  • Notice of Meeting

    To: Bruce County Council and Senior Management Team

    From: Donna Van Wyck, AMCT Clerk

    Date: January 25, 2018

    The next meeting of Bruce County Council will take place as follows: Date: Thursday, February 1, 2018 Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Council Chambers,

    County of Bruce Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario

    The attached Agenda indicates those topics to be addressed during the meeting. The following Committees are scheduled to meet following County Council:

    • Executive Committee • Corporate Services Committee • Human Resources Committee • Homes Committee • Human Services Committee • Museum Committee • Paramedic Services Committee

  • Bruce County Council Agenda

    Date: February 1, 2018

    Time: 9:30 a.m. Place: Council Chambers County Administration Centre, Walkerton

    Chair: Warden Paul Eagleson

    1. Roll Call

    2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest

    3. Confirmation of Council Minutes

    January 4, 2018 (attached)

    4. Communications

    Please contact the Clerk if you wish a copy of any of the communications listed.

    A. Ministry of Finance Providing an update on the provincial work underway to establish a retail and distribution channel for legal cannabis.

    B. Ontario Good Roads Association Board of Directors The Ontario Good Roads Association is seeking reforms to the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) process and is requesting the County of Bruce to pass the following resolution: “Whereas a coalition of the Municipal Engineers Association (MEA) and the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario have successfully applied to have a review of the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process conducted under Part IV (Section 61) of the Environmental Bill of Rights Act, 1993 (EBR Act);

  • And whereas impact studies and public meetings required by the MCEA process often take two years or more to complete before construction can commence; And whereas the MCEA requirements to evaluate alternatives are often not well aligned with prior or municipal land use planning decisions; And whereas analysis by the Residential and Civil Construction Alliance of Ontario (RCCAO) has demonstrated that the time to complete an EA rose from 19 months to 26.7 months and costs went from an average of $113,300 to $386,500; And whereas the Auditor General of Ontario has tabled recommendations for modernizing the MCEA process; And whereas in spite of written commitments made by the Ministry of the Environment between 2013-2015, no action has been taken; And whereas local projects that do not have the necessary approvals could lose out on the next intake of Build Canada funding; Therefore be it resolved that County of Bruce requests that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change take immediate steps to expedite the response process for Part II Orders or Bump-Up requests, as part of the s.61 review to improve MCEA process times and reduce study costs; And further that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change support changes to better integrate and harmonize the MCEA process with processes defined under the Planning Act; And further that the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change amend the scope of MCEA reports and studies to reduce duplication with existing public processes and decisions made under municipal Official Plans and provincial legislation.”

    5. Delegations

    A. Bruce County Visual Heritage Documentary Project • Ross Lamont, Chair • Zach Melnick, Producer • Yvonne Drebert, Director

    B. Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission – RE: Bruce Power Nuclear Generation Station License Renewal (presentation attached)

    • Jeff Stevenson, CNSC Senior Power Reactor Site Inspector

    C. Special Recognition – 150th Committee Co-Chair • Ron Oswald

    6. Reports from Staff

    7. Inquiries and Announcements

  • 8. Minutes (attached)

    January 4, 2018

    • Corporate Services Committee • Executive Committee • Homes Committee • Human Resources Committee • Human Services Committee • Museum Committee

    January 18, 2018

    • Human Resources Committee • Planning and Development Committee • Transportation and Environmental Services Committee

    9. Notice of Motion

    10. Other Business

    11. By-laws

    2018-010 – A by-law to authorize the execution of a Municipal Contribution Agreement Investment in Affordable Housing – Rental Housing Component between the Corporation of the County of Bruce and 1741394 Ontario Inc., operating as JNC Holdings 2018-011 – A by-law to adopt Amendment Number 226 to the County of Bruce Official Plan. 2018–012 - A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce at its meeting held the 1st day of February, 2018

    12. Adjournment

    13. O Canada

  • Bruce County Council Minutes

    The regular meeting of Bruce County Council was held in the County of Bruce Council Chambers, Walkerton at 9:30 a.m. on Thursday, January 4, 2018.

