Page 1: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely



NOVEMBER 28, 2014!

14 Collegiate Brothers in Phi Lambda Sigma!138 Collegiate Brothers in all academic years!

10.1 % of Collegiate Brothers are in Phi Lambda Sigma!53.8 % of Phi Lambda Sigma members are Brothers!

Alpha Chapter!

University of Michigan College of Pharmacy!

Primary Authors: Austin Brown, Stephanie Hamel!

Page 2: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely


Alpha Brothers celebrate their accomplishments at the 15th Leader Development Seminar in Tampa, Florida.



2 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

3 Alpha in Charge Phi Delta Chi Brothers maintain a strong presence in leadership roles throughout the

University of Michigan College of Pharmacy.

5 Into the Woods Brothers showcase their leadership skills at the annual College of Pharmacy

Leadership Retreat.

6 Funding Future Leaders The Alpha Chapter establishes the Phi Delta Chi Prescott Leadership Award.

7 Pass the Torch The annual Leadership Transition Meeting agenda expands to offer team-building and

leadership development opportunities.

7 New Opportunities Alpha’s New Brother Liaison positions encourage leadership early on in a Brother’s

career with Phi Delta Chi.!

8 Brother Appreciation Brothers and chapter officers receive recognition for their leadership and service

through the presentation of monthly awards.

Page 3: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely

If you ask the average American what a pharmacist does, many would reply that pharmacists are the people slapping labels on prescriptions at the corner Walgreens or Rite Aid. According to this definition, it seems like a mundane and not an entirely fulfilling line of work. Little do they know – today, pharmacists are a crucial part of the health care system, providing services from the local store all the way to the federal government.

In light of these new and expanding roles for pharmacists, the Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Chi prides itself on being an organization full of talented, driven individuals who strive for perfection in whatever task is placed before them. As a chapter, we work hard to develop Brothers into leaders who can pioneer innovative

solutions for pharmacists to become involved in all aspects of patient care. Together, we represent a multitude of talents that are used to shape the future of the profession and of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. Worthy Chief Counselor Rosalyn Schloemer commented on Phi Delta Chi’s leadership presence at our school: “The Brothers of PDC not only do great work for the fraternity, but they are present in leadership roles throughout the College of Pharmacy. It doesn’t matter which organization it is – when important decisions need to be made, there’s a very good chance an Alpha Brother is making them.”

Below is a list of Alpha Brothers holding leadership positions outside of Phi Delta Chi.

3 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

Alpha in Charge!

of executive board positions at the College of Pharmacy are currently held by Brothers!


The Impact!

!!!!!! 51!Alpha Brothers hold leadership positions outside of Phi Delta Chi!

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4 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

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5 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

This Fall, the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy hosted its annual Leadership Retreat – a day for representatives from all student organizations to connect with each other and develop as leaders. The morning began with a series of team building exercises including a ropes course challenge at the Howell Nature Center. The afternoon session was comprised of goal setting and discussions about how to facilitate communication between organizations and enhance the student experience at the College

of Pharmacy. This year, 32 students were

recognized by the administration as true leaders of our school and were invited to participate in the event. Of those selected, 16 were Brothers of Phi Delta Chi.

Faculty hosting the retreat asked attendees for concrete solutions to some of the issues currently standing in the way of student organization success, and Brothers were consistently at the forefront of the problem solving process. For example, space

constraints at the College of Pharmacy lead to difficulties in scheduling committee meetings, so one Brother suggested that our building’s largest room be reserved during lunch hour as common space for smaller groups to meet. Overall, this year’s Leadership Retreat highlighted the drive and creativity that is common to all Alpha Brothers, and it provided an opportunity for chapter leaders to brainstorm ways to improve both our brotherhood and our school.

Into the Woods!

Balancing Act WVC Nadir Zara and WKRS Connor Luczak hold each other up while balancing on a low ropes course.!

Strong Showing Alpha Chapter advisor Jeffrey Tingen joins the 16 Alpha Brothers at

the 2014 College of Pharmacy Leadership Retreat.!

Advisor Viewpoint!ʻI am consistently impressed by their devotion to become

leaders in the profession of pharmacy.ʼ!

‘The Alpha Chapter of Phi Delta Chi is the clear winner of the ‘Leadership Ticket’ at

the University of Michigan. This powerhouse group of students leads not

only at the College of Pharmacy, but campus-wide.’ JEFFREY TINGEN, Alpha Chapter

Advisor and Great Lakes Region Director of Collegiate Affairs, on Alpha Brothers’

passion to lead others!PEGGY CARVER, Alpha Chapter Advisor, on the example

that Brothers set as leaders in the College of Pharmacy!

