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1951 c;HEV. 4-0001 SEDAN,

ltg. Price $2400.00

PRICE $1875.00 'fHE' DAILY NE S Nova Moton Ltd.

Vol. 66. No. 161 (Price! 7 C,nts) ,Charl~s, Hutton & Sons ~~ ... , .. f ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959 '

• ec Ion u us

Nixon, Khrushchev India Ready To Cabinet Shuffle J~';C'" ~~~,!.,.rullu~~Y~.!!E~ly'MoveInKerala ,Thought Pending W_I":,,-rrl',iuent both hal'S a pracUCl! of speaking Alone pOlIit, Khrushchev poked NEW DELHI, .I~dla (Reuters) ported waiting for word on the ., ~ D! l~e L;,ited dlrecUy and nol beating around Nixon In the'ribs with good bu· Early Intervention by India's ce:J' situatio:J from Kerala governor State"J"11"'ent I

;.",,: frrnller ~I)ilta the bush" mor and said: "Here are your tral government In the aHalrs oC Ramakrishna Rao, He is ex- n -:lll'j :illj jokl'd lor, "We both believe this II the capUves: You can aee how happ)' Communist - ruled Kerala stllte pected to give hls views on a '

, . .

lIlC O:;'<fd tha: wa)' 10 dl3cuss-alwaya fra.,kly they are:" seemed cerlaln following a serles "charge sheet" drawn up by the );1 Fr;day was Bnd directly, but never belllger· After the eighth stop Nixon 01 top-level meetings here Satur· opposition agcinst the Communist H T· h t ~ r.o: hc~!icerent. e~tl)'," turned to Khrushchev and aid, day, government, ou'se O· nlg' ,

COH. 10 ;,rjoll~ Khrushchel' said, "I agree, and "you k.'10W, Mr. Khrushchev, I Political observers expect Ker· n accuses the Communl.ts of ti n~'d pro~:c:ns. I perhaps your correspondents can must admire you, Thl, Is the ala's Communist government to using government machinery for PI~ II.!~d at Khrush get In touch with ours so we w111 eighth Ume you've Itopped, You be suspended an~ replaced by dl· porty ends and subverUng de' ' . C:'l:r..:~,ore<1 cJunlry I hove a slmllar version," never mls. a chance to make rect rule of bdlan president Ra· mocracy and the constitution, By GEORGE PERLIN

/)(,.1, ~ mlies outsid~ I Khrushchev, turning to the propag8!lda," Jendra Prasad, pending new elec' In Trlvandrum, the Kerala lOV- A ,. I I I' II b d'

r.::td b\' f:r'i De~uty I American reporter, said acme "No, no, I don't make propa· lions In about six months. ernment announced that It will prOVinCia genera e ectlon wi e hef ,1$.'1.' ~Uc;'3n and; pre.s accounts of the Friday talk ganda," Khrushchev said, "I teU At least 16 persons have been pay 3,~ rupees (about $620) 10 in Newfoundland during the week of Augu't pj ;~l':r WIlrs, ~Ir' sonnded as If the vice-president the truth," I killed and thousands arrested In dependents of persons shot by po. 17 h , :'c \ I':a;'cd ho~~ I a~d the premier were "quarrel PolnUng to the restful ~ur, a campalg~ by opposition partie! lice In the anU-government cam- t and announcement of the election likely

II:'< \':\r;1 at Illncn: Ing and oHenrllng eaeh other," rounding] of his secluded res· to oust the Communist regime, palgn. W',J b d' th' H f A bl h L,;.",,~,,~(d knoll: In the gll'e and take, Khrush. Idence, Khrushchev told Nixon, The central cobbet Is expected Compensatlo:l 01 100 rupee. I.. e ma e In ~ ouse 0 158m y tonig t )(~~". !:il'cr. I chev and ~ixon accu5ell each "we should have a summit can· to muke Its dec!;lon concerning (about $21) will be paid to those ,by Premier J. R. Smallwood.

I other of making threat.! and ference here, Instead of sitting I~ Intervention when It meet, Wed· who spent up to I week In the RESOLUTION I support of the Term :!9 resolution the Premier saYJ be will not ru.a candldatn agaill5t them.

",: in, " mn:orooat I giving ultlm8tum~, Khrushchev ~neva many months eathlng so nesday, hospital for Injuries lulCered l!J r:m , d"r:n~ which boasted Soviet rockets were "bet· many ple.," Prime Min 1st e r Jawaharlal disturbances, HON. J. ll.' SMALLWOOD j!J;>;>td l':~ht time; ter than yours" and laid the U,S, To drive home the point the)' Nehru discussed the Kerala sltua-

m:' ~::~ bathers on and Russia coul~ not speak the had nol been quorrelllng"Khrush· tion for more than an hour S~lur· ~,:)~, same la!lguage unUl American chev advised Nixon as they posed day with Prasad a~d later COD­

, CI::i,] :Co ,;,1 .~mcri· , !or~lgn bB.,es were abolished, for the photograoher&: "keep ferred with Home Minister Pan· ~':e: :el'urtcr, ac· Durln~ the exchange NIXon'1 mlllng. otherwise thel"!! lay we dit Pant,

k< an .\mer:c3~ and I'olce took on an angrY tone on Just had a quarrel. Keep jolly. Nehru'. daughter, Mrs, Indira ~W."~H, and laId 3el'eral occasions and Khrwh· otherwise someone might think Ghandl. president of the rullng ~ ~cn doing. The chev nushed, we hail a quarret" Consress Party, also called on

:oo~ nolts and NO CRITICISM OF PRESS President Prasad and declared

Britain Wants Early Summit.

Calling .of t~e election has been contlngen. upon unani· mlty,ln the Legislature ··for the Premier's resolution j"stating Newfoundland's position on ELECl'ION Act Term 29" and both Oppositlon The Newfoundland Election Leader Malcolm M, Hollett and Act provides that an electlon G, Rex Renou!, PC St. John's !must be held witbin 21 daYi 01, are pledged to vote proclamation. The Premier Ui against it. believed to waDt, an Immedlatf

election to enable him to takp I ~~j r<'PVrt oC what Nixo~'s press sjXlkesman.ald TALKS UNDER A CLOUD after the meeting: "Central Inter-pJ, Sixon, by agreeln, with Khrush· Despite the display of harmony, venUon \.5 long overdue," ~!;~,~e\ lOOK the chel' Sunday, did not mean to the serious talks got under wes BAD FOR INDIA

By ARTHUR GAVSHON French and We.;t German foreign GE:-iEVA (APl-Brltaln Sa~ur- ministers Maurice Couve de Mur

day was authoritllUvely reported ville and Heinrich Von Brentano to be urging ber Allies to agree do not share the conUdence oC the

CABINET SHUFFLE early action on h\.5 Terlll ~ A cabinet Ihuffle may be resolutiDn. He hopes to 8~1

of re',iewing L~~ Impl~' crltlc\.5m of Western re- In an atmosphere clouded by Mrs, Ghandl said Ihat If the If<":.' :hey re!1ected porters' accounts C1f the Friday what Nixon regard. as a Soviet central government docs not 1:.a' hld been said, meeting, violatlo:l It! a Moscow plail&e to act," it will be bad, not only for IC:V'lllI :hus relayed The pooled account of the let Weltern reporters rejXlrt hll Kerala, but for the rest of India, s,d nr;!);cr was of. :>;lxon.KhruJhchev boat ride said acUvlUea free of ceNiorship. So' too, because people in authority

expected eight just before with the full support of the: or just after tbe election. Legislature behind him.

quickly to Join Russia in early British, summit talks, Lloyd's e!forts at East - West STATEMENT TO-NIGHT

::.t b:onl !:;Ik last Fri. Khrushchev would stop at a viet censors conUnue to blue pen· might begin to think they can get ::t :"0 men debate on beach, point to the bathera and cU copy of American and other away with anything even if the

The view of Britain's Foreign conciliation have been a feature Secretary Selwyn Lloyd is under- of the Big Four cO:1Cerence, His stood to be that the Big Four al· role reflects Britain's preoccupa· ready have moved :lear enough tlo:! with the quest for a negotia­toward a Berlin truce to jusllly ted settlemenl of East·West cold the call1!lg of a top leVel con, war problems, He argues that:

While all portlollos are filled the cabinet Is one !lI3n under strength as I result of the resignatIon earlier this year of G. J_ Power wbo had been MinI· Iter of Hlghway._

A vote on the resolution will be taken In the HoU!:p. to·nlght and the PremIer Is to make a slatement 1m· mediately after the vote has been complelecL It Is In that statement that be Is expectd to announce ' tbe electloD.

o! :~t .:.clronic kit. say, "captive people," Western reporter. stationed In people are against It." :r~~: .\:nerica:J home The swimmers would reply, Moscow, but not copy 01 the re- The central government 18 reo i t1;c-:non in Sokol, ":0<0, no, Peace and Irlendshlp." portera accompanying Nixon.

Nixon, usbg some of bls newly The Soviet press also Is br\.5tl· , !try said, was learned Russian, Ifould amwer, Ing with lcor:lful comments on c;rt(t. Crank-but "Peace and friendship," 'the bll,American expolillon, and

The Soviet press, followlna: the of NL'IO~'a hand·shakIng encount­r.l1ru.shchev lead, has been brlsU' ers with tile Soviet cltUen 1.:1 the Ing with denunciation of CapUve IIreet., ' NatloNi Week, procle.lmed by 'Thera' allo II I ruckua. over

Si~on, "Mr, President Ebenhower. Tht~.JI1U- ·h1!w"-c'manyAmerieerejXlrler. I ha\'e some real Ide:lt appro~ed a l'8Iolutloll by: will be allowed 10 .0 everywhere

~.n,.,., bul we are the U,S. Senate callhl, for pray· Nixon· Joel OIIjhll tour 01 West·· Wt both en for Soviet satellite naUons, ern Slberla this waelt,


st Eases Stand In Nuclear Talks

Ol:;(;u!ivn of Wash· , in reviewing

. o:d conference 10 determine

an Important point: The u.s, and to yearly review u to lis effEct· Britain are cOllllderlnl Russla'i tvenesa and linked to progreu on apparent turndown of what the other dliarmament measures, West TCliarded u a roc:kbottom The Redt have abce veered concession-to allow one-third of far toward the Western line by: the Inspectors on the proposail '1. AccepUnll the Idea of con· atomic bill! co~trol posta to be trols to worce the treaty, in­RusslBllS. The West' originally In- eluding inspections InJld, RIII­sisted thllt all the Inlpectors sla. come from neutral naUons. ~, Agreeing to yearly review of AGREED TO CONTROLS the treaty,. pllll leaving the door

Here's the over·al! Italldl!!lS al open for other nationl to become Wehlnllton offlalals see It: membera.

Moseow started olf by call1lli S, Agreelna:' to pennlt :luclear for a permanent non'IupervLled explosloDJ ror peaceful purpoSeI, trealy to end aU atomic tells, 4. Dropping demand.! for a The We,t advocated' a treat)' comprehensive veto, which could backed by controll 10 IPOt all), be 'applied at any point ,In the 1101ators, with the treaty aubJ.ct enforcement machinery,


Back As ban Premier

'The hu yielded to the Soviets' by-- '1. Droppl/lll It.· dema:ul' Illat I nuclear ban be Ued to other prDll'esa !II disarmaDHlnL

2, Alrealng that contrgl peat ltaffl be one-third RlISIlatu, one­third U,S.'BrltlIh and one • thlrd olltslders. '

I. Agreeing to poitpone the yearly review 01 the treaty opera'

1l1.Ln~ -were Jammed In and arouod the lion' until lIter the first two :Cl'1 - Pr~ident Os- plaza when President DOrticoJ yearl,

told a roaring announted Cetro's retllnl_ Although agreement hu been .t~ 1.000,000 pel' CUBA'S mO!i/OMAN reached on 17 proPosed arUcle.

DI(~t that Fidel He .!howed Sunday that, b or of the aG-add expected In, a lut 01 ~bare. tum to out oj ofIlee" he II thtUlldbputed bin treaty. basle problems re-

st.rona:man of CUb., ' lIlaln unrelolved. A. , negotiator. ~r burst from Here and, e!iewhert in t!It-'l.. lee the pr-!:lclpal ones al: '

___ lIIrned OIlt In a Ian nation It leu! JIx pel'lon.s for the cele- dled, The wrec1l: of I \ialn 'bound 1.. Centrol post 1taffinl:

J~ blrthday of for Havana klUed one' ml!l, A ,I, Ti,e metbod of ~cllna: !hmr lIIO;ement. it!ard'. rille ~e tme!! • prta: sit. Of I!IJIle(ted exploslonl Ind

ference. 1, Pledges clven by Gromyko RE·ELECl'IOli But his American, French and during the conference rule out All of the present members Arab

Nations; We.;t German colleagues at the the danger of olle·sided Commu· o£ the Legislature are expected foreign mlnlsters' conference do nist action against West Berlin I to seek" re·electlon, The LIb-not see eye to eye with him. At!. untll1961 or 1962,at leasL. lerab. hold 31 seals, cth!.Pro- F01."1lTR ELECTION .,result all will press ahead with 2. Then, with all their rights h /gremve Conservatives bold fwo, The elecUjm will. b thP more~slow;- grim • .hard, bargain· 'tact,' the"We.liL1:al1:r~-i!nter !lew and' the new' Newrciu1iil1iii-cr foUrth'ln Newfoundland

e I

Ing with Alldrel A. Gromyko It! negotiations, which the Rus.;la[l5 Party holdA two. One' leat ill the bland became a pro~I:: "

Meet RUSJIa in the next few dRYJ_ have offered, to set!k a longer vacant. of Canada Th flnt b Id Lloyd's position became known term arrangement for the city. CANDIDATES in 1949, the iec~nd in 1~~, .end

as the two-month-old conference 3, This means the West loses Both Opposition Leader the third' 1956 M S I! BEIRUT, Lebanon lReutersl- here faced a wet!k of crucial de' nothing by accepting Gromyko's Hollett and Mr. Renonf, wood'. Ll~~rab ;'on r~ll m~u;

Represe:!tatlves of nine Arab clslons, It is clear the n~ot!a. assurances, who were elected by ae- five leaU in the 1949 and 1951 couotrles arrived here Saturdoy tors must make up their mmds In 4, Informatlo!1 from Mo.cow cIamatlon, are upected (0 elections and won all but four to prepare for a twll'week con. a matter of days whether to ~et suggests Premier Niklta Khrush· be opposed by Liberal ca - . th 1956 I U ference begtnnlng Monday to the time, place and work - pro. chev really does want summit dldates, J_ D. IDgglnJ, S~ In e e ec on_ seek waYlof applying more' gram for a !ummlt met!tlng or to talks soo:!. / John's Eut, Ind A M BY-ELECTION nomic pressure against Israel. suggest some other form of con- Lloyd's efforts at Enst - West Duffy St. John' C' t •

The delegates-from the United tlnul:lg negotiations, ntnc!liation have been a fea~ure h i- I en re, •• SOONER THE BETTER 01 the Big Four conference, HI.- W 0 ormed the new party There hu been only on. Nab Republic, Saud! Arabia, arter expre Jng +b I la 11: b I tl I J d I S d Ib

This weekend Llo"d was back role reflects Britain's preoccupa- &6. ere yo8 ee on I nee 1956. Mr. or an, raq, u an, L ya, Ku-' of conflden in tb Pro- Re uf walt, Yemen and LebaDO:I-wll! ,in London con[ernlng with Prime tion with the quest for a negotla. ce e no wP elected I\nOppOS-

meet at the Bhamdoun mountain Minister Macmillan, who thought ted settlement of East-West cold grmlve Conservative pariy, ed u the PC member fDr 8t. ruorl near here, up Ihe Idea of a long series of war problems. He argues that: probably will be opposed by John'. South III 1951 aflu

In Tel Aviv Friday, former Is. East· West summit conferences Lloyd has said on the record PC's but not by Liberals, W. J. Browne rtligned Ie raeli army chief Moshe Dayan stretching over the years ahead a~ agreell1~nt on a BerHn stand- Because Mr. Higgins and Mr, contest tbe federal e1ectiOIl urged. tougher polley, Includlrrc Both tllke the position now that sttll already has been ouWned by Duffy have laken I sland In In 8t. John's West. posslblemlUtary action, against "the sooner the summit the bet· the Big Four, -=iii~~3:ii~~2a5iE~~iiE;;s~~~~~B_Ei~1 the United Arab Republic because ter," But some tangled Issues ~IiII Ii of Its ban 0:1 hrael'J use of the With this Ge:,eva conference need to be settled, Suez Canal. approaching Its climax It would The toughest: RussIa's Insist·

The Arab boycott of Israel Is surprise nobody If Macmlllan ence that East B:td Welt Ger· mn by o!f!ce. In the capitals 01 picked up Ihe telephone and told mans, alone In a room, begin .\rab league !lates, Its head. President Eisenhower what Lloyd "peace and unity" negotiations quarters are In Damascus, presumably Is saying to bls part· as part of any Berlin deal, Each NOT TOTALLY EFFEt"flVE ners here,' arrangement would function un·

The movement Is aimed at any Gloomier, more suspicious of der a:l IS-manth Ume Hmlt. activity by foreign companies Red Intentions, U, S, State Sec· '!'he West has answered "no, which might help the Industrial. relary C h r 1st I a:t Herler and no. no" to this,

Ization of Israel and at companies r--------------------­allDwlng Israelis 10 make prO' ducts under licence, So far, how· ever, It hll! :lOt affected Israeli Imports of Ilnlshed cONiumer good.!,

A general Arab fear of Israeli economic dominance of the area Is behind the boycott, observers sa),.

Any company infringing the "no economic aid" prinCiple Is blacklisted, and all AIab states i:l the campaign lever relaUOIlS with It.

Crippled Ship Is In Tow

Military Might Cold War Key WASHINGTON (API-Back of

the 'Jharp exchangea between Premier Nlklta Khrushcbev and Vice·Pre.sldent Richard Nixon and the calmer but deadly serious dlplorftaUc dlscussloNi l!l Ge:leva Is the bellef held by each nation that It Ii ·dealing from mlltary aUperorlty,

There can be pitfalls iii follow­Ing thll philosophy, One of them could be wrong, Or worse, both could be almost right. Mutual de­strucUon 01 both nations could be the mult.

The two me:l tossed wardA about their missiles at each other, But except for the prim­Itive, short range weapOD3 lll!ed L'1 the closing days of the Second World War, ballistic mlssiles never have been trIed Inaclual combat. And the V2 mlssiles used then were German, Ilot RUSJiaD or American,

There Is considerable dl!feren~e betwee!l launching a ballistic mis­sile under the careCully arran'ged conditions of 11 test and firing one In the frantic atmospbere of war.

Western Troops Stay In l3erlin

BERLIN (AP) - Stllte Secre­tary Christian Herter en the United States declared Saturday We.tern troops are IndispensabJe to West Berlin freedom 8.'ld will remain here, He also declared the West never will accept any SovIet deadlbe for a setUement of the Berlin problem in the for­

,elgn mlDistera negotiations In C* neva, , . ,Herter flew bere for a YiBit dur­Ing a day off In the Ge:leva con­ference and dedlcated a street named for his predecessor, the late Jolm Foster Dulles. The vWt was aimed at bucki:lg up the morale en West Berlin's 2,250,000 clUzfns, who have begun to worry about what Is going to happen In the Geneva negotiations that have bee:! draggiBg on for eight weeks,

In a ceremony of signing the golden'vlsitorl' book at West Ber­lin elty hall Herter said:

"I know that the people of WI!JI

Eleanor Dules, lister of the late Btale IfCretary, said: "My brother understood, perhapa as well as any of you, your persona: efforts and JacriIlces In YOllr' stand for freedom In thls 1IlAnd city _"

Beaten To Death· DETROIT (API - Police aald

five wblte men beat a 32-yel\N)Id Negro to death Saturday In, a street fight foliowlng • minor trailie Incident. Doctora·.aId the vicUm, Clyde Hardman, lI1ffereci a broke:! neck. PoliC1! said Hard­man might have been I'U!I tftr by a car after the beallng. ,.

Ber!!n regard our troops, and GALLERY BEADaETIREB· those of France and the United TORONTO (0') - Charlet P.

II tbt IOmbreros oller dDr!!ll 'arlot of eonVlcts:A the criteria for decid!:l, when to ~ ~cemd ent fanner deemed crazed WII hot ~,. .. HALIFAX (CPI - The Navy lib he woul 'l't- by pollee. Three peraon.s, lncl~d- sald Saturday Its ocean'golng tUll ~ nine days Inl a poUcemlll, ",ere kll!ed iii S. TlIe ve/1l, which the Reds Saint John had taken the ,crippled

IllO!l than SanU.lo, where Cutro'. aprbinJ atl1I demand on matttrr the West German freighter Ludoll Okden

When Khrushchev UYi Russian r,ockets are better than American weapo~s and NIXon lays the United States has good ones too, each Is relying on 'what his mil· ItarY sclenUsts and strategists

Nor, at tbls present stage of the art of missiles, Is launchlng reliability the 0 n 1 y problem, There Is the matter of hitting what you alm at. American eX' perts express belief that while Russia may at the moment be ahead b propulsion, It' trails In the field of gu)dance. Again, thls Is the opinion of one group en ml· ItaO' men,

Kingdom, as defenders of their Fell of Toronto Saturday III­freedom, I lenow thal the' pres· ~ounceil his ~slgnaUon II chair­ence of these troops, which will lTlan of the National Gallery'. be preserved, Is bdispeJsable to board of trustees, a poaltiO:l he the continuance of tbat freedom." had held for eight years, Pt:illenclo~ Jl:aUata wu Meml importanL Moscow wants dorH in tow and was headed for I ~eek agO iii Iluochecl'W1th an ~Ilul It· to'be able 10'111 "Nyet," Sydney, N,S, h' I're.slde:lt tack on • mUltary barraeb JWj 4 .. Studles on ths detection of The 2,888 - ton freighter wes

_lraft',..,IU~t 211. 1M3, ".. . undrrgroU!id INII;" which the So- holed below the water line early hi be an- The dl, 'ftJ !lllIerlcHlllt mid. viet. baverefUJed 10 andertake, Saturday in a colll.lon with the

, mur.! by :!llht by bunta _of IUIlflrt, born 2,933-ton Icela~dlc frelgbter La· • ~ ~n: ~ IIIdrlDaln" of ebarch PEl TUG LAUNCRID earloss In a dense fog ahbout 10

Tbi 'eXtrI .1mdII, IIIter:laUonal 'PORT DALHOUSIE, Onto (CP) :d~~~ ~~~~~~~d ~~~~ 500.000 I.ellUe bueblll, pme betweea A, 22-I0Il harbor lUI schedllled for water fast In ~ forward ,holds,

to CIII\- Rochester; 1'f.Y~, .1IIe!' the Ctiblll wvlce with the Prince Edward The navy tug wu In/Sydney " ~ Sill" XiDII'1fII l\1IPInded when !llllld department 01 pubUc work. preparing to tllW a vessel from ~:::- ae\Wa filii, lDeiadhil arm, of. wulaADcIled Siturday at the IIMi Navy'. mothball fieet to Hal·

---.,. pro. ftcm:IJId~, 1II1i11 ahootID, haMorlD: thIa,Io'IrII' fonr mllu 1f1X. 11 stood by the damaged ... til bto 1ht air bllht pcgt·mldnilbt north !lfSt, Catharinel. The craft freighter untU 'her sJdpper asked ~ twice ce!ebrltiOll. - 'I'Iro "players were 11,40 feet lonl,' drawl five' feet for a tow when the freighter be· .... 1lIclad- hlt~bJ IpIIIt b\llltt,.INt' DOt In· of:"ater and II, powered, by I ,an drlftln, tOward the rocky - I'IIidtata JaricL. i ..;..' 5OD'hIntJID!U:~~,.t!Iibt. aIIol'I,

'. '

,. '

. ".: . J'

tell him, . '

Neither Khru.shchev· Ilor Nixon Is I mill tar y prenesslona1. Khrushchev WII! a poUtical gen­eral In the Second World War, Nixo:! a reserve commander In the navy,

1.'1 their "my·brotber-ean-Uck­your ' brother" arguments they must depend on the evaluaUons of IheirrespecUve mllltary pro­fesslonab. And the enthusiasm of mllitary men for things they cre ate or plans they de\'lse can over· reach actual littalnment.

Thl! may explain, In part, Khrushchev's loud demand for removal of U,S, bases In Europe, The Importance of aCCll1'acy III guidance lessens as the rimge shortens; It Is easier 'to aim' 8:1 Intermediate range balllstlc mll· siles than to hope ~o hit a target at MOO miles with an Intercon tlllentai ballliUc ml.!slle,'

NO DEADLINES ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;, DecJarL,g that wutern right..; In

Berlin cannot be termillated' by action of the Soviet Union alone, Herter added that ,"we have not accepted and w!1l :lot accept any deadline on them,"

West B e r lin Mayor Willy Brandt said there Is concern ,that the communists are not fully aware that "they run a terrible risk H they carry things to ex· tremes:' .

Mterlill city hall speech, Her ter drove to' Tlergarten Park wbere he spoke at the ceremony oC renaming Zelten AUee the J oh., FostU:Dulles Allee,

Weather Mostly clear. rug!] sa,


St, John's ._ .... 59 Yarmouth .. _ ... 53 Sydney ........ 54 Halliax ..... _.. 61 Montreal ... _ .. 62 Ottawa 56 TO",:lto ........ 57

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Glovertown News Big Trout looks the North Saskatchewan River,

wa:; pla~eu ill a llurtil,to,:UUcl, pOoltion with the \;'Iecs be~t a!l(1 the head nat on Ule chc!;t, Century Of

One Family Postmasters

UPPER STEWIACKE, N,S, (CP)-The Col family hu re' Unqulahed the position 01 post, master I~ this ce~tral Nova ScotIa vUl:ge after flllin~ It lor lJt yean ,John Co:I was appointed hert

1ft' 1838, His salary was $38 a yNr, For six years belore thai he diIIrlbuted the mall lelt at !til bouse without getlinl paid at all. 'I1Ie mall wu carried on loot lrom Halifax, eo miles away,

John', .IOn rn.1c1s succeeded him In 11187, Francis' son J, D, Cox took ol'er In 1912 and was postmaster for 33 years,

Harry Johru;o~, J, D, Cox s

Shifting Hill Worries Edmonton

EDMONTON tep) - Grierso:1 Hili has been shilUnll u~ea5liy since 1909. So hive owners of bUJinesses tllat Une Ille rim oC the busy spot 10 downtown Ed· monto;),

Every time Grierson Hill shlCts, 80meone shudders at the thoughl oC thousands of dollars worth 01 buildings JUdln. to the bottom,

Buttresses, bulwarks L1d drnln, age systems haven't lolved the problem of the hili, which over·

lon·ln·law, held the post for 14 years until retirement In June, The new po3tmBJter is Joil:! Fisher,

Now the haras,ed city en, IIlneerlng department Is slnklnl a shalt from the hilltop 100 feet dow:l Into old mine workings, It Is believed the workings arc the source "01 the water that has bee,1 causing the occasional earth moveme:!t,

When Edmonton was I 3mail lown, the hU! was mined (or coal but the shalts have bcen sealed for many years,

If the shaft strikes water, pipes wiil be laid to drain It oil, says city engIneer J, D, Macdonald,

The hill, gradually movi:lg 30uth, hI! prevented pavbg of a potholed road- an important artery which, despite Its poor co;)dltlon, drains ofC much down town Iraffic,

Find Indian Remains

SASKATOON 'ICPI-A shallow grave containing the remains of an In~la:1 woma'1 has been Ul\'

covered nine miles northeast ot Saskatoon 0:1 a deserted farm,

John Derr discovered the grave and notified authorities at the University of Saskatchewan, The word w:; passed lo Zenon POll orecl;y, cO:1sulti,lg archaeologiot with the prol'i~cial museum of natllral history,

~Ir, Pohorecky says it Is be Iieved death was caused by a small dent on the back 01 the head,

An elaborate rell~ious cer' emony apparc:1t1y accompanied the burial. The grave, believed 10 be between 100 and 200 years old, is only 18 inches deen, The borl"i


A wood . handled knile wa, pla:ed neross the '"oman', heart and B :1ecklace 01 stones aboul ;Icr ncck, A brass bra:elet wus found among buffalo hides in the ~rave, A- II;casel's head, si~niri, cant i~ l:1dia'1 ceremonies, II'a, also uneovered together with can, siderable Jewelry.

The archar.oloslst also removed a brass ball bearing the leIters G, H, and I, and the words New York, from a small bag, ,

"The r~sults of our ,tudy may b~ very im90rta:1l in piecinl to, ",2ther the history of early In· dian life in this province," Mr, Pohorecky said,

F,:r - Icel'ing of elcganee, and ~ rich, smooth, pure silk poplin lo your wardrobe, I'.'hc~ you feel th~ budgct can st~m' it.

+ ;i








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In ltW.T. GLOVERTOWN - 1I\'CfY relativcs at Grcenspond ,~nd

ImpressIve Ben'lce was held\ relatives and friends of sev. r0"T ~.,il .. In the Glovertown South eral nearby c:mmunltles, Mr, Fishi.,~ lor U·Illted Church on Sunday I"cltham Is cspecially an~:i';us ~i!: outl:t

NOI'thIVe,t morning, July' 12 when two to revisit Dc~r ls:and, the young peoplc, IIlr, and IIlrs, phce of his blrlh, although Big ~amc huntln.· Harvey Harris ,,!ere, rccelved Ihls sett1em~nt has bee~, \'a· ,Indl~n, a~d thl [1;

III nUilti.,c: IIC~I:C~ into f;:1i membership of the eRl:d for many years, 5 provide lh ' church, Following the sen'ice ~~~erous friends ~Ish him, a lno5t re:iJeCnt<011, oC reception the Sacrament of 11_ I'Y and memorable 13. Ilut the dec' , the Lord's Supper was admIn· cation. ! ,3-t ril"r' ~,c:~,

" - > 0,1 Ir~ , Istered, The sen'lc~ was con· . I Precambrian Sh:,' ducted by the minister, Rev. Congratulations t~ ~Ir, and, arc o~cn I ,,~ G, L, ;\iorgan, 1Ilrs, Leroy Briffett to whom charter a r~"~tn)'

?llr, Harris, who Is I native ~ dau~hl.i.'r was born at, Bant Burnt Lai:o~ :JJb ot Glo\'crtown South Ind hiS Ing Hospltnl, Gander, on Sun, t his lmito~ial already spent some years IS da)', July 19, ~Irs, ~rl(fctt was lawn of 1,2(),J '. an offcIcr In the Sall'alion the former MIss Rita Howse, 'Fort Smith a;"I~ Arm)' cx~ccts soon to take up And also to ~Ir, and ~Irs, rol' a parly 01' ':1',

lull Lime work In the United Raymond Brcwer to I~'hom a lIi~ht to thc 1I'1~'1 A

CllUrch. I swn was born at Banttng ~Ie, of th~ S,haer;er c~ morial recenLly, WEE"E~D TRIP iii.

... house to house collection Erni: 11'31,.1, 21, ~, was made recently 10 raise On Saturday and Sunday, Sask" .a5le:l the f

money Cor the church base· .July 4 and 5 lIlr, and ~lrs. norther" iisllh, '":Ii ment It Glovertown, Spven !\elson K, LeGrow werc regis· Joined :ile ~',~;rs~ hundred and seventy dollars tcred at Rcst·a·While Hotel. trtp to BUlllt L3;'1

has ben collected so lar, The ~Ir. LeGrow tau!illt al Glol·er· The 1:03l'cq'.'incj basement I~ nearing complet· town Central Hi~h during the c~rrres ::arlit., 10 '

ion and will be used In Ihe pasl year and his 103n)' off from l;le Fon Call Is I christian education friends were glad to sec him on ih~ Sh .. ~ r.i"!1 centre, spend part 01 his hone),lnoon I m',:!ut~ fI'~!H,

at GlovertolVn, Bud Parralt, ~, ~ SAWMILL BURNS ___ hn:l arran~ed Ih/ .

