
November 2017


We’ve had some nice weather over the past few days, and so far it looks like we’ll be in for a hot summer season. The Rugby League World Cup has now begun, and New Zealand has already claimed its first victory, winning against Samoa. Their next game is here in Christchurch against Scotland on the 4th, and we’re sending the 5 lucky winners of our last Lion promo to watch it live. Should be good day. The Black Caps start back up with a series against India on the 1st. Leading into a big summer programme at home. Here at the club there is no shortage of upcoming events. Starting with the Clubs NZ Riccarton Race Day on 11th, and our Trotting Cup breakfast on Tuesday 14th. Tickets for both events are on sale now. Be quick, there are limited numbers. Our current Lion promotion is a Ladies Pamper prize, to be drawn on Cup day, the following promo will start on Nov 20. Chalmers Christmas Buffet dates have been announced, this year we will have a lunch or dinner option both for $30pp. The dates are all on a Sunday Nov 26, Dec 3, 10, and 17. New Year’s Eve tickets will be on sale later in November. We will once again have the acclaimed DnD Showband to help us celebrate the beginning of the New Year. With all that’s on, I’m sure I’ll see you around the club. Regards, Kevin Cole

Tuesday to Sunday approx. 4pm – 6pm Saturday approx. 11:30 – 1pm

$2 per ticket Great value for everyone


When there are 5 Fridays in the month, Crack the Cube will be replaced in the 5th week with 5 x $100 draws


TUE – WED – THU 2 draws – each winner gets

$100 onto their card Register personally at Reception by 6pm

Prize Draw approx. 6:10pm You must be here to win!

LOSING TAB TICKETS Put your membership number of the back of your losing TAB tickets and placed them in the tin below next to the TAB Self Service Terminals – one ticket drawn at 12 noon every Saturday – the lucky winner gets $50 worth of Easybet tickets


Dick Bain Winners – Darts Team

ALL SPORTS Hello Everyone. We had our last All Sports event for 2017 on the 6th of October. It was the Dick Bain Memorial, at which we were honoured to host the Bain Family – Dulcie, Sam and Milley. Thank you for coming along and entering into the spirit of the evening. Dick was a great friend of the club and to myself. It was good to see you again. We had eleven teams entered on the night, with Darts being the winners on 20 points with Cards1 second on 17 ½ points and Table Tennis on 17 points. Congratulations to Darts.

It was pleasing to see the Cricket Section put a team forward and enjoying the evening. Once again, Thank You to our dedicated band of helpers and to everyone who participated throughout the year. Cheers, Darren Smith – All Sports Chairperson

CARDS Hi everyone. Writing this report and thinking, just 2 months till Christmas! But we at the Cards Section have lots of social activities to be part of before then. Going back to last month’s happenings; we had 2 teams playing in the Dick Bain Trophy All Sports night, with Cards 1 team coming second behind the winners "Darts". This was a well organised fun All Sports night, and it was great to have his family, Dulcie, Sam and Milly be part of this special night held in the honour of one of our special past members of the card section. The next morning, Sat 7th Oct, on a cold wet day, 40 members of our section left the club at 10am. They knew the final destination was the Oxford Club, but where they were going before hand was not known by our members. (Meant to be a committee secret!!) Some thought Kaiapoi or Cust, but no, the bus travelled west, ending up at the Sheffield Hotel to a very warm welcoming log fire and friendly hosts. About 20 members or so played games of euchre (of course) in the lounge bar in groups, while the others were in the main bar, playing pool, or just chatting and socialising. We had suggested they run a couple of raffles to boost their local pool social club, which were quickly sold. Apparently Anne Hepburn, had the last laugh, winning both. Then out came the lunch (I had arranged platter food with their chef, Penny) I was told it was a "superlative spread” that was put out. All homemade, and beautifully served. Incl. prawns (3ways), chicken, salmon nibbles, minute burgers and tiny sandwiches to name only some items on the plates, and served with Tea & Coffee. Absolutely awesome food, and such value for the cost we were charged. So with full stomachs, they left for Oxford Club, just 20 odd minutes down the road. Some played cards with Oxford Card section members while others socialised in the main bar with other Oxford members. Congrats to Claire Hellyer scoring best on 24 pts. I was told champ on the day. Well done. To finish off the afternoon the Oxford members all provide an awesome homemade afternoon tea. Then back on the bus, which had much