    1. Roll Call Present: Warden Paul Eagleson Councillors Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Milt McIver, Mike Smith

    and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, CAO Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk

    Bettyanne Cobean, Director of Corporate Services Brian Knox, Director of Transportation and Environmental Services Chris LaForest, Director of Planning Melissa Legacy, Director of Library Services Christine MacDonald, Director of Human Services Cathy McGirr, Museum Director Michael McKeage, Director of Health Services Marianne Nero, Director of Human Resources Donna Van Wyck, Clerk

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    2. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    3. Minutes Moved by Councillor David Inglis Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That the minutes of the December 7 and December 21, 2017 Council Sessions be adopted as circulated. Carried

  • 4. Communications A. Ministry of Municipal Affairs

    Inviting input and feedback by March 7, 2018 about the study area for a potential Greenbelt expansion to protect important water resources in the outer ring of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. B. Ministry of Municipal Affairs / Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Providing an update on Bill 59, Putting Consumers First Act (Consumer Protection Statute Law Amendment), 2017. C. Ernie Hardeman, MPP RE: Ontario PC Platform, the People’s Guarantee – outlining some of the most significant policies that will impact municipalities: • Restore the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund • Increase Transparency by explaining infrastructure decisions • Fix the Joint and Several Liability Issue • Invest in Broadband and Cellular Infrastructure • Increased input into Growth Plans • Investing $124 million for recreational infrastructure • Restore local planning authority over renewable energy projects • Red Tape D. County of Bruce Letter to Ministry of Economic Development & Growth Providing confirmation of support and collaboration with the City of Toronto’s Entrepreneurship Learning Stream Application. (proposed Ontario-wide Youth ScaleUp Program)

    5. Delegations A. Opioid Crisis

    Sarah Ellis, Public Health Manager – Grey Bruce Health Unit, Dr. Grigg, Wiarton Health Team Alison Govier, Coordinator Drug & Alcohol Strategy were in attendance to make a presentation / speak to the opioid crisis.

    B. Ontario Power Generation (OPG) Update on activities and initiatives

    Ms. Lise Morton, VP of Nuclear Waste Management at OPG provided an update on the activities and initiatives of the Western Waste Management Facility at the Bruce Nuclear Site and Deep Geologic Repository Project. She was accompanied by Fred Kuntz, Manager of Corporate Communications, Mark Billington, Manager, Nuclear Waste Management Facility and Lynda Cain, Senior Communications Advisor.

  • C. Loyalist College Certificates Mr. Chuck O’Malley, accompanied by Mark Norman from Loyalist College were in attendance to present the Certificates of Completion as follows: • Managing and Leading in a Municipal Environment

    o Brian Knox o Eleanor MacEwen o Stephen Wood o Martin Campbell o Lou Morris o Cortney Schultz o Cindy Tanner o Ray Underwood o John Van Delden o Nicole Charles o Michael Kirkpatrick o Paul McGrath o Tori Matichuk o Manpreet Kaur Sangha o Willy Van Klooster

    • Bridges to Leadership

    o Aryn Becker o Ylisa Dingle-Musselman o Jessie Fullerton o Erin Hammond o Kathryn Hauck o Ellen Kerr o Tracey Knapp o Justin Kraemer o Carolyn McKeeman o Carolyn Parks o Kristina Porr o Grant Robertson o Ryan Samworth o Millie Six o Tammy Sorbara o Kelly Woodward

    D. Special Recognition of Staff Achievements

    • Jaron Kerr, Lead Network and Infrastructure Analyst (seamless hardware & server upgrades)

    • Nancy Kuhl, Branch Program Coordinator (special recognition for her leadership with the 150th Committee and her progressive development of the Program for the Library

    • Nancy Reinhart, Income and Maintenance Supports Manager (Pay Equity Committee work and streamlining of Income Support work)

    • John Van Delden, Health & Safety Manager (Health & Safety modernization and LOTO program)

    • Chris Irvine, Graphic / Exhibit Designer (long standing exceptional quality of work and support for all departments)

  • • Mike Berberich, Environmental Services Manager (long serving, high quality of dedication and loyalty to County – Maintenance Manager for the Administration and Cayley Street facilities)

    E. Special Recognition of Bruce 150 Committee

    • Nancy Kuhl • Jessie Fullerton • Andrew Beumer • Kevin Predon • Rachel Hepburn • Paul McGrath • Patricia Farris • Brenda Cziraki

    Council recessed at 10:40 a.m. and reconvened at 10:56 a.m.

