvenient, and not calculat-

ed for the purpofes defigned, therefore it is refolved by this

Grand Lodge, that the Mafter, Wardens and Brethren of

the faid Lodge, be, and they are hereby authorifed and em-powered to open and hold the faid Lodge in future, at the

houfe of Malcomb M'Neil, in the faid county of Moore;

and that the Grand Secretary enter this refolution as an en-

dorfement on their charter.

Refolved,That B. James Turner and B. Matthew C.

Whittaker be appointed a committee to enquire into the ftate

of the treafury, and make a report thereof to the next meet-ing of this Lodge.

Refolved,That B. David Caldwell, and B. Oliver Fitts,

be appointed a committee to inveftigate the accounts of theGrand Steward, and make a report thereof accordingly.

Refolved,That the Grand Secretary be directed to iffue

a difpenfation to Brothers Thomas Carfon, Mafter; HughCampbell, Senior Warden ;

and Hugh Cunningham, JuniorWarden, empowering them to open and hold a Lodge in the

town of Lexington,. in the county of Rowan.

The Lodge was clofed in due form, to meet on the 16th

inft. B SUNDAY,

Page 10: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie



SUNDAY, December 16, 1798.

The Grand Lodge met according to adjournment.


The Moft Worfhipful His Excellency William R. Davie,Governor of the ftate of North-Carolina, Grand Matter,

r. w. Montfort Stokes, g. j. w. g. s. w. pro temp.

r. w. Robert Williams, g. s. g. j. w. pro temp.

r. w. Amos Johnfton, g. s. pro temp.

r. w. David Caldwell, g. s. d. pro temp.

r. w. Probate Collier, g. j. d. pro temp.

Member—B. Peter Caffo.

Reprefentatives from the different Lodges:

Royal Edwin, No. 5. Windfor—B. Francis Pugh and B.

John Johnfton.

Johnfton-Cafwell, No. 10. Warrenton—B. James Turnerand B. Oliver Fitts.

King Solomon, No. 18. Jones county—B. Amos Johnfton.

Panfophia, No. 25. Moore county—B. William Martinand B. Neil Smith.

Davie-Glafgow, No. 26. Glafgow county—B. ProbateCollier.

Mount-Maria, No. 28. Iredell county—B. Col. DavidCaldwell.

Unanimity, No. 34. Rockford, Surry county—B. ThomasA. Word.

Beaufort Lodge, by difpenfation in Carteret county—B.Micajah Pigott and B. Nathaniel Pinkham.

Vifitors—Brothers Major-General William Lenoir; Ro-bert Whyte, of Glafgow county; John Strother; and Sa-

muel Purviance, of Fayetteville.

B. Richard

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B. Richard W. Freear, Grand Treafurer, came into theGrand Lodge, and in due form refigned his office of Trea-furer to this Grand Lodge.

Refolved,That B. Richard W. Freear, late Grand Trea-

furer, be credited in the fettlement of his account as Trea-furer aforefaid, for the fum of fifty five pounds

;that fum

being ftolen from him of the funds of the Grand Lodge.

Provided that if B. Freear fhould at any time hereafter re-

cover this money, then and in that cafe, he is to be account-

able to this Grand Lodge for the fame, or any part thereof

which may be fo recovered.

On motion, and feconded, Refolved,That the Grand Se-

cretary be diredted to deliver to the Reprefentative of Una-nimity Lodge, No. 34. Rockford, Surry county, the bookcontaining the proceedings of that Lodge, which were acci-

dentally depofited among the archives of the Grand Lodge.

The Grand Lodge, agreeable to nomination heretofore

made, now proceeded to the election of officers of this GrandLodge -for the enfuing year—when were appointed


The Moft Worfhipful His Excellency William R. Da-vie, Efquire, Governor, Captain General, &c. of the ftate

of North-Carolina, Grand Mafter.

The r. w. Montfort Stokes, Efquire, Clerk to one of the

Supreme Courts of this ftate, Grand Senior Warden.

