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Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers www.McNabbAssociates.comThursday, October 13, 2011

Hospice Owner Charged in an Alleged HealthCare Fraud and Embezzlement SchemeMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 6:32 AM October 13, 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 12, 2011 released thefollowing:“PHILADELPHIA— An indictment wasunsealed today charging MatthewKolodesh, a/k/a “Matvei Kolodech,” with

conspiracy to defraud Medicare of morethan $14 million through his homehospice business, announced UnitedStates Attorney Zane David Memeger.Kolodesh was arrested this morning.According to the indictment, Kolodesh’sbusiness, Home Care Hospice, Inc.(“HCH”), located at 2801 Grant Avenuein Philadelphia, submitted claims totalingapproximately $14.3 million for patientsthat were not eligible for or did notreceive the hospice services billed toMedicare. Kolodesh also allegedlydiverted $9.36 million dollars from

HCH’s operating account for his ownpersonal use, such as extensiverenovations to his house, travel expenses,college tuition for his son, and a luxuryautomobile. This also included substantialsums of cash siphoned from the HCHoperating account through kickbacks fromHCH vendors using a system of phonyand inflated invoicing, and a cashkickback scam through sham charitabledonations made in the name of thehospice.Kolodesh is charged with conspiracy to

commit health care fraud, 21 counts of health care fraud, 11 counts of moneylaundering, and two counts of mail fraud.The indictment alleges that Kolodesh and

his co-conspirator, identified only as“A.P.,” would pay health careprofessionals, including doctors, forreferring patients to HCH even whenthose patients were not eligible orappropriate for hospice services. In aneffort to mask the alleged kickback scheme, HCH fraudulently representedthat some of those health care

professionals were paid for services asmedical directors, advisors, or hospicephysicians.Among the ineligible patients, the

indictment alleges, were patients whowere not terminally ill and patients whowere on the service list for more than sixmonths. At the direction of Kolodesh andA.P., it is further alleged that HCH staff 

would routinely “doctor” or alter patientcharts to make it appear on paper asthough the patient’s medical conditionwas worse than it actually was. The staff was also allegedly directed to bill certainclaims at a higher, more costly rate of service than was actually provided to thepatient.In February 2007, HCH was notified that

it was subject to a claims review audit.According to the indictment Kolodesh,through A.P., directed members of HCHstaff to falsify documentation to besubmitted for the audit. In September

2007, HCH was notified that it hadexceeded its cap for Medicarereimbursement and would have to repay$2,625,047 to the government program.At that point, it is alleged, Kolodeshordered a mass discharge of patients andA.P. had 79 hospice patients discharged inOctober 2007 and a total of 128discharged by January 2008, some of whom had been ineligible for hospice orinappropriately maintained on hospiceservice in excess of six months. Of thosedischarged patients, 16 were admitted to

Kolodesh’s other hospice business,Community Home Health in BucksCounty. Once the Medicare cap wasresolved, it is alleged that 11 of thosepatients were returned to HCH.The indictment further charges that in

August and September 2005, Kolodeshand A.P. applied for a low interest loanworth $2.5 million with the PhiladelphiaIndustrial Development Corporation. Thepurpose of PIDC loan is to stimulatebusiness investment and create jobs in thecity of Philadelphia. According to the

indictment, Kolodesh indicated that thefunds were to be used to acquire andrenovate a property for his business andthe creation of 50 jobs in Philadelphia atthe 2801 Grant Avenue site of HCH. Inreality, Kolodesh knew that betweenAugust 2005 and July 2009, the job quotawas not being met, and in the summer of 2008 he allegedly set up a sham office for

CHH (his Bucks County health carebusiness) at that location and falselyidentified 73 CHH employees as workingat the office location on Grant Avenuewho, in fact, had never worked there.Information Regarding the DefendantName: Matthew KolodeshAddress: Churchville, PAAge: 49If convicted of all charges, Kolodesh

faces a statutory maximum sentence of 370 years in prison. The government willalso seek restitution to Medicare in theamount of $14.3 million and proceeds

from the money laundering.The case was investigated by the Federal

Bureau of Investigation and theDepartment of Health and HumanServices Office of Inspector General. It isbeing prosecuted by Assistant UnitedStates Attorney Suzanne B. Ercole.An indictment or information is an

accusation. A defendant is presumedinnocent unless and until proven guilty.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Two Charged with Conspiracy and Filing False Tax Returns in a CorporateScheme Based in South Florida( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 5:06 PM October 13, 2011

Elmo Antonio George and Nasheba NeciaHunte were indicted today by a federal

grand jury in the Southern District of Florida on charges of conspiring todefraud the Internal Revenue Service andwith filing false tax returns for 2005 and

2006 which claimed false refunds totalingmore than $1.2 million.

