Download - OCTOBER FRONT 18a


The Stow - HarlowCM20 3AF

Minister: Rev Blair Kirkby: [email protected] - 07913 476934





Question:  Why did the cowgo to the cinema?Answer:  To watch a movie!

Dear God, Thank you that my

brother is feeling better today

and is at holiday club.  Amen

Question:  There were 5 children in a family.  The first 3 were called January, February and March and the4th was called April.  What was the 5th child? Answer:  What!

Dear God, I can’t wait for Friday.We are having chips.  Amen

Dear God, Thank you for holidayclub.  I am having a good time.  Amen

Question:  Why did the chicken

cross the road?Answer:  To get to the other side!

Up to 21 of us enjoyed hearing Biblestories, doing crafts, singing, games,snack time, puppet shows, memoryverse, chips, gift of New Testament,and a Bar-B-Q on Sunday when wealso took part in the morning service.



Ministerial Team LetterRev Blair Kirkby12 Harefield, Harlow, CM20 3EFHome: 443400 - Mobile: 07913 476934email: [email protected]


Rev John Buxton, M. A. (Cantab)15 The Drive, Harlow, CM20 3QDHome: 422661email: [email protected]

Dear Friends,1 Corinthians 3: 9 - 11

For we are God's fellow workers. According to the grace of God given to me, like a skilledmaster builder I laid a foundation, and someone else is building upon it. Let each onetake care how he builds upon it. For no one can lay a foundation other than that which islaid, which is Jesus Christ. Building a church is a wonderful, but difficult thing. It isn’t easy, and often enough weget it wrong, but it is a precious thing, a holy thing. What’s more, this thing is the thing all ofus, as members and friends of St Andrew’s, are called to be about, church building. Each of ushas an important part in it, without which the building will be woefully incomplete. Ofcourse, I am not talking here about building with bricks and mortar - nothing so one-dimen-sional as that. Instead, I am talking about the extremely exciting, and very daunting job ofbuilding up a community of people who are faithful to Jesus, alive with the Holy Spirit, Bible-based, loving towards one another, outward looking and wanting more than anything else todo the will of God. As building jobs go, it is as challenging as they come, and as magnificentas they could ever be. A lot of good things are happening in St Andrew’s these days. Allow me to list somepositives:

- We have a lot people who are giving a lot of time and energy to the church.- The spirit of the church is positive.- Attendance at church is generally good and we often have new people.- We have a fellowship study group and two Bible studies….a third one is on the way.- We have a healthy Sunday Club for children with some dedicated leaders.- The Holiday Club in July was a great success. We are planning another one for next

Summer.- We are in the middle of putting in a new speaker system complete with four television

monitors to aid our worship services.- We enhance our fellowship and reach to others with weekly coffee times and monthly

lunches.- We contribute to the Food Bank and give homeless people somewhere to sleep in

January.- We have signed ourselves up to a new mission statement that is going to help us serve

better.- We are considering an exciting venture with an organization called Time for God,

which could bring us a youth worker for a year at a cost of about £6,000.00.In all of this, you and I are about that challenging and magnificent job of church building.What could be better? Again, it’s not easy and there are going to be many challenges ahead. Like every otherchurch, and every other human institution, there are always problems. Yet, I sense that we aregoing to face those problems together in Christian love, and build not with bricks, but withourselves. As long as we remember the one on whose foundation we are building, we willcertainly go from strength to strength.

In Christ, Rev Blair


The one who kneels to the Lord can stand up to anything.

Nobody can fight properly and boldly for the faith if he clings to a fear of being stripped ofearthly possessions. St Peter Damian

Jesus alone can make atonement because He IS the atonement – the at-onement of God andman. Gonville ffrench-Beytagh

You’re not free until you’ve been made captive by supreme belief. Marianne Moore

The Christian believes that he was created to know, love, and serve God in this world and tobe happy with Him in the next. Evelyn Waugh

A wise man will desire no more than he may get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully andleave contentedly.