    6. Staff Reports There were no County Staff reports.

    7. Inquiries and Announcements There were no inquiries or announcements.

    8. Committee Minutes Moved by Councillor David Inglis Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That the minutes of the following meetings be approved:

    December 7, 2017

    • Executive Committee • Corporate Services Committee • Homes Committee • Museum Social Services & Housing Committee

    December 21, 2017

    • Highways Committee • Human Resources Committee • Paramedic Services Committee • Planning and Development Committee


    9. Notice of Motion There were no Notice of motions.

    10. Other Business

    There was no other business.

  • 11. By-laws Moved by Councillor Mitch Twolan Seconded by Councillor Milt McIver That the following by-laws be approved:

    2018-001 – A by-law to govern the proceedings of the Council and Committees of the Corporation of the County of Bruce 2018-002 – A by-law to establish fees and charges for the Corporation of the County of Bruce 2018-003 – A by-law to authorize the execution of an agreement between the Corporation of the County of Bruce and Thames Valley Children’s Centre for the provision of speech and language services 2018-004 – A by-law to authorize the execution of a Service Manager Funding Agreement – 2016 Social Infrastructure Fund – Rent Supplement Community Delivered Rent Supplement Pilot Project between the Corporation of the County of Bruce and YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce 2018-005 – A by-law to authorize and fix the payment of the salaries of certain Officers and Staff of the County of Bruce for the Year 2018 2018-006 – A by-law to authorize temporary borrowing of money to meet the current expenditures for the year 2018 2018-007 – A by-law to authorize the execution of a Memorandum of Understanding for the installation of a Pedestrian Signal on Bruce Road 13 between the Corporation of the County of Bruce and Carson’s Camp 2018-008 – A by-law to authorize speed limits on the Bruce County Road System and in construction zones 2018–009 - A By-law to confirm the proceedings of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce at its meeting held the 4th day of January, 2018 Carried

    12. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Milt McIver Seconded by Councillor Mitch Twolan That the meeting of Bruce County Council adjourn at 11:01 a.m. Carried

    Paul Eagleson, Warden

    Donna Van Wyck, Clerk

  • Bruce County Visual Heritage Documentary


  • Acknowledgements

    • Bruce County Historical Society• Bruce County Council• Corporate Sponsors• The People of Bruce County• The Saugeen Ojibway Nation• The Historic Saugeen Metis• The Steering Committee

  • The Products

    • 3 episodes, 50 minutes each that will appear on TVO up to 4 times• (before permanent settlement in 1850’s)• (the settlement and development, 1850 to 1900)• ( post 1900)• A DVD of the 3 episodes with copies for schools, libraries and for sale• A companion book

  • The Making of the Film

    •Zach Melnick and Yvonne Drebert

  • Path Forward

    • Editing, inserting final pictures, narrative etc.• The Premiere is planned for May 12th at the Saugeen Shores

    Community Complex (includes the showing of the first episode)• DVD and Book ready for distribution in late May• Second Premiere (showing of episodes 2 and 3)


    Presentation to Bruce County Council

    Bruce Power - Licence Renewal

    Jeff Stevenson, CNSC Senior Power Reactor Site Inspector

    February, 1, 2018

  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    The CNSC’s Mandate

    Regulate the use of nuclear energy and materials to protect the health, safetyand security and the environment

    Implement Canada's international commitments on the peaceful use of nuclear energy

    Disseminate objective scientific, technical and regulatory information to the public


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 3

    The CNSC’s Mandate (2)

    CNSC Mandate

    Responsible for rigorous review of an application Licence only issued if facility

    is safe On-going engagement and

    relationship building Duty to Consult and Engagement Participation in environmental

    monitoring Impacts on the environment

    Beyond CNSC Mandate

    Energy policy Socio-economic Employment Revenue-sharing Shared decision-making Aboriginal rights determination Legacy issues Siting of facilities

  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Regulatory Responsibilities

    CNSC Responsibilities

    Set requirements and verify compliance

    Make independent, objective and risk-informed


    Licensee Responsibilities

    Manage regulated activities in a manner that

    protects the health, safety, security and the

    environment, while respecting Canada’s

    international obligations


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Independent Commission

    • Quasi-judicial administrative tribunal• Reports to Parliament through Minister of Natural Resources Canada• Commission hearings are open to the public and webcast• The Commission makes decisions after considering all evidence presented

    • Documents and presentations from all intervenors, and from applicants• Documents, presentations, recommendations from CNSC staff


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    CNSC approach to relicensing