On Tuesday, July 7, I mll! Also spending R holiday at Wholly: 26, of , owned by James Bbckwood Glo\'ertown and ~eglstered at a nor.llcr:, aii,irl and operated by Maxwell Rest.a.Whlle Hotel recently, e~p!oye~, wenl I:~. Burry was completely destroy were Staff Sgl. and :'>Irs, Don·1 a\"l~ Rng:~r­ed by fire, The mi1l' was aid K. Staufenbeil of Harmon \\,~~'n: ~:;";I, driven by a gasoline engine Field, ~lr5. Staufcnbcil was 'I ~Ie'L~ :~et t,-,e " and when Itarting the engine the former !lllss ,Iorion t~ ~ m.ell ,Ieu), II on this morning It bac1tfIred, House daughter of ~Ir, A, J !, o.rh other ,ph/moll

I i h s' ~atc .-('!.:h~ trou:, I Igniting some gas '\',' 1 C wa House, Jackfl<h i pi!;el and near, In leconds everything Ivas abl3ze and ,t a shout from d ht -lI'aited o~ S:lorl

,n th IIllss Lena Hiscock, aug , turn tri:l to Fon one of the workers the IOdl er er of Mr. and Mrs, Frank His· "You'll get workers deserted the btl I ng cock Is at present spending side o! lh~t ouickly. It was approximately her 'annual vacation with her \'Ia,I'ne, ",Iho "i~ 7- a,m, and man. v men on Ihelr t Sh is student ' th paren g, e a ~uides pmies to I~ wav to work rusher! to e nurse at the' General HospitaL IIigh slab.\ of sc;ne of the fire, The Town into deep I<aler Council fire engine was ~oon 'I d 'I R y h B d ' Visiting .\ r, an ,\ rs, 0 II' ere u ma". t:,' there and later a fire pump Taite and family at present Three pounds o[ . from Terra Nova Natltnal are Miss ;\lInnle Taite, R'1'I"1 grnbiJrd, Park, TheSe pumps aided by and Rev, and Tllrs, Hubert Ernie and .rim htJ a bucket brigade, prevented Mercer and daughtcr BevcrlcY·

1 as did Iheolhors" ,

the fire from, spreading and of Hclrt's Contcnt. outboard In m";'

it burned out late nI the day, I i~,ks a:1~ pic';'rc; !lil of the equlpmcnt plus Mrs, Paul Andrew and son I :rile jugglin, 0: lumbcr and lo~s were dcstroy' Gerald Icft by C,:\,R, on ,July ~~~an: , cd but some Insurance was' 16 for their home at :llolltreal Er'lle ',I'~< C] I carried, "fter spendin~ two weeks wllh rour ho'm I~I": ',",;1.1

lIlrs Andrew's parents, lIlr. ~lmo5t took 1.1/ ~ REMEMBRANCE DAY . nd' 'Irs E :\, Arnold, At ilanr!,

C"R"MONY a.\ , ,. ,"It' h' , "," , Ie I present ~Ir. and :\lr5, Arno,d sa:, o~e,'

~Iany of the town 5 peop are receiving a visit Cram an' I'oun~ tC3cher, 1l! de/led the cold and rain °nn other daughter and family, ,tlrroCe an~ it _I' Sunday afternoon, July 5, a d Rev, and Mrs, J, W, Howse p01:nd, lI'hpn,' attended the War ;\!emorlal d f il Thel' are enroute Ernlc h3dn l rl service held at the War Me· ~n am Y'pastoral charge at whe:! Ih-re II'J' a morlal grounds at GI~vertown ~la~k~,~wBeach. I boat and a h3t1'e Central. I other 'rOlit. It 113' I

Taking part In the service M W ll-r;·S om .~ dull ro,r ' were Capt. Slade of the Sal· .. rsd' h:r ~~:ter a~IIiS:cc EV~ I ~cross the .

R v Rees .. n· pame ,-' 'I ""omenl- lal"r ' I vatlon Army, e, ,. Sparkes to Halifax reccntly, , ,-, gil an pricst from EastPort, "t· d J 1 ~'Ible on Ih· rar ~I:e

C G L lI-1organ of the Mrs, Davl~ re urne u y ": Onc of lh~ <:'i~',1 and Rev, ' h' 'G t speaker Miss Sparkes 11'1,11 be spend·: mOl'e or" of th-United Churc, ues Ing some time WIth her sister I c: t , lIlr J Atkinson, luper- across ·rca

I\aS '. th T rrl Nova Mrs, John Parsons, Intcndent of e e . __ National Park and I returned , 'I L d d

II d by Mr I litiS! Farlelg 1 0 er an "'i'e "cl"pn 0' ,,, soldier. Roll was ca e., h h 'I L ah Lo"er " . " " '. following two I er mot er, .. rs, e ~'.1, rll'cd J",-t b'~n~' :"-' Ben Ropelrl Ind y wreaths' returned to Glovertoll'n r~· 1 return fli~ht 10 fo~ minutes 5 ence man cenUy after spending two' ' were laid In loving mem1lory weeks at Gander, ,---of thOSe who lost their ves I A . in the wars, Doreen Roper, Elaine Har·' mcncan

5 LACKWOOD ris and Selma Butt returned' T' U T "AR50~i'~OING from camp at LOon Bay last IeS p

t United Saturday after s;>endIng a Glovertown Cen ral f a week in the out·of·doors with r,,\STFn'\ P

Chureh wu the ,Bcene °June many other boys and girls, I rep 1- Clri, 1\.:1, very pretty weddl,~g on;\1 fI' I They enjoyed the experience. eOI'crcd a I.': of :,' 30 at 6 p,m" \\ en, I ' ~~~ immen.lely and were very: l~j~ cal' Cli' :m dau~hter of lIlr, Ind. rs, Cortunate in haring such [liP tra[,'c, :.0 a:mot. Blackl\'ood of Wesleyville, be- th ' ,

. {Georlle good wca er, he's l'ISlt'd , came the bride t~ I l Mr' RCI'. Kirk and "lr~,'Fellhan11 Chris i,-n'l ' Mn .of !'IIrs, and ~ ~~o~er: and family vIsited his mother jll;t took hi' ca: George Parsons 0 Mrs. Dan Fettham o\'er the I'lsit 10 1111 n8'.1'" town North, f rrn week·end, They were en route eOllntrl', h~ ;aid

h w s per 0 • • T e ceremony I II from Fortune to Cushing, here, ercr)' :-Iorth ed by Rev. G, L. Morgan'IB, f Que wheer he will take up attracL- cro .. d~, B,D. Mis! Mony P~Ut f~r duties IS minister of the EI'crY\lhere he Ill! Gambo was the organ! hn United Church, people gathered Ie the eei'emony and Mrs, Jo maki:lg a lot of Brooking, lunt of the groom The following young people policemen, The sang beautifully "~perfect of Glol'ertown are attending came a political Love" whtle the register WIS summer school at SI. John's: said a (om, ,i being signed. , Jean Saunders, Doris Burlon, accu,;cu him of

The bride looked radiantly :-lina Splrkc!, i\hrgaret Kin!:, Poland a' !"

10l'ely as she enlered the Edith Butt, Marion Feltham, Krelhr_!l'" .',;' church on the arm of her Norma Gcnge Mell'in Genge Gcrmarl,o'I'~lp:rd father, who gave her In D Idn Feltha~ Bill Burton, i 'pUllOl~J~pUIl I\! ;e

ballenna ana , "I ' l' Br'll" rlage, She wore I Arthur Feltham, Frank Fell.' ". c ,\ en, ,0., '

gown of while lace and tune ham, Bill Felthlm, Gerald i l.anada III I~'-"a' with I [loor·length veil held Lane Douglas Holloway, farmer a~d 11'., '

in place by a sequin Iludded Stlni~y J'eltham, F,rie Perry ,ubur,bdan I 1 tiara, She carried a lovely I P ern 51 p. 0 bouquet 0 fro!es, and Gera derry. It '.I"a,\ his fini ,

MIss Vera Blackwood, lister - I and rel3til'cs In or the bride was maid of Mr, an,d Mrs, Abe Davis 0 escape, He said ~ honor, Miss Miry Lou Brook· st. John 5 are visiting their I while the aulhori~tl In and Mrs, Robert Sweet· son and daughter.ln·law, Mr. let him reiurn to apgple Icted I! bridesmaids, and Mrs, Wallace Davis, II had no troub!p,

II I I length ---:- watchcrt clo!~l)' by Each wore ba er n 'f d " s " "on GlovAr Lor l\ r. In l\ r, 'a.., c Ilice gowns and carried !'(lses, . and son Jack, returned to I M,\Nl' rOl.lml\~ raine Blackwood, sister o~ the their home at Oll'ling, on ,.July Chris , •• id 111l~ brlrle, acted IS flower girl. . I~, aft~r spendln.: ,A hO,llday I wrrc In b."rr,

The bt~t man II'IS nr, Mel WIth Mr, and ~11~, r_i1>:arIWhrrr in rollod I'in par.,oM ann u,h,.rs w~re Glol·er. ~1is,~ :.rollie Glol'er Li\'in~ mnd3rd', Ralph Taylor and RIY ,10hn· returned to Curling with thrm 18bollt Ollt ' rh:rd e! Aon 1o spend a holiday, ~'rs, lere!. TIl~ J,w: t

The happy couplt left for Gl ' til ~I 0\ lh I' nd Grand Fall- where they ,wlil OI'er s mn er, rs" r u I w,as 48 hoclr,:' .

• h Feltham tram ~lusgral'eto\l'1I not rhnn~e Jobs spend their honeymoon, '1 ey is at present vsliling her, Illent perllli;;:O:l" will reside at Gloverlown, Few po~e; COUld

~ 1\Ir. and Mrs, Douglas Clarke ,~ion receil'er; Ind GARDIN !tARTY Ind Infant son, who have radios, EI'er)' horn!

Thc Anitlean Garden Party spent the past few weeks'with speaker hook.d up will be held on July 22 It the Mra, Clarke's parenl.ll, Mr, and rartio inslalled ltf ~ Clinic Grounds It Anile Mn. Peter Kea\J! returned to tnent' nd p.!d fe! Brook. ~ldeshO'W! Ind ethder Otlawl July, 17, tax, auractions Will be [ellure '

PlIIUTIALMON Mr, Geefle StroUt'! caulht

the first ulmen CIt thla yur In thl! Terra Nova River on June 28. The Sllmon, with I silver' dtlctor fly, weIghed .Ix pound •. -Mr. Jabez Fellham ot Brook, lyn, New York Ind formerly of Deer Island, B,B" paiq I surprise viait last week to his family anrl friends at Glover· town after an ablence of 38 years, He Is vlslUnl hl~ III~tllr Min Be~~lp Felth.m 'ml slsler,ln,law, Mr~,()onlf,l Felt h~ll' olHI will uf'81~u vlAltilll',

his hl'lIthrrl ,"Iphae,ll~ at !OI i ~~~~~~;,,:,,~:,:,,".~aL~.w,:;..:-.;.;.~ Jultll'!, MHl'lin a~ Fll'U~d CUI'e, J ,

. .", I'~f .• ~jI.'

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IT, JOHN'S, NlWPOUNDl.AND . .' '. ..'

The Daily News MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959 < ----------------------------~-----------,---.;..------------------------'.,-

ulder ,.To.Should,er NEW MINISTER FOR WESLEY

Preamble· Worthless, ;~ , .

Must Stand On 29 I'

Mifflin Tells House,::,', ' .. ) ,.,

" ~nd essen· tt«"~' .-• 10115 ~f New-~ -d .houlder to Ill,,' i • Ibln al all)' t me

DIlr J. Lewi, told the 'wtmbly Friday. He · Iht fnd of his

Re,olution con· '9 and criticized Gorernment and

from New· In Ihe House of

lor Iheir ailltude.

He IBid there WILlI one lul policy' 01 the Federal Govern· eourt of appeal. "Let thl put). mint the .peech, laid Mr. lie of Newfoundllnd .peak. Lewil Ihowed a clear repudla· Newfoundland', rlghll have tion of tbe Term, and an ab­been violated." Tbere was only solule betrayal of the consti· one Inswer for jUitice-let It tutiona! rlghll of Newfound· ring from coast to cout, When 'land. Mr. Renouf In!errupted Newfoundlanders apelk now Hon. Mr. Lewll to ask him if or in four yean, let them lay a .tatement In Parliament con­"we've got eonfidence to .tand talned in' Hansard were more on our OWf\ ,leet and, .tick to important than I bill. The it, come Hen or high·water." repudiation, Mr. Lew!J laid,

. "'I','"

"The government of Canada tempt to give plausibility ; to I Premier Smallwood then 'jdi. is bound in honour to imPle.jlniquity" the member for I formed Mr. Hollett that "we ment the recommendatiolU of Trinity North charged, How: cannot take John Diefenbl!k· the Royal Commission. I else, he asked, could the pre· i er's word any more." Mr. ~l·

If it refuses to say it is I eise, he asked, could the i lett asked Premier Smallwo,od bound, then I mU.'lt say Ihe preamble to a perfectly clear I to repeat his statement. Pl. Government of Canada is not piece of legislation be explain· I mier Smallwood did. ' . honourable enough to imple· ed. A .premable explains am­ment the terms of union." With bigquity. And there is no am­these words Arthur Mifflin, biguity in the act, he said. member for TrInity North sup· If the Federal government ported Premier Smallwood's intended to giVe Newfoundland resolution objecting to the Fed· a fair deal, why did not the ersl government's handling of: act, specify that there would

Poor White Trash

. -"

wu in the bill. Mr. Renouf Earlier Hon. P. J, Lewil had ,.Id he could not see it and the

... \ Ihlt our own sons quoted from Prime MinIster MinIster replied there were :r--:. 11'11", ;.1l11 ~poke Dlefenbaker's speecb of March none so blind as those who do ... , .. t~' . - luch had nt'thlllg to 2!5, quotaUons that did not not want to .ee.

Term 29. i be a further review of New· . I foundland's position under

. The Fede;,al Government" has Term 29, Mr. Mifflin asked . ,~Term i; a pure appeal to Messrs. Hollett Ind Mr. Lewil said the Federal , " he drriJred. Renout who interrupted several Government were deluding the

given the kiss. of dea.til to He went on to say, that he Term 29" Mr. Mifflin Said. would have been perfectly

He went on to say that the I satisfied with the Federal, __ ~Dndrml hall' they tlmes. One quote concerned people of Newfoundland. Mr. , Iheir rplllion and the Prime MInIster's remarks LewIs said he had never found

, :hl\' \\01llrl h""e it on thaI payment be limited to I Canadians very .ympathetic to· act. introduced by Finance ~ government's treatment had i w. J, Kcou~h. ~!iIlisler of MInister, fleming 11'~lch ex· i the act contained I promise I' Mines and Resources, in!ils lends payments to New~ound'I'of a review. speech to the HOllse of ,usern· land unhl 1962 IS a vlOlahon of At this point ~lr. ~lifflin was I bly said that "we have bcen Ne\\'f~undland's rights. "After interrupted by ~Ir, Hollett who, treated as the poor white traoh 1962 ferm 29 Will be cut out I reminded that gentleman that 1 province." .

" ' I five ~·ean. The exposition of ward Newfoundland.

nfederation Dream 1

0f Ihe terms of union." ,he had Prime ~[inister Dicfcn.1 "Out of "ell~eance the Go\"· The introduction of the act, baker's word that there would ernmcnt of Canada rlccided to

, by Mr. Fleming was an "at·l be a further rel·iew. set aside the constitution ot The congr~ation of Wesley ence sessions at Grand Falls' Canada. All of the provinCe!

United Church, SI. John's are in 1950 and subsequently serv- B II C f d ... towed the line and voted happy to announce that Rev. ed at Elliston and Humber- a am· t f"r 51. .John, except Newfound Vernon A. Smith, B.A., B.D. mouth prior to his present 0 n len land. Now we are paying .. ."

Reality In 1949 ,::10'11: I'"n(ulio P.! Canada, otherwise we would be

1,rm8er f(lr Harbour simply depellding on the mercy "~ I~t l.e;I,I"IIlrC Fri· and goodwill of Canada," Mr .

"an absolute breach of trust has accepted the invitation ex- pastorate at st. Jpmes and St. I "Can,da is getting to be , ••. the Government of Canada tended him to become their John United Church, New· Of Term POSI.t,.o'n hi~ ~irl and It is time she grey, tore up a bond." pastor. castle, New Brunswick. ' up." .

I~/ dream ot confed· Lewis ,tated . l~:rh harl been con· He p[)inled out that many • 1St;, had become a: weeks and months of work had ~ 1~9 makill:~ Canada' been im'oll'ed In 'planning our -~): ,fJ 10 ,ca, ! rights in thaI regard. Term 29

'Ol',,:J'lfIJllO! <lbility i was looked upon B! a safeguard ,,:n me" of equal Cor the Terms oC UnIon. ~ en:]; ,bout this He continued, "The spirit and :< il:d,hlll for years intent of Term 20 are obvious to

I:oa:, .. broke down, anyone who reada It. It docs II~C r~,'~lt-m ' .. the· !lot lie In the power of one l;:t, of un,oll." I party to alter, amend or abro· :~, 'U~)C<1 \\'OIS stud· I gate an), of the terms of union.

'c:;"icd o\'(,r until I am speaking in I moral !~'ig rmcr~ed, I sense." l.IrJ called 1he Terms, He accused the Government

1 !o:emn conlract en- of Canada of refusing to make ~I 1.\ I" 0 eom petent 'available to Newfoundland its ill ;,r:m were made a i constitullonal right.

.: l!' Bnlish ~ 0 r t h I Opposition Leader Malcolm .Ifl lrod eler)' word is I Hollett wanted to know "where )()~d which can only have they refused?"

.lIh agreement by I ~Ir Lewis replied, "by culting lIr, Lcwis said. of assistance in 1962."

T,rm ~9 you could I He called the legislation pas.!­(o,,[edmlion wl\:t j ed by. the Federal Government

Will Fight All His' Fibre

~'tr 'lini5ter of I l!!he Houie of As-

· he wilJ support on Term 29 "with

0: my bcil1il." He Ihr House, New­

'Ill ,11 Canada to "r ,Spencer

illended many conferences on

but :\e\\'foundiand L1]! I gpt fa ir treat-

~~ ;,Ir. Hollett, sHid he had

01 yielding the ~ider of the Op­te didn'\. Mr.

It:uoned one specHic ::l 01l1_a where the

~ Ibe Atlanlic pro\'­dJ>l:U<"d Had New- HON. K S, SPENCER IlC!i\ ,(\ pro per I c~ PVp"iJlion basis i ~Ir. Spencer went on to talk

IWllmnce re"ul\ the about the delay In implement· ~~ h'le heen S12'.2 ing the recommendations of 'At lIlnister declared. the ~lcNair report "because

Ii! the P)I wanted to someone was trying to cut it I il millIOn and not 57 down." Two and a half years

XI, SPtneer said he sat aft~r it was released there was IlOIh!r conference and still no money and Newfound­

drflni:ely an ideH to land had to go to the bankl to off and to I raise money to carry on. "It c~t

10 Ihe tllree, e\'ery mother', son of us over I :\01. Scolia, New / $600,000 to pay inlerelt on that

Ind Prince Edward money," he declared. He lug­I mil', Premier Small. guled that the Federal Govern-

11<0 Illhe conference ment remit tbls amount al ex· 'At for :-iellfoundland. tras to Newfoundland and he lllu rl~ance 'Iinlster assured the House hls depart·

~Iefenbaker WILlI ment would brins it to the at­Uld :-icwfoundland tention of the Federal Govern·

the grant. (Continued on Page e)

Term 29, Mr. Lewis maintain- Rev. Smith was born on Ran· Rev. Smith has expressed ! ed, is the keystone of the dam Island, Trinity Bay. He I his appreciation to the con· structure of the Terms of un-j graduated from Mount Allison gregation for their invitation '. Confederation," Hon Mr. Ballam Ion. "With Term 29 you could University and Pine Hill Divin· and is looking forward to tak. I Isaid, and added he would never not have Confederation," he lty Hnll. He was ordained duro Ing up his new duties on Oc- !have agreed to the terms if said, "and without it you can.

j' ing the Newfoundland Confer- tober 1st. 'Term 29 had not been includ·

not continue Confederation." ed. It was clear that Term 29; He went on, "There is only continued into perpetuity, he;

one conclusion a I~icar man B· f $35,000 In said, and added that it was I can come to ... there has been 'rle S never intended to have a time'

h ' limit on it. ; a breach of trust ... at erwise I Mr. Ballam said ~e\\'found., he is not I ratlonal human be- 5t Pt· k' , ing." I I Th . a ric s i landers were proud to be Can· i n e : adians but had ,lever hoped to:

Mr. Hollett again interrupted! ! see the day when the union '. to Ii a)" 'Are we irrational if: Church Fund ; agreement would be torn up.' we don't agree with you?" I "N' ews" 'The strained .rclations between

, • Ottawa and st. .John·s, he add.: "Yes," replied Mr. Lewis, ~ 'I i l'[1. should not have givcn any'

"You're Irrationai in your think- ~ I ;;o\'ernmcnt the right to tcar up , I The DAILY NEWS has Ing." I a contract, That was whv he

5 d P I· been informed by Mr. W. J. . , 'lj H 11 tt '1 d "Th 1 uspecte 0 10 Ashley, Treasurer of the SI. '~nd the government were fight· I !lOX. W, J. J\EOl~GH

th~r~' mu~t ebe :~~te of irratio~~ i Two cosos of .uspocted: Patrick's Church Renon. liON. C. H. B:\LLA~l ,lng, Mr, Ballam declared-and I al people." ' polio were flown ~o.the Fever i tlon Fund, that contrlbu. I C. H. Ballam speaking in the It?at they would continue to:1 In Ihis way ,~Ir, ~cough SlIl.'

HOlpltal from Trlnlty Ylltar. lions have now reached tbe ,debate on the Resolution on I iI.ght nght down to the last I purled Prel1l1cr Smallwood 5

Mr. Lewis pointed that day. It will not be known sum of $35,000. DonatIons Term 29 in the House of As. ditch. Canada has a binding. iresolulion and. roulldly COil' he fully agreed with the neees· I until noon loday whether thl from parishioners, business sembly Friday, praised two legai and moral obligatIOn, he Idemned lhe ~ crlcral 601'CI'\I' sity for a periodical review of I Cilil If I ~ollo or nol, when firms and friends are stili prel'ious speakers and said no said, and he would fl~ht to see mcnt and cspwally Pnme :111111'

Newfoundland's financial posi.' m. resulh of certain t.lts being received. Newfoundlander could have that honourable contracts were ster Dlcfcnbakcr. whom he tion, and that the Royal Com- will bl made known. 'am'thing but dedication for the respected and upheld. Term 29 termed a "great omnlPolence" mission had recommended that The pastor, Rt. Re\·. Msgr. :w~ll being of Newfoundland. must be put back in its proper II'ho "dccid~'l to plJ), fUf~t~l' the iigure granted to New. SEVERAL COLLISIONS I ~Iurphy, and the Committee P. J. Lewis, he said, knew what place, Mr. Ballam dcclJred. He With" the ConstllullOn of Can foundland should not be a fixed Several collisions were report. are deeply grateful for the he was talking about owing to saHi h~ lVas supporting the I ada.. . one, but Ihould change accord. ed to City police over the week. wonderful response so far. his connections with the com. ResolutIOn and the government I :111', Keough said he fell ollrc ing to need. end. At 10,30 a.m. Saturday two Suitable acknowledgment in mission that prepared New. would lake It to Canada 10 sce J\'cw[oundl,lnrI would reeellC

He concluded, "Newfound· land Ihould protest her indigna­tion, Ihockand abhorrence of the fact that Term 29 hlLll been scrapped. Term 29 is a right, but under the new legislation it is jUit I piou.hope and New· foundland can't live on pious hopes."

cars were in collision on Job I detail will appear in the ifoundland's brief _ as indeed that Newfoudland s nghts wercJusllcc ,>~flcr lle IDlrfcnlJakc;1 Street and both re~eived slight I "Monitor" In due course. I"all who spoke on this side of respected. . __ ~ __ ~~~on,,_~~ _ _ , ___ ~ ____ _ damage." At 10,20 p,m, on the II 'l'he repair work lin the ithe House be~ause they had same day a car backed into a outside of the Church has !llhaned,,~vell.being of Newfound.:, New Hope FO"",/8 fence on Gear Street, knocked / been underway for several .. dewn part of the fence, .and i weeks under the supervision 3!r. Ballam reminded his audio , ..J.. then took off [rom the scene. of J. L. E. Price Co. All ence (seen and unseen) that he i At 1 p.m. a truck backed into a those who [or one reason or was in the H[)use before Con· L b d T ' ~ar near the CNR, slightly dam· another have not yet made federation as a member of Ihe a ra or own aged the car, and drove away their ,contributions are ask· '

,without stopPI'ng, At 2.50 p.m. I National Convenlion. He lhought I ed to do so as soon as poss . then that Confederation was .

T B lid yesterday a two·car collision on ble. f d d O best for New oun Ian. He was Port Hope Simpson has a' Ihc USAF arc fightin,," the fircs U the Portugal Cove Road result· a memoer of the first delegation chance for survil'al. Overnight' with men and equipment flown ed in $200 damage to one car sent to Ottawa to discuss terms rain and favourable winds may i in from Ne\I'foundland. ;\ot

New Bridge :, and $400 damage to the other, A A t Of d n C and Term 29 was prepare at have saved the south·eastcrn i many lllcn can be used be, that time as they could not sec Labrador village. The lire is: cause the burning area is ~n

Elect Officers into the future. Mr. Ballam said hoped to by·pass the commun·. large and bccause its so dif· The Minister of HighWays, I ~::~ D.-srespect a sheet anchor was needed and ity of 150, most of whose resi·! licult to mOI'e men and equip,

H H. A. RUliell hu it was found in this Term, "We on. Dr. F. W. Rowe, announc· ellctld Pr.lldlnt of the dents have moved 10 the coast; ment into the area. The de· ed that It f d t'- regarded it as the sacred and f th f' h' t t f 'I' d R u a resu 0 aver ",e- foundllnd Frozen Fish Trade. or e IS Ing season. ' par men a ., Illes an e· menta in th bll most binding of the terms of Th tl "th' 'd I' t'f't Id t e pu c press, a- Anoelallon. Other offIcers I One of the greatest acts of e lree remalnlllg, ree i sources ;,11 l1a I I COU gc contract blLll now been award· E A H I f~miJies were el'Jcuated Friday, more hclicoplers it could fly Irl . . ITV"Y, Seer.tary- disrespect occurred Saturday , I ed to Granl-~Illls Limited, of Tr.llur.r, and S. G. Like, P.· forenoon near the Basilica. A ~ when Ihe fires were only 3 Illore mcn into Lahrador to Montreal, for construction of I K. McGrath, A. H. Monro., funeral procession was leaving: Show Film i miles from Ihe village. light the blaze. reinforced conerele bridge S W M r W O'B . d ' ! The Labrador fires hill'e --,---" IcrOSI Terra Nova River near . . 00 el,. rl.n an the grounds of the Basilica ~ The RC~lP \\"ill slloW a now burned more Ihan 1.000 Glovertown. ThIs bridge is, oc Mn. M. S. Pin ny, DlrlClors. and the hearse and three cars; ,peelal film at th.~ Church square miles of valuable lim.. Accidental Death the Terra Nova National Park. had ,moved a~ay when .' truck! Lads' Brigade annual camp ber. It will take about 2~ I Fifty·five )'ear old ~Irs

POUCE JlLO'ITF.R beanng a. striP. of white fib·, tonight. If Ille weather is }'ears to reslore this lo,t I frank Drake, n( ,Jerseysitlc Tbls bridie will consIst of City police marie 28 arresls bon thus lndlca.tmg It was at· Jme the film will be sholl'n I wealth. I died yesterday m, oming ~s ~

lhree spans with a tolal length over the week·end. Four men tendIng a weddlllg, passed the outdoors, The C,L,B. has ex' I rc,ult of injlll'irs reccII'ed III of 254 feet. It will, therefore, were arrested for being drunk drivers ~f cars who were ~how- pressed its gratitudr to Ihe . The fire~ are 100 I~r!;e for I " car al'ciricnt at Red Harbor be tbe third largeBt bridge on and disorderly In City taverns. lllg th~lr respect by sloPP!ng R.C.M.P. for providing the flremcn to handle, so Ihat [Ire· i Two other penpl~ involl'ed in the Trans·Canada Highway,; f)~e \l'oman al\dfour men were 10 give the funeral proceSSIon folm, 8 new one which has men are working on the areas Ilhe mishap are bein;: treated only the Sir Robert Bond brought in and charged with the nght of way, nnd the truck just been produced, most valuable. The RCAF and I in Burin Cotta;e Hospital. Bridge; on th. Exploits, and ,lUu,e and disorderly conduct. got inlo the funeral proces· the Queen Elizabeth Bridge, on Three drunk drivers were ar- sion. the Gander River, beIng longer. r~5led, One mall was charged other cars in tlie wedding It Is hoped to have this bridge with breaking and entering, and procession, taking their lead completed in time to permit another with damaging pro· from the truck, prevented more paving of tbat part of the perty. One man was a~rested mourners' cars from leaving Trani • Canada Highway ad. for refU.'llng to ~ay hiS taxi the Basilica grounds and also jacent to the National Park fare, and 1~ ordmary drunks got into thefunera! procelr.ilon. early next year. were brought m. ThIs combined funeral and


e Attacks Browne d McGrath On Term

. Correction A reporl of OPPOSltiOll Lea·

d~r IVlakolm Hollett·s speeeh in th~ debale un Term 29 cal" dell In the FrllJ3y Issne 01 the

wedding procession continued all the way over LeMarcbant Road, until near Cornwall Avenue the drivers of the wed­ding vehicles pulled Ollt of line sud passed the hearse.

Dully News el'I'oncously stat· It Is presumed tllat if. ~d lilat he had said $77 mil· I policemall had bren In tbe 110n dollars had been reeel,,· Il'iclnity the offellllin~ and ed by Newfoundland since; callous drivers of the wedding


FIT 10 - 12 ONLY Real Comfort Summer days. wash too!

on warm So easy 10 49c

Dirlcnbaker for I waYI F. W. Rowe condemned Canadian people know and un· Confederation. What ?llr, vehicles would have been · conduCI. I de. Ihe }'ederal Government for ILs deratand What is Involved" in Hollett said in fact was that given a severe penalty.

l\i!tdcral represent •. treatment of this province and Term 29. Xewfoundland hart received , , not defend New. roundly blasted Jamu McGrath He 'blamed the "absence of $77 million in the pilI yllr

.llniller 01 l1i~h. and W. J. Browne for their ndequate representation In Ot· from Federal sources. pOliUon. on the Term 211 Ict laWI fOl', the lack gf sytlJpalhy FIRES and 'or their' lack' 01 lupport on the mainland. The situation , Central and West End fire I during the woodJ I,bour dlf. hu not-been' helped he said by truck were called to Crosbie's i pute of tile put 'wlnterj on Fri· "the 'man we Jent III Ottawa (an fish meal plant, S[)uthside Rd, day allunoe' In·:tal Houa. of implacable' bater of SmaU- at 1.40 p.m. yesterday. Fire Auembly.- - . wood)." "He .w.. not lent to had broken out in the flBl. meal

W. J, Browni,-'h IaJd wu "motivated b1 hatred of Small· wood." "Haw e1t1 could you u­plaln hII poalUOD in her (New· COWldland'.) . our of trouble" Mr. Rowl ,demanded. W. I. Brownl, wu "aetuated by a de­sire to ietlve~" b~ . .cont~nded.

I But de.plt. eVlrythlnl "WI wll\ wIn o\lr 'eue,'" the HIIh· Way. Yiniste;. d.el~d.

Yr. Ro;" 1I111.~ ,WU eon· vineed·· thlt Newfoundllnd would 'Iet jusUce If '!"'I Itt the ..

lecturl on how jenerOUB Can· plant but was extingUished t!'d,~I' been' III Newfound· without much difficulty. Slight

damage was caused to the plant Mr, ~owe went on to ".ym· machlnery. At 9.43 p,'". yes.

plthize with the Member for terday 8 pumper from the West St; John'. Wetl 'who hu been End Station ruponded to a call deprived .of the opportunity to from Hoylu Avenue where in lerve Newfoundland." the section of low wooda' be­

Ttu:oU'bou~ his .peech Mr. tween Hoylu Ave. and While­Row. made it .clear that he way Street, I tent, put up by re,arded Term 29 II part of some boys, had: caught fire, The tbl cOlllUtuUon of Canada and blaze also caught fire to the he .aw thl Federal govern· 8rlLlli in the vIcinity. The fire­ment'l obligation to Newfound· men had no trouble in ex· lind U I "tonIUtutlonal" onr. tinguishing the blaze.

Today's Accident


Accidents 4 Injuries o

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. ,. ;


i, . L. ., ~, ...

j~: . .