Increase of material comforts, it may generally be laid down, does not in any way whatsoeverlead to moral growth. Gandhi

If man is only a little lower than the angels, the angels should reform. Mary Wilson Little

I am an atheist still, thank God. Luis Bunuel




JMA REPORTDuring the term September 2017 to August 2018, we had 15 children collecting for JMA. We collected£1019.17 over this period, which included the 2017-18 Gift Aid rebate of £113.89.The awards and certificates were kindly presented by Mrs Margaret Torkildsen during the Sundayservice on 30th September 2018. The details of the awards are as shown below:

JMA record 2017-2018Isabel Annobil Year 1 New Collector 2018Zachary Castle Year 1 New Collector 2018Lily Matlock-Jeffery Year 1 New Collector 2018Louise Matlock-Jeffery Year 1 New Collector 2018Tahlia Abu-Rabi Year 2 Annual 2018Bryant Amankwaa Year 2 Annual 2018Barbara Ansu Year 3 Annual 2018Ruby Ansu Year 3 Annual 2018Isabella Castle Year 3 Annual 2018Ellis Kanio Year 3 Annual 2018Chelsea Amankwaa Year 4 Annual 2018Shaun Amankwaa Year 4 Annual 2018Vaughn Mojzes Year 4 Annual 2018Morgan Kanio Year 7 - Long Service Annual 2018Amelia Castle Year 8 Annual 2018Collections & Donations £905.28 2017-18 Gift Aid rebate £113.89 Grand Total £1,019.17

This year we are delighted to welcome four new members to the team. Their enthusiastic efforts incarrying out the collection have already made them key contributors. I would like to take thisopportunity to thank the parents, foster parent and grand parents who have been supporting andencouraging the children and enabling them to stay in church to do their JMA. In addition, thank youvery much to everyone for your continuous prayers, generous subscriptions, kind support, anddonations to the Junior Mission Work around the world and at home.

Kay Wong, JMA Secretary, September 2018.



SPUD AND PUD LUNCHES(On the SECOND SATURDAY of each month at 12.15pm)

Book your place on the list on the coffee room notice board.

13th October and 10th NovemberPlease join us on these dates.

£5 for lunch: jacket potato and fillings,home-made puddings, coffee or tea, all included in the price.

We look forward to seeing you - good company and good food!

St. Andrew's and the Data Protection ActAt the next Church Council meeting on 7th October, we hope to appoint a Data Processor

to carry out St. Andrew's obligations under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR.)Soon, that Data Processor will need to contact all those in our church who hold data (e.g.names, addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses) about members and friends, so as tomap and collate what information we have. In the near future, and keeping with General DataProtection Regulations, you will be able to ask what information we have, how thatinformation is protected, and how it is used. If you wish, it will be your right to ask us toamend that information or remove it from our database.

If you would like a CHRISTMAS GREETING for your friends at St Andrew’sin the next Church Magazine, please let Hazel have it, in writing or by email,

by Sunday 8th NOVEMBER.. Please keep it under 20 words in length.


The day-time group meets on Mondays at 12noon in the Sunshine Room. Coffee and tea areprovided but people are invited to bring apacked lunch so that we can eat together aswell as learn together. (See Blair for furtherdetails)

The evening group meets on Tuesdays at7.30pm in the chapel.

(See David Swindale for further details)

Everyone is welcome to both groups,whether you attend our church or not.


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[email protected]

IN LOVING MEMORYof Nigel Evans who died on 24th August in St Clare Hospice.

His Funeral Service was on 11th September, when family and friends said farewell.________________________________

WE REMEMBER the October anniversaries ofJoan Eagles,2013; Bob Mountsteven, 2014; David Downey, 2014;

Rudolf Heinecke, 20th October 2017.

May God bless and comfort those who mourn.

BIBLE VERSES from Colossians 3: 12 - 15.

Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselveswith a heart of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience,bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if someone happensto have a complaint against anyone else. Just as the Lord has forgivenyou, so you also forgive others. And to all these virtues add love, whichis the perfect bond. Let the peace of Christ be in control in your heart (foryou were in fact called as one body to this peace), and be thankful.

NET Bible


Please bring new or nearly new items onSaturday or Sunday mornings from now on.

(Please note - we don’t need any clothes)

Bric-a-brac Cakes - bring on 16th pleaseChristmas Decorations Christmas GiftsJewellery Books Jigsaws Children’s Toys

Our usual Saturday Refreshments on the day BOOK THE DATE … COME AND SHARE



Minister: Rev Blair Kirkby - [email protected] - 443400

CHURCH STEWARDS: [email protected] (Snr Steward)

CHURCH TREASURER: Joe-Ike Impraim [email protected] ~ENHANCEMENT FUND Treasurer: Jean Gill [email protected] ~

SUNDAY CLUB: Joanne Castle (Link Person) ~CRÈCHE: Alberta Morrison [email protected] ~PRAYER: Hazel Taylor [email protected] ~ORGANIST: Maureen Buxton ~

SECRETARIESBAPTISMAL ROLL: Nesta Hanks [email protected] ~CHURCH COUNCIL: Alexis Mojzes [email protected] ~ENVELOPES & GIFT AID: Andrew Wong [email protected] ~JUNIOR CHURCH MISSION (JMA): Kay Wong [email protected] ~

MISSION GENERAL FUND: Susan McKenzie ~PASTORAL: Susan Swindale [email protected] ~ FINANCE & PROPERTY CTTEE: David Swindale ~

Worship Consultation: Open to all worshipping members ~

ACTION FOR CHILDREN (NCH): John Hutchings [email protected] ~BIBLE READING NOTES: Joe-Ike Impraim [email protected] ~BIBLE STUDY: Susan Swindale [email protected] ~BIBLE READERS’ ORGANISER: Maureen Buxton ~CHURCH FLOWERS: Margaret Mountsteven ~CHURCH WEBSITE: Bob Taylor [email protected] ~CHURCH WEEKLY NOTICES: Kay Wong [email protected] ~COFFEE ROOM ROTAS: Jean Gill [email protected] ~FLOWER DISTRIBUTION: Jean Gill [email protected] ~FRIENDSHIP GROUP: Hazel Taylor [email protected]~GHAN AIAN Methodist Fellowship: Joe-Ike Impraim [email protected] ~HOUSE FELLOWSHIP: John Hutchings [email protected] ~MAGAZINE EDITOR: Hazel Taylor [email protected] ~MOTHER & TODDLER (STARS): Alison Brand [email protected] ~SAFEGUARDING & DBS: Alexis Mojzes [email protected] ~SPUD & PUD LUNCHES: Jean Gill [email protected] ~WOMEN’S FELLOWSHIP: Margaret Torkildsen [email protected]

Helen Edwards (2014) Senior Steward ~Lloyd Annobil (2012) Finance ~Margaret Nunoo (2015) Communion ~

Ruzive Mhiribidi (2015) Youth ~Susan Swindale (2016) Pastoral ~Jean Gill (2017) Social ~

LETTINGS: Rev John Buxton - 422661 [email protected]




Susan Swindale (Sec) Cecilia MojzesEfua Koi Larbi Hazel TaylorMaame Duodu Peter MountstevenMargaret Torkildsen Gill ChurchJean Gill Margaret Mountsteven


A five-year-old said grace at family dinner one night. ‘Dear God, thank you forthese pancakes…’ When he concluded, his parents asked him why he thanked God forpancakes when they were eating chicken. ‘I wanted to see if He was paying attentiontonight.’

Charlie had been misbehaving and was sent to his room. After a while he emerged andinformed his mother that he had thought it over and then said a prayer. ‘Fine’, said thepleased mother. ‘If you ask God to help you not misbehave, He will help you.’‘Oh, I didn’t ask Him to help me not misbehave,’ said Charlie. ‘I asked Him to help you putup with me.’

