  • Oregon



    Chapter 436

    Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services

    Workers’ Compensation Division

    July 13, 2020

  • ii


    (See specific rule divisions for detailed tables of content.)


    CHAPTER 436 Division Title Order Last Revised

    Number Effective

    001 -------- Procedural Rules, Attorney Fees, and General Provisions .......................................... 20-052 ............................ 4/1/20

    008 -------- Electronic Medical Billing Rules .................................................................................... 14-058 ............................ 1/1/15

    009 -------- Oregon Medical Fee and Payment ................................................................................ 20-059 .......................... 7/13/20

    010 -------- Medical Services ............................................................................................................. 19-061 ............................ 1/1/20

    015 -------- Managed Care Organizations ....................................................................................... 19-062 ............................ 1/1/20

    030 -------- Claim Closure and Reconsideration ............................................................................. 20-050 ............................ 3/1/20

    035 -------- Disability Rating Standards .......................................................................................... 20-051 ............................ 3/1/20

    040 -------- Workers’ with Disabilities Program ............................................................................. 08-055 ............................ 7/1/08

    045 -------- Reopened Claims Program............................................................................................ 08-056 ............................ 7/1/08

    050 -------- Employer/Insurer Coverage Responsibility ................................................................. 19-057 ............................ 1/1/20

    055 -------- Certification of Claims Examiners ............................................................................... 19-063 ............................ 1/1/20

    060 -------- Claims Administration .................................................................................................. 20-054 ............................ 4/1/20

    070 -------- Workers’ Benefit Fund Assessment .............................................................................. 19-055 & 19-065 ........... 1/1/20

    075 -------- Retroactive Program ...................................................................................................... 17-063 ............................ 1/1/18

    080 -------- Noncomplying Employers ............................................................................................. 18-062 .......................... 6/19/20

    085 -------- Premium Assessment ..................................................................................................... 19-058 & 19-066 ........... 1/1/20

    100 -------- Workers’ Compensation Benefits Offset ...................................................................... 15-064 ............................ 1/1/16

    105 -------- Employer-at-Injury Program ....................................................................................... 19-059 ............................ 1/1/20

    110 -------- Preferred Worker Program .......................................................................................... 19-067 ............................ 1/1/20

    120 -------- Vocational Assistance to Injured Workers .................................................................. 18-059 ............................ 8/1/18

    140 -------- Construction Carve-Out Programs .............................................................................. 19-068 ........................... 1/1/20

    150 -------- Workers’ Benefit Fund Claims Program ..................................................................... 09-062 ............................ 1/1/10

    160 -------- Electronic Data Interchange; Medical Bill Data ......................................................... 14-056 .......................... 10/1/14

    162 -------- Electronic Data Interchange; Proof of Coverage ........................................................ 14-061 ............................ 4/1/15

    170 -------- Independent Contractors............................................................................................... 07-050 ............................ 2/1/07

    180 -------- Worker Leasing ............................................................................................................... 18-057 ............................ 7/1/18

    PLEASE NOTE: This is a complete compilation of chapter 436 of the Oregon Administrative Rules as of June 12, 2020. Please

    contact the Workers’ Compensation Division to find out about recently issued rules (with future effective dates), or visit the

    division’s “New rules” webpage:

    HISTORY LINES: These rules include only the most recent "History" lines. The history line shows when the rule was last

    revised and its effective date. To obtain a comprehensive history for OAR chapter 436, please visit the division’s website:





    Order No.


    436-001-0003 Page 1 436-001-0004





    Effective April 1, 2020



    436-001-0003 Applicability and Purpose of these Rules ....... 1 436-001-0004 Definitions ...................................................... 1 436-001-0005 Model Rules for Rulemaking .......................... 2 436-001-0009 Notice of Division Rulemaking ...................... 2 436-001-0019 Requests for Hearing ...................................... 2 436-001-0023 Other Filings and Submissions ....................... 3 436-001-0027 Timeliness; Calculation of Time ..................... 3 436-001-0030 Role of the Workers’ Compensation

    Division .......................................................... 3 436-001-0170 Duties and Powers of the Administrative

    Law Judge ....................................................... 4 436-001-0225 Scope of Review/Limitations on the

    Record ............................................................. 4 436-001-0240 Exhibits and Evidence .................................... 5 436-001-0246 Proposed and Final Orders - Exceptions,

    Correction, Director Review ........................... 5 436-001-0252 Stay of Director and Administrative

    Review ............................................................ 6 436-001-0259 Ex Parte Communication ................................ 6 436-001-0296 Settlements and Dismissals ............................. 6 436-001-0400 General Provisions and Requirements for

    Attorney Fees Awarded by the Director ......... 6 436-001-0410 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.385(1) ....................................................... 6 436-001-0420 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.262(11) ..................................................... 7 436-001-0430 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.262(12) ..................................................... 7 436-001-0435 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.277(1) ....................................................... 7 436-001-0440 Time Within Which Attorney Fees Must

    be Paid ............................................................ 7 436-001-0500 Refund of Overpayments ................................ 7 436-001-0600 Multilingual Help Page ................................... 7 436-001-0610 Duty to Forward Misdirected Request ............ 8 436-001-0700 Access to Public Records and Workers’

    Compensation Claim Records ........................ 8

    436-001-0003 Applicability and Purpose of these Rules (1) OAR 436-001-0005 through 436-001-0009 establish

    supplemental procedures for rulemaking under ORS chapter

    183 and apply to all division rulemaking on or after the date the

    rules are effective.

    (2) OAR 436-001-0019 through 436-001-0296 establish

    supplemental procedures for hearings on matters within the

    director’s jurisdiction.

    (a) In general, the rules of the Workers’ Compensation Board

    in OAR chapter 438 apply to the conduct of hearings, unless

    these rules provide otherwise.

    (b) Except for OAR 436-001-0030, these rules do not apply to

    hearings requested under ORS 656.740.

    (c) These rules apply to hearings held on or after the date the

    rules are effective.

    (3) OAR 436-001-0400 through 436-001-0440 apply to

    attorney fees awarded by the director under ORS 656.262,

    656.277, and 656.386, and to attorney fees awarded by the

    director or administrative law judge under ORS 656.385(1).

    (a) These rules apply to orders issued on or after the date the

    rules are effective, regardless of the date the claim was filed.

    (b) For attorney fees that are ordered to be paid in

    reconsideration proceedings under ORS 656.268(6), OAR 436-

    030-0175 applies.

    (4) OAR 436-001-0500 applies to any refund or credit

    processed by the director on or after the date the rule is

    effective, regardless of the date the payment was received.

    (5) The director may waive procedural rules as justice

    requires, unless otherwise obligated by statute. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704, ORS ch. 183

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0004 Definitions (1) Unless a term is defined in these rules or the context

    otherwise requires, the definitions of ORS chapter 656 and ORS

    183.310 are incorporated by reference and made a part of these


    (2) For the purpose of these rules:

    (a) “Administrative law judge” means an administrative law

    judge appointed by the Workers’ Compensation Board, as

    defined in OAR 438-005-0040.

    (b) “Board” means the Workers’ Compensation Board and

    includes its Hearings Division.

    (c) “Delivered” means physical delivery to the division’s

    Salem office during regular business hours.

    (d) “Director” means the director of the Department of

    Consumer and Business Services or the director’s designee.

    (e) “Division” means the Workers’ Compensation Division of

    the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

    (f) “Filed” means mailed, faxed, emailed, delivered, or

    otherwise submitted to the division in a method allowable under

    these rules.

    (g) “Final order” means a final, written action of the director.

    (h) “Mailed” means addressed to the last known address, with

    sufficient postage and placed in the custody of the U.S. Postal


    (i) “Party” refers to a party to the hearing and may include,

    but is not limited to, a worker, an employer, an insurer, a self-





    Order No.


