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A Message from Kandee G

I can’t believe spring is here and summer is just around the corner. The flowers are in bloom here in Fort Lauderdale (you can see my flowers in the ad for Pam’s Touch Total Lawncare). I am delighted to bring you another amazing issue of Nothing But Good News Magazine. My very talented team and I are dedicated to finding articles and contributors that will share valuable information to help you become all that you are meant to and want to be. My question to you this issue is, “Are you making it happen?”

This issue of Nothing But Good News magazine will surely fire you up to find your “it” and start living the lifeyou deserve. If you already know what your “it” is, this issue is designed to inspire you to continue taking action and the steps necessary to continue living the life of your creation. We have two great features this month, We ARE the Creation by Dee Wallace and Passion, Purpose, Persistence, an interview of Dr. Dallas Humble, Founder of the Make It Happen Network. And there are many more awesome articles. We also have a new section added to the magazine. This is our Dream Big Showcase. Each issue, we will feature someone amazing who’s taken the risk to do what they love and are making it happen! If you have a story you want to submit for this section, send it to [email protected] Amazing stuff; I told you. Enjoy this issue as much as I have! Be sure and check out our wonderful advertisers who are here to make your life even better. Send me your feedback, I love getting your comments at [email protected]. Thanks and bye for now!Live Life Like You Mean it!

Check Out The New, It’s Here!

Kandee G

From the editor

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NBGNM a g a z i n e

PublisherKandee G

Executive EditorKandee G

Managing EditorTracey Tarrant

Creative DirectorsErin DillenbeckNigel Anderson

Pablo Vera

Art DirectorErin Dillenbeck

PhotographyMichael Hansen

Director of Sales and Marketing

Tracey Tarrant

Staff WritersLinda A. Firestone

Erin Crowe

Contributing AuthorsDee WallaceJudy Winkler

Priscilla V. MarottaRidgely Goldsborough

Don BoyerSimon PantinBarry Gottlieb

Hank Eder



PUBLISHED BYKandee G Enterprises

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What is Nothing but Good News Media?In this age of sound bites, providing good news in the media is our pri-mary inten-tion and the purpose for Nothing But Good News New World Media. Kandee G Enterprises’foundational principles are based on “truth in media” which is the basis for our magazine, radio, webinars, blogs, online presence and in all the work that is delivered. We are dedicated to bringing high quality information to the public through all ourprogramming and to satisfy the increasing demand for integrity, honesty and impassioned living. To find out more go to

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Kandee G is an international leader in corporate and personal development. Kandee G is also a speaker, radio talkshow host, television personality, coach, author, magazine publisher and the founder of Nothing But Good News Media. She is also the originator of The Vision Program. Kandee G specializes in developing sustainable long term visions to transform companies and individuals from the inside out yielding extraordinaryresults.

Les Brown, the world’s leading motivational speaker says that, “Kandee G has been gifted with the ability to help people change their lives.” Les Brown also states “Kandee G is recognized as being among the top in the industry.” She is one of the most sought after trainers in thought transformation, collective visioning, creative leadership. Kandee G is one of the early champions of shifting from the Information Age to the Conceptual Age; which calls for corporations and individuals to encompass innovative and creative approaches to life and leadership.

In this age of sound bites, providing good news in the media is the primary intention and the purpose for Nothing But Good News New World Media. Kandee G’s principles are based on YOU living your remarkable life; which is the foundation for our magazine, radio, webinars,blogs, online presence and in all the work that is delivered. Kandee G is dedicated to bringing high quality information to the public through all of the programming and to satisfy the increasing demand for integrity, honesty and impassioned living. Kandee G is also a Cast member of “The Journey”, staring Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, Ridgely Goldsborough, Nik Halik, Dr. Joe Rubino, Don and Melinda Boyer plus other exciting cast members! Released in December 2010. Get your copy at Kandee G is currently working on the production of the sequel so stay tuned for details!

Please visit and enjoy the NEW!


Sometimes just to be alive and aware and thankful in miracles is enough.


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Table of ContentsWe ARE The Creation • 8

by Dee Wallace

Spring Forward  • 11 by Erin Crowe

Dancing In The Rain • 13 by Judy Winkler

Creating A Winning Strategy • 14by Priscilla V. Marotta

Manifest Away • 19 by Ridgely Goldsborough

Riches Are Not The Result Of HardworkRiches Are The Result Of Right Thinking • 21

by Don Boyer

Eat. Drink. Repeat. An Expose On One Of South Florida’s Most Talented Chefs • 24 by Erin Crowe

You Too Can Be Lucky • 27by Simon Pantin

What’s Holding You Back • 28by Barry Gottlieb

Seeing Your Life As Your Own Hero’s Journey • 31

by Hank Eder

Passion, Purpose, Persistance • 34by Linda A. Firestone

It’s Better Than It’s Ever Been • 36by Linda A Firestone


Nothing But Good News Magazine is a self-help and inspirational magazine, published by Kandee G Enterprises. With four editions a year, NBGN is published to enlighten and inspire our community of business owners and institutions of people seeking inspiration and motivation.