The r. w. Colonel David Caldwell, Member in the Se-

nate of the Legiflature of this ftate, Grand Junior Warden.

The r. w. Robert Williams, Attorney at Law, GrandSecretary.

The r. w. Henry Potter, Attorney at Law, Grand Trea-


The Moft Worfhipful Grand Mafter, agreeable to the

conftitution, then appointed:

The r. w. the Honourable John Haywood, Efquire, one

of the Judges of the Superior Courts of Law and Equity in

this ftate, Deputy Grand Mafter.The

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The r. w. the Honourable Edward Jones, Solicitor-Ge-neral of the ftate, Grand Senior Deacon.

The r. w. Oliver Fitts, Efquire, Attorney at Law, GrandJunior Deacon.

The r. w. the Honourable Major-General Stephen W.Carney, Grand Marfhal.

The r. w. Abfalom Tatum, late member in Congrefs,Grand Perfuivant.

The r. w. Thomas Pound, Grand Tyler.

Rcfolved,That the G. Secretary be, and he is hereby direct-

ed to make application to the feveral Lodges in this ftate whichare now in a ftate of demife, for the books, papers, jewels,

funds and furniture of the faid Lodges refpectively, agree-able to the xoth article of the conftitution.

On motion, and feconded, Refolved,That Brothers Ro-

bert Williams, Richard W. Freear and Probate Collier, beappointed a committee to inveftigate the accounts of theGrand Lodge with the Kinfton Lodge, St. John’s, No. 4. andmake a report thereof to the next meeting of this GrandLodge.

On motion, and feconded, Refolved, That Brothers Da-vid Caldwell, Oliver Fitts and William Martin, be appointeda committee to form and devife fome plan for erebting build-ings in the city of Raleigh, neceffary and conveniently adapt-ed for the future meetings of this Grand Lodge, and a depo-fit for the records thereof

;and make a report of fuch. their

plan to the next grand anntial communication.

The committee appointed to inveftigate the ftate of thetreafury, made their report

;which was approbated, and or-

dered to be filed.

The committee appointed to inveftigate the accounts ofthe Grand Steward, made their report; which was concur-red with, and ordered to be filed.

The committee appointed to inveftigate the accounts exift-

ing between the Grand Lodge and Royal Edwin Lodge,No. 5. made their report; which was concurred with, andordered to be filed. Refolved,

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[ *3 ]

Refolved,That Thomas Pound, Tyler of this Grand Lodge,

be allowed the firm of twenty fhillings for each meeting of

the Grand Lodge which he heretofore attended, and for eachmeeting that he may hereafter attend. That the Treafurerpay the fame to him accordingly on a certificate of the GrandSecretary to that effedt, counterfigned by the Grand Matter.

The Grand Lodge then adjourned fine die.


Robert Williams, Grand Secretary


A LIST of the refpective Lodges under the jurifdidtion of

the Grand Lodge of North Carolina.

St. John’s No,. 1 WilmingtonRoyal-White Hart 2 HalifaxSt. John’s 3 NewbernSt. John’s 4 KinftonRoyal Edwin 5 WindforRoyal William 6 WintonUnanimity 7 EdentonPhoenix 8 FayettevilleOld Cone 9 SalifburyJohnfton Cafwell 10 WarrentonCafwell Brotherhood 11 Cafwell countyIndependenceSt. John’s

12 Chatham county13 Duplin county

RutherfordFellowrfhip 14 Rutherford countyWafhington 15 Beaufort countySt. Tammany 16 Martin countyAmerican George 17 MurfreefboroughKing Solomon iS Jones county '

Eagle 19 HillfboroughLaurel Hill 22 Richmond countyHiram 24 Williamfborough, Granville c.

