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CONTENTS 01 – The Culture of Excellence02 – A Vision of Excellence04 – The Pursuit of Excellence06 – Achieving Excellence

The 5Cs

28 – Shaw Foundation Alumni House32 – The Strategy for Excellence34 – Global Network: Overseas Alumni Chapters36 – Partnership for Excellence38 – OARspicious Achievements 200744 – The Year 2007 in pictures46 – AlumFacts48 – Building Bonds... Bridging the Future


“To serve and enrich the lives of our alumni and engage them in NUS’ aspirations.”

Pursuing Excellence Recognising Excellence Celebrating Excellence

The pursuit of excellence is unrelenting. NUS is driven by passion and the unrelenting pursuit of excellence to contribute to Singapore’s status as a global knowledge economy, building a research-intensive environment and fostering a Can-Do spirit to excel in the global arena of education.



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G-10-10“In journeying towards our aspiration for global excellence in research, education and service, our sights are set on a bold target – having 10 great programs or departments in 10 years, or G-10-10 for short. G-10-10 is a key component of our collective efforts to move NUS up from a good to great university. Moving NUS up from good to great revolves foremost around our people reaching beyond themselves, to explore, discover, excel and contribute. Moving NUS towards greatness also calls for deepening a culture that recognizes and celebrates the pursuit of excellence.” – NUS Alumni Awards 2007, 5 July 2007

“The Shaw Foundation Alumni House is dedicated to recognising our alumni as keystakeholders in our University’s aspirations and future. It breaks new ground as a tangible landmark of NUS’ commitment to alumni and vice versa. A Home on Campus for our alumni around the world, Alumni House stands as a call for our alumni to return time and again to alma mater to re-connect, to share stories of experiences, and to renew our community. It is our hope that Alumni House will help build a sense of pride, inspiring our alumni to give back to the next generation what they did not receive, and return even more than what they did get.”– Shaw Foundation Alumni House – Honouring Benefactors’ Dinner, 28 September 2007

“Driven by a swell of pride and fondness for their alma mater, our alumni advanced our aspirations and upheld our good name. From our alumni to our trustees, from the people to the philanthropists, from the government to the private sector – they stepped up to support and give generously. Everyone played a part, not just as an act of obligation, but also as a gift of hope and faith for the future.” – State of University Address 2007, 13 Nov 2007

TAkE PRIDE IN YOUR ALMA MATER“As you pursue your personal odyssey, keep your alma mater on your mind and close to your heart. Wherever you go, take the nus name with you. Take pride in your alma mater, as we take pride in you, in your endeavours and in your accomplishments.” – Commencement Address 2007, 3 July 2007



02. OAR Annual Report 2007 A VISION OF EXCELLENCE 03.

NUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong envisages NUS to be Singapore’s global knowledge enterprise, a university ranked among the top in the world. To propel NUS towards achieving this vision of excellence, Professor Shih understands the importance of manifesting the best in our talents and harnessing the strength and resources of our global alumni network.

ABOUT ALMA MATER“I asked three things of our alumni: to believe in the aspirations of alma mater, to speak well of alma mater, and to give to alma mater.” – Commencement Dinner 2007, 14 July 2007

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Amidst all the changes globally and on campus, the NUS Alumni Office has stayed Mission-Focused, Performance-Based and Outcome-Driven. With renewed passion and the Balanced Scorecard as a management framework, we have moved from being primarily an administrative office to an alumni-centric organisation. With strategic directions and key performance indicators, we have compressed into five years a wide range of changes that would normally require 20 years to accomplish.

Today, the NUS Alumni Office is on the threshold of taking a quantum leap in building bonds with our alumni. With the opening of the Shaw Foundation Alumni House in 2008, OAR will have a new platform to facilitate increased engagement from alumni in the pursuit of excellence. Thanks to the contributions of our generous benefactors, we can all look forward to a new hub of activity, and an iconic focal point for interaction and learning where we will nurture a strong sense of identity and belonging. The Alumni House is NUS’ commitment to all alumni, staff and future to stay connected with everyone whose lives it has touched.

Do join us over the following pages as we share our spirit of camaraderie and our pursuit of excellence in serving our alumni, building bonds and bridging the future.

04. OAR Annual Report 2007 THE PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE 05.

Building on the successes of 2007, Director, NUS Alumni Office, Associate Professor Teo Choo Soo projects for an exciting year ahead with the upcoming opening of Our Home on Campus among other events, initiatives and programmes that will continue to engage NUS alumni in the global aspirations of NUS.

It is vitally important to remain relevant to alumni needs and expectations. Hence, we have continually reviewed our programmes and created a range of new or enhanced initiatives. Leveraging on IT, we have revamped the AlumNET (alumni Web site) with improved features and a new look. 2007 graduands now have 24/7 access to campus developments and networking opportunities with the seamless transfer of their student accounts to the AlumMAIL, the complimentary alumni email service available to all alumni.

On the global front, the NUS Alumni Office is pro-actively engaging all 14 overseas alumni chapters by showing them the support of the University, facilitating and connecting them with the University, among the other overseas chapters and with local alumni. All these initiatives strengthen the bonds that connect us all as alumni. At the same time, it bridges the future as a culture develops where alumni readily share their time, talent and treasure in realising our alma mater’s global aspirations.

The NUS Alumni Office is grateful to everyone who has opened their minds to the alumni experience and who has contributed to that experience in one way or another. We welcome new graduands into the fold and look forward to connecting them to the NUS alumni community.

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The heads of the OAR Divisions make up the Directorate, which is led by OAR Director, Associate Professor Teo Choo Soo. In addition to mapping out strategic directions and formulating policies to optimise financial, logistical and human resources, the Directorate identifies goals and development opportunities for OAR that are of strategic interest to the University. Under the stewardship of the Directorate, OAR continues to expand its global outreach efforts as it strives for excellence.

06. OAR Annual Report 2007 ACHIEVING EXCELLENCE 07.

The Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) comprises four Divisions – Planning & Information, Alumni Partnerships, Alumni Services and Special Projects – that work hand in hand to strengthen the alumni network and to ensure that our alumni are accorded the privileges of being part of the global NUS community.