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THE DAlL Y NE WS -. Newfound/allff. Only Mornln, 'ape'

. , BoULI ItJI8('ID'TtON lUTE!

Guada ...... ".. .......... '12.00 pu annum Ifaltld IlAfdolD ud

AatIMIrizH .. lecund clua miU.

T'H DAIL! NZW. II • 1D0l'ldaI paper Iltabl1lb,d III 1*, &ad PIIbllala .. at tilt Ne •• Bu1ld.Iq DO· as; DuciwIIr~ !lUll" Bt. JollD'l, N.",oUlldWlll '" Roblllloll • COIDPIIIJ. LIIII1l1d.


. 1'111 CUladian PrfIII II adllll"l,. .IIUUed to the Ult lor repllbllcatiDII oJ all IIIW1 dupltcb .. In thiJ paper credit. ed to It or to the "lIuclated Prell Of

P~utera and aliu til. local De •• publlsh ad the1'l1ll.

AU Pre ... urvlr lind featlll'l artiel .. In this paper IT. eopyrlahted and thell reprDducUoo IJ probiblted.


M.mMr Audit Bureau

gf C~ulitlolll"

all fortIlII «'lllItrlli 114.00 per ID ~~1IJ1I •

. ~ I . ~ Plat Office. D,par!J'lleot. Ottawa.

~. ----------------, . MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959. , . ;. --- ------------- ------

A Sovereign Country . , ;::. ~. ~ We are not at all sure what Mr ~·W. J. Browne was trying to prove twhen he told the House of Com· r· mons that 'Newfoundland was not } a IOvereign country at the time t. of eonfederation. i He tried to substantiate this ~otion by pointing out that New·

foundland decided against the adoption of the Statute of West· minister which would have given her dominion status.

But since 1855, Newfoundland hal had responsible government. That was equal to dominion status and the Encyclopaedia Britannica in 1930 defined the difference be· tween Newfoundland and the rest of the Commonwealth in very simple terms. All other Common· wealth countries were members of the, .League of Nations. New· foundland was not a member of that group.

In 1934. self·governm~nt was suspended. But Newfoundland was still a country and its independent status was not negated by the fact

that its constitution was in a state of suspended animation.

The point was that Newfound· land and Canada were two separ· ate countries and the Commission of Governn'ient could speak for Newfoundland as a sovereign country.

What was done by the British government at many times during the Commission regime may have been wrong but it was done with the tacit consent of a majority of the Newfoundland people. And it is absurd to suggest that this was not a sovereign country at the time of union even if we should have gone back to responsible government before making terms with Canada.

The British Government did its best to put us into union but any agreement that was made was still between two separate cOl.\ntries and no amount of, abstract con· stitutional argument can alter that fact.

Mr. Chafers Complaint Mr. Frank Chafe, provincial

representative of the C.L.C .• has complained that the Newl has been unfair I because it has not published certain press releases.

Mr. Chafe should be well aware that no newspaper publishes everything th'at comes to it marked "press release." It may, if it thinks fit, rewrite such handouts or make • news story out of them if the circumstances warrant it, But it has' no obligation to print or refer to them unless they are news· in the accepted sense.

When such "releases" come from individuals and are· not re­lated to labour matters, they represent opinions which should be submitted in the form of letters to the correspondence section of

the paper. . Mr. Chafe knows that the Daily

News has frequently made gener­ous space available to his cause. The viewpoint of labour leaders during a controversial news period has also been sought by direct contact. These things are done without prejudice to the right of any newspaper to say what it thinks on the topics under discus· sion In its own columns of opinion.

Information from. unions or labour organizations about lab?ur matters of public interest will al­ways receive fair treatment from the NeWi. That has been the case in the past. It is the case still, regardless of Mr. Chafe's state­ment at the Corner Brook con· vention.

Overcrowded' Hospitals In most hospitals in Newfound·

land today the problem of over­erowding has reached serious proportions.

Three years ago more than 1,000 additional general hospital beds were needed to provide the provo inee with the low average rate of 5.5 beds per 1.000 of the popu· lation.

Although the cancer wing of the General Hospital is nearing com· pletlon. few additional b!ds have been put into service' and the population increase in' the 'mean· while has created· the need of another 200 beds to maintain the desired ratio of 5.5 per 1,000 people. '.

But while nothing has been lIone to meet what might be c~l1ed

mllllmum normal requirements, new pressures have been created by the introduction of the national hospitalization scheme and the provIsIon .of special provincial hospital services for children ..

In short, with ,upply hardly changed, demand has been going up by leaps and bOunds and just to keep up with immediate quantitativel need would call for a capital expenditure above $25 mimon.

The ~apital. requirements of essen tial services are actually creating a problem of nightmare proportions and there is small likelihood that much can be done above it 'out of the resources that are' now available to the provinCial government.

'Selling 'Canada's Wheat • Canada 11 likely. to run into

trcuble 1ft the exportlng of wheat this yeir:

Russia hall made heavy illl'oad~ into Canada's market in Holland.

But a much more serjoU!l matter il the subject' of an editorial in the' Financial Post.

Threecountrie!l, Italy. Mexico and Spain. that were once import· ... at wheat have now jolnld the ranla of exporting· countriei. I .

The Po.t view. the situation with alarm and attributes It to the raising of prices whentbey Mould be lowered and the en·


, .

couragement of high-cost mar,mal production when it should have been discouraged.

'I'his illustrates the curious paradox of a ,nation that depends very largely on exports pricing itseJI in manv commodities out of eompetition i~ world markets.

This situation is likely 10 be· come aggravated as world. com·

. petition lncreases in intensity. and it is going to posesollle very acute

. and difficult problems for govern·' menlo Industry' and labour. In Canada in the course of the next few years.


In The New.s By WAYFARER

NOTIS AND COMMINT At I time of the year when everY·

eme should be IPendlnll IS mucn time II possible in relaxed enjoyment of a pleasant summer, the air !J r.nt with con!llct, the hilln walls that seem so oppressively to enclose the HOUle of Assembly reverberate with bitter exchanges, and a province In desper· . ate need of a united front to meet the problems of past a~d present Is sadly divided on many Important Issues. The ordinary citizen, preoccupied with his work and the enjoyment of his leisure, hardly knows what to thInk Ind, for the most part, does not think too much at ail.

+ + + ·Thls Is a natural consequence of a

variety of causes. Before confeder· ltion, we knew that what government could do WI! lfmlted by what It could collect and what government collected was Influenced each year by changes In taxation. We saw changes expressed principally in the cost of the things we consumed. That gave us a special interest In public affairs. That Is one thing. But on top of that, we had fifteen years In which a whole generation !I1'ev.: up without possess· Ing the right to vote. That impaired Interest and undermined Inclependent thinking. It also Interrupted the con· tl nulty of supply of experienced can· dldates for the House of Assembly. And finally, there Is the fact that when people are fairly prosperous, they can't be bothered too much about public obligations.

+ + + There Is as weI! a confusion result·

Ing from the Imposition oC dual loyal· lies. A statute passed a little more than ten years ago made Us citizens of Canada. But here In our own island. Immersed In our own affa il'5 , aloof from the mainstream of Canadian life, we still think of ourselves as !'>ewfoundlanders first. That is not unnatural. We are way out on the eastern fringe of the Domi'nion. We are' separated from Canaqa hy 100 miles of water whleh, for east coast residents, Is reached only by a land journey of 540 miles. And that Can· adlan citizenship which Is sYmbolic In a nonchalant way and without much of an overriding sovereignty Is dlf· flcult to envision. It Is accepted but

[H .. What Others

PRACTICAL. IDEA peterborough Examiner

In a nonchalant wly and without much prof<lund thought about Its meaning. In a way the federal budget hIB more Impact on Newfoundland than the provincial budget but few people seem to appreciate. that fact.

. There has ultimately to be a recon· clllation of our divided Interests and loyalties In the hope of producing I sound and progressive polley by means oC which federal, provincial and olher agencies will be able to work together to lay a solid foundation for a .new prosperity. We shall all have to find a common ground. And we all have special Interests In finding that com· mon ground.

+ + + Ottawa has a bigger Interest than

it is willing to admit. Full employment In Newfoundland plus the steady ex· ploitation of our resources wlli add to Canada's wealth and bring a big reo turn on' capital Invested to Improve our communication and expedite our development. Moreover, the better we do on the productive side. the less we shall want In financial aid of other kinds.

+ + + The provincial government Is can·

cerned with the welfare of the people. Its present outlay on relief and other' assistance Is high. If It can save that through its part In . developing In· creasing employment, It will kill two blrds with one stone. It wlli reduce Its welfare expendlture.s and Increase its revenues through the sales tax. the gasoline tax and certaIn other sources which reflect higher personal Incomes.

.+ + + Labour may be much concerned at

the moment with what It think!! of last spring's legislation but It has a greater concern In l\ewfoundland with the e~· tabllshment of more and more people on a regular wage basis. Labour can only gain membership through hav­ing more workers who are gainfully employed for longer period! of the year. It has a stake in doing what it can in co·operation with all other useful agencies to build up the New· foundland economy. In short, we have more to unite us than we have to di· vide us but It becomes a question of good will and sound perspective. These are the basL, of real pro!l1'ess.


I •

Are Saying the hatpiD appeared to h~ve gone out of use, but it leems to have made a comeback, depending on the kind of,

':hairdo In which the pin can be Ituck. In the era of long hair and cart·

wheel hats the long pin was essential

An Indian railway luperlntendent sa'ys one reasbn trains on the Nagpur division are so frequently. behind schedule II that about 180 bable! are born In them each year. Why not put on baby carriages?

TlCHNIQUI 0 .. C"ISII Montrral Gazette

Khrushchev's anxlet, to bring the Western leaders to the summit may be partly the outcome of his feellng that he alone can, or shOUld, carry out a polley. To work through a for· elgn minister at a foreign ministers' ronference h, In a sense, a tlumlll·

. for keeping hat! in place, Ind In most cases the pin wu longer than the hat. The sharp 'end projected, and If the wearer had se\'eral hat pins she looked like lome kind of human pln·cushion. When standing behind I woman In a theatre queue a person was In danger of being poked in the ('ye.

. atlon. More than this. he has un· doubted confidence in his own ability In negotiation, and particularly In ·the large scope for the technique of ~rlsls that I summit meeting would offer. I! Is such a crlsl! that President Eisenhower wishes to avoid. The fall· ure of a foreign ministers' conference Is not In itself decisive. Failure at I

summJt conference might be the end of the road.

WIATHIR WOU"I Windsor Dally Stir

There Is reuon to worry about the weather. We now have medical testl· mOllY to prove it. Dr. G. A. Meyer of Kingston BayS there Is a dlri!Ct relation between barometric prelsure and the blood'i clotting ability. A sudden break in the temperature can Increase chances of a. heart attack.

It Is probable that weather Involves more than the heart. Sufferers from stomach ulcers have clahped they are bothered most during the uncertain weather of spring and autumn. Those with rheumatic conditions, often. can tell in Idvance, by the extra twinge, when It is to raJn.

DOG DAYS Xllchenu>Waterloo ~ecord

One' would neTer lUlU It by llIe Idet.1 !lummu welther We're experienelng, but the dOl daY' of midJummer 4I'e 11m: OrdiJlarlly dor dtyl are muked },y thOle, lultry welther. Collan' wilt Ind tempen Ihorten. It wn once be­lieved, that more dogl developed rabies at this lenon of llIe year than at Iny othAr period. Finally someone 8tarled 10 colleet Itatistici and round this wun't la,

WOMAN'S DEFENCE SI. Thoma~ 'l'imes·.Tournal

Gr<Jund~ for divorce have Widened conllderably. ill Enlland Iince the war, continued Icts of' cruelty belni on. of them. It acts both ways and why not? Ai'i Enll!.h husband h,s JUlt obtained a dll'orce because his wife repeatedly. Jabbed him with a hatpin. A few years ago we would have asked how thaI could be bccau~e


The hatpln had and still has, of course, • valuable USe as a weapon of offence or defence. Let lome wolf· ish Individual molest her Ind Ihe whipped out one of her hatplns and in the best thrust Ind parry of the fence she loon lent the attacker flee­ing.

Nowadays she still makes the Ilr resound with the traditional screams, but she Is ju.,t as likely to toss him over her Ihoulder wIth a judo move· ment.

Strengtb For Today By IARL. L. DOUGL.ASS

pown 0 .. L.OVI

There was a ireat catastrophe in a section of our country a few year. ugo and a frail young mother picked up her husky three year old child and

. carried that child thirteen miles. We - do not know today how she did it.

Neither do doctors nor jlQl!ce officers nor social workers. She just did It. She did It ~cause she was a mother -because .e was filled with love and roncern. She could not have car· rled a weight such 85 this for thirteen miles even If the weight had been gold or precious stones. But It was a ehlld ,her child. She djd not earry the child; love carried the child.

\ The Bible tells us that God ill love.

The very essence of the life Goe! au riven us 15 lOVe also. When we hive love we have everythln,; when WI

lIck love we are. 10 poverty IItrlcken IS to be shorn of everything eXceptinl excepting life itself. Love I. every· thinl.

We all agree with Ihis sentiment­but we agree with it as I sentiment. For how many is it a principle of life? Oh ye~, if it were young child or mine in the same rlanger we coulrl

. do aa well as the mother did who walked thrteen miles. But why do we hive to walt for I lI'eat cllamlty? Why do we ha\'e to havt truth knock· ed into our heads? Why can we not learn-and learn through love?

"God is lol'c." The ulllI'crsc Is love -sacrificing. self.{orgettinr love.



IN NEWFOUNDL.ANI) :Editor Dilly New ..

. Edson 10' Washin .

• Dear Slr,-I am back visiting New· RUSSIAN AGGRESSION IS foundland now to celebrate .evenly F AC'NR AT BIG FOUB years of residence In Canada, Mon· . By PETER EDSO~ !real and Ottawa. I was born at st. NEA Washington . Phillips on September 2nd., 1883, WAS-HINGTON - (:-,'E~ . where my ancestors settled over 200 American, British and Fr: I -. ..~ years ago. In the middle of May, 1889, secretanes are' up against·

f ~n things were tough at St. Phllllp's, so Four can erence resuming i my parent! laId everythihg, rented the threat of· direct RUSSiino their little farm and with their four This is' the key factor children left for lIlontreal. That was a ted but not generally few years before the big Sf. John's What the Russians Want· fire and about five years' before the ist possession of \\'eH Berl~~ :'i'ewfoundland bank crash. want. Amencan, Brit~lh irA

Father was not sure whether he forces out of there. 1h~~· was doing right or wrong, leaving his Welt German Federal . beloved !'>ewfoundland, but he soon there. They want to 'ei~. found out he made a step in the right ing for .it, the wealth "hi.' direction. Things were bad in lIl0n· million West Berliner; h",/ treal. also. In the winter tIme with no The RloSsians are not lei construction In those days, and work· .to resort to war to lak; lh:; Ingabout half time, you were not by military conquc,t But I!.!: !ure of your next meal. My father rule his out as a Id': resin' had good health and work was a their end. ) pleasure to him, al\ he thought of was The Gene\'a Confl:rente i; his family. Well, I wh~ the eldest of Russian efforl to get Contro: the children, so I felt I should help. by means short of 11·.r. . In those days In Montreal It was your First they tried to s:an'e parents business about your education. of Berlin. That was ~n the You did not have to go to school. ade. It began April I. 1911. After helping my mother around the tinued until Sept. ;)1) 1949. house. I started just after my 11th This was a nlllitarl birthday to look for a job. I secured war. It was enner! hy the one after about a two month search, lift which deli\'erert 1'.1" i· (as there was I big depression in coal and food to the c~ty.

1893), as a messenger boy In one of blockade. the medium sized stores on St. Cath· Now, in the Genera erine Street West, "Montreal's Fifth Russians are Irying lliplomi~ Avenue" at that time, the W. H. Scrag· tion to achieve the same er,d. gle Dry Goods store. After doing meso If the Geneva talks break sages, sweeping the store. etc .. I was Russians say they will pu.;h made tlme·keeper-kept time for mit Conference to gain their about fifty male and female clerks. If they fail to altain their' and ten messenger boys and for the at the Summit. or if thE)' !Ll princely salary of nine dollars a obtain Western agreement to month--li3 hours a week. summer and. at the Summit. Ihe Russialll winter al\ the same; but It was won· ted clearly how they "'ill derful training for a young boy. Mr. tbird battle to win Berlin. Scroggle was a real school·master to They will firs. make a lep111 me. I received most of my education treaty with East German Irom him-things had to be done Republic. This will mean tlui right! He had no children of his own sians will turn Ol'er 10 the~ and he took a special Interest In me ist puppet, military control and another boy, we used to do all his Berlin and the corridors le/{q business as if we were full·grown men West Germany to West Berl:!. and we filled the bill. Wbat would happen nell

Well I went to school in Montreal bluntly Itated twice In

and studied Canadian and English his· the Soviet Union's two fint tory but nothing about the land of chairmen, Frol R. K"zlo\' I~ my birth. I got that Newfoundland I. Mikoyan. Both hne history from my parents, and. plenty same language in all.lwer to of It. In 1903 my mother and myself put to tbem by Washington came here on I visit for about three ents. weeks, I enjoyed myself 50 wen that Ai; given \0 Kozlo\'. the I came back in 1905 and married my "If the Russians cannot let dear wife, also of St. Phillips (she agreement to make Berlin a talked about this visit she was going will they use force to obllin to make back to the "old sod" with jective?" me to celebrate my 70 years in Can· Kozlo\"s answer--using the ada), but last April 14th, lifter nearly phrases used by ~liko,'an her! 5' year! of happy married life, she uary-was: "If we fail. IbtD passed away to the "Great Beyond". ernment will be completpn ~ It nearly cancelled the trip for me; a peace treaty with the but I thoUi/ht I shOUld come anyway public of German),. w~th III t ocelebrate the great 70 years. Now J quences this enlails Wlr U will be 76 years old on Sept. 2nd. 1 able. But if force i~ mor:ed hive worked for 4() years as a printer West to maintain mes! ~ on the ottawa Journal and they then force will be met with treated me wonderfUl by presenting a The conclusion being handsome pension for life, also a this in Washington is that ttl handsome gold watch, In token of would try to put the blame at their appreciation for II lXlor New· for starting a war. then P foundland boy who met good friends tbeir aggreS6ion to win Stf.: in Canada.

WILLIAM J. TUCKER. may be a bluff: The Russian! threats before and then

22 BellWood Ave., But tbL is a bluff that has tD ottawa, Ont. This ill the sltualion \Obit!


For many months susoned ob· servers have been bringing back reo ports of a friendlier attitUde toward the United States among the Asian neutral nations. ~ow. in Burma, we ha\'e concrete evidence of I change.

After refUSing for six straight years. the government of Burma hu a!l1'eed tG accept 37 million dollars In eco· nomic aid over the next four year!. Most of the help will go for highway and school eonstructlon .

It i! important that the Initiative for llIe removal of lid came from Burma Itself. That would seem to be the best proof of an altered atUtude .

Burma turned U. S. aid back In 1953. when charges 'Were made that American .uppert was gIven Chinese Nationalist guerrillas operating In northern Burma.

The change In Asian thinking, in and beyond Burma. Is saId to have begun with Red China's fresh 8ssaultg on the offshore islands of Quemoy and Matsu. But It received Its great· 'est spur from Pelplng's brutal crush· Ing of last winter's rebellion in lofty Tibet.

Not long after that slunnlng event Burma let it be known It was once more willlnil to have American as· sistance.

Burma is, of eourn, careful tG reo ehanle hlB oceurree! ill it! lleutraUat train from laying that any official polley. It must still live with the Red Chinese at it! back door. But the facts apeak plainly.

When Peiping pounced on Tibet, the lesson was lo~t on no one. The Asian~ seemingly for the first time, hegan to understand that tyranny is tyranny. 110 matter what dre~s' it wears. The wi~hful talk oC the "New China" w~s heard les~ often.

Asian hatred of Western 'colorual!Jm Is '0 deep rootedthlt Asian leaders have for many yea!l &tamped "iood" on anythini which appeared in op· position to It. including commllnism It took Peiping Itself to make the point the West seemed barred from making, that you don·t save yoursel,!

of State Christian .~. Her.e: team of negotiator_ (ace on to Ihe Big Four Forei~n ference in Gellel'a Th,,..rJ go all over the same old th Rus.sians abollt Germ;,·, lin.

The\' hal'e no m(>rc ho?! d agree~ent this t~."c Ihon went Into the fir.;l ;0";10:

get agreement, it I\I!I be I


from one form cf embracing anothpr. far

Burma's deci~ion to of American efforts to Asian countries Is a i for the Chinese r,.,",Uliil'

thought to engulf all A'J. prove a kInd of gral'f!to~~ Fr .. dom .nd Freelanc, rs

A short time ago ! c\ device looking pretty mu , . \1-.1

• large wall cloek. tou kilS F Smithsonian Institution first automolJil~ ilnd .

It was the li",~ ,.;\,11 . . . (~I \'ented by a mlfj·.I·(·,t,rn

in 1879. Conceirrd orig:~!1\f "thlef catcher." the r~~~~~. come one of the great the storekeeper" bll,~ne'l ern cash re)tistpr hi! !ru~: into more' than 100 eour.tril.

I ~r' more complex mod~·; 1'1 d many as M different 1~1e!"J

. 's 5 .... mation about B bU!~r.e .. James Rltty. the O/UOJn (II

vised this first rnachltl. Bu t !~n(! lng It a failure. .

more than six million been produced.

When Stanlr)' ,\lI.l·n:.; , h ur""/ . the ~ational C~' p ''',

sented Riltl"~ OlW nl1 /t~' ~onian. he took nnle" . much l'e~careh ~nd. b!;i~ today is on ~ ··tra111 . ded

But he wi.'cl,· rc niln

~Iace must somehOW ~ individual Inventor, th1th! Ilerlmenter, who find.! . nen cbaflng and . Imagination 8 .. nd dann

l! - f! ~r true well,spI'lHg, 0

illdusfrial HatioH Il~u,t trJ . g econ~ age .of cornpell n

to a yel cabin II' cabin II

year holiday

Mr. D. wife

It and 9 spot

cabin of tll'O I


!ummel the rlv! around

toughl Ther from


Page 5: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,

1r s-ame eod, :du brelk

I ...-ill for I

o um their loa!. , 11!.ain thtll' Cor If they flil

; nrl 0'1". the :lS nnnot Itt -..ate Balin I ,,~ 10 obUm

.r-using the \11\;:o),In hel'f

: .'e fail. thell t campletf'll 1.0

'0' th tlIr ~Imocrti oany, .nIh aU til!

War is

ll:or_ fa~ on ur Foreign 'ne,,. 'lber will ~ ume old

no more bo~ ol ,os tune \hall ,..,

ftnt ~ion, If . '- it 'IIil1 be I

! • D~Y NfWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFL D., MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959

C b" lo·be of TUeaday next who wl\1 S HlJ,lFAX (ep) - Canac.;ianl There are 1S,3M - .. ~ ' .....

, '1 In li\'e in Ih' clbln heretofore reo peDe, er ' S t ....... VI " f d U ppor author LEslie Roberts says !\ova fishing stream. bt M1ehltiB.

erre to. The three HIlle ( II d f ) Scotians probabl v wouldn't be '. F Grouches Ire 111 uleep. Oullilde, Can nue rom Page 3 ' Home or ~, one sits by the open window, meoRlh· ~dtr. sSPhencl er bSBtldhhe walda .\. \,,' ','. H d ~~e~lik:i6~ta~~0·~n~!t:~~~ i~m;~ par,t

s of tfh

ive I~~e!f e~~ bl• rome. the almost conatant roar no 0 ell c 0 ar u e cou owa r .. " 6fen rom e pea .. 0 "",pu· read Hansard and he Wal sur- interview here "ed~esday Ihere in MountaIn In northellter" and'raUle of car lyres on grave\' prlsed In what he had read of :s ~ Mlution to the Maritime.3 New Mexlco. The odd couple of pede.!trlan. bbl' S' • t 'beln~ t~e sore toe o( Canada.' \ paase~ now Ind then on tnelr t.e de ate In he House' of oCle y Bllt he didn't believe it lay in ---- '------:-;-~'.y for I e I h Commons. The Federal Govern· b 'd' 0 b' . d t' ---------~-" ce cr am or unc eon . , SU ~I ICS. ne 1& In U~ ry 10 a I -"Re Br 'tL: ,,",' \

at the restaurant at the lop o~, mednt WMtl

tcanlldlg up th.! terms small town was J;ood II nothing sene ea rull!i ,. ~ the hill. an cas ng as e our. D"cel an· happe~ed. "But in case of 8 dis' N 'W t' Sa', ' .. : Li'J--

char. On several occasions. eluring saster the town i; liP the spout.'" ew ay 0, ill. yell

Anxiously the Grouch surveys He said he Wilt not prepared the last week or lwo in parti· He cited t,he coal tnwn o( Srri~g· Here', a new ... ,., of ~ In thr r~st bank the clarkenlng sky which how. 10 take the lubstanc'e for. the cular, Mr. Eric st. George, hill when 70 died in 8 mine dis· "",piratloD ... mouth-t.o-:~th .

T1lrr I' ft ~mall two- ever, seel1)! 10 offer no prospect shadow of promises. He said he Executive Secretary o( thc John aster last year. breathing (which IUppliM'·12 ~'.n o'olned by the of much needed rain. Even the has met many fine. people in ' Howard Society, has received , times M much air u the bid

c~~lhln~ parllcularly Grouch'. pen leem. to feel the Canada and he Is finding mo~e leiters of thanks and telephone -----. -------- i out-mooed methodll).1D AugUat , IbOUI Ihal; but drougbt u It yieldL lUi Ink of them In disagreement with calls acknowledging the scrv·: About 85 per cent of the: Rearier'sDigestilaJIillllltrtted

"/:1,(lnl: ?omt I~ that rather grudgingly. Somehow one the Dlefenbaker government. Ice the. Society is rendel'ln~' t~t~1 cllceSe ~upply DIp the artide which ten. you.,~ to ~: .. , lillIe cAhln has feels the IlnotYPI operator Is Newfoundland has Ihe goodwill the pnsoner, the ex'prlSoner L nltrd States is produc.rI by I do it and exp!ainswhy'thiI Mil

~1/rnalc1~ no less going 10 curse the Grouch and of the Canadian ;\lanufaeluras and the community in 4;eneral. ten stales. ! method will IClIle /lin"" 'morT I .• I\,\lcds for per· his writings-at least with this Association, Mr. Spencer saId as . ---.......... - . --. '/: thie Get III t/ . from sel'eral h I they are selling this province In fact It has becn known Grpat S,1t Lake ~onlaln3 .ves • 8~mmer. yow rl-~:~~~~r or more. ea tant pen. over 5"50 million In goods ea h for a John HO"drd ~oclely :lbout ninc i'·"nd>. the Ion,,· fuadtr" DIgest today - at ., 1 ~, • c t I h ' d ,I t (ti b' 16 'Ie' neWll8lAnds everywhere. · .' bUilt as I year compared with $50 millio e ep one to ring an for a rllf·, es 0 1C'e clng ml S 111 :I~:~ " ' t n f d t . t k I .. 'Ip nth ' obln f~r Ihe Grollc 1, ,befol'c Confederation. I en VOice ,?~" or ~[r, I .:.n~ . ---• I/HI) lor a two, JAP SHIPS CO!t!ING I ~Ir. Spencer called Fli ncc. John Howard. \\ pre Ihe ~Tf·at. "':p~:;;:_'~4~A~";;;;;~~E7i'~~r:~~f';;~~iijiiiijiiiii

rl. \d" c~rn ~ummel' I H'\LIF~X tCPI-General com·, ~lil\lstcr Fleming a "51u~per.1 reformer of penal ln~tllulions: C:l -· ',+

~;I; n n Thi>tle and merce shiP;. from Japan will be· i upper" and said he tTied to "slup ~!)';~f4.r' alive today he would indeed he,! " ' . Ilfr 'rent a weck ~:~e m~nthl) ser.v!ce here tlus: up" the lerms of union. He laid \It {I" pleased to know how mall~' ~ , )~ .• I~d ~ err <0 pleosed t ~ Wil\\he 8r~1~ al oflhe R,400. costs \'ery seldom go down Bnd are 10 grateful to the fel\' II lio I f : .. I"'~I thlot hr later .!te:StUodS ma. F ~d vessel Is ex· therefore a review was neces. ' try to rewneile the ex,pTlSoll' I' '" ~r , I hi' Oll'n near. Y" ayor n ay The LIDO T ........ I1.I........ er to 0 iet . 1:1) n r rr ;hrer years line 8hlp will be the third Japan. sary but the Federal Govern. ... s c y. , ' f~ I..-r "m nnled ese vessel to call here .Ince the ment, he added declare the "Ok k" , Perhaps the fact that after a I

I'..:r.:/ Ifl'" ~icO R~berts, start of the Second World War. payments now are "final and hi ayt' 0 R)I' So the road t? a man a heart I, througb lapse of two years the ,Juhn' Dr. ",'c'. snrt Dr.1 irrel'?cabie." Mr. Spencer said I I omlle 1, and In Jimmy I CII~' tt detours througll. Howard Society is conducling a

· h I alrr Hon. Fl' fit i I he IIns not satisfied with this my y.aH~t1 campaign for funds accounts I Gu' III , ve ema e rop ca C1lck· "" He would not permit ' I ,..~'rm3n rrpl~ced Dr. 005 ma)' lay their eggs In the ttl T' 2 concluded "God guard thee, After·party clean • up .hollld I for some of the mun~' cxpn',· I

l-'" . h fur. cu ng erm 9 out. "I say to . . f t·t·' tl' t . M makp teO same nest, but only one stay m~' friends this Term 29 Newfoundland." not I~clude the ash tray" unles, I ~lOns. 0 gra I i1ue IU 31 e pOllr,

1'/1': frr one sea~on. to Incubate or "baby lit." "h d Is you ca~ dum'p their cnnlents I 109 Illto the headqilarlrr~ Ill· 11;"r \IT Thl'tle ~old to hurts,. e

h edared and added directlv inlo an incineralor or I fice at 5 Chllrch I1lil. SI. Jobn',

,.. ci t a IS I\' Y 11 was signed M . ' · I~d locatc au Fh'st osta e t S en 'th . : r. Wash·wear slacks dry creased I cOlered melai paii out of doors ,~Ian)' of thl lellcrs bcor i1 "hal 1~ known. p g 8 ampA wasl Pd crr. WI emoilon, said he, when placed O~ heal\.dull· rusl OtherWise let Iravs sland on'tRn~lble el'idenc! of aPlllec,"·

0«; PAl k .. , ~~SUCd on May 6. 1840. It \l'as I ~n h the gonrnment would I remtan' dr) ing fram'es ~~\I ;n. >lnk lIntil' mnrnin~: 11,e CIP': linn in the form of a rloll"r or ,pi: ~: 1110 ~Her the I "I~t~ar~nu~ ~ne~ncnn.l· black oC IS' t ',to Ihe last cillch agalnsl. he marke. SCI'eral sile~ 0 fit: reile YOll THINK i. 0111 II the I tWrl-somellmcs A glCdt rica I ,I' ~~11i ~cllalnr ('. C., n E 1/1 nd. tht tedcral \'OIcrnment anri all .IRck~ Ar~ al'aliahle. I nne Ihal .clal':' Ihr f'rr. mnre. !)W~lrd .I01nlll~ (orres! ,---, - ~-

Grouch And ~harlng or ' h d '",,, ,t 111~ \Io':S An.· ';'p;olide 3 small bed· III Idderl \lere I'ery I ~IPP) hou r, were ....,.,.;lli\· If Taln hln·. up" . I ',~.:~~ The Senator, ~- ,:IY harmlm prac·1

?lTllCUlarl)' on Ihe I I~d "as Aided ~nd ~ Ihe'! by our faith· ,

.,: /qua!ly lun·lol'lng I .. It Jrhn :\Ias. poor

I ~aler~' iral'e in I II ~nr~ and IO\'rd i

Ih:' pi p,'ent. pleu· lOo" hOI-week of

~ Grou~h'~ thoughts (.Ill lurnrd to . those IO!!mtr daYI and he

d. Imong his other I l(Piol~ mponsibllltlU, I ie<I:orl lhought~ el'er

::JI small cabin Ritu· tht birche~, or

~H lunsct~ hr ~ rim. or the lonll ~~ the camP fire ItIIDt lhe bed of fir Thtn there was the

, !!UIIl Ihe New Zea· .ho rarrled a Ire at , nlghlnll a cou·

p<Junds all the !!it railway station ~unden to the

"'ho insisted in Grourh "BIsh."

n much chanted ill! :-: 01\' ten or I

'rm~ hal" been :it mIlch of ahore

Ih' Grouch cabin

m!l',!rf' h .... com! ~ dl!pllce fishina·

r ~I b!ilnnins. rent· Mcomel more in­

hUlldlO1 Imonl . ,Promotion. often mm this to lome

01 th. InduStrY. If!tu.~. ago no out part

of mmiiIiJl until lml the framework a?llIe Heeted. Today I houle \0 rent.

nlll'\I' \Ie ds to OC· a:o:lm~ntioned cabin Grouch. hiS bride and

It:. lItile their new 1l.! abulldini. Sue·

l1!m 10 turn came II'ho enjo)'ed t:1. mime lift there

!len ~'lnler not too

II 100il ~, nne h;her· til ha .ur Ind dlu~hter

Ihe lt~" a )'ouni I ~lll be married 011.