Page 6: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely

6 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

During the past school year, the Alpha Chapter voted to establish an endowed scholarship at the University of Michigan to recognize Brothers who have demonstrated excellence in scholarship, service, professionalism, and leadership. Among the criteria required for consideration, the most significant includes taking an active leadership role in the fraternity and providing other Brothers the opportunity to advance the Alpha Chapter. Hardworking members of Phi Delta Chi who display these traits will be eligible to receive a $1,000 scholarship in recognition of their achievements.

Establishing this award could not have been accomplished without the hard work of the 2013-2014

Executive Board – WCC Gianni Scappaticci, WVC Joslyn Neal, WKRS Sarah Thomas, WC Connor Luczak, Nick WKF Kirkpatrick, WP Rosalyn Schloemer, WAL Chris Dolan, WMA Nadir Zara, WIG Rikki Horne. Countless hours were spent revising our Chapter bylaws, meeting with the school’s Advancement and External Relations Office, and laying out a financial plan that would be sustainable for years to come. To the College of Pharmacy administration, their diligent efforts served as a prime example of Phi Delta Chi Brothers’ strong leadership and commitment to the future of the profession.

The process of starting this scholarship also showcased the Alpha Chapter’s extensive financial

structure. During an organizational meeting with the College’s Dean of Student Services, it was suggested that all student groups model their finances after Phi Delta Chi.

Worthy Keeper of Finance Nick Kirkpatrick shared his excitement about these accomplishments: “Creating the scholarship has been a dream of Alpha for quite some time now, and I am proud of our Brothers for taking the initiative this past year to make this dream a reality. It was great of the administration to recognize how PDC is taking steps to advance our presence within the College of Pharmacy and establish ourselves as a lasting example of leadership.”

Funding Future Leaders!Establishment of the Phi Delta Chi Prescott Leadership Award!

The summer of 2014 brought Brothers from all over the country to Tampa, Florida in order to take part in the 15th Leader Development Seminar (LDS). Out of the approximately 300 members who attended, 18 Alpha Brothers made the trip from Ann Arbor to learn how to become true leaders in pharmacy. At the conference, Brothers reflected on their personal strengths and discussed challenges that face students in leadership roles. The Alpha Chapter plans to incorporate some LDS activities into our own programming so that all Brothers can benefit from the seminar even if they were not able to attend.

Professionalism Committee Co-Chair Lauren Marcath commented on the Alpha Chapter’s presence at the event: “Having more Alpha Brothers show up than any other chapter shows our desire to be leaders not just for our fraternity, but

also in our careers as pharmacists. We all want to be the best at what we do, and I think LDS really helped us get closer to reaching that goal by teaching us new skills and fine-tuning the way we lead others.”

Tampa Bay Takeover!Alpha Chapter at the 15th Leader Development Seminar!

Beach Party The Alpha Chapter enjoys an

evening of sand volleyball, burgers, and brotherhood.!

Page 7: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely

7 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

After Executive Board and Committee Chair elections have concluded in the spring, the outgoing and incoming leaders of the Alpha Chapter convene to transfer over their responsibilities. In years past, this event has focused mainly on sharing advice and setting committee goals; however, this year, the agenda was expanded to include leadership development activities to better prepare incoming leaders for their positions.

To kick off the event, the Achievement and Award Program Committee led a team-building icebreaker (‘Brother Bingo’) to emphasize the importance of communication in order to successfully run an organization. A second activity involved teams of Brothers working together to move stuffed animals between two corners of the room. Every team member needed to touch each toy, but they were not allowed to pass to the

person next to them, which demonstrated the need for a consistent and clear strategy when working alongside a large group of leaders.

This year, the Alpha Chapter was proud to invite esteemed faculty member and PDC alumna Dr. Lindsey Kelley to speak about how leadership through Phi Delta Chi can prepare students for their future in the pharmacy profession. Dr. Kelley currently serves as the Assistant Director of Pharmacy and Ambulatory Care Services at the University of Michigan Health System. During the seminar, she touched on the different types of leaders and the importance of taking advantage of opportunities as they become available to you. Students actively engaged in the presentation and solicited advice about how to effectively perform their leadership duties while balancing a difficult class load.

Worthy Inner Guard Erika Price shared her thoughts on the Leadership Seminar: “Coming into a large leadership role can be a very intimidating part of pharmacy school. After having the chance to listen to Dr. Kelley, I felt much more comfortable because I had a better understanding of what was expected of me as a leader in Phi Delta Chi. It was also inspiring to hear about how student organizations helped get to her to where she is today. We all want to do well upholding our duties as chapter leaders, and my Brothers made it very clear that they will help me every step of the way.”

To close the Transition Meeting, Brothers broke into groups to discuss their aspirations for their respective committees and to brainstorm chapter-wide goals that would guide our progress in the upcoming year.

Pass the Torch!Team Building and Leader Development at the 2014 Transition Meeting !