    CNSC staff develops recommendations to the Commission– Commitment to meet requirements– Past performance record

    Commission decides whether to give licence, based on – CNSC staff recommendations– Licensee information– Public and Indigenous peoples involvement


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    What the CNCS Regulates


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Bruce Power Nuclear Generating Station


    Licence Renewal Request

  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Licence application – Bruce Power

    June 30, 2017: Bruce Power submitted licence application requesting:– 10-year licence – Scope of Major Component Replacement work– Consolidate other CNSC licences

    Supported by Periodic Safety Review

    Two-part public hearing– Part 1: March 14, 2018 (Ottawa)– Part 2: May 30-31, 2018 (Kincardine)


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Bruce - Safety Performance Highlights


    Safety and Control Area (SCA)


    2014 2015 2016

    Bruce A Bruce B Bruce A Bruce B Bruce A Bruce B Management system SA SA SA SA SA SA Human performance management SA SA SA SA SA SA Operating performance SA FS FS FS FS FS Safety Analysis SA SA SA SA FS FS Physical Design SA SA SA SA SA SA Fitness for Service SA SA SA SA SA SA Radiation Protection SA SA SA SA FS FS Conventional Health and Safety FS FS FS FS FS SA Environmental Protection SA SA SA SA SA SA Emergency Management and Fire Protection SA SA SA SA SA SA Waste Management FS FS FS FS FS FS Security FS FS FS FS SA SA Safeguards and Non-proliferation SA SA SA SA SA SA Packaging and Transport SA SA SA SA SA SA Integrated Plant Rating SA FS FS FS FS SA

    Safety and Control Area (SCA)





    Bruce A

    Bruce B

    Bruce A

    Bruce B

    Bruce A

    Bruce B

    Management system







    Human performance management







    Operating performance







    Safety Analysis







    Physical Design







    Fitness for Service







    Radiation Protection







    Conventional Health and Safety







    Environmental Protection







    Emergency Management and Fire Protection







    Waste Management














    Safeguards and Non-proliferation







    Packaging and Transport







    Integrated Plant Rating







  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Anticipated Topics of Interest

    Periodic Safety ReviewEnvironmental Assessment under NSCA Major component Replacement projectAsset management Pressure tubesEmergency preparednessEnvironmental monitoring


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission 12

    CNSC Licensing Process

    Regulatory oversight• Licence conditions • Inspections • Compliance

    Decisions• Risk-informed• Technically sound• Based on credible, scientific evidence






    Public hearing

    Environmental assessment

    Licence (project) application

    Commission Decision



    • Prepare site• Construction • Operate

    • Decommission• Abandon• Others

    Technical assessment




  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Technical Assessment Framework• Safety and control areas

    – management system– human performance management– operating performance – safety analysis– physical design– fitness for service– radiation protection– conventional health and safety

    • Other areas– Bruce A Environmental Assessment Follow-up Monitoring Program– Previous Commitments Raised by the Commission– Consolidation of other types of Bruce Licences– Operational Safety Review Team (OSART)– Fukushima Action Items– Fisheries Act Authorization– Public Information Program– Aboriginal Consultation

    • environmental protection• emergency management and

    fire protection• waste management• security• safeguards and non-proliferation• packaging and transport

    • Cost Recovery• Financial Guarantees• Nuclear Liability Insurance• Delegation of Authority


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission



  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Aboriginal Consultation and Engagement Approach

    The CNSC upholds the Honour of the Crown by:

    inviting Indigenous communities to participate in regulatory reviews and to share relevant traditional use practices, traditional knowledge and any project-specific issues and/or concerns

    leading a flexible and coordinated whole-of-government approach to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the engagement and consultation process

    requiring licensees to engage with potentially affected Indigenous groups early in the development and throughout the life of their project

    Building long-term positive relationships with Indigenous communities


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Why participate?