CROSS-DIVISIONAL COMMITTEESTo leverage on the range of expertise of its various Divisions, OAR also has cross-divisional committees to look into productivity and effectiveness, work-life balance and the overall well-being of staff. These committees, including the “Happy and Healthy OAR” (H2O) and “Qualitivity” (Quality and Productivity) committees, help maintain professional standards of work and a conducive work environment for OAR staff.


PLANNING & INFORMATION DIVISIONThe Planning & Information Division translates strategic directions into action. Responsible for managing OAR’s human capital, this Division sets performance indicators and provides human resource support for the advancement of alumni relations. To ensure that OAR is well-positioned to support the strategic goals of the University, the Division also manages the alumni database and conducts research profiling.

ALUMNI PARTNERSHIPS DIVISIONUsing various platforms, the Alumni Partnerships Division works closely with Faculties, Halls of Residences and other NUS departments to engage alumni and cultivate students. The Division plays the crucial role of maintaining close alumni partnerships and provides support on key events like Homecoming, Reunions and President’s Dialogue Sessions, creating opportunities for alumni, staff, students and friends to connect, collaborate and achieve excellence.

Management Team: (from left): Yeo Wei Wei, Angela Lim, Chua Beng Hwee, Teo Choo Soo, Lo Tuck Leong, Chua Sin Chew

SPECIAL PROjECTS DIVISIONThe Special Projects Division manages a host of important projects which are all geared towards ensuring that the goals of the University and OAR are achieved. This division proactively pursues and realises projects that involve and engage alumni, aligning them to the goals of the University.

ALUMNI SERVICES DIVISIONThe Alumni Services Division supports alumni groups and facilitates their events and educational programmes by collaborating with other universities and business partners. It also extends exclusive privileges to our alumni by way of The AlumNUS card and Bank Affinity Cards. In addition, the Division keeps our alumni informed of university developments through the quarterly AlumNUS magazine and a monthly e-newsletter. The Division is also in charge of ensuring consistent branding and the effective marketing of OAR initiatives.

OAR Staff: Front Row (from left) Chua Sin Chew, Lo Tuck Leong, Teo Choo Soo, Chua Beng Hwee, Angela Lim, Yeo Wei WeiSecond Row (from left) Ariel Tung, Tara Beh, Susan Ng, Adeline Bek, Cathy Tan, Noreen Kwan, Valerie Koh, Wendy Ng, Ellen Aw, Ng Yuen WahThird Row (from left) Timothy Tan, Bernard Ow, Ida Hj Ithnin, Tan Hwee Lee, Sim May Kim, Lim Geok Ling, Doreen Ee, Susan Seah, Roger Smith. Absent: Jacqueline Quek

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OAR appreciates the importance of fostering a strong alumni spirit. And it does so by building and nurturing bonds right from the beginning, while the student is studying on campus. With careful cultivation, these bonds grow stronger and form the foundation of enduring ties that connect our alumni with one another and their alma mater.




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GUIDING FUTURE ALUMNIThe Student Alumni Associates (SAA) Volunteer Programme is an initiative that provides strong support and mentorship to students. It bridges alumni and students so they can learn from successful alumni who will guide and help them to develop interpersonal, organisational and leadership skills through planned participation in alumni-related events. Through this initiative, new traditions are nurtured and old ones preserved. It fosters a stronger alumni spirit and more active alumni after graduation.

REACHING OUT TO OUR STUDENTSOAR organises road shows together with the University’s faculties and schools to encourage students to feel closer to their schoolmates, as well as to their faculties and the University. These road shows are effective outreach channels that keep the lines of communication open during a student’s time at NUS. They enable OAR to inform students of the privileges and services they are entitled to as alumni, the 14 overseas chapters that they can be active in after graduation, and how they can stay connected with NUS.

GROwING OUR ALUMNI FAMILY Commencement marks the beginning of a new phase of life for graduating students. And as they embark on their careers, they transit from being students to alumni. Following the Commencement ceremonies from 3 to 11 July, 8,000 graduands joined the ranks of NUS alumni, bringing the total number of NUS alumni and friends to 250,000.

OAR welcomed the new members of the NUS alumni family, the Class of 2007 alumni with AlumConnect, a passport holder cum diary that contains information on alumni privileges and services. This year, a personalised dean’s message was also included in AlumConnect, which does double-duty as a welcome gift and a channel for engagement. All new alumni were also given a gown bag and a personalised AlumNUS card. Prior to each commencement ceremony, a customised video welcoming our new alumni was also screened.

ENGAGING FUTURE ALUMNIBy engaging students when they first enter University, OAR helps instil a sense of belonging. And this accounts for OAR’s consistent involvement at Matriculation Fairs. This year’s new students were welcomed into NUS at Matriculation Fair 2007, held from 30 July to 2 August. OAR’s booth provided information on student awards and initiatives. OAR also successfully increased awareness of its programmes, privileges and services, as well as the Shaw Foundation Alumni House, through publicity on the NUSSU website and in the NUSSU Diary, which was distributed free to all students.



OPEN INVITATIONS TO POTENTIAL ALUMNIThe NUS Open House is an annual platform that gives OAR the opportunity to capture the imagination and hearts of potential students. At this year’s NUS Open House on 11 and 12 March, OAR showcased the University’s illustrious alumni and introduced the event’s 18,000 attendees to the student awards programmes available, giving them a tantalising taste of what it would be like to be part of the NUS community.

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OAR constantly innovates to ensure that our alumni stay connected. This has resulted in the successful expansion of our networks, enabling us to keep pace with the growth of our alumni family and to foster greater connectivity and strong alumni bonds on a global scale.





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FORGING PARTNERSHIPS wITH NUS SCHOOLS, FACULTIES & HALLS OF RESIDENCESThe Associate Directors Scheme promotes closer partnerships between OAR, the schools, faculties and Halls of Residences. Every school, faculty and hall of residence appoints an Associate Director for alumni matters. These 17 Associate Directors share insights and strategies on alumni cultivation. As a result, synergies are harnessed, the faculties are better informed, a collaborative spirit is fostered and alumni connectivity is improved.