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2 Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Manhattan U.S. Attorney and FBI Assistant Director in Charge Announce Arrestsof Eight Additional Defendants for Allegedly Participating in $57.3 Million Fraudon Organization That Makes Reparations to Victims of Nazi PersecutionMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 6:49 AM October 13, 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 12, 2011 released thefollowing:“ A Ninth Defendant Will SurrenderTomorrow Morning; 30 People Chargedin TotalPREET BHARARA, the United States

Attorney for the Southern District of NewYork, and JANICE K. FEDARCYK, theAssistant Director in Charge of the NewYork Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced chargesagainst nine additional participants in ascheme that defrauded programsestablished to aid the survivors of Nazipersecution out of more than $57 million.Eight of those individuals—HENRYGORDIN, GENRIKHKOLONTYRSKIY, VIKTOR LEVIN,ELLA VOSKRESENSKIY, ZLATABLAVATNIK, PYOTR BLAVATNIK,YEVGENIYA ABRAMOVICH, andASYA GALINDO—were arrested on acriminal complaint unsealed today, andthe ninth—LANA KAGAN—is expectedto voluntarily surrender tomorrowmorning. Since the original charges were

brought in this case, a total of 30 peoplehave been charged in connection with thescheme. Today’s arrests include fiveadditional former employees of theConference on Jewish Material ClaimsAgainst Germany (the “ClaimsConference”), which administered theprograms. In exchange for kickbacks,those insiders, who were supposed toprocess and approve only legitimateapplications, are alleged to haveknowingly approved nearly 5,000fraudulent applications, resulting inpayouts to applicants who did not qualifyfor the programs.Manhattan U.S. Attorney PREET

BHARARA said: “As I said when theinitial charges in this case wereannounced, my office, working with ourpartners at the FBI, would not stop untilwe brought to justice those who arealleged to have stolen more than $57million from the Claims Conference,thereby diverting money intended forsurvivors of the Holocaust. With today’scharges, we have now identified 30 peoplewho allegedly exploited a fund that is as

symbolically important as it is necessaryto its beneficiaries. We again thank theClaims Conference for their outstandingongoing assistance in identifying theparticipants in this scheme.”FBI Assistant Director in Charge


defendants had a hand in fabricating,filing, or processing nearly 5,000fraudulent claims on behalf of non-

qualifying applicants. Claims Conferencefunds have been drained of $57 millionmeant for Holocaust victims, and a largeportion of the diverted money went intothe pockets of corrupt insiders. Thesewere people hired to give who conspiredto take.”According to the criminal complaint

unsealed today and other relevantcharging documents, including theoriginal complaint filed in November2010 and the subsequent indictment:The Claims Conference, a not-for-profit

organization which provides assistance tovictims of Nazi persecution, supervisesand administers several funds that makereparation payments to victims of theNazis, including “the Hardship Fund” and“the Article 2 Fund,” both of which arefunded by the German government.Applications for disbursements throughthese funds are processed by employees of the Claims Conference’s office inManhattan, and the employees aresupposed to confirm that the applicantsmeet the specific criteria required forpayments.

As part of the scheme, a web of individuals—including the five newlycharged former employees of the ClaimsConference—systematically defrauded theArticle 2 Fund and Hardship Fundprograms for over a decade. As outlined inthe complaint, the Claims Conference firstsuspected the fraud in December 2009,and immediately reported their suspicionsto law enforcement, which conducted awide-reaching investigation resulting inthe charges unsealed today againstadditional participants.The Hardship Fund pays a one-time

payment of approximately $3,500 tovictims of Nazi persecution whoevacuated the cities in which they livedand were forced to become refugees.Members of the conspiracy submittedfraudulent applications for people whowere not eligible. Many of the recipientsof fraudulent funds were born after WorldWar II, and at least one person was noteven Jewish. Some conspirators recruitedother individuals to provide identificationdocuments, such as passports and birthcertificates, which were then fraudulently

altered and submitted to corrupt insiders atthe Claims Conference, who thenprocessed those applications. When theapplicants received their compensationchecks, they kept a portion of the moneyand passed the rest back up the chain.From the investigation to date, the Claims