    Be heard before the CommissionProvide Commission members with relevant, topical information The Commission considers all of the evidence filed when making its decision– Documents and presentations from intervenors and from

    applicants– Recommendations, documents and presentations from CNSC



  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    How to Participate

    Watch for public hearing and meeting notices– Subscribe to our mailing list– Read local newspapers

    Review applicant and CNSC staff documentation

    Prepare intervention– Written submission– Oral presentation (max 10 minutes)– PowerPoint presentation is optional

    Submit your intervention online or by email –– [email protected]

    Participate– In person or by telephone– CNSC Rules of Procedure (SOR/2000-211)– Watch the webcast

    17[email protected]://

  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    What to Expect on Hearing Day

    Public hearing room in Ottawa or in your community10 minutes to present the key elements of your written submissionMembers can discuss your points and ask questions after your presentation


  • Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

    Licence Renewal Milestones

    June 30, 2017: Bruce Power application submitted

    February 12, 2018: Part 1 CNSC and Bruce Power Commission Member Documents avalable

    March 14, 2018: Hearing Part 1 and Commission meeting (Ottawa)

    April 3, 2018: Part 2 Commission Member Document available

    April 16: Intervention application deadline for Hearing Part 2

    May 30–31: Hearing Part 2 and Commission meeting (Kincardine)


  • Thank You!

    © CNSC Copyright 2015 @CNSC-CCSN

  • Corporate Services Committee Minutes January 4, 2018

    11:17 a.m. Council Chambers

    Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson (Chair) Councillors Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Mike Smith, Milt McIver and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Bettyanne Cobean, Director of Corporate Services Melissa Legacy, Director of Library Services Christine MacDonald, Director of Human Services Cathy McGirr, Museum Director Michael McKeage, Director of Health Services David Smith, Community Emergency Management Coordinator

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Action Items A. Emergency Management Program

    Moved by Councillor Mitch Twolan Seconded by Councillor Anne Eadie

    That the County of Bruce designate Ms. Eleanor MacEwen, Communications and Corporate Reporting Specialist, as the County of Bruce Emergency Information Officer [BC-EIO] as required by Section 14(1) of Ontario Regulation 380/04 [Standards – Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act]; and,

  • That the County of Bruce appoint the following to the County of Bruce Emergency Management Program Committee (BC-EMPC) as required by Section 11(3) of Ontario Regulation 380/04 [Standards – Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act]:

    - County of Bruce Warden - County of Bruce CAO - County of Bruce Emergency Information Officer - County of Bruce Community Emergency Management Coordinator - County of Bruce Alternate Community Emergency Management Coordinator

    - County of Bruce Director Health Services - County of Bruce Director Human Services - County of Bruce Director Transportation and Environmental Services

    - County of Bruce Director Corporate Services - County of Bruce Director Human Resources - Representative Ontario Provincial Police; and,

    That the County of Bruce appoint the County of Bruce Community Emergency Management Coordinator (BC-CEMC) as the BC-EMPC Chair as required as Section 11(4) of Ontario Regulation 380/04 [Standards – Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act]; and, That the County of Bruce appoint the following to the County of Bruce Municipal Emergency Control Group (BC-MECG) as required by Section 12(2) of Ontario Regulation 380/04 [Standards – Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act]:

    Position (Primary) Organization Warden County of Bruce CAO County of Bruce Community Emergency Management Coordinator

    County of Bruce

    Emergency Information Officer County of Bruce Director Health Services County of Bruce Director Human Services County of Bruce Director Transportation and Environmental Services

    County of Bruce

    Director Corporate Services County of Bruce Director Human Resources County of Bruce County Fire Coordinator Rotating Position Ontario Provincial Police Ontario Provincial Police

    Notes to above: a) Alternates shall serve when Primary not available. b) BC-MECG will be supported/assisted by other County staff such as Duty Officers, Scribes, Human Resources, Information Technology, Building Maintenance etc. as required. c) At the invitation of the CAO ANY outside individual(s) or organization(s) may be requested to provide support to the operations of the BC-MECG including but not limited to:

    o South Bruce Grey Health Centre o Grey Bruce Health Unit - Medical Officer of Health

  • o Grey Bruce Health Services o Emergency Management Ontario o Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) o Canadian Red Cross


    3. Information Items The following reports were received for information:

    • 2017 Year-end Assessment Report for the 2018 Tax Year and the Municipal Change Profile Report

    • Municipal Property Assessment Corporation – 2018 Fees • Q4 Tender Summary • 2017 BMA Municipal Study Results Report

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Corporate Services Committee will take place on February 1, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That the meeting of the Corporate Services Committee adjourn at 11:24 a.m. Carried

    Warden Paul Eagleson, Chair Corporate Services Committee

  • Executive Committee Minutes

    January 4, 2018 11:04 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson (Chair) Councillors David Inglis, Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, Milt McIver, Mike

    Smith and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Bettyanne Cobean, Director of Corporate Services Brian Knox, Engineer, Chris LaForest, Director of Planning and Development

