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A big welcome to all network marketers in the world at

OBTAINER WORLDWIDE - the first global network marketing magazine!

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Dear Readers,Why doesn‘t OBTAINER WORLDWIDE know anything about a “summer silly season”?

Because on the other side of the world it‘s the middle of winter :-)

In fact, however, this isn‘t the only reason why this edition is also full of exciting and informative reports

from the colorful world of network marketing and direct distribution yet again. A further reason is that more

and more MLM companies from all over the world are approaching our editorial team and asking us to re-

port about their organization – a wish that we are pleased to fulfill insofar as they are serious companies with

genuine success stories. Such as with the company in the cover story of this issue, the Middle East Division

of the networking giant “Forever Living Products” – or in the case of the “Company of the Month,” which the

editorial team awarded this time with a great majority to the American company “MonaVie,” whose distri-

bution partners, after all is said an done, fill four of the places in the Top Ten Earners including the current

No. 1.

But what is the reason for the success of this company? It is the same reason that also account for the suc-

cess of OBTAINER – and that is and will be decisive for your success. The “magic word” in this context is:

added value! Here two things are concerned that are very similar only at first glance: These are “offering

added value” and “using added value.” How is that to be understood? I want to clarify using an example.

OBTAINER is regularly on the look-out for things we can offer our readers as “added value.” One of our most

recent coups in this regard is our cooperation with myOn-ID, a “platform for marketing yourself” we report

on in this issue. If you now test whether and how myON-ID can help you to build up your business more

quickly and efficiently and to win new customers and distribution partners, you will save €15. That is the

added value we offer here. What advantage do you have now if you DON‘T take up this offer? Right: none!

You‘ll have “saved,” believe it or not, the total of €3 that you would have had to invest for the online service‘s

three-month test, but in return you still don‘t know whether and how this tool would have helped you to

achieve your goals.

Let us transfer the whole thing again to your networking business. It is no use if you (or your company)

are offering a promotion – as long as you (or your customers) don‘t take up this offer! If you receive “three

months‘ supply for the price of two” of your company‘s nutrition supplement as an action offer, this is a real

added value. If you don‘t order this offer, what have you gotten out of it? Nothing! And if you don‘t pass this

offer on to your customers, what have you gotten out of it? Absolutely nothing! So you see: In order to suc-

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ceed it isn‘t sufficient to offer added value – it also has to be taken up! But in order for this to happen the

added value has to be recognized as such. In case of the nutrition supplement (“3 for the price of 2”) this is

simple – in other cases it is significantly more difficult because it is less obvious and occasionally it is also

dependent on your attitude (and an action triggered by it).

What do I mean by that? Well, in the first place what concerns me here is the fact that through the statistical

analysis of our Internet data and through personal discussions with distribution partners all over the world

we have become aware that networkers, particularly in Europe and the USA, don‘t use OBTAINER as effec-

tively and productively as they could – and as their colleagues in the Pacific Region, Asia, Arabia and Africa

are already doing. It may be that this has to do with the lower purchasing power in these countries which

compels the networkers there to approach their business in a somewhat more creative and unconventional

manner. The networkers in the rich countries seem to be less aware of what a “treasure” OBTAINER with

its online archive is laying at your feet. Sharp tongues maintain that the reason for this might be that poor

people are generous and rich ones are, on the other hand, tightfisted – and that the latter will therefore only

treat themselves to “Acrobat Reader.” The fact is, however, that there are free PDF programs you can down-

load on the Internet so that this argument doesn‘t hold water. A fully-fledged PDF program is, however, a

precondition for being able to make optimum use of OBTAINER. Namely with such a program you can take

individual pages out of our publications and create your own new compilations – a possibility that is regu-

larly used in poorer regions!

Numerous top-class experts share their knowledge in every issue of OBTAINER… how do you use this op-

portunity? Networkers in Asia, Arabia and Africa use this offer regularly in order to produce inexpensive

but nevertheless high-quality training material for their downlines… why don‘t you? The same is true of our

personalized offprints, which you can order in the online shop of our Internet portal at www.obtainer-online.

com/shop.php. Although the favorable price of €57 is “more expensive” in the poorer countries when viewed

relatively, the sales of personalized offprints are greater there! How does that come about?

It may have something to do with the fact that fewer people there have direct access to the Internet, which is

why it is is more important to have something presentable “at hand.” But that is only part of the explanation.

The real reasons are “pride” and “professionalism” - that has been the result of discussion that we have had

with a large number of our customers. The people in these countries are very proud of their business and

would love to present it professionally. Not only with the promotion material provided by their companies

but also with promotion material from a “neutral authority,” as it were, which at the same time promotes

the company, its products and also the independent distribution partners. The opportunity to produce this

promotion material in very small print runs at incomparably favorable prices is then the icing on the cake

that lets people use the added value offered by OBTAINER!

And still more: Many people from these countries approach us and ask us to produce a special issue about

“their” MLM company eventually so that they can utilize this opportunity. For a whole number of them this

wish will be fulfilled in the coming months. So if your company isn‘t yet available in our online shop: Don‘t

be afraid to put on a bit of pressure! Send us an e-mail and complain! Ask us when an offprint about your

company will appear at long last.

And until that happens: Stay strong!


Tomas Klünner


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Text: Tomas Klünner


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We are speaking, of course,about “Forever Living Products”, the company which was founded by Rex Maughan in Phoenix, Arizona, in 1978

and which first and foremost owes its success

to one plant: Aloe Vera! In July 2000, the main branch for the Middle East region, which was registered in October 1999 in the

Free Trade Zone of Dubai Airport, started its work. Since then aloe vera has continued its tri-

umphal march also in the Arab world. In the meantime the “family company” Forever Living

has come to control 85% of the worldwide supply of aloe vera through its affiliate “Aloe of

America” and uses the potential of this plant to fight what company founder Rex Maughan

once called “the most widespread disease in the world”: an empty wallet.


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top: FLP Middle East Annual Rally 09 Country Pride Award Winner - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; right: The FLP-ME delegates who attended the International Super Rally 09 in Dallas, Texas; below: FLP-UAE delegates winning the Middle East Rally 09 Spirit Award

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In the struggle against this disease Eliser Salvador, 62, a na-

tive of the Philippines, is also standing “in the front line.” Full-

time as managing director of Forever Living Products in the

Middle East – and on the side as a “distribution partner of

Forever Living Products working part-time.” OBTAINER met

the father of three, who is now also a grandfather of three, in

Dubai for an interview which dealt not only with the company

itself but also with the general living and working conditions

of networkers in those countries where branches have been

opened: Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and the United Arab

Emirates (UAE).

Eliser Salvador became acquainted with FLP in 1997 and be-

gan, just as more and more people in the Arab World are doing

today with his help, by working from home. “My motivation

was to prepare financially for my old age,” he still remembers

very well: “In the final analysis in this part of the world there

are no pensions for employees since no contributions are de-

ducted here for welfare insurance or pensions.” When Eliser

got to know “his” company, Forever Living was already in its

21st year of business and had a truly impressive success story

behind it. It all began – or so the story goes at least – when Rex

Maughan burned his hand at a barbecue. A friend advised him

to treat the burn with freshly cut aloe vera – and the speed of

the healing process gave Rex an idea: to improve the lives of

other people with the aid of this plant, which is also called the

“plant of life” – aloe vera.

Rex Maughan began to sell the first aloe products from a

modest office. Here he benefited from the fact that a few years

earlier Bill Coats, a pharmacist from Texas, had succeeded

in stabilizing the fresh gel from the leaves of the plant after

harvesting using vitamins E and C at specific temperatures,

thereby making it possible to store the valuable vital elements

and nutrients for a longer period of time. A procedure such as

this, which is in no way detrimental to the quality of the gel,

had been sought without success for a long time. Since then

the company “Aloe of America” has registered this stabiliza-

below (from the left): Eliser Salvador with his wife, Susan Oyemade and Mustafa Kassim with the DSEI Award“Best Direct Seller 2009”

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from the right: Managing Director Middle East Eliser Salvador with his wife andSusan Oyemade (in the middle), Diamond Manager Nigeria


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tion procedure as a worldwide patent. Rex Maughan began

at first with only a few core products. The range around Aloe

Vera Gel Drink, Aloe Vera Jelly and Aloe Vera Lotion has been

constantly extended. Today the company has over 190 differ-

ent products ranging from drinks via nutrition supplements,

skin care and household products to various beauty and well-

ness products which among other things help with weight

control and fitness.

All of these products are based on the gift of nature called

“Aloe Vera barbadensis miller.” The plant belongs to the lily

family, which has over 300 different species. But only one of

these, specifically “barbadensis miller,” possesses this posi-

tive effect on the human skin and the whole human body. This

is because of the combination of more than 270 different vital

elements, nutrients and minerals, trace elements, vitamins,

enzymes, amino acids, fibers etc., which the plant has been

shown to contain.

The positive experiences, made all over the world in the course

of the years by many million people who have consumed aloe

products, formed the stable basis for the success of the compa-

ny by mouth-to-mouth-propaganda. Enthusiastic consumers

became enthusiastic consultants and a never-ending chain of

satisfied recommenders led in 2008 to a worldwide turnover

of more than $2.5 billion. More than $1 billion came from

drinks based on aloe vera. In the Arab World too, these drinks

are finding more and more enthusiastic buyers. The trend is

moving steeply upwards – and this despite the current world

economic crisis!


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top: 3.platzierte im Bowling-Wettbewerb im Rahmen der Middle East Rally 2009oben links: 2.-platzierte und darunter die Gewinner des Wettbewerbs

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Those who look more closely at the history of the “miracle

plant”, aloe vera, will very quickly realize why that is the case.

Over the last 5,000 years aloe vera has always held an excep-

tional position among healing plants and herbs. The priests in

Ancient Egypt called aloe vera the “plant of immortality.” Ac-

cording to historical sources, Cleopatra used the juice of the

aloe in her daily skin and beauty regime and in one of his text-

books the famous Greek doctor Hippocrates describes the var-

ious healing properties of the plant. Alexander the Great too

had his wounds treated using aloe vera during his campaigns of

conquest and Marco Polo became acquainted with the plant in

the “Middle Kingdom” and reported euphorically about its ef-

fects. It is no wonder, after all, that aloe vera is firmly anchored

in Chinese culture and is a regular part of medical treatment

there. The Chinese describe it as a “means of harmony” and

consider it to be the plant with the greatest healing powers.

Christopher Columbus brought aloe vera with him as a

“healer in the jar“ against hunger and disease on his flag-

ship “Santa Maria.” Although he discovered America in

the course of his travels in at least one case he was unable

to offer the Mayas and the Indians something they did not

know about – they had long been aware of the powerful

healing effects of this desert plant and aloe leaves ferment-

ed in glowing ashes were a standard element of their diet.

Also in “Ayurveda,” the well-known Indian traditional medi-

cine, aloe vera is soundly anchored as the “source of youth”.

Things are similar in Japan. For the Japanese aloe vera is a

“royal plant.” It is eaten, drunk and applied externally. The

enthusiasm of the Japanese for aloe products is so great that

the Japanese market has become the country with the high-

est turnover among all 137 countries where FLP is active.

Middle East Top 10 Distributors2008-2009


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they all come from India, Pakistan, Nepal, the Philippines

and other countries. These people make up the majority of

the population in the Gulf Region – and these people love

network marketing.

As “normal employees” they earn $150 to $300 a month. In

this situation those who earn an extra $200 through network

marketing have already almost doubled their lifestyle. And

so in the countries of this region you always come across

surprising images again and again. The Nepalese security

man, who in the evening sits in the park with his notebook

and goes surfing, is among them. In fact he is at the bot-

tom of the social scale – but thanks to network marketing

he can afford a lifestyle that you could truly envy him for.

Because with an extra income of between $200 and $400 a

month many people here are very happy. And these incomes

are predominantly based on real product sales! This too is

another great difference from America and Europe where

MLM is now almost only marketed as a “business opportu-

nity.” And the “how” of the marketing also differs consider-

ably from the way it is usually done in Western countries.

In the USA and Europe business presentations usually take

place in hotels or consultants invite interested parties into

their own homes. In contrast to this, in the Gulf Region the

presentations – and also the sale of products – take place in

most cases in the offices of the networking companies.

For this reason FLP Middle East has even gone so far as to

install a “living room” directly in the main branch office in

Dubai – with a television, a stereo system, armchairs and a

sofa. Here people meet, talk, drink and hold presentations

“directly on the spot.” During this consultants and customers

are taken care of by the “domestic servants” obligatory in the

area, who serve drinks such as coffee or aloe vera juice. So

what is prescribed in China happens of its own accord in the

UAE. For this reason the products here are not dispatched

as a rule; instead the consultants come into the office, col-

lect the products there and pay cash or by credit card. The

same is true of many customers. Sometimes, however, lead-

ers purchase larger quantities of products and organize their

own meetings where the consultants can buy the products.



The positive effects that the consumption of aloe vera products

have on the human organism were also undoubtedly decisive

for the success of Forever Living Products in the countries

of the “Gulf Cooperation Council” (GCC), to which Kuwait,

Bahrain, Saudi-Arabia, Qatar, the UAE and Oman belong.

“After all in these countries there is only basic provision of

medical services, which primarily covers accidents and very

serious illnesses,” explains Eliser Salvador in his interview

with OBTAINER: “Complaints such as arthritis, joint pains,

skin problems and such like are not covered as a rule and

only very few people have additional private insurance. Most

people have to pay for every visit to the doctor themselves.

So if somebody takes our products and if as a result their

complaints are reduced, they save an awful lot of money on

doctor‘s fees and medicines.”

In addition, there are many other aspects which differentiate

“networking” in the GCC countries from the business that

Europeans and Americans think about when they hear the

term “network marketing”. Among other things this is be-

cause the natives of the Gulf States hardly ever work as con-

sultants, but at best appear as customers. There are several

reasons for this. On the one hand, as a result of their

oil wealth they do not need to do so, and on the

other, religious convictions play a role. Here,

however, it is important to know that the

natives in these countries make up

only a small fraction of the popu-

lation. So , for example, 90%

of the residents of Dubai

do not come from the

UAE. Whether they

are taxi drivers,


w o r k e r s ,



or hotel



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However, the company offices are the heart of network mar-

keting in the Arab countries. One advantage of this approach is

that from 20th to 30th of the month the consultants can find out

by computer log-in how many points they still need to achieve

their qualification or to move on to the next step of the career

plan. So, for example, people who see that they only need a

few more points can buy the appropriate quantity of products

immediately just to be “on the safe side.”

Through the network of branches Eliser Salvador has es-

tablished a comprehensive support system through which

the consultants in the GCC states are trained and coached.

“Here we offer both product training and success training,”

explains the manager: “We assume that new distribution part-

ners will participate in the basic training programs as soon

as they have qualified as distribution partners in our system.

In addition, we also have Webinar, which comes direct from

our company headquarters in Arizona.” At least three times

a year, Eliser Salvador organizes regional conventions to-

gether with his team in each country of the GCC, the main

event being the “Annual Rally” during the month of May

with Rex Maughan himself coming to be with the distribu-

tors of the Middle East. This event is part of the worldwide

FLP Rally Concept, which this year reached its highpoint in

August with the „International Super Rally“ in Dallas, Texas.

“In the near future MLM will experience explosive growth,”

declares Eliser Salvador with conviction: “The factor that will

cause this business explosion is the professionalization of our

industry. Once people understand that this is a career that can

be developed and not a gamble where you get rich overnight,

this business will become one of the great forces in this mar-

ket. Experts predict that wellness will be the next trillion-dol-

lar business – and the best area to be involved in is no longer

production but distribution. We are independent distribution

traders – so we find ourselves on the right road, both region-

ally and globally.” Here Eliser Salvador sees the role of his

company as providing people with the infrastructure they can

work with and in addition supporting the legitimization of the

industry in this part of the world.

In this respect some things have improved in recent years. For

example, in the past networking contracts were regularly not

recognized by courts in Dubai. For reasons of legal certainty

most of the consultants therefore had to make their contracts

in their home countries. Whether it was a result of the influ-

ence of the “Direct Selling Educational Institute” (DSEI) that

this practice was changed a short time ago is something that

nobody can say with any certainty. What is certain, however,

is that those responsible have recognized that, particularly

for people with low incomes, network marketing is a worth-


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Dubai, The Palm



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Rex Maughan

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while alternative which should not be

hindered without reason. The fact that

FLP Middle East was a founding mem-

ber of the DSEI will only be mentioned

here in passing. In any case, as a result

of this change in the official attitude

the opportunities for networkers in the

region have improved significantly. So

we can expect that in future more and

more people will achieve similar suc-

cesses to those already achieved by

Gloria Rosete, who received the Best

Direct Seller Award at the Direct Selling

Festival in April of this year.

At the moment Gloria is still a Sapphire

Manager in our system,” reports Elis-

er Salvador, who is very pleased that

Gloria is on the verge of becoming a

Diamond Sapphire: “For this she now

only needs another two distribution

lines – and that is something she will

certainly have built up in the foresee-

able future.” Gloria‘s success is remi-

niscent of that of Salsabila al-Harbi,

called Sally by her friends, as reported

in OBTAINER No. 07/09. Despite all

obstacles Sally has built up a large orga-

nization for FLP in Saudi Arabia. In both

cases we are talking about impressive

achievements, which are all the more

astonishing as they were accomplished

by women in male-dominated Arabia.

Eliser Salvador is certain that this shows

that everywhere in the world and for

people of either sex the right attitude

is the central element of success: “You

have to clearly define the reasons why

you want to do business with us. We are

on the look-out for people who are look-

ing for a change in their lives, people

who have great dreams for themselves

and their families. You have to be free of

preconceptions and ready for changes.”


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Actually there is hardly a more interesting region for building

up an international network marketing business than Dubai

and the GCC states. Here there is a huge human potential

made up of people from all over the world who are interested

in health and financial success. Forever Living Products‘ health

and beauty products based on aloe vera offer the greatest op-

portunities for making the best possible use of this constella-

tion. “Our products are so effective that we are always making

jokes about how they sell themselves,” declares Eliser Salvador

with a happy smile: “The fact is, however, that people first have

to be made aware of our products – namely through personal

discussions.” This is a task that more people take up month

after month in the countries he looks after so that the “healer

in the jar” is conquering the Arab World slowly - but surely.


If these conditions are fulfilled, the marketing plan of FLP

provides all the prerequisites for achieving the goals set. “The

remuneration schedule of Forever Living Products is the same

worldwide and is protected for the company by copyright. No

other company can adapt our marketing plan, which because

of its special characteristics is very fair and accommodating

for our distribution partners,” explains Eliser: “Essentially it

offers four sources of income: profits on turnover, personal

bonuses for business activity, bonuses for group volume and

residual income, also called Gem Bonuses. In addition there

are other performance incentives such as the free-travel pro-

gram, the car plan and profit sharing. It is also important

for many partners that the business can also be inherited

so that the family is safeguarded in case the partner dies.”

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OBTAINER: What was your job before you started

with MLM? For more than 30 years I worked in the printing industry. Then I did a course to qualify as a photofinishing engineer where upon I worked in advertising and portrait photography.

OBTAINER: What experiences have you gathered in

the network marketing industry? My positive experience is that most of the products sold in this business are of high quality. The negative experiences are related to the fact that some people have already had negative experiences with this industry and these are reflected when you approach them. The most negative thing, however, are the people from other companies who attempt to recruit our downlines for their company.

OBTAINER: What characterizes your current company

and why does it suit you? Our company is known for its prod-ucts and for its global presence on the market. It suits me per-sonally because I‘m not only in the business to make money but also to grow professionally and to teach others to do the same.

OBTAINER: What characterizes your work as a spon-

sor? The things that differentiate an average distribution

partner from a successful one in this industry are social com-petence and the ability to train and lead others. In this re-spect I hope and think that my downline is happy with me.

OBTAINER: Do you work with online presentations?

We wanted to do something like that but the telephone providers in this part of the world do not have the necessary infrastructure. If you make use of their services, it costs a fortune. In our branch offices we can, however, use Webinar and online presentations offline.

OBTAINER: Do you hold telephone conferences?

Please explain why or why not. No, not many people in this part of the world use things like that. We work primarily on a personal level, in other words through direct person-to-person discussions.

OBTAINER: How do you explain the advantages of

your business opportunity to a “lay person”? The advantage is that you can do this work part-time or full-time and that the infrastructure is already in place on the spot. All that you have to do in order to achieve success is to use it.

OBTAINER: What is your inner motivation? To become and remain healthy and to have the opportunity to help my fellow human beings to do the same while I am doing so.


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books and fishing, particularly fishing with a harpoon.OBTAINER: What car do you drive and what would be

your dream car? At the moment I have a Volkswagen “New Beetle” and I have my sights on XC60 Volvo.

OBTAINER: If you had three wishes what would you

want? I would like to retire to my beach house surrounded by my grandchildren and at the same time I would like to be in a position to run my business as a distribution partner full-time from there, to go swimming or fishing on the weekend and to enjoy a long walk without a cellphone.

OBTAINER: Have you got a book you would like to

recommend to our readers? To be successful in business you should read “The Greatest Salesman In The World” by Og Mandino, “Think & Grow Rich“ by Napoleon Hill, as well as using materials for developing your personality such as the DVDs and CDs of Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar.

OBTAINER: Which countries of the world have you al-

ready been to and where would you like to travel? Thanks to FLP I have already been in a large number of countries in the

OBTAINER: If somebody would like to earn about

$500, what must they do to get it? I speak realistically based on my experiences. There are two ways of succeeding in earn-ing this sum: Either you sell a specified volume of products. I have, for example, a downline who earns $1,000 month only through sales. Or you train, shall we say, 12 people to sell a specific volume of products – and you will also achieve this income.

OBTAINER: What further possibilities do you use oth-

er than a list of names or classified ads? Primarily mouth-to-mouth propaganda. Meetings are in my opinion the best ap-proach based on the premise that a stranger is only a friend you have not met yet.

OBTAINER: Are you married? Do you have any chil-

dren? Yes, my wife and I have now been married for 40 years. I have three children who are now all working and I now also have three grandchildren.

OBTAINER: What are your hobbies? What do you do

in your leisure time? Swimming, playing the guitar, reading


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world. I could not list them all at the moment but I can say that I have already traveled the world.

OBTAINER: Is there somebody you admire? I admire our president and managing director, Rex Maughan, be-cause he believed in me.

OBTAINER: How and where can our readers contact

you? By cellphone at +97 150 6581910 or by e-mail to [email protected]

OBTAINER: Thank you for this interview,

Mr. Salvador.



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Punctually for the launch of

the Webstar Community

WellStar announced drastic

commission increases for its

partners. Christian Wiesner, CEO von


“Through the introduction of the slim

and speedy e-network system we have

grown in the last 18 months all over Eu-

rope by several 100% and have recruited

neqrly 200,000 users for Webstar. Now

we are launching the Webstar Commu-

nity, which will multiply this fantastic

potential turnover still more so that in

2010 we reckon with a million Webstar


“Through Webstar we are now working

significantly more efficiently as a com-

pany. This allows us to increase the in-

comes of our partners from effectively

50% at the moment to effectively more

than 50% of the turnover on which com-

mission is payable!