Conference has determined that at least3,839 Hardship Fund applications appearto be fraudulent. These applications

resulted in a loss to the Hardship Fund of approximately $12.3 million.The Article 2 Fund makes monthly

payments of approximately $400 tosurvivors of Nazi persecution who makeless than $16,000 per year, and either (1)lived in hiding or under a false identity forat least 18 months; (2) lived in a Jewishghetto for 18 months; or (3) wereincarcerated for six months in aconcentration camp or a forced laborcamp. The fraud involved doctoredidentification documents in which theapplicant’s date and place of birth hadbeen changed. The fraud also involvedmore sophisticated deception, includingaltering documents that the ClaimsConference obtains from outside sourcesto verify a person’s persecution by theNazis. Some of the detailed descriptionsof persecution in the fraudulent Article 2Fund applications were completelyfabricated.From the investigation to date, the Claims

Conference has determined that at least1,112 Article 2 Fund cases it processedhave been determined to be fraudulent.

Those cases have resulted in a loss to theClaims Conference of approximately $45million.In 2010 and 2011, charges were brought

against 19 other alleged members of thescheme. To date, nine of those individualshave entered guilty pleas. Charges remainpending against the remaining 10 in thatcase, which is before U.S. District JudgeTHOMAS P. GRIESA in Manhattanfederal court.* * *All nine defendants named in today’s

complaint, as well as defendantsOKSANA ROMALIS and ANNAZINGER, who were arrested on August26, 2011 and October 5, 2011,respectively, on two separate complaints,are all charged with participating in aconspiracy to commit mail fraud. If convicted, each defendant faces amaximum of 20 years in prison as well asa maximum fine of $250,000. Please seethe ages and residency information for thedefendants in the below chart.Mr. BHARARA praised the investigative

work of the FBI. He also thanked the

Claims Conference for bringing thismatter to the FBI’s attention and for itsextraordinary continued cooperation inthis investigation, which he noted isongoing.

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3Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Florida Couple and Utah Man Indicted forAlleged Roles in Procurement Fraud SchemeInvolving Foreign Military MaterialsMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 6:22 AM October 13, 2011

The Department of Justice (DOJ) onOctober 12, 2011 released the following:“WASHINGTON — Three individualswere charged in an indictment returnedtoday by a federal grand jury in Utah fortheir alleged roles in a bribery and fraudscheme involving federal procurementcontracts, announced Assistant AttorneyGeneral Lanny A. Breuer of the JusticeDepartment’s Criminal Division and U.S.Attorney David B. Barlow for the Districtof Utah.The four-count indictment returned today

in U.S. District Court in Salt Lake Citycharges Sylvester Zugrav, 68, and MariaZugrav, 66, both of Sarasota, Fla., andJose Mendez, 49, of Farr West, Utah, withconspiracy to commit bribery andprocurement fraud. The Zugravs andMendez also are each charged withbribery. In addition, Mendez is chargedwith procurement fraud.According to the indictment, Mendez

worked as a program manager for the U.S.

Air Force Foreign Materials AcquisitionSupport Office (FMASO). The mission of FMASO is to purchase foreign militarymaterials on behalf of their customers,which are various U.S. military divisions.The materials are acquired outside of theUnited States by third party companies, orvendors, and then purchased by FMASOon behalf of its customers. There are alimited number of vendors permitted tocontract for the sale of foreign materials toFMASO, one of which is AtlasInternational Trading Corporation (Atlas).According to the indictment, Sylvesterand Maria Zugrav were the principals of Atlas.According to the indictment, the Zugravs

and Mendez conspired to enrich one

another by exchanging money and otherthings of value for non-public informationand favorable treatment in theprocurement process. The Zugravsallegedly offered Mendez approximately$1,240,500 in payments and other thingsof value throughout the course of theconspiracy. The Zugravs allegedly madebribe payments to Mendez in threedifferent ways: cash payments via FedExto Mendez’s home address; in-personpayments of cash and other things of value; and electronic wire transfers to abank account in Mexico opened by and inthe name of Mendez’s cousin. Accordingto the indictment, from approximately2008 to August 2011, the Zugravs gaveMendez and a person close to him morethan $185,000 in payments and otherthings of value, with promises of additional bribe payments if Atlas were toreceive future contracts for the sale of foreign materials to FMASO customers.In return for the bribes offered and paid,

