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G. Saio, E. Roccatagliata, M. Carbonaro

6th EC-GI and GIS WorkshopThe Spatial Information Society – Shaping the Future

Lyon 28th – 30th June 2000

LEONARDO PROJECT N°I/96/2/0113/PI/ii.1.1.c/CO/NT

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LEONARDO PROGRAMMEI Vocational training system and arrangements in the Member States

II Innovation in vocational training including University/Industry cooperation

III Development of language skills and dissemination actions in vocational training

MEASURES Pilot projects Placement and Exchange Programmes Survey and analysis

LEONETWORKStrand II Network pilot project

Duration: December ’96 – March 2000

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LEONETWORK OBJECTIVES to develop the University-Enterprise Training cooperation in the GIS


to carry out actions of vocational guidance and skill assessment; to involve regional development actors in this context of training and

transfer of knowledge.

to organise and manage trans-national placement and exchangeprogrammes;

to develop methods of assessing training needs; to create an environment where developing and delivering innovative

GIS training initiatives;

to face the emergence on the labour market of new qualifications oroccupations, also in connection with professional organisations;

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LEONETWORK PARTNERSHIP GISIG (Network coordination) About 50 organisations:

- -GIS users (technical companies, service and professionalorganisations, Local Bodies),

- GIS technology providers and developers,- GIS educators and researchers (Universities and Research


Leonetwork Regional/National focal points- ANDIP (GR)

- University of Girona (Northern Spain)

- University of Seville (Southern Spain)

- USIG (P)


Professional organisations involved at a National level

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• ASSOCIATION LEVELUniversity - Enterprise cooperation on GIS

• REGIONAL LEVELRegional Focal Points (GISIG Secretariats) toimplement the network at a Regional/National level

• THEMATIC LEVELEstablishment of GISIG subnetworks on GISapplication domains


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ACTIVITIES AT NATIONAL/REGIONAL LEVEL promotion and support of transnational student placements and staff

exchange programmes, involving sending and hosting organisations;

support to training and technology transfer initiatives on GIS, with aparticular effort in actions towards Professional Organisations andRegional Development operators;

diffusion of information at a local/regional/sectoral level - concerning theLEONETWORK and GISIG initiatives (through distribution of material,organisation of seminars and thematic meetings);

support to the Thematic Networks with promotion of the participation bylocal organisations in the networks and in the related activities;

organisation of Leonetwork workshops;

creation and maintenance of Data Bases on the partners and on otherGIS operators and users, at a National level.

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•To explore the complementarity between GIS and the thematic domains

•To establish partnership with interest groups of the thematic


•To promote the cooperation among universities, enterprises, Research Institutes, Local Bodies operating in GIS and in the thematic domains

•To find out and classify Best Practice in GIS for...

•To promote and organise mobility within the thematic network

•To promote awareness and training activities


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• HISTOCITY GIS for Historical Cities promoted by Dipartimento Processi e Metodi della Produzione Edilizia - Università di Firenze

• ICAM-GIS GIS for Integrated Coastal Area Management jointly promoted by ICCOPS and GISIG

• WATER-GIS GIS for Water Environment jointly promoted by Techware and GISIG

• RURAL-GIS GIS for supporting sustainable development of rural areas promoted by GISIG


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TMR EUROCONFERENCES on Sustainable Development ofHistorical Cities supported by GIS tools.Florence ’98, Siracusa ’99, Seville ’00

ICAM-GIS- Support in the organisation of the International Conference

“Education and Training in Integrated Coastal Area Management– The Mediterranean Prospect” (Genoa, May ‘98)

- Organisation of a Poster Session on GIS and Coastal AreaManagement during the Conference

- Participation in the LIFE project “AQUARIUS”, focused on seaoutfalls management problems

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RURAL-GISSupport to the organisation of a series of Conferences “Il Mare inbasso” focused on the problems of the Mediterranean mountainareas

WATER-GISProposal for the development of a Thematic Network within the 5th

FP (with the adhesion of about 50 organisations)

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LEONETWORK GISIG: THEMATIC NETWORKS 3The Thematic Networks approach 3The GISIG Thematic Networks 5