“WellStar Partners now earn follow-up

commissions of up to 64% on 10 active

levels and receive up to 15% extra on

the Europe-wide turnover in the leader

pools. Especially for the first leader stag-

es we have increased the commissions

in the pool by 50% and we have simpli-

fied the monthly qualifications further.

We are expecting a drastic increase in

the income of our active partners!

“For TOP Leaders a highly lucrative

founder pool program has been created

which in addition to a lifelong participa-

WellStar Launches a Massive Bonus Program

tion in all turnover contains a special

bonus program!

“According to their level WellStar TOP

Leaders will receive between €100,000

and €1,000,000 as a one-off special

commission for reaching the prescribed

TOP levels. For this there is time until

December 2010 – for highly active net-

workers a period in which everything is


“Our goal was and is to create the per-

fect plan which will enable all active

partners to achieve high and secure

top incomes. With this update we have

come very close to our goal and are set-

ting new standards. The plan update ap-

plies from September 1st and is valid for

the whole of Europe!”


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Art Director:

Copy writer:

Proof reader:

Creative Director:

RoUnd 1 - 6/06/09

So you want to build a personal

business using the highest quality

skin care products that exist. Now

you can. Choosing to build a

business with Glimpse™ Topical

Skin Nutrition from XanGo—one

of the world’s trusted leaders in

the health and wellness landscape—

is the right choice to make.

Glimpse™ Topical Skin Nutrition

combines ancient wisdom with

state-of-the-art science to create

an exciting new category in skin

care, something completely

unique and refreshing.

Glimpse skin care delivers

holistic nutrition as found

only in the mangosteen fruit

through a toxin-free, proprietary

formula. To begin building your

business with Glimpse, visit today.

a proven opportunity

Page 32: OBTAINER - August 2009



Since the 23rd of July 2009,

the cooperative partnership

between the PM International

AG and the German ski orga-

nization was officially a done deal. As a

result, PM International with their nu-

tritional supplement series, FitLine, are

now the official sponsors of the German

national ski team.

The quality of the premium products

and the findings resulting from studies

of FitLine have, in the past years, lead to

numerous close partnerships and coop-

erations with many elite athletes from

across the entire world. More than 250

top athletes, from over 10 nations and

over 50 sports disciplines use PM Inter-

nationals FitLine products to increase

their personal performance.

Behind all FitLine products are proven

scientific findings, an uncompromising

claim to quality and purity as well as

the assurance of an optimal selection,

preparation and bioavailability of in-

gredients in all FitLine products. These

high standards ensure the production of

FitLine products is carried out accord-

ing to the strict GMP standards of the

pharmaceutical industry. The standards

are also ensured by the regular indepen-

dent control of products by the center

for preventative doping research by the

German Sports University in Cologne.

These were all arguments that con-

vinced the DSV (German ski organiza-

tion) of the benefits of a close and long-

term partnership with the company

from Speyer.

PM-International Now Official Sponsor of the German National Ski Team


Page 33: OBTAINER - August 2009

Your Concept for Success!

Contact: Patrick BacherSales Director GermanyAn der Hofweide 1767346 Speyer, GermanyTel: + 49 6232 296 - [email protected]

Cell Energy-SetThrough NTC® (the Nutrient Transport Concept) the

FitLine Cell Energy-Set delivers nutrients to the exact

place they take effect, namely our billions of cells so

achieving better bioavailability.

Beyond this, the Cell Energy-Set provides the nutri-

ents exactly when the body needs them (morning and

evening) thanks to the modular product concept.

XXS Weight ManagementAlong with the FitLine products in the XXS Set, a

detailed online support program, the “XXS Coach” is

also available to you, and a DVD with guidelines on

exercise (your personal FitLine XXS trainer) and also a

40 page brochure with numerous diet tips and recipes.

To keep check on your dimensions, a measuring

tape is also included. It has never been easier to lose


We offer your two product concepts which have been used by our customers with great success month by month.

Satisfied customers who have experienced results are the basis of your sales success! Use our concepts for success too!

Experience Results.

Interested? Please visit our Website for further infor-mation about the products or for more about PM-International and the business idea. I would also be happy to take time to talk to you in person - do make an apppointment.

A brand of PM-International AG

Obtainer_FitLine_220609Eng.indd 1 22.06.09 16:45

Page 34: OBTAINER - August 2009



There are some changes in the

board of directors and the

supervisory board of Nova

Nutria International AG.

The Chairwoman of the Board, Rosa

Maria Manzano Vela, and the Chair-

man of the Supervisory Board, Juan Fé-

lix Manzano Vela, have resigned from

their positions with immediate effect.

Rosa Maria Manzano Vela, who was

responsible for finance and personnel,

founded the company in 2002 together

with her husband. She has resigned

form the board partly because of diffe-

rences of opinion about certain aspects

of business and the future positioning

of the company. Mrs. Manzano Vela

will continue her links with the com-

pany and she is convinced that Nova

Nutria will master all future challen-

ges. At the same time she expresses her

thanks to all the distribution partners

of Nova Nutria, who form the real basis

of the company‘s success. Until further

notice board member Dragan Manzano

Vela will take on responsibility for these

board portfolios. The Chairman of the

Supervisory Board, Juan Félix Manzano

Vela, has also resigned from his position

with immediate effect for the reasons gi-

ven above. The election of his successor

is planned to take place when the new

supervisory board has been elected at the

General Meeting of the company. This

information is available at the website

of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ad-hoc-

Publizität ( More

precise details are unavailable. But since

Dragan Manzano is taking over the areas

of responsibility of his wife, we can assu-

me that the differences of opinion have

certainly also been discussed in private.

We have, of course, asked the company

for more information and we will keep

you informed of further developments.

Personnel Changes in the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Board of Nova Nutria

Page 35: OBTAINER - August 2009



Helmut Spikker Is Back

Ahlen (Germany) has every

reason to be pleased. As it

is exactly here that Helmut

Spikker – former co-founder

of the “LR” company from Ahlen – wants

to go about setting another “global net-

work marketing milestone”. The seeds

for this have finally been sown. He will

focus initially on a newly acquired piece

of land and on this construct his distri-

bution center. His specially designed

machinery, packaging, shipping and call

and service center are to be housed here.

30,000 meters squared on an expansive

16 hectares (160,000 square meters), 20

million initial investment, to commence

September – these are the bare facts with

which Spikker will show how good he is.

The visionary is back and with his new

company wants to go way beyond the

success he achieved with LR Interna-

tional. Lets hear from Helmut Spikker

himself: “The entire capital expenditure

amounts to hundreds of millions of Euro.

We are building a global company that

will truly break the current network mar-

keting mold.

He will create many new jobs in the

Spikker center, located in Ahlen, and

through his investment will also facili-

tate economic recovery. If he achieves

this, he will be a hero and deserves to

be celebrated as such. Thanks to people

like Spikker, network marketing will be

the business of the future. Also present

in the Spikker team are Thorsten Nigge,

ex- “LR” Marketing Consultant, Detlev

Spikker, ex “LR” Head of Organization

and Technology, Friedrich Gerdtoberens,

ex “LR”Managing Director of Finance

and Rainer Zumholte, ex “LR” Managing

Director of Operations. This team has

lead LR International to become lead-

ers within the European market. The

full time professionals want to, this time,

lead the networking industry to never

before seen profit zones: With products

that require no farther explanation. If

this statement is made true, a long cher-

ished dream for many networkers will

also have come true: products, that will

sell like hot cakes.

Spikker – known as a man of his word.

Therefore this mega success shouldn‘t be

put passed him. The OBTAINER edito-

rial team promptly received an invita-

tion to go on site to help us make our

own impression. We will gladly take

him up on this offer and since Helmut

Spikker plans to provide innumerable

numbers of people with tremendous fu-

ture prospects, people ought to wish him

the greatest possible success. The success

the networks are wishing the company‘s

founder Helmut Spikker, ultimately

wants to be realized by themselves also.

The OBTAINER team wishes him in any

case every success and our readers can be

assured that we will from now on “copy

from” Ahlen and keep you up to date.

Helmut Spikker (middle) with his team

of experts: Ex “LR” Managing Director

of Operations Rainer Zumholte, Detlev

Spikker (ex “LR” Head of Organization

and Technology), Friedrich Gerdtoberens

(ex “LR” Managing Director of Finance)

and Thorsten Nigge (ex “LR” Marketing


Page 36: OBTAINER - August 2009




Kongress- und KulturCentrum Filderhalle, Bahnhofstr. 61,

70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

THE PRODUCT – Professor Dr. Westendorf reports on the latest noni science.

THE COMPANY – Thanks to TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice, TNI has been the market leader for more than a decade! All of the Tahitian Noni products are a combination of ancient traditions and state-of-the-art science – for your well-being and your future.

YOUR OPPORTUNITY – The Tahitian Noni opportunity is presented to you by successful networkers, so you can become just as successful!

SUCCESS STARTS IN YOUR HEAD – You will be spellbound by mentalist Harry Riegel and his stunning show combining magic and science.

Prof. Dr. Westendorf

To order tickets now, send an e-mail to [email protected]!For more information, please call our toll-free call-center hotline at 08 00 82 44 84 26.

Harry Riegel, mentalist

Welcome on Board!


TNI headquarters

and go

with TNI


Last Monday the Missouri

based firm, “Reliv Interna-

tional”, launched a new cos-

metics line. “Relivables” is a

range of skincare products for women,

men and the entire family. The range

is now available the world over. All re-

livables products contain the RA7 com-

plex, an assortment of antioxidants, an-

ti-inflammatory ingredients and various

anti-aging ingredients: Soya, Omega 3

fatty acids, CoQ10, alpha lipoic acid,

green tea, pycnogenol and vitamin A.

Voilà, what more could pampered skin

ask for? By the end of the year Reliv

wants to expand its exquisite relivables

cosmetic line and by doing so will ex-

tend the range of healthy and beneficial

Reliv Int. Launch New Cosmetics Lineproduct alternatives available within the

cosmetic industry.

By the way: Distribution partners from

German speaking areas also have the

opportunity to win a trip to the Christ-

mas markets in Frankfurt with the new

product range. Even if the tempera-

tures aren‘t quite right to raise the fes-

tive mood, success hungry distributors

won‘t miss out on this double chance:

Firstly, to generate a lucrative income

from the new cosmetic series and sec-

ondly, to win a trip to the Christmas

markets in Frankfurt. On the face of it,

it would appear that not only do Reliv

know their stuff when it comes to skin

care, they also know the ropes when it

comes to distributor relations.

Page 37: OBTAINER - August 2009




Kongress- und KulturCentrum Filderhalle, Bahnhofstr. 61,

70771 Leinfelden-Echterdingen. 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

THE PRODUCT – Professor Dr. Westendorf reports on the latest noni science.

THE COMPANY – Thanks to TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice, TNI has been the market leader for more than a decade! All of the Tahitian Noni products are a combination of ancient traditions and state-of-the-art science – for your well-being and your future.

YOUR OPPORTUNITY – The Tahitian Noni opportunity is presented to you by successful networkers, so you can become just as successful!

SUCCESS STARTS IN YOUR HEAD – You will be spellbound by mentalist Harry Riegel and his stunning show combining magic and science.

Prof. Dr. Westendorf

To order tickets now, send an e-mail to [email protected]!For more information, please call our toll-free call-center hotline at 08 00 82 44 84 26.

Harry Riegel, mentalist

Welcome on Board!


TNI headquarters

and go

with TNI


Amway: Direct Selling Saves Jobs

Grand Rapids, Amway

Corp., the world`s lead-

ing direct selling compa-

ny for the past 50 years,

is charting another milestone to per-

petuate its global reach under a busi-

ness model that sustained its contin-

ued growth even in the worst of times

when retail sales are falling to unprec-

edented levels.

Steve Van Andel, Amway chairman,

told Philippine journalists invited as

part of the company`s 50th celebra-

tion that the company`s direction is to

put more focus in its existing markets,

particularly Asia, which now accounts

for two-thirds of its total business and

the strengthening of its new and inno-

vative products.

“The global economic recession has

brought the company tremendous ad-

vantages,” Van Andel said. Van Andel

noted that while retail sales are fall-

ing off generally because people are

holding off, Amway`s business model

has saved them from experiencing

the same debacle. He, however, ad-

mitted that they have experienced a

slowdown in retail but stressed this

is not enough to pull the company`s

growth to a negative. “Our business is

up this year to mid-single digit growth

from double-digit growths in the past

years,“ Van Andel said. Although

72-rated economists in the US are say-

ing that the economic recession is on

its way out, Van Andel noted that this

global crisis is a little bit different than

the last one that hit Asia stressing that

several firms have closed shops and

laid off workers causing in a deeper

change in business fundamentals.

“But there is always reason to be op-

timist,“ he said noting that things

are looking up a little bit with a few

good news like improving automotive

sales, the optimism is catching up.

For Amway, Van Andel attributed the

company`s resiliency to its direct sell-

ing business model. “The direct sell-

ing business model offers great oppor-

tunities for some people to join them

and earn extra money to tie them over

the crisis period,” Van Andel said.

“Our advantage is the opportunity to

make some people earn money.”

“So during this time of crisis, we at-

tract people who are inspired to make

good money,“ Van Andel said. Amway

operates in 80 countries and territo-

ries employing over 13,000 people. In

addition, Amway distributors are part

of a sales force of more than 3 million

business owners around the world dis-

tributing over 450 unique products in

the areas of nutrition, wellness, beau-

ty and home. To sustain this growth,

the company is putting focus on its ex-

isting markets by enhancing their po-

tentials. Asia, which now accounts for

two-thirds of its total business, is one

of its major targeted markets. It has

existing manufacturing facilities in

China, Thailand, Vietnam and Korea.

“Asia now accounts for two-thirds of

our total business. So, we are spend-

ing a lot of our time in Asia,” said Van

Andel even as he noted how the com-

pany has changed over the past 50

years. From a single North American

market, Amway has expanded geo-

graphically reaching now to over 80

countries and territories, where over

80 percent of their business come


“Our priority now is to move in to

markets that we are in and try to

figure out how to expand, how to go

there and be more effective,” he said.

To complement its business direc-

tion, the company is marketing cer-

tain product categories in some tar-

geted markets. From a single cleaning

product company that his late father

Jay Van Andel and business part-

ner Rich Devos started 50 years ago,

Amway has now shifted to over 80

percent health and beauty product

company and the rest are cleaning


Steve Van Andel

Page 38: OBTAINER - August 2009



In September, Inc. Magazine will publish the latest edition of its renowned special is-sue. The annual edition lists

the companies which recorded the strongest growth.

This year, the 500 US companies which generated the greatest com-pany growth within the period of 2005 to 2009 will be listed. A great reason for MonaVie to let corks pop

from the USA to New Zealand and from Singapore to Israel: MonaVie is number one among food and bev-erage companies and is the third strongest company as per sales fig-ures. In the overall ranking, the Mo-naVie networkers achieved the 18th spot, an excellent position.

As a result, MonaVie now ranks among companies like Microsoft, Timberland, Intuit, Jamba Juice,

Oracle and Under Armour which, in the past, have also been listed in Inc. Magazines top 500 list. It was only 5 years ago that Henry Larsen, Randy Larsen and MonaVie founder, Dal-lin A. Larsen, sat around the kitchen table dreaming of a global company and of wealth and abundance.

The OBTAINER would like to con-gratulate the networkers and wish them fulfillment of their dreams.

MonaVie, which has just

been listed with an ex-

cellent position among

the best companies

by Inc. Magazine, has once again an-

nounced good news: John Doughty is

being appointed Managing Director of

MonaVie Europe. With this appoint-

ment MonaVie is hiring hiring an expe-

rienced and successful “captain” for the

European market. John Doughty brings

more than 20 years of experience in di-

rect distribution both as an executive

and also in management. Among other

things he was a member of the man-

agement team of betterware, one of the

largest direct distribution companies in

England and is Director of the “Direct

Selling Association.”

All the companies in which John Dough-

ty has worked so far have been led ex-

tremely successfully by by him to the top

of the European market. That is what

MonaVie is counting on with this man:

The company also wants in the shortest

time possible to get in on the act in direct

distribution in Europe right at the top.

Already in September John Doughty

will be bringing MonaVie onto the mar-

ket in the United Kingdom and Poland.

Doug Allen, Vice-President of the Inter-

national Development Department at

MonaVie can pat himself on the shoul-

der for being able to win someone of the

caliber of Doughty for MonaVie‘s ex-

pansion on the European market. And

John Doughty says that for him it is a

wonderful task to head MonaVie in Eu-

John Doughty

Page 39: OBTAINER - August 2009



rope than that now “exciting times for

MonaVie” are dawning. For him this is

just the right time to become “a part of


And there is another piece of news about

personnel from MonaVie: Dr. Stephen

T. Talcott is joining the MonaVie‘s Sci-

entific Advisory Board (MSAB) with

immediate effect. Dr. Talcott is Associ-

ate Professor of Food Chemistry at the

Texas A&M University. Previously he

taught at the University of Florida. He

did his doctorate in food science at the

University of Arkansas. He is one of the

leading experts on the açai berry and

since 2002 he has made a notable con-

tribution to the spreading of knowledge

about the chemical effects and health

advantages of the açai berry and to mar-

keting it. Dr. Talcott was impressed by

the quality of the research and devel-

opment and the efforts being made in

product development that are being car-

ried out in the background by MonaVie.

For this reason he will presumably feel

as comfortable at MonaVie as the pro-

verbial fish in water.


Page 40: OBTAINER - August 2009



Not only are Dan Norman,

company manager of Syn-

ergy, and Kerry Brown,

boss of OGI, pleased, but

also a whole armada of distribution

partners is enthusiastic. Because Syn-

ergy Worldwide and OceanGrown™ In-

ternational (OGI) now belong together.

On August 13th both networking com-

panies announced that Synergy Interna-

tional is taking over OGI. It is intended

to complete the merger of the two com-

panies within 30 days. For the distribu-

tion partners of both companies this is

an enormous gain. OGI will continue

to attend to “the good things from the

sea” and at the same time – at one blow

– it will be represented in many inter-

national markets. At OGI people are ex-

tremely thrilled that they can now con-

tinue to carry out and build up business

their very own business but that at the

same time they will experience an huge

growth of tools and resources.

And for expanding Synergy Worldwide

OGI‘s thousands of distribution part-

ners mean a new and additional rein-

forcement of the distribution structure.

Synergy in action, so to say. As the name

suggests. Something that will prove sig-

nificant for Synergy in this merger is the

fact that the Asian market in general has

a strong demand for nutrition supple-

ments from the sea and that OGI will

therefore open up the road to Asia for

all Synergy products. In return OGI‘s

distribution partners will now reach

Synergy With Sea Power – Mega-Merger in Network Marketing

further international markets that Syn-

ergy has already captured.

Dan Norman of Synergy gets to the

point: “Synergy knows the power of a

good partnership since we have expe-

rienced an enormous boost as a result

of our link-up with Nature‘s Sunshine.

OceanGrown products have held their

ground on the market with a scientific

reputation and innovative branded

products. In the name of the whole Syn-

ergy team we welcome OGI‘s distribu-

tion partners and are pleased that we

can avail ourselves of a powerful oppor-

tunity together.” The first international

market for OceanGrown products that

Synergy wants to focus on will be the


Synergy Management

Page 41: OBTAINER - August 2009



Official Start: September 2nd of 2009

GET YOUR POSITION [email protected]

Page 42: OBTAINER - August 2009


J Ü R G E N F L I E G E :TV-Discoverer of legendary Aloe Vera has now discovered Mangostan. „It now reads: „Attention, Mangostan! The whole world is talking about...“ from Fliege-TV 2008

w w w . M a n g o s t a n G o l d . c o m

The Number 1 pure European company for functional drinks which contain Mangostan and Goji

1 Million EuroBonus program for Top-Networkers

Secure your chance!

Page 43: OBTAINER - August 2009



Mangostan – Two Young Entrepreneurs on the Road to SuccessFounder of the functional drink `Mangostan Gold` on Fliege.TV

B erlin, August 2009: Jürgen Fliege, talk show host

and television minister, interviews the founder

and president of Mangostan Gold on the show

“Mangostan – two young entrepreneurs on the

road to success”. The interview informs viewers about the

high-growth start up company in direct marketing of refer-

ence programs, that exclusively produce a functional drink

with the mangostan fruit, as well as the idea that is behind

the concept.

Norman Thier and Ulrich Jannert, both founders and presi-

dents of Mangostan Gold, have built up the entire company

following a self-developed concept without any borrowed

capital or bank loans. “Everything is 100% self-made, noth-

ing was given to us – neither by the public authorities nor

by banks. There were so many hurdles and restraints in

the way, that borrowing was impossible”, states Jannert &


Both ex coca-cola managers recipe for successful, quick and

sustainable growth is the innovative product Mangostan-

Gold. It contains antioxidant ingredients from various

fruits; from the mangostan to the acerola cherry and from

the nopal cactus to the logan fruit. In addition, the product

meets the current trends of the time: health, wellness, pre-

vention as well as anti-aging and pro-aging.

Those who are interested in the origin and the vision of the

`Mangostan Gold` product, can get informed in the next

broadcast of Fliege.TV.

Jürgen Fliege

The Mangostan Gold® AG is a Europe-wide direct marketing company, which is listed on the Frankfurt stock exchange. Mangostan-Gold® is committed to the theme of functional drinks & dietary supplements with the basis of the mangostan fruit and the goji berry. Mangostan-Gold® is an innovative liquid di-etary supplement. It is also the first product world-wide to not only harness the power of the mangostan fruit with valuable Xanthonen (secondary plant substance), but in addition also manage to combine the attractive forces of six worlds in one. Due to its ingredients, it is a functional drink, which is suited to the contemporary and promising future trends of anti-aging, healthy lifestyle, wellness, beauty, life quality, health care and pro-aging. Mangostan`s Gold website: or

Page 44: OBTAINER - August 2009
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Already, after just a few

months of turnover, the

first CARAT partner can

look forward to a 4 digit

check – this shows that CARAT‘s com-

pensation plan works and that CARAT

Design Jean‘s business partners are

able to build up their business and

achieve a speedy income – states the

young company in a press release.

It also states that: Since August 1st,

Mr. Gennaro De Angelis, has had

particular responsibility for the care

and support of the City-Center and

Business-Center in Viernheim. Busi-

ness partners therefore receive quick,

purposeful and personal support

with all of their questions. Genna-

ro De Angelis is, in all respects, a

sporting partner and the company‘s

board of management is extreme-

ly pleased to have him on board.

Ms. Manuela Hagendorn is also part

of the team and is responsible for the

smooth operation of organizational,

commercial as well as accounting mat-

ters. Even this part of the business has

to be tackled professionally from the

onset. On account of Ms. Hagendorn‘s

long experience in this industry, she is

a valuable and indispensable support.

The steady growth of new partners

and City-Centers in some regions

CARAT Design-Jeans Writes Out First Check

already provides optimum logis-

tics and a continuous supply, there-

fore offering CARAT customers

the best opportunities in accessing

the coveted CARAT Design Jeans.

In areas with a less dense City Cen-

ter network CARAT provides their

partners with an intelligent and

efficient system to, nevertheless,

get the CARAT jeans cheap. For

a shipping cost of just 4 Euro, all

partners can have 20 pairs of jeans

sent to them or for 5 Euro get 45

pairs sent. There are no long wait-

ing periods, therefore CARAT De-

sign Jeans is easier on the nerves

and the gas budget of their partners.