    Melissa Legacy, Director of Library Services Christine MacDonald, Director of Human Services Cathy McGirr, Museum Director Michael McKeage, Director of Health Services Jill Roote, Senior Policy Advisor David Smith, Community Emergency Management Coordinator

    Donna Van Wyck, Clerk Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Action Items A. Lame Duck Periods

    Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor David Inglis That the Clerk’s Report titled “Lame Duck Periods” be received; and, That the Clerk be directed to prepare the necessary by-law prior to Nomination Day (July 27, 2018) delegating authority to the Chief Administrative Officer from July 27, 2018 to December 6, 2018 to: a) Be the financial signing authority for expenditures, outside the current

    budget, exceeding $50,000 and/or for the disposition of any real or

  • personal property of the municipality which has a value exceeding $50,000 at the time of disposal.

    b) Be the authority to hire or remove any officer from/to employment with the County of Bruce; and,

    That the by-law shall come into force and effect only in the event that less than 75% of the current Members of Council may be returning to sit on the new Council after Nomination Day of the 2018 Municipal Elections, as determined by the Clerk. Carried

    3. Information Items Kelley Coulter, CAO made a presentation on Lean Culture Initiatives.

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Executive Committee will take place on Thursday, February 1, 2018, in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Mike Smith That the meeting of the Executive Committee adjourn at 11:16 a.m. Carried

    Warden Paul Eagleson, Chair Executive Committee

  • Homes Committee Minutes

    January 4, 2018 11:53 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson Councillors Anne Eadie (Chair), Robert Buckle, David Inglis, Milt McIver,

    Mike Smith and Mitch Twolan Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer

    Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Michael McKeage, Director of Health Services

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson 1. Pecuniary Interest

    There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Information Items The Long Term Care Report was received for information. Christine MacDonald, Director of Health Services joined the meeting at 11:57 a.m.

    3. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Homes Committee will take place on February 1, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    4. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Robert Buckle Seconded by Councillor Mike Smith That the meeting of the Homes Committee adjourn at 12:06 p.m. Carried

    Councillor Anne Eadie, Chair Homes Committee

  • Human Resources Committee Minutes

    January 4, 2018 11:25 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson (Chair) Councillors Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Milt McIver, Mike Smith

    and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Marianne Nero, Director of Human Resources

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Closed Meeting Moved by Councillor David Inglis Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle

    That the Committee move into a closed meeting pursuant to

    Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and,

    Section 239 (3.1) of the Municipal Act 2001, as amended for the purpose of educating or training members.


  • 3. Rise and Report Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That the Committee rise and report from the closed meeting. Carried The Chair reported that staff were provided direction in closed session.

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Human Resources Committee will take place on February 1, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Mitch Twolan That the meeting of the Human Resources Committee adjourn at 11:40 a.m. Carried

    Warden Paul Eagleson, Chair Human Resources Committee

  • Human Services Committee Minutes

    January 4, 2018 12:08 p.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson Councillors Mitch Twolan (Chair), Anne Eadie, Robert Buckle, David

    Inglis, Milt McIver and Mike Smith

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Christine MacDonald, Director of Human Services

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    1. Pecuniary Interest Warden Paul Eagleson declared a pecuniary interest in relation to Burial and Cremation Rates.

    2. Action Items A. Burial and Cremation Rates

    In accordance with his declaration, Warden Paul Eagleson refrained from participating in discussions on burial and cremation rates. Moved by Councillor Mike Smith Seconded by Councillor David Inglis That the Bruce County Human Services Burial and Cremation rate be set at $3,500.00 for the cost of direct burials and cremations effective March 1, 2018; and, That Bruce County Human Services discontinue the practice of reimbursing funeral expenses. Carried

  • B. Consent for Sale of Affordable Rental Units – 343 Kincardine Ave., Kincardine

    Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Milt McIver That consent be granted for the sale of the Affordable Rental units at 343 Kincardine Ave., in the Municipality of Kincardine from 773472 Ontario Ltd. to 1741394 Ontario Inc. (operating as JNC Holdings); and, That by-law 2013-041 be repealed; and, That a by-law be introduced consenting to the sale of the property to 1741394 Ontario Inc. and authorizing the Warden and Clerk to execute any documentation necessary to effect the assignment of the Municipal Contribution Agreement dated September 5, 2013 from 773472 Ontario Ltd. to the new purchaser, 1741394 Ontario Inc. operating as JNC Holdings, and the Mortgage in favour of The Corporation of the County of Bruce securing the sum of $480,000.00 and any other security documentation deemed necessary. Carried