    436-001-0005 Page 2 436-001-0019

    insured employer, a managed care organization, a medical

    provider, or the division.

    (j) “Proposed and final order” means an order subject to

    revision by the director that becomes final unless exceptions are

    timely filed or the director issues a notice of intent to review the

    proposed and final order. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704, ORS ch. 183

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19


    436-001-0005 Model Rules for Rulemaking

    The Model Rules for Rulemaking, OAR 137-001-0005

    through 137-001-0100, in effect on Jan. 1, 2008, adopted by the

    Oregon Department of Justice under ORS 183.341, are adopted

    as the rules of procedure for rulemaking actions of the Workers’

    Compensation Division.

    {ED. NOTE: The full text of the Model Rules is available

    from the Department of Justice, the division, or on the Oregon

    State Archives website at

    001.html.} Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 183.325 through 183.410

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0009 Notice of Division Rulemaking (1) Except when adopting a temporary rule, the division will

    give prior public notice of the proposed adoption, amendment,

    or repeal of any rule by:

    (a) Publishing notice of the proposed rulemaking action in the

    Secretary of State’s Oregon Bulletin at least 21 days before the

    effective date of the rule;

    (b) Notifying interested people and organizations on the

    division’s notification lists of proposed rulemaking actions

    under ORS 183.335; and

    (c) Providing notice to legislators as required by ORS


    (2) A person or organization may elect to receive email or

    hard-copy notification of proposed rulemaking actions of the


    (a) A person or organization may elect to subscribe to the

    division’s email notification service at


    (b) A person or organization may elect to receive hard-copy

    notification by sending a request in writing, including the

    person or organization’s full name and mailing address, to the

    following address:

    Rules Coordinator

    Workers’ Compensation Division

    P.O. Box 14480

    Salem, OR 97309-0405 Statutory authority: ORS 656.726 (4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 183.335 and 84.022

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19


    436-001-0019 Requests for Hearing (1) A request for hearing on a matter within the director’s

    jurisdiction must be filed with the division no later than the

    filing deadline. Filing deadlines will not be extended except as

    provided in section (7) of this rule.

    (2) A request for hearing must be in writing. A party may use

    the division’s Form 2839, "Workers’ Compensation Division

    Request for Hearing," available on the division’s website at A request for

    hearing must include the following information, as applicable:

    (a) The name, address, and phone number of the party making

    the request;

    (b) Whether the party making the request is the worker,

    insurer, medical provider, employer, any other party, or an

    attorney on behalf of a party;

    (c) The number of the administrative order being appealed;

    (d) The worker’s name, address, and phone number;

    (e) The name, address, and phone number of the worker’s

    attorney, if any;

    (f) The date of injury;

    (g) The insurer’s or self-insured employer’s claim number;

    (h) The division’s file number; and

    (i) The reason for requesting a hearing.

    (3) Requests for hearing may be filed in any of the following


    (a) By mail, to the following address:

    WCD Hearings

    Workers’ Compensation Division

    P.O. Box 14480

    Salem, OR 97309-0405

    (b) By hand-delivery, to the following address:

    WCD Hearings

    350 Winter Street NE, 2nd floor

    Salem, OR 97301

    (c) By fax, to 503-947-7511, if the document transmitted

    indicates that it has been delivered by fax, is sent to the correct

    fax number, and indicates the date the document was sent.

    (d) By email, to [email protected]. If the request for

    hearing is an attachment to the email, it must be in a format that

    Microsoft Word 2010® (.docx, .doc, .txt, .rtf) or Adobe Reader®

    (.pdf) can open. Image formats that can be viewed in Internet

    Explorer® (.tif, .jpg) are also acceptable.

    (e) By using the online form, available on the division’s

    website at


    (4) The requesting party must send a copy of the request to all

    known parties and their legal representatives, if any.

    (5) Timeliness of requests for hearing will be determined

    under OAR 436-001-0027.

    (6) The director will refer timely requests for hearing to the

    board for a hearing before an administrative law judge. The[email protected]://





    Order No.


    436-001-0023 Page 3 436-001-0030

    director may withdraw a matter that has been referred if the

    matter is not appropriate for hearing at that time.

    (7) The director will deny requests for hearing that are filed

    after the filing deadline. The requesting party may request a

    limited hearing on the denial of the request for hearing within

    30 days after the mailing date of the denial. The request must be

    filed with the division. At the limited hearing, the

    administrative law judge may consider only whether:

    (a) The denied request for hearing was filed timely; or

    (b) Good cause existed that prevented the party from timely

    requesting a hearing on the merits. For the purpose of this rule,

    "good cause" includes, but is not limited to, mistake,

    inadvertence, surprise, or excusable neglect. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4) and ORS 84.013

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0023 Other Filings and Submissions (1) Except as provided in section (3) of this rule, any filing,

    motion, request, document, or correspondence filed or

    submitted in a matter within the director’s jurisdiction must be

    filed or submitted:

    (a) To the division before the dispute is referred to the board;

    (b) To the administrative law judge after the dispute is referred

    to the board but before the administrative law judge issues a

    proposed and final order; and

    (c) To the division after the administrative law judge issues a

    proposed and final order, unless it is a request for correction of

    errors in the proposed and final order under OAR 436-001-


    (2) A copy of any filing, motion, request, document, or

    correspondence must be sent to the other parties, or their legal

    representatives, at the same time it is filed or submitted to the

    division or administrative law judge.

    (3) A party must notify the division and the other parties of

    any changes in the party’s mailing address or legal

    representation. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 11/16/12 as WCD Admin. Order 12-060, eff. 12/28/12

    436-001-0027 Timeliness; Calculation of Time (1) Timeliness of any document required by these rules to be

    filed or submitted to the division is determined as follows:

    (a) If a document is mailed, it will be considered filed on the

    date it is postmarked.

    (b) If a document is faxed or emailed, it must be received by

    the division by 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time to be considered filed

    on that date.

    (c) If a document is delivered, it must be delivered during

    regular business hours to be considered filed on that date.

    (2) The date and time of receipt for electronic filings is

    determined under ORS 84.043.

    (3) Time periods allowed for a filing or submission to the

    division are calculated in calendar days. The first day is not

    included. The last day is included unless it is a Saturday,

    Sunday, or legal holiday. In that case, the period runs until the

    end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal

    holiday. Legal holidays are those listed in ORS 187.010 and

    187.020. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0030 Role of the Workers’ Compensation

    Division (1) In any hearing, the director may request to:

    (a) Receive notice of all matters;

    (b) Receive copies of all documents; and

    (c) Present evidence, testimony, and argument.

    (2) The director may appear in a matter by filing an entry of

    appearance. The director may be represented by an agency

    representative, assistant attorney general, or special assistant

    attorney general as authorized by the Department of Justice. If

    the director enters an appearance, all notices and documents in

    the hearing must be provided to the director’s representative.

    (a) An agency representative may represent the director in

    hearings held before the administrative law judges of the board

    to determine the correctness of:

    (A) An order under ORS 656.052 declaring a person to be a

    noncomplying employer ("NCE Orders");

    (B) A nonsubjectivity determination under ORS 656.052

    declaring either that a person is not a subject employer or is not

    a subject worker ("NSD Orders");

    (C) An order assessing a civil penalty under ORS 656.735,

    656.740, 656.745(2), or 656.750;

    (D) An order under ORS 656.745(1) assessing a civil penalty

    against an employer or insurer with prior written consent of the

    Attorney-in-Charge of the Business Activities Section of the

    Department of Justice; and

    (E) An order under ORS 656.254(2) imposing sanctions to

    enforce medical reporting requirements.