1It11. m liking up life mlr well be called

bO~lr," down there birthr!, with only 'Mhlnd lhem oC great

3~ car loads of or tbe waspilh hum

, outboards on the " !rOCI.

)1Q Itt lhat little cabin I biltory behind it.

~j chani.e, but the !ltltr unlock.!. Cor a

thlt cabin door and I/. lrilhoul a quickening

. Ht wonden If Pnll tlU reads the

t1llumn. , bten Ihe warmelt

G,ndN claim~ [nr bUI down hcre In lhe

mUll hal. Inuched ... ~ bOI brwe to provide " .. 1.

'hlle ~fn 10 many nil 10lt count. Un.

Iht GrOUch wu over a:;,UllIltnt 10 mlued

J. T. Cbeesemll! lor a moment 10

(,toucb bid I aur. botf I'ui! Irom her ;h;: Ihip wu tern.

tAla Ii.! po TIe .

all dressed Up Oldsmobile ••• atartlng point lor your most won- ' derlul, mo.t memorable trlp .... put. you at your "Sunday-be.t" every day 01 the week, every mile 01 the way ••. In unml.takable "anltseme

Oldsmobile manner.

Oldsmobne brings the whole world within your reach. Imt:Mt, eager Rocket' engine power, coupled with dollar-saving economy, hriniS thole beckoning faraway plscea cloter to you .•• in time

at1£1¥; ~1iL. ..

"" . .... '-'.'.

(,:~. ': ; r"~ . r and In c:oit. And yom ftrst nn1e will show you the unmatched advantages of Oldsmobile's Wide-Stance chassis and "Glide" Ride. You ride secure in the feel of the road but remote from any auggestion of bumps.

And what'. more yom inv~bnent in O1rumobile paj'li off twioe over. First, t:m initial cort is surpri6ingly low, And second. the return at! is alwaye gratifyingly high. So dress up yOUI' plana for the future .. ,include all the luxury and value Oldsmobill can bring you. Visit your Oldsmobile deale,r'l today,


.. , ;." • ',"'I,



~. ~ G Wftk, unllI yes· mud! spent paint­

... IIl.lIl rabin of hlJ , PUDtd board It w~

!trt.oe,f joh, ~!peclally

_-----------5EE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED·O'."~MOBILE: QUALITY DEAl r-r-! ___________ _

l ~'Ilk of IbOIll a -.~tr twice I dB)"

ill. I ~ one to • aur. ibe)OUllI bride-


, ' 1,;-

, , d,

Page 6: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,


, , , I , I



'1 I


! : Ii 1 '

. , •


, , , ,

• Personal


Mn. p, W Swatek h .. arrlv· Many frlendJ and bUll nUl IC· Id trom her borne In Bermuda qualntaneea wlll • be clad to to lpend I vacation with her know that Mr, Munroe Bugden mother, flirt: Mary Bucldnll' ~l Pennywell Rd" !..a over hll bam, as Wlterilford Brldlle Rd, Burglcal operation and II doing

81 well as can be expected at the Grace HOlpltal. UTlTINS TO POIIT

Rev. C. T. Mansfleld, who hu been lpendlng the put few daya BIRTHDAY GREETINGS vWUna hll father at New Mel· Birthday areetlnil are extend· bourne, T.B, recently lelt the ed to David and Frone Pretty, elty to resume hll putoral whhoh today are celebrating duUes on the Petites-Grand their 13th. birthday, Greetings Bruit Mlsaion. Mr. Mlnlfleld come (rom Dad, brothers Ind bealn ministry on the Petites sillen allo aunU Ind unclel. MlJJlon lut year. Previously

THE DAilY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S; NfLD., MONOAl', JULY 'lI, 1959 .

¥FOR 'fHE LADIES * Chaytor - Duffett Wedding Your Chad's



BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. "My son Is 22 mo~ths old,"

writes Mrs. K., "and I have been told that his eyeuhould be operated on. He has alter~ating strabismus. HI. left eye is turn­ed considerably.

FOI' MoMay, July :17

.",.unt-For You and ours .•• Sunday'l bendic IDo

continUJ, denotin,lhlt , np will 111m ovt jllll U you' .

want tbflll to il yOll mike 1he . MCesiarr eflort to sec the right people. DoD" ullcletettimale the . Importance of SBining the .'po . .\/, ' provel of othm. In the evening, . -_:-•• rsdlat!ollJ IUlles! rewin8 new material peralDinl to your at­cupetion.


... the fJ1lt Itr,lke II ~id Ful~:G ... II: Itl':tl

to I v t. OCl:urred III anCient ally w;1I be Ie" tlPtn . Rome aliout 309 B.C., when a . Ill! Greek flute player called a regular Ilr travel, due strike because membm of his pay loads. Wetk-tn~' b. n d weren't allowed 10 eat. Q their noon meall in the temple rope Will lome day toe l

where th:y w.'Te perlormiDI. mon holiday trip.

Tn. Day Under Your Sign

be aerved pastoratea In Flow- MUCH IMPROVED , ert Cove, White Bay, Herring

Neck, PortUial Cove, M I lec· turer, aunt Ipeaker, tucher and preacher he II much In de­mand among Itudy groupl, As he leaves the City he takes with film the very best wishes Ind prlyers for a (rullful min·

Mrs, Ches Yetman, of 54 Portugal Cove Ra.d, who under· went an operation .t the Grace Hospital on Saturday Pill, I, now much Improved.

MUSIC RESULTS Trinity College of MUllc, Lon·

don, i:nlliand tbeory of music reiultJ - All Hallows School, Humbermauth, Corner Brook Eaat.

"We understan,' from our doc tor thit it could be corrected with glasses. Who I~ right? If an operation Is the only course, at what age would It be best to have it done?"

The.e are _omplicated ques· tlons and ) ca~not altempt to decldp between the two opinion!. Mrs. K. has received.

Except for some ml~or techni· cal differences, strabismus Is the same as cro3s·eyedness or squint. Strictly speaking, cross· eyedness Is when one eye tllm inward, bllt I~ some cases the eye may turn outward (walleye)

110", M.,oIt 2t to AprU 191 1I.~ ( llio Ori.lll ft(Ilhin~ li\rt .. frirr.oiIt that to l'h~". mar n.uh yc.lI, ~"!

t~ul' • mort chttrhd olllto.k Ofa JilL tmlU 70'11 y. datitd It;

TAUkUS IA,rn 20 10 MI, 201 SCORPIO 1001.21 I. Nil Do t(lmt rHta1'eh on way, to _'"" Shlirt tlSlI r" 7C'.'· -'lJr, 't,! J'~r leAr ,taiDS aM tlN'lh:IIL ,,",rn windinr up 11\, (hy .

"EMINI (M.y211tJ,,,lll SAGlnARIUS Itt ... " Good conl,cl, a" l)uliullirly ... huh\t. Don't ttl, teo m'lcl!. tn. Don" hnll.'" ID uk for http. the o~, lart" fu,tr tlJ

CANCER p ..... n 10 J,ly 21' CAPklCORN .10 ... 11 II DM't .u~d 'I pl~ .. rilf t"t 701 Jetl ()(.n't rrt,tll thrr." tMlt ~'):: , will lIIot br " rold' Inlt. J'OO. fahe!'lCi II a l!'tIt ''"It.

" ,

{, .1:

flU')' In 19~9-60.

ERRATA In the Grade seven pall lilt

Irom SI. Patrick's Convent Scbool, which appeared In Frl­day'l DAILY NEWS, Misl [Jther Finch and Mis~ Mary Johnson were Inadvertently omlited. Also the list which reid Grade V Ihould have been Grade VI.

Preparatory Division - Hon· ours: David Maddock, lOOj Pa· trlcia Fobertson, 99j Josephine LAke, 99j Pbilomena Haweo, 98j Paula bupatrlck, 9~j Carolyn Fleet, 94; Judy Hynes, ~.

nnl Steps Division - Han· ours: JOBn Bennett, 100j JOBn Cou~in" 100; Paula Holmans,

\'ISITISG BROTHER ,,100; Paul Dicks, 99~ Belty Fltz-~Ir. and ~In. R. J. Corrigan: patrick, 98: Patricia Hickey, 88.

of Boston, arc the guest! o! I ~!rs. Corrigan's brother, L. P.I Rt:D CROSIi SOCIETY \\'addleton, 93 COl'nwail Ave. i The lollowing III a list of pa· They will be Itaying here for' tlentll at the ~unshlne Camp I few weeks. who are reported well and R.MoS. SEWt'OUSDLASD happy. This list Is sullmltted P ,\SSESGER LIST through the courtesy of the Jun·

TO HALIFAX:-C. Benteau, ior Red Cross, J. P. Cochrane, W. A. Crane, Felix Martin, St. Villcentaj ~Ii" }I. Dingle, Capt. M. J, Edward O'Kee!e, Bishop's Fallsj El'ans, ~Irs. El'ans and in!ant, Beryl Foss, Norr!..a Armj Mar­~Istr. K. El'ans, MlsSH K. Evans, garet Saunders, Glovertownj P. E\'ans, S. Evalll, Mstr. B. Ivy Blanchard, Mclvers, Bay of EranS! W. L. Cadman, W. L, Islands; Gerald llarnes, Bell 15· Hunting. Mrs. W. L. Hunl· land: Gerald ~lunden, Burnt ington, P. Huntiniton, Mstr. E. hlandj Linda Rowsell, Leading Huntington, Dr, J, O. Fraser, R. Tlcklesj Pius Walsh, Flower'. R. Kerr, ~Irs, Ke~r, J. E. Mc· Covej Rosemary Ryan, Calvert, Dougall, Sgt. ~!aJor H. I. Mc· Ferrylandi Michael HaweD, Lean, Mrs. ~!cLean, Mltr, J. Holyrood; John Hannaford, ~Lun, ~l!SI J. ~lcLean, C, H. Goulds; Herbert Spurrell, Mount Riegner. Mrs. Relgner, Mrs, J. Pearlj Nellie Bryant, New Per· Cook. lIclnj Kathleen Shannahan, R.

TO BOSTON-J. Burke, Mrs, neWlj Linda Kennedy, Lonl Burke, Mlu C. Grlfflthl, Mill J. Pond, Manuels: Hilda Power, HUdson, Miss K. Laurie, A, lirand Falllj !aobel HoWell, Leru, Mrs. Leras, Mrs. J, Poole, Green'l Harbour, Trinity BaYj James Tracey, R. White. Janl Young, Flat Bay, it FROM LlVERPOOL:-Mlu G, Georse'sj Frances Pynn, Sprlnl' ]loner, D. Brenton, Mn. Bren- dill: Joseph Ryles, Corner ton; Mlsa V. Brenton, Mlu C. Brookj AUlluitUi Engl!..ah, Bill Callanan, H. Dawe, Mr., Daw., lIiand; Anthony O'Tool., Point Mrs. G. Green, Mn, V. Hlll, Au Malj Ell LUlcomb', Badaer: Mlu V. Limbert, Mn. C, Lowe, Clmella Haire, Rlverbead, Har­Miss M. McKee, R, Pritchard, hour Gracej Frlller Edison, Gull Col. G. Rice, Misl V, Rich, Min 1.llnd, Bay de Verde: Freddy H. Tebboth, W, B, Thomas, Sluckle .. , Corner Bra 0 kj Mrs. Thomas, Mrl. H. Warsop. Deborah Mu&!ord, DonovaN,


MAKING RECOVERY Her many IriendJ In Newfounll'

land wi!! be pleased to bear that Mrs. W. B. Kean II making I speedy recovery afler u:'ldergolng a major abdominal ojeratlon at the Sou t h Nassau Hospital, Oceanside, N.Y. I

AQ~ARtUS p ... 21!t ft\.1 Don t mllce •• \ .. \ drtll~.1 _ill .fleet ,CrGr pt"fti\\I' Of

PISCES !F.b. 20 lolA,,.,, ~ da, .. "l)g.n', TClU won t be ~iu UUff tban DC.'

or 30metlmes upward. Anyone of ~everal factors

may cause cro.lsed eyes: a blow on the head, her~itary factors, WI t D I Caspar .. near - or' far . ~Ightedness, faul· la oes


ty muscles and nervous in· co'

or~i~::~on~re semal kinds ot I The Quee~ Wcddin~ treatment for crossed eyes·l L k Lik ? Some of them can be started as : 00 e. early as a year old. Which of . the various methods to use is a

A qUltt wedding . at the Church o[ SL Assissi in ~Ionlml, 27, when Miss Barbul ph)" daugh1er of :.Ir. M. F. Murphy, 8() "

became the bnde cI)il. R. Caspar, son of Dr. Hans Caspar of Zuricl.

matter which must be decided Despite t~e fact that Quee:! by the physician. Elizabeth is the subject of more

It may be that glasses will be public attention than any olher recomme~ded. This alone mil' person alive, each person carries do the job or mal' have to be 101· in his mind a highly indil'idual I~wed by something else. impres3ion o[ Her Majesty.

Another method 0/ treat· This is ably demonstrated in ment is to put a patch over the palntlngs by six of Canada's fore "good" eye. This lorce& the most artists, commissioned by yOllngster to Use the weaker eye Chatelaine magszi:1e and publi.;· and therefore strengthens the hed In their June issue. mll,cles and vision. .'dC~ Bush, a I'eteran in Cana·

The double ring was performed hy Rer. King. The bride Wij

by her sisler BerIllG!::r. the duties o[ besl lUl

perfrmed by 'Ir. Pe:t! friend 01 the groom

Sl. Thomas' Churct. was 1h~ I bl'ldc WDS Dllcnued by ~Irs I'rendercd the soio "Lorgo." scene of a very happy Hent on ~Inrie Walsh as matron of The reception WaS held at June 24th. at 7,30 p.m. when honour, ~!iss Jonn Pearcc), as:


Bidgoods where the bride's Kdlth Ell tab e I h Florence. mnld of honour, Bnd ~)is,es mother .receil·ed the guests daughter 01 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carol Parsons, Laura Field and wearing a street length gown Duffett was united In. Holy Barbara Snow as br!desmaids·1 of light blue lare over silk, Matrimony to Douglas Vincent, The rna Iron and maid of han· fur stole, wi1h nul')' white Ion of Mrs. Bert Chilytor and our wore dresses of pale biue accessories, Bnd a cr,rsage of the latp Mr. Bert Chaytor. silk organza. veiled head· pink-and white carnallons. The The double ring ceremony was pieces, matching shoes and groom's mother who assisted performed by the Rector, Re~ carried bouquets rf lemon and was wearing 8 street length S, J, Davies, The Church was white carnations, The three gown of navy blu~ lace over decOT'llted and the choir, of b~ldC!;malds w 0 r e similar over silk, fur stole, with navy which the bride U 8 member, dresses of flamingo pilk organ- nnd w11lte accessories, and I

was In attendance. As ,he la, veiled headpieces, matching corsage of Bweethe~rt roses. bride entered the 'Church thr slMles and carried bouquets of The honeymoon was spent at Wedding March was rendered pink and while carnations. SI. Pierre and touring the Burin by Mr, Douglas Felbin, the TIle bridegroom 'Ii~S attend- and Avalon Peninsulas. For Church organist. . ed by ~Ir. Roland Pendle Jr. as travelling the brlrle chose a

The bride was gil'en tn best man, and the duties of pale blue Bult, with white marriage by her fether and ushers were perf0rmed by accessories, and R corsage of chose a chapel trJin bridal ~[cssrs. Sidney Norl, . James sweetheart roses and a white gown of Port au Soix wllh Duffett, Robert Pea~ey Bnd carnation. fingertip velL. Her bouquet Alexander Leamon. consisted of roses During the signing t,f the Mr. and Mrs. Chayjor Ire and Illy of the valley. The register :'>lr5. Helen ~IRrques noll' residing on Topsail Road

able e>1 knowing the kbd 01 car pet I need."

Eye muscle ele~ise~ Are Ire- rli"r. IIrt circles and past prcsi­qucntly prescribed. Sometime3 dent of the .:anadian Society o[ surger,. is advisahle if othe Pd,nters In Watel Color, des crib­methods fall or the phpician cd ~is pai:'ltini\ as "a' rapidly feels they wiU not work. executed abstract style.". He

The results of treatment usu· wa~ concerned :'lot with portray' ally do not show at once. It Ing the figure of the Queen, but may take a' year or longer to communicating the gala feeling. bri:'lg about improvement, but It and the fiagllke excitement of Is well worth the time, trouble the roral visit ltaeH. and eXpen3e. Edmonton'born Robert Hynd-

The poor eyesight which IC- man, now JIving l:l Ottawa, compBlnes crossed eyes II I iou~d the Queen when he saw severe handicap for any youngs· her thli spring "Incredibly more ter. It Interleres with his work attractive t han photographs in Ichool and his pleuures It U5U~!Jy show. There was about play. It can alsr have I Berlous her. t.e &aId "a trimness, Aoft· psychological effect, since play· gent;~nel5, • ItarUlngly clear matet may cal! him "cockeyed" complexion the camera seldom or submlt. him 10 Intolerable catchl!' In hll portrait he en· teasing. dea\'~recl to look benuth the

A chlld put Ihe firat lew Je:'t:.~t) of a beautlful face and months of uri who showl a tell' Inla thl weU,prinK.! of character denc, Ul close o~e eYI, to Ult It relt (b. the head, or to rub one of the For Montreal'B John Fox the eyes should be examined for problem WIJ lech~lcal. His crossed eyes Ilnce this eondltlon search was for an aspecl as i3 not "outgrow!l." natural unposed and unofficial

Aft er the mtp:iOl was held at Ihe L.! tile happy couple Niagara Fall, [or a by TCA to 51. Johr,'L visit the brides friends. Thp), will bt to Montreal on J'Jlr 31i

Strictly in ll',e pair department: il back of a mirror is cover exposed area wi!l num foil end ta~ iJ won't fool anyone, t'i make the blemish !!II able.

Real cool, and rul for Imall fry a mldafternoon . mixed with IT.a;heJ a dash 0/ 8 ta\'o~.te It is Important to Identify I as possible, whlle Harold Town

youngster with crossed eyes iust placed emphasi.; on the Queen's as early as possible and to stilrt necessarily severe bearing and Repeating. thrktu'j s k II led treatment promptly. on the fairy-story quallly i!lhe- keep film plaslic a:d Tho.e who do not do lhis will n'nt in monarchy. Ghltta Cai- bag~ away from cx~ hal'e a child who i~ handicapped serman a native Montrealer trio story them om Ihl)'" by something which might have ed te exp,ess. too, the magnili· their purpOle.

The Keans, now Uving It 10 Briarcliff 'Drlve, Merrick, New York, arlt former residenta ol St. John',.

The • • •

Mature Parent

bee:! corrected. ccnt poise, coupled with tense-Dr. Lowrey wa~ for the second Hence it Is fortunate that Mrs. ne~ 5 Ihe felt the Queen possess' tlc. His roy:;! jik!D!11

look because, like all psychiat. K. is planning aellve treatment ed. like In t~ealrr.~Il; - ".\ rists, he knew that much of our for her 5O!l, thoush she will have Bruce Johnson's painting was o~ features Ihe public troubles derive from our fanu to decide whose advice she will different agab. He coupled ele- to Ide~tify ~Hh tbt res to sre second meanings In follow. ment! l~th symbolic allll realls- expW, to sr~." hI

Hi lIa Is. Mostly my little talkl are aimed at you ladlel. 10 maybe it'l Ume I gave the menfolk an earful. Subjed­an Important one at any Ume, but particularly 10 now that summer's here - shim.

Every woman knows that I

man'. shtrt can either make or ruin his whole &ppearance Nothlnll looks 10 ftm&rt II I crisp, fresh, professionally· laundered shirt. And by the iame token, not21lng lnoks worse

;than a Ump, llIelw, poorly· :flnished shirt, Partlcularly If : the points of th~ collar sUck :..out like an elephant's tuskl, ~Thls eomblnat1on II IUIl'lltied

, ;to ruin the effect or even I . .freshly San Hone cleaned bul\o ! : dred-do\!ar !I11t. ::' (Pity men aren't .1 .mart ••

their wlvet, Isn't It! Thin the,. , ;wouldn't have to hi told lucll

.• :lImple facta of life H th!..a,) ';. However,!f any of yon IIrtl '. :'aren't hiPPY about the appear-: :ance of your husballd'i IhtrU. ~ :} hive I very slmp!e luueaUOII i :for you. Just lend hII .hll1l

'. J:'o Cousins for truly Ikillfu.l 'f :profellional Ilunderln., . \ J. You didn't know ('~ulllII do

'1 :lhIrU? Of coum we do. Not 'jult ordinary Ihlrll, tither, but 'the amarltst .hlm In townl You :cln drop .hlrtJ 'Oil at· In,. :COUlInJ Iton, or 'phone to bave :one of our courtl()u, driven :eall. And ,.ou'll bo deligbted : with the retUltl. I know you :.-111, BeelllM our hl.hly-traln, : ed. .med opnltora bave • 1ftr1 Rowin, w.,. "lib IIIlrt1. iADd that IncludH sport ahirtI :ud formll., of CO\II'H. : Wby 1I0t aend UI •• teat :~.Ie Konday? You've lot • • io 10aB, and plenty to

The .marten h'1lrU 111 DO Ina, To -'" nothlnl

a bapp!.tr, handlO:ner hubby.

~• ..... aD a 4eal lib thII

e&II't lOll! ! - acnr. Set ,ou 11m ... ., .. , ,

the "bad" things we do. He :~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii knew that respect for ourselve.s, I like respect for children. Is free· dom from prejudice; those no· tion., we Inherlted from other people that told us everythbl! we do is either all good or all



sides rudeness: our belief b our own capacity to judge the use· fulness of the new nylon carpet we've bought. bad.

The late Dr .. Law80:l G. Low rey was a leader In child psy· chlatry and 1:1 especially crea· tive human beina. One day he IIIld to me:

"Writing to parents 81 you do, why don't you auggest a mora· torlum on" the word 'love?'

And !Ike our resentment nt Eddie, our .ell·accusation loses Its heat BO that we can sal' to the critical relative, "I'm sorry I snapped at you. But I can·t let you tel! me that I'm Incap·

He k~ew that our Inherited pre judice against untidiness con­demns it blindly, refusing Us the second look we must always take to see reallty for ouraelves.

FI ool.sBhatvth8 8t~lppedt Itt ofhmdetahn- \ les G'trls '1' ng. u ey ve no ouc e e word 'reopect'. Why don't you '-__________ ...1

luggest that parents respect kids Instead of tryl:ig so hard to love them?"

The word "respect" comes from the Latin verb mea:ll!lg to look at Rgaln.

To look again at the untidy me.. Eddie has Ielt In lhe bath· room may be to reapect him. Ollr first look It It wlll Just make us rll.!enl hlm.

It sbows UI only hi. des true­lion of the order we've created; the sodden towel bundled toget· her with his lolled clothe, on the floor. It thows ua only one

.. mea:!ln,!n his lctlon: disregard :J 01 UI.

But with respect's second look we ~ll that Eddle was afraid of belnt late to cublcout meet· In" In hll huty di.aregard 01

lt~ ehlld'. pll1 to mUt thla fiuIfy puppy - and WOll't all a,e& love a pet 11k_ thlal

Foundation - two pWow!ike plecel - no formlnll, Juat ONE '-ounce skein of worsted. Pat· tern 7372 i.I euy - a child can make thIa l5-lnch puppy.

Send THIRTY·FIVE ·ClNTI (In COlDS) for thIa patttrn (Itampa Cl!lIlot be accepted) to ST •. JOHN'II .DAILY . NEWS, Bouellalcl Ark Dept, .. FRONT IT" ,WaT, ,TORONTO, ,ONT. Print plalnly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NtlMBER,

Our' lilt· ALICE !ROOKS Needltctaft . Catalo,ue hit many lovllJ· deellnllo ordar~ crochet­Inl, knItt1t1J, ernbroIdIr7, quIlti do\lJ, WllVIn ••. A IPIclal Jilt, In the utile, to keep • child bap­pIlJ oc:cupIId-I cutout doll IIId

us, WI now 1M regard for his friends and for cub seoul rults, The second look gives a second meaning to his untidiness so that when he comes home we can IIY without rancor, "Go up stalrs to the batbroom I:!d put your lolled clothes In the ham· per."

Respect'. ieCcmd look at a chlld'. objectionable lot Ion comes euler If we're Uled to looking twice at our owo.

JUlt al Eddle's hid· two mean· Ings, so hall ours. When we InRp at • relative who's 'crlUclz . ed III for extrav'lance, we may become frllbtentd .t our rud .. nl".. A B8Co:ld look It It will .how It to 111 . al 'IIOmething be-

clothl!ll tel eolor, Send ts cenl.! for your COI'1 III the book.


Abraham 2 Soviet river a

name , Glrl',name I BlbUea1

prophet e Aled 27.FrII1t 48 CrIIddz ., Bam 19 Anatomle81 '" - and till 8 Handla4 Uuue ltIIlI r4 SIaa V ''Flowlr'' II:! . !~ Exude 11-

10 Challente al PlIXUJ ~ 11 Er8I .. 'Tavorltl" !2 BallI 111 MIa Welt Jlri 13 PIIIIldoll7m II 21 Harden, .. ~ Dmltee charlel LIIIaI

cement 41 AIlother 16 c.rdIIlal U S~ "!lower" PI numeral S. Girl'. .u RIIt:alnI S7 Green1ml ~

appellatloD t4 CCIII\pUI point EakImO S5 _ BoIlhIIIr '1 Lohen&r1n'a II Unit cI 18 riVlI' bride reluctance

Hundreds of Pairs of Variety of Styles in

Ladies' Flatties • BLUE AND PINK • SIZES 4 to 9

Clearing At

• Pr.


Page 7: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,

'71, ,,,, -

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Ln .. H.,. - - .... \ 1r"S , ""a.,

~ 0: ~: ma h~ lolL I?:er

: ht- P'OO:r. : h :-tftptiOl I: 1M La San.

II·Weakly Faaturl

pIe In The News .' ,\D-'Ir Real I.e· wards Wednesday mornina on I'~ . J .... 'I ricm of' a busineu trip. )1.r 1.0, ~ ... I

j;:r:l'Cct. s: Jl'hll'S l,~1 "~"";Inc;s for )Ir, Charlie O'Neill of Can·

b/:t ~'I~rnrd 10 the' ada. Packers Limited was here . ;lt~r'I"'''' i durlnll the week doing bulineas

a, ,for hll Company,

. pu:r:,hrc!. editor ~I: ~tlw:l'r. relurncd ~Ir. Bruce Tucker,

. h' lll'"'f in the Tucker's Supermarket wal I"': ,0 • ' St J" , tl b

- I, J"I'f1"H,n. I' olIn s reeen y on a us-IJt-'! ~' ,il1ess men spent a very enjoy-

1 ;-)1 r' Farrell.: able holiday on a motor tour ~. ':1 :hl c,:! Till';c\a), across the Province. The party r'T!:I\ II"" thclr car., 1'1!lted relatives and friends at

" . , Port aux BasqueJ, Corner Brook, ;.:-:'", ;,' Pcddle; Gander and Grand Falls. .. :':"<I~':'" ~hc Incal : -T"- .- """'"'113nied' ~Ir, Ken Churchill was here ~t' fI·l' • ';tH : \::1'11: and: 011 a business trip durlna the r.~:;~rl'~, Donald,'. past week.

, L.o~h i , ~Irs. Dorothy Parsons has sold

here' her home at .-reshwater. She Is on a now residing with her itep·son

I at Toronto. I

r ·i~I~""P. from, :llr, and Mrs. John Parso~s ~"t :_ '~I'"rllr" a Jr. and httle daughter Valane, ;~ •. ::. ~,: "'n ~Ir. are le81:lng :\10nday for Grand

,_; c.' ·.,:::ti: Dom· Bank wtlh their car where they .~ will spend their vacation.

T,'~' Pllwrr ~Ir. and ~Irs. Howard Dyer , \~\') arc and their chtldren spent Sunday

,r.lIC l,f abo all Ihe Island visiting relatives ,and friends. ~Ir. D)'er unlll re­,centl)· was superintendent of

I"c:lr: of t~e conveying and crushing with " on hi, Doseo, \\'abana MinCJ. He now

,is employed as an engineer at . Pepperreli Air Force Base.

r'.1 rr 15 5prnrl. L-

r.r':fo~ :.".:,1.1) WIth . )Ir. Clayton Smith, of Steers .,~ ,r,,1 ~., f:l~\il)' at LlInlted, was here recently in i.-.iH ' Ihe interest of his firm.

~:. 1'.,::itk Butl~r ~Irs. Lily Zend, who was here ':.' r,i" b,'rll resid·· I'isiting her sister, Mrs. George

L, ~he past 12 JI. Carbage and brother, Mr. iw.r~::\ here I·isi!· Joe Basha returned by air

itl. lrirnd-. )lrs. Thursda)' to her home in ~l : . .,,:;,,: Amelia; Florida alter spending a very

II I_<:!~ ul 'Ir. An· enjoyable holiday on the bland. fi! ~~.:( 10\"n, and' .,' hrother of' :llr. Jim .-itzgerald's house,

~ B.·:H also of thi.! i bottom of Fancy Hill, has been I lI'recked by vandall who have i begun stealilli the. wall partl·

rr:,: Flt~erald, I. tionl. It:, 1I' •• ITIM 9 years


:::.l L'ongratula- Rock Pile - I BELL ISLAND-A 12,000 ton ~ Geor~e S~sh of , rock pite Is being constructed in

t!_\ l~e ncatlomng I the area of the old West Mines l:: 1:.~ ~Irs. ,Joseph I Magazine, near the residence 01

j )Ir. Sash s flrst Mr. ReI'. Ford. ' ~;:.rl!Jnd since he Rock Irom this plle wlU be ia;:: the United used on the Bell Island roads at

fc.r~rs in World the rate of 400 tons a day ,when ~ )Ir;. Sash's first I the road building programme be-

k:ct 19-19. She Is Gins in about /tve or six week!, kon". Basha of The Highroads Department

of Mr. hOjli!s the ojli!ratlon will begl~ shortly, however,

The huge rock pile wUl contain twelve thousand tons.


- ... _----

. !~ " .,'


time ;ince we featured a Choco­late Cake in this column, or made one in our own kitchen. This is an especially nice cake

to hot milk. Cook, stirring con: ' : stantly, until thick. Cool. Stir in nulll and vantIla. Spread between layel'll.

. and we feel sure you will make FUDGE FROSTING it again and again, as it will 2 cups sugar bring compliments from your 1 cup light cream or eva· famiiy and guests. porated milk

FUDGE CAKE 2 (1 oz.) sqs. unsweetened % cup butter or margarine chocolate, grated.

21(, cups sugar Combine all Ingredient.! In a 1'h tsp. vannila heavy saucepan. Boll over high 3 eggs heat 3 minutes without sUrring . 3 (1 oz.) squares un sweet· Reduce heat and continue cook-

ened chocolate, melted ing until it reaches softball 3 cups sifted cake flour stage (23B degrees). Cool. 1'" t~p. baking soda Beat untli creamy and of ..