    3. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Human Services Committee will take place on Thursday, February 1, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    4. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Robert Buckle Seconded by Warden Paul Eagleson That the meeting of the Human Services Committee adjourn at 12:13 p.m. Carried

    Councillor Mitch Twolan, Chair

    Human Services Committee

  • Museum Committee Minutes January 4, 2018

    11:41 a.m. Council Chambers

    Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson (Acting Chair) Councillors Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Milt McIver, Mike

    Smith and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Cathy McGirr, Museum Director

    Michael McKeage, Director of Health Services

    Regrets: Councillor Janice Jackson

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Action Items A. Collections Management Policy

    Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That the revised Collections Management Policy for the Bruce County Museum & Cultural Centre be approved. Carried

  • 3. Information Items The following reports were received for information:

    • Business & Sponsorship Report • Collections Report • County Art Collection Report • Education & Outreach Report • Programming Report • Strategic Plan Update Report

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Museum Committee will take place on Thursday, February 1, 2018, in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor David Inglis That the meeting of the Museum Committee adjourn at 11:51 a.m. Carried

    Warden Paul Eagleson, Acting Chair Museum Committee

  • Human Resources Committee Minutes

    January 18, 2018 10:36 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson (Chair) Councillors Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Janice Jackson, Milt

    McIver, Mike Smith and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Christine MacDonald, Director of Health Services Marianne Nero, Director of Human Resources

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Information Items A. Executive Search Firm for Director, Transportation Environmental Services


    The Executive Search Firm for Director, Transportation & Environmental Services Vacancy Report was received for information.

    3. Closed Meeting Moved by Councillor Robert Buckle Seconded by Councillor Anne Eadie

    That the Committee move into a closed meeting pursuant to

    Section 239 (2) (b) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, to discuss personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and,

    Section 239 (3.1) of the Municipal Act 2001, as amended for the purpose of educating or training members.


  • 4. Rise and Report Moved by Councillor Janice Jackson Seconded by Councillor Anne Eadie That the Committee rise and report from the closed meeting. Carried The Chair reported that staff were provided direction in closed session.

    5. Early Years Educator Status Change Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor David Inglis That effective January 4, 2018, approval be granted to change the status of the one part-time, 27 hours per week Early Years Educator position to full-time, 35 hours a week. Carried

    6. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Human Resources Committee will take place on February 1, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    7. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Mitch Twolan Seconded by Councillor Anne Eadie That the meeting of the Human Resources Committee adjourn at 11:35 a.m. Carried

    Warden Paul Eagleson, Chair Human Resources Committee

  • Planning and Development Committee Minutes

    January 18, 2018 9:31 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson

    Councillors Mike Smith (Chair), Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, David Inglis, Janice Jackson, Milt McIver and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Susan Fournier, Economic Development Officer Amanda Herbert, Planner Chris LaForest, Director of Planning and Development Bruce Stickney, Manager of Land Use Planning

    Kara Van Myall, Manager of Corporate Policy

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Action Items

    A. Bruce County Official Plan Amendment Number 226

    Councillor Janice Jackson joined the meeting at 9:35 a.m.

    Moved by Councillor Mitch Twolan Seconded by Councillor Robert Buckle That Bruce County Official Plan Amendment 226-17.62 (Forbes) for the properties described as Concession 2 EBR Part Lot 21 (Eastnor) be approved.


  • 3. Information Items The 2017 Economic Development Year End Program Report was received for information. Brian Knox and Sherri Dillon joined the meeting at 9:50 a.m.

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Planning and Development Committee will take place on Thursday, February 15, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County of Bruce Administration Centre, Walkerton, Ontario.

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Milt McIver Seconded by Councillor Janice Jackson That the meeting of the Planning and Development Committee adjourn at 10:02 a.m. Carried

    Councillor Mike Smith, Chair Planning and Development Committee

  • Transportation and Environmental Services Committee Minutes

    January 18, 2018 10:07 a.m.