CONNECTING THROUGH SPORTThe UM-NUS Tunku-Chancellor Golf Tournament 2007 was held from 20 to 22 August in Kuala Lumpur. This 16th NUS Alumni and Friends Golf Tournament achieved multiple goals of connecting alumni, strengthening bonds and celebrating fellowship and the contributions to alumni cultivation.

NUS fielded 72 golfers, including the Senior Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr Zainul Abidin Rasheed; Singapore High Commissioner to Malaysia, Mr T Jasudasen; NUS Board of Trustees Chairman Mr Wong Ngit Liong; NUS Pro-Chancellor Dr Cheong Siew Keong; NUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong, and for the first time, 10 female golfers. OAR Director, Associate Professor Teo Choo Soo was the Golf Captain for NUS.

A REUNION TO REMEMBER & REUNITE“Remembering Alma Mater, Reuniting Bonds” was the theme for the 25th Anniversary Reunion Dinner of the Class of 1982. Held at the NUSS Kent Ridge Guild House on 8 December, the occasion allowed old friends to catch up and relive happy memories of their campus days.



HOMECOMING OF HISTORIC SIGNIFICANCEThis year’s particularly memorable Homecoming was held over two days on two campuses. The annual marquee event, which attracted 1,800 guests in total, celebrated the reunion of alumni, family and friends and the Official Opening of the historically significant Bukit Timah Campus. OAR took the opportunity to inform the alumni present about the University’s Culture of Excellence and their new home on campus: the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.

SENIOR ALUMNI HIGH TEA – BONDING OVER MEMORIESNUS President Prof Shih Choon Fong hosted 100 alumni to the annual Senior Alumni High Tea at the Alumni House on 18 May. This year’s event was made more special with an art exhibition by Mr Derrick Loh Teck Seng (Class of 1979). His indomitable spirit in the face of great challenges inspired many alumni who attended.

MAINTAINING LOCAL LINkS The History Alumni Association was formed this year, bringing the number of local alumni groups to 43. In addition, there are 261 e-groups on AlumNET. Reaching out to our alumni base and catering to their diverse interests, OAR continues to work closely with these groups to create greater synergies in connecting with our alumni.

BUILDING A GLOBAL NETwORkThe 14 overseas alumni chapters are important extensions of OAR’s outreach efforts and are integral to supporting our global alumni network. And to the alumni who live and work overseas, these chapters are invaluable resources that help them maintain their ties, grow their personal networks and enrich their lives.

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OAR has its ear to the ground and is constantly on the lookout for new win-win partnerships that can be built within the University and with external organisations. By actively seeking out new collaborations and opportunities for mutual benefit, OAR enhances the alumni experience and delivers greater value to the NUS community.




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BANkING ON OUR PARTNERSHIPSStandard Chartered Bank and DBS Bank are longstanding partners of OAR. Collaboration with these partners has resulted in credit card and debit card privileges that are exclusive to NUS alumni. By using the cards, our alumni identify themselves as part of the NUS community, while contributing a percentage of their spending to the University’s student financial assistance programmes.

And during Homecoming 2007 on 7 July, Standard Chartered Bank launched the NUS Alumni Platinum Card, which offers even more exclusive privileges and underscores their success and status.

VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIESIn the spirit of collaboration and to encourage mutual learning, OAR hosted numerous study visits from universities all over the world. They included university staff from countries like Australia, China, United Kingdom and the United States of America. These visits also formed the basis of OAR’s benchmarking initiative, which examined the strategies and management of alumni relations.

MAkING A CASE FOR ALUMNI CULTIVATIONHeadquartered in Washington, DC, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is the professional organisation for the advancement of alumni relations, communications and development in educational institutions. On 1 May, CASE Asia Pacific set up its office in Singapore and is co-located at OAR. OAR hopes to leverage on its presence to further strengthen the University’s alumni cultivation and engagement programmes.

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OAR engages NUS alumni through multiple channels of communication. Leveraging on technology and a range of innovative platforms and tools, OAR maintains an open dialogue with alumni whilst empowering them with knowledge, keeping them abreast of NUS developments, and ultimately, keeping them connected to NUS.




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COMMUNICATING IN CYBERSPACEOAR leverages on technology and the Internet to reach out to our global, tech-savvy alumni and to provide them with timely updates and useful services:

• E-NEWSLETTER OAR updates alumni efficiently and

effectively through a monthly e-newsletter, which complements OAR’s other channels and is available to alumni at the click of a button. Currently, this electronic parcel of information is sent to 79,000 alumni on a monthly basis.

• AlumNET AlumNET,, is the

gateway that keeps alumni “net-connected”. In addition to hosting all OAR-related information, AlumNET hosts other online resources such as a business card directory and interactive groups.

It also hosts the Guide to Local & Overseas Chapters, which provides details of all chapters, as well as the means for students, staff and alumni to contact the chapter representatives.

On AlumNET, alumni can also access AlumMail, the email account given to all NUS alumni. It is complimentary for life and has the word “alumni” as part of its suffix, which identifies its user as an alumnus of a world-class university. AlumMail is one of the most popular virtual platforms initiated by OAR.

COMMUNICATING FACE-TO-FACEOAR organises monthly dialogue sessions where NUS President Prof Shih Choon Fong meets alumni from each faculty. Aimed at cultivating positive and interactive relationships among alumni, the faculties and the University, these President’s Dialogue sessions are also opportunities for alumni to find out more about University developments and to contribute to them. OAR has received positive feedback from alumni, who have indicated that these sessions give them a better appreciation of how NUS is relevant to them and let them know that they are valued members of the NUS community.

COMMUNICATING THROUGH COLLATERALS As part of its communications strategy, OAR also produces various printed collaterals that provide news updates as well as in-depth information on OAR initiatives:

• CoRpoRaTEVidEo OAR’s corporate video, `Building Bonds Across

Space and Time’ gives an overview of OAR, illustrates OAR’s aspirations and provides information on the services OAR provides to keep alumni connected.

• RESouRCEMaNuaL This handy manual provides details on every

aspect of OAR, from its facilities and initiatives to student programmes and alumni privileges.