Page 47: OBTAINER - August 2009



Mannatech, Incorpo-

rated, a leading global

pioneer and developer

of health, weight and

fitness, and skin care solutions, an-

nounced its products are expected to be

available in Austria, the Netherlands,

Norway and Sweden in September

2009. Currently in Europe, Mannat-

ech products are available in Denmark,

Germany and the U.K. This expanded

European presence will allow Mannat-

ech to offer its proprietary, patented

products to consumers while extend-

ing its unique business opportunity to

roughly 193 million people. The com-

bined direct selling industry volume of

these additional regions is (EURO)5.76

billion as of December 2008 (see also

Mannatech, Incorporated).

„Mannatech Europe`s

growth is a result of our

eager independent sales

Associates who seek well-

ness, purpose, financial

freedom and the chance

to impact the lives of oth-

ers,“ said Colin Jones, general man-

ager of Mannatech Europe. „Leading

these efforts and seeing our expan-

sion to 37 million people through

the combined populations of these

four additional markets come to

fruition is a privilege.“

Wayne Badovinus, president and

CEO of Mannatech, added, „Man-

natech is devoted to impacting qual-

ity of life around the world through

our integrated wellness products

and business-building opportuni-

ties. It is very rewarding to be able

to extend our presence in four ad-

ditional countries and offer oppor-

tunities in an area primed for direct

selling growth, especially during

these uncertain economic times. We

look forward to additional growth

Mannatech Set to Significantly Expand Global Footprint by Adding Presence in Four Additional European Countries

and increasing our global footprint

in the months and years to come.“

Among the products scheduled to

be available for purchase this Sep-

tember are the company`s Advanced

Ambrotose® capsules and powder,

Ambrotose AO® capsules, multi-

vitamin/mineral supplement Phy-

toMatrix® caplets, PLUS(TM) tablets

and OsoLean(TM) fat loss powder.

Mannatech`s cutting-edge, proprie-

tary products are based on the foun-

dation of nutritional science and

development standards to deliver

the highest quality available. The

company has distinguished itself in

the emerging glyconutrition market

through the development of Ambro-

tose® complex, the technology for

which it holds more than 43 patents

in 30 countries. Glyconutrients are a

blend of plant polysaccharides which

are believed to represent a new cat-

egory of untapped vital nutrients for

optimal health.

Page 48: OBTAINER - August 2009

Orange PMS151

Metallic Silver PMS8002


Orange PMS151

Black gradient sphere overprints orange circle

Black gray scale tif for shadow

Page 49: OBTAINER - August 2009

Orange PMS151

Metallic Silver PMS8002


Orange PMS151

Black gradient sphere overprints orange circle

Black gray scale tif for shadow

Page 50: OBTAINER - August 2009



Nu Skin Enterprises, Inc.

(NYSE: NUS) today an-

nounced record sec-

ond-quarter revenue of

$322.6 million, up slightly from $321.7

million reported in the prior year, but

up 4 percent on a constant-currency

basis. Earnings per share for the quar-

ter were $0.35, a 9 percent improve-

ment over the same quarter of 2008.

Earnings per share, excluding restruc-

turing charges in the current quarter,

were $0.36, a 13 percent improvement

over the prior-year period. Operating

income improved 19 percent.

„We`re very pleased with the direction

of our business and the progress we

are making towards achieving our an-

nual goals,“ said Truman Hunt, presi-

dent and chief executive officer. „We

continue to generate healthy results in

a difficult economic environment.

„Our growth is a result of continued

strength in the skin care category,

with sales up 14 percent, driven by

strong sales of our Galvanic Spa Sys-

tem. Additionally, our business trans-

formation efforts, most recently in Ja-

pan, have helped us track ahead of our

operating margin targets.“

Regional Results

North Asia: Second-quarter rev-

enue in North Asia was $146.7 mil-

lion, compared to $151.0 million for

the same period in 2008. North Asia‘s

results were negatively impacted ap-

proximately 1 percent by foreign cur-

rency fluctuations, due to a 26 per-

cent weakening of the Korean Won

compared to the prior year. Japan

recorded a local-currency revenue

decline of 6 percent while South Ko-

rea local-currency revenue improved

11 percent. The number of executive

distributors in the region was down

3 percent while the number of active

distributors declined 2 percent.

Americas: Revenue in the Ameri-

cas improved 9 percent to $62.2 mil-

lion, compared to $57.3 million in the

prior-year period. The United States

posted a 5 percent revenue increase

during the quarter, while Canada and

Latin America local-currency revenue

grew by 69 percent and 30 percent,

respectively. The number of executive

distributors in the region improved

9 percent while the number of active

distributors decreased 2 percent com-

pared to the prior year.

Greater China: Second-quarter rev-

enue in Greater China was $52.8 mil-

lion, compared to $55.8 million in the

Nu Skin Enterprises Reports Second-Quarter 2009 Results

prior-year period. Foreign currency

fluctuations negatively impacted rev-

enue by 3 percent. Local-currency

revenue in Mainland China improved

6 percent over the same quarter in

2008. Taiwan local currency revenue

increased 1 percent, and Hong Kong

local-currency revenue was down 18

percent, reflecting significant sales in

the prior year at a regional distribu-

tor convention held in Hong Kong.

The executive distributor count in

the region declined 5 percent, while

the number of active distributors was

down 21 percent compared to the pri-

or-year, primarily a reflection of the

on-going transition in the company`s

business model in China.

Europe: Revenue from Europe was

$32.2 million, a 6 percent improve-

ment over the prior-year period, with

solid growth in each region within

Europe. Results in the region were

negatively impacted approximately 16

percent by foreign currency fluctua-

tions. Executive and active distribu-

tor counts in Europe increased 20

percent and 25 percent, respectively,

compared to the prior-year period.

South Asia/Pacific: Revenue in

South Asia/Pacific was $28.7 million,

an improvement of 5 percent compared

to the prior year. Sales in the quarter

were negatively impacted 11 percent

by currency fluctuations. The region`s

second-quarter executive count im-

proved 17 percent while the active

distributor count increased 5 percent

compared to the same period in 2008.

Strong Performance Leads Company to Raise Annual Guidance

Page 51: OBTAINER - August 2009

• European family business with total focus on distribution

• No-nonsense, solid, innovative and only network marketing company voted into the TOP 100 innovative German compa-nies 7 times in succession by an independent business com-mittee

• Represented in over 30 countries with approved products and in-house logistics

• Best risk rating at Dun & Bradstreet (100 of 100 possible points)

• Reliable up/downline protection

• Quality made in Germany

Let us be your Rock

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PM-International AG – your reliable partner to build up a secure income even during the credit crunch.

Interested? Please visit our Website for further information about PM-International and the business idea. I would also be happy to take time to talk to you in person - do make an apppointment.

Contact: Patrick BacherSales Director GermanyAn der Hofweide 1767346 Speyer, GermanyTel: + 49 6232 296 - [email protected]

Simple. Successful.

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n by O




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Operational Performance

The company`s gross margin dur-

ing the quarter was 81.2 percent, a

40-basis-point decline compared to

the prior-year period, due primar-

ily to foreign currency fluctuations

and shifting product mix. Selling ex-

penses, as a percent of revenue, were

41.7 percent in the second quarter, an

80-basis-point improvement due to

distributor compensation plan modi-

fications aimed at rewarding produc-

tivity. General and administrative ex-

penses improved to $91.3 million, or

28.3 percent of revenue, compared to

$96.5 million, or 30.0 percent of rev-

enue in the prior-year period. Prior-

year results included expenses asso-

ciated with conventions in Japan and

Hong Kong. The company incurred

restructuring charges of $1.6 million

during the quarter related to the con-

tinued restructuring of Japan.

The company`s income tax rate for

the quarter was 37.4 percent. The

company`s cash position at the end

of the quarter was $125.3 million.

Dividend payments during the quarter

were $7.2 million. The company repur-

chased $3.9 million of its outstanding

shares during the quarter.


„Our strong first-half performance

keeps us on course to achieve anoth-

er year of record results,“ said Hunt.

„We look forward to the next phase of

our ageLOC launch in October when

we will introduce a highly innovative

anti-aging skin care system. ageLOC

represents our proprietary approach

to attacking the sources of aging, as

opposed to just the signs and symp-

toms. We believe these ageLOC devel-

opments represent our most signifi-

cant product innovation in our 25-year


„As we continue to export successful

and proven sales programs through-

out our markets, we expect to sustain

increases in distributor productivity.

For example, we introduced a new

feature to our distributor compensa-

tion model called the `Wealth Maxi-

mizer` in the United States and Eu-

rope last year with excellent results. In

the second quarter, we launched this

compensation feature in Japan and

Southeast Asia with encouraging early


„We are generating improved profit-

ability from our concerted efforts to

operate the business more efficiently

around the world. We are particularly

encouraged by the restructuring work

in Japan and anticipate continued im-

provement going forward,“ concluded


„Based on the strength of our busi-

ness, we are increasing our 2009 guid-

ance,“ said Ritch Wood, chief financial

officer. We are increasing our revenue

guidance to $1.26 to $1.27 billion,

anticipating a negative impact from

foreign currency fluctuations of 3 to 5

percent for the year. We are increas-

ing our earnings guidance to $1.09 to

$1.14 or $1.23 to $1.28 excluding an

estimated $0.14 restructuring charge.

We expect third-quarter revenue of

$312 to $317 million which antici-

pates a negative currency impact of 1

to 3 percent, and earnings per share in

the $0.30 to $0.32 range, including a

$0.02 planned restructuring charge,“

concluded Wood.

Company management will host a

webcast with the investment com-

munity on July 29, 2009, at 11 a.m.

(EDT). Those wishing to access the

webcast, as well as the financial in-

formation presented during the call,

can visit the Investor Relations page

on Nu Skin Enterprises` Web site, An ar-

chive of the webcast will be available

at this same URL through Aug. 14,


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An Important Victory for the Networking Family

By denying a motion by the

Federal Trade Commission

(FTC) an American district

court could have created an

important precedent for the whole of

the nutrition supplement industry and

so for the whole of MLM. The Com-

mission had moved against LaneLabs

in 2007 for making “unsubstantiated

advertising claims.” Concretely it con-

cerns the advertising and effectiveness

claims of two LaneLabs products: Ad-

vaCal and Male Fertil.

AdvaCal is a calcium product extracted

from oyster shells, which has been on

the market since 2000. And Male Fer-

til is extracted from the active com-

ponents of the maca plant (Lepidium

peruvianum). Male Fertil was launched

by LaneLabs in 2003. LaneLabs pro-

motes AdvaCal by claiming that this

product “increases bone density” and

“that from a clinical viewpoint it is

the only calcium that can actually in-

crease the mineral bone density and

that it is three times easier to absorb

than other forms of calcium.” Accord-

ing to LaneLabs the plus point of Male

Fertil is that from a clinical viewpoint

“this product increases the produc-

tion of sperm and sperm mobility.”

The FTC and the FDA (Food and Drug

Administration) considered that these

claims were not sustainable and have

been taking proceedings in this matter

against LaneLabs since 2007.

The case was finally tried by Judge

Dennis Cavanaugh in a district. The

verdict leaves neither the FTC nor the

FDA looking good. There they were

certain that LaneLabs had violated a

previous decree with “unfounded and

unsustainable advertising claims about

AdvaCal and Male Fertil” and for this

reason LaneLabs ought pay through

the nose: a $24 million fine was filed

for! Judge Cavanaugh, who was pre-

siding, rejected this motion on the

grounds that LaneLabs really did pres-

ent scientific proof for the effectiveness

of both products. During the trial the

experts of both sides were heard. On

behalf of LaneLabs two scientists gave

evidence – a physicist and a physician

– who presented their expert evidence

to the court with absolute credibil-

ity and technical competence. Against

them the experts from the FTC spoke

and presented their assessment..

Judge Cavanaugh came to the conclu-

sion that the dispute was at the most

about two “different scientific opin-

ions,” but under no circumstances

could anybody accuse LaneLabs of

having made “unsustainable and false

advertising claims.” In not one single

point were the FTC experts able to

demonstrate that the products Adva-

Cal and Mal Fertil had no effect or that

they might cause damage to health.

The judge declared that on the contrary

LaneLabs had undertaken “proper ef-

forts and comprehensible steps” to ful-

fill earlier directives from the FTC with

respect to credibility and scientific evi-

dence in product advertising.

Thus LaneLabs has achieved justice and

at the same time an important judg-

ment has been issued, which brings to a

close what has been called a “milestone

case.” If the nutrition supplement in-

dustry continues to exercise care in the

scientific assessment of its products

and in the course of that works with

recognized institutes and scientists it

will no longer be so easy to spoil the

broth for this industry. It will become

even less simple to siphon off the prof-

its made with precisely these effective

products by means of “fines.”So in fu-

ture the money will remain “in the fam-

ily” - the networking family!

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Three Idaho companies

were among the five to re-

ceive awards this summer

from the Direct Selling

Association, a national trade group

for firms that manufacture and dis-

tribute goods and services sold di-

rectly to consumers.

Scentsy, Inc., a five-year-old

wickless candle maker based in

Meridian, received the Rising Star

Award, presented to an „up-and-

coming direct selling company that

has dedicated itself to achieving a

high standard of excellence in busi-

ness operations,“ according to a news

release from the DSA.

Coeur d‘Alene-based

received the Technology Innovation

Award, largely on the strength of

the firm‘s „Money for Life“ Web site

which is designed to help field dis-

tributors attract new business part-


Finally, ServiceQuest, of Idaho

Falls, received the Partnership Award

for its role as a provider of consult-

ing and training services for direct

sales distributors. ServiceQuest has

exclusively served the direct selling

industry for more than 20 years.

Other companies honored with 2009

DSA awards were telecommunica-

tions direct sellers ACN Inc., and

cosmetics giant Mary Kay Inc.

DSA has more than 250 active and

pending members and represents

an industry that in 2007 had U.S.

sales of more than $30 billion. This

summer‘s awards program marked

the first time three Idaho direct sell-

ers have won national awards in the

same year.

Three Idaho Firms Win National Direct Sales Awards

Page 57: OBTAINER - August 2009

are “Promoters of a happy life“

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BVNM celebrates 5th anniversary and holds BVNM awards

September 25th is set to be the

big day: The “Bundesverband

[eng. Federal Association] Net-

work Marketing” will celebrate

its 5th birthday with a huge anniversary

gala in the Ludwig-Erhard-Haus in Ber-

lin. The OBTAINER, the world‘s leading

direct sales and multi level marketing

magazine, will not only be in attendance

reporting from the event for you, we are

also offering you the chance to be in at-

tendance – when luck is on your side.

This is being offered, despite the fact that

the BVNM anniversary celebrations are a

closed event, attended by members of the

BVNM and their invited guests only. The

details of how you could come into pos-

session of these coveted tickets are to be

found within this article.

This one of a kind event will provide net-

workers as well as leading personalities

from the industry, the opportunity to

come together to share achievements and

to talk about the future of network mar-

keting. What significance network mar-

keting (NWM) holds within the direct

marketing industry will be the subject of

a speech by Prof. Dr. Zacharias from the

university of Worms (Germany). Prof.

Dr. Zacharias, also known as the “Father

of Networking”, will demonstrate using

facts and figures from the 2008/2009 in-

dustry report, why those who are active

partners in NWM are on the right track.

A little insight into this has already been

given: Prof. Dr. Michael Zacharias in con-

junction with the UVDV has prepared the

current industry report on the subject of

“direct marketing” for Germany, Austria

and Switzerland. More than 6,000 busi-

ness partners from all three countries

have contributed, making the document

representative of the direct marketing

industry. The new standard work offers

interesting insights into the present and

exciting prospects for the future. The

standard work will serve companies as

well as existing and potential business

partners with an ideal base of informa-

tion for a successful business particularly

in network marketing.

The BVNM is very pleased that numer-

ous network marketing ‚legends‘ have

already accepted their invitation to the

event. Who these will be cannot be dis-

OBTAINER is giving away free tickets to the event set to take place in the Ludwig-Erhard-Haus in Berlin

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closed here to maintain the “excitement”.

Alongside the interesting program which

will be lead by Michael Drebs, Head of

the BVNM Academy, the BVNM will set

another milestone at the anniversary

event. Not only will the first success-

ful graduates of the “Consultant in Net-

work Marketing” program be introduced,

which will also be reported on, but for the

first time ever, the “BVNM awards” will

be given out, which will be awarded an-

nually to leading personalities from the

network marketing industry for particu-

lar achievements.

Alongside some of the NWM “greats”, all

networkers will be given the opportunity

to vote online for the person who, in their

opinion, has made significance contribu-

tions to the industry through commit-

ment and responsibility, perseverance

and reliability. This type of award has

never been awarded in network market-

ing in German speaking countries – and

it is exactly this that the BVNM wants to

change. Many participants followed the

call to vote for the “BVNM award 2009”

which enabled the association to get a

comprehensive picture. 10 people will be

nominated by the BVNM and will be in-

vited to the event.

The event will also be actively supported

by media partners, for example by the

OBTAINER. According to Michael Drebs,

“this publication has, through its excel-

lent work ,held it‘s own on the market

and represents a very important source

of information in the network marketing

world”. Although the anniversary cele-

bration is booked to capacity, we are able

to offer our loyal readers the unique op-

portunity to attend this exclusive event.

Two possibilities are available: Firstly,

10 tickets at 50 Euro each are available

and can be purchased through our edito-

rial office. Those who would like to bring

a guest, pay just 20 Euro (incl. tax) for

this. To take advantage of this opportu-

nity, please send an email to redaktion@ with the subject

“BVNM Jubiläum” and please state how

many tickets you wish to purchase.

Secondly, the OBTAINER are pleased to

be able to offer two cards for free. Those

who would like one of these, send an

email to [email protected] with

the subject “BVNM Verlosung” answer-

ing the following question: Was is “the

leading direct sales and multi level mar-

keting magazine in the world”? Those

who have difficulties answering this

question will find a few ‚subtle hints‘ at ;-) If more than two

correct answers are received, a draw will

decide the winners. The judges decision

is final. We wish everyone the very best

of luck!

Now just a quick look back on the his-

tory of the BVNM: During the “deGUT”

(German Founders and Entrepreneurs

day) the 50 something participants of the

„Forum Network Marketing“ demanded

a networkers representation of interests

within a single association. This idea was

implemented a short while after with

the foundation of the “Bundesverbandes

Network Marketing” e.V. (BVNM). A

month later the association‘s website

was put online. In September 2004, the

branch office in Berlin opened followed

by a further office in Zürich in January

2005, from which the associations activi-

ties in Switzerland could be organized.

The BVNM considers itself “a strong sup-

port for all networkers within German

speaking countries”. The organization

is committed to being strictly neutral

about companies and in having factual

information about network marketing.

The aim is to give interested parties an

informed and unbiased opinion on net-

work marketing. Middle and long term

objectives include the recognition of net-

work marketing as an independent job

description, influencing the legislative

procedure related to commercial practice

and the protection of competition law

within the economic system of network


Page 61: OBTAINER - August 2009

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Page 62: OBTAINER - August 2009



Personal Branding —Social Networking Was Yesterday!

At, the myON-ID Media GmbH

operate a “platform for self marketing”. The por-

tal was launched as a monitoring tool for one‘s

own reputation however, since then, it has also

established a whole host of measures for professional self pro-

motion. The name myON-ID (“my Online Identity”) reflects

the company‘s mission: here people are marked as a brand,

therefore taking their online personal branding into their own

hands. myON-ID was founded in 2007 by Mario Grobholz and

Roman Pritzkow. The T-Online Venture Fund and the nexum

AG are among the company‘s investors. Today, the company

is lead by Mario Grobholz alongside Christian Sigl.

A few weeks ago, the OBTAINER reported on the problems

many networkers had with the XING portal. Through its

terms of use, XING refuses self employed business partners,

in particular those employed in network marketing, exactly

that what the majority of XING users wanted from the ser-

vice in the first place: Reacting potential customers and busi-

ness partners and the generation of business and turnover.

Attempts in establishing other network media, independently

of XING‘s “Social Networking Platforms”, appear as being

somewhat insufficient to the OBTAINER team. As in the digi-

tal world there also has to be a “boundary of respect” - and this

is violated quite fast with ‚unwanted attention” (SPAM, etc.).

The business of the future will therefore be someone who un-

derstands the Internet as a ‚channel of distribution‘ and ac-

tively creates something for themselves. “Personal Branding”

is the magic word.

This basis of this is formed by your personal reputation, a

reputation which you constantly build up and maintain – and

a platform for self-marketing like myON-ID

offers a completely new approach and works in reverse to peo-

ple searches, which simply access data concerning your name.

Here, people can take control over what exactly is found about

them. With myON-ID you can present yourself to less Inter-

net minded users quickly and skillfully on the net. In addition,

myON-ID brings your activities and content together in one

place, and shows what you currently see as being beneficial in

everyday business life. From your myON-ID platform you have

direct access to most of the services (Flickr, Youtube, Twitter,

Facebook, mySpace, Sevenload and many more – even the un-

popular XING ;-) ) you already use, thus saving you time and

energy. At the same time you can, with only a few clicks, create

your personal and professional online business cards.

Following extensive research the OBTAINER team has reached

the conclusion that myON-ID is the ‚first address‘ in operating

a comfortable distribution business of the future, engaging in

self-publicity and in building up and maintaining a network

of contacts. Even the basic functions, which are available free

after registration are impressive, however those who take their

business seriously won‘t hesitate to exploit the advantages of

the premium membership and present their personal brand

individually and free of third-party advertisements.

We are also very proud to be able to offer you a further OB-

TAINER special on our myON-ID landing page: With the scope

of a cooperation with the myON-ID Media GmbH we can of-

fer all OBTAINER readers the opportunity to test the premium

membership for 3 full months for just 99 cent (instead of the

normal 5,99 Euro/month) – and then decide if you would like

to continue using the myON-ID as a premium member.

Visit our myON-ID site,, and

find out more about the features on offer. Compare these to the

offers of other providers. myON-ID does not need to shy away

from competition – just as your OBTAINER doesn‘t.

An since myON-ID Founder and CEO, Mario Grobholz regu-

larly writes interesting and informative texts on the subject of

“self marketing” and “personal branding”, we are delighted to

now have him as a columnist for the coming issues. We will be-

gin our new series on the subject of “personal branding” with

the following text:

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n by O




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I wouldn‘t like to create any illusions here: Unfortu-nately, there isn‘t any recipe for success for the cre-ation of your personal brand. Creating your online brand can be a very tough process that demands time, creativity and some technical finesse. We have

developed myON-ID to make this process easier and so that everyone can essentially create and maintain their own online brand.

“Is there a tried and tested way of doing this?”, I was asked in an interview with “Unfortunately, I‘ll have to disappoint you”, I answered when asked about the correct approach. The reason for this answer are different interests and objectives. A few basic points should, however, be con-sidered:

1. Make sure you know exactly what it is you stand for: What

is your message? What are your expertise?

2. Develop your own brand name (e.g. your name) and, ide-

ally, also a personal design (corporate identity).

