
  • What is plagiarism?Plagiarism means copying someone idea without acknowledging it.Plagiarism is defined as the "wrongful appropriation," "close imitation," or "purloining and publication" of another person's language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions.

  • BollywoodThe name "Bollywood" is a portmanteau derived from Bombay (the former name for Mumbai).Bollywood is the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai (Bombay), Maharashtra, India. The term is often incorrectly used to refer to the whole of Indian cinema; however, it is only a part of the total Indian film industry.

  • Status of plagiarism in Bollywood In Bollywood from poster of the movies to the award winning speeches of the actors are copied.These things get promoted because of lack of accessibility to other industry.In every five movie two have been copied from some other industry in screenplay, story, music, poster etc.

  • Possible ReasonsLack of creativityThey think audience is foolMoney making thinkingLess time approachNo policy to check plagiarism

  • List of movies copied from some other industry

    Bollywood movieCopied fromChori choriIt happened one nightBaazigar A kiss before dyingKaante Reservoir DogsKarma The Dirty FrozenPapi GudiyaChilds PlayEk Ruka Hua Faisla12 Angry MenSatte Pe SattaSeven Brides for Seven BrothersAgni Sakshi, Daraar and YaraanaSleeping with the EnemyQaidiFirst Blood

  • List of songs copied from other sources

    Bollywood songCopied fromChura liya hai If its TuesdayTera mujhse hai pehle ka naata koi The Yellow rosePhir wohi raat hainsing a songKahin karti hogiThe Lonely BullTum ho meri dil ki dhadkaA whiter shade of paleSapna mera toot gayaThe story of a soldierEk main aur ek tu If you are happyMeri jaanFall in loveSuno na sangmarmarKi kore toke bolbo

  • Result of PlagiarismLack of interest is shown in the subject by audienceNo original concept thus nothing new for viewersNo growth of industry in terms of conceptMaking of the fake artistsOriginal talents doesn't get chance to performInstead of inspiration, just copying of some others work

  • References http://www.itwofs.com

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