ICAM-GIS GIS for Integrated Coastal Area Management 8Rationale for establishment and introdution to ICAMGIS 8ICAMGIS: a background document for a GISIG European network on GIS for Integrated CoastalManagement 9Questions for an effective role of GIS in ICM 13

RURAL-GIS GIS for supporting sustainable development of rural areas 6Rationale for establishment 6"Il Mare in Basso" Conferences 7

WATER-GIS GIS FOR WATER MANAGEMENT 21WATER-GIS: A Thematic Network in GIS for Water Domain 23

Histocity Network – what is it? 25TMR HYSTOCITY ’98 EuroConferences (Florence, April 1998): 252nd TMR EuroConference HISTOCITY 99 Euroconference (Siracusa, April 1999) 27HISTOCITY 2000 presentation 27

ANNEXES 29Thematic Network Registration Form 30Organisations registered to the Thematic Networks 32Conference "Education and traning in integrated coastal area management: the mediterraneanprospect" documents about ICAM-GIS form the proceedings 33RuralGIS: some material from "Il Mare in Basso" Conference 39

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Student placementsGrant for placement of university students or recentgraduates in Companies for a “Training on the job”.Duration: 3-12 months

Staff ExchangesFrom University to Enterprises or viceversa to supporttraining actions.Duration: 2-12 weeks

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TRANSITORY MEASURES COMETT/LEONARDO 8 student placements (39 months)

MOBILITY APPROVED (for 1996) Leopeople - 23 student placements (112 months)Leostaff - 3 staff exchanges (22 weeks)

MOBILITY APPROVED (for 1997) Leopeople II - 32 student placements (158 months)Leostaff II - 8 staff exchanges (29 weeks)

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MOBILITY APPROVED (for 1998) Europlacements - 56 student placements(247 months) *Eurostaff - 10 staff exchanges (30 weeks)

MOBILITY APPROVED (for 1999) GIStaff - 17 staff exchanges (42 weeks) *

MOBILITY APPROVED (for 2000) THEMA-GIS - 24 student placements (120 months) *

* Including grant-holders from CZ, H, RO

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LEONETWORK WORKSHOPS The Importance and Challenge of GIS Technology in

Finnish Society (FIN)

Interoperable GI for Local and Regional Development(P)

Territorial Information Management and newprofessional skills (I)

Prospects in GIS Training in Hellas (GR)

GIS training Universities and firms in Helsinki (FIN)

GIS Labour Market (E)

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Leonetwork GISIGLeonardo Sectoral Network on GIS

Dossier on GIS and Interoperability

Index1. The Open GIS Consortium and Europe (published in GIS Europe, 98)2. Open GIS in Europe: the GIPSIE Project (GISIG Bullettin, 99)3. IfGI and Interoperable GIS (GISIG Bulletin, 99)4. Open GIS – weshalb und wozu? (published in Neue Zuericher Zeitung, CH, 99)5. Open GIS – an interoperable future (Leonetwork Workshop, GISPlanNet, Lisboa 98)6. Interoperability of GIS (4th SAI User Seminar, Baveno, I, May 1999)7. Nutzbarkeit durch Offenheit: OpenGIS, EVU und Oeffentlichkeit (GISnet 99, Wiesbaden, D)

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to create links between request and offer inGIS Education and Training, to improveeffectiveness of actions in this field

to create conditions for integrating GISEducation offer

to assess on trans-national basis some issuesof GIS Education and Training

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the background: a network of GIS skills in the users a pool of GIS needs

the method: assessment of the current situation of GIS Educationand Training from the side of users (questionnaire)

polling on the user needs and application fields collection of the skills offered by users

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SKILL AND TRAINING NEED ANALYSISoutputs: Reports at European and national level (D, PT, E, Fin,


feedbacks from the questionnaires: interest into collaboration / difficult to collaborate weak transnationality of the courses…….. “education is for University” “private courses are more actual” “exchange of experience and knowledge of actual

problems is very important” “the courses are attractive and interesting but in most

cases the approach is for theory non for effectiveness”

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