~,~ !.sp. salt spreading consistency. Add 1'.-:' cups ice water cream if too thick. Spread on Cream butler, sugar and, sides of cake first and I little

vanilla until very light and over the top edge; fr0'3t top nutfy. Add ~gs, one at a time, last. combining well after each. Add melted chocolate and biend And now for a cookieR recip8 well. we feel sure you'll enjoy:

Sift togeiher dry ingredients; I 2 eggs, beaten add alternately with water to 2 cups brown sugar, firm". chocolale mixture. Pour batter packed inl<J three B" layer pans which 1lf.: cups butter or margarine, have been greased and lined meited with waxed paper. Bake in mod· 1 \2 cups salted peanuts, chop· crate oven (350 degrees) 30 to ped. 35 minutes. Cool. put layers to· 2~ cups sifted flour gether with Date Cream Filling. 1 tsp. baking soda Frost with Fudge Frosting. 1 !.sp. baking powder

DATE CREAM FlLLI:\'G ':-2 tsp. ~alt

3 cups .. olled oats 1 cup corn flakes

. ,

1 cup milk "" cup chopped dates

1 tbsp. Hour Ii~ cup su~ar

1 egg, beaten h cup chopped nuts

1 tsp. vanilla Combine milk and dates in

top of a double boiler. Combine 1 flour and sligar and add beaten I egg. hiending until smooth. Add

Beat eggs, add sugar and mix . well. Stir together flour, .o~ .. ~ baking powder and salt. COlli· ... bine with rolled oats and corn flakes. Combine with egg mix­ture and stir well to mix. Drop from spoon on to grcased ba~· ing sheet. Bake in hot oven (400 degrees) 8 to 10 minutes. ~!akes 6 dozen.

----Donations To C.L.B. Camp , Bays' Club I BELL ISLAND-Twenty·five

: lads of "J" Company, C .. B. le{~

-. -. . . : for Harbour Grace Tuesday

BELL ISLAND-Erection of Safety signs along the Bell Island Highways is one of the Bell Island BELL lSLA:<;D-CitlU'ns of Be;1 I where they are camping. They'

,bland have answe;ed the ca,11 were accompanied by their for funds for the. \I abana Boy S Chaplain, Rev. T. E. Smith and Club .. The follow 109 have made a number of N.C.O's. In past:, Lions' Club projects. Photo no. 1 Sign on no. 2 road. Photo no. 2, at West Mines. Other signs are being

erected, One has now been placed on main road, ne ar Beach Hill. donatlo~s. . . ~1r. Frank Coxworthy. Mrs. J. years a Sjli!clal triP of the ferry·

School Being Renovated

A Tribute To The! Anti-Polio Late Mrs. Cecilia Shots For 2500

\ Mrs. F. Winter I Home On Visit

Traverse, Marie Jackman, Kevin was made to. Harbour Grace Stone. Mrs. Janes, Mrs. Pat Sunday morl)1ng in order that O'Leary, Mrs. Jerry Dalton. parents and fnends may h~ve: Mrs. P. Ma.1sfield, Mrs. Edward the opportumty of attending­Hunt, Rita Bursey, Ming Lee, Drum Head service tbere on Hong Chong, Edward King. Mrs. Sunday afternoon. This year the

Wade By lIIalt STARES

BELL ISLAND-"The steps og a good woman are ordered by the Lord, and she delighted In His way."

Albert Squires, Richard Iva ny, trip has been cancelled. The' BELL ISLAND - Twenty·llvc BELL' ISLAND-Mrs. Frank Mrs. Coombs, Mrs. L. Picco. camp will last for ten days.

hundred children from S months, . B 'd H and) Charles O'Brien, P. Nola~. Jack Twenty-five lads of the to 17 years were given salk vac· Wlnter (nee n e amm , ' furey, Fergus Healey. Waller Junior Training Corps who were cine for polio at Dr. Temple· formerly of ~e.lI Island, \\~~ i Blackmore. M. Seward. Jack under canvas at Harbour Grace mnn'.; surgery Tuesday and Wed· has. ?een restdln€ In De.trO!, ~Iurphy, Thoma, Power. Jim for one week, returned to the ~escta)'. I ~!hlclgan for the past 32 )ears. :\ewton. ;\!rs. F. Strickland. Mrs. Island Tuesday

The adults cllnlc oPll~ed Thurs· i is spending. an extended holt· ~!ike Fleming, Mrs. Pat. Byrne. B" h' d day. day here wtth her br?ther, Mr. ~Irs. E, O'Brien, Mrs. D. H. 1ft ays

Jack H"mmond and Sisler, Mrs. I :leil, Mrs. French. Hen Hong.

Too Much Dust BELL ISLAl'lD - Congratuli:. tiol15 and best wishes to' Mr. Frederick J. Burke who eelOo. .


; !

Trucks every night come to vaca· Be1\ Island with the rock, keep'

Ing the Elmer Jones working up

BELL ISLAND-Several of Bell Island Schools are being renovated and brightened up with paint to be ready for next school year. The SI. Augustlnes School 15 being painted on the oulilde. St. Stephen's School, Freshwater II having a new clamoom fitted up, The Angll· can Schools .t the Beach and at the West Mines are being renovated, Sl. Mary's School, Lance Cove II being painted on the Inside and St. Edward's Academy Is being painted on the oulilde.

Time wlth It. InvIncible power touches alt things and that which is transclent turns Into dust and so on Tuesday afternoon, July 21st, the Grim Reaper called at her home and gathered to his own the gentle spirit of Mrs. Cecilia Wade, beloved wife of. the Inte Fred· erick J. Wade, who prede· ceased her In 1935.

BELL ISLAND - Resident of Bell Isls:1d nre volci~g annoy· ance ovcr the terrible dust nuls nnce. Cloud, of fine dust whip· ped up Irom the roads by'motor vehicles are causing discomfort to el'eryone.

Daniel Kavanagh, ~he lnst visit· I Leo ~lcCarthy, Kevb Downey, cd the olrt homestead in 1941 ~ Carol LeDrew, Apieect Bugden. and notes many changes in the' William Craig, James Jackman. Iron Isle. Dan Kavanagh. Ed. Hickey, Miss

A. Murphy, Graham Pike, Mic· hael Reid Sr .. Thomas Dwyer, ~!ichael Reid, Jr .. Gus Con~ors. Sam Butt. Mi3s Betty O·Keefe.

Bride is well Rnd favourably known to nil the older folk of this town. naving worked for a number of vears prior to her

I' brated his 74th birthday July"~~-' I I to about midnight.

The truck! are 10 tannen, and o:1ly four are permitted on the boat at a time.

1'1 S!twart Rees C ~f'I. Crcil are

c: :tt Burin Pen­~ m accompanied Some e~terprlslng B ell Is­

landers have purchased trucks, and are to work In the .lockpl1e

city- bul1dlng project.

~i"'tr. Out of the Past AUGUST 1945

BELL ISLAND, August 15, Michael Kelly was married to Mill Marlon Fitzgerald.

AUILUlt 16, - Annual A.A.A. Sport" .

Dennot Earles, married to Miss Agnes Caht11.

Augult 17,-M. S. Manelco left to go on dry dock to be released after 13 years In the service.

August 19, - William Basha married to MIsa Catherine Myers.

Augll5t 20, - An~ouncement made at Sunday services In SI. Cyprian's Church that the Rec· tor, Rev, N. S. Noel, wal re­Signing for reasons of health and would remove to Canada later, also announced that Rev. W G. Legge of Botwood would be his successor.

August 21-Payroll of $49,000. largest for lome time, was re­corded Dn the Company's Plant due to mines woi'kl:ll six days

Need cash to fix up your house?

~ '( NIAliAllA

.. ,.~ I.Ilh N!1 ~.



Term u, to SO 1II01l&U

PutucI BIdWD •• DIIckwortll81., hoi, .,." Irndet III Grllld ralb .... Cerw JrtIII,

The deceased lady was 74 and was born at Ke\ltgrews, the daughter of the late Ed· ward and Agnes Nugent.

Mrs. Wade had been in filII­Ing health since early this year suffering from an Incur­able malady, She spent ap-proximately two months tak­Ing treatment at the General Hospital and returned home recently feeling much Im­proved. About two weeks ago she was obliged to take to her bed and on Monday the acute stage of her tllness was reach­ed, all that medical skl11 and te~der cere could do was in­voked but He who wills all things had decreed and the lIOul of one of nature's lIood women winged Its way to the throne of Him who gaVe It.

Housewives say they are slal'es In their own home.s trying' to keep down this dust which pene· trate3 the houses even though windows are kept in place.

New Tavem BELL ISLAND-A new Beer

Tavern will be opened on Bci! Island in the very near future, according to officials,

Some details has to be Ironed out first, but It I.s almost a surc thing tlle taven will see Its of· flelnl opening ~fore thIs fall.

It will be small, perhnps the Island smallest, and will be kept neat and, cean,

Hers was I great faith and her passing from the mllttant to the triumphant wal as of friends, both on and off reaching the summit of her Bell Island. highest cUmbo She was a The gap made by her death woman of prayer and was not tn the family circle can never afraid of life, nor of death, be filled; but memories of a for she had built her house good mother wlll lessen the upon a ro<:k and was a woman 8rlef in their hour of sorrow. who "needed not to be ash· Left to lustaln the bereave­amed". Death clearly Ihows ment are one son G€rald, one We really own nothing in this daughter Gwennie, Mrs. AI­world, for a little while we are thur J. Grant, Bell Island; two just the nominal owners. No sisters, Mrs. Philip Dwyer, one understood this more Mrs. Thomas Nugent and one clearly than this gllod christ· brother, Mr. :I1atthew Nugent, Ian woman, KelIlgrews, C.B.; also twelve

Mrs. Wade's happy pleasant grand children. manner and the sincerity of The funeral took place her Itfe held for her the Thursday morning at 10 admiration of many warm o'clock to the Church of 5t. friends. Before her marriage Michael's. It WB5 by motor she was a member of the hearse and was .]arfJ!lY at· teaching profeSSion and for tended. The Solemn Mass of some time taught school here Requiem was celebrated by on Bell Island. She shared Rev. Fr. Corrlgan. Hfgh Req· fully In the Ufe of her church. ulem Mass will be celebrated A member of St., Anne's SO· tilr the repose of her loul dallty at St. Michael's. Mrs. Monday morning. Wade wu an untiring work· Mr, James J, Murphy was er, She was sodality .ecretary ;the undertaker and, the fo1-for thirteen years, and wal! lowing comprtsed the pall­seldom absent from the House! Ibearers Messrs Michael KellY, of God. The esteem In which Michael Reid, Eugene Kelly, she· was generally held was IWalter Jackman, Richard shown by the numerous mass. Lamswood, James Quinlan. cards, telegrams and wreat~B , "Our frienqs love us,· we received by her ipmlly after :llkt them, and they depart her death. ~r the Jate Mri. from us, like ships that pass Wade enjoyed the aHectlcn In the night." and respect of a wide clrclt I Bequlscat in pace. . ,

marriage os · ~nstress at the, 1\'{ "d ~!ines Past Office. where her I 171arne congenial personality endeared' W d d her to her many friends. I e nes ay

Mrs. Winler 15 glad to be home once again, anel is having BELL ISLA:-m _ ~Ir. Robert a wonderful time meeting and Ree3 son of ~Ir. and Mrs. Ad· renewing old acquaintances. Her I rain' Rees, Lance Cove, was husband who was employed I united b holy matrimo~y to miss here with the Company for a I ~!ona Haunscll of While Bay number of ycarS passed away July 21. The wedding ceremo~y four years ago. She Is the moth· was performed at the Newfound er of five sons, one of whom is land Cathederal, St. John's.

;\Ir. Burke is a pensioneer: Of·; DoseD, WabanB Mines. .,' .. ~., i!



eral sen'ices were heid here Wednesday for Thomas William Offen, publisher of the Rivers Gazette from 1908 until his re­tirement in 1945. He died Monday at 7B. lIlr. Offen was born In Ramsgate, E~giand and came to Canada in 1903. He worked for the Sa3katoon Star - Phoenix and later with the Dominion Land Survey at Battleford, Sask, and Hammon, Ont., before moving l<J Rivers.

8 law ~tudent at Delroit. The an employee of A Burr missed becom-the en"lneermg staff. Dos co, aron

The DAILY NEWS extends a Wabanao Mhe.s. a:ld Ihe bride ing a president of the United warm welcome home to )Irs.: has been on the teaching. 3taff I States by one vote. He be· Winter and trusts that every of the Anglican school at West came vlce·presldent Instead moment of her sl:ly shall be Mines for a number of years. I and ktiled Alexander Hamil· happy and pleasant in every reo We extend our congratulations ton. In a duel while in that spect. to the happy couple. offIce. .


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Dawe .. Lawrence


THE STOR\'; Jim Furlong de' i long's loire !nd I cldes to take Ike Rule, who "a~', hery was in .' \I'ounded by Empire riders, to' fact that Furlong

caN CJON, MONDAY, July !1th. MONDAY, July Z1th,

''»-('''BC H.WI. 8.3~The Bob Lewl! Show. T~Top of Ihe Mornln.. 8.30-Nlld. Newnnd W,eather. I.OO-CBC News Ind Weather. 8.4S-Headllne News and For. .. a-MUIleal Clock. C8l!t. Newsy Briefs .

Warrior BASIN

Wedding I.I»-Murnlnl DevoUona. 7.00-Nfld. Newt and Sporll. i.l~Program Preview. 7,OS-1.0ral Weather. CARBONEAR _ A Well Baby I i.20-0o Parade. 7.1S-News. ClinIc WIL'I held at the Hospital I.3G--CBC NeWi. 7.2~Bob Lewi. Show. here on Thursday last, when si.lS--Diffct Report.. 7.3~Round the World Newl about three hundred bjlbie.i were I

A" C·d B k Fern Lindstrom's home, Ike \I'as \ to leal'e Warrior Ir a ets ac badly wounded when he wal i Furlong looked mistaken f~r Jim, who 15 carry· I wasn't ill town thall

Fro C m ling on a renegade warfare, She fial'e him I . map I against the PD"'erful Empire, pra"al, as if not

I CARBONEAR, July 21st. - ranch. • " ' ! WRS ,~elli~g the

M~mbers of the Carbon ear Air I • I cd, An) proof. g,e-Records al Random. Ind Weather. InOCUlated against children's dis.

lO,OO-Archen. ' 1.l!O-What·, ClluklD. eases. I Cadet SqJa~ron who were atlend- XII" ! that you were hr

ing Summer Camp at St. Jean, There was no lampilght ,In I so that you couldn'l IO.15-1riJ Power. 9.00-Nfld. Newi. . -- I lO.25-For Consumen. B.OS-Prov, Newi. The regular monthly meeti:1~ 10.3G-MUJic In the Morning. B,IS-Sbl~'plng Report. ( : the Carbonear Hospltnl Operat.\

Quebec, arrived home on Satur· Fern Lindstrom's house. Coming town at the lim! day last, accompanied by Com' into the moonlit yard,. Furlong 'I bery?" manding Officer LeRoy Noel and wondered if she was already in. Furlong gnnn/i John Clarke. The lads had a bed, That didn't seem likely; i -real good Proal good time, and a lurther Dccount then he realized that this wa;: daylight tiJis mo,,;,. of the camp will be give~ in our Saturday, and that she had, ed West Camp" .-.;

lU5-,-BBC Variety. 8,20-Klddte. Calender. ing Committee was hald on I \1.15-Yornlni ~uslcale. B.30-Nfld, News and Wealller Tl:esday last, when routine bu.>. D.e-Relina McBride. B.40-The Bob LewlI Shuw Iness wa3 disposed 01 in the I ." OO-BBC News. US-Morntnl AI If r, Go usual way. 0- B.M-Jult a Minute. ,

next ~otes, probabiy gline to town. , Fern didn't 5~.:I' "Fern!" he called, It hadn't occurr~-

i PolO V· Therc was no answcr, and' that therc '.Iould ~ I

10 aCCIne noll', passing the cowpen, he· as 10 "'ho had p'J: '

. l2.1~Announcers Choice. 9.2~The Bob Lewis Sbow. , The S,S, "Burgeo" arl'il'ed in. l2.1S-Farm Broadcast. 12.U-Mid Day Screrlade. l.00--G en era I Provincial N... port on Saturday cnrollte to Sl, I

I/,O~Mulic for Million.. John's rrom Labl'ador' ports, ! 1.00--Do~le Bulletin. 9,30-The Bob LewlJ Show, . C.\RnO!\'r;:\fl, ,luly 21st. -On ~aw tilat the cow 5he kept up' \\ csl Camp. BUI nll

W,·dnc,rlay 13'[ \'acci;]e a~ain,t had nol been milked today. Thc stood that Clee \'e:) : polio II as stepped up 11l're a:ld wa~on was gone and SO was the, It ,was lIul,': Ih'l

1.15-Musica,1 PrQiram" 9.45--Prudlgal Husband. 1.3O-CBC News and" eather. : 10 tl:-Mlrlln's Corner. l,4~A. Love to Remc!llbcr, : lO.lS-~lade for each olhcr, 2.00-\\or~. with )IUIIC; 111I.:U_Wllat'5 Cookln' 2.29-D.omlmon Obi. Time 10.3S-Wl1o·s That Siniinl.

Signal. IO.4l1--HousewlVel l:bolCI. :.30-Hollday, U,UI-Rev. MattheWl. 2,U-Tommy Hunter Show. 11.3~Honour Your Partner. l.l~Perlor,mer$ Showcase. Roura. 3,»-News and Trans Canada 12,OO-Cliews In a Mlnut,

Mallnee. t2.01-!'own and Counll7. • .30-Song Shop. I,OI .• Weather Forecast. 5.00-CBC Neil'S. l.1~News. S.05-Platter Parade, 1.3~Edlturlal Comment. 5.3(}-Fl!herles BrosdclL'lt. l.40-Sporta. 5.4S-!du,l~al Proifam. 1.4~Art Baker'. Nutebook. B.DO-Intermezzo. 2.01-Made lor eacb Other. II.3~Supper GUe51. 2.1~Jerry Wiggins Show. 8,4~You'\'e got to keep try'l 3,Ol-W~tern Jamboret.

fnl. 4.0~Gen. Provincial New •• News and Weather. '.O~Westero Jamborn. 7.1~~lu5Ical Program. 5,Ol-Bob Lewis' Dance Part, '1.3~Musical Proifam. e.DO-News Ind Weather. 7.4~Do)'le BulleHn. 8.02-Wbat'l Cookln? 8.l5-RawtJlde. 6.0~Bulletln BOkrd.· 8,30-Muaical Proifam. 6.1O-NaUonal NeWi. 1I.~Hour of SI. Francis. 6.1S-Sporta.' f.OO-Hawall Calls, 6,30-P,M, Theatre. f.3O-Vancouver Theatre. 7.01-Club 93, 10.~ummer Fallow. e.Ol-Brst Irom tbe Weal lO,30-FestiI'BI Series, 9.01-Wnat'l Cookin'. ll.JO-CBC Nationnl New! 9,01-Whal's Cookin.

Roundup and Talk. 9.02-]I;Ud. Soir~c, ~,OO-Siin Off. 0 Canad; The 1l,30-Blaekwood Brolhers,

Queen. IO,OI-Conlidence Man, IO.3l1--National Newi. lO.4S-Sport,. 11.01-Housepart)' and Nel'l1. tOO-Close Down.

On Frida~ la~t Mr. Erne,;t, Power picked up a .Ium of money! on ~he South Sid~. Owner ma)' I hal'e same by applying to ~!r. Power and prol'in~ property, I

Major .and Mrs. Pilgrim of Corner Brook East, are spend· Ing a holiday here a3 guests of Mr, and Mrs. Ell Pllgrlm.

Lleul. and Mrs. Ratcliffe wenl to SI. John's over the weekend to attcnd the wedding of the Lieutenant's sister, who was married on Monda),. July 20th,

. SlOCP. then more Ihan one thou·, team o[ ba)·s; a bald·faced .lor· i de~d hone tould 'to!

I sand persons have been inoculat- rei stood alone in the corral. I eVidence Ihat R~ i ed, the majority of them child· jo'urlong steadied Rule while I gUilty onc. 'ren, There is still a good suppiy dismounting, and then got him \ Gillum led hil

of the vaccine on h8~d. in fact onto the kilchen stoop, Leaving \ up to Ihe fire, A new supplies are being received Ike there he went inside and I woman like Fern' almost daily and vaccinatioJ will lighted a camp. wouldn·t ~o continue ~or .;ome time and in Carrying the lamp through a I town for, doctor, the mornings for children and parlor, jo'urlong paused at one of Ihough .\be leelll!d

: a,dults from the age of sel:enteen 1 the doorwa)'s opening from it,. tone .wa~ fner.dly ) ears to .forty years, Th'~ IS a I The room beyond Fern's bed· I he satd .. \ ou're free serllce a~d adUlts In ~he rom appeared unused, Tilerc, the nl6ht.'· at botve

k ared~roul?" WOUfld b€ wblS~ I was a bed with a straw tick and: "Gooel"· Fur:r,~.! o a c a I JIi ",e 0 same c·, d b d I . I 'edgcd, I

I· . ' . • a tarp,col'ere c rol ' r ur Olin. . n'H ",![h" cause po In 11 no respecter ~I, h b I II ~ 0 10([, Then he '.' persons. We l11ust all bear IJ opened t e e( ro an" rcturn· I rt1ij

The necessary equipmenl for mind that an ounCe of prel·enlioll cd to the ~toop; Rule remained , the laying o[ water maino is due is worth a pOJr.d of cure. limp as Furlong earned him: 'Jim f ,,[ 'O"! t., today (.luly 21sl.1 and. II ark on ': . ---___ to .the bed.,. . Tailholl hill, ',"I'~ same wl11 be started fight away CARBONEAR _ South United I while carnations and fern, LI.tlle p." fransfcmng h,s sa~dle to the terday. Th .. b~ Ihe TOlI'n Council. h f P eltv Mis' Dianne Murray acted lIS ICniCS '. bald·[aced sorrel, Furlong rode' not WltllC'1 Ih ' Church wa;; t e scene 0 a r ' • I ' , d' rt t '1 th tid! . II -- 's t d lUll 2-'h flower girL She wore a OI'CIY , ,own a moon I ral a e I arson bu' h h

Du . g th past week 51. wedding on a ur ay.. e ,., d f· k n'lon with malco· CARBO~~AR - The Sall·atloa' loward town. I d '.' e eiri fI~ e . at' 730 pm when the Re\': B. I ress 0 pl~ J. . d Army Sunday School held its an" . ' ee, 0\1 ncr of ill James' Church underwent Its B S " Ii '\ B D united In I ing poke bonnet and she came I" W d d' I 't l When Furlong ~Ighted the: Ranch nolll· ~b . annual cleaning and the women I . 1.1011, R~th"~la'ri~~ daughtel a baskel of pink and while car' T nlh,a p,cndIC. O~t He neGs a; IISd" pale glow of ~Iacc Gillum's: that Ihe rl \ fr~' of the co~gregation had a busy mra~I!'lage d ~Irs' i lcw~lIv~ Law· nations. The duties of best maJ de .catr . rl\l'~ 0 f r, thraced. en ., lamplit tent he lurned off the: Veto inle dntd t· It I ow pie and span a .' r, an • . - .' f d b ~Iaxwe.ll Rus e JUS I~ Ime or e In~er t 'I . , n e :0· Ime. . s n 1 , rence. o[ this lown. and Fra~k were per orme, y.: " meal. which was ser\'cd at one ral. , '. ~ long's rahln 'r,c

and reflects great credit upon 1 Gilbert. so~ of Mr. ami ~Irs, sell .. and Gu~. Pennel ush.e:eel. o·clock. Following this there He saw Glilum standing In·. out ot Warrior E. the WOmen of Ihe congregatlOJ. F ,. n " of Ra" Roberts Dunn" the signing of the re.I"ter I' the tent's open. 'flapped en.. i~

. II th [th C F II' A I ran~ aIle. .' . ' I ~ t·· '1" Ihe hymn I IIHe game,s~an' a programme. .. eSPl!cla Y ose 0 e ." " The thurch \\'3.' b .. :nilifully cte" tie congrega iOn.:'D ... " . of races all of which proled en, Irance, a newspaper b)', p"d,'c ,lic 1'.'1

-- 'fl ' . '''0 Perfecl lllrc I he reception. I I I' II I k Ih ' , "11 I ,! .. rOI'''t~d II'lth ~lIil1l111'r O\le" I' ,. I . " II'tl jllvaIJle to "(lung and old alik". an ern Ig I, '.HI :,l furlo:i Rev W If B (" all( ... ,. . I I· . ,.. "wa· held Ht Ih" ~ n,IJllle .1.... 'J'h L' I b" I h· I' ' . . . '. . II anti fern Will (1."'\IIll.\I\C murl"l.'l ~ . '. I I ~t 5:10 PIll stlPPt'r wa~ ~cf\·t'd en rlJr ong 0 ~er\e{ a un a ",'IIIII;olnl Gill are now enJ?J~I"lIg a I~e ill'" '101' 'tlil' gUl',t pewS. 1I'1I"l'e Ihe "",d," i1I~tle~. re' i ~ndbv 1I',e'ti'me il wa.; ~lp3"t'd: te;ml and wagon bJrety vbible: ment m<r ',Ie,,, ' earnffi l'acOllont, ley a~e II"C (:ilcn in lllal'l·i"~t ")' li"r Iccil·ed. I",a."n'~ "IWI~ I~:~ .. awa,' 'both children alld Oilieer,: in a pool of deep shadolY, and'iearned Ih" fu'lO!j back to the ree ory IW)' s or )', fa:her Ihe lll'lde Ilioked tll':llili'llI'ith lace IU'ert,. I"f:l·. ~tC a"· wer~ lired enough to wend tllei~' he guessed at once Ihal Fern i di'thar,~t'd 1)\ i'

n -- , . I 'h't lull' o·c·' SOrles and a cOI';a~l' 0 pin c r·, . '. I d I " .Janlee daughter o( ~Ir" and! 1111,111 a ~tlll'lI 0 II I ~ e:." 'o'n; The "";,0111·S mother: wa)' hon~e, It was a \'ery e~Joy, Lindstrom had stopped by here man e, hi, PlI ':.1

~I R~ Earle Soulh· Side I ,atm and lacc, the .lnce bQ[hc~ I nali t'd' riled ill IWllder bluc able Olltln~, on her way home from town,' refused until F~r:trj • rs, n. .' fa-hioned \\,I\h 10Jg fitted ,Ieel'e, assls e . gOI . . , H 'Idl . d th t' cd I VOCM

MONDAY, July 27th. celebrated her ~ecoJd birthdav I 0, ' • '.'1 'th while aCCCSSOries and a e wa~ ml y surpnse a a con me: :0

. embrOidered wilh seed pear,s \11 , Sh F . Id t k 'th I h r on Frida)' last Jul)' 171h. an~ I . h f' t· "I corsa"e of white CilrnatlOI1.1. The o,lTer ern II'OU a e up WI a man, a .Ies, VOUS we extend to 'hcr hest I;'ishe; and sequ,nl~' ler f In~er· IP lei I. I bride" and ~room lefl amid:;t , 'Iyounger than herself. You could: "R rl'

' .. 10f tulle f owe( I'om a pcal "d t 11 b th egar ,r" 0' t!t 8.30--News and Weather. MONDAY, July ~7th. (or maJ)' happy rc!urns, studr\cd Iwlo. Her bouquct \\~S showcrs of confetli ~l1d ~ool CARRO~r:AR-~lrs .. Gcnrge S.I nel'er e a out women; c~, Empirc's err'.,. 'hl! 80M-Breakfast with Bill. • -- , . of white Il"d pi:lk carnation;.' II'I.-hcs for Ihe hon~!moon. ,IlhlCl l Pike sponsored a Mlscellancou; s~emed so prim and proper un : right to imrn Iht •. M-New5. ' n~x lOiter. son of ~\I, and i She II'H,; attendcd by 'Ii,s Lillillniis being spc~1 tourln~ the Inland l Sholler for ~Irs, Thomas Bult til tne man and the. moon and "Thi.' etillor 7.00-Breakfast with Bill. 6.00-Sulldlal. Mrs, ,lakr Coller, rclehrRted hI.' I ""1 maid of honour, and towns. Tiley wdl take liP r~ '~ee Winifred McGrathl on the night made a magical change ltd I hi . 7.3~New' and "ater ron II' rayon ucs a!: . u.! -'.;' ~li5S Katherine Dall'e. as brides· sidenee In "y ncr .,' Thursday last. when. twenty, In em... ,I rior Basin i, '

\" I I H.~lI--Newl and Weather. b' th lTd . J I' 'I \ I I rene I, il.S I·' R R h ts and we ' . th mas ep ura", Directory. 7,OO-New5 and Weather. ard ~'e ex~el1d to him \larlne,. maid T~I~v wore ~ol\'ns of lemo~ extcnd to them beot IIlshe,\ for .iCl'e~ friends of tbe ~e\\' bride Furlong came on cautIOusly d d h h.

'1.35-Brtakfut With Bill. '7.3l1--New5 and Weather. congratlllatlon.1 and best wlshc,; cbif[~n II'ith white accessorics fair sailing o\'er the sea of showered her with many very until the sheen 'of Fern's moon. t eke, anf

t at 11

7.~News. 8:3~Bert Parks Ba~d5tand. or e u ure, a:ld the)' carried bouqueLs D rna rlmo~y. ;,seful gifts. Follow;ng t e open· It aIr can Irmll

e ISlllduPP05I' small ranchm b'~ BOO-Breakfast Club f th f t ' • [ It' . h II' h' f' d h' ,a en or granted, 1l.00-Torbay Weather, mg of same the entire group en, han, Mace GI urn ca e ur, d' .. Il.o&-Brelkfasl wllh Bill. 9.DO-II Happened Lut Nlllbt I }1_ I pi~e print dress, with while Ie· joyed a tilm show and a reai, gentl)'; "Who is it?" ~ua~ la~s of II.I~ Il.25-News. 9.5~New. and Weatber. Personals Weddin2: Be ~ cessorie.;. The groom's mother i chit ehal, A deliciolls supper Furlong idenlified himself ~ o~n; AttD~,,!r 8.3O-Hlt Tune 01 the Da,. IO.O~Coffee Time. v wore a grey costllme. with white: brollght the affair to ft close. and rode in. s t on, tr,cu~t Judi! ll.35-Sportacut. Il.Oo.-:-Turn Back the Clock. BnT . MCGRATH JL'cessories, The honeymoon Is I Fern litn:d up, "You're rid. s ow an~ Sheriff 1.4G-Breaklut with BUI. 111,2~Poinl 01 B NEAR Tc h Ser.t CARBO:"lEAH .. lllly 21st. - A being spent al SI. John's. We 'EE I jng my horse." ( 0 II!

:.' ·1.~N.w,. . 11.30-Program 12: 0 CtR O~I 0-1 c, d t·.' 1'Ct'y pretty wedding look plac~1 extend 10 ~!r. a:HI Mrs, Blltt, aSV~ asy I Embarrassed now, t'urlong g.OO-Mornlni Date, 12.30-Mmh 01 EI'entJ. hll's er, h r~, s.'I ered tan th "UO in St. Patrick's Chllrch al 9,30 Best Wislle; for a happy mal'rled) I told about finding Ike Rule and QUEEN'S 11a L· d' Fi t L.ou. 12.45-Sports Page. c dren ave return a e , S t d . J I' l1tll I' Th ,'II b etlll'n' C I ' . .- In a I !'I ••• G B' ft a.m. on a IIr ay. U) . ,Ife. e ~room "I e r asua 'taking him to her house. "I'm A 1I.3~Mornlni Oltl, LOO-Jack Paar Show. S. AIr Base at oose. a). a er following :\llptlal Mass celebrat. ing to the U S,A, Base at Saglac. , . , '. . ncestry .

10.00-Newl. 1.30-Marvin Miller, l'i5itln.g Mdrs;! ossWleillr IS pasrtn~s. I ed bl' Rt. TICI', Monsignor J. \\' Labrador. and the bride wlil con'. .. TTERN i onGm,I}luWma} tk~ gdet ~~Dc Snl.atltery,u' QI_ueedn 'h"III.ab,th n 10.~tork Club. 1.4~Couple Next Door. Captain an "rs. am lI'alJ, 1 Pcdd'le, Tile pnnclpal, in Ihe thue 8' a mcmbcr of the staff, PllNTED PA ..' . IS e " .0 yo I :ace , ,co; t~ , 10.15-Juke Box Jamboree, 2,OO-Stel'c Lawrence Sho\\', -. - double m~ crrrmoll;' IINC \\,inl' o( the 51. .lohn'~ S~na\nrillm, : ".~ kno~, Sheriff Link 15 hunllng. {r~IUr,~ (," n'1"!