On The Cover:

Photo Credit: Michael Hansen (see more on page 7)Designer: Nigel Anderson Photo: Kandee G, Michael Hansen & Dr. Dallas Humble




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We ARE The Creationby Dee Wallace

Making “it” happen is what our society and consciousness has valued most. It has been our primary way of defining ourselves in a world of competition and success evaluation. It has also been our undoing because of the incorrect understanding that the creation process is outside of the Self. We have become a society of pushers, manipulators, and over-achievers, believing that the “harder we work” and if we “never give up” we succeed. And we succeed better. It is the money and the homes and the cars that have idealized whether we have made it happen, or not.

On the other hand, those of us on a spiritual quest to expand our consciousness, have also fallen folly to false beliefs and directions. Somehow “the meek shall inherit the earth” became “give yourself up for very little because you shouldn’t want more than you need.” Spirituality and money became enemies. Spirituality always got the white hat and the superman cape, and money always rode in on the dark horse. I often suggest to people in my seminars to put a big pile of money in the middle of the floor and watch all the bad things it does! Money and success have no vibration other than what we assign to them through our beliefs and fears. And of course incorrect religious, societal , genetic, and parental teachings. Bottom line, we all like money and success. We all want them. And it’s time to acknowledge that, accept it, and stop feeling guilty for what makes us feel good and powerful.

We all want to make things happen: health, money, accomplishments, relationships etc.. What we don’t realize is that we want these things for the EXPERIENCES of love, bliss,

freedom, security, and self-worth that they provide. And because of this, we assume we must have the things that cause the experiences, instead of being the experiences that result, often, in the things. We just have it, as my mother would say, ”bassakward.” There really is something that comes first in the creation of the chicken or the egg: Us. We must be born in the creation of Us first. We must decide who and what the experience of Us is, and then take that into all we want to make happen. Otherwise, the true reality of who we are and our definition of Self is continually created by anyone and anything outside of our choice. We are at the whim of everything we are not.

We all know people who have enough money in the reality of the world. But in their reality, they are always living in lack and worry. Therefore, they are in the rat maze of never ending want, because until they can EXPERIENCE having, they can never know they have, and thus always want more. Until they can be, in their “Beingness,” the knowing and experience of money/abundance/security, nothing outside will create that experience for them, no matter how hard they look for that cheese. No matter how many dollars they acquire. Until they create themselves, they become the created upon by all outside of their own Being.

Until you can feel, experience and embrace wellness, your experience keeps taking you back to the disease, which creates more of what you don’t want. So the cycle looks like this: I don’t want to be sick/I keep experiencing sick/I keep focused on getting rid of the sick/I can never experience wellness/I can’t create wellness because I won’t experience it first. This is the law: we create from

our reality and experience within, so it makes sense to hold yourself focused and vibrating in that experience REGARDLESS of what is showing up in the physical world. And then the physical world must change.

Look to your beliefs about all that you are wanting to make happen: Do you deserve it? Believe it is possible? Believe you know how to create it? Have the expertise to create it? Are you willing to receive the abundance and notoriety when you DO receive it? Ponder any beliefs that might be in the creation of you feeling freedom/joy/bliss/unconditional love/peace/grace around your desires. Because, ”As you believe, it will be delivered unto you.”

We keep trying to make it happen Out There, when the real creation is In Here. How can we create money if we are judging it? How can we create life delivering to us if we don’t trust the Universe? How can we ever be absent from fear when we believe things just “happen”, that we have no control or responsibility in our own happening?

We ARE the creation. The first creation. “As within, so without.” If we want money, we must BE money, and realize the faulty beliefs about money that may be thwarting our embrace of it. We must BE freedom, so that every subject in our lives reflect ‘the beingness” that we are. We must BE unconditional love, so that all our creations outside of ourselves must match unconditional love. We are the mirror that reflects out and magnetizes all back to our realities.So, 1) see what you don’t want, 2) choose to direct the positive opposite, 3) focus only on that, 4) experience what that FEELS like to have and be,

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5) consciously direct and decide to create that in you as the experience of you, 6) let go and let the Universe create for you and 7) stay focused. No matter what.

You are the only thing responsible for “making it happen.” And the creation of that begins within you. Source can only respond to your clear direction, choice, and decision. It hears those things through your feelings, thoughts, and actions. See the Universe existing within you, for that, indeed, is where it is. And have fun—the Universe loves to play!