The teacher asked her Sunday School class: ‘If I sold my house and my car, had a big car bootsale and gave all my money to the church, would I get into Heaven?’ ‘No!’ the children allanswered.‘If I cleaned the church every day, mowed the grass, and kept everything neat and tidy,would I get into Heaven?’ Again, the answer was, ‘No!’‘Well,’ she continued, ‘then how can I get into Heaven?’ A five-year-old boy shouted out,‘You’ve got to be dead first!’

A wise schoolteacher sent this note to all parents on the first day of school: ‘If you promisenot to believe everything your child says happens at school, I’ll promise not to believeeverything he or she says happens at home.’

A minister assured his congregation that they should feel free to call him anytime they had aproblem. That night the minister’s phone rang at 3 a.m. On the other end was a dear elderlylady who said, ‘I can’t sleep.’‘I’m so sorry to hear that,’ he comforted her. ‘But what can I do about it?’She sweetly replied, ‘Preach to me a while, pastor.’


The God of life with guarding hold you,The loving Christ with guarding fold you,The Holy Spirit, guarding, mould you,Each night of life to aid, enfold youEach day and night of life uphold you.

From Poems of the Western Highlanders





Dear Friends,

I heard a sermon recently, based on Matthew 15: 21 – 28 and it really made methink. Especially when the vicar said, ‘It’s the story where Jesus calls a woman adog!’ Then she questioned Jesus’ mood. Was he grumpy that day? (Are we allowed to say thatabout Jesus?) Or was it because this stranger interrupted him while he was teaching? Orperhaps because he’d got away from the crowds as he needed a bit of peace and quiet with hisfriends, and this woman was wailing and shouting at him?

The story goes like this – Jesus had told the disciples that the Pharisees were like a blind manleading the blind. Then when Peter let on that he didn’t understand the parable that Jesus hadtold them, he replied, ‘So even you don’t understand yet!’

But he spelt out the explanation for them then took them north to Phoenicia, away fromeveryone else.

But a Canaanite woman came to him and called out, ‘Have mercy on me, Lord, Son ofDavid; my daughter is cruelly demon-possessed.’ But Jesus ignored her! His disciplessuggested he should send her away because she kept shouting at them.

Jesus then spoke to her, ‘I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.’The woman, who wasn’t an Israelite, replied, ‘Lord, help me!’And Jesus said, ‘It isn’t right to take the children’s bread and throw it to the dogs.’Maybe she was used to being verbally abused, being a woman and also not a Jew. Maybe

her love of her daughter drove her on. Anyway she was quick-witted in her reply, ‘Yes, Lord;but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters’ table.’

And Jesus changed his mind! Her persistence paid off. ‘Woman,’ he said, ‘your faith isgreat; your wish is granted.’ And the child was healed immediately.

This feisty woman knew who Jesus was. She gave him respect. His reputation as a healermust have reached right to the Mediterranean coast. She needed help and asked the oneperson who she believed could heal her child. And she was strident and persistent

Does this give us a template for intercessory prayer? We must honour Jesus as Lord. Wemust believe that Jesus can heal. And we must persist in asking.

I’ll finish with a few verses from St Paul’s letter to his friends in Philippi about prayer.‘Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I say, rejoice! Let everyone see your gentleness. The Lord

is near! Do not be anxious about anything. Instead, in every situation, through prayer andpetition with thanksgiving, tell your requests to God. And the peace of God that surpasses allunderstanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians 4: 4 – 7 NET

God Bless,Hazel Taylor



Our once-a-month midweek service at 12.30pm - 1.00pm is on thesecond Thursday each month,

and is followed by soup and roll plus cakes, tea or coffee.Everyone is welcome. The dates are: 9th October and 13th November.