10.3O-Juke Box Jamburee. 2,30-News. Mr, Joseph l1arel1am returne~ frco, oau;lltcr of ~[r ""~ ~lr!, CaKe by M~mm(~. Gown~ by; }O,~ .. , . .'. : fOI 1 hr," 1 '»-N 2.4"'-Vlck Clark Ballw,tlnd, Ito Goos~ An' BaH labt Saturda: . .Jose ,Ii ~!rGrath. of Ilarhour The ~Iodcl Shop. Elelyon~ In tOl\n IS riled up lt~r.:pd .\ol'~ l~.oo-wi~aDo)'le Show. I 3,JO-Nc\\'5 or Ba~el:1an. a.rter a holiday hel'eas liucst! of. Gra~ ~0,,!11. ann TllOn'21.;, .on ________ ; ~alnst YOU," Yern !ald. ,"Th.~)' i de!t1'j '; nd!~

:. U'»-News. 3,3S-TroJan Dlg~t. Capt. and Mrs, 6I1'al:1. 'of ~Ir., and Mrs, Thoma! Bull. C Cloth~ ! mIght ~hoot .t )·ou on 116hl. I ;: 12.00-Mldday Melodlel. ' Hl~-Face the Nation, -- 1 CRrhonear Soulh, ars '-0 : That a!lonlshed Furlong, ! :: lZ.3G-N i 430-N Mrs, John Cornlsh and daugh, The. hririe IQ~k~rl r~r\iant I!.I she' , : "Why would townlolks M riled' Th -"0 " :=\1J&-!:;~lInl \\11i1 Record •. i 4:4I1--;,..·eo~:d of SperL!, ter Je~11 left a f~w day,s a~o for ! e~tered !lIe church to the !trains ! A del u I up?" I' b d' ,_" ',t, CAli

~ ··.U-FUherman'l Forec .. t. "~'OO-HawRil'i Call·. Gander, to spend I hol1da~ ~lth I' of the hridal choru! played by' n 0 0 r Gillum said, "Read the paper 0 la, '" I~ 0' ' - .. • Mr and Mn John Cornish and . 'h' Sh ' I F b h f ' ~ome I'J'J,OO 12.50-Ramblintl I\ith Recorda, ~.30--Checkln' In. .. ~!I!~ ~Iar~arel II Ite. e Car manufactllfers nol only ern roug t ,rom town. III all),. ~.hich I

1.1S-Sport!Cl5t. 6,3D-Checkin In. family. a floor length gown of wh!te employ high pnced stylists to de· fetch I doctor. . 25 ton! per Iquul l.20-Rlmbllol wllb Recorda I 6,4~America'l Buslne.ll. Mr. Don Plrsons of t1le staff nylon lace ave: tulle: With sign !llcir car interiors - but " • • Take, l.30--Newl. 6.l!~Checkin' la. of Harvey a:ld Go, Ltd" is now shoulder·length veil held In place spend fantastic ;ums with bde- I Furlong noted that Gillum was l.~PlIslng Parada (John B,OD-Sporb Today; on vacation a:ld as much of It is by a. pearl and rhl~estone stu~. peJdent researchers to establish ! walking toward the corral, but

Nesbitt). B.l~~llIter! of Melody. being spent on the water, he is ded tiara, She. carried a, bouqu.l public colour preferences. Be' his chief attention was focused San Frar.c:lCo., 2.00-Mulfc MIUnu. 8,3~What'8 My Line? getting a ~ood sun tan. May It of red a~d white carnatlon.1 and colour i! big busincss, on the headline that said Par· Gate P3rk il rh! 2."-Newa, 8,l!~News and Weath~r. be IS lucrative a! it will be en· I~'a,. attended by Margaret Butt. ~:XPl!l'l.i claim the)' can date dee had been rObbed. He read: made park i~ t!! 3.DO-Dollan 00 Parade. 9,OD-Johnny Dollar. Joyable. !Ister of the groom. who wore a mo,t r3r~ by colour a~ quickly "Admitting he did not actual. contains !.Ot7 W~ 3,M-N.ewl. 9.2S-Duf/y'1 TAvern. gowll of sea. gl'een nylon net us the al'er~ge mU:I can reco~ Iy see the routler who attack. a sand" "a;te'l~l 4.DO-Bob's Bandwagon. 9.3C1-Frontler Gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. ~Io§e WelL; who over ~atln. wilh feulher hpJd· lIi~e tli~li1 b,l' ,tyle, For in· rd him from behind. Pardee in. claimed br John I ~5-N'ewl B dress. and c,'Jn .... d a ,uollqllrt ~lf. ! ctance, water.1' ~rey.bllle say; . .. 9,55-Ebony and Ivory. are on a visit Irom aston, d ItD''- 'ISis that he recognize Fur· I ginning 'n 1811;. 1I.00-Bob'. BlndwBloD. to.OO-Flnal Edition. Mass" to relatives at Harbour red an II' ule cal'ns 10:IS. al'll, 1952 and muslard yellow sug

5.30-Superman. I I Grace and SI. John's, were reo Ml1rph~' lUpported lhe groom. gests 1958. 5.4S--Supper Serenada. 10,3~Romance n Mus c. cent \'Isltors to town. aj guest!; Follo~'mg Ih~ cer~mony the Onl)' recently, however. have S.~Fiaherman'l Foreeut. 1l.00-Muslc Till MldmJllt. f M d M F k Saunders weddl~g breakfast II as held at colollr3tudies shown a deCided S.~Newl. r'JON.CJOX TV 0 r. an ~a:l . i RchstauranL. ~'h.ere tt~e !imilarity in car. clothi~g ~nd 1I.OO-BuUetln Board.'" Mr. and Mrs. F, Burnham Gill fides mot er recell e In a \I 0 home lurnishing trends. Cocoa, 1I.1S--Sporucul and TravaJ.! MONDAY, July 27th, and dau~hters Elinor Rnd Rosa· Mr. Ne:; L~~ge of Montreai. brown car! first hecame popular ......

,ulde. f °S.3f1-<iiiSalUI, lind were in town ol'er the week· accompanir,d b,I' ~!r. ~nd Mrs, abollt the time thlll cmnamon II.30-Supper Serenad.. I' S:O~Trouble wllh Father. end ~rah~m Leg~c and t\\'n childreJ. brow~ rllg, hegan outselling the 1!.~NeW1. . S,30-News Headlines,' o[ this to\'.'J motored throu~h stand~rd grey rug, In 1958. tan· 7,OO-Shillelalh Showhme, 'US-Summer Thealre. Mr. and Mr~. Oscar RtlSe 01 the country 10 Corner Brook. ~erine \\'<15 Ihe Spring colour. in 7.1l1-ShlllelaJll ShowUme. 8.00-[,l)cal New. and Weather, Bell Island spt!nt the weekend where they !pend their annual women's lashlon shop.;-and Slm' LOO-Cream of the Crop. "1"'" tl IN' here .5 guests of Mr. and Mrs, vacation, ultaneOllsly became the hign t ~"N D • .-.,a ona ew.. Ii b rt 5 . st"le accessory colour in our ........ eWi. 8 30-Th R'" tr e wam. J

lO.DO-VQC)') All Tlmt Bft 9·00-..... • Slu.emadn'th -to Mr. and ~Irs. Erie N. Taylor homes. Turquoise I blue bil~ cur· Pandt. • 'De Ir 10 I D ry, Mr. and Mrs. Llewelly Law· Bre now on l'acRtion. rentlv oul~elling e ear ue-

lOJO-Eveotld, MedltaUoDi UO-The MUlloaalre. re:lce a:ld two children, Joan both "in our summer clothe3 and lO.45-Sporllcut. 10,0O--.1oln Falrfu Show, and TommIe, spent their an:lua: Mrs. F. G. Earle entered the our interiOi' furnishi:lgs. lO.~Newl. 10.30-DaDDY TholDU Show, vacation with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Carbonear Hospital on Sunday. What does all this prove? Pri· 11.DO-Torbl, Weatber 1l.OO-CIDDonball. R. Lawrence, 298 LeMarchant for emergency trealme~1. She marily that public preference3 11.05-C1ub e90. l1.8G-DesUu Playhouae. Road., 51. John's, and returned sah the good wishes of her many follow a pallern. Most impor· l.~OH Down. lUG-NeWt lad Weather. home on Saturday IlL'll. IrieJds (or a speedy discharge, tant, it indicates that by careful

study. future prpference~ can be Summer's coole~t shirlwaLit-predicted with ~ome accurac)', perfectly proportioned for you

/' Cww-d.. sUtct 18+0· T,iuyl'OrtatlDt ~ -uc~ va~tim ° 275 'P0UJ1ds fru ~99a.9t o1/.tJWaJlCt· S1J:lbUi.zc~ ~ I/'l Service that

: CU'NARD TO EUROPE ! .ltLll for (lln. analyze your 011'1 who are shorter, fuller. Wonder'

family. A,k what colour car lui for town or travel in collo:l, I they would huy - what colour air, ~heer, novelty blend, To .. dre.o;s or ~port shirl they would morrall', pallern: Misse, dre,s , like, Ask them what colour they Printed Paltern 4Bii6. Ha;l: WOllin like their o\\'n .room d~·1 Sizes 14',"J6',. 18'.2. 20',. 22'." : .. ;.. _______ .................... .... corater!. They J."I. ml~ht hal e I 24',. S,ze 16\:, requlrp, h . the sam~ Rnswpr to all three yards 3;·i~ch fabric t:a,,\\·,. questions. Printed djl'ection~ 'on ca~h pat: 1 ~eltilfg.1tUe i£ 11# tk T~ ! f J The ~'hnle ny II a holiday. with IpiCiOUI accommodation, menul to tempt all lutel; mO"i'l, dancin~, parties; ,t.bilizer5 ;S t to eDJUU Imooth .ailing: Ind 6lI1ple. frer.!~·S!!~W!~_!!~~-"~_~.l~~~.:!.~!.~~'!.ca.,!i~_~lir2..~i ~

I ,n, LAWllINCI IAIlINOI - Prolll Montl •• ll Qutb.c i ~ I MINIA AUGUST nH HAVRE, SOUTHoUIPTON I !;;




JO-!C~LJ'NAR-0 I • 1


!lut colollr isn'l . R ~amr, for lern pari. Easier. ilccuratr, I manuracll1rer~. 11._ 8 m~lllon Send Fn'TY CENTS (in coin51 I

dollRr gamble with the pubhc.a~ (stamps can.10t be accepted) lor judge a~n jury. Many R line t.his pallern, PleRse print plain· product has stayed on the shelf Iy· SIZE, . NAME, .ADDRESS, because the manufacturer gues· STYLE NVMBER. sed wren~ about !'he colour. Send order to ANNE ADAMS

Tn the home decorating fleld. care of ST. ,JOHN'S ,DAILY high lashlnn accessory colours ~EWS. Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT cha~ge more frequently than ST., WEST, TORONTO. ONT. t ho.;e rrf our basic or permanent rllrni!hln~s, Fabric manufactu· and th~r~lor-. a once· rer! Innicat(' an BOJual change time colour choice. of at least one or two colours. Ten years ago, white cerami~ Wallpap~r manufacturers set the tile outsold all colours by 8 wide lile of a colour at lour or fil'e margin. But to'day, pink i. vears-with neulral~ always In first. Green 13 second ann white ~Iemnnd, ranks fiflh'

'fhe 111Dnur3eIIU'C'r, o( crramie Don'l be casual Buout colnur. lilu recentl,I' a111011llcprl, colou: I' Study YOllr fumily's pl'e(ereJVr3 trend< acrordine fo ,1alrs over a -and you, own, Chanves are period ()f ten ycar.<. This is of j the C,llUlir C8n your husoa1rl nRrlic':il~r I'aille hre>ll'C cpr~· choose~ i,\ Ihr colour ,oU should mic 1I1~ is a life lime inst.allatioJ pain I nU den I

Need etsel in 8 hurry? Robh Engin~ . tb till

atocke sre slways In step "'.1 ,u:I changing requirements of CaJl!diAn

crl' ullers. Whether you need a bar arA

truckload, it's II81'V:ice that counl!- . Robb Engineering warehoUJesreel~ "sticks out a mile"l



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I Junior Baseball

Feild-Holy' ero'ss 1 .• 51

Win ' ~;~e~","} !!;~~,~~~vs ['Ub"k~ J,b, cleven the DA IL Y NEWS Carter, picked up a rolling ball swamped a weak iev~ning Tele- at center field and carried It to gram team 5·1 in the first gam~ his own eightecn yard line, He of their annual [ootball series passed to llaurice Finn of the at the Arre Athletic Grumds 'l'clegram and NEWS goalie Les Ove'r St. Bon's-Guards

,on friday night. T~e NEWS ran Stokes walked from the nets to FEILDlANS - ST. BON'S I D, ~!al'shall, pOl 0 0 I also belted a double in the' up a 5·0 lirst hall advantaee give Finn an open larget. r'inn FeildlallJl recorded their third· Eo Quigley, p 2 0 0 0 I first inninjl. rio Guards hitter i and 'then gave the Telegram mueh to the surprise of his.

straight win of the first round I' Totals 23 5 3 5 1


had more than one hit for the Ilheir lone .core lor th" lop·sid- teammates and himself licored and also made the first triple game, I f!d win, [or the 5·1 finish. play of the season, For St. Bon's Holy Cross cam~ up with its I BOX S(;ORES ,Applying pressure [rom the: Bob Dadcack ,;tarred for the It WiS their lirst loss In three I' lirst win of the' season in th,e ]Ioly Cro~s: AB R 11 E' starting whistle ehe NEW.S had Telegram team, lladco~k didn't star\!, hrst encouuter of Saturday 5 Deslllore, If ~ 2 1 o! no trouble in moving Within one: play, In the second hali the , .

TED GILLIES BOB ADAM!! The Double Biues collected I junIor baseball games, 8S they Ryall, r[ 3 1 3 1: game o[ the K. C. Howse I Tele;:ram boys used 14 players five runs In the firsl two In· doubled Guards 14·7, In the Evans, rf 1 0 a 0lnoph)', The Trophy, won last I in an attempt to crack the

D. ('(lO~, 2h B. \\,h~l'lcr, p

st. B0I1'5: T. ~l anning, 2b T. Gillies, d \\'. ras~y, If 1\. Hrdmond, ~.s 1\. Arns, rf p, Bryant. e B, Linegar, lb B. Gillies, lb D, Comerford, 3b .1, Gam berg. p

401 311

3~ S 8

o . the billboard! In centre field nings to take a commanding e\'ening contest league leading Neville, ss 5 3 2 O' 3eaSOll by the Telegram, will be' solid ;-.lEWS deien~e but it o i with Gerry Underwood or, base. lead that St, Bon'a was unRble I l'eiidians strengthened their Shapter, cf 5 2 2 11 taken by the DAILY NEWS if was the play by Carter that o Top percentage hitter for the to eaten, \l'inning streak with number Jackman, 2b 5 1 1 0 they capture the next game on gave them their ~core, Net·

AB R 4 0 3 2

game was Pat Hurley of Holy Russell Grimel hit an even three as • they swamped st. Connors, 3b 4. 0 1 0 I Friday ni~hl. Shoultl the Tele· minder Stokes pulled IIff a H E Crou with three base knocks five hundred for Saturday's Dan's 12·5, So far the Feild· I Small, c . 4. 1 1 0' gram take an unexpected win, great stop for the NEWS, Denis 1 1 for the same number of trips game wIth two hUs for fllur of· ians are undefeated in three! Tobin,' 2 3 1 1: in the next contest a third! Murphy was caiied for a penalty 1 0 to the plate, On the Pepper· tieial Hmes at bat. No St. Bon's games, I Spratt, p 0 0 0 0: meeting wiii be necessary, I shot and Stokes blocked a hard

2 1 1 0 rell squad Bob Adam.! with batters got more than one blr,e 1l0LY CROSS-GUARDS ~ \ower, p 4 1 Iii With th~ receipts from the I drive from lion Healey and then 4 1 1 0 three hil.!! lor five omela! trips hit and the whole team could Tony Spratt started on the Guards: I game.> going to the Retarded I lipped the rebound over the, bar 4 0 0 0 tL the plate topped Ihe batters, only collect three hits, 'hill for the Crusaders but got R. Howell, e 1 2 0 2. Chiltlren's AssoclatlOn, ~Irs, I lor an outstandmg save. .. 0 1 1 I Tom Adams got credit with BobM.arsbaU started on the into trouble in the fiN;t and was Puddester, cOO 0 1· Vera Perlin o[ the Association, I 2 a 0 3' the win w~ile I1l1ke Martin was I hill for St. Bon's and was eharg· replaced by Mike Power who E, Howell, ph 1 0 1 0' ~Irs, Flora Chafe o[ the DAILY: Se\'eral player, frllm the ~Ie· 2 II 0 1 charged With the loss, Both' eel with the loss, Ed, Quigley finished out the game and was J, Campbell, ~I 2 2 1 0, NEWS, Mr, Reg ~I;lftill o[ the. gram left the field after ·the

o 1 1 pitchers were \I.!Ied in rellef, I came on'ln the third Inning and credit with the win, Geoff B, Campbell, 3b 4 1 1 0' Telegram and Cily l'ootbail encounter tu gel their polio 2 0 0 0 'finished out the remainder of i Campbely started for the Major, If 3 1 1 0 President Bren Curtis took part: shots. Len Coughlan a' n d

31 .. 6 7 rBox Score~) the game, : Guards but went to the outfield Noseworthy, Ib 3 1 0 0 in the opening ceremonies. Stel'e Garland, co a c ban d Pepperrell: AH R H E Dennett started for the Feild· i in Gerry Lewis' place who came Lewis, 2b, p 3 0 1 1 From the starting whi;t1c the' manager u[ the \'ictorious

PEPPERREI.L-HOLY CROSS B, Thorson, .. 4 2 2 0 ians but needed relief [rom \ on and pitched, Campbell was. Jones, rf 1 0 0 1 :-IEWS squ<JtI took control. They, NEWS team were beaming iller Pepperrell turned the tide!, G, Moore, n 6 2 1 1 Babstock, Bennett was credited'. enarged with the loss, i Clarke, 2b 2 0 0 0 peppered Gortlon ~lorrio in the Ilhe game and prcdictetl a wm

again ~'estcrrlay afternoon all I G, Underwood, c 6 2 3 1 wilh the I'ictory, I Pat Royal was the top per· I Drover, If 2 0 0 0 Telegram nels with shot., anti iur their squad in the next the\' defcatcrl 11011' Cro!l.l 9,8 In I B, Dowling, 3b 2 1 0 0 Felldlans: AB R H E ~ centage hitter f?r the crusad·1 Tizzard, clIO 0 0 Joe Antle fired. the [ir.t, .mork .. lI1ee~ing. iluth offered to gl\,e nine full InnIngs of action· t B, Adams, If 5 1 3 0 Frazer, 2b 2 4 1 1 ers WIth three hits for the same' G, Campbeil. p, rf 3 0 1 0 er for Ihe wl11l11ng NE\vS club the felegl'am a SIX ~oai Iwnth· packerl h3sehall. The game I L, LeCro)'. Ib 4 0 0 ° Vallis, Ib 3 1 1 0' amount of times at bat. ROl'al' Totals 26 7 6 5 with C;cne Garland ~elting nllm· . cop lor thc second contest. la~ted for three hour~ anu R. White, cf 0 0 0 0 Collingwood, rf 4 1 1 0 . ber two 'lInl Denis ~llIrhy aud.' Heferc. for the game :lI'a, fifteen minute.' and had jllst, J. Bender, d, lb 4 0 1 0 Greeley, rf 0 0 U O· S ftb II . illg Illlmber three nn a penalty Andy Joy who uonatell his ·~er· mel lhe deadline for Sunday's B, Thorson, r! 3 1 0 0 Grimes, IS 4 1 2 U: 0 a . ,hot. l'y Ja('kman got the fourth. \'ices for the ltetardetl Chil· ~amrs or it would hal'e been I R. ~lay5, rf 1 0 0 1 Carter, c[ a 1 1 1 U :\,E\I'S markel' alld non Butler dren's cau,e wlli1e Derek Hall rulen a nil·conte,t. 8, Smedley. p 4 C 1 0 Martin, 3b 4 0 0 UBI R rcgitteretl the filth scorr. and ,I illl Keat, were linesmen.

Pepprrrell got the winning, T, Adam!, p 1 0 0 1 Drodge, 11 2 0 lora yes n a ce With Ihe score one·sided the SllIce Ihe modest NEil'S teBm rUn in the bottom of the ninth. I 40 9 13 4 Hudson, If 1 0 0 0 :-iE\\,S team passed the hall to took the casy I'idory thr.y \\'ith t\l'O out Gerry ~Ioorc got H Noseworthy, C Z 2 0 0' lhe Telegram players ill all rf· i 1I':)1lid Ilot relea,e their linellll Oil first after bern hit by a 'Holy Cross: AB R E Bennett, p 2 1 0 2 fort to el'cn lhc count. Afler':\O Telegram players were

f,::c~~~o ~ol~'os~t;{/ d~~~~:I'~~~~ . ~', ,~'~::~,r5~[ 2b : g ~ ~ Bab!toek, p 1 1 1 o. Ta ke Two WI-n s . mall), ,etups by DAILY X!-.:WS· aroulld aller the game [or their p, Hllrl ft)", cf 3 1 3 0 I Totals Z8 12 8 3 pln)'CI's the Telegram [inally.lineup. hUl lhe hall went past Gordon •

Breen anrl BaIT), \lalillder, Dob 'R. Short, 1b 4 0 1 0, St, Ron'!: Dowling drew an inlentionRI 1 B, Maunder. al 5 1 1 1 I A, Smith, 2b 3

3 o o

',Iaik tu load the bases, With, p, Leonard, 11 3 1 0 0 I S, Cook, 3b

\;; it I~ r~ ;11'0 n~~n ~llt ~nrlh a/ay I; Br;:~' ~~~~l:' 3cb : ~ i ~ II~: i~~~~I~n~[1! 1 1 'ase • . artm Pltc e awa~ 0 " . 0 I J. Buckel, lb 1

U 1 1 U 1 1 o

o The highlights of the week· I Lloyd Kelly, Gonion GI)'nn A I ~·V·II W· o end Suftball action were: The I and Eddie Denie[ hit for the: nOA!: 0 ." , I" 1 ' ~econd shutout of the season,: dIstance for the lo,ing :\11·: 'J \; ~ L» ~. 1 ' two extra inning contest" a I iron clack,.

II 0 0 ,\dams. Adams however like I B, WiI!?n, rf 3 1 0 II I a Dowlin~ rlrew a walk and for. ,~1. Martin. rf, p 1 0 0 0 J, Henle)" Ib 2

~ 0 red in the winning run, iE, Fleming, p 1 0 ° 0 I H, McGetti£an, c 3 Bob Arlams hit hi! lecond i W. Newell, p 2 0 0 O! Tobin, rf 1 0 I II ()

, II n 0 4 \1 0 0

homer of Ihe H3S011 in the I p, Barron, rf 0 1 0 0 I Butler, rf 1 fifth with Ihe ball going ol'er I 36 B 8 fi F, R~'an, u 2

. - ~-----.-.--

U o

ans Take Doubleheader Move Into First Place

o o

o high scoring affair and a' Jerry Owen, won his eighth . r~ ~A ·tt " ' near brawl. game against six .los~, wbile : 0' '.5' e ~ i. In the first game played Don Lawlor lo,t IllS fll'st with' U M II the White Shirts took a 6·0 '. ciglll wins. . I ''I'I! I,;I\(' 1\111 ddr:ril". hllll' ';'

rietory ol'er the Ilawks on. The Ace! sprayed 28 11It; I \\'; 111"kl" 1111 diflen'lll'l'" -If .. ,. o Saturday morning while the i in and uut of tile Soft hall lIia· , TIIIl;·'1 .\Il'~!'ll~ told the Daii'l

,Ja~'s ca~tured a 6-:1 1I'0n from i motld m the second aft~rnoon 'News la,t Ili~ht. .\n~cln, :: the Adirondacks In the !irst ~ game to trounce tile Comcts· 1':110 rll'('II' tllp 11,(,;lth Ol tile gal.lle of the afternoon double ' 27.~. '.. , : [;lJlS la'l wel'k as he entered . bill. In the second eneoun· George Clelle ,1.lmmcd tile rill" 10 i1\ll'l'fcl'c lI'it!1 the'

Iter the ~"'ces racked up a lop· • threc homers ann a '.Ingle tu : main b~ul. WIll fi~ht 1'i1110tll;" ~Idell 2,·2 win o\'cr the la~t : lead the Ace~ hit para tie. Reel, GC:J113gcn In thc lirst bout'.

; place Comets. The [Inal ~ame I \I'lthers had four fol' four lIl' : --- .-_.. ..-----.-- I ; on Saturday saw the Braves eluding a pair of homers' .. I come out of 8 prolon!:ed while JOe Quinlan also belt·: Lawlor 3;)(1 Bel'! I ianna[orll :

, ' bb' slump t whip the Rovers 8·3. I ed a pair. Jim Wiseman,' lilt solo ,,",ts for the :\(111'011" '\\\11\\ "I'L"O" -, TI R IS' 30 behl'nd 'he fOllrh't pltchl'll" of plat~. SImpson, batting for Bli a, 0 I . . 1·1 I' \1',1'11 I C' 'l'l'I': . '. H._'· 1>0,lon "', Ie e( ox now· , . 1 • . . ,," h Jock I an~cr', three·run ho. Petrr Deul'ch and On'dle: I ae (s. ,lllJ d.S all( 'c "

• ,0 :nlD tile hare iost ni~e straight. Bud Daley who got his 11th win, Phll!lps, then bro"e It liP Wit ai' " . . . . ~la·I"· , "\I'illl I al"'cr hit' ,',,(1 ,"lllldal', T\\'O.HIT \\'1'," San Franeisco'~ Art Ceccarelli lingle, The clubs had gone into i mer In the eighth 1nnlng g.ave Hong also hit circlIl( hlasts. I· • I ',I .. a~ol.I., I, .' ., ,:.~

., " 'tl n ' . I" 14 I'i a~alnst Petc' Deut'ch aare up 'll\' humcis 101 t lc 11lI1l1l .. ', .1· ... l;-r Iro;:l' Clel'cland got two.hit pitching Saturday won his f01llth Itralght extra bni~gs tied 2'2, , I Ie Olers a '.~ 111M', '. I ." n'. ~',: I ,Iohn I;nlllbrick 1\'1)1\ his .. ,'~n ,p:1I a' from rookie Jim Perry to stop ;'3 for Chicago Cub,1 si~ce his reo ~1cLish bec~me the Amcncan's i the Adlrol1d~lcl'l s tiln SIlBllday s ~. p~11r ,ofl hits" onPt hel~g (~Irli tellth 11,,~1 gallic a:HI 1l"11 La\\, ..

, . , h I' t 90 call from Fort '''orth 01 the I top "'inner With a 13·3 \\'ol1·lo.;t , Im'l J(ame 1\ 11 c le ra\es <.al cs lOmel, I) II In liS., ' , .... I 1:", rC.,ult, ' \\'ashin~!on 111 t e Irs game " "" I I lr lu I III, ,1 I I ,,,:1 pIlle The lndia~,l finally beat back the American Associalion. I record when he held the Senators! scored fil'e time~ I~ t le twellth ;:amc 01 th~ .. Icar, lll':" . ., .

,,'. . Senntors in Ihe t~th inning of Ihe In olher l\'ational Lea'gue action to ~el'en hits, , eighth to hreak a 2·2 tiC and ha~ lost two. BaSil Earles III tll(' lill"l ~al1lC Oil tlw '. ,,: ,0 nal second eame 4-3 on Jim Baxes' St. Loula Ca'rdinals came up with The Yankss made fil'c errors in , beat tile Hawks 7·3 In the took the 10~S, lI'ol1y Hubblns weel;rnd till' I; (';lI'l'-' brokc' , ; ~al11(~ . I two rU~R in the lOth. inning on their ~truggle with the TI.~ers, AI·, second gRille. and Joc.\' \\ells saw brd reo uP",,:J:! ~ !Jill I g.1l1le Il'ilil fil'e I

. ,,: :" ('hi. 'I~~o~die Held hit two home ru~s Bill Woite's triple and two errors though they 1\'on, a dec;slon for. 11arl'Y Hanlon pitdlen . to, lief work also. \lIT'S in t:'l' ci;hlll dl'l;n~ to' :1i~.a;~ • i'.3CO Ln., to case Perry'fi way in the first and defeated Los Angeles 4·2, Du~e Maas oyer R. G. SmIth on: only 23 mcn. and s\lrr,endclcrt The Hra\'c, ramc out of a. II'h,I' t"l' 11.1\"1;, 'j·3. The rilc:: . . : ~1. Lour; gamc. Thc Washington hits were I Dodger eatcherJohnny Roseboro rehef,. they lost the sen'lces .of, hut three hits to pace a 6.0. losing spree Saturday lli~llt l'~U'a ilJ:li)l~ I'll:'", [Ul' llil' :.; a .,:ron~ : an in/ield !inSle by Len~y Green c~mmitted three errors, BI1~ Skowron lor an l~deli~lte i White Slmts wIn ol'er. the: to win all B·3 derision OHI' Ihe iJrarc; 1':1<l'C Oil t:lr2C 111;(11N": -

:':a ~I\'O. in the fourth and a pinch double Milwaukee's Lew Burdette shut period, The fi\st baserna~, \\ha! Hawks on Satllrd~y mOllling. ROI'ers and mo\'e closer to tlie Gerry l~il1g I"ok(' till' tic. ·,l:.:n~ t\\O b\' .Julio Bccquer in the nl'lth, out Pitt.;burgh with [our hits 3·0. has been out With an ailing b~ck, I Hanlon was hnlhant all the. leader.'h. , with ~ SJII! .,liot al:1 Kcl' K,lOX

,,",j ~.J. In 'Bobbl' Locke and Pedro Rama3 AARON BEANED iuffe~ed a.broke'l lell wmt In a I way as he walked no batters i Cec Pierson rrturllL'd to tile i:c!tcd ;] t;,~l'l' rUIl hO""'r lonight ;]Ilrt thell t~am III'

.', :.f. _(' :3IOC,. bal'lcd' [or tl innings in the ~ec· The Bral'e~ received .1 !care colliSion ~'Ith Cc.t Veal. : and struck out onc in wlllnlll~ ; mOllnd lor the Br~res to! whiie .\1'\ 'Iurl'h.\' ~dlkrl tile' II'l\h ,LIlI Jlady in the maill Pi1i::;o~ , and ~ame, Alter ,Jim Grant took whe!! Hank Aaron Wall htt an the National LeagliP , his first game of the season. I pItch a [lI'e hlttcr and 11'111' sen'nll! run with his ol'('r the' ii;:ht of Ille night.

· ., 1 ~ In:y orcr i1 the 121h, Clel'eland broke head by a Vern Law pitch. T,he W I. Pel.GBL The only player to his fourth gamc against fine rellce shl!t. . B:;th ;\ngelu and !lady arc . :h" .r'.' through lor the winning run of[ MiI\I'all~ee slug::er. playing third S Francisco 55 4,~ ,.161 -; l, I third for the Hawk~ was ,I,m i dereil!. lie also was top' rough and tough grapplers

Ramos on Min n i e ~Ianoso's base in place of the Injured Eddie Los Angeles 50 4fi .. \4:; I Emherlev II'ho ,ingled in the I batsman with 3·3, Thc only C('(· Pil'l"fln ""'I hi' fiilh who will take a win at any :r.:li1~ . dO'lble and Baxe." ~ingle, :'Ilathev.'s, \l'a~ sal'ed from seriolls Milwaukee !'il 4~ .54~ ~l' i sixth and was out at the plate homer, in this game wcn' hil I!n thl' 111 llll 1111 ror th~' Ilr;l\TS CllSt. Following his interefer.