AlumNUS MAGAzINEOver 150,000 alumni receive our hard copy quarterly magazine, AlumNUS. The complimentary magazine provides local and overseas alumni with updates on alumni privileges and NUS events, achievements and research developments. The magazine is a major communications platform that helps keep our alumni connected to NUS.

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Countless alumni have inspired us with their spirit of giving. Their various contributions have enriched the lives of students and fellow alumni, sustained OAR’s ability to help needy students and helped put our dreams of a new Alumni House within reach. OAR is proud to recognise the contributions of our alumni and partners, which have shaped the future of NUS.




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GIFT A LEGACYIn conjunction with Commencement 2007, congratulatory letters were sent to the parents of students from the Class of 2007. Parents responded by actively making a commencement gift to the Alumni House in the name of their children, to be recognised as a part of the alumni legacy of NUS.

ANNUAL GIVINGIn partnership with the NUS Development Office, we have garnered alumni support in contributing towards bursaries for the next generation of alumni, through the NUS Annual Giving programme.

CONTRIBUTIONS OF OUR BANk PARTNERS OAR has maintained longstanding partnerships with DBS Bank and Standard Chartered Bank. These partnerships have delivered the Bank Affinity Cards Programme, which offers credit and debit cards that have benefited many students. A percentage of the spending made with these cards is channelled back to the Alumni House project and OAR’s array of student aid programmes.



INAUGURAL RECIPIENT OF THE CASE CHIEF EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP AwARD FROM ASIA PACIFICIn recognition of his distinguished leadership and NUS’ global standing, Prof Shih Choon Fong was the inaugural recipient of the CASE Chief Executive Leadership Award from Asia Pacific. The Minister for Education, Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam, was the Guest-of-Honour for the event.

RECOGNITION AT THE ALUMNI HOUSE Alumni and friends who contribute a minimum of $100 to the Shaw Foundation Alumni House will have their names recognised on the Donors’ Wall. This initiative is aimed at fostering a greater sense of belonging and increase participation among alumni. Our patron, President S R Nathan, NUS Chancellor and eminent alumnus; Principal Benefactors, Shaw Foundation and the NUS Society as well as the Founding Benefactors will be given pride of place in the Shaw Foundation Alumni House. Their beneficence and support have laid the foundation for Our Home on Campus.

RECOGNITION AT THE NUS ALUMNI AwARDS 2007Launched in 2005, the NUS Alumni Awards recognise and honour alumni, as well as put a human face to the University’s considerable accomplishments and contributions to education.

In 2007, NUS is honoured to award President S R Nathan with the Eminent Alumni Award. A total of three categories of awards were presented to 21 recipients.

• EminentAlumniAward• DistinguishedAlumniServiceAward• OutstandingYoungAlumniAward

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Alumni House is scheduled to open in 2008, when it will become the Home on Campus for our 177,000 alumni. Located at the Kent Ridge Campus, it will be a place of global connectivity and a beacon to all alumni around the world. It will be managed by the Office of Alumni Relations and boasts comprehensive facilities, career services and lifelong learning programmes, which dovetail with the University’s pursuit of excellence.

A CONNECTED VENUEThe indoor and outdoor spaces of Alumni House are designed to facilitate interaction and the exchange of ideas. They will be a conducive backdrop for the generation of new synergies amongst members of the NUS community.

The building will also be a visual experience. Alumni House’s diagonal lines form a web that symbolises the interaction amongst generations of alumni and the building’s openings symbolise the new opportunities that this interaction brings. Taking the symbolism a step further, a series of artistic installations have also been commissioned to complement the building:

• THEWaTERWaY Located on the 1st storey of the Alumni House,

“The Waterway” will convey a sense of place and an identity where alumni, students and staff learn to appreciate the rich heritage of NUS and be engaged in the exciting future of their alma mater.

A grand welcoming water feature from the entrance driveway portraying the ‘waterway’ will run into the Alumni House. Like the Atlantic salmon returning to their original waterway, NUS alumni are encouraged to return, contribute and engage in the University’s aspirations.

The design of The Waterway is based on the following themes:

• ReturningSalmon • IllustriousHistoryofNUS • HonouringEminence • RecognisingAlumni • APlaceforAllAlumni • NUSGlobalStanding • NUSFuture


The Shaw Foundation Alumni House is a milestone in NUS’ development and a symbol of the strong bonds between our alumni, our partners and the University. A striking icon that embodies our shared aspirations, it is a venue created with connectivity and the needs of our alumni in mind.

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ABOUT OUR ALUMNI AND FOR OUR ALUMNIPurpose-built for our alumni, the Shaw Foundation Alumni House will add value to the lives of our alumni. As a complement to the NUS Society Kent Ridge Guild House, it will foster a spirit of lifelong learning among our alumni and provide the necessary resources to spur on their self-improvement.



Alumni, students and staff can leverage Alumni House’s information resources on career enhancement, alumni cultivation and fundraising. Alumni can also attend career talks and other programmes that will add value to their personal and professional lives. There will be a 300-seat auditorium, where alumni and friends can engage in lifelong learning activities managed by the Office of Alumni Relations. There will be seminar rooms for discussions and a multi-purpose hall where talks and workshops will be held. Lounges, courtyards, food and beverage amenities will ensure convenience and comfort.

• iNTERNaTioNaLNETWoRk Alumni and students are encouraged to come

to Alumni House to share their experiences and to give one another new perspectives on mutual interests and concerns. Such cross-learning will contribute to the University community’s global outlook. Alumni House will provide a dedicated space where alumni can broaden their networks and their minds.

• aLuMNiBuSiNESSCENTRE The well-equipped business centre, meeting

rooms and workstations cater to the needs of our alumni and friends, facilitating their interaction and enabling synergies between groups.

• aLuMNiSERViCECENTRE The Alumni Service Centre will provide alumni

with a range of benefits, privileges and services, including travel programmes, AlumNUS Card services, bank affinity cards programmes and conferencing services.

• ouRpRoVENaNCE “Our Provenance” depicts NUS’ heritage

and the development of tertiary education in Singapore. Prominently located at the driveway, this installation of six boulders symbolises the evolution of the University, from its beginnings as King Edward VII College of Medicine to Raffles College, the University of Malaya, the University of Singapore and finally, NUS. Each boulder marks a turning point in the University’s history and features the coat of arms in bronze and the carving of an architectural feature associated with the institution.

