Download - Nres Questionnaire

  • 7/25/2019 Nres Questionnaire


    PART 1: Demographic Profle


    How old are you? Ilang taon ka na?

    18-25 years old 26-35 years old 36-45 years old 45 years or older

    What is your sex? Ano ang iyong kasarian?

    ale !e"ale

    #i$il status


    arried &i$or'ed


    Where do you 'urrently li$e?

    ontal(an arikina

    )thers* +lease s+e'i,y.............

    How long ha$e you (een li$ing there?

    /ess than 5 years

    6-10 years 11-20 years ore than 21 years

    All "y li,e

    Whi'h o, the ,ollowing (est des'ri(es the area you li$e in?

    r(an %u(ur(an ural

    du'ational Attain"ent

    ndergraduate raduate ost-graduate

    !a"ily onthly In'o"e in hili++ine +eso

    nder 5000

  • 7/25/2019 Nres Questionnaire


    6000-10000 11000-15000 16000 and a(o$e

    How long ha$e you (een working as a shoe"aker?

    2-5 years 6-10 years 11-20 years 21 years and a(o$e

    Whi'h o, the ,ollowing 'ategories (est des'ri(es your +ri"arily area o, e"+loy"ent

    regardless o, your a'tual +osition7?


    Whi'h o, the ,ollowing (est des'ri(es your role in industry?


    How would you des'ri(e your work s'hedule?

    o egularo Irregularo otating

    How "any days in a week do you work?

    o 3 days and (elowo 4 days

    o 5 dayso 6 dayso days

    How "any hours do you esti"ate you s+end +er day in your work?

    o 3 hours and (elowo 4-8 hourso 9-12 hourso 13 hours and "ore

    &o you s"oke 'igarettes?

    #urrently x-s"oker )nly s"oked a ,ew ti"es :e$er

    Ha$e you e$er in your li,e s"oked 'igarettes on a daily (asis?


  • 7/25/2019 Nres Questionnaire



    How "any years* in total* did you s"oke 'igarettes on a daily (asis?

    ....... ;A% %)

  • 7/25/2019 Nres Questionnaire


    x'ellent ery good ood !air oor

    1 2 3 4 5


    Buestions 1 2 3 4 5In general* how would you rate

    your o$erall health now?In general* how would you rate

    your o$erall "ental health now?

    &o you ha$e any o, the ,ollowing 'onditions? I, your answer is ;%* "ark whether

    you ne$er* +re$iously* or 'urrently re'ei$e +ro,essional treat"ent@ ro,essionaltreat"ent is any treat"ent su+er$ised (y a health +ro,essional@7

    :)* I donCt

    ha$e this


    ;%* (ut I

    ne$er re'ei$ed


    ;%* I


    re'ei$ed (utdonCt 'urrently



    ;%* and I





    #ough with+hleg"?%hortness o,

    (reath?#olds?ye irritation?Heada'he?!eeling diDDy?



    &o you ha$e any disease or health +ro(le"s (e,ore working as a shoe"aker?

    ;es :o

    I, yes* +lease indi'ate...............

  • 7/25/2019 Nres Questionnaire


    #urrent sy"+to"s ark any o, the ,ollowing sy"+to"s you ha$e ex+erien'edwithin the last2-4 "onths


    >rou(le slee+ing Heada'he

    =a'k +ain #ough

    #olds %ore throat !e$er &iarrhea #onsti+ation :ausea and o"iting &iDDiness :one o, these sy"+to"s

    In a ty+i'al week* on how "any days do you do any "oderate a'ti$ities that 'ausess"all in'reases in (reathing or heartrate ,or at least 30 "inutes?

    3 days and (elow 4- days I donEt ty+i'ally do any "oderate exer'ise

    In a ty+i'al week* on how "any days do you do any $igorous a'ti$ities that 'ausess"all in'reases in (reathing or heartrate ,or at least 30 "inutes?

    3 days and (elow 4- days

    I donEt ty+i'ally do any $igorous exer'ise

    &o you get at least 8 hours o, slee+ at night

    ;es :o

    Work days "issed due to illness in the +ast years?

    15 or less days

    20 or "ore days

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