    (b) In cases assigned to lay representatives in accordance with

    subsection (a), above:

    (A) Lay representatives are authorized to handle all settlement

    negotiations related to proposed NCE Orders, NSD Orders, and

    civil penalty or forfeiture orders. All settlement documents will

    be reviewed for legal sufficiency by the Department of Justice

    unless they conform to a form settlement document approved

    by the Attorney-in-Charge of the Business Activities Section.

    All settlement documents submitted to the Department of

    Justice will be accompanied by the original proposed order and

    any subsequent orders issued by the division.

    (B) If the division issues a worker nonsubjectivity denial

    instead of referring the claim to the assigned claims agent, the

    division's lay representative(s) may handle settlement

    negotiations resulting from that worker nonsubjectivity denial.

    Once a request for hearing has been filed contesting that worker

    nonsubjectivity denial, the lay representative(s) have seven

    calendar days within which to finalize any pending settlement

    negotiations and must coordinate settlement discussions with





    Order No.


    436-001-0170 Page 4 436-001-0225

    the assigned assistant attorney general or special assistant

    attorney general, who will assume representation on the case.

    The assistant attorney general or special assistant attorney

    general assigned to the case may extend the seven-day time

    period by authorizing the lay representative(s) to continue

    settlement negotiations. All settlement documents will be

    reviewed for legal sufficiency by the attorney assigned to the

    case before submission to an administrative law judge.

    (c) Notwithstanding subsections (a) or (b) above, and under

    ORS 656.704, the Department of Justice will represent the

    division in all matters pertaining to a claim.

    (3) The administrative law judge must not allow an agency

    representative appearing under section (2) of this rule to present

    legal argument as defined by this rule.

    (a) "Legal argument" includes arguments on:

    (A) The jurisdiction of the agency to hear the contested case;

    (B) The constitutionality of a statute or rule or the application

    of a constitutional requirement to an agency; and

    (C) The application of court precedent to the facts of the

    particular contested case proceeding.

    (b) "Legal argument" does not include presentation of

    motions, evidence, examination and cross-examination of

    witnesses, or presentation of factual arguments or arguments


    (A) The application of the statutes or rules to the facts in the

    contested case;

    (B) Comparison of prior actions of the agency in handling

    similar situations;

    (C) The literal meaning of the statutes or rules directly

    applicable to the issues in the contested case;

    (D) The admissibility of evidence; and

    (E) The correctness of procedures being followed in the

    contested case hearing.

    (4) If the administrative law judge determines that statements

    or objections made by an agency representative appearing under

    section (2) involve legal argument as defined in this rule, the

    administrative law judge must provide reasonable opportunity

    for the agency representative to consult the Attorney General

    and permit the Attorney General to present argument at the

    hearing or to file written legal argument within a reasonable

    time after conclusion of the hearing.

    (5) An agency representative appearing under section (2) must

    read and be familiar with the Code of Conduct for Non-

    Attorney Representatives at Administrative Hearings dated June

    1, 2011, as amended Oct. 1, 2011, which is maintained by the

    Oregon Department of Justice and available on its website at

    content/uploads/2017/06/code_of_conduct_oah_contested.pdf. Statutory authority: ORS 183.452, 656.704, 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 180.220(2), 180.235, 183.452, and 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0170 Duties and Powers of the Administrative

    Law Judge (1) The administrative law judge may conduct the hearing in

    any manner consistent with these rules that will achieve

    substantial justice.

    (2) Unless provided otherwise by statute or rule and except as

    stated in section (3) of this rule, any order issued by an

    administrative law judge regarding a matter within the

    director’s jurisdiction is a proposed and final order subject to

    review by the director under OAR 436-001-0246.

    (3) When appropriate, the administrative law judge may issue

    an interim order. An interim order is not subject to review by

    the director under OAR 436-001-0246.

    (4) The administrative law judge may dismiss requests for

    hearing as provided in OAR 436-001-0296.

    (5) When appropriate, the administrative law judge may

    remand a dispute to the director for further administrative


    (6) The administrative law judge may consolidate matters in

    which there are common parties or common issues of law or


    (7) The administrative law judge may separate matters to

    promote efficient disposition of the matters.

    (8) Consolidation of matters under section (6) of this rule or

    under ORS 656.704(3)(c) is only for the purpose of hearing.

    The administrative law judge must issue a separate order for

    matters other than those concerning a claim.

    (9) On the motion of a party, the division, or the administrative

    law judge, the administrative law judge may continue a hearing

    to allow the presentation of oral or written legal argument by

    the Department of Justice.

    (10) The administrative law judge may send the division a

    written question regarding which rules or statutes apply to a

    matter, or regarding the division’s interpretation of the rules and

    statutes. If the administrative law judge sends such a question,

    the administrative law judge must provide a written summary of

    the context in which the question arises, provide a reasonable

    time for the division to respond, and send a copy to all parties. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0225 Scope of Review/Limitations on the Record (1) Except for the matters listed in sections (2) and (3) of this

    rule and unless otherwise provided by statute or administrative


    (a) The administrative law judge reviews all matters within the

    director’s jurisdiction de novo; and

    (b) New evidence may be admitted and considered.

    (2) In medical service and medical treatment disputes under

    ORS 656.245, 656.247(3)(a), and 656.327, and managed care

    disputes under ORS 656.260(16), the administrative law judge

    may modify the director’s order only if it is not supported by

    substantial evidence in the record or if it reflects an error of law.

    New evidence or issues may not be admitted or considered.





    Order No.


    436-001-0240 Page 5 436-001-0246

    (3) In vocational assistance disputes under ORS 656.340, new

    evidence may be admitted and considered. Under ORS

    656.340(16), the administrative law judge may modify the

    director’s order only if it:

    (a) Violates a statute or rule;

    (b) Exceeds the director’s statutory authority;

    (c) Was made upon unlawful procedure; or

    (d) Was characterized by abuse of discretion or clearly

    unwarranted exercise of discretion. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.245, 656.247, 656.260, 656.327, 656.340, 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0240 Exhibits and Evidence (1) Not more than 30 days after referring a request for hearing

    to the board, the division will provide the parties and the

    administrative law judge with copies of all documents in the

    director’s record.

    (2) Not less than 28 days before the hearing, or within seven

    days of receipt of the director’s record, whichever is later, the

    insurer or self-insured employer must provide the other parties

    legible copies of all documents, from the director’s record, that

    the insurer or self-insured employer will rely on at hearing. The

    documents must be numbered and indexed as provided in OAR


    (3) Not less than 14 days before the hearing, or within seven

    days of receipt of the insurer’s or self-insured employer’s

    documents and index, whichever is later, the other parties must

    provide legible copies of any additional documents, from the

    director’s record, that they will rely on at hearing. The

    documents must be numbered and indexed as provided in OAR


    (4) The parties may include with their documents and indexes

    documents that are not included in the director’s record only if

    new evidence is allowed under OAR 436-001-0225.

    (5) Before or at the hearing, the parties must submit their

    documents and indexes to the administrative law judge as

    provided in OAR 438-007-0018 or as otherwise required by the

    administrative law judge. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0246 Proposed and Final Orders - Exceptions,

    Correction, Director Review (1) Under ORS 656.704(2)(a), a party must seek director

    review of a proposed and final order before petitioning for

    judicial review under ORS 183.482.

    (2) The parties or the division may initiate director review of a

    proposed and final order by filing exceptions as follows:

    (a) Written exceptions, including any argument, must be filed

    with the division within 30 days of the mailing date of the

    proposed and final order.

    (b) A written response to the exceptions must be filed within

    20 days of the date the exceptions were filed.

    (c) A written reply to the response, if any, must be filed within

    10 days of the date the response was filed.

    (d) Exceptions, responses, and replies may be filed in any of

    the following ways:

    (A) By mail, to the following address:

    WCD Hearings

    Workers’ Compensation Division

    P.O. Box 14480

    Salem, OR 97309-0405

    (B) By hand-delivery, to the following address:

    WCD Hearings

    350 Winter Street NE, 2nd floor

    Salem, OR 97301

    (C) By fax, to 503-947-7511, if the document transmitted

    indicates that it has been delivered by fax, is sent to the correct

    fax number, and indicates the date the document was sent.