': I' .C,:J. hi' Chie3~()'~ Early IV)'nn ha~~led injury b~' hi~ pla;tic batting hel· Chicago 4n 48 .,0; 0 ~ I tr~'ing to ,core on :\or111an'5 by Pierson and Art 'Imphy. whilc ,luhllJlI' II'balcll :ost hi> ellce in the big fight last bJl~ed l1altimore with ease In the ~Irsl met. , , Pittsburgh 49 49 ,,00 6 hit to left field. for the winners. . secolld for lllC Ilawks. ,week Angelo mixed it liP with n:l~hin~ ~al11p winning on a two'h~tler ,Although Clncl~~al1 ~itcher, St: ~oui; 47 50 .4R; 7'( Gu~ ~lcDonalll \I'a~ the los· .John Bambrick was tile:, Pis I screral fans as he left tho

c'' .. :',,'r \,'.1' for hi.~ t3th victory. The Onole,; strllck out ~5, Philadelphia bal· ClIlcmnati 43 ~ .44~ 11 ~ ing pitch~r, He was reliCl'ed losing pitcher for the HOI'ers., Slandings pl. Won Losl 26: ring an~ he i~s\led a I\'al'llin~ , 1.:\' rJn sn~"ped Iheir ~ix . game losll\gt~r~. the Phllhes managed a fi.3: Philadelphia 40 Mi .4tl 14 ill the fifth by ~!ike Earles ,Jack Langer crashed a Ace"._ ;~ 13 2 "0 i to Stadium fans last nivht.

," .. lo:~ ,:rcak in Ihe secon~ Ram~ an vlcloryolwthe,Reds,., Amerlran~.ra!gu~ tGB! who finished up. thrce run eight inning homer, HOI 7IS... 11 ~ lB. "Stay away from me or c,:I.:crrcrl I'oung ~lilt Pappa" [11'e . hit 4·0 I H a r r y ISUltca~e) SlmpRan s • r, • The Ja\'s scoreu [our runs ~'esterda" afternoon to break, :\dllonrlal ks 10 ~ 6 18 ~ there'll be somebody hurt

hralin~ . irilllnpl1. Uene Woodling's r\ln·, oinch single won the ,lang game Cleveland !III 39 .089 -" : on fO\lr hits In the sixth in· a 14·14 tie and give the Ro\,· ~ Jays 1:; 16 I and it will llot be me," he corin~ si:l~lr and three . run i lor the White Sox. their 2~rd one· Chicago 56 oW :i~ R'~ I nln!: t come from behind a ers a hard [ought 17·14 trio I Bral'cs 15 8 7 14 I warned. homer prodded Ihe necessary I nl~ victory, Singles by Jim Lan· !laltimore 4~:: • 2.1 drl~cit and go on to brat umph over the Adirondacks. I I!al'!kl.. H ~ 7 12 I The first bout of the ni~ht pU:1ch to aJSure Pappas 01 hts oi; and Sherm T.ol!ar started the New York 48.1i A~') H i the Adirondacks 7.5 In the In this game a near brawl, \: hlte SIll1'ts l:i n 8; will get under way at 8:30 11th I'ictory, I 17th innin~ ,UPTlSI~~' Af.ter Al Detroit :~ 49 ::~~ ~~ '2 o'clol'k game on Saturday, broke out almost at the end,: C()!n.elS s , .. I~ 4 II 2 . \~'ith Angelo and Geohagen GI.~STS BAFFLED. Smith was \\alke~ inte~lIDnally, Ka~~as City 54 4 I In this game the winners Players pushed and shoved,' Duckma .. lcls 16 I 15 . facing of( in a one fali

!lob An~mon Oft~h: ;i~~~it~:;' ~lllY Ln gotfO:~m ~I~~ve;~ I~~ :o~~~~~~gton 1~ 5~ :4i; i: . sl\lg~ed "three homers with but tempers that flared qUick I Schedul& I twenty minute time limit ned the Giants w~ hile beat: ounce n a a e". . . HalTY Lacey. Vinnie Withers Iy, died just a~ quick. : "Ionda)': Cumets \'5 White' battle, The second fealure He struck out selen W with the " , b II and Reggie Dillon hitting sin· Lloyd Kelly belted a pair of I. ' of the card will see Jim Had~

al~ldg 0~[IIEkern/'e1~CaO~~!C~it,h homer, Tonight 5 Football Ton"lght's Base a gle drives out of the park. round trippers while Don Shirts, 6.45 p.m. 'and Lou Klein providing :t,m' \'1'.1 prac: Ice, 17! I I plenty o[ Bction in a similar

r i: P.:, :,C:rt. The Willie ~Iays sma.,hed ;<;0. or , match.

TOXY .\:-;GEI.0

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for, r ~l • . San r'rnncisco, 'W! The Guards will take on the First place FeildiBns will I Klein, a fast, clean flghler, Don Dry.;dale was the bl gt n;un. Macpherson.Curtls sql¥u in the claSh wllh the third place Pep· I was brought to St, John's hy; ,

"f'" I":nl' S.n., for 14.453 fans, the small~:1 eles 6,00 p.m, Junior football game perrell tonight In !enlor base· nromoter Tom Dunne to reo , , I"cb ',I'li! wor~out. da): turnout atd tr

e Los hi~ ~3th, at the Ayre Athletic Grounds ball action at t,he City Ball feree the main bout. With :!r"m (;rc,und, at C,ollseum, Drys h3 C lion ~d drove to.nlght, while the Holy Cro81 Park, The game IS slated to get Anp(elo and Hady teaming up

. ,his a t""o·run omer a. wilh a and Feildialll will meet in the I underway at 7 p.m, any dirty trick in the hook _ . in anolher Dodger ~~~ homered Senior fixture aet for 7.15, Feildians will likely ~o with ran be expecled and In order

Ol', ~~f,:r,r h •.• hal1 ~ <lnsle, Cb~~e~~~al ~'ho handed The Felldlan lineup was not Daye Hall, while the ~eppeI'5 to gil'c the twosome of Y\,on l if<r::c. 'chrduled lor Ih~i k tt; hl~ ~ixth delcat. rele86ed last night while m~n' will i:ive the nod to bt~ Tom Losier and Timothy Geoha·

~ltr:k fl(':o tonighl DIck ~r~\\:e h~m~red for the ager John Kennedy of Holy Adams, who won Sundays ball gell a fair chance Dunne ar· George CroBI was not certain of his game. rangcrt for Klein,

· C~i~~;burgh had gone scoreless slarting elel'en players, I Geol1agen, the lrish strong· ' lar Ih. Cumls for '30 2·3 . innings aGainst Mil· Both Junior squads Issued H 'k M dt"11g man, and Ulsier, lorm a I tr;m ';1'111 he ~'aullee before they finally scored theIr lineups, Mac·Curtl! willi OC ev e{;; I forceful team and they Ire A!rr Athietic 'th two out In the [ourlh in~lng go with D, White, J, Stewart, E. ,; d two gl'applers who know how .t 6 Ji) ~Vi the oecond game. That u~, Cluett,· T, Wescott. D, WlndDor, Is Postpone to take care of themsel\'c.',

: earned run sal'ed the Pirates S, ·Browne, D, Yetman, N, An· . Losier 11'011 the fancy of faM : froin. a 'Io~rth straight shutout drews, K. Burt, ~1. Mar!in and The meeting of the City Hoc· in lib action last week anrl · Ihat would ha\'e tied the major ~', Wiseman, I key League icheduled for the . together with Geohagen will · Ira~ue record, W~rren S~?hn Guard" will u~e ~,Ho;c1inot~, Stadium tonight at 8.30 has p,'ol'ide the opposition for · hl8Bked, Pitl<hllr~h In Ihe Ilr,t B, Badcock, B, Newhook: G·lbcen postponed, A.request from Hallv alld Angelo. · ~ame allowing /11'e hi~s, Bob Whelan, R, Jenkins, A. Cra~e, jone of the clubs 16 Iht reason with !lady and Angelo ex·

Buhl won the ~econd With help B. Wan, E, Bi11ard, L, ~l:Jrtln, for the postponement, ,I peetert to go all out with just from DO'l ~lc.MRhon'D, Clouter, H, English, Ii. 'luy· The meeting was to receIVe about everything for the vit: WIS!! 1111 'RELIEF . lor and D, Bugden, the names of the player from tory and Geohagen and Losier

I Brook, Lawrence beat the Phil· each team to atteend the m:lIn· replying with fast clean wrest· : lie in 'relief i~ the first game land coaching camp, One teom, ling, fans will be lookin~ foI"-I aft~r Don Newcombe wa.l reo p . L the Feildlans, have already ward to a battle that will pro-I mOI'ed becBuRe 'of B leg injury, ony eague named their player for the trip. l'ide everything In the grap'

I Ge1p Conley went all the way to SCHEDULE II piing books, Actlon should W'ln the .·eond for Philadelphia I dl LO I L !\IRS VERA PERLIN kicks the lwl1 to Brrll Curtis to open the nnnll111 foolha be fast and furious with eitheJ

< Monday: 10,30 I,m.- n ani Itt e ea~ue h I O\'~r ,lim O'Toolp, . series bl'lwcCIl the DAILY NEWS and thc Evcning Tclcgrnm Ilt the Ayrc At - team able to record the win. , Ch·lc •• o \\'h'114 Sox. wpnt 17 in' vs, Yankeel, P DAY'S GAM S I ( I L' • 1 'I '[I . t f tl '\I d t the Het m\ Tickets for the card wIll h( ~b < , Tuesda~: 10,30 a,m,- eppera TO, , .. etic ;rou11C S Oil .. TIl ay mg It. lC rcccip S 0 lC gamcs WI ,.,0 0 ; - on sale at the StadiUm bo~

nin~~ Saturday to beal Ballimore VR Braves" (Bannerman Park) cd Chile!rcil's A~,ociation. In the photo, left to right, Andy Joy. rdcrec: Jim office today from 9 R.m, until , ~·l in the Amrrlcan Leaglle, Wednesday: 10.30 I,m.-In, 2.00-Telys vs Ayrctlales, [ I' P 'I t 'II 1. ff d

Cle\'cland pl"'her Cal McLi.h C'h H.\·all, Tcll<gralll couch; C\' Jnckman of the :'IIEWS tcam; IIIr.l. 'er In, rcm en 5 p.m. and 11'1 ue a ere "' dl~ns V!l. Peppers. 4.00-Dodgen \'s eves. l i f 7 p m n\"ard~

11'0'1 hi~ eighth strf\i~ht. downi~2 Thursday: 10,30 a,m,-Braves (Churchill Park) of Ihe Rcturded Childrcn's Associuti(l1I; Rc~ IIlurtin of the EI'CI'lill~ Tc!c;:ram; agTatn rom I . . nil • "pe"~r \\'a •. hin-to'n Sol and \'0·1 Berra's I S bill I" 1 ,c grapp ers Wl a,. p

· I\"~run·hom'r In the>~,~lnth "a\'c 1'1, Yankees, 2.00-IIalf,}' nl<! \'5 un cam,~, ~Irs. Flurn Chafe of the D,\ILY ·:-IEWS, Hnd Brcll Curtis, Cily Fuut)a resl- I at tllc IIrrrhour "race Stadiurv .~ < ,'b F Idl 1030 I,m,-Indianli v~ Rams, . I t

'.··.w \'ark a ft ° \'Iclory over De- r y: ' ., rlcnt.-Capilol Photo Service. Ion Tuesday nlg 1 . . '<"'" B 6,30-Sporter~ 1'5 KlW8mall5, troit. Kanlu City shul aut B05ton VI, ra\'cs,




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politive handll lock, - reversible upper cord hook, - water resistant hard rub-

fo' .

:t~. bru.h backs and .mooth .• t"1 hou.. $46.00 ) Supplled~ tompl&hI with poll'hlng : brush .. and snap·on lamb's wool buff. CASH

in9 pad., a Sanding-Refinishing Kit, and a lug Cleaning Attachment to restore

: original colour. to rugs and carpets. ~ . .. .


COMPANY, iLiMIJED : . . '~,' .

.. ,


NORTH .. :11\

• A 10 S 4 W ~4 • KJ75 ~ ",K43 ' I,

WEST , MilT (D) i • Q9 6 .J762 .9 S 2

.K873 • Q 10 981 • Q 104 ",A

'" Q 10 2 80UTll .32 ,AK • AB~ ",JD87~S

:\0 on~ vulnerabl~ south Wni Sorlh 2'" pass 3 '" 3 N. 1'. Pass PaSi

['st lW Pass Pass \

Op~nlng lead-¥ 3 I b=-====",.,.,..,...-.... ' 1


: South', three no·trump hirl \ ,was based on hope, a sto~l . . heart and confidence in hiS I i abillay to pick up a trick or 50 . in the play if he had to. \

One look at dummy ahowed him that he had Jiltie or no play for his contract but his ex·


pression radiated c~nfldence aller winning the opening heart lead with the ace he put the

I nine of clubs on the table quick· \ er than you could say "Jack

Robinson." West should have been ready

with the deuce but West he,i· ta ted awhiie and played the len.

I It just nel'er occurred to him I that South would have I Ol'er· I called with two clubs and then bid three no· trump with a jack

'high club suit and West was : afraid that South held both the ; ace and jack and might let that i nine ride. . , So West played the ten and I South simply played low from i dumml'. He lVa~ sure that East held the Sl'e lor his opening bid,

~ and it just might be I single· , ton.

1.0 and behold, it was: Basi had to take hi~ partner's trn

! and 111111' there was no way 10 . krep Soulh [rom making five ! club trick~ and windin~ up lI'ilh 'an o\'ertrick at hi5 impus~ible

I rontra~ ___ . _._~

Card Sense! ! Q-The bidding ha~ been: I I Soutb West North East "1 '" Pass l' Pass 1 III Pm 2' Pass

? You, South, hold: .toA K 6 5 'K 3 2 .7 6 ",A

Q43 What do you do? A-Bid four hearts. At the

,,"orst >·ou should have a good play for this contract.

i TODAY'S QUESTION I Instead of bidding 111'0 hearts ),our parlner has rebid to two diamonds. What do you do'

,now: Answer Tomorrow

f)BARBS Ii', fun for I man to b~ r~~I·

I I, anxious 10 gpt home on tlmo. 'excepl that it indIcates he'. gel· tins old. . , .

A 101 of college iads hAve been travelling IhLl summer­looking for .iob.l.

• • • It's strange how many people

are willing to pay I doclor for

advice they don't both.r tG fol· ·Iow.

• • • I When • msn tompliments 'hi! wife on I dr~s5, he quickty ~ rinds 0111 how many Yfau Ihe , has had it.


Will Knock al Your Doer with Gifts and Greetings

from Friendly Business Neighbours and Your

I Civic and Social· I On the occasion of: i New Comer to the City.

The Birth of· a Baby, PHONE

94865, 6957 or 90943

I ,'" ••. _.",. "1' - _.






4~e>,~ ~~'i:: S\\.'.C.¥, 'r D";2. c;:.. \...ll 'N.C \J. v~"""" '"'" W\\'\-\ '\~, ~~~ ~

01= COJ.,", 1M J.A'..oilS! 'I>~~ ,"OUWll1" 1 \\E~ MARTiIt:5IJlOWl.j

YOJ A cOl;6 TI.'~~ A~D5~('S (LPl.?_ '---~ AllO 6'A~fII'ULIJlD··

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or" "._-" ....,. • -'

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Page 11: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,

!v V,l

t r

, . -, > •

. -, -By

y~5, ST. JOHN'S, NfLD., MONDAY, JULY 27, '9~9 .

niece, who II .eeretly In lov. with 'Zorro' but delp!u the effete youn. wulre~ 1.1l'JII that they are one and the .am. man.

Directed b), Rouben IIllJllou, llano "hTe Mark of Zorro" Iy· turea a top eut wlllch alao'ln· eludes Montal1l':Lovt, Janet Beecber, Roberl LowlII')' .nd Chris-Pin MarllD.

Coming at • time when thia perennial favorite !a rilln. on

til!'ti ~1&5he5 a a crest of a new hero wonh!p , :~t sereen a! In the country popularized

~l:rt "The ~lar~ through a TV serial, the Twen. ;:lrrl il• T} r~n I tietb Century. Fox re • release 1\l:~"nt !nrl In; brings to young movle.goers ~J II; Iflumphan I Tyrone Power, Who hal been

rfl urn rn~age· called "the ireatest 'Zorro' of lhem all,"

,,,,: ~ Ih~ ~,a;~~~ I Wrillen originally by John· ',: ~ •• m" a '. m 0 stan McCulley, 'Zorro' wu '~. ~ ,.,pre;sed peod I adapted for the screen by Gar. , (.I:I,'rma. an ,relt Fort and Bess Mereditb,

" Itt ~Ll:<cr mas·: with the actual screenpiay by : l"":,,n .. F .. le- ,John Taintor Foote.

):~, vi Z,lrro co mOl :1, .,: .,'1: stars CAPTAIN GIVEN AWARD

~~', C\!::I~: of the HALIFAX ICP)-The transport _:; ,f y"u:h hrroes. department Tuesda>' presented • Lldl Darnell I awards to the captab and navi· ~,~ .'; :hr tern·, gator of the cable ship John W. i;;~l·h amtocrat. I )lcKay in recognition of work In

. .". ,~" ,h;lrcs th~ ~ weather observatlo~5 la3t year. ~ -T~(' ~I~rk of: The vessel, operated by Commer·

: cbl Cable Company and based • tt c,0': rlqcd reo ! here. was selected from among -,;, __ ;, ;paCO:1st. I 50 Canadian shiPs eligible for the ~'~;'~\hrr :he Ii!e, awards. 1, .. , •• '(, "c<il.dly 100k I ----.,---

1,.:,.< of a .'oun!: I . SOCIALITE VANISHES ::t i~;~'1 ;.\ur,i;man· SHORT .HILLS, :-I.~. IAPl-;-A ""If,',' ~lilitary! blonde soclallt~. seemln~ly ela,ed :' . TI~' home 10' over her cOining marrIage, van·

'I,.t~s::!o; to find I' 13hed Wednesday shcrtly after she : "', \~rnor k15S~ her fla~ce at Newark air· :~;xord a ~o I port and saw him board a plane. , 1r. ~or,dagr. S:ore~ of inl'estlgators pressed I , .' ,n Idle and hunt [or ~Ii~s Jacqueline Hart, ZI,

1I,::(i b~' Ihe n~w daughter of Ralph Hart, a~ ex· ~ U mi':!' mIll· ecutll'e of Ihe Colgate Palmolive ~. II [,,"hI. he be- Company. The Hnrts have an -1~r 10\. who o~der dauchter, Mary Lou, who

)r ;t'rle apinst the Is married and lives In Winnipeg.

I' kr,c,'."r. only by :\Iountainair, central New .' h~ Eugene :\Yexlco, Is called the "bean

tb~ ,cI'Nnor'.· capital of the world."

Lamaline N"tes ~r-Mn.J~e.

HOIIn, Bt. JaM., !a prellntly vlslUn. her I0Il, Rev. Father, It thl Pre.~ry, Allalll Wand, Her many frJendJ wish her I pleasant .holiday,

Mn. Mldelllli Callendar n,. turned rum Carbonear' on July 11 accompanied by her neice, Mary White. -Mr. Lewis Stacey; Point May, returned trom Halifax on July 13. He WII Iccompaii· lell by hhtwo daughtera, Lola and Hllda and two lonl, Max and Hubert.

Mrs. Joseph Hennebury and her two children are here from Halifax, visiting rela· tlves and friends at Point May. She was accompanied by \ler nephew, Philip, ,on of Mr. and :lfra. Phlllip Hennebury, Hal!· fax. His mother is the former Lucy Crocker of Lamallne. We wish yoU a pleasant hollday, folks.

.'"" .... _ ... 'T'.M. .", u.a. 'IlL 0fL

"I bOllJht thl moat marviioul record. Fath.r will Mr. and Mrs. G. Shaw, St. pOlltively loathe it!"

John's, made a brief visit to --r:--h-;-;"~===~~===ITlT'-1f-:":-=":"r-T"=-='l'l Lamallne East dur!nl the week. They were accompanied by Mrs. Shaw's mother and sister, Mrs. Bart King .nd ~llss Alma K!ni. Tltelr many friends and relatives were glad to' welcome them t() their fanner home.

. Mrs. Verna Turpin, her son Thomas, and his wife and chlldren, spent Sunday with :lIra. Thomas J. Cusack It Allan's Island.

Miss Margaret Maddlgan reo turned home from St. Law· rence after 8'Jlendlng In en· joyable holiday with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Haley.

Misses Marie Maddlgan and Nora Fleming are pres· ently vacationing at st. Pierre with relatives and friends.

, Tom Maddigan Is presently I spending his holidays at SL I Lawrence with his C(lusln, , Eric Haley and Eddie Fleming I




SHOWS: 7 O'CLOCK "7" 9,00 MATINEE: 2 P.M.




W PLA¥lf~G



SHOWS: 7 P.M. ~ 9 P.M. MATINEE: 2 P.M.



and Ipendlng theirs with their little friend, Anthony Do)·le.

Barbara Ann Ind Cathey Haley, St. Lawrence, are pres­ently vls!tlng their granddad and Buntle Mabel at Allan's Island.

Mr. and Mri. Glles Bonnell arrived here from Toronto on July 18 to visit Mr. Bonnell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bonnell, Lamallne Eut. They

Paramount Today


11m..,. ,,1.1. 'ttY:'_, , ....

TJ,l. "'" ~.L PII. ott

were accompanie d by their llttle son, Lea, Their many friends wish them I pleasant vacation.

-Brigus Notes With at least fifty percent

of fine weather the hay mak· Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murdoch Ing making Is underway. Ex·

St. John's,vlslled their aunt, cept In favored spots the crop Mrs. John Brett, over the wlll be less tban last year. weekend. They were ace om· Rain came to salvage many panied by their llttle Ion. vegetable I crops as well after

_ an uninterrupted .tretch of Rev. Father K. J. McCarthy" hot windy days. Everyone ls

left here on Juiy 18 for Miaml'l hoping for I long pleasant fall U.S.A. after spending an en· to complete the growth of the joyable visit witb his father, I crops which got off to I late Mr. Ernest McCarthy, Allan's start. Island.

The annual U.C. garden MI~s Patricia Harnett, AI· party was held in the Academy

WheD tbt whip-fait gU:lmen of l.n'l hland left for SI. John's with a fine sunny day to bring "Warlock," Twentieth Century. on July 19 to visit her uncle al! interested friends. Some Fox'. CinemaScope, De Luxe and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick nice articles were on sale by Color film opening Tomorrow at Haley, Empire Avenue West. the ladies of the W.A, and the the Paramount Theatre, march From there she will visit rela. dellelous supper, quite up to onto tha Icreen and Into I series Uves and friends at SI. Mary's the usual high standard, found of deadly gunfigbts, audle~ces Bay. Her many friends wish ready buyers from six to eight. wU! be seeing what may well her a pleasant vacation. In the evening a movie enter-become the classic We.'Itern cast __ talned all who wished, Ind In the all·tim. clss31c Western Mrs. Frank Rowsell, Chan. again teas were available to picture: . ne) I~presently visiting her those, many of whom could

Starmg Richsrd Wulmark, p r~nts 'Mr and Mrs Wm T not get away for the earlier Henry Fonda, Anlhony Quin~, P~ttma~ W~ are Blad io see 'YO~ I supper. Dorothy Halon~ and Dolores Mi' , chaeis, "Wariock," produced and back home for your .nnual On Monday night the exhl. directed by Edward Dmytryk- vacation, Annie. bition of work rione by the 01 "The Young Lions" fame - Vacation Bible School delight· tells the tale 01 I lawle81 low:! Mr. and Mn. Gerald Collins, ed all Who, attended. For lI'hich employs ID InfamoWi gun. and tbelr three chlldr~n left Junior and Primary scholars lighter to beCome Its marshal here on July 21 for their home it was necessarily simple crosS and iet.. far marl than It bar: at St. John's after Ipendilli • tich. work" out lineage animals gains for. . week with tbeir reiatlves, and pictures In colored wool

Wldrnark, u tne badma:l but older pupils were more turned sherIff, Fonda, as the Many mummies of cats have ambitious with the prize ex· hired f\I!IsUnger with the gold been found in ancient Egypt. hlbtor ,being • vacation wag­en·hlllJdled colts, and Quinn, u Ihe Itrange twisted aldeklck of I.n tombs, Ict:ordlng to Encl" on made from match boxes. FO:lda, InfWle "Warlock" wIth elopedl. Britannic" Some recreations and a word the same vitality and excitement of thanks by the director Rev. th I I dl Id al rf MISNOMU R. Wells to hIs helpers ern v u pe onnanctl k brought thl- month while ef. have brought !II other tiliru. Thoullh the milk sna e fre- • III "Warlock," however, these quents barns,1t Is attracted by fort to I close.

/11m areals com. together to mice, not cow •. It wal erron· create ODe of the molt electrify. lOusly named because of the rour Sisten fro m SI. Ing action stories ever filmed.' bellef that It milks cows. Clare's Hospital are at present

Waiting For Your Pho ne Calls? CLASSIFIED


, 2177 -

Stop thinking-Start acting· Make your move

today it'l truly amazing how such "Little" Adl

get IUcl:"Blil" results at such a moderate cost. . ,

No otflermedium reaches so many people, so

quickly. If .you have lomething to sen, or or.

looking to buy or have semethlng you want to

Include In the community's bigg!s! market place,

put It In the DAILY NEWS Want Ads.

·DIAL 2178 '~ . 217·9,


I •

Hollywood I Bv ERSKI~E JOH:-ISON

HOLLYWOOD, (N E A)­I Stupefyln' Jones, the Jirl

looking Julie now. Shes Iiso rlgltt where:

she started her career. Aba)· lerlna at 16, she dlr(ce,d ir. Bing Crosby'. 19~1 Paramoun: movie, "Just For You", wltich led t() more film dancing with Jack Col~ troupe.

Julle, whose father ls a local . iUnlor collele teacher and whos~ mother was one of

three yean and .~ had to 10 the original Ziellfeid Girl!,' to Broadway to be noticed. ,thl!'l1 worked III an.II.lltant:

Since JuUe Newmar was, dance director at Ul. One of : and ls, Stupefyln' Jone.1n her Itudellta there Will Allita i "Ll'1 Abner" -first on Broad· Ekberg. ' I

wa,;Se .allure is guaranteed to stupefy any mile,' just told me I real ItupefYin' story.

Hollywood, Stupefyin' aald simply overlooked her for

way and now 1n the Para· "But oot for d.ncing,' the 1 mount movie-this Willi pretty b with I d ridiculous. OVerlOOking Jull~ remem era a Ila ne ,.x· i

pression. I

Y'Ou .ee, is practically imp as· "They told me to teach I sible even on Hollywood's Anita how to talk but I dis· I smoglest day. covered that no on8" teaches

There was a time when Julie had cOlllllderabl1 pub· lIclty by doing a dppy harem dance in the movie, "Serpent of the Nile", She atlll laughs about that:

"All I had on was lOme gold I paint· and I little cellephane tape." ... ,

.. ra.. WeeKlY Sailln"

from • Gloucester, Ma~.

to St. Johrl"


;-.Iewfoun~I.1Hf Outports


from Glouctlten

M,V. Blue I'lter August 3- ..

M.V. Blue Troder August 10 - 11

For booking. eontael: Sh. lI"dle. acting with Lee

Strassberg in New York now -she's in the sarne elass with MarilYn Monroe "who ls al· ways an hour l.te ........ nd Ihe lays about winning stardom:

"I feel I can ruke it now. I once said I'd giVe up and get married if nothing happened to my career by the time I was 23. Well, at 23 I won the role in "The Marriage Go Round" and then the "Tony". Now I just have to give my· selr a few more acting yean."

Blue Peter Steamships

Limited ~

'Phone: 3661, 7 A60 : end 4124 f

JULIE NEWMAR " .• II rul Ifupefyln'." Why, Julie C(luldn't even

confuse nearsighted Mr. Ma. goo.

She's almost six feet , tall with a fabulclUs figure and a crazy sense of humor. In ad. dltion to all the acreage there Is to notice, Julie, by her own' words admits, "I make a lot of noise."

But overlook Julie Holly. wood did while she danced in the chorus and worked as an assistant studio dance director and choreographer. Even i

when she played one/of the' brides in "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers' no one paid much attenUon to her, she said.

That's '\I'hen Julie, born ,\n Los Angeles, went to Broati· way where no one overlooked her. She stepped right Into the spotllght as Stupefyin' Jones, From Dogpatch she went on to prove she isn't just a king·size stack of allure.

She won the role of the Swedhh doll with the 164 lQ. who talks Charles Boyer, a: happlly married man, into be'l coming the father of her eU· genic baby in the Broadway I hit, "The Marriage Go ' Round." :

The role, to which sht re·, turns in September, won her I I "Tony," Broadway's equiv· ~ alent to the Oscar. 1

She Acquired a :Swedish I accent for the part, and also I learned 10 speak many Swe d'l ish words necessary for the role. For her final Swedish test, she said, she went down to the New York docks and struck up conversaUons with Swedish Ballors.

"I went around saying that llne from the play, "Will you be the father of my baby?" and I was a big hit down there."

Although .nn only briefly In "L1'1 Abner"-"I do a lot of talkin' but I don't say a word," she giggles about her hlp.weavlng role. There's hard· ly a chan~e of anyone ol'er·

----------vacationing in Br!gus at the Convent of Mercy.

Miss Audrey Blackler of New York b at present a guest of Mrs. Fred Bartlett.

The party of four ardent fishermen, including Dr. Illiss Murphy, who headed for the salmon fishing at Terra Nova last week, brought 1I10wing reports of their luck. More th'an that they landed lome I

delicious salmen at the trailer' at WllIowan Farm on their way home. No matter If it was 1 I.m., salmon is welcome whatever the time.

, /"'~i -., .... ,., .' • I I


Montre.1 to

St. John's Complete IIIJ11J"1l1et


Thrltalh ItatH toil


Itflfrl,eratec! Carlo

lipan te It. ,Jolul'.


Sailing from MONTREAL every Wednesday.:


For freight ItnenaUoJU Coatad

R. SELLARS Special Reprennlatl'e


IIHIP8 LTD, Alellt.

Nfld.· Canada Steamships Ltd. FREIGHT SAILINGS HALIFAX-8T. JOJ1N'8

Leavin. Halifax


M,S, "FAUVETIE" ........ _ ...... July 2. M,S, "BEDFORD II" ................... July 31

St. John'f July 20 AUi. 2


Due Leavln. Montreal st. John'!

M,S. "BELLE ISLl II" ....... _ ... July 23 M,S. "BELLE ISLE ll" " ., .. ,: ... Aug .. II

(Subject to chanie WIthout notice)

ror immedl.t. elearanu per dlred MlllBp. For rat" .pace and other Information appl),:

July :!'l Aug. 10


R, N, COLE, Special Representative, St. John', DIAL 3101 OK TO


HEAD OFFICE - HALIFAX, 1'01.5. ,jt

FURNESS, WITHY & CO., LTD.' Uverpool SI. Johl". BOItOD Hillfax It. JDIul':

to to HIx. .. til ' to " St. JllIIO'. BOItOll H.lifax It. JoU'. L'poo,

"Nova BcoUa" "Newfoundland" ny. 111 31y. 22 "Nova'Scotla" 11y. 31 Aug. 8 "Newf,!undland" Aug. 14 AUi. 22

111. 28 Au .. 1 AuK. 14 Au,. 111 AUI. 28 Sep, 1

Jb'. 20. AI1I. :l. Au,. 20

kJ. '. , . A unIque birthday tea was

held at WllIowan for Miss Emma Bartlett this week. The unique part 'Was the chUd· ren'. ballet in full costume PerlOllI contemplatln~ lIaNagl to Iurope staged by the small dances in .houli1 make booklnKl 11'.11 111 advance. the Trailer. It wa! amazing to AIl\ PASSAr.ES ARRANGED BY: B.O.A.C. -".L M. .ee them acting out the sim'l' A~!ER[CAN AIRWAYS, SCANDINAVIAN. T.W.A. pie but descrtptive routines I' connecting Airline.!!. to lllustrate-their theme. The Consult us regarding your travel lIToblelllJ. form of dancing seems to teach coordination and poise even to the very young. Anita Inythlng."




"MANCHESTER PIONEER" . Sailing from: ~ew York, Saint John, N.B., Halifax, N.S., and St. John's Voyage 7 ...... :...... luly 2.(th_ Voyage 8 .............. July 31st Aug. 3rd Aug. 6th Aug. 12th Voyage 9 ... " ....... Aug. 21st Aug. 24th Aug. 27th Sept. 2nd

Note Voyage 7 vessel will cell at Corner Brook prior to St, John's. Vessels call at Newfoundiand OutpurU IS inducemenl Offers.