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First Sat. Jean Gill & Margaret TorkildsenSecond Sat. Cecilia & Alexis MojzesThird Sat. Margaret Torkildsen & Gay BrownFourth Sat. Susan McKenzie & Gill ChurchFifth Sat. Jean Gill & Ann Kirkby


First Sun. Sylvia & Matt FranklinSecond Sun. Cecilia & Alexis MojzesThird Sun. Hazel Taylor, Andrew Proctor, & Gay BrownFourth Sun. Alison Brand & Joyce FisherFifth Sun. Alison Brand & Joyce Fisher

Our grateful thanks to all who provide our church flowers

TUESDAY @ 10amduring school term time only

Volunteers please contact Jean Gill


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Monday 1st 2.00pm House Fellowship at Beth and John Hutchings’ home in Mark Hall Moors

Thursday 4th 12.30am Friendship Group at the home of Margaret Torkildsen in East Park

SUNDAY 7th 10.30am Morning Worship and Baptism Service - Rev Blair Kirkby. (Note: our Communion Service is now on 21st October.) 12 noon Church Council Meeting

Tuesday 9th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship

Thursday 11th 12.30pm Midweek Service

Saturday 13th 12.15pm Spud and Pud Lunch

SUNDAY 14th 10.30am Morning Worship - Mr Brian Herring

Saturday 20th 11.00am Pop-in Prayers for Church Anniversary

SUNDAY 21st 10.30am Anniversary Worship and Holy Communion - Rev John Buxton

Tuesday 23rd 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship

SUNDAY 28th 10.30am Morning Worship - Mr Graham Watson 12.15pm St Andrew’s Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship 2.00pm Pastoral Care Meeting - Developing Skills

Wednesday 31st 7.30pm Area Property and Finance Meeting



clocks go back one hour on Saturday night.


During Saturday Morning, 15th September, ourdisplay was arranged in church. In the evening55 of us sat down to supper together followedby singing, games and a puppet show.Rev Blair led our Harvest Service on Sunday,with some of our young people taking part.Our thanks to everyone who helped to make itsuch a happy weekend.Our produce went, as usual, to Streets2Homes,Harlow Foodbank and the flowers to StAndrew’s elderly or unwell friends.

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Thursday 1st 10.30am Friendship Group outing to Scotsdale Garden Centre

SUNDAY 4th 10.30am Morning Worship & Holy Communion - Rev Blair Kirkby

Monday 5th 2.00pm House Fellowship at Jean and Tony Huckle’s home in Sawbridgeworth

Wednesday 7th 7.30pm HAEBEA Executive Meeting

Thursday 8th 12.30pm Midweek Service

Saturday 10th 12.15pm Spud and Pud Lunch

SUNDAY 11th 10.30am Morning Worship on Remembrance Sunday - Rev John Buxton

Monday 12th 7.30pm Pastoral Team Meeting at the Manse

Tuesday 13th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship

Saturday 17th 10am - noon CHRISTMAS FAIR - see page 4 for details 11.00am Pop-in Prayers

SUNDAY 18th 10.30am Morning Worship - Miss Gillian Amphlett

Wednesday 21st 7.30pm HAEBEA Worship and Training Meeting - at Leaside, Ware

SUNDAY 25th 10.30am Morning Worship - Rev Blair Kirkby 12.15pm St Andrew’s Ghanaian Methodist Fellowship

Tuesday 27th 2.30pm Women’s Fellowship

Wednesday 28th 7.45pm Area Meeting at Leaside Church, Ware

Thursday 29th 12.30pm Friendship Group meet at the Toby Carvery. Note the change of time!



Sunday 2nd December - after the morning worship - Christmas Lunch then our Christmas Party.

Toy Service - on Sunday 16th December followed by our Carol Service - at 6.30pm.

Note: there won’t be a Christmas Eve Communion Service this year.

Christmas Day Family Service - 10.30am - Rev Blair Kirkby.


es for your diary

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