Panfophia 25 Moore countyDavie Glafgow 26 Glafgow countyMount-Maria 27 Iredell countyColumbian 28 Wayne countySt. Tammany No. 1

of Tenneffee\

29Nafhville, in the ftate of Ten-

neffeSt. Tammany 30 WilmingtonPhalanx 3i Charlotte, Mecklenburg countyStokes 32 Cabarrus countyFreeland 33 Rowan countyUnanimity 34 Rockford, Surry countyJerufalem 35 Carteret county


N. B.

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N. B. St. John’s Lodge, No. 3. Newbern—Johnfton-Cafwell, No. 10. Warrenton—Phoenix, No. 8. Fayetteville

—Old Cone, No. 9. Salifbnry—Panfophia, No. 25. Moorecounty—Mount-Maria, No. 27. Iredell county—St. Tam-many, No. 3. Wilmington—are of all the Lodges under the

jurifdibtion of this grand Lodge, moft attentive to the bu-finefs of the Craft, and Mafonic communications, to wit—in

fending their delegation to this Grand Lodge, and tranfmit-

ing a lift of their members annually, with a tranfcript of

their proceedings—as appears from the records of this GrandLodge.

A LIST of the Members of the Grand Lodge of North-Carolina.

Samuel Johnfton* Richard CafwellMichael PayneJohn MareJames GlafgowAbner NealeJohn JohnftonJofeph ReachH. HillThomas HunterS. W. Arnett

* Wm. Johnfton DawfonJames ReadStephen Cabarrus

* John StokesCharles Johnfon

* John ArmftrongLunsford Long

* James PotterfieldWm. R. DavieEdward JonesRobert Williams, jun.Abfalom Tatum

Wm. LeighKemp PlummerMontfort StokesRobert SmithJohn WinflowGood. DavisJohn MaconWm. DouglafsJofeph M‘DowellWm. DuffyJohn HamiltonPeter CaffoSamuel MurleyWaightftill Avery

* Thaddeus BarnesNath. AlexanderJohn WilliamfonA. FergufonHenry PotterThomas A. WordJohn M. BinfordThomas Pound

A copy from the records,

Robert Williams, Grand Secretary.

Thofe marked with an *, are denoted to be dead.


Page 15: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

An Ordinance of the Convention of Mafons—republifhed.

THE Moft Worfhipful William R. Davie, GrandMafter, Chairman of the committee to whom was referredthe formation of a Conftitution for the government of theGrand Lodge, and the refpeftive Lodges under its jurifdibti-

on, made his report—On which the Grand Lodge, in con-vention of all its Members, Delegates, Brothers, MafterMafons, &c. proceeded to inveftigate with all poffible folem-nity neceffary to fuch an important fubject—the Conftitutionreported, was heretofore read for information, -it was againread for that purpofc, and then proceeded on febtion by febti-

on;and after a long and ftribt examination, the faid Conftitu-

tion was amended, paffed and accepted with the unanimousconfent of all the Brothers prefent as aforefaid. The faid

Conftitution was then in a moft folemn manner ratified bythis Convention in Grand Lodge, and ordered to be enrolled

among the archives of Mafonry, for the government of its

future members, and the refpebtive Lodges under this jurif-


It is furtfier ordained; That B. Robert Williams, jun.

be appointed, and is hereby required to have the faid

Conftitution printed, and one duplicate thereof to be tranf-

mitted by him as Secretary to the Grand Lodge, to everyGrand Lodge in the United States of America and Nova-Scotia, and another duplicate thereof be by him tranfmitted

to every Lodge under the jurifdiblion of this Grand Lodge.

Atteft. Robert Williams, Grand Secretary.


Page 16: OF GRAND LODGE · 2017-07-26 · AN Abstract ofthe Proceedings GRANDOFTHELODGE OF NORTH = CAROLIN A. IntheYearA.L.5798. A.D.1798. BEITREMEMBERED, thatonapplicationoftheMoft WorfhipfulWilliamR.Davie

[ 16 ]

A LIST of the Officers and Members of each refpehtive

Lodge under the jurifdidtion of the Grand Lodge of


St. John’s, No. i. Wilmington—No return made.

Royal White-Hart, No. 2. Halifax.


Lunsford Long, Mafter.Jesse Rhymes, S. W.John Hannon, J. W.Starling Marfhall, Sec.William Gilmour, Treaf.

Baffett Stith,\

Richard H. Long,j

Thomas Hall, S. D.Thomas Tabb, J. D.