3. Use your brand both consistently and universally on the

web – on your profile, on social networks, in your blogs or on

video channels.

4. Make sure you are easily contactable.

5. Create your content. Write a blog, comment, tweet and cre-

ate a significant profile with serious service providers through

which your position, strengths and what you stand for can be

portrayed clearly.

6. Use numerous possibilities to pursue self marketing pro-

cedures. Get involved in things when its about your subject.

Share your knowledge with others. Attend conferences and

hold talks when you feel ready to.

7. Regularly check your probability of being found on Google

and optimize your ranking there.

MyON-ID can help you with many of these steps, as this is ex-

actly why it has been developed! So time can be saved and no

previous knowledge is needed, to ultimately show your best

side on the Internet.

by Mario Grobholz



Page 65: OBTAINER - August 2009


Mario Grobholz is the founder and creative di-rector of the myON-ID Media GmbH. Over the last 10 years, the 36 year old mechanical and

industrial engineer has develop Internet strate-gies for leading Internet, telecommunications and media companies. Since 1999, he has been designing and operating successful consumer

portals and social networks etc. with WEB.DE, o2 and Eurosport.



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Timing is Crucial for a Successful ComebackThe right time in network marketing is often miscalculated


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Many factors are involved when setting up a

network marketing company. The correct

time to join a company is also often mis-


Nelis van de Wateringen began his return to PM-International,

this time, at a point in time that was perfect for him. During

his involvement with PM in 2002 and 2003, he worked for

the firm for a total of 12 months, however he couldn‘t identify

with the business one hundred percent. “The products have

always inspired me. However, at that time I felt PM wasn‘t

ready to become a big, international business. The marketing

plan also didn‘t meet my expectations”, explains Nelis follow-

ing his past exist.

Nelis has been familiar with MLM since 1995, as he began

gathering his first experiences with Quorum. During his MLM

career he repeatedly backed the wrong company, however by

doing so, he gained a knack for telling the perfect time to join a

company. “I often chose start-up companies that were no lon-

ger there a year later. Therefore, I always had to begin anew.

Other companies made promises which never happened (for

example; product approvals) and marketing plans were dra-

matically altered”, explains the native of Holland about the

bitter experiences he has gained in the industry. However, all

these experiences haven‘t made Nelis turn his back on the in-

dustry - quite the contrary actually.

Today, he analyses whether or not a company suits his net-

working style. Nelis has therefore decided to return to the PM-

International AG. The timing couldn‘t have been better for

the football fan. PM-International has been growing steadily

since it was setup and today it is one of the most stable and

best run MLM companies in Germany. The high customer ac-

ceptance of the patented products and the well planned tap-

ping of international markets can also be added to this list.

Since 2009, the native of Amsterdam, alongside his business

partner Nicky Gebhardt, has been preparing for his comeback

so that he will be able to immediately hit the ground running.

Nothing now stands in the way of their well planned start with

PM in October and all preparations are on schedule. With

Nicky Gebhardt

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Nicky Gebhardt at his side, he has a distinguished expert in

the field of dietary supplements and product knowledge. This

allows Nelis to make full use of his strengths in team build-

ing. “We complement each other perfectly. We can both fully

contribute our skills. Since my first involvement with PM-

International, over six years ago, they have done lots. In par-

ticular as far as international business and the marketing plan

eligibility are concerned. Many people do not yet realize that

the time is ripe with PM-International”, explains the native of

Amsterdam with enthusiasm and adds: “Every day is a new

beginning – so forget yesterday! In MLM a good day or even a

good hour can change your life. Always look at what someone

does and not at what is said.”

Nelis van de Wateringen is not a typical networker. He is a

modern MLM perfectionist, who wants to run a purely “Home

Based Business”. He runs the entire business through phone

calls and online tools. The Dutchman simply finds organized

hotel meetings and seminars outdated. PM-International it-

self organizes excellent business academies and seminars to

a very high standard. At these he also has the opportunity to

personally meet team partners. Otherwise he relays informa-

tion to his partners by telephone – or through big telephone


He would also rather use the possibilities the Internet has

to offer. In addition to the various tools that PM have made

available for use, he works on his own newsletter, own team

website and own training tools. Nelis’ secret is to operate

MLM using a simple duplicate system. In addition to this,

work must be relaxed and team partners should not be under

any pressure. I explain the MLM business to newcomers as

follows: “We have a fantastic ready-to-use system, so that you

can work from home. Previous knowledge is not necessary.

Anyone can do it.”

The native of Amsterdam can hardly wait to get going. The “in-

ternational attack” is currently being prepared. Above all, the

motherland of network marketing, the USA, will be “seized”

from the very beginning. The German market will, naturally

enough, not be forgotten about and will be built up in the

same way. However, Nelis is thinking on a larger scale and

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is getting ready for his comeback accordingly. His team part-

ners will, from the beginning, profit from the opportunities

which PM-International, himself and Nicky Gebhardt have to

offer. They shouldn‘t worry about the ‚background noise‘, they

should just concentrate on their own business.

Nelis can also confirm that the products speak for themselves.

He is a fine example of this. He lost 20 kilos in 10 weeks and

throughout the period he felt great and was full of energy. He,

therefore, advises everyone to try the products beforehand.

Then, according to him, you can do nothing else but share

the enthusiasm with others and talk to them about it. PM‘s

huge end customer base absolutely support this view also. “A

large customer base is very important and indeed healthy for

a company. Our team will mainly concentrate on the >>be a

customer and recommend us further<< method. We show all

interested parties how you can establish a global business us-

ing this method”, states Nelis, explaining why it is so easy to

have success with PM. The Dutchman has observed the growth

of network marketing and is convinced that this type of busi-

ness will develop into one of the most important industries in

the world. Alongside preparing for his comeback, Nelis van

de Wateringen still has enough time to recharge his batteries

by spending time with his family and friends. As a trainer of a

B league youth team, he is a living cliché of the football crazy

nation of Holland – and he can go one better than this. When

asked about his dream car, he replied grinning: “My dream

car will most definitely have to have a tow bar. After all, I‘m

from Holland. The joy that Nelis van de Wateringen is having

with this comeback isn‘t put on. The same is true when he says

that both him and Nicky are “looking forward to being back


Germany (Landline) + 49 6724 602265

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[email protected]

Skype: teambuilders2008

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Prof. Dr. Zacharias has already given his

acceptance to attend and contribute in

some way to the day as has top long dis-

tance runner, Achim Heukemes, who

will deliver an exciting talk on the theme

of ‚patience‘ and ‚stamina‘. The festive

day will be framed with further top-class

music and information. Entry is from 9 o‘clock. The program

will begin around 10 and will last well into the evening.

In the run up to the convention, OBTAINER WW met with

the Founder and CEO of ‚Networker for Humanity‘ (NfH),

Dirk Jakob, and talked in depth with this well-known

trainer from Heidelberg about his motives and strength in

being dedicated to this service. The result is the following

feature penned by Dirk Jacob about his ‚baby‘, the NfH:

How many times have we heard the saying “support others

and you will be successful yourself”? How many times have

we realized that these are merely nice words said in order to

gain people‘s sympathy – and instead leave scorched earth

behind? On the other hand: Is it a preconception that many

people hear over and over again: “Here acquaintances are

being used and ripped off in order for you to do business

and get richer...?” Is it not clear that both these aspects are

dependent upon each other?

I, Dirk Jacob, have not only personally experienced a great

deal (as a part-time consultant with around 100,000 part-

ners in the downline and an annual turnover of billions, con-

tinuing now as the CEO of an international network com-

pany) in my 30 years in this industry, but also during my

13 years as a consultant and trainer, I have seen many firms

and ‚high flyer‘s‘ come and go. Alongside the many people

who just chanced their arm at it, I have obviously also got

to know many people who mean what they say. People who

you can trust, people who don‘t just support others to benefit

themselves, but treat it as a vocation!

Apart from my long and varied training in the psychological-

pedagogical field, I was only interested in one thing: people!

I am firmly convinced that the network marketing industry

has potential, far greater than what is being utilized today.

We live in an age where it has never been easier to explain

to people that they ought to take responsibility for their own

lives. Over the last few years something has become crystal

clear: the security of large systems (e.g. companies, unions,

etc.) is gone – the autonomy of individuals is becoming more

and more important! But how can we explain this to people?

Professor Dr. Michael Zacharias, also known as the ‚Holy Father of networking‘ in Germany, is al-

ready looking forward to the 19th September. As are top athlete, Achim Heukemes, top coach, Dirk

Jakob as well as numerous top networkers from various companies. The reason being: on the 19th

September the ‚Networker-for-Humanity-Day‘ will take place in the Schwabenland hall in Fellback

(Germany). For the sixth time the association is inviting friends, networkers and charity enthusiasts

to their annual meeting and and is by this means collecting money for their numerous projects.

In the foreground? People!NfH-Day - 19th September - Schwabenland hall


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By exemplifying it through your own life! One thing I pain-

fully discovered was how people always say the same as oth-

ers – the difference, however, is in their actions! And there-

fore it is essential to take a good look.

It is for this reason, that for many years, I had the idea of not

only showing the industry what networkers are capable of,

but DEMONSTRATING to everybody what they are capable

of – and what this industry truly can do. On the day after

Christmas 2004, I decided – after the terrible news of the

tsunami had been broadcast – to take action. On the same

day I sent an email to business partners and executives in

the industry. In the first few days after the appeal, 30,000

euros was donated; the wheels had been set in motion. I then

sought backing for the idea of founding a non-profit orga-

nization whose founders would be executives from different

networking companies. I wondered: “Is it possible to sit com-

petitors around a table and work together for one cause?” All

I knew was: “If it worked out, we would have achieved some-

thing that had not yet been possible in any other industry

and that would be truly exemplary!

I then called some friends and people associated with net-

working: Gabi Steiner, Andrea & Klaus Tafel, Robert Merkel,

Claus Nagel, Prof. Michael Zacharias, Felix Puzio – and all of

them were on board: “We will help you!” Through my cross-

company seminars, which I successful organized and held

with Prof. Zacharias under the title “The Right and Left Sides

of the Network Marketing Brain”, I knew it was possible to

create common ground.

My intention was and is not only to help people who are no

longer capable to help themselves, something we have called

“helping people help themselves” - no, in addition I would like

EVERYONE who is involved here to show just what the in-

dustry is capable of. “Documentation beats conversation” is

one of the most dominant guiding principals in networking.

Therefore, it was at the beginning of 2005, at the first meet-

ing of the non-profit organization in Heidelberg, that the

“Networker for Humanity e.V” was founded. At the begin-

ning, everybody sat across from one another a bit cautiously

– and I just laughed to myself. They sat there: the most suc-

cessful of a wide variety of companies such as LifePlus, Unic-

ity, FLP, Nikken, usw. We also realized that along with doing

something good, a fundamental point had to be taken into

account: Communication! As the motto goes, “Do good and

talk about it”. The bigger the projects we could generate, the

greater the public interest would be. During a press-confer-

ence by ‚Trauerland‘, which we support, it was clearly high-

lighted just how important our involvement has been over

the last few months. Here is a quote from the press-release:

“Without this start-up funding we wouldn‘t have been able

to follow our ambitious goal”, stated Jens Jacobsen-Brem-

er, member of the board of managers with Trauerland e.V.

(The Center for Mourning Children and Young People),

thanking the networkers.

EACH and EVERY networker can now benefit from this – he

can PROVE what we do and is no longer at the mercy of the

prophecies of doom. And with his own membership (which

only costs 50 euros a year, which is tax-deductible and which

guarantees him his very own website) he is promoting the as-

sociation, the image of the entire industry and can promote

himself and his own business.

In addition, he can also benefit from the marvelous annual

meeting, he can listen to guest speakers that he would have

perhaps never had the opportunity to get to know. At the bi-

ennial meeting of members, everyone can inquire about the

finer details of the relief projects, get more involved and can

actively contribute to the interests of the idea.

It is one of my very personal concerns to offer meaningful

support (as you well know, you can wish to do something

good, but though your actions actually do the opposite) and

enable disadvantaged people the prospect of an independent

life. For this reason, we select our relief projects quite care-

fully. All relief efforts are 1:1 to the needy. In addition to this,

we also have personal contact with the decision makers of

the projects and in the future will also initiate our very own

relief projects.

At present the following members have been elected to the

Board: Gabi Steiner (LifePlus), Gabriela Häußner (XanGo),

Claus Nagel (Nikken), Robert Merkel (LifePlus), Dr. Uwe

Alschner (ElfNullElf), Felix Puzio (H.P. Marketing GmbH)

and myself. At the founding meeting in 2005, I, as the ini-

tiator, was elected 1st chairman of the NfH e.V.; at the De-

cember 2006 and September 2008 meeting of members, my

position in office was confirmed.

Get informed – because as we know, “Actions speak loader

than words!” And if you have the opportunity to hit numer-

ous birds with one stone – you should jump at the chance.

Yours sincerely,

Dirk Jakob


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NfH board

Dr. Uwe Alschner:I play a part in this to give commitment to the principal of network marketing as an idea of “helping people help themselves”. One thing most companies have in common is opening up op-portunities for everyone – regardless of qualifica-tions, age, sex, background, etc. This is also the NfH‘s principle.

Felix Puzio:As a long-standing expert in the industry, I see a unique opportunity to participate in the creation of a non-partisan institution that produces new re-lations and stands for human values.

Claus Nagel:The NfH’s networkers are simply different! Besides the interest in earning good money, they support humanitarian projects. The entire networking industry needs a neutral institution like the NfH, which can gain attention through humanitarian aid and incidentally improve the image of the networking industry. For this reason, every networker ought to be a member of the NfH and those who aren’t yet, should visit our event on the 19th September and get an idea for them-selves.

Robert Merkel:The predominant question in my life is: “What really does make sense?” The answer is: It makes sense to affect the lives of other people positively! So what could be more obvious than to work in network marketing and at the same time get in-volved with an industry specific charity? I ask all networkers who think similarly to become mem-bers. Let us do something for others and show just what networkers are capable of.

Gabriela Häußner:Why am I committed to the NfH? Because the NfH offers us networkers, regardless from which company, the opportunity to show those people hidden in the shadows the light of life and we can, through our involvement, enrich this life.

Gabi Steiner:At NfH, we all sit around a table with a unique project, despite company boundaries, with a com-mon goal, to share our success!

Opinions on the NfH:“This is what motivates a Networker for Humanity”


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STEMTech Aim to Revolutionize the Wellness Market With Stem Cells

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Nutritional supplements form the strongest

sector in Multi Level Marketing. For this

reason, it is important to have a product

which has a unique selling point and has

been proven to do exactly what it promis-

es. This is precisely what STEMTech can offer Willi Sprenzl

from Augsburg – namely with a product which some ex-

perts suggest could outdo the antioxidant market.

Willi Sprenzl, a civil servant, first came into contact with

network marketing in 2002 and began his MLM career as

a distributor with the British firm “Ecoflow”. As he says to-

day, he approached his first MLM business “quite naively”

and actually only did it at all because his friend was doing

it too. Back then he still hadn‘t a clue about the opportu-

nities the industry had to offer. Above all, he didn‘t know

how a network marketing business should be run. As his

friend was also still a “rookie”, six months passed by with-

out achieving any successes. Willi remembers: “It was the

blind leading the blind. That simply wasn‘t going to get us

anywhere. It was only when I attended a meeting in Eng-

land, at which top networkers explained the business, that

I came to understand what it was about.”

At this event Willi literally soaked up the information and

began to implement his newly gained knowledge at home,

step by step. After only two years, he had built up the larg-

est sales organization in Germany for Ecoflow. However,

this alone wasn‘t enough for Willi Sprenzl. He went in

search of a networking company that, instead of being a

user network was a consumer network. In other words, one

that marketed a product that was consumed and as a result

enables customer loyalty to develop and with it a recurrent

income. For this reason, he moved to XanGo in 2006 and

was successful here straight away.

“It was here that I celebrated my first real successes in

MLM. After just nine months I had achieved the highest

level and after two years I had built up a team of over 2,000

consultants,” relates Willi, who left XanGo for personal

reasons. “There were personal disappointments there,” he

remembers. This is surely the reason why he, at this time,

became “tired of networking”. Nevertheless, he now knew

that network marketing worked if certain conditions were

met. In July this year he became aware of STEMTech. A

friend from the pharmaceutical industry gave him a tip af-

ter seeing studies about the effectiveness of the products.

STEMTech had made a breakthrough in the field of stem

cell research. This should not be confused with the discred-

ited “embryonic stem cell research”. Here, we are talking

about “adult stem cells,” the stem cells which everyone reg-

Willi Sprenzl and “the Dimensions of an ingenious product”

Tel.: +49 (0)179 115 87 [email protected]


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ularly produces from their own bone marrow. These adult

stem cells are responsible for the body‘s natural renewal

system. They repair damaged cells within our body. At a

young age the body still produces enough adult stem cells.

However by the age of fifty, production amounts to only

20% of that of a twenty year old. In a double blind study

it was shown that after taking just two of STEMTech‘s “al-

gae concentrate” capsules, the production of adult stem

cells in subjects increased by an average of 25%. And this

was after only a few hours. The study was published in the

well-respected journal “Cardiovascular Revascularization


The certificate of marketability for the revolutionary prod-

ucts, necessary for Germany, has already been received. It

was issued in July 2009 by Dr. Jürgen Reiman , one of the

Chamber of Commerce and Industry‘s officially appointed

and certified experts for the Munich and Upper Bavaria

region of Germany. At a pre-launch event in July 18th, at

which Willi was present, the wheels were set in motion.

“What I found quite pleasant was the fact that the event

wasn‘t simply a meeting where people were there to ap-

plaud. The event was backed up with facts and scientific

studies. Nothing was exaggerated and no empty promises

were made. For me the approval, the unique selling point

and the rapid effectiveness were important. If you do your

homework, success is inevitable,” says Willi Sprenzl with

great certainty in an interview with OBTAINER.

He has at last found a company that has everything he has

ever wished a company could have – and he has already

proven that he can be successful with MLM. His ambition

for the industry has been rekindled. Willi avoids empty

words, just as STEMTech does. Sentences like “join up

and earn 5,000 euros in six months” never pass his lips.

He remains genuine and works honestly and in a disci-

plined manner on a daily basis. This is his key to success.

Therefore he frankly admits: “The passive income and the

free time management are the advantages of MLM. Until

this stage is reached, people need to understand that at

the beginning you need to invest lots of time and some

money. During the start-up phase leisure activities need

to be scaled back. You don‘t get paid for nothing in MLM.

Here too the rule applies: No pain, no gain!”

Therefore, in the coming months, Willi will have less time

for his hobbies like football, the Bavarian mountains and

for tinkering with his HHO generator. The launch of his


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networking business with STEMTech will have his full

attention for the next few months. During the last five

years Willi has already traveled over 300,000 kilometers

with his hybrid car – and many thousands of kilometers

more will surely follow as he travels around Germany and

Europe personally building up his team. “I enjoy doing

it”, he says, “as I know the fantastic dimensions of this

STEMTech product.”

Here people always come first for him and personal train-

ing is essential in his eyes. Cold calling is the best way

of finding customers and consultants. As he has mastered

this, he now passes this knowledge on to his team part-

ners. For this reason he is also sure that he will build up

the strongest team in Europe. He trains his people with

“how can I earn money,” not with “how much can I earn.”

“STEMTech has excellent training tools. There is no need

to reinvent the wheel,” explains Willi Sprenzl, who is as

energy-conscious as he is energy-charged: “80% of net-

workers do not end up making money – that is just the

way it is, unfortunately. 20% do their homework, work in

a structured manner and by doing so achieve the income

they want. Admittedly, structured work sounds easy, how-

ever this also requires a system. I myself, for example, use

a recruiting tool that, once someone has activated it, gen-

erates contacts automatically. In the age of the Internet, it

is an indispensable tool.”

Newcomers profit immensely from his previous experi-

ence. Willi has also written a “Networker Info-Report”,

which he offers as a free download. His ambition and will-

ingness always to work hard to achieve his goals are things

he traces back to Thomas Edison. The inventor of the light

bulb needed over 10,000 attempts before he was success-

ful. He never gave up and after each knockback he got

back up again. It is this type of attitude that commands

Willi‘s respect. He therefore advises everyone: “We net-

workers ought to do this too. Believe in yourself and the

industry and success will come to you!” he says with con-


So far Willi Sprenzl has celebrated great success with ev-

ery one of his networking companies, although he always

felt compelled to make compromises. With STEMTech,

Willi will no longer have to make compromises and there-

fore you can only wonder what Willi Sprenzl‘s personal

balance sheet will look like in two years. Prognosis: He

will outdo himself once again!


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“Business breakfasts“ or other networking type events can

be a great opportunity for you to meet new people and make

contact with potential business partners and customers - If

you know the right way to interact with people, that is.

A common mistake is to fall into the trap of thinking you have

to talk about yourself first.

As you can probably imagine there is a lot of „nervous energy“

and „anxiety“ flowing when people are trying to put them-

selves in the best light possible telling each other about their


However, doing that can actually produce poor results. With

everyone wanting to get their „say“ in - most people are not


So what to do if you find yourself in a similar situation? Sim-

ple! Turn your telling into a “Listening Opportunity” and…

Stop Telling (Selling) and Start Discovering

Stop the unproductive idea of talking about yourself, and in-

stead ask about them and listen and respond to what they

have to say about any challenges they might be having per-

sonally, professionally or in their work or business.

Doing so keeps you calm while you quickly assess people as to

whether there is any value in talking with them later on. This

is the fastest way to increase your bottom line as well!

Here‘s an approach I use when I network at a meeting of cor-

porate business leaders and owners. I find that it’s a great „ice

breaker“ You can easily adapt it for your own situation.

In a light hearted way I ask the question after introducing


“So how can I help you?!!“

Look for“Listening

Opportunities”By Michael Oliver of

Michael Oliver...

Michael Oliver is the founder of Natural Selling, the only sales training program designed to really eliminate rejection and objections. He is also the author of the inter-national best selling book “How To Sell Network Marketing With-out Fear, Anxiety Or Losing Your Friends!”

To learn more about how to get higher conversion ratios from helping more people achieve their vision, contact him at [email protected] or go to his website, for his free Ecourse “7 Steps to Natural Selling”.


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Usually the reply that comes back with a grin is…

“I don’t know! How can you help me?”

Too which I will respond with a smile…

“I don’t know either, though we can soon find out… what kind of business are you in?”

Once I established that I’m talking with the right person in

terms of what I have to offer, I then move on to ask these

types of questions…

“What do you find are your greatest challenges in the area of your sales or sales people?”

„Do you ever feel you or your sales people could be more effective but not sure how?“

„Are you satisfied with the results your sales people are getting for you?

„What sort of challenges do you face with selling your products/services?“

“How is that affecting you?”

“Does that also possibly affect you in the area of (describe a knock-on effect)“

“Have you done anything, or are you doing anything to resolve these challenges?”

“How did that work out?”

“What did you feel worked/didn’t work?”

“If you could do it all over again, would you do it differ-ently?”

“Have you thought about what you think the problem might be?”

“What if the reason you’re only doing marginally better

since you took that course of action, is that the cause of

your problem might not be what you think it is… what if

it was because of something else? Have you ever thought

about that?”

Of course, adapt these questions to fit your own situation.