• THECoNfLuENCE “The Confluence” is a steel sculpture situated

at Alumni Terrace. It depicts the University’s commitment to provide alumni, students, staff and friends with a special place where minds can be stimulated and enriched through interaction. The wave and circle motifs converge at a point, symbolising the Alumni House’s role as a confluence of talent and intellectual energy.

• THEfoRESTofTaLENTS “The Forest of Talents” is a mural that pays

homage to the contributions of our global alumni, who have set an excellent example for future generations and inspired a sense of pride among the NUS community through their dedication and generosity. The mural echoes the sculpture “Reaching Beyond” at University Hall and continues the story of the migrating Atlantic salmon. “The Forest of Talents” also presents a wall face for the inscription of alumni’s names, whilst driving home the message that the Alumni House is our home on campus, where all alumni can return to. The mural features carvings of the sky, land and sea, as well as fish forms that are symbolic of returning alumni. It also incorporates a selection of wood species that reflect the international nature of the University.

• THEfaCuLTYSToNES “The Faculty Stones” engages staff and students

by eliciting their creative input for the marble sculptures to be installed in their faculties and schools. Sculptor Chong Fah Cheong (Arts ’71) will translate their sketches into three-dimensional renderings and then oversee the production of these collaborative works of art. The sculptures will take the form of chairs and benches and be placed at the garden terrace of Alumni House, where they will be visual reminders of the joint effort and symbols of the teams’ camaraderie.

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32. OAR Annual Report 2007 THE STRATEGY FOR EXCELLENCE 33.


The Office of Alumni Relations closes 2007 on a high note, having chalked up several inspiring achievements during the past months. What we have accomplished puts us in good stead for the year ahead and it has also helped to fuel our momentum as we strive unrelentingly to serve our alumni in more and better ways.

ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARDInstalled in July 2006, the Alumni Advisory Board comprises 12 passionate alumni from a wide range of sectors. And while they come from different cohorts, what they have in common is a dedication to engage alumni to propel NUS towards its goals. The Board provides advice and counsel to the NUS President on alumni matters and works to expand the NUS network, to leverage on the strengths of our alumni and to promote unity and volunteerism.

MEMBERS OF THE NUS ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARDFromleft:MrZainulAbidinRasheed(Arts1971),MrYeoKengHoon(Business1985),MrArthurYap(Arts1963),MrViswaSadasivan(Arts1983),MrOliverTian(Computing1988), Dr Teo Ho Pin (Design & Environment 1985), Executive Secretary Assoc Prof Teo Choo Soo, Chairman Prof Shih Choon Fong, Ms Eunice Olsen (Arts 2001), Mr Lai Kim Seng (Engineering 1971), Mr Goh Seng Wee (Engineering 2003), Dr Chee Phui Hung (Medicine 1950), Mr Harry Chan (Arts 1950), Ms Angeline Ang (Arts 2000)

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The Office of Alumni Relations is grateful for their contributions and strives to help these overseas alumni stay connected to their alma mater. Through its 14 Overseas Alumni Chapters around the world, the OAR reaches out to our overseas alumni and ensures that potential synergies are harnessed. To date, several joint projects, such as overseas visits and data sharing initiatives, have been successfully concluded thanks to the close ties between the Office of Alumni Relations and the Alumni Chapters. On their own, these Chapters have also been active in raising funds and organising get-togethers for our alumni overseas.



Our global alumni network is growing. In fact, one in ten alumni is based overseas. They live and work in different cities and in different professional fields. And they have proven themselves to be an invaluable international resource by facilitating overseas internships, student exchanges and homestays. They have also contributed greatly by initiating inter-university collaborations and providing mentorship opportunities for their juniors.

Our 14 NUS Alumni Groups are located in:

• Melbourne,Australia• Perth,Australia• Sydney,Australia• Vancouver,Canada• Beijing,China• Shanghai,China• HongKong,China• NewDelhi,India• Tokyo,Japan• Kuching,Malaysia• Auckland,NewZealand• London,UnitedKingdom• Boston,USA• SanFrancisco,USA

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“Each graduate should take on the responsibility of assisting NUS as his or her right and as a duty, so that NUS will get all the energy and inspiration from its graduates. And this will no doubt assist NUS to forge to greater heights and be a great institution of higher learning…” – Alumnus Chandra Mohan K Nair, President of The National University of Singapore Society

“If we as alumni do well in society, it will bring glory to our alma mater… It will benefit the University greatly for these successful alumni to come back to share their expertise and real-life experiences.” – Alumnus Ng Chin Siau, Founder and Managing Director of Q & M Dental Group

“Learning is a lifelong process, and NUS has shaped me through education to be a better entrepreneur. I hope to bring together more alumni, and together, contribute to a brighter future.” – Alumnus Robin Low, Chairman of NUS Alumni Association in Boston, USA

“I hope to inspire and involve more graduates to be engaged with NUS … It is a natural sense of duty and obligation that an alumnus would have in his heart and soul, to come back, play his role and contribute his bit to the future of his alma mater.”– Alumnus Professor Loh Hong Sai, Associate Director of Faculty of Dentistry

Passionate alumni with whom we have worked closely are not merely close partners of OAR. They garner alumni participation in our programmes and initiatives. They are sources of inspiration for other alumni and role models for future alumni. The endorsements that they have given and the views they have expressed are an important source of motivation for OAR.

“Money is only of value if it is used to benefit your fellowmen, especially by supporting a famous educational institute like NUS.” – Alumnus Professor Arthur Lim, President, Medical Alumni Association & Clinical Professor, Department of Ophthalmology, NUS

“As alumni, we’ve walked that path and it will be good if some of us can share our experiences with the students. Alumni can also learn from and extend a helping hand to one another.” – Alumnae Jocelyn Chng, NUS Winner of Best Entrepreneur, Arts & SDE of Year 2005

“Having benefited so much from my NUS University education on a bursary, I would like to “pay it forward”... I would encourage and facilitate their return to visit the new Alumni House, their “Home on Campus” Let us be the wind beneath our beloved Alma Mater’s wings as she soars towards a destiny befitting her illustrious past, a spectacular star-studded track record.”– Alumnae Tan Suan Imm, Senior Alumnus

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OAR ANNUAL REPORTOAR’s Annual Report 2006 was published in January 2007. Providing information on OAR’s programmes and activities, which were targeted to reinforce our ties with our alumni and friends, the report was sent to prominent alumni, government officials, donors, staff, student leaders and friends of NUS.