Mendez allegedly gave Atlas and theZugravs favorable treatment during theFMASO procurement process, including

disclosing government budget andcompetitor bid information, which helpedAtlas and the Zugravs in winning FMASOcontracts.According to the indictment, Mendez and

Sylvester Zugrav allegedly communicatedoffers and requests for bribes in personand through email, and took steps toconceal their activity, using covert emailaddresses, password-protected computerdocuments, code words and false names.Within the encrypted documents, Mendezadopted the name “Chuco” and SylvesterZugrav used the name “Jugo,” and theyreferred to cash as “literature.”The Zugravs and Mendez each are

charged with one count of conspiracy tocommit bribery and procurement fraud,

and one count of bribery. Mendez is alsocharged with one count of procurementfraud for disclosing non-publicinformation to a separate FMASO vendorother than Atlas.The maximum penalty for conspiracy is

five years in prison and a $250,000 fine.The maximum penalty for procurementfraud is five years in prison and a$250,000 fine, while the maximumpenalty for bribery is 15 years in prisonand a $250,000 fine, or three times themonetary equivalent of the thing of value,whichever is greater. The indictment alsoseeks forfeiture from all three defendants,if convicted.An indictment is merely an allegation and

defendants are presumed innocent unlessand until proven guilty beyond areasonable doubt in a court of law.The case is being investigated by the FBI

and the Air Force Office of SpecialInvestigations, Office of Special Projects.The case is being prosecuted by TrialAttorneys Marquest J. Meeks and EdwardP. Sullivan of the Criminal Division’sPublic Integrity Section, and Assistant

U.S. Attorney Carlos A. Esqueda for theDistrict of Utah.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

MANHATTANcontinued from page 2

This case is being handled by the Office’sComplex Frauds Unit. Assistant U.S.Attorney Christopher D. FREY is incharge of the prosecution.The charges contained in the complaints

are merely accusations and the defendantscharged in the complaints are presumed

innocent unless and until proven guilty.Defendant Age Residence HENRY



Highland Park, IL“To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ 

or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact him

directly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Federal Criminal

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Alleged Iran plot may have violated UN treatyMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 4:14 PM October 13, 2011

The Jerusalem Post on October 13, 2011released the following:

“By REUTERSTreaty forbids attacking diplomats; US,Saudi Arabia can bring case beforeSecurity Council, International CriminalCourt, Interpol.An alleged plot to assassinate the Saudi

Arabian ambassador to the United Statesmay have violated a UN treaty protectingdiplomats and could escalate the crisis toan international court.US authorities have arrested Iranian-

American Manssor Arbabsiar for thealleged plot and accused a second Iranianman, Gholam Shakuri, who is believed to

be at large in Iran and a member of thecountry’s elite Quds Force.If they were involved in a plot to kill

Saudi Ambassador Adel al-Jubeir, thatwould likely violate the UN Conventionon the Prevention and Punishment of Crimes Against Internationally ProtectedPersons.The treaty, which Iran signed in 1978,

would require Tehran to considerprosecuting Shakuri in its court system orextradite him to a requesting country,potentially the United States or Saudi

Arabia, both longtime foes.An important sticking point to anyprosecution or extradition is that Iran hasfiercely denied the allegations and isunlikely to turn Shakuri over to anycountry.“This is one of those areas where there’s

not really too much fuzziness. It’s veryclear that these kind of people(diplomats), these kind of officials,they’re immune from attack,” said DavidKaye, executive director of the UCLA

School of Law’s International HumanRights Law Program.Jubeir was named Saudi ambassador to

the United States in early 2007 afterserving in the embassy in Washington. Heis considered a close adviser to SaudiKing Abdullah, a key US ally in thevolatile and oil-rich Middle East region.US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton

made a point on Wednesday of noting thatIran had agreed to the UN treaty.“This kind of reckless act underminesinternational norms and the internationalsystem. Iran must be held accountable for

its actions,” she said.Two optionsThe United States has two options if Iran

officially rejects the case, includingpursuing action at the UN SecurityCouncil. That was done when Libyarefused to hand over two men accused of the Pan Am 103 bombing over Lockerbie,Scotland.The United States or Saudi Arabia could

bring it to the United Nations and arguethat “these are very obvious violations andfor the Security Council to do nothing in

light of this major attempted violationcheapens the words” of the treaty, Kayesaid.Another option, if there is a dispute under

the UN treaty for protected persons, is thatone side can seek an arbitration andultimately a ruling from the Court of 