So here is what I do:

1. I ask them about their business and personal related chal-


2. I let them talk while I listen without interruption and no sales


3. I ask them to expand on the answers they give and ask more

questions if appropriate.

At the right time, if I find I might be able to help them (and they

indicate they are prepared to be helped) I then make a short

statement followed by a final Qualifying Question. Something

like this...

“Well it might be that I can help you resolve this and if this is

something of interest to you, perhaps I could give you a call to-

morrow to explore further about whether we might be able to do

something together… would that be OK for you?”

The answer is always “Yes” because we are talking about some-

thing that is important to them. And we’ve both decided that they

want to do something even before I ask the final Qualifying Ques-

tion because is was all in the dialogue!

I will then set a time, politely excuse myself and seek other op-

portunities. You can keep yourself busy for a whole week from

just one hour of talking with people.

It’s Fast and Precise

Each “listening opportunity” takes no more than 2- 4 minutes,

after which I move on to the next “listening opportunity”.

The world is full of opportunities when you;

1. Question conventional wisdom

2. Rethink the way you think

3. Do things differently!

The key to creating a “Listening Opportunity” I described is

knowing how to ask the right types of questions at the right time.

This isn’t hard, but you do need to shift your thinking a little.

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He first got involved with network

marketing in April 2005 when he

came into contact with DXN be-

fore it had formally started opera-

tions in Ethiopia. With a group of

friends he played a crucial role in

establishing DXN in Ethiopia, its

first bridgehead in Africa.

A major motivation was his recognition that DXN‘s product

could supplement his efforts to improve the health of many

people in Africa and elsewhere. “I knew that DXN was such

a credible company to work with.” But personal motives also

played a role, as he himself says: “I was looking for extra in-

come and the new experience of networking with people.”

Dr. Markos‘s commitment to the building up of DXN was to be

seen early on when he sponsored himself to attend the Inter-

national Leadership Conference in Al Ain, UAE, in September

2005. Since then, his experience has been overwhelmingly

positive: “Network marketing is a good opportunity irrespec-

tive of one‘s background. It is a very good way of promoting

one‘s product and services. It is really a very good way of net-

working with people who you need for other businesses too.”

As regards DXN: “It really has very powerful consumable

products and the marketing plan is also legitimate and gener-

ous.” He adds: “I have witnessed the amazing benefits of DXN

products, both myself and through thousands of my patients


Dr. Markos Feleke Haile is a young physician and public health professional from Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. A native of Addis Ababa, where he was born in 1979, he is now married and has one daughter. A graduate of Jimma and Harayama Uni-versities, where he gained a doctorate in medicine (MD) and a masters in public health (MPH). Despite his relative youth, he has gained lots of experience working for governmental, private and non-governmental organizations in Ethiopia since 2004. He now has his own consultancy.

Network Marketing in EthiopiaDr. Markos Feleke Haile, DXN

and customers. In addition, the extra income that I earn work-

ing with DXN, promoting these valuable products, has been

increasing very well also.”

When asked what distinguishes his approach from others, he

says: “I just focus on continuous training and mentorship.

It is not usual for me to work with hotel meetings, however

sometimes I do – especially whenever I have a larger number

of attendees; otherwise, I normally give seminars at service

centers where members and consumers routinely come.” He

does not use online presentations or telephone conferences

“because it is not common practice here in Ethiopia.”

His approach to explaining his business opportunity to “inter-

ested people” is simple: “Starting from his or her own current

situation and experience, I will just share success stories or

testimonials of my own or from other team members.”

His advice to readers in their current companies is: “Being

focused and strategizing is very important.” And he recom-

mends a virtual library of books: Think and Grow Rich by

Napoleon Hill, The Eight Habits of highly effective people

by Stephen R. Covey, The Power of Focus by Jack Canfield,

Mark Victor Hansen, and Leslie Hewitt , The Power of Now by

Eckhart Tolle, The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and Rich Dad and

Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki.

His hobbies include reading, swimming and “I just enjoy

spending time on the outskirts of the city.” Currently he drives

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a Jeep Cherokee and a Toyota GL but “I dream of buying an

Escalade (Cadillac) as soon as possible.”

In response to a question about his 3 wishes he replies:

“Firstly, Vision 20-20: I would like my total assets by the

year 2020 GC to be $20 million (this is more of my plan

too); secondly, to see my country becoming prosperous;

and thirdly, to see everyone in our team realize his or her

own dream.”

Dr. Markos is now the chairperson of the Ethiopian Ex-

ecutive Diamonds Club (EDC-Ethiopia) and is one of the

international trainers in personal development with DXN.

Since joining DXN “I have been to USA, France, Belgium,

Germany, UAE, Egypt, Malaysia, Kenya and South Africa.”

And “my role model is Barack Hussein Obama with his ex-

traordinary endurance and wisdom.”

You can contact Dr. Markos Feleke Haile at P. O. Box 19468,

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Tel. +251911511610

Email: [email protected]


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Ina & Christian Klatt have held their own after some bad strokes of fate, and have found

their solution in network marketing

PM-International: Honest, Solid and Innovative


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Their family life was perfect. They were blessed with children,

and were secure with their employment and in their finances.

The Klatts had their own house, strong family ties and wishes

and dreams that were not unrealistic. Their lives took a turn

when their son came into the world with atopic dermatitis, a

form of eczema.

In 2003, after an odyssey of medical consultations, the family

learned from an acquaintance about the Fitline products of

PM International. “Health is and will always be one of the

most precious things in life, and it often lies outside of our

own power,” is something that the family has known since

that time. “The one thing that is within our power is to do ev-

erything we can regain our health.” Ina suffered from acne,

intestinal problems and allergies; those are the reasons why

the family was very open to using these products for the bet-

terment of their health. Ina remembers this difficult time very

well and adds: “Back then we weren‘t familiar with the mar-

keting system of MLM, but rather at first we just consumed

the products like normal customers.”

“Our views changed when relatives and friends came to us and

asked what positive changes we had made! The difference was

clearly visible. For the first time in years our son had healthy

skin and I didn’t have acne anymore! In our discussions, we

naturally spoke more about the positive results we had gotten

from using the products, like more restful sleep, and noticeably

more energy.” Up to this point the couple had only used PM

International’s products as customers – then came the second

blow when Christian received a letter from his employer: it

was a layoff notice! “That was a total shock for us,” remembers

Ina. “After all we were a family with two small children and

a house to pay for. Above all our parents were beside them-

selves.” And in spite of Christian’s excellent qualifications,

Many tourists know about the city of Bingen, which lies in the romantic Middle Rhine Val-ley. The world-renowned wine

region, the craggy mountains, the Lorelei, the countless German and French castles, and in the middle of it all: “Father Rhine” – all of these serve to immerse the human soul in another world. And just here live Ina and Christian Klatt live with their son and daughter.

After being trained as a technical draftsman, and studying at

the University of Applied Sciences in Bingen, Christian worked

with great success in an engineering office. In addition to the

raising her children, Ina trained to become a state recognized

and certified beautician, and she began and completed a train-

ing course to become a retail management assistant. She was

true to her motto, which is still valid today: “always try to be

better in everything you do.” Both of them knew that for dreams

the family has you also have to have commitment. The couple

had many dreams including getting a motorcycle, a Harley per-

haps, or the attractive idea of eventually restoring a classic car.



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all of his job applications were rejected. “We lay awake for

nights and discussed,” said Christian, who eventually had

to sell bread rolls to keep their heads above water while Ina

looked for a job as a cleaner. At this point, they had just

begun their business with PM International and they were

only doing it part-time with no thoughts of earning their liv-

ing with it. But during this difficult period they both tossed

around the idea of MLM more and more and they soon rec-

ognized their chance! Because PM International’s products

were already a part of their lives, they came to a conclusion:

They decided to build their own business.

“Again we lay awake all night and discussed what to do. It

became clear to us that working with PM-International and

in network marketing is a once in a lifetime opportunity to

change our lives for the better. On one very special evening

we decided not to go back to our jobs, but rather to stake

everything on PM International and to give it everything we

had,” reports Ina about this moment in her life, which to this

day she does not regret. Even though she (and everyone who

decides to do Network Marketing professionally) very quick-

ly came to realize how much ignorance and prejudice there is

within their circle of acquaintances about the subject.

Ina and Christian did the right thing and strongly believed in

the enormous opportunities in MLM and continued to work

with commitment in their business. They saw a challenge in

the criticisms and took it up. “We are grateful to all our crit-

ics because they have made us strong, and helped us stand by

our vision and develop stronger personalities and leadership

skills. MLM is a school for people, one which calls many

former mindsets into question. We stopped judging people

by their looks, background, or professions, because everyone

in networking has the same opportunities and possibilities,”

explains Ina.

For both of them it goes without question that MLM is not

just a profession, but also to a great extent a guide to life and

to the development of your personality. The eternal scep-

tics cannot offset the joy they receive when their partners

develop their own businesses and reward the trust placed in

them by achieving personal success. Many inspiring people

are now accompanying the family in their structural growth.

Of course, Ina and Christian now know the many faces of net-

work marketing, including those that damage the industry.

Not least for that reason, changing companies is completely

out of the question for them. In addition to the unique prod-

ucts, the couple also appreciates the fact that PM Interna-

tional is a German family company. “It incorporates the val-

ues that we take to heart in our own lives. We always like to

sum it up in the three words: honest, solid, and innovative.

These words express old values, which combined with new

and fresh ideas are a joy to tke out into the world. We con-

sider ourselves very lucky to be in a company that puts sales

and distribution in the forefront.” explained Ina

All PM International distributors receive all the training,

forms, information, and tools to build a serious and stable

business. As sponsors it is not necessary for Ina and Chris-

tian to create their own online presentations and aids that

take them away from their real work. They have created

their own website for their Team, but otherwise they primar-

ily profit from the company’s professionalism. Because of

this they both have the time to support their team members

in every way and to give them the feeling they are not being

left on their own. Precisely that is the success the two of

them have achieved.

They are always reachable by telephone and keep in continu-

al personal contact with their team. They avoid hotel meet-

ings and prefer, when possible, to have meetings in the com-

pany‘s Direct Sales Centers (DSCs). This is also fairly simple

because wherever large structures and downlines have been

built, PM has opened a DSC to give distributors access to

company premises free of charge. There it is also possible

to order products or to take them with you immediately. If

there is no DSC in the area, then Ina and Christian switch to

community centers. “The premises there are fantastic, there

is also a kitchen available, and there are never any problems

with parking,” reports Christian. Because members of their

team organize the meetings themselves there is a kind of

“feeling of togetherness” that you just cannot get in a confer-

ence room prepared by hotel employees.

“The big plus with PM-International is that the distribution

partners can simply focus on the distribution, just as the name

suggests.” Christian and Ina both feel the same way about this.

Therefore all the their distribution partners can feel that they

are never left on their own when they are trying to build a suc-

cessful business. “The only important thing is to be prepared

to learn.” This is something that Ina knows and Christian

adds: “A career in networking doesn‘t only have to start when

fate deals you a heavy blow!” In any case Ina and Christian are

always happy to pass on their knowledge and and are always

willing to inform people about the possibilities of this industry

true to the motto: “Examine every opportunity. It could be the

chance of a lifetime.” (Henry Ford)



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No longer does news relate only to events within our direct sphere of experience or within the narrow geo-graphic boundaries in which we live. No longer does it exist only at certain times of day or night. Network marketing professionals have taken the reins in de-manding immediate information wherever they are and whenever they want it. This is our marketplace for in-ternational news on network marketing and direct sales that has broadened our reach into nations where we might never have otherwise expanded.

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Get to know the most successful tool of an entire indus-try. You want to experience unparalleled growth, then not only use our OBTAINER SPECIAL but ensure each one of the business partners in your downline also uti-lize the OBTAINER SPECIAL and together you will ex-perience a never before seen momentum! Through the support of the OBTAINER MEDIA GROUP and network marketing, a unique opportunity to generate and inform contacts throughout the industry and indeed across the entire globe will arise.

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Page 89: OBTAINER - August 2009






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Get to know the most successful tool of an entire indus-try. You want to experience unparalleled growth, then not only use our OBTAINER SPECIAL but ensure each one of the business partners in your downline also uti-lize the OBTAINER SPECIAL and together you will ex-perience a never before seen momentum! Through the support of the OBTAINER MEDIA GROUP and network marketing, a unique opportunity to generate and inform contacts throughout the industry and indeed across the entire globe will arise.

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Page 90: OBTAINER - August 2009


MonaVie has doubled in size

e v e r y y e a rFounded in 2005 by Dallin A. Larsen, Henry Marsh and Randy Larsen and with headquarters located in South Jordan, Utah, MonaVie has doubled its turnover every year and is now operating in 10 countries: the U.S.A., Canada, Brazil, France, Singapore, Japan, Israel, Mexico, Australia and New Zealand.

Marching toward becoming a Billion-Dollar-Company


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DAs a privately owned company they do not disclose annual sales figures, but they have said that in

2008 cumulative sales topped $1 billion and are expected to reach $2 billion in 2009. This makes

it one of the fastest-growing companies in the direct-selling industry.

Launched in January 2005, MonaVie “develops and markets scientifically formulated, premium quality prod-

ucts, specifically for person-to-person distribution. Developed with a philosophy of Balance-Variety-Modera-

tion, MonaVie brand products deliver phytonutrients and antioxidants to promote and maintain a healthy and

active lifestyle.”

The basis of MonaVie’s juices is the açai berry, a small Brazilian fruit prized for its healthful properties. Com-

plementing the açai are another 18 fruits, some of which are exotic and some well known. These are combined

to deliver “a one-of-a-kind source of nutrients and antioxidants.”


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“Until MonaVie came around, I’d say the vast majority of the

population had never even heard of açai,” says Randy Larsen,

MonaVie Founder and vice-chairman. “MonaVie has created

the buzz through word of mouth”. And the company describes

its products as follows: “MonaVie premier açai blends are

products with a purpose. From powerful antioxidant support

to joint and heart health, each formula delivers key nutrients

to help you maintain a healthy and active lifestyle.

MonaVie supports your body’s antioxidant and nutritional

needs. Taking a Balance-Variety-Moderation approach to nu-

trition, this premier formula delivers powerful antioxidants

and phytonutrients to help fight free radicals and maintain

your body’s overall health.

MonaVie Active enhances your body’s joint health. This ad-

vanced formula features the added benefit of plant-derived

glucosamine, which has been scientifically shown to promote

healthy joint function by targeting mobility and flexibility. De-

signed to support joint performance and recovery, this vital

formula delivers the resources your body needs to get moving.

MonaVie Pulse nutritionally supports your cardiovascular

system. With added heart health benefits derived from plant

sterols (which studies suggest play a key factor in lowering

cholesterol), resveratrol, and omega 3 fatty acids, maintaining

existing healthy cholesterol levels has never been easier.

MonaVie EMV features a proprietary blend of antioxidant

rich fruits, including the Brazilian superfruit açai, and nat-

ural sources of energy. Great tasting and lightly carbon-

ated, this healthy formula increases performance, endur-

ance, and concentration by boosting your energy level and

maintaining it - without a subsequent crash.”

MonaVie is not sold in stores. Instead, its juices are ex-

clusively available from independent distributors. With

MonaVie’s compensation plan, distributors have multiple

options for earning income through their immediate sales

and the sales organizations they build.

“Network marketing provides a way for people to take con-

trol of their financial situation,” explains Dallin Larsen,

MonaVie founder, chairman and CEO. “It’s also the best

way to reach consumers and show them the value of the

product. A product sitting on a shelf doesn’t have the same

promotional power as one sold through network market-


A major breakthrough for the acceptance of MonaVie has been

the partnership with the Boston Red Sox baseball team which

has made MonaVie the official juice of the team. Continuing

the baseball theme, more recently MonaVie has also formed

a partnership with the LA Angels of Anaheim, once again,

making MonaVie EMV the official energy drink of the team.

Dallin A. Larsen, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer Henry Marsh, Founder and Vice Chairman Randy Larsen, Founder and Vice Chairman Dell Brown, President and Chief Operating Officer Devin Thorpe, Chief Financial Officer


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As mentioned above MonaVie do not issue specific sales fig-

ures but in response to queries the company revealed: “We

can tell you that growth in 2008 was almost exclusively in the

United States, and international sales represented less than

10% of total revenue.” However, the company is already op-

erating in 10 countries around the world, and will continue to

focus its efforts on global expansion.

When asked about the company‘s philosophy the founders

say: “At MonaVie, our mission is to change and improve lives

around the world by introducing unique nutritional products,

offering a rewarding business opportunity, and by giving back

through our charitable initiatives.”

The most recent country to be opened up was Mexico, where

the launch took place at the Centro Banamex in Mexico City

on July 11th. Over 1,500 distributors and guests attended and

another 8,500 joined the festivities online. A key element of

MonaVie‘s strategy was placed center stage when Dallin A.

Larsen kicked off the convention by announcing the MORE


He revealed MonaVie’s new involvement and commitment

to disadvantaged children in Mexico. MonaVie has formed

a partnership with Fundación Mexico Unido to help build

schools, support underprivileged teens, and give back to chil-

dren with disabilities all across Mexico. While the MORE Proj-

ect in Brazil will remain the company’s principal philanthropy

project, contributions to the MORE Project made by Mexican

distributors will automatically be funneled to the Fundación

Mexico Unido.

The day before the convention, MonaVie formally opened its

Mexican office in Mexico City with a ribbon cutting ceremony

performed before 100 guests by Mexican television personal-

ity (and MonaVie distributor), Marco Antonio Regil. The new

office will serve as the administrative headquarters for the

MonaVie staff in Mexico as well as a place for distributors to

pick up products and hold meetings. This operation will be led

by MonaVie Mexico General Manager Alfonso Todd.

Having a local office in Mexico emphasizes MonaVie’s com-

mitment to international growth. Other significant recent in-

ternational events have been the official launch of MonaVie

EMV in Canada at the Edmonton City Meeting on July 25th

and the Jerusalem City Meeting on August 2nd where it was

announced that MonaVieTM had received kosher certification

from the Orthodox Union and an Ishur Kashrut certification

from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. And the international em-

phasis continues with the start of the pre-launch phase in the

UK and Poland.

You can find out more details on the MonaVie web-

site at or by e-mail at

[email protected].

And how does MonaVie see the future? “We are blessing the

lives of people around the world, one bottle and one relation-

ship at a time. It’s a recipe for success because it’s based on

sound business and ethical principles, principles that never go

out of style and will never need to be bailed out.”

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Sabine Poster of Synergy enjoys her work. You can see that both when you look at her and when you look at her sales figures. She likes to help her fellow human beings and takes pleasure in see-ing how others can arrange their lives freely. She herself has also been able to achieve a great deal of freedom through her work for her company. For the Schleswig-Holstein-born networker this freedom is the great advantage of the multi-level marketing industry. She herself lives in accor-dance with the motto: “Be enthusiastic, love your product, spend your time with people who also want and believe in what you do. Let people help you and be active.”


Portrait of Synergy top seller

Sabine Poster

Ein This is a principle that the woman

from Northern Germany has worked

by all her life even if on the way she

has made a couple of detours. After

her vocational training Sabine worked

for many years as a hotel manager.

But after a time she needed a change

of scene – so she did a training course to become an insur-

ance saleswoman. Then she worked for ten years for a large

financial services company.

She first came into contact with network marketing through

the company NSA. But at that time she was still very happy

with her job. “This meant that it wasn‘t the right time for

me,” she says in an interview with OBTAINER; she first be-

came really involved in MLM through the telecommunica-

tions industry. But this sector proved to be “fast-moving

and confusing,” which is why she is very happy to be work-

ing for Synergy today. In the meantime she has come to

understand that this change was also very necessary for her

personally: “Synergy is a company I can identify with com-

pletely. Because this company is ethically impeccable and

lives up to the motto ‚Love, Learn and Leave a Legacy‘.”

“WE have brilliant products,” reports Sabine as she tells us

about the enthusiasm she can feel from partners and cus-


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tomers, which is “gigantic.” “In addition our pay-plan really

allows genuine teamwork – something that, unfortunately,

isn‘t always something you can take for granted!” And she

adds: “The people who like our products like to recommend

them to others or to give our partners recommendations.

For this reason there are a lot of partners who are making

very good money just from our products.”

Sabine Poster is a team player – being anything else is

something she can‘t even imagine. “It‘s the principle of net-

work marketing that inspires me. Working in a team where

everybody is working on achieving their goals however

great or small they might be – and supporting each other in

the process. That‘s what I call real team work! Where else is

that possible in this form?”

During her time in network marketing Sabine has had no

bad experiences. In her opinion this is because here the

“me-first principle is impossible.” Even if things should on

occasion go wrong, you grow as a result and develop your-

self further. For this reason she also says full of conviction:

“There is is really no other activity that aims more to help

other people to achieve their goals. As a rule in professional

life people really only try to ensure that they look good in

order to get a job or to get promoted to the opening with

better pay.”



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In the course of acquiring new partners the most important

means for Sabine Postel is still personal contact with those

who are interested. She works using predetermined system

because “everything that is excessive only causes confusion

and distracts from the essentials.” When she explains the dis-

tribution system, she therefore does so in line with the prin-

ciple: “the simpler the better.” This also applies to the online

method, which of course she also uses. Presentations on the

Internet represent for her a good additional module to give in-

formation to people who are interested when they live further

away. This saves her a lot of time and new partners are able to

deepen their knowledge using the online presentations.

That she has no problems getting to know new people and

thus potential partners is something that you accept form the

friendly career woman without any doubts. “You are constant-

ly getting to know new people,” she says with a radiant smile

and a hearty laugh.” Every day and everywhere. You only have

take the opportunities offered and walk openly through life.”

And how does she explain the advantages of her MLM busi-

ness opportunity to a lay person? “Many people do it a little

and everybody can achieve their goals within the team, no

matter how great or small they are.” She is of the opinion that

you should use the leverage of the network. Precisely at the

present time when a second or even a third job is often nec-

essary in order to be able to maintain a certain standard of

living. For the woman from Northern Germany network mar-

keting appears for precisely this reason today to be just what

the doctor ordered.

Here she is motivated by the quality of life the job offers her

and which also consists of working according to her own ideas

of where and when she wants to work. Because her hobbies

place great demands on her time too – particularly riding,

which is one of her favorite leisure activities. But she also

reads a lot and continues her education. At the moment her

favorite book is “Die Handtaschenlady,” a book that commu-

nicates the principles of networking in an amusing and an

entertaining manner. But also by reading biographies Sabine

has bee able to find role models for herself. And also in her

personal circle she has found people who have motivated her

and she is very grateful to them. This is particularly the case

with here collaboration with Hakan Cetin (cf. OBTAINER

ONLINE No. 31), provides her with new motivation again and

again: “Here I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to Hakan

once again!”

When asked whether she also holds meetings in hotels Sabine

Poster responds: “Hotel meetings are an option because they

provide a serious ambience and are neutral places. But home

meetings offer a more personal atmosphere. For those who

value such a personal atmosphere product parties are the most

suitable method as a rule.” She herself is also a great sympa-

thizer of seminars in hotels. Her company carries out training

sessions there regularly. “Hotels offer a good opportunity for

training sessions and to present the business to guests.”