    (D) By email, to [email protected]. If the exception,

    response, or reply is in an attachment to the email, the

    attachment must be in a format that Microsoft Word 2010®

    (.docx, .doc, .txt, .rtf) or Adobe Reader® (.pdf) can open. Image

    formats that can be viewed in Internet Explorer® (.tif, .jpg) are

    also acceptable.

    (3) The director may extend the time period for a party to file a

    response, reply, or argument upon the party’s written request

    that explains the need for the delay or on the director’s own

    motion. The time period for filing exceptions may not be


    (4) If exceptions are timely filed, the director may issue a final

    order or an amended proposed and final order, request the

    administrative law judge to hold further hearing, or remand the

    matter for further administrative action.

    (5) Within 30 days of the mailing date of the proposed and

    final order, the director may issue a notice of intent to review

    the proposed and final order, even if no exceptions are filed.

    (6) All proposed and final orders must contain language

    notifying the parties of their right to file exceptions, how to file,

    and the time frames.

    (7) The administrative law judge may withdraw a proposed

    and final order for correction of errors within 10 calendar days

    of the mailing date of the order. The time for filing exceptions

    begins on the date the corrected proposed and final order is


    (8) If no exceptions are timely filed or if no notice of intent to

    review is issued, the proposed and final order will become final

    30 days after the mailing date of the order.

    (9) Any requests for review or requests for reconsideration of a

    proposed and final order filed with the board or administrative

    law judge within 30 days of the mailing date of the order will

    be forwarded to the director and treated as timely exceptions

    under this rule. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18





    Order No.


    436-001-0252 Page 6 436-001-0410

    436-001-0252 Stay of Director and Administrative

    Review The director may stay director review, administrative review,

    or referral of a matter if there is another pending matter

    concerning a claim that may affect the outcome of the matter

    within the director’s jurisdiction. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0259 Ex Parte Communication An ex parte communication is an oral or written

    communication to the director during director review of the

    matter not made in the presence of all parties to the dispute,

    concerning a fact in issue, but does not include communication

    from division staff or the Department of Justice about legal

    issues or facts in the record. Ex parte communications received

    during director review will be promptly disclosed to all parties,

    and the parties will be allowed a reasonable opportunity to

    respond. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704, OL 2005 ch 26

    Hist: Amended 12/10/15 as WCD Admin. Order15-065, eff. 1/1/16

    436-001-0296 Settlements and Dismissals (1) If, after a request for hearing is filed but before a proposed

    and final order is issued, an agreement under ORS 656.236 or

    656.289(4) is approved that resolves all issues in the matter

    within the director’s jurisdiction, the administrative law judge

    may issue a proposed and final order dismissing the request for


    (2) If, after a request for hearing is filed but before a proposed

    and final order is issued, the parties reach agreement on all

    issues in the matter within the director’s jurisdiction, the

    administrative law judge may issue a proposed and final order

    approving the agreement and dismissing the request for hearing.

    (3) If the matter within the director’s jurisdiction is

    consolidated with matters concerning a claim and the parties

    reach agreement on all issues in the matter within the director’s

    jurisdiction before issuance of a proposed and final order, the

    administrative law judge may issue a proposed and final order

    approving the agreement and dismissing the request for hearing.

    (4) Notwithstanding OAR 436-001-0170(2), the administrative

    law judge may issue a final order of dismissal when the

    requesting party withdraws the request for hearing and no

    cross-request for hearing has been filed. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    Attorney Fees

    436-001-0400 General Provisions and Requirements for

    Attorney Fees Awarded by the Director In addition to the specific provisions in OAR 436-001-0410

    through 436-001-0435, the following provisions apply when the

    director awards an attorney fee:

    (1) In order to be awarded an attorney fee, the attorney must

    file with the director a signed attorney retainer agreement.

    (2) In cases in which time devoted is a factor in determining

    the amount of the fee:

    (a) The attorney should submit a statement of the number of

    hours spent on the case.

    (b) The director may request the attorney to submit additional

    information to support or clarify the statement of hours.

    (c) If the attorney does not submit a statement of hours or

    other information requested by the director before an order is

    issued, the director will presume the attorney spent one to two

    hours on the case.

    (3) In cases in which a reasonable fee is to be assessed, the

    director may consider the following factors:

    (a) The time devoted to the case for legal services.

    (b) The complexity of the issue(s) involved.

    (c) The value of the interest involved.

    (d) The skill of the attorneys.

    (e) The nature of the proceedings.

    (f) The benefit secured for the represented party.

    (g) The risk in a particular case that an attorney’s efforts may

    go uncompensated and the contingent nature of the practice.

    (h) The assertion of frivolous issues or defenses. Statutory authority: ORS 656.385(1), 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.262, 656.385, 656.388, and 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0410 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.385(1) (1) In cases in which the director or administrative law judge

    awards a fee under ORS 656.385(1):

    (a) The fee must fall within the ranges of the matrix in

    subsection (1)(d), unless extraordinary circumstances are shown

    or the parties otherwise agree.

    (b) Extraordinary circumstances are not established merely by

    exceeding eight hours or a benefit of $6,000.

    (c) The matrix in subsection (1)(d) shows the maximum fee

    and fee ranges as percentages of the maximum fee under ORS

    656.385(1), as adjusted annually by the same percentage

    increase, if any, to the average weekly wage defined in ORS

    656.211. Before July 1 of each year the director will publish in

    Bulletin 356 (available on the division’s website at the matrix

    showing the maximum fee and fee ranges as dollar amounts

    after the annual adjustment to the statutory maximum fee.

    Dollar amounts will be rounded to the nearest whole dollar. If

    the average weekly wage does not change or decreases, the

    maximum attorney fee awarded under ORS 656.385(1) will not

    be adjusted for that year.






    Order No.


    436-001-0420 Page 7 436-001-0600

    Estimated Benefit


    Professional Hours Devoted

    (Fees as percentage of adjusted maximum attorney fee under ORS 656.385(1))

    1-4 hours 4.1-8 hours over 8 hours

    $1-$2,000 5.0% - 35.0% 15.0% - 50.0% 40.0% - 62.5%

    $2,001-$4,000 10.0% - 40.0% 30.0% - 65.0% 52.5% - 75.0%

    $4,001-$6,000 15.0% - 50.0% 40.0% - 72.5% 65.0% - 87.5%

    Over $6000 20.0% - 65.0% 52.5% - 90.0% 77.5% - 100.0%

    (2) For purposes of applying the matrix in medical disputes

    under ORS 656.245, 656.247, 656.260, and 656.327, the

    following may be considered in determining the value of the

    results achieved or the benefit to the worker:

    (a) The fee allowed by the medical fee schedule in OAR 436-

    009 for the medical service at issue.

    (b) The overall cost of the medical service at issue.

    (3) For purposes of applying the matrix in vocational disputes

    under ORS 656.340, the value of vocational assistance or a

    training plan, unless determined to be otherwise, falls within the

    highest range of the matrix for benefit achieved. In addition, the

    following may be considered in determining the value of the

    results achieved or the benefit to the worker:

    (a) The actual or projected cost of the service at issue.

    (b) The maximum spending limit in the fee schedule for

    vocational assistance costs in OAR 436-120-0720 (as published

    in Bulletin 124, available on the division’s website at for the service at

    issue. Statutory authority: ORS 656.385(1), 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.262, 656.385, 656.388, and 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0420 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.262(11) In cases in which the director awards a fee under ORS


    (1) OAR 438-015-0110 applies.

    (2) The director may use the matrix in OAR 436-001-0410 as

    a guide in determining the amount of the fee.