International Justice, located in theNetherlands.“Basically it’s asking the court to interpretwhether the convention has in fact beenviolated,” said Sean Murphy, a professor

at George Washington University LawSchool who has argued several casesbefore the court.After lengthy legal wrangling in the

Lockerbie case and an eventual thawing of relations between Washington and Tripoli,the suspects in that case were handed overto a Scottish court that was convened inthe Netherlands.The United States could also turn the

matter over to Interpol, the global policeorganization, which could order aninternational arrest warrant for Shakuri,thus making it difficult for him to travel

outside of Iran, the experts said.The legal proceedings against Arbabsiar

will proceed in US District Court in NewYork where he will appear on Oct. 25 fora preliminary hearing.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN Sanctions

Removal.The author of this blog is DouglasMcNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Former FBI agent indictedMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 8:23 AM October 13, 2011

Fredericksburg on October 13, 2011released the following:“Former FBI agent, wife accused of defrauding customers of their financialmanagement company.BY KEITH EPPSThe operators of a Spotsylvania County-

based business have been indicted oncharges that they bilked at least 11unsuspecting investors out of $1.3 million.John Robert Graves, 52, and Sara

Turberville Graves, 44, are charged withconspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud,mail fraud and four counts of wire fraud.

John Graves, a former FBI special agent,is also charged with three counts of Investment Adviser Act fraud and makingfalse statements, according to aDepartment of Justice news release.According to the indictment in federal

court in Richmond, John Graves foundedBrooke Point Management in 2003.Graves, a certified financial planner,served as president of the company,through which he sold insurance, providedestate and tax planning, and recruited andadvised investment clients.The indictment charges that the Graveses

raised funds by misrepresenting the safetyand security of investments and bymisrepresenting how they were usinginvestor funds.Among other things, the release states,

they used investor funds to purchase realestate in Partlow, pay personal creditcards and time share dues and pay back investors who requested access to their

money.The indictment alleges that John Graves,

who resigned from the FBI in 1999,continued to make false statements toinvestors and investigators after thescheme was uncovered.

The couple faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison on each of the mail andwire fraud counts, and a fine of up to$250,000 or twice the victims’ losses.John Graves also faces up to five years on

each of the Investment Adviser Act fraudcharges and the false statement count.The FBI and the U.S. Postal Inspection

Service investigated the case.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN Sanctions

Removal.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Federal Criminal

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5Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers

Federal, State, and Local Authorities Arrest SixAlleged San Antonio-Based Texas MexicanMafia MembersMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 5:13 PM October 13, 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 13, 2011 released thefollowing:“United States Attorney Robert Pitman,FBI Special Agent in Charge Cory B.Nelson, and Texas Department of PublicSafety Director Steve McCraw announcedtoday that six San Antonio-basedmembers and associates of the TexasMexican Mafia (TMM) have beenarrested based on two federal drugindictments.Those arrested include:

• 45-year-old Robert Carreno, Jr, (aka“Lil Bit”);• 39-year-old Tony Berlanga (aka“Tony”);• 46-year-old Gabriel Quiroz (aka“Biker”);• 48-year-old Guadalupe Ramos (aka“Lupio”);• 56-year-old Julio Villanueva (aka“Shorty Hawk”); and,• 63-year-old Teresa Alonzo (aka “Tia”).

Manuel Gonzales (aka “Speedy”), age 36,and Alexander Garza (aka “Animal”), age35, were already in federal custody for asupervised release violation. JosephSanchez (aka “Cowboy”), age 41, and 20-year-old Santos Trevino (aka “Dedos,”“Beatles”) are currently in state custodyon unrelated charges.