In addition these sorts of meetings create the team bonds

she values so much: “In this way the partners can see each

other regularly and exchange experiences.” For current news

Synergy offers telephone conferences – and that is a good

thing! Because, as already indicated at the beginning: “More

would only act as a distraction from the essential things!” For

this reason Sabine advises all networkers: “It doesn‘t matter

whether you want to earn 500 euros or more – the difference

is the amount of time you invest! Because what you have to do

is always the same!”



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Dear Readers,Before we look at the 4th level of development more closely, In this issue I would like to make a short digression with you and look more closely at the leadership qualities of a well-known personality. I am certain you will ask „Why?“ – and I would like to answer this question immediately. Having now looked more closely at the first 3 levels of development, the question often arises: “How can I now best implement that?” An initial response can be found in the analysis of leadership qualities of other famous leading personalities. But this also brings about a certain danger. When we look at the abilities of another great leader, we tend to compare ourselves with them. But when we compare ourselves we often miss the opportunity to learn because, as is the case with most people, their self-confidence is not strongly developed enough to make a comparison WITHOUT immediately looking for faults and mistakes in themselves. For this reason we will today only make a short digression and look at only three essential principles of leadership used by this leader and to which he owes his above-average and histori-cally unique success.

A few months after the almost landslide victory of Barack Obama in the American presidential election we are faced with an historic moment: the first black president of the United States. But is that all we can learn from this election campaign?

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Today‘s view and analysis of this success is not about an ideology. The election is over. And while many believe that John

McCain‘s economic program would have made more sense for business, particularly with regard to free trade, the tax

policy and when it came to creation of jobs, almost everybody is nevertheless happy (coupled with a lot of hope) about the

presidency of Barack Obama. Because his election campaign slogan was an “America for everybody” as he so passionately

promised again and again. But enough about politics.

Today I would like to examine with you what lessons you can draw as, a businessman or women, as an executive or as a

private individual from McCain‘s defeat and Obama‘s victory. Because when we look closely three principles or lessons

can be drawn which are valid for both the “politics & election campaign” stage and also for business and indeed our lives.

And it was precisely on these three lessons that Barack Obama systematically built up his victory.

The first principle of leadership

Let us start with the classic principle of leadership: a clear

constant vision.

If we would like people to follow us it is important that we

repeat a clear understandable and constant message (or vi-

sion) again and again. This is a very well-known principle

and, despite this, it is one of those most commonly disre-

garded in interpersonal communication – here it is not only

valid for managing staff and/or a company, but also for

friendships, relationships and in the upbringing of children

and young people.

The more often you change your “message” the more you

unsettle those who are supposed to be following you. And

the more difficult it is to understand your “central mes-

sage” the more difficult you make it for people to follow

you. When you look at, for example, McCain‘s health policy

you will recognize that it has in many details really very

good elements which, if implemented, would definitely

have helped many people. The problem however was that

McCain did not succeed in communicating this policy sim-

ply and comprehensibly. Instead it appeared to many peo-

ple to be too complex and incomprehensible.

So while McCain tried to convey his policies in a complex

manner, Obama‘s message was simple and was more of a

declaration of intent. He spoke of the failures of George W.

Bush. He talked about transformation and hope and health

care for all. He always painted a picture of the future that

inspired people. This is also a perfect example for leaders:

Seek out a limited number of points and repeat these un-

tiringly when communicating with the people you want to

“follow” you.

Therefore it also means: “People will follow the person

who is following his or her dream.” That is precisely what

Obama succeeded in doing. With his simple message “Yes

we can” he presented people with a clear and simple pros-

pect and at the same time handed them a “mantra” that was

easy to understand and follow. This is how we should live

our lives. If you would like your subordinates to follow you,

if you would like your children to do what you say, if in your

relationships you would like your partners to have a feeling

of security and follow you in order to build on the relation-

ship, then it is important that you present all these people

with a clear vision AND that you never get tired of repeat-

ing this vision again and again and “painting” it anew.

The second principle of leadership

After looking more closely at the first principle of leadership

from the American election campaign of Barack Obama,

let us turn to the next principle of leadership, which will,

I am sure, be familiar to many of you: faultless execution.

In their trail-blazing book “Execution” Larry Bossidy and

Ram Charan describe how faultless execution is not the

only thing that a leader needs to act correctly – but without

this important characteristic everything else that the leader

does will count for little. This American election proves

their thesis. Over almost two years of constant attacks and

combat Obama‘s team made only very few mistakes. From

the very beginning his advisers were the better campaign

team and his “staffers” were always prepared, agile and ac-

tive where they were needed most. By contrast McCain‘s

team often seemed inept and “hobbled” in a makeshift

fashion from one public appearance to the next. Bad team

spirit among his advisers often made an impact in the form

of bad preparation on McCain‘s part. And the significantly

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lower campaign budget showed the “lower” quality of his

team since they were unable to raise enough funds. The

team surrounding McCain tried again and again to run the

campaign in the “classical manner” while Obama‘s team

was innovative, for example, they used the new media in-

geniously in order to provide as many people as possible with

their information.

From this also you can draw two important lessons for your-

self. Firstly: It is not bad if you make mistakes as long as you

quickly learn from them and get them under control again.

Secondly: the less mistakes you make in your execution and

where an agitated McCain behaved erratically the impression

grew that McCain himself was afraid and was helpless with

the means at his disposal. Obama responded mostly with stoic

calmness, stayed sitting in his place and answered with care.

Even when he was personally attacked, he kept his cool. In

this way he communicated “non-verbally”. He stuck to his

viewpoint and radiated calmness.

Another of Obama‘s ingenious moves (which you can classify

under the principle of “faultless execution”) is the way he out-

maneuvered Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination.

Hillary Clinton committed a catastrophic mistake in thinking

implementation the more people will connect competence

with your conduct and behavior. This is valid both in business

and in private life.

And there is another important third lesson: You do not have

to make all the mistakes yourself, but can learn more quickly

from the lives, experiences and mistakes of others by precisely

observing them and drawing lessons for yourself which you

then implement.

Obama‘s team succeeded in doing the latter excellently. While

with every new television debate McCain came across as being

more and more “helpless”, Obama scored points less by what

he said than by the way he reacted to what McCain said. Mc-

Cain allowed himself to be tempted (or was forced by his party

and his advisers) to attack Obama directly and personally, try-

ing to arouse fear in him. But what this approach provokes is

something that McCain‘s team was unaware of: It creates fear

in those wanting to create fear! With every new attack, with

every television debate and with every television appearance

she could win in the same way all previous candidates had

done; by securing victory in the large states New York, Ohio,

California and so on. By contrast Obama‘s team did its home-

work perfectly and realized that he stood little chance against

Hillary Clinton in the large states. However they figured out

an unexpected possibility of how he could nevertheless win..

While Hillary Clinton concentrated on winning in the large

states, Obama‘s team focused on the many small states and

on the undervalued delegation meetings of all factions in a

particular state. In this way Obama‘s team was able to secure

the majority step by step and at the decisive moment overtake

Hillary Clinton.

Here too you have an important lesson for all aspects of your

life: It is not always the big things that lead to changes, but of-

ten the many small things that we often overlook and see little

significance in. The best example of this is keeping a journal.

Often people look for spectacular things to include instead of

understanding that it is the many small, apparently insignifi-

cant entries , can change our lives.

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The third principle of leadership

Let us now turn to the third principle of leadership that

shaped Obama‘s election campaign strategy. The third prin-

ciple of leadership is: well positioned allies.

During coaching sessions I experience again and again, com-

panies that believe they can win in everyday business by us-

ing the same old methods and going the same old way – only

more intensively and better. Therefore I would like to ask you

a provocative question: Do you know the definition of idi-


Doing the same things again and again – and expecting dif-

ferent results!

And do you know the definition of increased idiocy?

Doing the same things more intensively, more frantically and

more often – and expecting better results!

The road to more success in business consists of looking for

new customers and finding and opening new markets en

route. You can beat your competitors if you try to play accord-

ing to “the old rules”. In order to grow, you must, however,

invent a new game and then also defeat your competitors in

this new game.

This American election has once more shown and reinforced

the value of “well positioned allies”. From the very start

Obama had the support of the media, which in turn decided

to consciously downplay the controversies Obama was in-

volved in. And so the game that McCain‘s team had built up

in order to whip up fear in Obama and to discredit him had,

in the end, a boomerang effect against McCain. In the end

nobody could deny that Obama‘s relationship with the media

made a significant difference.

As a company you cannot succeed in winning in the long term

if you do not have the support of your well positioned allies.

And the bigger the company the more important this prin-

ciple is. Because every time you try to change things or try to

create a new path, you will always have people that will resist

you. They will carry out the “struggle against you” openly in

meetings, in the media or through “palace intrigues.” There-

fore you need your allies in all these places. Because in the

end these can be crucial in deciding whether you win or lose.

That is the reason why it is important that you only start ev-

ery leadership initiative and/or change in your company af-

ter you have your “well positioned allies” firmly on your side

and these are convinced of the advantages, of your character

and of your initiative. But that is not enough. If you would

like your allies to stand by your side, you should not confront

them with unexpected surprises.

Think only of the move by McCain‘s team to unexpectedly

present Sarah Pallin as the vice-presidential candidate. The

media had not been informed of it in advance and they did

not react very positively to the move. Quite the contrary.

Through this action, McCain‘s team lost many allies in the

media and what then broke out was a kind of “hunt Sarah

Pallin” campaign which culminated in the media doing every-

thing to paint Sarah Pallin in a negative light.

Here too this third principle applies, not only to companies,

but also to your private life. Thus, things become difficult if

you are in a relationship and your partner‘s friends do not

like or respect you. It will become difficult for you to bring up

your children if you do not get on with your children‘s best

friends and/or their parents, the same is true with the teach-

ers etc. Therefore, always choose consciously and carefully

which ally you need in which position in order to act for the

general good.

In the coming months we will see which deeds follow the

words of the election campaign. As it is not without reason

that the slogan goes:

“Actions speak louder then words!”

But no matter what deeds we see, one thing is clear: We are

experiencing exciting times and we can look forward to an ex-

citing future where we can learn a lot from the lives of others.

Because: The future belongs to those who prepare for it!

Consider just how you can integrate these three principles

of leadership into the first three levels of development the

people in your downline are going through. It would be best

to take up your journal right away and make a note of your

thoughts on this.

Always remember: Leadership is action – not position!

Your Coach,

Nuno F. Assis

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Proper Behaviour IsNever OutdatedCellphones are therefore a subject for business etiquetteBy Alexander Plath

… about the author:

Alexander Plath ( is an expert on the subjects

“first impression) (, presentational skills, body language, communica-

tion & presentation, etiquette and business etiquette, enthusiasm & motivation, selling and man-

agement training. For 20 years he has be active in sales, distribution and training and during this

period he has occupied all positions from salesman to Director Foreign Distribution and Press

Spokesperson for a multinational corporation and he was responsible for the foreign expansion

and the public relations of a multinational group of companies. In addition ,Alexander Plath is the

Managing Partner of Plath & Partner AG and is a member of the supervisory board of the Swiss

subsidiary of a multinational corporation.

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Today within the

framework of

making a good

first impression

we are devot-

ing ourselves

to the question

of business eti-

quette. There are only a few things that

can put you out of contention and make

a terrible first impression as quickly as

lack of manners. The challenge here is

that people will not tell you if you have

gotten out of line. You‘ll simply not be

invited or rung up anymore. Or more

snobbishly: “It‘s not a question of the

exclusive membership of the golf club,

it‘s a question of the other members also

wanting to play with you!”

Doesn‘t this raise the question of who

establishes the recommendations for

business etiquette? For German speak-

ing countries (and beyond) the “Arbe-

itskreis Umgangsformen International”

[Engl. International Working Group on

Etiquette] is the leading organization for

recommendations regarding etiquette.

Its (business) etiquette and recom-

mendations are accepted unanimously

and taken as the general standard and

implemented. In order to accommo-

date the growing demand for training

in etiquette, Inge Wolff, the chairman

of the AUI, has recently been instruct-

ing AUI-certified trainers, one of whom

is also the author of this article (www.

Particularly in business life the cell-

phone has become indispensable and

therefore the subject of this article is

cellphone etiquette. In recent times

more and more areas have been in-

troduced in which cellphones are for-

bidden. It is a shame that this is even

necessary as it is so easy to have con-

sideration for other people when using

a cellphone. Modern technology has

made it possible to turn off the most

disturbing function – the annoying

“tootling.” The vibration alarm, the

flashing light function and the mailbox

make this easily possible.

A further nuisance factor is being forced

to listen to someone else‘s conversa-

tion! However, to avoid this molesta-

tion, people can‘t use technology, they

have to act themselves. If a conversa-

tion in the presence of others cannot

be avoided, a polite person will move

away from others and leave a comfort-

able distance between himself and the

other parties. For example, by leaving

the room. In addition, everyone who

heeds the following points will make

themselves popular:

10 Golden rules for using a cell-phone

1. Please always remember the basic

rules for making and receiving calls in

a public place: Wherever the peace and

quiet or the concentration of others

is likely to be disturbed, the nuisance

caused both by audible ringing tones

– primarily by the “tootling” of all pos-

sible melodies – and by being forced

to listen to the conversations of others

should be avoided.

Today within the framework of making a good first im-pression we are devoting ourselves to the question of business etiquette. There are only a few things that can put you out of contention and make a terrible first impression as quickly as lack of manners.

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2. In everyday situations such as when

shopping and when in areas with a

high density of cellphones, such as on

the train, please turn down the volume

of your ring tone and please also lower

your voice when talking.

3. During a discussion with somebody,

don‘t place your cellphone on the desk.

This implies: I am at any time ready to

interrupt this conversation with you.

The subliminal, but clear message is:

You aren‘t important to me!

4. Never interrupt an discussion – or

lose eye contact – to look at a text mes-

sage you received. This – just like send-

ing a text message – has the same nega-

tive effect.

5. Remember to also avoid annoying

tones for text messages. This applies

both to receiving and sending text mes-


6. Answer your cellphone just as you

would on a landline using the appro-

priate time of day (for example: “Good

morning, your company‘s name and

your own name). The exception is when

you only use your cellphone privately

and you see on the display that some-

body is ringing who will recognize your

voice if you just say “Yes” or “Hello” or

if you are able to greet them directly by


7. Take a call on another person‘s cell-

phone only when you have been explic-

itly authorized to do so. In this case,

answer with your name, the appropriate

greeting and in addition: “John Doe‘s


8. To avoid such situations set your

mailbox up so that after the fourth ring

you mailbox kicks into action. This is

also practical if you can‘t take a second

call while you are on the phone.

9. Please keep your mailbox greeting

brief. A sentence like: “Unfortunately

I‘m not available at this time, as I either

have no reception or I‘m currently un-

available for another reason” doesn‘t

just make the call unnecessarily expen-

sive for the person calling. It is simply

unnecessary. The reason: Everyone

knows that somebody is unavailable

when the mailbox kicks in.

10. Never use a business cellphone

number that someone has given to you

late at night or during the weekend. The

reason: Anyone can forget to switch

their mailbox on. Everybody – even in

the age of the cellphone – has a right to


And on a personal note:As a regular passenger on Swiss and

German railways, I ask you, from the

bottom of my heart, to keep in mind that

the person you are on the phone with is

free to decide if or how long they want to

continue talking to you – but your fellow

travelers, in most cases, do not :-) …

Always on top of business etiquette?

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TROJAN M A R K E T I N G nach dem Bestseller von Roman Anlanger, Studiengangsleiter an der Fachhochschule des bfi Wien

Language as a Trojan Horse

The deep-down cleanness of Ariel

UlrUlrike, a fashionably dressed woman, lays great value on

clean laundry. It has to be perfectly washed and it should also

smell good. However, in light of all the tempting advertising

slogans from the producers of detergents, what does clean re-

ally mean? Which washes really clean: the detergent with the

“gigantic cleaning power”, the one with the “megapearls”, or

the ones that are “double concentrated.” “Good advice is expen-

sive,” thinks Ulrike, who has already spent ten minutes stand-

ing in front of the goods on offer in the supermarket before fi-

nally choosing “Ariel” from Procter & Gamble, which she knows

well. What has been going on in her head?

Let us first take a look at the advertising history of Ariel. The

product came on the market in 1966 and was initially adver-

tised in Germany with the slogan “Ariel zum Reinweichen” (Ar-

iel to soak things clean). Two years later Klementine, probably

the best known protagonist in German commercial television

appeared for the first time. She always wore white dungarees

and the slogan “Ariel doesn‘t just wash clean (sauber), it washes

deep down clean (rein)” caused the pulse of many women to

speed up. Ulrike expects detergents to wash clean, that is, so to

speak, the basic assumption, the basic use of the product. How-

ever, a detergent that washes “clean” has a completely different

dimension for Ulrike. In Ariel‘s slogans the concepts of “rein”

and “sauber” were differentiated from one another. Other de-

tergents were allocated the idea of cleanness (“sauber”) while

Ariel took possession of the concept of being pristine (“rein,”

which also means “pure”). Here two concepts were separated

from one another and brought into opposition.

“In this way precisely that semantic characteristic which sepa-

rates “sauber” from “rein” is activated for the recipient. “Rein”

also has a moral quality, whereas “sauber” only has a func-

tional one. Thus Ariel is allocated the characteristic of moral

cleanness, and does so without this being expressed explic-

itly.” (Helene Karmasin, leading motivation researcher)

Language is, formulated simply, a “complex system of signs

that transports meaning.” The system of linguistic signs is

explained and investigated with the aid of semiotics. There-

by, semiotics investigates the relationship between patterns

of perception and their meaning. A subdivision of this is the

demonstration of equivalence and opposition which provides

an analytical framework for the explicit and implicit codes of

language. By means of this analytical tool, products can be

differentiated from others and positioned by means of the

linguistic expressions; they can be anchored differently in the

consumers heads and claim to be unique.

In this contribution I will deal with the question of how language can be used as a Trojan horse. Again I will cite some prac-tical examples and give guidelines and hints about how you can use these methods yourself for your own company. Using myths as an example, I will show that these archaic images can be used as vehicles (Trojan horses) for modern messages.

„nachgebende Zahnbürste“


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The possibilities of language in Trojan marketingIn order to find, in the truest since of the words, “the right

words”, it is necessary to keep a few rules in mind. The five

most important properties of effective words for marketing

have been illustrated by author Michael Brandtner in his ar-

ticle “The essence of the brand: This is how you focus your

brand on the future.”

Notional freedom of the wordThe supreme maxim here is that the word used is unique, i.e.

is not used by anybody else. As an example he gives the word

“Felsquellwasser” (rock spring water) used by Krombacher,

which was the first brewery to use this word and so positioned

itself as the No. 1 brand in the heads of consumers.

The word has to fit with the customer‘s experienceHere Brandtner cites the example of Dr. Best‘s “flexible tooth-

brush,” which guaranteed the success of the company.

Simplicity of the wordPeople love simple things and seek to avoid complexity since

this is linked with greater mental effort. The words used should

always be in the dictionary. Examples of this are: “Fahrfreude”

(joy of motoring) for BMW or “koffeinfrei” (decaffeinated) for

Kaffee Hag.

„Fahrfreude“„nachgebende Zahnbürste“„koffeinfrei“

„langlebigen“Roman Anlanger is Course Director of the course “Technical Sales Management” at the University of Applied Sci-ences bfi Vienna and is responsi-ble for the teaching and research staff. Anlanger successfully com-pleted two degrees, is a CRM manager and business trainer and also lectures at various sci-entific institutions. Anlanger is the inventor of Trojan marketing and a successful author (his best-seller is “Trojanisches Market-ing”). In addition he is in great demand as a speaker.

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TROJAN M A R K E T I N G Contrastive effect of the wordHere the same principle is used as in the case of Ariel by

bringing something into semantic opposition. For this point

Brandtner points to the example of Duracell, which contrasts

its “longlife” batteries with the “shortlife” batteries of its com-


No use of fashionable wordsThe drawback of fashionable words is that after the end of their

fashionability they have a different significance and so can be-

come negative.

On this theoretical and practical basis we will show in the fol-

lowing how language can be used as a Trojan vehicle. Here it is

always a case of charging existing language patterns in a Tro-

jan manner and diverting them into new levels of activity.

Mythological linguistic images as a Trojan methodGreek and Roman mythology offers a rich pool of linguistic im-

ages which can be used in a Trojan manner as the following

examples will show. So let us take a trip into the realm of the

gods and myths.

Sport under the banner of the goddessDo you know who assisted the father of the gods, Zeus, in his

struggle against the Titans? It was Nike, the Greek goddess of

victory. Nike is a name you will certainly know from a com-

pletely different context, namely in connection with sport. The

international manufacturer of sports articles took its name

from Greek mythology. In Antiquity it was custom to erect a

statue in honor of the goddess of victory after battles had been

won. Nike was always represented with wings, in modern times

also. An example of this is the statue of Nike on the Olympic

site in Berlin. Now let us analyze the Nike logo, the Nike tick,

also known as the “swoosh.” This is an allusion, a reference to

the wings of the Greek goddess. The implicit meaning of the

wings expresses the idea that with Nike products you will “out-

perform” your sporting rivals. In recent times the producer of

sports articles for sportsmen and women has also used adver-

tising subjects where the image has been missing. It was sym-

bolized by sportsmen and women using fictitious characters

and every viewer knew immediately that this was an advertise-

ment from Nike. Here, there is only one thing to say: A creative

piece of work!

Calling your product after the god of warLet us now make a short detour into Roman mythology. You

have surely heard at some stage of the “Rape of the Sabine

Women”. According to the legend Romulus and Remus found-

ed the city of Rome but in the city there was a great lack of

women. In order to eliminate the shortage of women Romu-

lus thought up a sneaky plan. Using the pretext that an great

spectacle was going to be staged, all the surrounding cities

were invited to Rome. The Sabines also accepted the invita-

tion and sent people to attend the spectacle. However, since

they did not see through Romulus‘s underhanded trick, the

Sabines brought no weapons with them. In the middle of the

drama the Roman soldiers attacked completely unexpectedly

and kidnapped all the women who were present. The Sabine

men swore that they would take revenge and prepared for an

expedition against the Romans. However, the women who had

been kidnapped stood between the conflicting parties and end-

ed the impending battle peacefully. So much for the legend.

The proud Sabines had, as was then usually the case, their own

god of war called Quirinus.

Let us come back to the present. In 1998 the Berliner Effekten-

bank (an investment bank) was founded and in 2006 it changed

its name to the “Quirin Bank”. The bank‘s logo is adorned with

the Sabine god of war sitting on the back of a rearing horse.

As was the case with the sporting goods manufacturer, Nike,

here too a concept with mythological associations was chosen

for the name of the company. The advantage of this technique

is that mythological words are learned socially and transport

meaning. Concepts borrowed from mythology are basically

Trojan horses since they implicitly and explicitly transport ex-

isting learned meanings into the heads of customers.