AlumNET NUS’ alumni website, AlumNET, launched its new front page in January. New content has been and will continue to be added to reflect the latest NUS developments.

AlumMAIL The enhanced AlumMAIL was publicised on AlumNET and in the AlumNUS magazine.

PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUENUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong met alumni from the School of Design and Environment.

ALUMNI LIBRARY PORTAL OAR collaborated with the NUS Library to run an online portal to support our alumni’s lifelong learning needs. This IT-driven service is also an excellent avenue to reach out to alumni.

NUS ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARD The Board held a meeting on 29 January 2007.


STAFF ADVANCEMENTHeld over two days in Changi Village, Staff Advancement 2007 – “Team Challenge” helped strengthen OAR’s team spirit. Management and staff gained new perspectives on managing work, handling superiors and subordinates, problem-solving and thinking out-of-the-box.

PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUENUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong met the alumni from the Faculty of Law.

ALUMNI MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OAR and the Computer Centre will undertake the Integrated Alumni Database project to ensure database integration across all faculties, schools and partner departments. A steering committee and a project management team were formed in February.

2007 has been an eventful year for Office of Alumni Relations. OARspicious Achievements 2007 provides a succinct view of the key activities, initiatives and programmes of OAR in calendar months.

MeetBossaNova”on14Marchand“IrresistiblyYoursbyNUSJazz Band” on 17 March during the NUS Arts Festival 2007. The events were attended by 100 guests, including alumni group representatives, Alumni Associate Directors, corporate bank partners, NUS Alumni Advisory Board members, alumni beauty queens, as well as Entrepreneurial Awards and Alumni Awards recipients.

ALUMNI DIALOGUE SESSION IN SYDNEY OAR Director A/P Teo Choo Soo hosted a dialogue session for 40 alumni and friends in Sydney on 30 March. He updated them on NUS developments and encouraged them to stay connected.


ALUMNI NETwORkING IN MELBOURNE OAR Director A/P Teo Choo Soo hosted a networking dinner for 40 alumni and friends in Melbourne on 4 April. He updated alumni on the Shaw Foundation Alumni House as well as events including the Alumni Awards and Homecoming. During the dinner, Mr Soh Leng Lu, Chairman of NUS Alumni Melbourne Chapter, presented a collection of $3,000 for the Shaw Foundation Alumni House Building Fund.

ALUMNI GATHERING IN VANCOUVER NUS alumni and friends interacted with staff and alumni from the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver on 20 April. The gathering was held at UBC and hosted by A/P Teo Choo Soo. Guests included the Consul General of Singapore, Mr Foo Chin Kwok and Associate Vice President Alumni, UBC, Ms Marie Earl. A/P Teo updated the guests on the recent developments at NUS and the progress of the Shaw Foundation Alumni House. The website of the NUS Alumni VancouverchapterwasofficiallylaunchedbyMrArthurYap,Chairman of NUS Alumni Vancouver chapter. He also presented A/P Teo with donations from the Vancouver chapter for the Shaw Foundation Alumni House Building Fund.

CHINESE NEw YEAR LUNCH TheannualLunarNewYeareventforlocalalumnigrouprepresentatives was held on 26 February in conjunction with the NUS Alumni Student Bursary Awards. Hosted by OAR Director A/P Teo Choo Soo, the event was sponsored by DBS and attended by 22 alumni leaders from 16 local alumni groups and 76 NUS staff. Guests included NUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong, Registrar A/P Ang Siau Gek, Dean of Students, and A/P Tan Teck Koon. Mr Vincent Tan, Senior Vice President, DBS Cards & Unsecured Loans gave away the 20 bursary awards.


NUS ECONOMICS ALUMNI GROUP Officially launched on 2 March at an event attended by OAR Director, A/P Teo Choo Soo and Dean of the Faculty of ArtsandSocialSciences(FASS),A/PTanTaiYong,theNUSEconomics Alumni Group is the largest subject-based alumni group in the FASS. The group was set up in December 2006 and now has 360 members.

CHINESE NEw YEAR TEA SESSION wITH NUS’ PRC STUDENTS A tea session for PRC students was held on 2 March. Jointly organised by OAR, the NUS Beijing Alumni Chapter and the NUS Chinese Students’ Committee (CSC), the event was attended by 40 PRC undergraduate students and UPR representatives. They were introduced to OAR programmes and asked for feedback on how their needs could be better by the China Alumni Secretariat (CAS).

NUS OPEN HOUSE OAR participated in the NUS Open House on 10-11 March. OAR reached out to potential students and their parents and highlighted the illustrious alumni that NUS has produced.

ALUMNI AND CORPORATE PARTNERS APPRECIATION NITES OAR showed its appreciation for valued alumni, faculty and corporate partners, by hosting them to “Olivia and Friends

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NUS HOMECOMING 2007 Homecoming 2007: A Culture of Excellence, was a marquee event that was held over two days and on both campuses. Homecoming @Kent Ridge on 7 July incorporated the NUS Alumni Student Exchange Programme Award Presentation and Homecoming @BTC on 8 July was a full-day programme of campus tours, exhibitions and public lectures that culminated in the official opening of the campus. Newspaper advertisements on 22 May, 25 May and 28 June heightened public awareness of the events. Guests were given AlumConnect, which contained information on alumni services and the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.

NUS ALUMNI ADVISORY BOARD The 3rd Alumni Advisory Board Meeting was held on 19 July. Issues discussed included engaging alumni in NUS G-10-10 vision, spearheading “Outstanding Mentor Educator Awards” and enhancing student experience in NUS.

NUS PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUE NUS President met alumni from the Faculty of Dentistry.