The first indictment, returned on October5, 2011, and unsealed today, charges all of the defendants, with the exception of Teresa Alonso, with one count of conspiracy to distribute one kilogram ormore of heroin. Upon conviction, thedefendants face a minimum mandatory 10-year term of imprisonment, and amaximum of life in federal prison.Officials allege that from December 1,

2009, to July 20, 2011, the defendantswere responsible for the distribution of atleast 48 kilograms of heroin, which theTMM sold for $750,000. Authoritiesbelieve Carreno holds the rank of “FreeWorld General” of the TMM. Also,Carreno and Berlanga allegedly oversawthe transportation of the heroin fromLaredo to San Antonio, for furtherdistribution by TMM members.The second indictment, also returned on

October 5, 2011, charges Teresa Alonzo(aka “Tia”) with a conspiracy to distributeheroin, between December 1, 2009 andJuly 20, 2011. Upon conviction, she facesa maximum sentence of 20 years infederal prison.

In June 2011, Alonzo allegedly attemptedto smuggle an ounce of heroin to TMMVice President Benito Alonzo, while hewas incarcerated in the Texas Departmentof Corrections. Also as part of thedistribution conspiracy, Alonzo is accusedof having accepted thousands of dollars asrepayment to Benito Alonzo for moniesloaned to purchase heroin. A federal

search warrant executed at her residencein August 2011 resulted in the seizure of notebooks containing names andtelephone numbers of TMM members,and correspondence from Benito Alonzo.This investigation was conducted by the

Federal Bureau of Investigation’s SafeStreets Task Force together with the TexasDepartment of Public Safety – CriminalInvestigations Division, U.S. Immigrationand Customs Enforcement (ICE), SanAntonio Police Department, Bexar CountyDistrict Attorney’s Office, New BraunfelsPolice Department, and the 81st JudicialDistrict Attorney’s Office. The U.S.Marshals Service also assisted in makingthe arrests.An indictment is merely a charge and

should not be considered as evidence of guilt. The defendants are presumedinnocent until proven guilty in a court of law.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involving

Federal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Mortgage fraud dropped for Florida lawyer, ex-

copMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 8:46 AM October 13, 2011

Miami Herald on October 12, 2011released the following:“THE ASSOCIATED PRESSFORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Federal

prosecutors have dropped mortgage fraudcharges against a Florida lawyer andformer police officer.Prosecutors told a Fort Lauderdale judge

Wednesday they would not retry attorneySteven Stoll and former Plantation officerDennis Guaracino. Their first trial endedin a mistrial in September when a jury

could not reach a verdict.The third defendant in the case is Joseph

Guaracino, brother of Dennis and also aformer Plantation cop. Prosecutors saythey will put Joseph Guaracino on trial asecond time.An indictment contends Joseph

Guaracino orchestrated a $16.5 millionloan fraud scheme to buy and flipproperties.In April, another jury convicted two

former Plantation officers of fraud in thecase. But three current officers and an FBIagent were acquitted.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

U.S. v. Junichi Funo( Antitrust Division: Criminal Case Filings  ) 

Submitted at 11:01 AM October 13, 2011

Document filed on September 29, 2011• Information

Federal Criminal Antitrust

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Eighty-Two Individuals Indicted for DrugTrafficking in the Luis Lloréns Torres PublicHousing ProjectMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 2:21 PM October 13, 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation(FBI) on October 13, 2011 released thefollowing:“SAN JUAN, PR—On October 7, 2011, afederal grand jury indicted 82 individualsas a result of an investigation led by theFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), andthe Puerto Rico Police Department(PRPD), announced today United StatesAttorney Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez.The defendants are charged in a two-countindictment with conspiracy to possesswith intent to distribute cocaine, “crack”(cocaine base,) heroin, marijuana, andOxycodone (also known as Percocet). Theobject of the conspiracy was to distributecontrolled substances at the Luis LlorénsTorres Public Housing Project, located inSan Juan, Puerto Rico for significantfinancial gain.According to the indictment, from on or

about March 2007, the object of theconspiracy of this drug traffickingorganization was to possess with the intent

to distribute and distribute cocaine, crack,heroin, marijuana, and Percocet at a drugdistribution point located at the sectorknown as “Calle 4” within the LuisLloréns Torres Public Housing Project.The main leaders of the organizationwere: Malvin Nater-Ayala, aka “Malvin”;Emanuel Rodríguez-Isaac, aka“Manuelito”; and Christian Rosario-