    Council Chambers Walkerton, Ontario

    Present: Warden Paul Eagleson Councillors David Inglis, (Chair), Robert Buckle, Anne Eadie, Janice Jackson, Milt McIver, Mike Smith and Mitch Twolan

    Staff: Kelley Coulter, Chief Administrative Officer Darlene Batte, Deputy Clerk Sherri Dillon, Office Manager

    Brian Knox, Engineer

    1. Pecuniary Interest There were no declarations of pecuniary interest.

    2. Action Items A. West Road Environmental Assessment

    Moved by Councillor Anne Eadie Seconded by Councillor Mitch Twolan That GM BluePlan Engineering be retained to complete Stage 1 of the Surface Water and Hydrogeological Inventory relating to the West Road Environmental Assessment on a ‘time and material basis’.


  • 3. Information Items The following reports were received for information:

    • Paved and Unpaved Roads Capital Program • Bruce Road 33 Realignment

    Christine MacDonald and Marianne Nero joined the meeting at 10:18 a.m.

    4. Next Meeting The next meeting of the Transportation and Environmental Services Committee will take place on February 15, 2018 in the Council Chambers, County of Bruce Administration, Walkerton, Ontario.

    5. Adjournment Moved by Councillor Mitch Twolan Seconded by Councillor Milt McIver That the meeting of the Highways Committee adjourn at 10:30 a.m. Carried

    Councillor David Inglis, Chair Highways Committee

  • By-law Number 2018-010

    A by-law to authorize the execution of a Municipal Contribution Agreement Investment in Affordable Housing – Rental Housing Component between the

    Corporation of the County of Bruce and 1741394 Ontario Inc., operating as JNC Holdings

    The Council for the Corporation of the County of Bruce enacts By-law 2018-010 as follows:

    1. The Warden and Clerk be authorized to execute the Municipal Contribution Agreement Investment in Affordable Housing – Rental Housing Component with 1741394 Ontario Inc., operating as JNC Holdings, a copy of which is attached and forms part of this by-law.

    2. By-law Number 2013-041 is hereby repealed.

    Passed this 1st day of February, 2018

    Paul Eagleson Warden

    Donna Van Wyck Clerk

  • By-law Number 2018-011

    A by-law to adopt Amendment Number 226

    to the County of Bruce Official Plan

    Authority is provided in Sections 17 and 21 of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.

    The Council for the Corporation of the County of Bruce enacts By-law 2018-011 as follows: 1. Amendment Number 226 to the County of Bruce Official Plan attached and

    forming part of this by-law is approved.

    2. That this By-law come into force and take effect on the day of the final passing thereof, subject to the provisions of the Planning Act, R.S.O. 1990, as amended.

    Passed this 1st day of February, 2018

    Paul Eagleson Warden

    Donna Van Wyck Clerk

  • By-law Number 2018-012

    A by-law to confirm proceedings of the Council of the County of Bruce at its meeting held the 1st day of February, 2018

    Section 5(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that the powers of a municipal corporation are exercised by its Council;

    Section 5(3) of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, provides that municipal powers shall be exercised by by-law;

    The Council for the Corporation of the County of Bruce enacts By-law 2018-012 as follows:

    1. The actions of the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce in respect of all recommendations, minutes of committees, all motions and resolutions and all other actions passed and taken by the Council of the Corporation of the County of Bruce, documents and transactions entered into during the February 1, 2018 session of Council, are hereby adopted and confirmed, as if the same were expressly included in this by-law.

    2. The Warden and the proper officials of The Corporation of the County of Bruce are authorized and directed to do all things necessary to give effect to the February 1, 2018 session referred to in Section 1 of this by-law.

    3. The Warden and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute all documents necessary to the action taken by this Council as described in Section 1 of this by-law and to affix the corporate seal to all documents referred to in Section 1.

    Passed this 1st day of February, 2018

    Paul Eagleson Warden

    Donna Van Wyck Clerk

    02.01.18 Council Agenda01.04.18 Council MinutesBruce County Visual Heritage Documentary for BC Council Jan 2018.pdfCNSC PRESENTATION -FEBRUARY 1, 201801.04.18 Corporate Services Minutes01.04.18 Executive Committee Minutes01.04.18 Homes Committee Minutes01.04.18 Human Resources Committee Minutes01.04.18 Human Services Committee Minutes01.04.18 Museum Committee Minutes01.18.18 Human Resources Committee Minutes01.18.18 Planning and Development Committee Minutes01.18.18 Transportation and Environmental Services Committee MinutesBy-law 2018-010By-Law 2018-011By-law 2018-012

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