Originally from Kansas City, Kansas, Dee Wallace has worked as an actress in film, television and the stage for over 30 years. With over 100 credits to her name, Ms. Wallace

is a true tour de force in this industry, working with countless directors, producers and some of Hollywood’s biggest names including Steven Spielberg, Peter Jackson, Wes Craven, Joe Dante, Stephen King and Blake Edwards. Dee’s career began in New York where she studied with famous acting teacher Uta Hagen before moving to Los Angeles where she continued to hone her craft with her mentor Charles Conrad.

As an author, Dee has written three books devoted to the art of self-healing: Conscious Creation, The Big E and The Spiritual Lessons From an Life in Acting. Her call-in radio shows air worldwide.

She conducts monthly workshops to introduce people to the healing techniques outlined in her book, Conscious Creation and facilitates numerous private healing sessions at her office in Woodland Hills, California. Visit her on the web at www.OfficialDeeWallace.comImage Productions - 818-876-0386

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Ah springtime. The birds are chirping, the sun is shining and gone are the days when you can hide behind bulky sweaters and sweatpants. If you’re like most Americans, you’ve probably indulged in a few too many cookies and cocktails this holiday season. But fear not my friends, I have some great advice to help you shed those extra few pounds that is quick, easy and will have you strutting your stuff in no time.

If this is the first time you’ve ever considered getting in shape, bravo on taking the first step! If you’re someone who just fell off the wagon over the holidays, join the club. I’m here to get us back on together.

What I have to offer is not some difficult and complicated process. Losing weight is simple if you put your mind to it. Simply making that commitment and following through with it is the key ingredient to losing weight and keeping it off.

Most people will agree that working out is not their favorite thing in the world, so my first piece of advice is find a buddy; someone to share the pain with. Doing this is advantageous in a few ways. For one, you won’t have to brave that “how on earth do I even work this machine” feeling alone. I know that when I go to the gym I feel downright intimidated to go up to a machine, read the label, find and adjust the levers, gadgets, etc.

With a buddy you can work through these (irrational) fears together, enabling you to concentrate on what you’re really there for. Secondly, it is much easier to bail out on yourself than it is to bail out on your new pal. By choosing a reliable buddy, you’re stacking the deck in both of your favors.Now, find out what you like to do and go do it. Whether it’s walking, running, biking, skiing, rollerblading, or mountain climbing, choose your activity and go do

it. If the great outdoors isn’t your thing, fear not, there are plenty of ways to feel the burn in the A/C. Try taking a step class at the gym. You will burn more calories than you can even imagine, and (believe it or not) it’s really fun and a great way to meet people who are striving toward the same goals.

Play a little indoor racquetball; you will be amazed at how much your cardiovascular and muscular strength will improve, not to mention your hand-eye coordination. Finally, if you don’t have a gym membership or a buddy, pick up an at home workout DVD. I suggest the Jillian Michaels-30 Day Shred. The workouts are only about 20-30 minutes each and there are 3 levels so there is literally something for every fitness level. Unsure about what you would like to do? Check out to find tons of activities and the calories burned for each.

No exercise plan is complete without a diet to supplement all that hard work. I know that many of you just cringed at even reading the word diet, so allow me to clarify. Diets don’t work. What I am suggesting is a different way of living, a lifestyle change. Starving yourself with fad diets and reading up on all the diet books will only confuse you, depress you, and thus inhibit you from attaining your goal. There are very simple diet rules to live by for the average American who just wants to look good in a pair of shorts and a tank top.

First and foremost, processed food is the devil. Sadly most of the foods

we consume are just that. Do the best you can to consume as much fresh food as you can. Buying fresh food and making everything from scratch isn’t the easiest or the cheapest thing to do these days so do the best you can and leave it at that.

Eat as much colorful food as you can. Richly colored fruits and veggies have the greatest amount of nutrients and are essential to a healthy body. In fact, fruits and veggies work together to produce a unique effect on fighting cancer and other diseases. Check out for more details.

Cut out soda completely. It is nothing but fake sugar and empty calories. Kiss it goodbye.

Eat lean meats such as chicken breast and fish. Replace hamburger meat with ground turkey, and your hamburger bun for a pita. Eat slow cooking brown rice instead of white rice and give whole wheat pasta a whirl instead of the white processed junk. And finally, drink water. As much of it as you possibly can.

Clearly this is just a crash course, but the objective here is simple: eat your fruits and veggies, throw in a lean protein, cut the processed junk and get out and move your body.

Most people will tell you that the most difficult part about starting an exercise routine is just that; starting. Once you map out your plan and commit to following it, all you have to do is get your sneakers on and get moving.