Bonilla, aka “Christian Nora” and“Mellao.”The defendants and their co-conspirators

would purchase wholesale quantities of heroin, cocaine, and marijuana in order todistribute the same in street quantityamounts at their drug distribution points.The 82 co-conspirators had many roles, inorder to further the goals of theconspiracy, including: three leaders, 14enforcers, six suppliers, 21 drug owners,12 runners, 53 sellers, and fourfacilitators.It was further part of the manner and

means of the conspiracy that the co-conspirators would use apartments andother locations to cook, store, package,and sell the drugs, and to conceal drugs,drug paraphernalia, drug ledgers, drugproceeds, scanners, firearms, andammunition. The members of the drugtrafficking organization would possess,carry, use, brandish, and dischargefirearms in order to maintain control of their drug points and in order to protectthemselves, their drugs and proceeds fromrival individuals and organizations, and to

expand their drug trafficking businesswithin the community.“Today’s operation was part of ourOrganized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) and contributes to ourongoing battle against the drug traffickingorganizations that operate all aroundPuerto Rico,” said Rosa Emilia Rodríguez-Vélez, U.S. Attorney for the District of 

Puerto Rico. “We will not rest until everytown is safe again, and all our citizens canlive in peace.”“The FBI and other state and local lawenforcement agencies are dedicated toincreasing the safety and security of thepeople of Puerto Rico by continuing tocombat the violence permeating ourcommunity,” said Joseph S. Campbell,Special Agent in Charge of the FBI-SanJuan Field Office.This case is being prosecuted by

Assistant United States Attorneys CarmenMárquez and Ilianys Rivera.If convicted, the defendants face a

minimum of 10 years’ imprisonment and amaximum of life imprisonment, with finesof up to $10 million. Criminal indictmentsare only charges and not evidence of guilt.A defendant is presumed to be innocentuntil and unless proven guilty.”To find additional federal criminal news,

please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOL

Red Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Attorney General Holder JoinsWhite House in Honoring“Champions of Change”

( USDOJ: Justice News  ) Submitted at 2:26 PM October 13, 2011

Attorney General Eric Holder was joinedtoday by Senior Counselor for Access toJustice Mark Childress at a White House“Champions of Change” event to honorand recognize the work of legal leadersfrom communities large and small whoare dedicating their professional lives toclosing the justice gap in America.

Georgia Woman Sentenced to140 Months in Prison for HumanTrafficking of Two YoungWomen from Nigeria( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 4:49 PM October 13, 2011

Bidemi Bello, 42, formerly of Suwanee,Ga., was sentenced today in Atlanta byU.S. District Judge William S. Duffey Jr.on human trafficking charges includingforced labor, trafficking with respect toforced labor, document servitude,harboring for financial gain andprocurement of naturalization unlawfully.

Former Department of Defense Employee Pleads Guilty to Submitting False

Travel Claims Totaling Nearly $500,000( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 4:07 PM October 13, 2011

John R. Brock, 52, of Crofton, Md.,

pleaded guilty today before U.S. DistrictCourt Judge Robert L. Wilkins in U.S.District Court for the District of Columbia

to a criminal information charging himwith one count of making a false claimagainst the United States.

Justice Department SettlesReligious DiscriminationLawsuit Against BerkeleySchool District in Illinois( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 5:21 PM October 13, 2011

The Department of Justice announcedtoday that it has entered into a consentdecree with the Board of Education of Berkeley School District 87 in Berkeley,Ill. that, if approved by the court, willresolve a religious accommodationslawsuit filed in December 2010.

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John R. Brock, Former Department of Defense (DoD) Employee,Pleads Guilty to Submitting False Travel Claims Totaling Nearly$500,000 in U.S. District Court for the District of ColumbiaMcNabb Associates, P.C. ( Federal Criminal Defense Lawyers  ) 