Edward HallNicholas LongAuguftine WillisJohn InglesGuildford DudleyGoodorum DavisGee BradleyAbafhar ThomasPatrick MartinHowell TatumPeter MorganThomas PafteurWilliam BurtJohn DrewJames WilliamfonJohn Craven


Norfleet HarrisElkanah TallyJohn A. AnfonSamuel WarrenArchibald DavisBenjamin EafleySamuel MarfomBenjamin EdwardsJacob Johnfton-Stephen W. CarneyArchibald JettDavid CofieldJames BrownlowJohn BranchMatthew C. WhittakerBenjamin Cofield

John HaywoodJames HilliardWillis Alfton, jun.Richard H. LongThomas HallEaton PughLaurence MooneyMontfort StokesEli B. WhittakerKindred KnightWilliam R. DavieMungo PontonWilliam W. CarterJohn Jof. LongWilliam DrewRobert Williams, jun.

St. John’s, No. 3. Newbern.


Francis Lowthorp, Mafter.George Ellis, S. W.John Craddock, J. W.M. C. Stephens, Treaf.Abiah H. Adams, Sec.

Archibald M'Callop, S. D.John B. Good, J. D.Solomon Hailing, ChaplainThomas Crew, Tyler.

Francis StringerFrancis X. MartinRichard HunleyJames Carney


Edward PafteurWilliam JohnftonThomas CurtisSilas W. Arnett

Bartholomew ClinchWilliam BartlettSamuel GerrockLevi Dawfon


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[ ]

William HenryWilliam HawleyJofeph WallaceFrederick F03'Thomas HymanThomas WilfonWilliam RofsThomas EllisAndrew RichardsonJames BryanElias HawesThomas P. IrwinJames GreenIfaac TaylorT. SmithJacob CookJofeph ShuteAbner NealeI. GuionLevi FletcherFrancis A. ToiBurwell MooringEdward WhyteJohn BrownJofiah BarnardJohn DeweyE. ChamberlainThomas P. IvesJohn JonesThomas HoldenJames CuttingHardy SaundersJonathan PriceThomas SpoonerJames MooreFrancis HawksCharles ChurchwellJohn Sheffield

Richard NisonSamuel ChapmanAbraham CuttenJohn SearsSouthy RewJeremiah ReadingWallace StironDavid WitherfpoonBenjamin WoodsFrederick DeveauxWilliam LawrenceWilliam M'ClureSilas CookeWilliam SladeJohn HarveyJohn C. OfbornGeorge VaulteusJohn GouldingArmftead HatchingJames SandyWilliam FerrandWilliam DuffyJohn HowardJames M-'MinsJonathan FellowsJofeph MaftersAllen BlackhoufeJacob PeterfonP. ElgilbertPhilip ChafeJohn S. BarnesJofeph OliverCharles WilliamsDavid P. WilliamsJofeph Green, fen.Jofeph HernWilliam HollandJames Hyman

Julius ElmourHenry TillmanGeorge KinnsBenjamin WilliamsReuben BarnardJames WilfonAlexander DuguidFrancis LamotteThomas MarfhallHardy BufhWearne CoffinJohn ParkerZebedee PerryJohn WilliamsWm. CoxJ. EarleFrancis Lothorp, jun.Wallace WillisStephen WeftRobert WilliamsJohn HillWm. G. BerryWilliam ParksWm. C. GoodJohn KnowlesJohn ReadeJohn WafhingtonPeter ChafeMaturin OfreyEnot WilliamsGeorge DudleyJacob JohnftonEdward WarrenEdward WhyteEzekiel DelaftatiusJofeph GriffinPhillip Bragg

St. John’s No. 4. Kinfton

No return made for feveral

years paft.

Royal Edwin, No. 5. Windfor.


Jofeph Gurley, Mafter. Stephen Buck, Treaf.

John Johnfton, S. W. Edward Acree, S. D.P. R. Rofe, J. W. Blake Baker, J. D.Hardy Boyce, Sec.

C Members.