    (3) The director must consider the proportionate benefit to the

    worker when determining the amount of the fee. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.262; 2015 Or Laws, ch. 521, section 2

    Hist: Amended 12/10/15 as WCD Admin. Order15-065, eff. 1/1/16

    436-001-0430 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.262(12) The matrix for determining the amount of the attorney fee

    assessed under ORS 656.262(12) is in OAR 436-060, Appendix

    C (OAR 436-060-0400). Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.262

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0435 Attorney Fees Awarded under ORS

    656.277(1) (1) Attorney fees awarded under ORS 656.277(1) will be

    based on a reasonable hourly rate multiplied by the time

    devoted by the attorney to obtaining the reclassification order.

    (2) The director will determine a reasonable hourly rate of no

    less than $275 per hour and no more than $400 per hour.

    (3) When determining the time devoted by the attorney to

    obtain the reclassification order, the director may consider time

    devoted by the attorney to request reclassification from the

    insurer or self-insured employer and investigate issues related

    to the classification of the worker’s claim. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.277(1)

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    436-001-0440 Time Within Which Attorney Fees Must be

    Paid Attorney fees assessed under OAR 436-001-0400 to 436-001-

    0440 must be paid within 14 days of the date the order

    awarding the fees becomes final. Statutory authority: ORS 656.385(1), 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.262, 656.385, 656.388, and 656.704

    Hist: Amended 3/14/18 as WCD Admin. Order 18-052, eff. 4/1/18

    General Provisions

    436-001-0500 Refund of Overpayments When the director receives a payment in excess of the amount

    legally due and payable to the director, the director will refund

    or credit the excess amount. However, when the excess amount

    is less than $20 and the payment was for an assessment or civil

    penalty issued under OAR chapter 436 or ORS chapter 656, the

    director will refund or credit the excess amount only if a written

    request for refund or credit is received within two years of the

    date that the excess amount was received by the director. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.506, 656.612, 656.614, 656.735, 656.745, 656.750,

    656.780, and 293.445

    Hist: Adopted 12/10/15 as WCD Admin. Order 15-065, eff. 1/1/16

    436-001-0600 Multilingual Help Page

    (1) An insurer, self-insured employer, service company, or

    managed care organization (MCO) that sends a document to a

    worker that is required by OAR chapter 436 must

    simultaneously send Form 5377, “Workers’ Compensation

    Multilingual Help Page,” if the document includes:





    Order No.


    436-001-0610 Page 8 436-001-0700

    (a) Appeal rights;

    (b) A deadline for action required to obtain or preserve a right

    or benefit, including dates of required medical examinations or

    vocational evaluations; or

    (c) Notice of action required to prevent or reverse a suspension

    or reduction of benefits.

    (2) Form 5377 is published under Bulletin 379.

    (3) Bulletin 379 lists the notices described by subsections

    (1)(a) through (c).

    (4) Failure to send Form 5377 with a document as required by

    this rule does not affect the validity of the document, but may

    subject the insurer, self-insured employer, service company, or

    MCO to civil penalties under ORS 656.745.

    (5) Form 5377 must be sent as provided by section (1) of this

    rule for documents sent to a worker on or after June 1, 2019. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4); 656.260

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.726(4); 656.260

    Hist: Adopted 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0610 Duty to Forward Misdirected Request

    If an employer or insurer receives a written request for hearing

    or administrative review from a worker, and the request should

    have been filed with the division, the employer or insurer must

    promptly forward the request to the division. Statutory authority: ORS 656.726(4); Statutes implemented: ORS 656.704

    Hist: Adopted 3/11/19 as WCD Admin. Order 19-050, eff. 4/1/19

    436-001-0700 Access to Public Records and Workers’

    Compensation Claim Records

    (1) Access to public records. Department of Consumer and

    Business Services rules on Access of Public Records, Fees for

    Record Search and Copies of Public Records are in OAR 440-

    005, accessible at


    (2) Inspection of nonexempt public records. Any person has

    a right to inspect and obtain copies of nonexempt public records

    but not to request blind searches for records not known to exist.

    (3) Access to workers’ compensation claim records.

    (a) The department’s workers’ compensation claim records are

    exempt from public disclosure under ORS 192.355.

    (b) Access to claim records will be granted at the sole

    discretion of the director, under the following circumstances:

    (A) When necessary for an insurer, self-insured employer,

    service company, or their attorney, for the purpose of

    processing a workers’ compensation claim;

    (B) When necessary for the director to carry out the director’s

    duties, functions, or powers;

    (C) When necessary for a governmental agency of Oregon or

    the United States to carry out its duties, functions, or powers;

    (D) When a worker or the worker’s representative requests the

    worker’s claim record; or

    (E) When disclosure can be made in a way that the disclosed

    information cannot be used to identify any worker who is the

    subject of an Oregon workers’ compensation claim.

    (4) Requests for claim records. A request to inspect or obtain

    copies of workers’ compensation claim records may be made in

    writing, in person, or by phone. Requesters may use the

    division’s Form 3088, “Request for Workers’ Compensation

    Claim Records.”

    (a) Written requests must include:

    (A) The name, identity, and contact information of the


    (B) Information identifying the worker or the claim;

    (C) A description of the records requested; and

    (D) The signature of the requester certifying the requester

    meets the criteria in subsection (3)(b) of this rule.

    (b) In addition to the information required under subsection (a)

    of this section, requests for claims history made by phone or fax

    must include, if known:

    (A) The worker’s Social Security number; and

    (B) The insurer claim number.

    (c) A request from the worker’s representative must be

    accompanied by an attorney retainer agreement or a valid

    release signed by the worker.

    (d) A request from a person other than as described in

    subsection (3)(b) of this rule must include a valid release signed

    by the worker.

    (e) The director may require additional information or

    documentation to ensure records are released in accordance

    with ORS 192.355 and this rule.

    (5) Release of claim records to other persons. The director

    may release workers’ compensation claim records to persons

    other than those described in (3)(b) of this rule including public

    or private research organizations.

    (a) The determination whether to release the information is at

    the sole discretion of the director.

    (b) The director may enter into written agreements as

    necessary to ensure that the recipient of the information uses the

    information only in accordance with this rule and the agreement

    with the director to ensure confidentiality of the disclosed

    records. The director may terminate such agreements at any

    time the director determines that one or more of the conditions

    of the agreement have been violated.

    (c) The director may deny or revoke access to workers’

    compensation claims records at any time. Statutory authority: ORS 192.318, 192.355, and 656.726(4)

    Statutes implemented: ORS 656.726(4), 192.318, and 192.355

    Hist: Adopted 3/13/20 as WCD Admin. Order 20-052, eff. 4/1/20





    Order No.


    436-008-0001 Page 1 436-008-0004




    Effective Jan. 1, 2015


    RULE PAGE 436-008-0001 Authority, Applicability, Purpose, and

    Administration of these Rules ......................... 1 436-008-0004 Adoption of Standards .................................... 1 436-008-0005 Definitions ...................................................... 2 436-008-0010 Electronic Medical Bills ................................. 2 436-008-0015 Electronic Medical Bill Attachments or

    Documentation ................................................ 3 436-008-0020 Electronic Medical Bill

    Acknowledgements ......................................... 3 436-008-0025 Electronic Medical Bill Payments .................. 3 436-008-0030 Electronic Remittance Advice;

    Explanation of Benefits .................................. 3 436-008-0040 Assessment of Civil Penalties ......................... 4 Electronic Billing and Payment Companion Guide ................. 4

    436-008-0001 Authority, Applicability, Purpose, and

    Administration of these Rules (1) These rules are promulgated under the director's authority

    contained in ORS 656.726(4) and specific authority under ORS


    (2) These rules apply to all electronic medical billing

    transactions generated on or after the effective date of these


    (3) The purpose of these rules is to establish uniform

    guidelines for the exchange of electronic medical billing

    transactions within the workers' compensation system.