Submitted at 4:52 PM October 13, 2011

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

(FBI) on October 13, 2011 released thefollowing:“WASHINGTON— A former civilianemployee of the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology (AFIP), a component of theDepartment of Defense, pled guilty todayin Washington, D.C., to making more than$485,000 in false travel claims using theDefense Travel System, announcedAssistant Attorney General Lanny A.Breuer of the Justice Department’sCriminal Division.John R. Brock, 52, of Crofton, Md., pled

guilty today before U.S. District CourtJudge Robert L. Wilkins in U.S. DistrictCourt for the District of Columbia to acriminal information charging him withone count of making a false claim againstthe United States. According to courtdocuments, Brock worked as a budgetanalyst within the Resources ManagementDepartment of the AFIP from 2007through 2011. As part of his guilty pleaBrock admitted that, from September2008 through April 2011, he submitted 99false travel vouchers totaling $485,535 forexpenses that were never incurred. He

admitted that he submitted the claimsthrough the Defense Travel System usingthe profile of a former AFIP employee.At sentencing, scheduled for Jan. 3, 2012,

Brock faces up to five years in prison anda $250,000 fine, as well as supervisedrelease following any prison term. Brock is also subject to criminal forfeituretotaling $485,535.This case is being prosecuted by Trial

Attorney Richard B. Evans of theCriminal Division’s Public IntegritySection, and is being investigated by theU.S. Army Criminal InvestigationCommand, the Defense CriminalInvestigative Service and the FBI’sWashington Field Office.”

To find additional federal criminal news,please read Federal Crimes Watch Daily.Douglas McNabb and other members of 

the U.S. law firm practice and write and/ or report extensively on matters involvingFederal Criminal Defense, INTERPOLRed Notice Removal, InternationalExtradition and OFAC SDN SanctionsRemoval.The author of this blog is Douglas

McNabb. Please feel free to contact himdirectly [email protected] or at oneof the offices listed above.

Department of JusticeAnnounces the DefendingChildhood Task Force( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 11:47 AM October 13, 2011

Today at the national conference of theDepartment of Justice’s Office of JuvenileJustice and Delinquency Prevention,Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelliannounced the establishment of theAttorney General’s National Task Force

on Children Exposed to Violence.

Attorney General Eric HolderSpeaks at the White House’sChampions of Change Event( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 2:27 PM October 13, 2011

"As these Champions share theirexperiences and insights with us, we will

also explore ways to build on theirachievements – and to replicate andamplify their outstanding work," saidAttorney General Holder.

United States Files Suit to StopFlorida Woman from PromotingForm 1099-OID Tax FraudScheme( USDOJ: Justice News  ) 

Submitted at 11:37 AM October 13, 2011

The United States has sued Judy GraceSellers to bar her from promoting analleged scheme involving fraudulent taxrefund claims.

U.S. v. Lin, et al.( Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings  ) 

Submitted at 8:01 AM October 13, 2011

Pre-trial conference has been rescheduledfor December 13, 2011 at 3:30 p.m.Pacific.Trial has been rescheduled for January 9,

2012 at 8:30 a.m. Pacific

U.S. v. Robert A. Riddell( Antitrust Division: Criminal Case Filings  ) 

Submitted at 10:38 AM October 13, 2011

Document filed on September 29, 2011• Criminal Information

U.S. v. Eric Larsen

( Antitrust Division: Upcoming Public Hearings  ) Submitted at 8:01 AM October 13, 2011

Arraignment/bail hearing has beenscheduled for October 13, 2011 at 9:30a.m. Pacific

Operation “SAFE SCARE”( U.S. Marshals Service News  ) 

Submitted at 11:59 AM October 13, 2011

October 13, 2011 - Operation SAFESCARE is a joint agency focus to validatethe addresses provided by registered sexoffenders. Halloween is a time whenmany children are on the streets goingdoor-to-door trick-or-treating and are

vulnerable to sexual predators. The aim of SAFE SCARE is to keep our kids safe sothey can enjoy Halloween and being a kid.SAFE SCARE allows law enforcement tovalidate information provided by sexoffenders during the registration andperiodic re-registration requirementsunder Arkansas State Law.

Meagan's Law Awareness at the Big Fresno Fair( U.S. Marshals Service News  ) 

Submitted at 11:56 AM October 13, 2011

October 12, 2011 - From October 5 - 7,2011, the United States Marshals Servicein the Eastern District of California,Fresno partnered with the Fresno PoliceDepartment at the Big Fresno Fair in orderto enhance awareness of the Meagan’s

Law Website. Deputies and detectivesinteracted with the community bydistributing pamphlets, pencils, badges,and stickers. Parents were encouraged toaccess the Meagan’s Law website todetermine if registered sex offenders areliving in their neighborhood.

Federal Criminal Justice Antitrust US Marshals

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