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Wm. HiggsWillis WairThomas ScholarJames NorfleetWm. Pugh, jun.Samuel W. Johnfton


Drury MooreWm. GranburyWillie BrodieJames GranburyJofiah MooreSamuel Granbury

John D. WhyteD. TaylorLangley GranburyArchibald ParkerLemuel Hall

Royal William, No. 6. Winton—No return made for feveral

years paft.

Unanimity, No. 7. Edenton—No return made for feveral

years paft.

Phoenix, No. 8. Fayetteville.


Peter Pelham, J. D.Samuel Murley, Treat.Simeon Belden, Sec.

John Sibley, Matter.Robert Cochran, S. W.Caleb Howard, J. W.Calvin Gay, S. D.

Lee DekeyferJohn WindowJames HowattRobinfon MumfordDuncan M'AuflinDaniel WheatonJames BrenanAlexander Fergufon


Robert M'FarlandSterling WheatonDavid AnderfonMalcomb M’KinfieJohn Louis TaylorJohn NaylorRobert DonaldfonCharles Pelham

John QuinnPatrick St. LawrenceThomas OvertonDuncan M'RaePeter M'ArthurDonald M’lnnisSamuel D. PurvianceIfaac Hawley

Old Cone, No. 9. Salifbury.


Wm. Cupples, Matter. John H. Pitchey, Sec.Wm. Lee Alexander, S. W. Adlai Ofborne, Treat.Robert Torrence, J. W.

Thomas CartonMontfort StokesHudfon HughsWm. HamptonRobert Williams, jun.Michael Troy


John FarrisJames HarrisDavid BrannanIfaac JonesDavid MillerBarnabas Dunn

George MillerHugh NewmanJohn M‘ClellandHugh CampbellHenry FreelandHugh Cunningham


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[ *9 ]

Johnfton-Cafwell, No, io. Warrenton.

Jacob Mordecai, Mafter.James Turner, S. W.Wm. E. Johnfton, J. W.Oliver Fitts, Sec.


Thomas Glofter, Treat,James Cannon, S. D.John Worthrew, J. D.

James CallierJohn AlexanderJofeph LeesJames MofsJames Gray


Robert ParkeWm. P. DickeJohn HallKemp Plummer

Patrick WalkerBenjamin KimbellEdward CluretonHenry Drake

Cafwell Brotherhood, No. n. Cafwell county

No return

made for feveralyears paft.

Independence, No. 12. Chatham county.

Officers and Members.

Zachariah HarmanGeorge LucasPhilip MeroneySamuel Gntherie

Wm. Warden Francis FarrellPatrick St. Lawrence Stephen StrauhanElijah Foodfkie Jofeph HaulZedekiah Burchard Lyman Foodfkie

St. John’s, No. 13. Duplin.


Thomas Rutledge, Treaf.Mich. Molton, S. D.Edward Harrifs, J. D.John Armftrong, Tyler.

James Kenan, Mafter.Charles Ward, S. W.Patrick Newton, J. W.George Monney, Sec.

Wm. Becke, jun.Daniel GliffenJohn BeckJohn MTUwinenThomas RutledgeRigdon BryanWm. Wilkerfon, fen.Wm. HigginsJohn LintonGeorge M'Donald


Claybourne IveyOwen O'DanielDavid MurdochJohn BarfieldJohn HurftNathaniel M'CanneSamuel HouftonDavid SloumheDavid WrightGeorge L- Linton

Thomas KenanThomas WrightL. StephensHolden M'GeeThomas IveyStephen BeckWm. Wilkerfon, jun.Mefhack StallingsShadrack StallingsJames Phcebus

St. Tammany, No. 16. Martin County

No return madethis year.


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American-George, No. 17, Murfreefborough.


Patrick Brown, MatterBryan Benbury, S. W.Jofeph Jones, J. W.Win. Rea, Sec.

Hardy Murfree, Treat.Lazarus Carter, S. D.Benjamin Roberts, J. D.Jofephs Jones, Steward.