    (4) The director may waive procedural rules as justice

    requires, unless otherwise obligated by statute.

    (5) Orders issued by the division in carrying out the director's

    authority to enforce ORS chapter 656 are considered orders of

    the director. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0004 Adoption of Standards (1) The director adopts, by reference, the following electronic

    medical bill processing standards:

    (a) Professional Billing:

    (A) The Accredited Standards Committee X12 (ASC X12)

    Standards for Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Type 3

    Technical Reports (TR3);

    (B) Health Care Claim: Professional (837), May 2006, ASC

    X12, 005010X222; and

    (C) Type 3 Errata to Health Care Claim: Professional (837),

    June 2010, ASC X12, 005010X222A1.

    (b) Institutional/Hospital Billing:

    (A) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3;

    (B) Health Care Claim: Institutional (837), May 2006, ASC

    X12, 005010X223;

    (C) Type 1 Errata to Health Care Claim: Institutional (837);

    (D) ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3, October 2007, ASC

    X12, 005010X223A1; and

    (E) Type 3 Errata to Health Care Claim: Institutional (837),

    June 2010, ASC X12, 005010X223A2.

    (c) Dental Billing:

    (A) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3;

    (B) Health Care Claim: Dental (837), May 2006, ASC X12,


    (C) Type 1 Errata to Health Care Claim: Dental (837);

    (D) ASC X12 Standards for EDI Technical Report Type 3,

    October 2007, ASC X12, 005010X224A1; and

    (E) Type 3 Errata to Health Care Claim: Dental (837), June

    2010, ASC X12, 005010X224A2.

    (d) Retail Pharmacy Billing:

    (A) The Telecommunication Standard Implementation Guide,

    Version D, Release 0 (Version D.0), August 2007, National

    Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP); and

    (B) The Batch Standard Batch Implementation Guide, Version

    1, Release 2 (Version 1.2), January 2006, NCPDP.

    (e) Remittance:

    (A) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3, Health Care Claim

    Payment/Advice (835), April 2006, ASC X12, 005010X221;


    (B) Type 3 Errata to Health Care Claim Payment/Advice

    (835), June 2010, ASC X12, 005010X221A1.

    (2) The director adopts, by reference, the following electronic

    standards for medical bill acknowledgments:

    (a) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TA1 Interchange

    Acknowledgment contained in the standards adopted under

    section (1) of this rule;

    (b) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3, Implementation

    Acknowledgment for Health Care Insurance (999), June 2010,

    ASC X12, 005010X231A1;

    (c) The ASC X12 Standards for EDI TR3, Health Care Claim

    Acknowledgment (277CA), January 2007, ASC X12,

    005010X214; and

    (d) Electronic responses to NCPDP transactions, and the

    response contained in the standards adopted under subsection


    (3) The director adopts, by reference, the ASC X12N 275 -

    Additional Information to Support a Health Claim or

    Encounter, Version 005010, February 2008, 005010X210, for

    attachments to medical bills.





    Order No.


    436-008-0005 Page 2 436-008-0010

    (4) The director adopts, by reference, the ASC X12N/2013-57,

    effective Dec. 2013, Code Value Usage in Health Care Claim

    Payments and Subsequent Claims Technical Report Type 2.

    (5) ASC X12N and the ASC X12 standards for EDI may be

    purchased from the ASC X12, 7600 Leesburg Pike, Suite 430,

    Falls Church, VA 22043; telephone 703-970-4480; and fax

    703-970-4488. They are also available for purchase through the

    internet at

    (6) Retail pharmacy standards may be purchased from the

    NCPDP, 9240 East Raintree Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260,

    telephone 480-477-1000; fax 480- 767-1042. They are also

    available, for purchase, through the Internet at

    (7) The director adopts the Oregon Workers’ Compensation

    Division Electronic Billing and Payment Companion Guide

    Release 1.0, Jan. 1, 2015. A copy of the guide is available at the

    following website:

    (8) Copies of the standards referenced in this rule are available

    for review during regular business hours at the Workers’

    Compensation Division, 350 Winter Street NE, Salem OR

    97301, 503-947-7717. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0005 Definitions For the purpose of these rules and the Oregon Electronic

    Billing and Payment Companion Guide:

    (1) "Clearinghouse" means an entity that is an authorized

    agent of the insurer or health care provider, including billing

    services, re-pricing companies, community health management

    information systems or community health information systems,

    and "value-added" networks and switches that does either of the

    following functions:

    (a) Processes or facilitates the processing of health information

    received from another entity in a nonstandard format or

    containing nonstandard data content into standard data elements

    or a standard transaction.

    (b) Receives a standard transaction from another entity and

    processes or facilitates the processing of health information into

    nonstandard format or nonstandard data content for the

    receiving entity.

    (2) "Companion guide" means the Oregon Workers’

    Compensation Division Electronic Billing and Payment

    Companion Guide adopted by the division in these rules that

    provides standards for workers’ compensation electronic billing


    (3) "Complete electronic bill submission" means an

    electronic medical billing transaction that is populated with

    current and valid values defined in the applicable standard set

    forth in OAR 436-008-0004 that:

    (a) Includes the correct billing format, with the correct billing

    code sets;

    (b) Is transmitted in compliance with all necessary format

    requirements; and

    (c) Contains, in legible text, all supporting documentation that

    is expressly required by law or can reasonably be expected by

    the payer or its agent under the jurisdiction’s law.

    (4) "Days" means calendar days. For calendar days, the first

    day is not included. The last day is included unless it is a

    Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. In that case, the period runs

    until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or

    legal holiday. Legal holidays are those listed in ORS 187.010

    and 187.020.

    (5) "Director" means the director of the Department of

    Consumer and Business Services.

    (6) "Division" means the Workers’ Compensation Division of

    the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

    (7) "Electronic" refers to a communication between

    computerized data exchange systems that complies with the

    standards set forth in these rules.

    (8) "Explanation of benefits (EOB)" means an electronic

    remittance advice (ERA) or notification, sent or made available

    electronically by the insurer or an authorized agent of the

    insurer, to the health care provider, health care facility, or third-

    party biller or assignee regarding payment or denial of a bill,

    reduction of a bill, or refund.

    (9) "Insurer" means:

    (a) The State Accident Insurance Fund Corporation;

    (b) An insurer authorized under ORS chapter 731 to transact

    workers’ compensation insurance in Oregon;

    (c) An insurer-authorized agent or payer;

    (d) An assigned claims agent selected by the director under

    ORS 656.054; or

    (e) An employer or employer group that has been certified

    under ORS 656.430 meeting the qualifications of a self-insured

    employer under ORS 656.407.

    (10) "Medical Bill" means a statement of charges for medical


    (11) "Payer" means the insurer or an entity authorized to

    make payments on behalf of the insurer.

    (12) "Supporting documentation" means those documents

    necessary for the insurer to process a bill, including but not

    limited to medical reports and records, evaluation reports,

    narrative reports, assessment reports, progress report/notes,

    chart notes, hospital records, and diagnostic test results.

    (13) "Trading partner" means any entity that exchanges

    information electronically with another entity. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656 252, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.726(4)

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0010 Electronic Medical Bills (1) Beginning Jan. 1, 2015, insurers must accept and process

    all electronically transmitted medical bills in accordance with

    these rules, the standards adopted under OAR 436-008-0004,

    and the companion guide.





    Order No.


    436-008-0015 Page 3 436-008-0030

    (2) An insurer is exempt from the requirement to accept

    medical bills electronically from health care providers on or

    after Jan. 1, 2015, if a written notice is sent to the division, and

    approved by the director, on or before close of business on Dec.

    31, 2014. The notice must explain in detail that the cost of

    electronic medical bill implementation will create an

    unreasonable financial hardship.