If you had asked somebody in Austria two years ago whether

they knew anything about the Hound of Hell in Greek mythol-

ogy they would in most cases have said no. Today, all Austri-

ans know the Greek Hound of Hell very well and if you ask

the question again you will get the answer Cerberus. What

has happened? The American investment company, Cerberus

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Capital Management, has bought one of the

largest banks in Austria, the Bank für Arbeit

und Wirtschaft AG (BAWAG), and through

the dissemination of the news in the media

people suddenly became aware of the name

Cerberus, the guard-dog of the Greek under-

world Hades. Here the interesting thing is the

implicit meaning because ,figuratively speaking,

Cerberus guards the customers‘ funds. A further

advantage of using mythological words is that

these have a meaning which is already manifest

and which will not change anymore. By contrast

in the case of fashionable words the meaning can

change quickly – and this can have negative conse-


In most cases mythological figures such as gods, demi-

gods, warriors, emperors etc. carry a symbolism which

can be used as an additional code for transmission of

meaning. The Greek sea god, Poseidon, who was called

Neptune by the Romans, is inseparably equipped with the

following three symbols: the chariot, the dolphin and the

best-known symbol associated with him – the trident.

One of the best-known Greek goddesses is Artemis,

who is regarded as the goddess of the hunt and

as the goddess of women and children. In Ro-

man mythology she is called Diana. The

principal symbols in her case are the bow

and arrow and the quiver belonging

to these. The well-known Austrian

product “Diana Menthol Balm” is

one that you may know. Here

too mythology provides the

template. In the brand logo

the goddess is depicted

with her bow and arrow

just before firing. Im-

plicitly this means that

Diana Menthol Balm

works quickly. Just

as quickly as an ar-


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A x e l G r a s e rdifferentiates himself as a trainer from the “usual” trainers

in MLM by the fact that he quite simply takes the principles

that are self-evident in nature as the premises for successful

work. “It does not require philosophical thinking or psycho-

logical training, we merely have to keep an eye on nature” is

his credo.

Axel Graser was born in 1948 in Tailfingen, Swabia. He grew

up in a medium-sized car dealership that his grandfather had

founded in 1924. After the War the industry boomed and so

as the eldest of two sons he was trained to take over from his

father. He learned what in those boom years passed for “man-


On the other hand, however, he was from his infancy a con-

firmed horse-lover and also dog-lover who spent as much time

as possible out in nature. In the course of this he always con-

sidered nature both as a challenge and an adventure. During

his life he has traveled much and among other places he lived

for a long time in the Canadian West. In 1992 he founded a a

company as a tour operator and was able to make his hobby

into a profession.

Axel Graser is married and has four grown-up children. He

got to know network marketing in Canada where he lived

with his family after “restructuring measures” by by the “Ford

Works” – which within a very short period pushed 450 dealers

in Germany into ruin – drove his dealership into bankruptcy.

“I therefore know from my own experience how unexpectedly

and quickly such a thing can happen and I am – unfortunately

– convinced that in the next few years many more companies

will have to go this way no matter what industry they are ac-

tive at the moment,” explains the trained businessman and

economist. That Axel Graser sees in network marketing an

“incomparable opportunity to build up a second string as a

businessman” is no wonder, after all he himself built up a

superb downline with the network company Forever Living

Products (FLP) by putting his stress on personal coaching and

“Natural Leadership.”

OBTAINER WORLDWIDE is pleased to be able in the next

few issues to make the thoughts of Alex Graser on “Natural

Leadership” accessible to a wider circle of interested people –

i.e. to you, our success-oriented readers. Look forward with us

to an inspiring, exciting and knowledgeable read.

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We live in a constantly changing world and each change, every further development faces us with new challenges. There was a time when the vast majority of people made their living in agriculture – until one day the “Industrial Revolution” with it technologi-cal inventions laid a completely different basis for work in agriculture and made many of the agricultural workers superfluous. These people were compelled to move to the towns and earn their daily bread in future in the emerging factories.

Today we find ourselves in the middle of an industrial revo-

lution again. Again the cards are being shuffled anew and

that means that we are again facing challenges that we can

either accept – or ignore. However, we will bear the con-

sequences of this ourselves. The age of full employment

as we have known it for decades and have considered to

be natural definitely belongs to the past. As a production

country we (in Germany) have been relegated to a place at

the back and the progressive technologization adds to that

by replacing more and more people by technology. Whether

you regard that as a tragedy and mourn for the “Good Old

Days” or not, does not change anything with regard to this

development. ‚Whether we recognize and use the opportu-

nities resulting from it lies in our – in your and my – hands.

We can allow ourselves to be overrun by the changing times

or we can use them!

The wheel of history cannot be put into reverse. Techno-

logical development continues and with it the reorganiza-

tion of our society as a whole – and indeed at an unprece-

dented speed. When millions of people are already without

employment today and this trend will continue to become

more acute – of that there is hardly any doubt – we have to

consider alternatives – and that can only mean self-employ-

ment. But what can/could that look lime? What risks are re-

ally bound up with that and what opportunities offer them-

selves in self-employment? Who will guarantee success?

There are three possibilities of self-employment that we

want to look at here.

The “classical” form of making yourself self-employed is to

build up your own business on the basis of the profession

or trade you were trained in. A craftsman‘s business, for ex-

ample, or a shop or whatever. That means that you devise a

business concept and with it you march off to the nice ladies

and gentlemen who say that they will “clear the way” in order

to ask them for a suitable loan. Whether you rent an busi-

ness, buy an existing one or build a new one – first you have

to dig deep into your pocket. You need tools, perhaps ma-

chines, vehicles, office equipment, a stock of good and other

things – and if you take on one or more employees, they will

expect their wages or salary to be paid on time from the very


Axel Graser:

Every crisis offers new opportunities 2

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The first question you will have to answer at the bank is

about appropriate securities. Now perhaps you have a

house that you can put up as security, or perhaps your par-

ents or a friendly aunt will sign a surety – and when every-

thing is “home free,” you can open the business. Then you

should be on the lookout for a species called “customer.”

Of course, you cannot expect that things will already be re-

ally rolling in the first month or the first quarter after you

open for business. Therefore you think about a suitable

advertising campaign. You calculate what you will have

to pay for that – and so you talk to the bank again. And

again the question of securities comes up. The opportuni-

ties grow if such a loan is granted – and also the debts. And

the struggle continues. – I do not want to continue along

this path. The fact is that most of the companies that go

bankrupt here in Germany are less than five years old. To

talk about risk, about “entrepreneurial risk” in this context

is indeed justified.

A second possibility is franchising. We all know the fran-

chise chains: McDonald‘s, Burger King, OBI Markets, In-

ter-Sport or Fressnapf for getting everything you need for

dogs, cats and canaries, BodyShop for cosmetics or compa-

nies like Auto Crew, ATU Auto Master etc. for car repairs

independent of your car model. Yes, today even private

tuition for schoolchildren is on offer from franchise sys-

tems! How does franchising work? Why is this method of

distribution so successful that these companies drive mar-

ket-leading competitors from their positions often within a

very short period and are spreading to more and more sec-

tors? – Quite simply: Here strengths are being combined

in a sensible manner!

On the one hand we have the franchiser, namely the com-

pany whose name of company emblem stands over the

business or on the vehicles. It deals with all the business

needs of market planning and the whole marketing strat-

egy, with advertising that provides the appropriate degree

of recognition, with the range of products, training courses

etc. and provides the franchisees, i.e. the people running

the businesses on the ground, with a worked-out ready-

made business concept. For that they pay a more or less

hefty sum as an investment and in addition in future they

will pay a certain share of their day-to-day turnover or

profits to the franchiser. The investment costs for the fran-

chisee can amount to several thousand, or even million,

euros or according to the significance of the company, the

sales territory and the location.

Franchising has prevailed and its triumphal march is far

from finished. Today you find it in nearly all sectors of this

system – and daily it is used by new partners!

Now human beings are characterized by the fact that when

they are successful they would like to achieve more suc-

cess. Therefore people have asked themselves how they

can continue to develop this fantastic system and so make

it even more effective. The most important capital for each

business consists of people – namely happy people. Happy

customers just as much as happy employees and happy

business partners. In order to integrate as many people as

possible into the concept and to allow them to share in its

success two obstacles had to be eliminated. The first ob-

stacle is that for a start not everybody is in the position to

or prepared to invest money – and therefore it does not

come into question for them no matter how good it may

be. The second is the limitation to one location or one sales

territory. If solutions are found for these two problems, so

people tell themselves, then a business like this must de-

velop unhindered and without limitations.

Here some people remembered a marketing strategy that

had been developed in the 1940s in the USA and had been

practiced at the time with considerable success. A company

called California Vitamins, which sold all possible items of

everyday use, was looking for ways to achieve nationwide

coverage one day. In view of the size of America and the

communications of the time this was a difficult task. So

somebody at California Vitamins had the idea of reward-

ing every customer who was happy and recommended the

company and its products to others with a small bonus.

Such an idea was at the time brand new. But it worked im-

mediately – even though this bonus was extremely modest!

Still recommendation marketing was born and its success

was quickly visible.

The resounding success of the franchising business com-

bined with the idea of the recommendation business – this

is what we call “network marketing.”

The famous scientist Prof. Dr. Zacharias, who has been

looking into the development of efficient distribution sys-

tems for years, is of the opinion that not only is network

marketing the distribution system of the 21st century par

excellence but that if anything it will also eclipse the suc-

cess of franchise systems. And innumerable people in-

volved in this business have long been proving this on a


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daily basis. The time is ripe for this idea! Whether we use the

opportunity it offers or not is something each of us will decide

on our own.

The French poet Victor Hugo once said long ago: “Nothing is

as strong as an idea whose time has come.” That is true for

all life situations and also for the professional and business

challenges we face!

What then is the difference from classical franchising and

where do numerous economic experts (Professor Zacharias

is by no means alone with his statement) get this confidence?

While a classical franchisee gets his license direct from the

franchiser, in network marketing everybody who is already

working in this business can issue such a license. This means

that everybody can “name” as many business partners as they

want; they can also say “build branches” and participate in

their success. Networkers who have understood this business

will therefore always do two things: they endeavor to increase

turnover – as is also usually the case in any other business,

whatever it may be. Because without turnover there is no

profit! That is something that should never be forgotten!

At the same time, however, they also make an effort to build

up a series of partners and to support them because they

share their partners‘ success. Although this is very simple it

seems that many people find it difficult to grasp. In the first

place this is the result of a mentality that most people have –

namely fundamental distrust of anything new. But also some-

times it is a result of envy and mistrust and also the “fear”

that somebody else might “get rich” as a result of “their work.”

The fact that they themselves are always also these “Others”

is easily overlooked. Does that not mean that giving is more

blessed than taking?

Network Marketing is a genuine revolution that is happening

before our eyes. It is not only an economic revolution, but

also a revolution in people‘s attitudes. Namely that here the

greatest success is recorded when people support the busi-

ness partners they are associated with as actively as possible,

when they pass on their own insights and knowledge, when

ultimately they look after their partners‘ businesses at least

as much as their own. The leverage at the basis of this concept

is shown by the numerous success stories in the industry that

are reported regularly by OBTAINER.

How does this work in practice? And how should be under-

stand this leverage? I want to make this clear using a simple

numerical example: Let us assume that you are absolutely

in this business and have understood that the dynamic and

power lie in the reproduction and duplication of your own

success. So you make an effort to win three partners for your

business and you support them in doing exactly what you are

doing yourself, namely to make their own normal turnover

and in addition also to find business partners. After all, your

partners‘ business is also your business.

Let us further assume that each of your partners imitates what

you have done and that after some time – with your aid – they

all also have three partners in their businesses and help them

to be successful too. What does that mean for you now? In

addition to your own commission you also receive a passive

income from your three “direct” partners and from the busi-

nesses of their nine partners; in other words you are partici-

pating in the success of twelve “downlines.” Let us now go one

small step further and calculate it all with five business part-

ners each. This means that in this case you have five direct

business partners plus 25 in the second line. Assuming that

all five of your partners have understood what you have un-

derstood and exhibit the same élan – and ensuring precisely

that is your loftiest task! In this example you are now already

earning a passive income from a share of the performance of

a total of 30 people. Here I will consciously stop playing with

numbers because multiplying things further leads to results

that sound unbelievable. But innumerable people working in

this business are living proof of what explosive force is hidden

in it – and would never again do anything else in life!

Just as in the classical franchise the whole tried and tested

business concept of the company is available in full to every

Axel Graser: Every Crisis Offers - New Opportunities


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newcomer and it only needs to be put into use. Also in this

business nothing works of its own accord; you have to work

at it. But the harvest is enormous if the seed is sown cor-

rectly! If you think how much effort each of us normally has

to put into earning our daily bread, how many hours are in-

vested in work just in order to get by again every day and

every month, then commitment in a business with such a

basic leverage should be worth all the effort. The only secret

is that you get rewarded when you help others to be success-

ful instead of concentrating exclusively on your own results.

Considering this seriously should actually not be something

that anybody would call into question no matter what job

they have, what business they run or whether they are even


Today we are being flooded by new products, technologies,

methods or whatever. Trade routes have become shorter,

communications quicker, the world smaller The transforma-

tion we are permanently subjected to is taking place today at

a breathtaking pace. Anybody who closes their eyes to it is

maneuvering themselves onto the sidelines. The old German

saying “Shoemaker stick to your last” may be a well-inten-

tioned piece of advice, but already for many who have stuck

to it it has already become a pitfall. Today we are faced with

changes and thus with challenges that are unique in history.

Whether and how we react to them is our decision alone.

There are three groups of people when the question arises of confronting something new.

The first group consists of those who face anything new with

skepticism and rejection and who pull out the stops to fight

the innovation. Their premise is: What should not be can-

not! – Now you you can talk a new idea, a new product, at

new trend or any other innovative thing admittedly to death

or discuss it to death or even prove that it is dead – but you

cannot prevent it happening if the time is ripe for it.

The second group – consisting the vast majority of people –

also takes notice of something new, they find it either super

or completely stupid (and they do not keep their opinion to

themselves even if it is just the opinion of other people which

they have adopted). But they themselves do not draw any con-

sequences from it. Afterwards they are astonished when it has

worked for others and they have to find an explanation for

it. These are the people who always speak in the conditional:

“You would have to... I would indeed... We should...” People

with this attitude will never change anything in their lives.

They will always know everything better, continue to com-

plain and unfortunately will very often be envious – but will

never do anything themselves.

Then there is the third group as well. They are not any

better informed than the other two groups, they are not

more intelligent either and we are also not talking about

“clairvoyants.”However those who belong to this group are

a little bit braver on average. The decisive question these

people ask themselves seriously when then confront some-

thing new is: “What benefit is it to me if I tackle it?”

Only these people move something in the world! Things were always that way – and they will always remain so.

I do not know which of these groups you, dear readers, belong

to? This is a question only you yourself can answer. Perhaps,

however, you should ask instead: “Which of these three groups

do I want to belong to?” In the final analysis God gave us hu-

mans something that differentiates us from the animals – and

that is free will. Surround yourself with “positive” people and

defend yourself consciously and systematically against skep-

tics and pessimists and decide yourself what you want!

There are studies that indicate that most people concern

themselves in their thoughts 98% of the time with the past

and the future and only 2% of the time with the present. What

has happened is, however, something that we can no longer

change. And what the future will bring is something that we

cannot know. But what we decide in the present is the corner-

stone on which we will build our future!

Axel Graser: Every Crisis Offers - New Opportunities


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Dr. med. Manfred Conradt


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Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Fall is slowly but surely approaching and winter is

not too far behind that. The days will become short-

er, colder, windier and rainfall will increase. This

time of year is known for its coughs, colds, hoarse-

ness, fever, fatigue and limb pains – the symptoms associated

with colds. Many of these are relatively harmless but are quite

unpleasant and can lead to being on sick leave more often,

something that can have enormous economic consequences.

Many people might like to “take sick leave” and squeeze a few

more extra days off work a year. However, for self-employed

individuals who have to work constantly every sick day is a

day without pay.

However, not every flu is harmless, particularly real influenza.

Old people and those with weakened immune systems can

be in danger of complications such as pneumonia. For some

time now, swine flu has been making its way around the globe

and has now made it to every continent. This is the reason

the WHO (World Health Organization) has declared it a pan-

demic (an infectious disease spanning countries and conti-

nents). There have already been several deaths reported and

young people have also been affected. Nobody knows what

else is in store for us, maybe the virus could evolve or per-

haps become more infectious (virulent). The pharmaceutical

industry is working hard on vaccines. There are also antiviral

agents, which are, however, not comparable to the antibiotics

we know so well. Viruses do not have their own metabolism,

they are cell parasites and like a terrorist cause the cells to

carry out their commands.

We live in constant battle with bacteria, viruses, fungi and

parasites. To survive these organisms very early in their devel-

opmental history developed defenses that are so good they are

still surprisingly effective today. We humans have a protective

outer barrier which prevents micro-organisms from entering

the body whenever possible. The skin has a so-called protec-

tive acidic coat. Its pH value (degree of acidity, i.e. chemical

hydrogen ion concentration) is approx. 5,7 (neutral 7,0) and

with this wards off the tiny intruders. Tear drops contain an

enzyme (lysozyme) which can dissolve bacteria. Pathogens

who can survive this are later confronted with the alkaline

environment of the duodenum, which doesn‘t do them any

good. The upper airways use cilia for protection. Cilia move

like a windy cornfield transporting pollutants and micro-or-

ganisms out of the body once more. In doing this, the mucus

produced is also helpful. The females vagina also produces an

acidic environment (lactic acid) using Döderlein‘s bacteria

(named after the gynecologist Albert Döderlein). The bladder

and urethra are also constantly being cleaned by the urine.

For this reason it is important to drink plenty. Everything in

the intestine that is not absorbed (incorporated) is sent back

“outside” - amazing, but true. During my time as an internist,

I carried out X-rays of the gastrointestinal tract with a bacte-

rial barium meal. Barium is normally highly toxic to humans.

In this chemical composition it, however, was not reabsorbed

by the body and was simply excreted. This is why the what

is called “bioavailability” is so important. Only the absorbed

part of a substance can have an effect on the body. For this

reason scientists have concerned themselves extensively with

bioavailability studies.

However, if pathogens are successful in breaking through our

outer barrier, our immune system kicks into action. This is

very complex and the way it has been built up is fascinating.

The organs, the thymus and the spleen, as well as tissues like

bone marrow, lymph nodes and other lymphatic tissue belong

to the immune system. The immune system can be divided

further into the innate and the acquired immune system and

also into the cellular and humoral (Latin humor = liquid).

We constantly take, food, liquid and air into our bodies. There-

fore it is understandable that the interface of these organs

(throat, lungs and intestine) have special defensive barriers

between inside and out. The tonsils are the first defender, the

bronchial system contains many defense cells (lymph nodes

etc.), the intestine with its huge surface area can accommodate

up to 80% of antibody cells. The appendix of the cecum at the

beginning of the large intestine is lined with lymph follicles.

As the old proverb goes, “death begins in the intestine”.

It is generally accepted that 90% of all infections can be suc-

cessfully fought through the innate immune defenses – the so



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Prevention“The consequence of this can only be that

we must take great care of our most pre-

cious possession, our health – as we only

have one chance!“


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to say basic equipment. This first attack will deploy leukocytes,

monocytes, macrophages, lymphocytes, natural killer cells (NK

cells), cytokines and so-called complementing systems. For-

eign and pathological cells must be identified. For this reason

the cells contain a body specific identity, that can be proven

just like with a passport, through our individual major histo-

compatability complex (MHC). However, this is unfortunately

something which can cause problems with organ transplants.

Only identical twins are completely identical.

The specific or acquired defense system targets certain anti-

gens. This system is once again divided into a cellular (T cells,

with various subgroups with various functions) and a humoral

section (antibodies). These antibodies are known as immuno-

globulins. Here several other classes with various significance

are referred to. Special memory cells memorize the foreign

antigens, so that they can react faster and more effectively if

re-exposed to these foreign antigens. Isn‘t it a wonderfully

elaborate system? The details are far more complex and can‘t

be explained in detail here.

Naturally all of this only works correctly under optimal condi-

tions. The more effort we make to adopt a healthy lifestyle,

the more effective our defense system will also be. Sensible

hygiene (especially during times of illness with frequent hand

washing), sufficient exercise (preferably in fresh air and in

natural light), relaxing sleep, relaxation and mental balance

and a healthy diet, as well as avoiding obesity, smoking, drugs

and alcohol. In my last article I reported on the production of

light dependent vitamin D and explained the meaning of this.

Some things are easily implemented, on the other hand, oth-

ers aren‘t so easy.

For many the holiday season is over. However, was it really

pure relaxation? Did you perhaps get sun burnt, catch an in-

fection (diarrhea, a cold) or herpes? These coveted free days

in the sun can also be stressful for the body, with changes in

time zone, high temperatures, intensive sun rays, increased

and unusual movement, change in diet and many, many more.

We sometimes never completely get over some infections.

The herpes virus stays in our bodies and will strike the next

time our immune system is weakened, only to disappear once

again. Viruses like chicken pox can in old age and in people with

weakened immune systems cause shingles. The HI virus (AIDS)

attacks the T cells and thus undermines the bodies defenses.

The consequence of this can only be that we must take great

care of our most precious possession, our health – as we only

have one chance! Nutrition as part of a healthy lifestyle is pre-

senting itself as a problem for more and more people. This is

because many food products are industrially processed to make

them available all year round, however not enough of them are

being consumed. The quality of fruit and vegetables is also re-

duced by selection of specific varieties, exhausted soils, unripe

harvests, length of transport and particularly long periods of

storage. Malnutrition also weakens the immune system. A solu-

tion to this could be the consumption of natural fruit, vegetable

and berry juice concentrates in order to achieve an adequate

basic supply for the general strengthening of defense forces.

In the plant kingdom, echinacea and mistletoe are worth men-

tioning. Echinacea strengthens defenses, blueberries are said to

have a healing effect on urinary tract infections and mistletoe

seems to have a positive roll in adjuvant (supporting) cancer

treatment. Professor Susan S. Percival from the USA has prov-

en in studies in line with the Gold Standard (random and place-

bo-controlled double-blind studies) that Juice PLUS+® has a

positive effect on the immune system (reported at the congress

of “European Nutraceutical Association”, ENA, in March 2007

in Berlin).

Questions to Prof. Percival: “Do you believe that it is really

necessary to take such a nutraceutical regularly in conjunc-

tion with a normal and healthy diet? Or would you say that

it is of value to take such capsules during periods of stress?”

Answer: “No, I believe it is important to consume a healthy

variety of phytonutrients.”

All I can say from my experience is that since I began regu-

larly taking this product about 11 years ago, I haven‘t spent

one day sick in bed and I‘ve been free of my frequent and

annoying herpes virus attacks. The bottom line is: “It is

never too early to begin a healthy lifestyle, but it is often

too late.”

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Juice PLUS+®

Unfortunately, the consumption of fruit and particularly the consumption of vegetables in Germany leave some-thing to be desired. In addition, deficiencies in quality occur due to long storage times, transportation andimmature crops.

The National Consumption study II (NVS) from 2008.

Remedial action can create fruit and vegetable extracts. These can be taken in addition to meals as a capsule or as a powder and contain the piths of a wide selection of different types of fruit and vegetables.

he Institute of Sports Nutrition, Bad Nauheim.

