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Finding and Using Open Educational Resources

David WileyInstructional Psychology & Technology

Brigham Young University

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This presentation, including URLs, &c.

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Open Educational Resources?

Let’s begin by defining terms

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Open, adj.

Describes educational artifacts

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Open Textbooks

Open Educational Resources

Open Courseware

(Open Source Software)

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Open, adj.

Teaching materials freely shared with permissions to engage in the “4R” activities

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The 4Rs

Reuse – copy verbatimRedistribute – share with others

Revise – adapt and improveRemix – combine with others

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Communicate 4Rs Permissions

Since this overrides default copyright,you must use a copyright license

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Offers easy to use 4R’s licenses

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20092007 20082006200520042003

CC Licensed Items Online (Millions)






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While Nouns Differ…

The operationalizing actions are the same

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Open, adj.

Generous, sharing, giving

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Your Inner Two-year Old

Overcoming the impulse to scream“Mine!”

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Law and Policy “Enable” Us

To shout “Mine!” ever more loudly,convulse ever more uncontrollably,

and hit each other with ever larger toys

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Society’s Siren Song

“Be selfish. Keep it to yourself.It’s legal. It’s ok.”

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Education Is Not Immune

This kind of thinking is accepted in our schools and programs

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Role of Openness in Education?

A terrible, insidious question

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Openness is the only means of doing education.

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If There Is No Sharing…

There is no education

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Education, n.

A relationship of sharing

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Successful Educators

Share most thoroughly with the most students

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Expertise Is Nonrivalrous

Can be given without being given away

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“He who receives ideas from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine receives light without darkening me.”

Thomas Jefferson

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Teachers Would Be Like Bees!

They could only teach once

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Expressions Are Different

To give a book you must give it away

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Expressions Are Different

To give a book you must give it away

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Expressions Are Different

Digital expressions are nonrivalrous


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E.g., Online Book

We can all read simultaneously

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An Indescribable Advance

The first time in human history

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Expertise and Its Expressions

Give without giving away

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Unprecedented Capacity

We can share as never before

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Unprecedented Capacity

We can educate as never before

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Why and Where?

Why would I want to use OER?Where can I find OER?

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Open High School of Utah

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OER Commons

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Open Educational Resources Handbook for Educators

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Finding and Using Open Educational Resources

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Each and Every Interaction

Recorded and stored for analysisto improve quality of service / experience

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Even the Grocer!

Almost every industry uses data more effectively than we do

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If We Had This Kind of Data…

Education could engage in continuous quality improvement, too!

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What Kind of Data?

When they logged in, read, and workedHow long they logged in, read, and worked

Pathway information, Item-by-item analytics,&c.

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Curriculum Use

Curriculum Redesign



Data Describing Curriculum


Data Supporting

Strategic Tutoring


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Open, adj.

Increasing (1) access and (2) local control

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More Open We Are

The better / less expensive / more efficienteducation will be

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Thank You!

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