    (3) Health care providers that elect to submit electronic

    medical bills to insurers must do so in accordance with these

    rules, the standards adopted under OAR 436-008-0004, and

    companion guide.

    (4) All electronic medical billing transactions must be

    populated with current and valid values defined in the

    applicable standard set forth in OAR 436-008-0004.

    (5) The health care provider, health care facility, third-party

    biller or assignee and the insurer may mutually agree to use

    nonstandard formats, but those formats must include all data

    elements required under the applicable standard, as set forth in

    OAR 436-008-0004.

    (6) Health care providers and insurers may contract with other

    entities for electronic medical bill processing.

    (7) Insurers and health care providers are responsible for the

    acts or omissions of their agents executed in the performance of

    electronic medical billing services.

    (8) The data elements transmitted as part of a Trading Partner

    Agreement must at a minimum contain all the same required

    data elements found within the ASC X12 Type 3 Technical

    Reports and the jurisdiction-specific companion guide. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0015 Electronic Medical Bill Attachments or

    Documentation (1) A unique attachment indicator number must be assigned to

    all documentation. The attachment indicator number populated

    on the document must include the report type code, the report

    transmission code, the attachment control qualifier, and the

    attachment control number.

    (2) Documentation in support of electronic medical bills may

    be submitted by fax, secure email, regular mail, electronic

    transmission using the prescribed format, or by a mutually

    agreed upon format.

    (3) Documentation in support of electronic medical bills must

    be submitted within five days of submission of the bill and

    include the following elements:

    (a) Patient name (ill or injured worker);

    (b) Date of birth (if available);

    (c) Employer name;

    (d) Insurer name;

    (e) Date of service;

    (f) Claim number (if no claim number then use

    "UNKNOWN"); and

    (g) Unique attachment indicator number.

    Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0020 Electronic Medical Bill Acknowledgements (1) If the electronic submission does not conform to the

    standards adopted under OAR 436-008-0004(1), then the

    insurer must send an acknowledgment adopted under OAR 436-

    008-0004(2)(a) or OAR 436-008-0004(2)(b) to the health care

    provider. This acknowledgement must be sent within one day of

    receipt of the electronic bill unless the electronic submission

    lacks sufficient identifiers to create an acknowledgment.

    (2) If the electronic submission does conform to a standard

    adopted under OAR 436-008-0004(1), then the insurer must

    send an acknowledgment adopted under OAR 436-008-

    0004(2)(c) to the health care provider within two days.

    (3) Any acknowledgment of a medical bill, as provided in (1)

    or (2) of this rule is not an admission of liability by the insurer. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0025 Electronic Medical Bill Payments (1) Insurers that accept and process a complete electronic bill

    for services, under OAR 436-008-0010(1) (a) or (b), must pay

    for treatment related to the injury or disease, provided or

    authorized by the treating health care provider, on accepted

    claims within 14 days of any action causing the service to be

    payable, or within 45 days of receipt of the electronic bill,

    whichever is later.

    (2) If an insurer requires additional information before a

    payment decision can be made, a request for this information

    must be made to the medical provider within 20 days of receipt

    of the bill.

    (3) The insurer must provide an explanation (EOB) of services

    being paid or denied. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0030 Electronic Remittance Advice; Explanation

    of Benefits (1) An electronic remittance advice (ERA) or notification is an

    explanation of benefits (EOB) that the insurer submits

    electronically regarding payment or denial of a bill, reduction of

    a bill, or refund. An insurer must submit an EOB no later than

    five days after generating a payment.

    (2) The EOB must include:

    (a) The amount of payment for each service billed. When the

    payment covers multiple patients, the explanation must clearly

    separate and identify payments for each patient;

    (b) The specific reason for non-payment, reduced payment, or

    discounted payment for each service billed; and

    (c) An Oregon or toll-free phone number for the insurer or its

    representative, and a statement that the insurer or its

    representative must respond to a health care provider’s payment

    question within 48 hours, excluding weekends and legal






    Order No.


    436-008-0040 Page 4 436-008-0040

    (3) The insurer must make available, to health care providers,

    the applicable information specified under OAR 436-009-

    0030(3)(c)(A) through (F), including:

    "If you disagree with this decision about this payment,

    please contact {the insurer or its representative} first. If you

    are not satisfied with the response you receive, you may

    request administrative review by the director of the

    Department of Consumer and Business Services. Your

    request for review must be made within 90 calendar days of

    the send/receive date of this explanation. To request a

    review, provide information that shows what you believe is

    incorrect about the payment, and send this information and

    required supporting documentation to the Workers’

    Compensation Division, Medical Resolution Team, P.O. Box

    14480, Salem, OR 97309-0405. You may fax the request to

    the director at 503-947-7629. You must also send a copy of

    the request to the insurer. You should keep a copy of this

    information for your records."

    (4) Any information required under sections (1) through (3) of

    this rule that cannot be submitted on the electronic EOB must

    be made available on the insurer’s website or by any other

    means reasonably convenient for the EOB recipient. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.252, 656.254, 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.252, 656.254

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    436-008-0040 Assessment of Civil Penalties Under ORS 656.745, the director may assess a civil penalty

    against an insurer that fails to comply with ORS chapter 656,

    the director’s rules, or orders of the director. Stat. Authority: ORS 656.726(4)

    Stat. Implemented: ORS 656.254, 656.745

    Hist: Adopted 7/14/14 as Admin. Order14-058, eff. 1/1/15

    Electronic Billing and Payment Companion Guide {LINK}





    Order No.


    DIVISION 009 Page 1 436-009-0004




    Effective July 13, 2020



    436-009-0001 Administration of These Rules ....................... 1 436-009-0004 Adoption of Standards (temporary) ................ 1 436-009-0005 Definitions ...................................................... 2 436-009-0008 Request for Review before the Director ......... 4 436-009-0010 Medical Billing and Payment (temporary) ..... 6 436-009-0012 Telemedicine................................................. 10 436-009-0018 Discounts and Contracts ............................... 10 436-009-0020 Hospitals ....................................................... 11 436-009-0023 Ambulatory Surgery Center (ASC) .............. 12 436-009-0025 Worker Reimbursement ................................ 13 436-009-0030 Insurer's Duties and Responsibilities ............ 15 436-009-0035 Interim Medical Benefits .............................. 17 436-009-0040 Fee Schedule (temporary) ............................. 18 436-009-0060 Oregon Specific Codes ................................. 21 436-009-0080 Durable Medical Equipment, Prosthetics,

    Orthotics, and Supplies (DMEPOS) ............. 25 436-009-0090 Pharmaceutical .............................................. 27 436-009-0110 Interpreters .................................................... 28 436-009-0998 Sanctions and Civil Penalties ........................ 31 Appendi A - Matrix for health care provider types ....... 32 Appendix B through E ........................................................... 33

    436-009-0001 Administration of These Rules (1) Any orders issued by the division in carrying out the

    director’s authority to enforce Oregon Revised Statute (ORS)

    chapter 656 and Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) chapter

    436, are considered orders of the director of the Department of

    Consumer and Business Services.

    (2) Authority for Rules.

    These rules are promulgated under the director’s general

    rulemaking authority of ORS 656.726(4) and specific authority

    under ORS 656.248.

    (3) Purpose.

    The purpose of these rules is to establish uniform standards for

    administering the payment for medical benefits to workers

    within the workers’ compensation system.

    (4) Applicability of Rules.

    (a) These rules apply to all services rendered on or after the

    effective date of these rules.