Becoming a Phi Delta Chi Brother is a rewarding experience, but finding your niche in such a large organization can be overwhelming at first. To help ease this transition, the Alpha Chapter established leadership positions for newly initiated Brothers who want to become more active members of the fraternity. These positions also ensure the continued success of the Alpha Chapter by providing potential officers with mentorship and leadership experience that can guide them during their P2 and P3 years.

New Brother Liaisons work closely with Committee Chairs to keep new Brothers up-to-date with chapter happenings, and work on

special projects that give them the chance to lead their own events.

Marie Albano shared her thoughts on the creation of the new role: “I knew I wanted to serve as a New Brother Liaison because I saw throughout the pledging process how the fraternity’s leaders gave back to their fellow Brothers. I thought it would be a great opportunity to get a sense of how such a large organization functions so seamlessly and to strengthen my own leadership skills. The position given to me was a firsthand look at how both the Executive Board and Committee Chairs can work independently of each other but at the same time build a stronger chapter together.”

Publications: Marie Albano & Caroline Quinn!Scholarship: Jenn Erley!Professionalism: Lauren Marcath & Alexa Fedrigon!Brotherhood: Dana Blanchard!Service: Kristin Griebe!Fundraising: Erika Price & Jared Borlagdan!AAP: Emily Peltier!Operations: Craig Michael!

New Opportunities! Last Yearʼs Liaisons!

10 out of 11!continue to hold leadership

positions in the chapter!

Page 8: NOVEMBER 28, 2014 JOHN D. GRABENSTEIN LEADERSHIP · guide them during their P2 and P3 years. New Brother Liaisons work closely

8 ALPHA CHAPTER November 28, 2014

With so many student organizations at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, it can be difficult to keep track of the events happening on any given day. This year, the Brothers of Phi Delta Chi took initiative to reach out to students more effectively by combining our efforts with other hardworking groups. Through this teamwork, the Alpha Chapter was able to host several helpful networking, skill building, and community events. These events included: •  A ‘CV Writing Workshop’ in collaboration with Phi Lambda Sigma. Students worked together to give feedback about how to make their CVs stand out above the rest

•  A ‘Dress for Success’ fashion show in collaboration with APhA. Student models highlighted the “do’s & don’ts” of professional attire with the help of faculty moderators. Two of the three faculty members on the judging panel were PDC alumni/graduate Brothers. •  A ‘Safe Medication Disposal’ event in collaboration with the Pharmacy Student Government Council and APhA Generation Rx Committee. Students partnered with the Yellow Jugs, Old Drugs Program to raise community awareness of responsible medication disposal. This year, the College collected 165.2 pounds of non-controlled medication, 40 pounds of controlled medication, and three pounds of

epinephrine pens. Alpha Brother and Pharmacy

Student Government Council President Lovitta Jiwanmall spoke about the success that has come from Phi Delta Chi’s leadership. “It seems that this year, students have enjoyed coming together and making a difference – not only for our school, but for the community of Ann Arbor. It’s been very obvious that PDC has played a large role in this effort. Of the 27 volunteers at the medication take-back event, 16 of them were Brothers. I think that just goes to show how dedicated we are as an organization to be an example of leadership for fellow students and faculty.”

Letʼs Get Together!Phi Delta Chi Promotes Collaboration between Organizations!

Brother Appreciation!

Safety First Brothers discard unused medications into

waste containers at the ʻSafe Medication Disposalʼ event.!

At each Formal Meeting, the Alpha Chapter recognizes Brothers who have demonstrated leadership and exemplified our motto – Each Needs the Help of the Other. The Officer of the Month (OOTM) Award is presented to an Executive Board member or committee chair, and the Brother of the Month (BOTM) Award is presented to a Brother without a formal leadership position in the chapter.

The following are Brothers that were recognized in the past year:

DECEMBER 2013!OOTM: Sarah Thomas, WKRS Sarah Lakehal-Ayat, Service Chair Karin Koseck, Service Chair Nadir Zara, WMA Rikki Horne, WIG

BOTM: Amey Shroff, P1 Marie Albano, P1

JANUARY 2014 OOTM: Ryan DasGupta, Professionalism Chair Vera Vulaj, Professionalism Chair Andrew Bruce, Brotherhood Chair Matt Paterini, Brotherhood Chair

BOTM: Craig Michael, P1

FEBRUARY 2014!OOTM: Stephanie Hamel, AAP Chair

BOTM: Stephanie Kourtakis, P2

MARCH 2014!BOTM: Shaina Kalasho, P2 Rachel Wein, P2

SEPTEMBER 2014!OOTM: Jeff Hanson, Brotherhood Chair

BOTM: Alexa Fedrigon, P2

OCTOBER 2014!OOTM: Jared Borlagdan, Fundraising Chair Erika Price, WIG

BOTM: Jenny Kolberg, P2

NOVEMBER 2014!OOTM: Nadir Zara, WVC

BOTM: Rikki Horne, P2

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