Matthias B. Dickenfon Jonathan BrickellJofeph F. Dickenfon Francis BellTimothy DowneyTimothy RidleyEdward KilbeeTelemac WafhingtonMiles EverittThomas BrownriggZion RutlandJames PerryAbner Perry

Benjamin HareMurfree KnightWm. WilliamsHugh WortonThomas FittThomas BanksJames H. KeysWm. CouperBenjamin Cokely

Elias Gray BlakeArthur FofterJames PalmerGodwin CottonEli MooreDrury MooreWm. Edwards MooreWm. CopelandLaurence CarrCornelius MooreJohn Driver

King Solomon, No. 18. Jones county.


Win. T. Gardner, Matter.James Smith, S. W.James Harrifon, J. W.Nicholas Bray, Sec.

Amos Johnfton, Treat.John H. Bryan, S. D.Frederick Bryan, J. D.


Frederick HargettE- WhittyAbraham RomegayDaniel PerryWm. GeorgeBenjamin Lavender

John LavenderSamuel KingBenjamin R. SmithFrederick FofcueStephen KinfeyGeorge Gardner

John BignerJethro DardenStephen GranadaJofeph HatchRichard Reynolds

Eagle, No. 19. Hillfborough—No return made.

Laurel-Hill, No. 22. Richmond county-legation.

-No return nor de-

Hiram, No. 24. Williamfborough, Granville county.


John Hare, Matter.Leonard Henderfon, S. W.John Brodie, J. W.Stephen Sneed, Sec.

Henry Lyne, jun. Treat.Phillip Bullock, S. D.Wm. Moore, J. D.


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121 J

Micajah BullockJames LyneJames M. BurtonJames VaughanJohn P. SmithRobert Williams, jun.


James GreeneFrancis TaylorJames RoberdsWm. Pannell, jun.Alexander BrodieSamuel Hogg

Robert BurtonWm. P. LittleJohn MinorDavid RuthJames RidleyWrm. Smith

Panfophia, No. 25. Moore county.


Malcomb M'Neil, Mafter.Neil Smith, S. W.John Rea, J. W.Malcomb Black, Sec.Hedtor M'Neil, Treat.

Duncan Patterfon, S. D.Dugald M'Farland, J. D.John M'Leod,Duncan Johnftou, j


Neil M'LeodFrancis BullockArchibald ReaLaughlin M'NeilAlexander NieholfonPeter BlueJacob GafterWm. MearsJohn M'NeilJohn Matthews


Thomas TyfonNeil M'LeodNorman M'LeodJacob HartmanThomas H. PerkinsDuncan SmithDaniel M'IntofhPeter M'EachranDugald M'MillanJohn M'Rimmon

Daniel SmithWm. MartinJohn DabneyJames MatthewsArchibald M'NeilWm. M'SircenJohn BlueAllen MorrifonWm. M'Sween

Davie-Glafgow, No. 26. Glafgow county.


James Glafgow, MafterJohn Holliday, S. W.Probate Collier, J. W.Charles Carr, Sec.


W'illiam Holliday, Treaf.Jacob Lafiiter, S. D.Samuel Caldwell, J. D.Cullen Couard, Tyler.

Benjamin CafwellElias CarrObadiah DifouBallaney HarperSilas Laffater

Henry Miller^achariah HarteGraves BrightFrederick DixonWillis Dixon

Reading PopeReuben LaffaterJames CollierWillis Spear

Mount-Maria, No. 27. Iredell county.

Adlai Ofborne, Mafter.David Caldwell, S. W.Burges Gaither, J. W,Abner Sharpe, Sec.



George Campbell, Treaf.Eli Gaither, S. D.James Caldwell, J. D.


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[ 22]

Archibald YoungWm. YoungAndrew CaldwellCollin CampbellAlexander Davidfon


Jofeph GuyStephen CowanAlexander MeansAndrew Moore

George L. DavidfonJofeph SharpeThomas MorrisWm. Simington

Columbian, No. 28. Wayne county.


James Rhodes, Mafter.John Bledfoe, S. W.George P. Linton, J. W.Jofeph Green, Sec.Frederick Herring, Treaf.