MATRICULATION 2007 NUS welcomed more than 6,000 freshmen from 30 July to 2 Aug. At the OAR Information Booth, freshmen learned about the importance of alumni connections and the concept of staying connected. OAR staff and Student Alumni Associates were present to interact with the freshmen and advise them on the various NUS Alumni Student Awards.


NEw ONLINE SERVICES A donation portal was launched to provide a convenient channel for online donations by credit/ debit cards. The portal can be accessed from the NUS and the OAR websites.


AlumMAIL FOR NEw ALUMNI The accounts of graduating students were transferred into AlumMAIL, a channel that enhances communication among NUS’ 177,000 alumni and whose domain name identifies its users with the NUS brand.

COMMENCEMENT 2007 To engage new alumni, a corporate video was screened to showcase NUS alumni services. In addition, there was a Commencement Gazette containing information on alumni privileges. OAR also set up a booth at the University Cultural Centre (UCC) from 3-11 July to provide information on alumni privileges and opportunities.

AlumCONNECT 2007 AlumConnect, a passport holder cum diary showcasing alumni services and privileges, was given to all new alumni. This year’s version incorporated messages from the respective Faculties for a more personal touch.

NUS ALUMNI AwARDS 2007“Recognising Excellence” was the focus of the event this year. NUS was honoured to confer President S R Nathan the Eminent Alumni Award. Distinguished Alumni Service Awards andOutstandingYoungAlumniAwardswerealsogivenout. Held on 5 July, the event garnered extensive publicity.

BUkIT TIMAH CAMPUS (BTC) OPENING CELEBRATIONS The BTC Opening Celebrations was held on 8 July. The programmes included the BTC Homecoming and the Official Opening of BTC, which was officiated by Guest-of-Honour Professor S Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister, Co-ordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Law. The celebrations were attended by over 1,000 alumni, students, staff, benefactors and stakeholders.

NUS HISTORY ALUMNI ASSOCIATION The NUS History Department held its 3rd Annual History Alumni Dinner on 20 April. It was attended by 100 alumni, staff and friends of the Department and also marked the official launch of the NUS History Alumni Association.

STUDY VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIES OAR hosted Ms Claire Rundstrom, Development Manager, Alumni Relations, University of Sheffield on 2 April; Mr Zhou Jiting, Chairman, University of Science & Technology, Beijing on 10 April; and Ms Ilona Davis, Alumni Relations Manager, University College London on 23 April.


PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUENUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong met alumni from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS MEETING The Associate Directors met on 15 May to seek the collaboration of faculties and schools on alumni initiatives such as Homecoming and the inclusion of their Deans’ personal Welcome Notes in AlumCONNECT.

TEAMBUILDING: LEGO SERIOUS PLAYThe teambuilding session on 15 May helped strengthen team spirit by illustrating the importance of unity and team effort, as well as the limitations of individual effort.

LOCAL ALUMNI GROUPS QUARTERLY MEETING Held over lunch on 16 May, the meeting was attended by 17 groups, which shared their latest updates. A/P Teo Choo Soo updated attendees on alumni news and the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.

CUSTOMER CARE CAMPAIGNThe training workshop marking the launch of OAR’s Customer Care Campaign was organised to further enhance OAR’s customer service levels, so that alumni can enjoy a better experience when they visit Alumni House.

SENIOR ALUMNI HIGH TEA / SPECIAL ART EXHIBITION Hosted by NUS President Prof Shih Choon Fong and facilitated by OAR, the annual event attracted 100 alumni who were updated on campus developments and treated to a special art exhibition by Mr Derrick Loh Teck Seng (Class of 1979). As a gesture of appreciation to his alma mater, Mr Loh donated one of his favourite paintings to the Shaw Foundation Alumni House.


PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUENUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong met alumni from the Faculty of Engineering.

STUDY VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIESMr. Hamidon Abd Hamid, Deputy Director of Student and Alumni Affairs, International Islamic University Malaysia visited OAR on 22 June.

wELCOMING NEw ALUMNI An OAR information booth was set up to engage the 2007 graduands during their Gown Collection from 22-29 June. Computer workstations were made available to enable them to update their contact information and OAR also gave out its popular welcome pack which included a gown bag, AlumCONNECT, AlumNUS Card, AlumNUS magazine, NUS Alumni e-Community postcard, a Homecoming invitation and various collaterals.

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MELBOURNE ALUMNI CHAPTER 1ST ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION The Chapter celebrated its 1st Anniversary on 8 August. Attended by 100 alumni and friends, it was graced by OAR Director A/P Teo Choo Soo. The evening also marked the official launch of the Melbourne Chapter website.

OAR ROADSHOwS OAR engaged students at the School of Design & Environment Freshmen Welcome Tea on 8 August and the Mechanical EngineeringFinalYearStudentsWelcomeTeaon14August.

ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS MEETING Topics discussed at the meeting on 14 August included the NUS Management Strategic Paper on “Student Centricity and a Memorable NUS Education Experience” and Homecoming. Updates on the Shaw Foundation Alumni House project were also shared.

STUDY VISIT TO SIAThe visit provided the OAR team with new insights on best practices in customer care and service innovation.

UM-NUS INTER-UNIVERSITY TUNkU-CHANCELLOR GOLF TOURNAMENT This year’s tournament was hosted by the UM Chancellor, HRH Sultan Azlan Shah and held in Kuala Lumpur on 21 and 22 August. A tradition of 38 years, the friendly tournament brought together 70 golfers, with the NUS team being led by NUS Chancellor President S R Nathan.

STUDY VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIES OAR hosted Professor Robin Williams, Director, Alumni & Development and Ms Louise McCarthy, Alumni Relations Manager, from RMIT on 30 August.


PRESTIGIOUS CASE AwARD The Council for Advancement and Support for Education (CASE) is the global organisation for educational institutions and professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications and fundraising. With a global reach of over 3,300 universities, colleges and independent elementary and secondary schools, CASE is the largest non-profit education association in terms of institutional membership. CASE conferred NUS President, Professor Shih Choon Fong the Chief Executive Leadership Award in recognition of his distinguished leadership and NUS’ global standing. It was the first time the award has been given to an individual from Asia-Pacific.