, For Frelflht Rates and other IDlermaUCln contact



, ! '

, I· ' 1 I


, I I

, ,


, I' I: I


Page 12: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,


.):--" " ~. .. ~ a"" -

i-'. ,

I i' , 1

I Ii i,

J ' ,I

I' I,

I' I , , , , '


l' Ii I'

. I I , I

! I I


, ,

I '



. , HUTCHEN'S GROrEB! The MY Norma

Wall Washing. FOB 8ALE-Sinlrtural' Steel,

I Btam; H Beams; Angles: GREAT EASTERN Oil & IMPORT


53 Wllllalll SII'ffI Dial "511, IDd e08l

H, R.CLARKE ToplllJ Rol'

Dial IItIt6

and Gladys will be accepting freight TODAY AND TUESDAY at Canada Packers Wharf for Englee and Raddickton and a\l ports to Cook's Harbour, and will soil at 6 p,m. Tuesday, July 28th.

WALL WASHING - WaUl cleaned, by oelll machine. Results perfect; saves palot. -New Ifethod Rug and WaU Cleaners. Ei'reshwater Road, 'Phone 910:13.

Channell: Plates; Shaftins etc~ various sizes.. Nfld. S.uvage &. Sales Co .• Lt.., L1 pa$rlck Street; 'P~ '1109. mar 19, typar

Radio. Television, Washcrs, Refrigcrators, Deep Freezers

Electric Rariges,

L. Hf:ALEY Crta Roadl IDd "Itet II




Dill 2858, flU ---MEEHAN & CO.

I.A Bldg. Duckwortb III Dill 1046·~O.,


Temple Bldg .. P.O. 801 lAo ~41 Duckwortll SI.

. Public Notice I i

I '.III_lIc,UJ.. ", eft,

."'U./,IIl.AkI,IC',1roI. 7-.1/

~~~-~~~~~'-~--------------------~ "Wllther Bureau? Can't you know it's a .ill

to tell fibs?" .

Registered Druggist

Appilcalions ire Inl'llrd for ~ppointmen! to the post of ~ils!ered Druggist at the rentral Pharmacy of the Dept. &f Health, Cavell Avenue, SI. tohn's, Salary Is on ,the ~cale f297()'10()-3740 per annum, ! Appilcatlons stating asp, tuaUflcations and experience,

~c., Ihould be addrused to e undersigned U loon as POI'

ble, I LEONARD MILLER, M,D" ~ Depuly Mlnbler of Heallh, 'ly23,25 • r i • • I


Cerfilied Used





Dial 80370 or 77~



Dial 2201


Cor. MODCh,. & Empire An Dial 9«1071


• 104 Duc~wortll Ill. Dill USl


Cor Mayol IDd Merrymeeting at


PHARMAct, ElUabeth AVI,

Dial 91120 --------MURPHY'S

DRUG 8'fOKr., ~ 119 Mllltlary nO I'

Dial 8"1 ---THOMPSON'S

pnARMACl. &a Quldl Vldl Roa.


18~ PeDDyweh leaf Dial 9Z9M


NORMAN DOWNE) ,~ New Go"et Sa.

Olal 572'


nTAL 93490

Propolld Eillbli.hmenl 01 I Horwood·Glnd.r Bay I

Shop.Clollng Ar ..

Pursuant to Section :I or I The Shops Act, I .lliI·e notice I that one month from the date hereof I intend to mo\'e the: Lieutenant·Governor In Coun· ell: (1) to declare as a shop·clos·

Ing area all that portion of thc Electoral District of Fogo beginning at F~rewell Head on the western side of the cntrance to Horwood Bay and running thence south forty·seven degrees west six and a half miles: thence running south for a distance of sixteen miles; thence running east for a distance of four and a hAl! miles and crossing Gander Ril'er at a point on the eastern shoreline of Gan· del' Bay which Is one mlle RS measured along the shoreline In a northeasterly direction from the Village of Gander Bay; thence run· nlng In a straight line to Bussey's Point on the western shoreline of Gan, der Bay; thence running in a general northerly di· rection along the western shore line of Gander Bay to Dog Bay point and thence In general south· westerly and northeasterly directions atong the shore of Horwood Bay to Fare· well Head (all bearings are referred to the True :'IIeri· dian) to be known as the "Horwood . Gander Bay

! Shop.Closlng Area" and

Public Notice To-day's Special

1957 HilLMAN colour black. low mileage. Excellent con· dition.

: i21 to order that, in respect of I Ihe Horwood·Gander Bay :. Shop.Closlng Area, Sehe·

;;;;...;.;;;;;-;;-;...;;~~~~~~ du Ie "A" of the said Act be varied to prol'ide as fol· low~;

Pl'BW: HOUDA \'S. 19:;9 I

eu~\::O{i:~:~~~t.~ro;~~~:r~~l ' i8 ordered and directed thal Ihe following dl),s be set apart and "bserved U Publlc Holidays during the balance 01 the calen· dar year 1959. viz;

(i) The Day set lor Ihe SL John's Annual RegAUa,

(i1) The Fifteenth day of Augus~ (Observance of V·Day),

(III) The Seventh day of September (Labour Day).

(iv) The Twelfth da)' of October (Thanksgiving Day).

(v) The . Eleventh day of November (Remembrance Day)

(1'1) The Twenty·Flfth day or December (ChriBtmu Day),

(vii) The Twenty·Slxth day or DeceQlber (Boxing Day).

2. The above·menUoned Pub­\Ie Holiday! are 'required to be 9bserved by the Newfoundlarid Govcl'nment Service, chartered .ank. and the buslnellel to I

wblch The SI. John'. Shope Act i and TheSt. John'. Shop CIa.!' :

Price $1250.00

1952 Dodge .... $395,00

1956 Consul .... $795,00

1957 Hillman ,.$995.00

1955 Dodge Pick-up .... $700,00

1958 Bedford Van ........ $975,00

1957 Dodge .. $



Ill, (Barbera and Halrdrenera) Act apply. They are not. reo qulred . ('0 be observed by wholenle and retail bUBlnesBC! in Shop: Closinll Are: I' fisc· ,.-here throughout the Pro vince unlea,. they are, speclli Cally included 'In the' Schedule! , _~-,-______ _ of Openlnll and CIDIlng Hours Sandal; are kind to your feet ill effect In these Breu, In hot weather. They' provide

J. G. ,CHANNING, the needed air· co~dltlonlng


Deputy MllIllter of which you do~'t get from your Provlndal }.ffalrs, ,clu.'ed ~hoe5 when temperatures


The finest protection your engine can'have! Your car is I Cllstty HI­vestment. Makes sense to !live it the lints! protec­cion you CIII, Shell X·I 00 Motor Oil Premium ad justs ""tG""lIiullf to

protect IInder every 'operating tempe,rll1lre. It neutralizes destnKtin acid aClion •• " prolongs cngil\c life. See liS for Shell X·IOO MOIor Oil Premium IHI"".



.1 thu,


SCHEDULE "A" 1. Sunday:

(No Open Hours). 2. Flx.d Who I. HolldaYI:

New Year's Day. (January lsI). .

St. patrick's Day, (March 17th).

SI. Georle's DRY, (April 23rd).

Good Friday Empire Day, (May 24th), Memorial Day, (July 1st). July 12th. Labour Day, (lst "'ionday in

September). Armistice Day, (November

nth). Christmas Day, (December

~5th). Boxing Day, (December

26th). (No open Hours).

,. Ait.rn,tlv. Flxlll Whole HDllchYI:

The day after New Year's Day. .

St. Patrick's Day, st. George's Day, Empire Day, Memorial Day, July 12th, Arm· Istlce Day and Christmas Day when these days fall on Sun· day and December 27th when Christmas falls on Sunday.

(No Open Hours). 4. Regular Wllkly Half HDII­

dlY: Wednesday in each week eX'

cept during the Christmas Period, and except when there is a whole holiday hI the same week.

(S.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m.) 5. S,turday:

Saturday In each week not being a whole holiday ..

(8.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m,) 6, Friday:

When Saturday !8 I whole hollday only.


Floor Poli.shers, Gramophones

Publtc Address systems, Tape Recorders


DIAL 3001 10 3005



Gerry Surveys TELEPHON~

WE offer For Sale, tbe following list of Commercial Properties:

81 LONG'S HILL-Shop and Residence. \----I For Fas~

Perfect condition. Excellent bu:;iness stand. Sargain price.

I Taxi Service


I, Dial 2424-2410

, LeMARCHANT ROAD - Shop and Dwel­

ling. Furnace h-eated. Newly renov­ated. Greatly Reduced Price.

GOULDS RD.-Three Shops in one, plus Apartment. 'Real good stand, being lold fully stocked and with equipment, as a going concern. Check it now.

BUILDING - New Gower Si. Real Bargain.

WELL ESTABLISHED DRUG STORE-Fully stocked ... Excellent business built up over the year~. Check it today.

10 DUCKWORTH ST. - $2500 down -House and Shop. Full price just $7500. Real bargain.

FRESHWATER ROAD-Lorge store and two self· contoined Apartments. Excellent bU5iness site.

FRESHWATER RD.-Near Parade St. . . Large Building. Valuable piece of property.

QUEEN'S ROAD Opcn from 6.30 tD 2 a.m. fl""'..!B. tyr


Nfld. Armature

WorkJ 38

Bambrick Street

Dial 7191·2



For all your Building Rcquirements call



Be Modem

Live Elect'

165 WATER ST. - Vacant . , Large Shop and


FOR LEAS€-Lorge ultra modern Store on Water St ... No phone calls.


can be obtained at


WEST END-Building suitable for Restaurant or Showroom.

WATER ST.-Shop and living Quarters In

the city's business section. TWO-WAY STORES, , . for Rent - Yes, we have

a large portion of the well known Two-Way Stores for rent. This port of the store is suit­able for doclor's offices, hardware store, drug store, or for many other uses.

37 CAMPBEll AVE. - Two Shops and Apartment. Freehold.

DICK'S SQ.-Snack Bar and Apartments­(Vacant).

EAGAN BUILDING-large building .. Fur' nace heated •• elevator •. Showroom and Offices.

SERVICE STATION-Excellent central loca· tion. Plenty of working space.

COMMERCIAL LAND - Blackmarsb 'Road, 40 fl. x 500 ft.

FRESHWATER RD.-Three Storey Bldg. Good commercial area.

40 SMITH AVE.-Terrific buy in Shop ond Living Quarters.

WATER ST.-Big business opportunity •. We have two well established busi­ness properties for sale right in the busiest section of the street.

TOPSAIL ROAD-Large block of Freehold Land and Building. Excellent site for showroom, warehouse, or for prQcticaliy any other pur-pose.

NEW GOWER ST:-Vacant ... Shop and Apart· ment.

MAYOR AVE,-House and Garage, , good busi· ness stand. R~duced to $1 B,ooO.

DUCKWORTH ST.-Luncheonette . . low down· payment.

COMMERCIAL LAND-2 blocks, 600 to 700 feet frontage on the railway, just W8S'

of Syme's Bridge.



i BAINE JOHNSTON i COMPANY, LTD. , Agency Department

243 Water St. Dial 2102 YOUR FRIGIDAIRE


I Cheup Reliable In and Around

PA~SENGER C();>.'N[('TIO:\


• HEAP & PARTNERS I Rt'~\lbr 811i a.m (NFlD.) LTD. ling SL .Iohn" 1C<i~

Wiring Material!, Wire and I ,luly 2;, ",II make Cables. Motors, Starters, : Argcntia ',',il,11

Lamps. Swit~hcs. Lighting. for lilr I;,' Hd Fixtures, etc.



HOWSE OF FLOWERS Serving st. John's from two locations

311 HA.'llLTON AVENUE DIAL 80059

302 WATER ST. DIAL 7410

iwill makr (fli:!'

Brook lI'ilh ,S, .. '

Tr"in "Thr " SI. .Iolm', lo·/ay, will m;l:,!' 1·11:.::~~::e

; purtr I",:h \11' __________ I rrgular p(I"i\; (;r1't: • FIRE INSURANCE

i CROSBIE & CO., LTD. \'[['f'

Agents for ' (,OI\:",\:H t\1',OO~ UNDERWRITERS AT ] CO:,\:'IiHlltI~

LLOYD'S . Train "The LOW RATES SI. Johr 1.3C .~:

DIAL 5031 I \I'jll IIlO\;1 ("",,:~t(:L' ---.....;.=;;...,;,;.;;.;;.--- parle "i;1I ,','

HARDWARE STORES . re~ulor P"':' BrDa); ~,'~I ICC,

HARRIS & HISCOCK, l TO. C()"~ECTln~ . ~Lr. . GENERAL HARDWARE Distributors for : Tr,iI111,r

' 'SI. Jol,,:', 1;:0 ~.l'.

Electrical ApplianceJ •. Iull' 30;1,. 11111 rnl~ Sporl! Goods and Sport5

wear for atl occasions ; ion' "I [,<,n t,;! , DIAL 5016 'S,S. B:ll' JI,len !:f

Coast Surtl'l, CO:ol:olECTJOS sT·


I 210 WATER ST. :Jul\' :111111 II til TJl!

. DIAL U83 : ion' :,\ 1.111 "1"r~/;l1! I ll"n:i\',·1.1 Ilif rl, i HEATING John',·!.clll"",rl i

I .---



36 King's Road Dial 2916: I I I ~.'.-I rll'I,IJric i I 0 III ..... ~I ----------1 'I' 0 \I! [onl"" Ill. ..~

I I \1 I'. Buna',· anI .' '~I

or['Cplr d ,1t ' , . '1 I l~ilJ


RADIO-TV REPAIRS MlrahlU Moton WAter 5treet rena :iD\'& Motor .. St, JohJl'. \\'bllen'. Gar... CorDw&ll Aveni fIoUWIY 8, .... oIee 81aU"" Job Str •• t RGul Gar .. , LlmJted c.",.U II MUlln Moton Benc.,tt AV.DtI. Browll'l s.tvlce 8t.~ EUJlbttll A. .. Goo. a,R, PonGltl E:UJlbttII A. .. A.dololdl KoIoro ' tI.... (Jowl!' B~ RlIlIt'l SorvIe. StaUon SIrboW' a .... Cluh', BtnLee SlltIOll '.lClrboaear ttlmm', Servici Slition Carbonel,

(8.30 a.m. to 9.30 p.m.) 7. Chrldma' Puled:

The twelve clear working days immediately preceding Christmas Day.

Also COMMERCIAL LAND on Waterford Bridge . COMPANY, LTD. 15 ~.~lt:HjHf ~Ot1S





Munn Molon Hubour Grace Shl!lPPlrd', Glra,. Harbour Grier COnway'. Gaulr Collier. Auto Service Slltlon WhHbMJrII. KtllllTew'. Senrlel StaUoD,

DI.trlbul.d By:


Jail Itr .. t St John'l

Try having a terry doth roue In ·color Ihls summer. Pick a pole pink or a pale blue b place or the Irndllional white. Or have one trimmed wllh fri~e or metallic embroidery,

(8.30 a.m. to 9,30 p.m.) I. Other OIYs:

AlI other days not herein· before Jpecifically provided for.

(8.30 B.m. to 6,00 p.m.) Any observations on or ob·

jectlons to the decIBr~t\on of the above area as a shop·clos· Ing area or to the proposed, Schedule· "A" should. be sent i to the Department of Provln· clal Atralrs within one month from the, date of. this notlc!!'.

Dated' at ·8(,· ,John's this 23rd day of July, 1959

MYLES MURRAY, Mlnl.ler .f. Provlnel,1 Afllln,.

Road and Water St.

We still have several Blocks of Land in and around the city. Check them today.

Another good investment-Lorge Building, with Three Stores. Good b~siness site.

GOWER ST.-Shop and Two Apartments.


DIAL 3001. 10 :JUOS e I'; t",;I' )O~·~ 1'l'~U ,I .. ,..I(r if



D.!:PEND ON CALL i\DELAIDE MOTORS LTD . ,\ Comple!1' StOlt At four

DIAL 3015



DIAL 2%26 ServiclI, QLailty. Vllil',

, ,

\'il'P bll\ \11 {"", '( , hI Ih'

llIun'IlH'tl, " .

S S IlJ"!,,,IIl'" , " ' , .. Frt: ~t Ihe B.llll."! 1 p~ lalrl' Iii:'" I (l! .July 2fllh.


I 27 20 22


c •

Page 13: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,

Be Modem

Live Elect'

:~§:NGER '\'Lrt10~ ,,~ .l~

11_\ l'

.urS ST. JOHN'S, NFlD., MONDAY, JULY 27, 1959 ~t" , .


BINGO sp~per


r N G 0 77 .AO 60 65 ~O 42 55 70 n 45 54 72

39 49 63 4 .... 5B 73

56 75

31 67

Kin - Help Kiddies .

atta Committee 5 for Tent Space at this year's


"I llon't HPC IIhy you insisl on lISin~ tilc Patio wilcil we could h,i\'l~ c. g(.c·i\ i:OOF , ovcr liS i[ I':C go insi,IC!"

:\0 sir - \\'11'.'11 It st;lrls 10 rain. thrrc is IInlili~:~ >I' cum forttn~ ns n [;000 SOUNIJ ROOF OICI' )'I1UI' il~:u. And ![ yorn 11001' is ~oin'~, you'd host ,cn liS brfol'c It·s ~ol1c. Don't delil) - scc us tod~y.

r----I I

,.,' hI l" '.1 tol',

o ~ ~ ',,' ~ .. I r I . ,I, i'"


: "5:'ace YJlIrself! HerB COnies ~heir fast ball!"

--~--~-----------.-- . ----~- _._--_._-

/lSALES HELP WANTED" :'lEW ~mTHOD RUG CLEAN· W.\NTEIl _ Sllecl~1 Agcnts., ERS. Rugs ~nd Carpet mad.

Good in~olllc possible [or: 1.0 look like ncw. Von pRrHime work at home. I Seh:ader process add! yean Prcl'iOUR experiencc IInnec- to lIfe of rugs. Cleaned ill esson'. Repl\' THE ATLAN. home or at our plant. TIC 'ADVOCATE, Frcueric. 'Phone 91033. New Method ton. N.B. Rug Cleaners, Freshwater

, i 1)'27.28,2n.30, Road. 1-----------------.. -iTO LET"":Suile 4 oHILes in

I Royal flank duilning, Wcst Enu. Ideal for shipping firm or customs broker DiHI 90JI~, John D. O'Dris· coli, Rcal Estate Accnt.

______ .. ________ i jl)·S.(if)

AiUIU'1'IUUS man or womall , to nandle profitable Wat·

kl1l5 Route In Bonavlsta or Channel. Business estab­lished. Products nationally advertised. No Investment necessary - age no handl· cap. Earnings above aver· age. For free detail! write al once to: Dept. JAG-350 Sl. Rech Street, Montreal, P.Q. ily6,7,13,14,20,21,27




11.30 a.m.



22 . Boxes Pigs· 3 Sheep

1 Box Hens I

Ex M.S. "Fergus" from p.E.1.1


The Annual Commemoration Services

will be held in the General Protestant

Cemelery on

Sunday, August 16th. and in Mount Pleastmt CEmetery on

Sunday, August 23rd. jty2i.2~

----- ------------ ---- ----- ---_ ..




Consisting of a Two Storey Detached Dwelling and Detached Store .

For furlher parliculors 'Phone 4497·L Monday through hidoy afler 6 p.m., Saturday 9 p.m. to 6 p.m. jly24,27

Re~atta may obtain permits from Billard at 7:30 p.m. Monday,

end Thursday evenings of thil at the Boat House.

Tuna Boat for Charter, experienced Wedgeport


TIIE-- (ESTRAL -BARtER­SHOP. We Hre now operat· ing eight (·hairs. You clln be a;sured of Ihe best possible service plus Ihe leasl pas· sible waiting, 24 New Gower St .. opp. Adclnide MotoT!.

, ,

Wanted To Buy LOCAL


Hon. Secretary Regatta.


TRADESMEN lis summer with a new career in

Canad:an Air Force. and trade pay determined by al skill.

ere available in the following








· .. ".",,-F. Recruiting Unit STREET PHONE 7153


Ltd. DIAL 7191 • 7192



WINDOW BOXES, SASHES , Siorm windows mnde to . order, fast Bnd e[flcicllt


service. Phone 4B49-H for information. Jly16,1m




iiiiiiiiii~ii;iiiiii· RE.\L ESTATE - Vall1~tol' ____ --- o[ cit)·, [arm! and oulport properlic~. OI'CI' 4U vcars' experience. Juhn D. 0' Dris· coIf, Audioncer ~nd ncal CRYSTAL PALACE


GOULDS ROAD , Estate Agent. Di~! 90312. PHONE 4574·F Open 2 p,m. Doily

Catering to weddings, private parties, din· ners and donees. For further informa· tion contad Mrs. Amy Ryan, 22A Golf A,·e.

DIAL 90024




7.15 p.m. HOLY CROS'S




7.00 p.m.





Spcech Corrcction Clinic Va lee Production. Dramatlcs- • FRENCH - Grammar and Con versa lion.

Mod.rn Ballroom Danc!ng Waltz, Foxtrot, Rumba

Samba, Rock and Roll, etc. TELEPHONE 7724

I'RID DAVIS-Spllch Studl_ 211 DUCKWORTH STRIIT jne18,lmth

I Where To Stay Balsam Hotel

BARNEll ROAD . sttultl!d la tb. Heir! 01 thf Clt~

Qule" Comlortable A~ fII,re. ,

ror RelJfI'V~uonl and 1/10 formatloD, . ,

Dial 6336 • MftI, JOHN FAcEY

RHI.rnl M.nllf'rKII ~I,~, -,,': .; - I.' ...

jly8.(lm) ---- .. _--------_. --~-~:..:.-.-


is required by the

CANADIAN MARCONI Ltd. Qualified personl please writ.

P.O. BOX 994



The University is seeking r.ntal accom­modation for families of a' number of new Faculty members who will join its staff in September. Apartments or Houses of ene, two,thr .. and four bedrooms capacity will be required frem mid.August on. Will any persons wishing to leale for occupancy not later than 1st September pleaie write or telephone the Secretary to the President, giving particulars, including wh.ther heated or ut:1heated, rent lIquir.d, etc. Lealll will be with the occupants and not the University'. Jly21,23,27

WANTED An experience

SHORT ORDER· 'COOK Male or female

Reference requir.d. . . Apply


ARCHIBALD'S HOME GROWN TURNIPS are best \ by every test. Consumers! soy DELICIOUS housewives'


say NO WASTE except the .peal. See your grocer end insist on the best.




WANTED Three or four bed· rooms unfurnished home. Please call

Pepperrell 89-Ext. 4258

1 9 5 5 C-HEVROLET



DIAL 80378·9 -----------------JlARDII\iG'S TAXI 'll1U btl

Ipav\n/. Grand Bank );unday and Tbursday; returning Monday and Saturday For reservation~ roll 44SlI·F II Grand Bank rail 2142 mar~41f



All persons claimillg to hE ere­dit~r~- of or who !m'e an)' claim or demand,<; upon or affer1u, At­lantic Hardboard Industri€!> -Lim· ited \ in Liquidation 1 are reqll@st ~d to 3end particIIlars of 5;}m~ in writing, duly attested, to the undersigned Liquidator on or he for. the .31st day of August IDj9, • fter whIch date the said Liquida­ter will prOCeEd to distribute the lII~etl of the Raid company. hav· ing regard only 10 the claIms' of which he shaH then have had notlce.

Dated at 51. .John·,; this 16th day DC July. A.D. 1059 .


. ADDRESS: 6 Adelaidc. Street. S!. ,lohn'~,


New[oundlllnd.. jy~u.n,'lg:',IU

Parking lets - Driveways - Walkways.

Patching - Filling end Rolling



P.O. Box 21 West Jy23,3i

Southside Read

Monthly Meeting United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of Plumbing and Pipefitting Industry Local Union 730, will be held ... at Victoria Hall TO·NIGHT at 8 o'clock.

P. KENNEDY, Rec. Secretary.


:;:h~\I'r abOI'E u ~lariJyn Brophy of 21 Hlmtlton Avennuc. ii, ,he il pr@;PIlted \I'lth her Rilele" blcyc1r b,- ~!r. H .. rbert Burton. ;;alE~ oUperl'l5 0r tlf Brookfteld Ice Cream Limit .. d. ~Ianlyn il on! of [our wlnnero to date in the popsicie Bicycle contut ..

Thr winners to datE are:

~\ariIYIl Brophy. St. .John·~ • Bruce .lo3cpluion, ~t. .John·~, Judy Sluckle3l, Corner Brook. ll~rh3ra .Tean Rowe. Corner Brook.

, .' \I

.~, .

Page 14: Nova Moton Ltd. ,Charl~s, Hutton Sons .. ~~ f ec Ion u · 2014-08-04 · s IIrED " -4440 -.owest IGS " liES. I., -RO~,

I ~ ~

~ ~


[ ~ '"



\ . I

I I ,


; :

· , , I

• I

:1: ~ I

I, I; I


I • I I I

~ I



" , , .) J, l! ) ...


. -i


w. welcome the opportun­

Ity to .~Irvl your Auto In­

.urance Nlld.. You can

get the laml flnl Ilrvlce

In Auto Inlurance that hal

pleased thoulands of satll­

fled Newfoundland CUI­

tomlrs of Dependable


for 85 years

Dial "5101" Todayl

Between Us




RUTH MILLE'IT FLOATING SILK , George Lange/aan 3.25


EVER ASK QUESTIONS LIKE THESE? Robert Langdon .... 4.50

O:Jly • man could ask these OSSIAN'S RIDE questions: F' d H I 3 00

"What difference does It make re oy e .. .......... . If Miriam has a drc3s just like MIND YOU I'VE SAID your Dew ODe and Is planning to NOTHING wear 1t to the Saturday :light H T 3 00 dance, too?" onor racy ........ .

"Well, what have you been FOR 2c. PLAIN doing aU day?"-when there are Harry Golden ... :.' .. , 4.75 16 guests Invited for aupper, THE HIGH TOWER

"What do you mean you don't . have ,,1ythlng to wear? You've OF REFUGE got II closet full of clothes," • ...Edgar H. S. Chand·

"Isn'l that a new dress?' I . 4 25 when It's one you've been wear. er ........................ . ing for the last two yem, NO ONE Will ESCAPE

"Why do we have to have the Hans Hellmut KirJt 4.00 Browns to our p'nrty just be· PAST NIEMOLLER cause we c01l1d~'t get out of OR going to theirs?" Die/mar Schmidt .... 4.25

"Why do you have to clean THE SCOURGE OF hO'lse just because you're hav· THE SWASTIKA Lng the brldnc club for lunch?" -

"If you don't like her why do Lord Russell .......... 3.00 you always act so glad to see THE MEMOIRS OF FIELD· her?"

"If you like It, why bother any MARSH At

T. & M. WI,NTER ,Ltd. further, What dWerence does It MONTGOMERy .... 6.50 make that thl. is the first store you've tried?"

"How do you know she dyes ber hair?"


Illustrated Political, industrial and

commercial history Kromekote Cover .. $2.00


£PBONE SERVICE EXTENDED . arTAWA' (CP) - The Yukon ~tn's of Whltehon8 and Daw·

;;.son are ,oln, to be lI~ked by .~OGI • d1sta:tce telephone, The Transport Department announced ,Wednesday arranlements have heeD made- with Canadian Na . t1O:Jal Telegrapbs to extend long· distance telepho:Je and cammer· dal telegraph service to Daw~on, .Jome :00 mUe, eorth of White­horse.


'" I I I

-+ I I


HALIFAX (CPl-A:! olllclal of a CDJlBdlan electronics firm sa!d Wednesday the federal govern· ment', cancellation of the CF·I05 jet Interce-ptor couldn't help but have an adl'crse elfcct on Can ada's electronIcs Industry, A, C, Carter, director and ge:Jeral man ager of COllor 01 Canada Lim Ited. told a servIce club that de· splto the setback there was a bright future for electronJt:.! 'n Canada.



Wi ... lqulppld to hcmdrl rtmocl.llng '.­.'

fmw ..... to tnJ.h.111 u. btfo ... you ,.-_II. We con IIYI you tlml and monlY.




government Is expected to pro· pose a double· pronged polley of shelter and evacuation for cll"ll defence at a fall conference wilh the provinces, it was learned Wed!lesday. Governme~t sources .ald that Health Minister Mon· telth ant Prime Minister Dlefen· baker In statements just before Parllament prorogued Indicated that [I polley for providing fall· out shelters will figure largely In the October conference on civil defc:lce. It Is understood the fed eral proposal :101" Is being prc· pnred and that It will be put bc· fore the provInces for comment.

"Why ca:!'t we just say we don't want to 'go. Why do we have to make excuses?"

"'what's 50 tragic about a frlz· zy permanent? It will grow out, 1I'0n't It?" ,

"You're certainly not gobg to send It back after you've

Cloth aound ........ $5.00

bought and paid for It, arc

yo,~;;' you don't like those shoes Dicks & Co., Ltd. wllh pointed toe., why do you wear them?"

"What Is that ta\1, skinny what'· arou~d her< for? I thOUGht Janie said they had broken up and she was never going to speak to him agol:l."

"Why don't you women each give a couple of dollars, inslead of baking cakes to see to each other?"

The Booksellers Spin 4420 or 2008 or 3191


MAY - Passed away after a short illness, Effie, beloved wife of Jonas May. Leaving to mourn besides husband, five sons, William J., Harry, John,

DISTRIBUTION DELA.YED Eric and Fenwick; onc Uro· NEW YORK (AP) - Di.;tribu·1ther, Joseph W, Dcwling; nine

SHIPMENTS DOWN tlon of Lady Chaltr.rley's Lorer grandchildren and one great· OITAWA (CP) - Dellverie5 0/ through the malls was delayed I grandchild. Funeral will Ie

Canadlnn uranium oxide to the Wednesday as the government held to·day at 2.30 p.m. from United States Atomic Energy moved. to appeal 8 court ordel her late residence, 7 Living· Commission nnd the British A~. upselting the post offlce ban on stone Street to the Anglican om Ie Energy Authority totalled th I Th d' '11 ' e nove. e c,al! WI con· Cathedral. luterment at the 3,463 tons In' the second quarter IInue at least unlll noOIl Thurs· Anglican Cemetery. of 1959. Eldorodo Mblng a~d Rc· d~y. rhe o,c·dav postr.onemenl fining Llmlled, federal uranium nas granted by Judge Frederick QUIGLEY - Passed peace· agency. said the metal had a va:l Pelt Bryo~, who ruled Tues· fully away on Sunday after· value of about $70,G60,OOO. Ship. day the book by D. H. Lawrencc noon at 4 p.m. at his residence, melY. In the period were down Is not obscene. Torbay Road, John Quigley, from 3,881 tons valued at $7~ .. OO?,OOO In the /lrst quarter of Ule aged 73 ye:lfS. Lcaving to mourn two daughters, Bcrna· year. ' dette and Genevievc; five sons,




Electronic Centre Ltd . 90 CAMPBEll AYE.

After hours 'PHONE 6401 A

MacCORMAC'S ~ial 51 B 1 - 2 • 3



Gerald, Joseph, Michael, firen' I dan and Darid; three sisters I and one brother. Funeral will ! take place from his late resl· 1 dence, Torbay Road, Tuesday . morning by molor hearse to : the Homan Catholic Church at !Torbay for Hequiem Mass. , I WAKEHAM-Passed peacefully

I away at the home of' his son Vincent, Wednesday, July 22, James Wakeham aged f«I year.;, leaving to mourn his \\':I~, Cecilia; six sons Thomas, Vi:1' cc:~t, Paul, and Howard at SI. John's, James at Piacentla and Fred, a "~uli~nt lit Ihe Scar\Joro ForI.i6~, 1I::<.,iO:l Seminary in Torll~ltu; i~l.~· cHughtcrs; Sr. M. He~,edid of the Pre3entat ion Order, Margaret (Mrs. AlIa:1

Professional FERRARA-At Philauelphla, Hayden) and Marie bulh at

Pa" U,S.A., on July 3, a son to Pbcc~tia, and Winnie (!.Ir~. John Mr, and lIIrs. Anthony Ferrara ! Pow~r51 of EI'crelt, M~s,s. Two (the former BeverlY Anne Rlan I b;-vlhers, Peler Dnd Wilham a~ of this clty). Antiwny Aldo Petile Forte, 22 grandch11~ren Jr. ond a large numher of r~latlves

Wedding Portrait SERVICE

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HARRIS-Born on July 25th at SI. Clare'S Mercy Hospital, te Dick and Catherine Harris,

PIKE-Born to George and Peggie Pike at the Grace Ma· ternlty Hospital on July 25th. a son, BIbs. 90zs.

. " .. -- . A. G.


and fric:lds. Funeral took place Saturday, July 25th, with Re­~lIiem Mass from the Ba.ilica to Mount Carmel Cemetary,

. ;1

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