hilarity and singing all the way back to Hornby at 6pm approx. By all accounts a great day held by all. Great to hear. On Sat 14th, we held a six handed tournament open to all HWMC sections members to play in, but again even after advertising extensively in house, only card section members played on the day We had 36 players, (6 tables) who enjoyed a great day of cards. The winners on the day were, Derek Petch, Marie Musson & Elsie Malkin on 19 pts. With runners up, Lois Marsh, Marlene Troon n Diane Findlay on 18 pts. very close….

We have our Winter Tournament Euchre games still progressing, amongst members, so will get through to Semi-finals/Final in next few weeks. Presentation will be at our Xmas Breakup Function.

So, coming up late November, Thurs 23rd. Our Last pairs night. Get your partner! Cheryl again this year and Wayne are organising a fun night for everyone with some extra Xmas goodies/lollies on tables and everyone will go home with a prize. WINNING, LUCKY or BOOBY...Will be a fun night! Thurs 30th Nov...This is our last Euchre Playing Hamper Night. Take note, we start at 7pm. 16 various assorted Xmas prizes to pay out on euchre scores, and our raffle has 16 various assorted Xmas prizes to pay out as well. Plus lucky table and booby prizes. Chance for so many. Anne/Roger, Helen and Lorraine need to get to the supermarket....again!!! Then we always have an awesome supper to finish off the night. We have our final Xmas Breakup in the Club Restaurant, on Thursday 7th December with presentation to winners of the "Winter Tournament” A special night, just our section in the main restaurant and some background Xmas music. Thanks Cheryl. All details will be on our Cards Section Notice Board with details of payment to attend. Regards, Lorraine Cole

Winners on 21pts - Marcia & Gina Runners Up on 18pts – Terry & Richard

CRIB The highlight of the month has been our Friday night at the Addington races. Never has the Silk Room looked so glamorous with 32 Crib players dressed in their best for a lovely meal, drinks and a little betting on the side. To be honest most of us play better Crib than we can pick a winner, although one table had a great finish to the night with a bigger collect which left the rest of us in awe. It was a really suburb night and thanks to Geoff and the Committee for hosting this evening for the section.

We have had great numbers attending on Wednesday nights with 28 to 32 players which has made for more competitive play and a different winner each night. So if you are keen to play, we would welcome more Club members to attend. Starting at 7 pm upstairs. We promise you will enjoy the game and the night.During October we completed our second aggregate competition. Once again it was great to see that the prizes were spread around. With Paul winning on 85 points, Lesley second on 81 points and Bob third on 74 points. This brings an end to our competitions for the Year. Congratulations to all the winners. The games have been played in a good competitive spirit and we all look forward to next year’s titles with everyone in with a chance.

All the Best from the Cribbage Crew

FISHING Oct 1 has passed and we are now well into the new fishing year. And a good year it is promising to be. Early catches have produced some beautiful fish in marvellous condition. We start our social/competitive calendar this coming weekend, 3rd-4th Nov, with our annual trip to Twizel. We fish after arrival on Friday & Saturday then have a social BBQ at the Ohau C campsite All section members are welcome We also have our Christmas function on Sat 25th Nov in the Chalmers restaurant to look forward to. The yearly high country opening is being held again at Lake Coleridge on the 4th Nov. 5am to 1 pm, organized by both Fish & Game and the combined clubs. Accommodation is being arranged at the shearer’s quarter at the head of the lake all members are welcome to attend. Our meetings are held on the first Wednesday of each month in the club 7pm. Club members interested in any aspect of fishing are welcome to come along. Tight Lines, Denys Street