Kontakt:Dr. med. Manfred Conradt *** Internal Specialist & Nutritionist (focus on private medicine) *** Marketing Direktor of the NSA AGVehser Str. 29, 49635 Badbergen *** Tel. 05431-4646 *** Fax: 05431-902180 *** [email protected] ***

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These days time is scarce. Scarcer than ever before. Not only during their private time but above all in their jobs many people wish that the day had 30 hours or more. A not insignificant amount of our time is taken up reading information. Whether it is the newspaper, the mail, the ever-increasing number of e-mails or research on the Inter-net. We spend a large part of our day for reading automatically. And particularly in network marketing a large flow of information is normal and necessary. Anybody who has built up a larger team will know exactly how many e-mails have to be processed per day when doing so. In addition, there is the constant further training in order to keep up to date in your business. There are two different techniques that make it possible to drastically increase your reading speed and nevertheless understand the information completely – speed reading and photo reading.

Reading more quickly using Speed or Photo-Reading

With some training anybody can increase their reading speed and potential uptake

SPEED READINGSpeed reading was developed in the 1970s by the British

mind trainer, Tony Buzan. The British author, who was born

in London on June 2nd, 1942, has become world-famous

for his writing on mnemonic techniques, creativity, learn-

ing and speed reading. He is considered to be the inventor

of the Mind Map®. But the origins lie even further back.

For training purposes the Royal Air Force used a fade-in

technique for recognizing aircraft. The goal was to enable

pilots to recognize friendly and enemy at various distances

extremely quickly. For this a slide projector was used which

at first showed air battle scenes with large pictures for long

periods and then later showed tiny pictures of 1/500 sec-

ond. This training achieved impressive results. Therefore

this tachistoscopic technique was transferred to reading.

Quickly the test persons were able to increase their read-

ing sped from 200 words per minute (wpm) to 400 wpm.

However, the reading speed rapidly decreased to 200 wpm

again as soon as the training ceased. Tony Buzan was the

first person to deal with the possibilities of reading quickly

and he originated speed reading.

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Today, just as at the beginning of the 20th century the aver-

age reading speed is between 200 and 400 words per minute,

whereby most people are at the lower end of this range. While

in the course of school and study reading speed increases and

mostly by the end of this period lies around 400 wpm, this

reading speed decreases again during adulthood and sinks

down to the 200 wpm mark. With speed reading it is possible

to achieve reading speeds of 1,00 to 4,000 wpm. In the case of

scanning a text it is even possible to achieve a speed of 10,000

wpm! This is worthwhile in the case of a very long text where

it is then possible to pick out the most important topics and

unimportant details at first don not even impinge on the brain

in any detail.

The origin of speed reading lies in recognition that our brain

processes a text considerably better at higher speeds of over

400 wpm than it does at average speeds of about 200 wpm.

The goal is therefore to train the eye in such a way that two

obstructive activities of the eyes are prevented. One of these

is regression. This means the constant return to words, sen-

tences or paragraphs that we think we have understood in-

correctly or even not at all. The other is returning. This is an

unintentional return to words and sentences. The latter hap-

pens unconsciously.

The eyes can be supported with a simple aid in this training.

For this a pencil, a knitting needle or a chopstick may be used.

The reading aid is moved here along with the line which is

being read. The eye can thus follow the text significantly more

simply and straightforwardly. At the same time concentration

is increased and attention is heightened. Above all this is often

observed in children when they follow the text with their fin-

ger. Unfortunately, this is something most of them are forced

to unlearn as a “bad habit.” while reading the eye does not

move smoothly across the text. The eye stops, takes in one or

more words and then goes on to the next stopping place and

begins again from the beginning. This short glances are called

“fixations.” The first step is to increase the number of words

per fixation. It has been discovered that skilled readers need

only half as many fixations while reading a text as unskilled

ones. Even when the eye fixates on larger blocks of words and

it appears that the reader might not take everything in – no

need to worry: The brain absorbs the information just as well

or even better!

So when a text is read using a reading aid the number of words

fixated increases automatically and the reading speed is also

increased. With conventional reading only 20% of the field of

vision is used. After a while using the reading aid. 10 words



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to the left and right of each stopping place are registered. It

has also been shown that reading with fewer fixation points

is more enjoyable. Quickly the brain gets used to such large

groups and deals with them of its own accord. The reading aid

then becomes superfluous. But with this the goal has not yet

been reached. The extraordinary thing about speed reading is

the “photographing” of a text, which the brain then assembles

and analyzes. Here the field of vision is increased in such a way

that the brain processes words from the previous and follow-

ing line and registers them together. As a final step the brain is

trained to read backwards so that not every line has to be read

from left to right. In this way jumping backwards and reading

speed is doubled. Finally the reading order is changed. There

are six different methods for perfect speed reading. For these

exercises the reading aids are again necessary.

1. The S methodThe eye is moved with two lines from left to right. When the

end of the line is reached two lines are again fixated and the

eye then moves from right to left to the beginning of the line.

The whole thing is then repeated from the start.

2. The zigzag methodThe method is similar to the S-method except that here the

number of lines can be variable.

3. The ribbon methodThis method is similar to the zigzag method but it begins at

the right. In addition the number of lines is adapted to the

reader‘s rhythm, which is why it is very popular with readers.

4. The vertical wave-movement methodHere the eyes move rhythmically from left to right while mov-

ing downwards in the center of the page. This method not only

promotes reading backwards it also trains the vertical and

horizontal vision.

5. The double-sided reading-aid methodHere two reading aids are necessary. That can be the finger on

the left side of the page and a pencil on the right. Both read-

ing aids move downwards on each side of the page while the

eye reads the words between them. With this method you are

training your brain to determine the direction of movement

of the eyes.

6. The slow S MethodThis is a combination of the S, zigzag and the vertical wave-

movement methods. Here you make a series of Ss and re-

versed Ss down the page. The best possible results are with

five or six slowly falling movements from left to right until the

end of the page.



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Photo Reading has a completely different approach to

speed reading. Photo Reading was developed by Paul R.

Scheele. The basis of this reading method is the mode of

operation of the subconscious. As a first step the reader

must get a short general idea of the structure of the read-

ing material. After that the Photo Reading proper begins.

The reading material is leafed through page by page but

the eyes do not fixate the text. In this way the text is trans-

ferred into the subconscious. After the Photo Reading

follows the incubation period. That means that the brain

processes the information. That is why a recovery phase

is important immediately after the Photo Reading. Finally

the contents read have to be activated in order to transfer

them into the consciousness. For activation two further

reading runs are necessary. In the course of these the text

should be looked through using two different methods.

Paul R. Scheele advises the use of the creativity technique

known as Mind Mapping® because here the brain receives

optimal support.

Not every type of reading material is suitable for Photo

Reading since the text is registered subconsciously. The

text reaches the consciousness in a different way from

conventional reading or speed reading. Therefore reading

speeds of 25,000 wpm and more are possible. However

there is no doubt that it works.

1. PreparationFree yourself from the conventional way of reading and get

into the new technique. Fears and doubts will lose ground

with continuing practice. Consider it as a game where you

will discover new things. You should have a sheet of paper

and a pencil available and allow yourself enough time to do

the photo reading. Take the reading material and place it on

the table in front of you. Determine what the reading mate-

rial is about what you hope to gain from it. In this way your

subconscious will recognize what significance it has for you.

Then start to relax. Close your eyes and allow your thoughts

to run freely. As soon as you feel relaxed count down from

10 to 1. With each number you will become looser and your

breathing will become quieter and more relaxed. As soon as

you reach 12 think of something nice such as, for example,

a rainbow or a personal experience. If all goes well you will

no be in the alpha state – a state of total relaxation with

simultaneous high alertness. In the alpha state a person can

learn particularly well. Think again of the reading material

and why you want to read it. Then open your eyes.

2. OverviewNow read the title of your reading material, the table of con-

tents, the preface, the short biography of the author or other

things that do not have anything directly to do with the text.

In this way you will become more familiar with the topic of the

reading material. After that leaf without interruption through

the text from beginning to end and look out for words that

stand out. These can occur often, are written in bold or italic

type or you may notice them for other reasons. Write down

the trigger words and read through you notes again. Try to

write down the content of the text in two or three sentences.

3. Photo ReadingRelax again and close your eyes. Let your thoughts run freely

and breathe deeply in and out. Imagine that you have a a fra-

grant orange in your hand. Visualize the orange as if it were re-

ally there. Now move the orange to the back of your head and

let it go. Since it is a magic orange it stays stuck there. Now the

photo reading begins. Open your eyes and start with the first

page of the text. There are two variants of Photo Reading.

A: Try to look through the text. For this you should fixate on

a point behind the text. When the letters in the text appear to

be out of focus you are on the right road. A sort of additional

page that is narrower ought to appear. This view is something

you must retain the whole time.

B: Imagine a cross that is hovering above the page and the

ends of which reach into the corners of the text. Concentrate

on all four corners and the middle of the text. Here too the let-

ters will go out of focus.

With the out-of-focus view leaf through the pages from begin-

ning to end. Always linger on each page for only a few seconds.

Try to maintain a speed that is as steady as possible. Think

of something else while you are leafing through. That can be

the lyrics of a song, a poem, a formula or something similar.

Under no circumstances may you consciously notice the text.

When you are ready, relax a bit again. Then do something

else because now the incubation period is beginning. You will

know nothing of the text at all yet. The brain is now processing

what has been read unconsciously and that takes at least an

hour. It is better if you wait a whole day.

4. ActivationNow it is a question of becoming conscious of the information

recorded subconsciously so that you can use the information.

Relax again and think about the topic of the text. Go thorough

the text again now by moving your eyes down the page in the

middle from top to bottom. I a place is particularly interest-



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ing read it more closely. However, beware of reading the text

completely. Make notes for yourself on the topic of the text – or

better, create a Mind Map®. Do not use more than 10 minutes

for this and avoid consideration that is too strenuous. Photo

Reading is supposed to be fun.

5. Rapid ReadingWith this you can gather still more information for your con-

sciousness and understand still more of the text. Read the text

completely from start to finish without pausing. Read signifi-

cantly quicker than you normally do. Skim through the para-

graphs that appear familiar and read parts more slowly when

these contain new information. Through this variation of the

speed you gather the last information into your consciousness.

If you would like to learn both reading techniques, speed read-

ing and Photo Reading, start with Photo Reading. In the case

of speed reading it is primarily a question of fixation, whereas

with Photo Reading you have to give up fixation. However giv-

ing up fixation is all the harder if this has first been promoted

by speed reading.



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Daniela Claudia Szasz

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Here are some examples of a few things that are in there:

- Learn a foreign language

- Get a free upgrade on a flight

- Throw a dart at a map: go wherever it lands

- Read the most important books of all time

- Live to be 100

- Learn the meaning of your name

- Save someone’s life

- Quit your job

- Buy everyone in the bar a drink

- Make your sex life more exciting and so on and so on

So you need some humor with the whole thing and for this

reason I hoped I would find one particular point. I would have

been able to check that off my list straight away. But no matter

how intensely I searched, I didn‘t find it. That point needs to

be expanded…

I‘m talking of “paying taxes“ because that is something every-

one has to do them before they die. It is not quite so enjoyable,

but let’s now imagine the fun parts.

Am I hearing a long, drawn-out “Aaaaahhhh? Stay away from me!“

Relax; this is not a dissertation about the internal revenue ;)

What is interesting about taxes: Some hate them, others evade

them, others see them as a necessary evil, others flee from

them – but no one loves them.

No one enjoys them with the exception of tax consultants, who

really love them because they earn their money from our taxes

and they regularly send it with great enthusiasm to the IRS (a

bit of humor is necessary).

Do you know the film “Meet Joe Black” with Brad Pitt and

Sir Anthony Hopkins? It‘s superb how among other things

the subject of taxes is dealt with there. There you can hear:

“Nothing is as certain in life as death and taxes.“ An inter-

esting sentence which I know since then. J

Because I have been dealing with it for more than 13 years,

I have developed a pretty good feeling about how important

this subject is in certain countries (especially Germany and


Above all when tax consultant (who is also only human)

makes an occasional mistake. It was 2000 when the fol-

lowing happened: I happily flew around the world to build

my business in the good old networking fashion. I was per-

fectly content with myself and with the world.

Right on time every month I sent my neatly filed accounts

to my tax consultant, who as always booked everything on

time and sent them back to me and I regiularly sent either

the VAT or other advance payments to the tax office. Like

I said: I was quite happy and always virtuously set some

money aside so that I could always pay my taxes on time.

Both my tax consultant and the tax office were not exactly

the cheapest items in my accounts, but “what must be must

be” I thought, and I “was at ease.”

In addition, at that time I also had a financial coach who

also double-checked everything and told me in advance

how much money I had to set aside, so I really had noth-

ing to worry about. I then came home from a business trip

to Morocco and was planning a longer trip abroad to build

my business further. Then my financial coach came by to

throw a monkey wrench into the works, something I will

never forget.

Duty or Free Will?I am not sure if you are familiar with the book by Richard Horne: “101 things to do before you die.“ In any case, I sat

down and studied all 101 things, looking at those of which I have done and those of which I haven’t.

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She explained to me without hesitation that the accountant

had made a mistake that I had not noticed, and for this rea-

son I owed a large back-payment for the previous year, which

as a result would change all my advance payments retrospec-

tively so that I would have to pay about 60.000 euros within

3 months.

Can you imagine to some extent how I felt at that moment;

how the rug was pulled out from under my feet? I could not

understand how such a mistake could be made. I regularly

paid three people (my tax consultant, who was also an accoun-

tant, my bookkeeper and my financial coach) so that every-

thing would run smoothly – and then something that was ex-

tremely important had nevertheless been overlooked (at least

in Germany)?

I was angry, but that didn’t help – the money had to be paid.

They all apologized to me, but did that help? A few short

months later I fired my financial coach, and my tax consul-

tant, but the damage had been done.

Then I remembered a saying from the famous German chat-

show host Harald Schmid. He said once in his Late Show: “In

Germany the rich are those who can pay their taxes without

taking out a loan to do so.” I had just barely escaped getting

into debt, but I understood very well what he meant.

As a result of this experience I tried to gain some insight into

the whole question of taxes and to understand it a bit. Up un-

til that point I “only” did what people told me to do. After all,

I was busy building up my business and for “something like

that” I just did not have the time. However, the truth is: If you

do not want to deal with that, than you have to live somewhere

else, in other words, in another country that is a bit more re-

laxed about these things. My easiest year – as far as bureau-

cracy goes – was when I lived in Asia. I did not know how

easy-going everything could be until I lived there. Not quite

as relaxed – but easier than here – was the year that I spent

in Switzerland. In Switzerland, for example, tax evasion (re-

gardless of whether it is intentional or completely the result of

ignorance) is not a criminal offense.

You simply make a back-payment and you’re done. In Ger-

many I would prefer not to risk anything like that. Think of

Boris Becker, or Steffi Graf’s father, or many others. Other

countries have different customs and rules. For example,

American citizens have to pay taxes in the USA without any

regard where they live or work on this planet – simply because

they have an American passport. France has a very friendly

and simple tax system for people whose businesses are still

starting up. That changes when you earn a lot of money. J

I myself, as many of you know, never wanted to return to

Germany. But since I am here, I have to adjust again. It very

quickly dawned on me why I hadn‘t wanted to come back: Af-

ter almost 10 years my bookkeeper made another mistake that

would also have cost me money unnecessarily. But because I

had learned to keep an eye on things myself, I had the feeling

that there must be a mistake somewhere. I ran my tax records


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by a neutral person and look – I was right! My tax con-

sultant was overworked and had too many clients and this

sort of thing just happens occasionally.

Now I have once again changed my tax consultant. Mis-

takes with taxes are something that I am not prepared to

accept anymore. What is the most important thing in this

case? The most important thing is that I now try to keep

track of my taxes, look at them, and try to understand what

is going on. I am definitely not a tax professional, and I

never want to become one, but I should know enough to

understand my tax return. Because: when I pay too much

(or too little in the short term) I have to foot the bill and

never my tax consultant! Tough, isn’t it! In this case you

really think: What am I paying for then…?

Okay. Why have I been telling you all of this? Do I want to

bother you with it? Too many networkers underestimate

what they can do on their own, and still have an “employee

mentality,” even though they are self-employed. I can give

you a few tips from my own experience about what to look

out for:

· The moment you decide to work with all your power in

MLM register a company!

· Look for an inexpensive tax consultant and sign up for a

monthly business assessment (at the beginning it should

be around 80 to 100 euros a month).

· Learn how to read your business assessment

· Collect all your receipts, bills etc. even if you still do not

have a tax advisor, you will find one and he can book them


· Send your business registration to the company that

sends you your monthly commission checks. Then you

will receive checks including the value added tax. How-

ever, you can only spend a limited amount of this money,

because it will flow away again. Make sure somebody ex-

plains the “prepaid tax game” carefully to you

· Become familiar with the tax regime for small businesses in your

country and learn the most important details.

· Have a business account, a private account, and an account for

your tax reserves.

· If you ever get the feeling that somewhere in your documents

there is a mistake, make sure that you get it checked by another

tax consultant.

· Have one or two people that you can always call if something

should happen to you (through no fault of your own) and you

unintentionally wind up in a bad spot. J In some countries that

happens faster than in others. May you never have to experience


There are certainly more things that need to be taken into consid-

eration, but these are a few points at a glance. If you don‘t have

the time for this whole business and you can afford it: Pay some-

one to do it for you! However, do not underestimate it!

And now to close, something to make you smile from the book

“101 things to do…”

· Pull the perfect practical joke or April Fool’s day prank on a


With that in mind: Have fun! ;-)

Yours truly,

Dany Szasz


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The Falcon SymbolGold, luxury cars and villas aren‘t status symbols in Arab countries

The luxury on show in the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E), is like a fairytale from 1001 nights. Expensive villas, splendid hotels, luxury cars and jewelry made from the finest materi-als the world has to offer. While in the Western world such things are status symbols of wealth, they form part of every-day live in the Emirates. Those who would like to reach and maintain high standards, own a falcon, which is trained on a falconry.

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A falcon – in this region, is a symbol of

lifestyle. It stands for pride, freedom

and class. The strong love for this no-

ble animal can be seen in many varia-

tions. The falcon is the heraldic animal

of Abu Dhabi. It graces money and

stamps. A four story concrete falcon

greets golfers to Abu Dhabi‘s golf club and the hotel, manage-

ment and tourism training college is called ‚Falcon College‘.

A particularly well trained, fearless and beautiful falcon

which is as swift as an arrow can easily cost 100,000 Euro.

The most expensive falcon in the world is the Gyr Pure. A

particularly fine specimen can cost 150,000 Euro. In Abu

Dhabi the average price of a falcon is between 20,000 and

50,000 Euro. Most of the falcons at the falconry are fe-

male. They are around a third lager than the male and

are more aggressive in the hunt: The heavier, the larger

the prey that can be hunted. While swooping a falcon can

reach speeds of 280 km/h. In the United Arab Emir-

ates, falcons and falconries are a centuries old tradition.

Before the Arabs discovered the “black gold” under their feet,

Bedouins used the peregrine falcons to hunt. While falcons

flew over the desert en route to their winter home, they were

caught by the Bedouins. The more success the falconer had,

the higher his reputation was. In addition to food security,

the falconry was an aphrodisiac. After the hunting season, the

falcons were released once again. However, this tradition no

longer exists. Since 2002, trapping and caging falcons from

the hunting ground is prohibited. Today all falcons are bred.

Most falcons bred come from Germany, Great Britain and the


However, in the Arab region, falcons aren‘t just any ordi-

nary pet. On the contrary. They belong to the family and are

treated exactly like a family member. Family, is of particular

importance to the Arabs. Abu Dhabi has the largest and best-

equipped veterinary clinic specifically for falcons. Today, the

clinic have some 18 employees and even has a high-tech labo-

ratory. Of the four laboratory staff, one is a doctor for molecu-

lar biology and another has a masters degree in microbiology.

The clinic also contains the latest technological tools the world

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has to offer. Every year 4,000 falcons are treated here. Among

these are the falcons of the ruling families of the Emirates.

A detailed medical file for each falcon is filled out and they

are treated like royalty. Birds of prey are strong hunters, how-

ever they are also very illness prone. The diagnosis‘s can range

from eye problems and injuries to breathing difficulties and

foot conditions. Air conditioning and fungal spores pose a se-

rious problem to this animal. “Infections, ulcers and fungal

infections of the foot are often a result of incorrect posture

and lack of preparedness”, explains Dr. vet. Müller.

The hospital also serves as summer accommodation for the

falcons. During the summer, hunting can not take place, as

the birds begin to molt. If too many feathers are shed, the

animal may bled to death. In the summer quarters the falcons

claws and beaks are trimmed and the bird is cared for around

the clock. In special aviaries, similar size birds rub shoulders.

Here, they can move around comfortably and train their mus-

cles. Diet is also specially adjusted to meet the requirements

of the birds of prey: quails, mice and vitamins ensure strong

feathers. Some 40 falcons spend their “summer holidays” in

the hospital.

The first – indirect - written record about a falconry in the

Middle East goes as far back as the Talmud (about 250 BC).

Around 600 AD, texts about hawking were put together by

Byzantine, Persian and Indian doctors at the court of the Sas-

sanid Empire. A century later Emir Adham ibn Muhriz al

Bahili collected all written texts about hawking. He didn‘t just

concentrate on Arabic texts, he collected everything and read

them when they had been translated into Arabic. In Damas-

cus, between 720 and 730, Al-Gitrif a-Gassani compiled all

texts that were collected into one work both for himself

and on behalf of Emir Adham. Al-Gitrif was the top hunter

in the court of Kalif al-Walid II between 724 -744. Kalif

Hischam was the top hunter in Damascus. In 775, the Ca-

liph of Arabia, Caliph Abu Abdallah Muhammad al-Mahdi,

was given a book about the falconry from Byzantium. Fol-

lowing this, Al-Gitrif received an instruction to collect all

known works. It took him ten years to compile an overall

work about the falconry with that of the Turkish Chacans.

This ancient work was constantly changed by authors. So

two versions exist, the al-Haggag version or the Iskandar

version. In both, the illnesses affecting falcons are at the

foreground of the book. Noways, there are numerous pub-

lications on this topic, however all of them contain findings

from al-Gitrif‘s work.

Hawking isn‘t just a hunting sport. It is seen as an art, as a

strong relationship between the falconer and the falcon is

required. Raising a falcon is a very time consuming process.

Hawking has nothing to do with dressage or blind obedi-

ence, as is the case with a hunting dog. Therefore, a trusting

relationship is absolutely crucial when training falcons. A

lure and hide ball are used for training. The lure is the most



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important tool when training falcons, it teaches them how

to hunt in the air. The lure is usually a fabric or leather pil-

low with bird wings attached to it. The lure is then attached

to a two meter long cord.

The lure is used to tame the falcon and also used as a signal

to return to the falconer. For this reason, a piece of meat is

attached to the lure before the falconer throws the “bait”

above his head in a lasso motion. As soon as the falcon sees


the circling lure, it will plunge on the prey from the air. The

meat is used as an immediate reward for a successful hunt.

With the hide ball, hunting on the ground is practiced.

Similar to the lure, the hide ball is a pillow, that is thrown

across the ground on a long cord. Instead of wings, it is

made of hares skin or of something similar. A piece of meat

is also attached to this as a reward. Falconries are prevalent

the world over. However, it is only the Arabs who have such

a great love for this tradition and bird of prey.

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