    (b) The director may waive procedural rules as justice

    requires, unless otherwise obligated by statute. Stat. Auth.: ORS 656.726(4)

    Stats. Implemented: ORS 656.248

    Hist: Amended 3/11/19 as Admin. Order 19-051, eff. 4/1/19

    436-009-0004 Adoption of Standards (temporary) (1) The director adopts, by reference, the American Society of

    Anesthesiologists ASA, Relative Value Guide 2020 as a

    supplementary fee schedule for those anesthesia codes not

    found in Appendix B. To get a copy of the ASA Relative Value

    Guide 2020, contact the American Society of Anesthesiologists,

    1061 American Lane, Schaumberg, IL 60173, 847-825-5586, or

    (2) The director adopts, by reference, the American Medical

    Association’s (AMA) Current Procedural Terminology (CPT®

    2020), Fourth Edition Revised, 2019, for billing by medical

    providers. The definitions, descriptions, and guidelines found in

    CPT® 2020 govern the descriptions of services, except as

    otherwise provided in these rules. The guidelines are adopted as

    the basis for determining level of service.

    (3) The director adopts the following CPT® codes not listed in

    CPT® 2020 for billing by medical providers:

    (a) 87635 for dates of service on or after March 13, 2020;

    (b) 86328 and 86769 for dates of service on or after April 10,


    (c) 87426 for dates of service on or after June 25, 2020;

    (d) 0202U for dates of service on or after May 20, 2020; and

    (e) 0223U and 0224U for dates of service on or after June 25,


    (34) The director adopts, by reference, the AMA’s CPT®

    Assistant, Volume 0, Issue 04 1990 through Volume 29, Issue

    12, 2019. If there is a conflict between CPT® 2020 and the

    CPT® Assistant, CPT® 2020 is the controlling resource.

    (45) To get a copy of the CPT® 2020 or the CPT® Assistant,

    contact the American Medical Association, PO Box 74008935,

    Chicago, IL 60674-8935, 800-621-8335, or

    (56) The director adopts, by reference, only the alphanumeric

    codes from the CMS Healthcare Common Procedure Coding

    System (HCPCS). These codes are to be used when billing for

    services, but only to identify products, supplies, and services

    that are not described by CPT® codes or that provide more

    detail than a CPT® code.

    (a) Except as otherwise provided in these rules, the director

    does not adopt the HCPCS edits, processes, exclusions, color-

    coding and associated instructions, age and sex edits, notes,

    status indicators, or other policies of CMS.

    (b) To get a copy of the HCPCS, contact the National

    Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161, 800-

    621-8335 or


    (67) The director adopts, by reference, CDT 2020: Dental

    Procedure Codes, to be used when billing for dental services.

    To get a copy, contact the American Dental Association at

    American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Ave., Chicago,

    IL 60611-2678, or

    (78) The director adopts, by reference, the 02/12 1500 Claim

    Form and Version 7.0 7/19 (for the 02/12 form) 1500 Health

    Insurance Claim Form Reference Manual published by the





    Order No.


    436-009-0005 Page 2 436-009-0005

    National Uniform Claim Committee (NUCC). To get copies,

    contact the NUCC, American Medical Association, PO Box

    74008935, Chicago, IL 60674-8935, or

    (89) The director adopts, by reference, the Official UB-04

    Data Specifications Manual 2020 Edition, published by

    National Uniform Billing Committee (NUBC). To get a copy,

    contact the NUBC, American Hospital Association, 155 North

    Wacker Drive, Suite 400, Chicago, IL 60606, 312-422-3000, or

    (910) The director adopts, by reference, the NCPDP Manual

    Claim Forms Reference Implementation Guide Version 1.4

    (7/2015) and the NCPDP Workers’ Compensation/Property &

    Casualty Universal Claim Form (WC/PC UCF) Version 1.1 –

    5/2009. To get a copy, contact the National Council for

    Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP), 9240 East Raintree

    Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85260-7518, 480-477-1000, or

    (1011) Specific provisions contained in OAR chapter 436,

    divisions 009, 010, and 015 control over any conflicting

    provision in ASA Relative Value Guide 2020, CPT® 2020,

    CPT® Assistant, HCPCS 2020, CDT 2020, 1500 Health

    Insurance Claim Form Reference Instruction Manual, Official

    UB-04 Data Specifications Manual, or NCPDP Manual Claim

    Forms Reference Implementation Guide.

    (1112) Copies of the standards referenced in this rule are also

    available for review during regular business hours at the

    Workers’ Compensation Division, Medical Resolution Team,

    350 Winter Street NE, Salem, OR 97301. Stat Auth: ORS 656.248, 656.726(4); Stats Implemented: ORS 656.248

    Hist: Amended 3/4/20 as Admin. Order 20-053, eff. 4/1/20

    Amended 7/10/20 as Admin. Order 20-059, eff. 7/13/20 (temp)

    436-009-0005 Definitions (1) Unless a term is specifically defined elsewhere in these

    rules or the context otherwise requires, the definitions of ORS

    chapter 656 are hereby incorporated by reference and made part

    of these rules.

    (2) Abbreviations used in these rules are either defined in the

    rules in which they are used or defined as follows:

    (a) CMS means Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.

    (b) CPT® means Current Procedural Terminology published

    by the American Medical Association.

    (c) DMEPOS means durable medical equipment, prosthetics,

    orthotics, and supplies.

    (d) EDI means electronic data interchange.

    (e) HCPCS means Healthcare Common Procedure Coding

    System published by CMS.

    (f) ICD-9-CM means International Classification of Diseases,

    Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 by US

    Department of Health and Human Services.

    (g) ICD-10-CM means International Classification of

    Diseases, Tenth Revision, Clinical Modification.

    (h) MCO means managed care organization certified by the


    (i) NPI means national provider identifier.

    (j) OSC means Oregon specific code.

    (k) PCE means physical capacity evaluation.

    (l) WCE means work capacity evaluation.

    (3) “Administrative review” means any decision making

    process of the director requested by a party aggrieved with an

    action taken under these rules except the hearing process

    described in OAR 436-001.

    (4) “Ambulatory surgery center” or “ASC” means:

    (a) Any distinct entity licensed by the state of Oregon, and

    operated exclusively for the purpose of providing surgical

    services to patients not requiring hospitalization; or

    (b) Any entity outside of Oregon similarly licensed, or

    certified by Medicare or a nationally recognized agency as an


    (5) “Attending physician” has the same meaning as described

    in ORS 656.005(12)(b). See Appendix A, “Matrix for Health

    Care Provider Types.”

    (6) “Authorized nurse practitioner” means a nurse

    practitioner licensed under ORS 678.375 to 678.390 who has

    certified to the director that the nurse practitioner has reviewed

    informational materials about the workers’ compensation

    system provided by the director and who has been assigned an

    authorized nurse practitioner number by the director.

    (7) “Board” means the Workers’ Compensation Board and

    includes its Hearings Division.

    (8) “Chart note” means a notation made in chronological

    order in a medical record in which the medical service provider

    records such things as subjective and objective findings,

    diagnosis, treatment rendered, treatment objectives, and return

    to work goals and status.

    (9) “Clinic” means a group practice in which several medical

    service providers work cooperatively.

    (10) “CMS form 2552” (Hospital and Hospital Health Care

    Complex Cost Report) means the annual report a hospital

    makes to Medicare.

    (11) “Current procedural terminology” or “CPT®” means

    the Current Procedural Terminology codes and terminology

    published by the American Medical Association unless

    otherwise specified in these rules.

    (12) “Date stamp” means to stamp or display the initial

    receipt date and the recipient’s name on a paper or electronic

    document, regardless of whether the document is printed or

    displayed electronically.

    (13) “Days” means calendar days.

    (14) “Director” means the director of the Department of

    Consumer and Business Services or the director’s designee.

    (15) “Division” means the Workers’ Compensation Division

    of the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

    (16) “Enrolled” means an eligible worker has received

    notification from the insurer that the worker is being required to

    receive treatment under the provisions of a managed care

    organization (MCO). However, a worker may not be enrolled

    who would otherwise be subject to an MCO contract if the

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