We went for our last outing on the 17th October. It was a mystery trip which was a great success. We visited the Kaiapoi golf club, where we had a lovely meal. Afterwards we went on again in a roundabout way arriving at Campbell Aviation in Loburn. They are agents for these “Spitfire” aircraft and have six different models there in a huge hangar. They served us afternoon tea while talking about the history and explaining the stories behind all the photos etc. at the end of all that, he gave us a practical demonstration of what the aircraft can do. He is a qualified pilot, and has flown with the Warbirds of Wanaka. We are nearing the end of our 2017 season, but any detail can be given. Regards, Elza Bean

OUTDOOR BOWLS Our October bowls section match was played at Bowls Hornby for the “Presidents Fours”. A great day, weather wise, and a very good turnout of members made an enjoyable day for all. Bowls Hornby has greens equal to the best in Christchurch and we thank them for the use of their excellent facilities. After the two games the winners of the trophy were: Robin Leary (skip) Lois Cowan, Dave Woods and Bert Hayles with John Bowley (skip) Neville Houston, Brenda Crowther and Peter Sutcliffe finishing runners-up. We are always looking for new members, contact numbers and section information on upcoming games can be found on our notice board in the main bar of the Club.

Robin Leary- Chairperson

GOLF Another golfing day was rained off at Weedons golf club on the 10th of October so most of our golfers enjoyed their sleep in. Hopefully our next game at Rakaia on the 12th November will be a dry one. We had two of our ladies (Pam Brewer and Raylene Adler) at the South Islands tournament in Blemhiem on the 21st&22nd of October and have returned with the silverware, Well done ladies. Anyone wishing to learn about golf or get back into the game come out and enjoy a fun day with us can contact Steve Stevens on 3446332 Regards, Steve

POOL The 2017 season is almost over with only 1 tournament remaining. It’s an Open Pairs tournament to be held at the Timaru Cossie Club on the 4th & 5th of November.

The Clubs NZ Nationals were held at Upper Hutt Cossie Club over the first week of October and in what was a very strong field of NZ’s best chartered club players. Dan Bowen made the last 8 only to be knocked out by the eventual winner Simon Singleton. In the National Pairs, Dan Bowen & Healy White made the last 32 of the Main Event. In the Championship Flight, Paul Morris & Malcolm Pollock made the Semi Final.

Cashmere Club hosted their Annual Mixed Scotch Pairs Tournament. Debbie Purdon & Rob Tipa made the Semi Final. It was another fun day enjoyed by all.

The Timaru Open was held at a new venue for tournaments. The RSA showed us amazing hospitality and once again we all had an awesome weekend. Hornby had 12 players attend and all played well. In the main event Malcolm Pollock was runner up to an impressive Adam Lilley of Cashmere. In the main flight event John Renwick was also runner up. In the Trophy Event Dean Skelton made the Semi Final and in the Trophy Flight Sherralee Boyce made the final but went down 4 – 2 to Barry Appleton.

Our summer league has started on Tuesday & Wednesday nights. This is for those that want to keep their eye in over the off season and for any new player that would like to get involved. It is a great time to learn the rules without any pressure.

For anyone that is interested in playing Interclub in 2018, we have put a notice on the Pool Section Board. Please put your name up in your preferred division. We have to give Canterbury 8 Ball our team numbers by the 27th of January. If your name is not up you may miss out so please put your names up early. All new members are welcome. Regards, Allan Cowan

SNOOKER The interclub finals are on Sunday with Hornby A playing Hornby B in the premier Final. In division 2, Hornby B plays Richmond. This game will be close. The sections Open Final will be played on Thursday night. It will be the best of 5. The section prize giving and get together is on the first Friday in December (the 1st). We have a meal then move into the Westview Lounge for Jo’s Karaoke. Cheers, Pot Black


Canterbury Clubs Table Tennis recently held their AGM, Trophy Presentation and End-of-Year Dinner at the Hornby WMC. This was held in the Chalmers Restaurant and was attended by players from Richmond, St Albans Shirley, Kaiapoi, Papanui and Hornby Table Tennis sections. Hornby did especially well in the Winter Inter-club Competition taking out all grades.