INTERNATIONAL SPEAkING ENGAGEMENTS OAR Director A/Prof Teo Choo Soo made a presentation on “Building A Modern Alumni Relations Programme – The NUS Experience” to the University of Melbourne on 6 August. He also participated in the Universiti Sains Malaysia’s Strategic Planning Workshop on 7 September and presented “Organisational Structure, Objectives and the Functions Of The Alumni Office.”

FOUNDING BENEFACTORSPresident S R Nathan, Patron of the Shaw Foundation Alumni House, was Guest-of-Honour at the Founding Benefactors’ Dinner on 28 September. The event launched the Founding Benefactors initiative aimed at identifying prominent alumni who can lend their support to the Alumni House.

STUDY VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIES OAR hosted Ms Ann Badger, Director of College Advancement, Ormond College, University of Melbourne on 3 September and Mr John Lippincott, President, CASE and Ms Joanna Motion, Vice President, International Operations, CASE, on 6 September.


ENHANCING TOUCHPOINTS Touchpoints are the points of contact an organisation has with its stakeholders, and include both environmental and people factors. OAR introduced the concept in October as part of its ongoing drive to enhance customer service.


PRESIDENT’S DIALOGUENUS President Professor Shih Choon Fong met alumni from the School of Business.

YEAR END GET-TOGETHER LUNCHRepresentatives from local alumni groups and the associate directors from all faculties, schools and Halls of Residences gathered for a lunch organised by OAR to foster greater camaraderie and synergy.

STUDY VISITS FROM OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIES OAR hosted Ms Alison Boyd, Alumni Officer, International Programmes and Ms Patricia Cunningham, Alumni Officer, Faculty of Mathematics, of University of Waterloo on 20 November. Ms Emma Jones, Alumni Relations Manager of Imperial College in London visited on 28 Nov to meet senior OAR staff.

16TH ALUMNI AND FRIENDS GOLF TOURNAMENT NUS alumni and friends enjoyed a game of golf whilst contributing to alumni cultivation and promoting lifelong learning.

NEw LOOk FOR AlumNETAlumNET, the official NUS alumni website, was given a refreshing new home page as part of OAR’s efforts to constantly improve its services.


25TH ANNIVERSARY REUNION – CLASS OF 1982The Class of 1982 reunited for a night of bonding and merrymaking at their “Remembering Alma Mater, Reuniting Bonds” 25th Anniversary Reunion Dinner.

VISIT TO OVERSEAS UNIVERSITIESTo foster collaborative synergies and learn through the exchange of information and knowledge, the management of OAR made visits to three universities in Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and Hong Kong University. A reunion dinner with the Hong Kong alumni chapter was held on the 14 December. The focus of this learning trip was alumni relations.

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44. OAR Annual Report 2007 THE YEAR 2007 IN PICTURES 45.


1. President S R Nathan receiving the Eminent Alumni Award2. Homecoming @ Bukit Timah Campus (BTC)3. Guest-of-Honour Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam,

Minister for Education, at CASE Singapore Master Class4. Senior Alumni at the Official Opening of BTC5. Guest-of-Honour Prof S Jayakumar, Deputy Prime Minister,

Coordinating Minister for National Security and Minister for Law, at the Official Opening of BTC



3. 6. 9.




6. SCB presenting the Student Financial Assistance Awards during Homecoming @ Kent Ridge

7. Young alumni at Homecoming @ Kent Ridge8. 16th NUS Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament9. Distinguished Alumni Award10. An Evening of Honouring Shaw Foundation Alumni House Benefactors11. BEMA presenting a cheque donation to NUS at the 16th NUS Alumni & Friends Golf Tournament Prize Presentation Dinner

10. 11.

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46. OAR Annual Report 2007 ALUMFACTS 2007 47.



Above 61 years

51– 60 years

41 – 50 years

31– 40 years

Below 30 years








Number of AlumNUS Cardholders: 84,801 (2006) >> 93,356 (2007)

AlumNETAlumNET is the virtual platform that enables alumni to get comprehensive information on the Office of Alumni Relations, updates on the developments of the University and to stay “Net connected” with other alumni.

In 2007, the Office of Alumni Relations website:

• Attractedvisitorsfrom124countries

• Averaged18,680sitevisitorspermonth

• Averaged58,137pageviewspermonth

IN 2007:

• Therewere32,275AlumNET users

• Therewere80,083e-newssubscribers

• Therewere261e-groups

• 150,000AlumNUS magazines were sent out quarterly

• 11,802peoplevisitedAlumniHouse




















• Others–Postgraduatesubcategories

Canadaalumni: 602

united StateS alumni: 1,179

new Zealandalumni: 110

auStraliaalumni: 894

malaySiaalumni: 6,482

Japanalumni: 412 China

alumni: 2,537

united Kingdomalumni: 373

indiaalumni: 690


Hong Kong



PertH Sydney


San FranciSco





new delHi



Page 26: NUS Alumni Office - Annual Report 2007


OUR HOME ON CAMPUS – Icon of Inspiration, Hub of Connectivity

BUILDING OUR COMMUNITY – Forging our Identity, Strengthening our Ties

E-COMMUNITY– Connecting Virtually, Communicating Globally

LIFELONG LEARNING – Expanding Minds, Broadening Horizons

REUNIONS – Remembering Bonds, Reuniting Friends

CAREER SERVICES – Providing Guidance, Achieving Goals

HOMECOMING– Renewing Old Bonds, Building New Ties



The pursuit of excellence is relentless and in 2008, the Office of Alumni Relations will continue to find more and better ways to engage and serve our alumni. A multi-pronged approach will be adopted to stay relevant to the needs of our alumni and meet their expectations. OAR will continue to focus on building bonds with alumni through alumni-centric activities and partnerships. At the same time, cognisant of the importance of building firm relations with students as they are the future alumni, OAR will take an active role in relationship-building initiatives.

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Office of Alumni Relations National University of Singapore

20, Lower Kent Ridge Road, Singapore 119080 Tel 6516 5775 Fax 6777 2065 Email [email protected]

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