Abner W. Long, S. D.Stephen Arrington, J. D.William S. Sears, ) 0 , jWilliam Alford, f

Stewards '

Burwell MooringDavid StocumbeAlexander Frafier


Robert FellowJohn DavisMatthew Exum

Eriftus HamonKinchen Garland

St. Tammany, No. 1. of Tenneffee—No. 29. of Naftiville,

in the ftate of Tenneffee—No return made.

St. Tammany, No. 30. Wilmington.


N. w. Hill, S. D.Thomas Hill, J. D.Thomas Callender, ) ,

Jonathan Avery, [Awards.

John Blakeley, Mafter.John Lord, S. W.Samuel Vance, J. W.James Walker, Sec.John M'Auflin, Treaf.

James ReadCharles GorclonSamuel T. ThurftonThomas WrightGeorge DavisWm. F. StrudwickRoger Moore


Jonathan SnowJohn LivingftonJohn A. AbramsAllmand HallPhilip SpauldingJofeph MilneJohn Bradley

A. D. MooreHenry WattersRichard Quince, jun.John HillAbraham IfaacsWm. M‘KerrallArchibald M'Corkle

Phalanx, No. 31. Charlotte, Mecklenburg county—No re

turn made.


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[ 2 3 ]

Stokes, No. 32. Cabarrus county.


Martin Shine, Matter.John Patterfon, S. W.Silas Shinn, J. W.Jofeph Shinn, Sec.

John Still, Treat.Arthur M‘Ree, S. D.John Houfton, J. D.Thomas Rogers, Tyler.


Aaron VorisJames NixonJames PlunkettMitchell FlemingWm. MortonJohn GoodmanJames DohertyWm. Atkerfon

Benjamin BiggsJohn RogersJohn LivingftonJohn MelkerHenry PriceWm. HouftonJacob HudfonJofeph Long

Wm. PhillipsJames CrawfordRobert AndersonThomas BateySamuel ShinnAlexander M‘ClenekinJohn Graham

Freeland, No. 33. Rowan county.

Officers and Members.

Henry PenningtonThomas HudfonJames WilliamsDouglafs HadenJeffe HadenJ. H. PitcheyRobert Latham

John MarchBenjamin AbbettWm. TrayJoel NoelRobert BradfhawWm. Pennington

John PenningtonLaurence WilliamsStephen PearfonJames HendricksAndrew HunterThomas Parrock

Unanimity, No. 34. Rockford, Surry county.


Henry Young, Matter.Marmaduke Kimbro, S. W.Thomas A. Word, J. W.Jeffe Lefter, Sec.

Calvin Wheaton, Treaf.Martin Armftrong, S. D.Gideon Edwards, J. D.William Meredith, Tyler,


Ormon KimbroGoldman KimbroGeorge KimbroRobert Rayford

Robert Williams, jun.Duke WilliamsTheophilus LaceyThomas Rogers

Curry BarnettJofeph Williams, junCharles HuntIfham Young

Jerufalem, No. 35. Carteret county.

Micajah Pigott, Matter.John Hill, S. W.Thomas Harrifs, J. W.Richard Cogdill, Sec.


D. Sebaftian, Treafurer.Daniel O’Labey, S. D.Samuel Thufe, J. D.John Cratch, Tyler.


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[2 4 ]

A. PinkhamC. PigottR. PigottJeffe PigottS. ThomasJ. PinkhamB. Chadwicke


T. CradockeW. JonesD. RumbleyT. RuffelS. GoodmanW. ThompfonW. Sabifton

S. DavisH. DavisP. PannellA. WillisT. KingD. Johnfton

St. John’s Lodge, by difpenfation in Morganton, will becontinued under another difpenfation.

A difpenfation to conftitute a Lodge in Lexington, in the

county of Rowan : another difpenfation, conftituting a Lodgein Greeneville, in the county of Greene, in the ftate of Ten-neffee—have iffued from the Grand Lodge.

A tteft. Robert Williams, Grand Secretary.


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