Our AGM and Prize Giving will be held this month on the 21st.

Regards, Glenn


Hi everyone. Ladies day out seemed to be a great success on Thursday 24th October. 32 ladies left Hornby by coach just after 9am. Culverden Garden Fete with new ownership and new venue this year was a pleasant day out. There were plenty of stalls to visit, with varying stock from clothes (some very expensive) to food, skincare, Christmas decorations, furniture, natural products, handbags, pickles, sweets of all varieties. And then of course there was the relaxation time out the back with the food vans, wine tastings & pimms, etc. etc.

Paula Ryan and daughter Bridget Hope put on a fashion parade, nice outfits but also nice prices to match. The weather was superb, nice break from the Christchurch easterlies. We were back at Hornby to chat and drink shortly after 4pm We had a further two new members to join us on this outing.

UPCOMING EVENTS Our Christmas party is to be held on Saturday 9th December in the All Sports Hall beginning at 7pm. Entrance will be by ticket at the cost of $10, you are also requested to bring a $5 unisex gift. These tickets will be available around mid-November and notice will be on travel section board at that time. There will be cheap drinks, good music and great supper.

We have a group of 23 booked to travel to Napier in March.

Next meeting Alpine Room 7pm Monday 20th November Regards, Lyn Wright

Sports Section Chairpersons

Section Chairperson Contact All Sports Darren Smith 027-388-9030 Billiards/Snooker Geoff Baldwin 03-942-2982 Cards (Euchre) Diane Heath 03-349-2455 Cribbage Diane Heath 03-349-2455 Cricket Sam Walker 027-825-4939 Darts Wendy Gibb 03-942-2395 Fishing Denys Street 03-349-5142 Golf Steve Stevens 03-344-6332 Indoor Bowls David Bullock 03-980-8667 Midweek Bowls Elza Bean (spokesperson) 03-349-0284 Outdoor Bowls Robin Leary 03-349-9390 Pool Paul Morris 03-338-6513 Table Tennis Michael Hills 027-231-8356 Travel Lyn Wright 021-507-671

Lunch (12p) & Dinner (5p) Option Available

Fri 3rd 7:00 Jo’s Karaoke

Sat 4th 4:30 Marion’s Outlaws 8:00 Th’ Art of Cheese

Sun 5th 2:00 Neville Wilkins & The Viscounts $5

Fri 10th 7:00 Johnny Cash Tribute $20

Sat 11th 4:30 Barross 8:00 Easy Come, Easy Go 7:30 Woodend Country Showcase $20

Sat 18th 4:30 Robbie Drew 8:00 Shalow

Fri 24th 7:00 Jo’s Karaoke

Sat 25th 4:30 Ian Mac 8:00 Absolut 7:30 Retro Rockin $20

Sun 26th 1:30 Annette’s Heart of Country $6





r Entertainment



DAY FIRST RUN LAST RUN Monday 3:30PM 7PM Tuesday 2PM 8PM Wednesday 2PM 8PM Thursday 2PM 10PM Friday 2PM 11:30PM Saturday 2PM MIDNIGHT Sunday 2PM 9PM

The views or information expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the Hornby Working Men’s Club. Liability howsoever arising as a result of the use of, or reliance upon, any name, advice, opinion or conclusion expressed in articles, is expressly disclaimed by the HWMC in preparation of this newsletter.

0800 2 467 629 (7 DAYS) CALL HORNBY 0508 4 467 629 (TUE – SUN) from 3:30pm

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