Erin Crowe is the newest member of our Nothing But Good News writing staff. We love her light hearted look on life and her quirky sense of humor. Look for more great stuff from Erin in upcoming issues of Nothing But Good News magazine. Erin is a freelance writer, copywriter, and is a member of the Kandee G marketing team.Iif you are interested in having someone “spice up’ a story for you; contact [email protected] and she will pass along your info.

Spring Forwardby Erin Crowe


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The firm’s partners Carlos F. Concepción, Elio F. Martinez, and Nelson Bellido, all enjoy an AV rating as reported by Martindale-Hubbell. They have distinguished leadership positions in the American Bar Association, the Florida Bar and have been recognized with multiple awards and served on numerous Boards. Our professional memberships include Florida Trend’s Legal Elite, The Federation of Defense & Corporate Counsel, The Million Dollar Advocate Forum and Florida’s Business Journal Best of Bar. In addition to the three partners, the firm currently has nine associate attorneys from various professional and personal backgrounds who are Florida Bar Certified in International Law, Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (ACAMS), Certified Public Accountant, and Certified in Financial Forensics.


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Desires, dreams, and goals are important and wonderful. However, when you get off course, enjoy the scenery. Find the good, the joy, and the beauty where you are. Either it will refresh you so you can continue on your path, or you may find the value and joy of lingering right where you are.

This is what I know:

• Wherever I am is good and I’m supposed to be here

• My experience is directly related to my acceptance of it

• The story I tell myself makes all the difference

• I look for the blessings in everything.

• I find ways to give my best wherever I am

• Each of us can make a difference in the lives of others

• When storms come, learn to dance in the rain. Life will be easier and so much more fun.

Coach Judy Winkler is a speaker and author dedicated to helping people live with joy and ease. Learn more at

Dancing In The Rain“Making Happiness Happen”by Judy WinklerWhen my children were young, we led an active, outdoor life. The girls, Patricia and Amanda, embraced unexpected adventures, surprises and seemed to flow easily with changes. They laughed the hardest when the unexpected happened. Conversely, my son, David, held a strong vision of how he expected things to look. Because he was sensitive to changes and transitions, he didn’t leap into new adventures.

When David was five years old, I remember Amanda, David, their dad and I set out on a family hike in a local canyon. Light rain began to fall. David became uncomfortable and more upset with each step. We kept hiking.

As we sloshed on, I told them about their older sister, Patricia, who loved summer rains. At the first sign of a warm rain, we would put on our bathing suits and dash into the backyard to dance in the rain. I told them how she would jump into puddles, spin in circles, lap the raindrops as they fell and squeal with delight as she danced.

David had a vision of how the weather was supposed to be on our hike and no story helped him accept was he was experiencing, which was feeling cold and wet.

Each of us has a vision of how we expect situations to be. We have dreams about the future. We hold a picture of how we want things to turn out – perhaps it is a noteworthy accomplishment, a vocation, a large family, exotic travel, a dream car, a perfect home, ideal community, and even our final outcome, which is how we want to be remembered when we

die, including all the contributions we want to make during our lifetime.

Life doesn’t always turn out the way we expect or even plan. We’ve all heard stories about promising athletes who are injured and unable to realize their dreams. Accidents and illnesses are be predictable. We have heard stories about how financial challenges change educational aspirations for some and do not deter others. As a life coach, most often, I see clients when they get stuck in fear and don’t have tools to keep moving forward toward their goals. My job is to offer tools and wisdom so dreams can be realized.

Last year I eagerly planned a trip to visit my granddaughter. Because she wasn’t feeling well, the trip was cancelled at the last minute. Although I was disappointed, I sensed that there was an important reason why I stayed in town. The next day I found the answers: I got a frantic call from a Nursing Professor at a huge teaching hospital, who said her speaker had just cancelled and asked if I could step in and present a 1-1/2-hour class to graduating nurses the next day. I said yes. I created a talk on Extreme Self Care. I gave the nurses specific tools they could use to care for themselves while serving others.

I gave them tools to fuel them, shift their energy, create safety nets if they begin to fall, methods to stay balanced , ways to set boundaries, and to care for themselves first so they can be there for others. The talk was so valuable and well received, that I was asked if I would present this class to each graduating class. Isn’t this a classic example of dancing in the rain?

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As a clinical psychologist, I have the opportunity to observe the behaviors that help people achieve goals in their lives and what derails them. Establishing and reaching your life goals are keys to the quality of your life. As you enter the year of 2011, I hope the following program guidelines help you reach your goals. The first part of the program is recognizing that “making it happen” in your life requires thoughtful goal setting. Each of us needs to take the time to reflect and plan our lives. It is very easy to have life quickly pass us by, while we are busy with our daily routines. Daily living gets in the way of creating a quality life. Step one of “making it happen” is taking the time to identify the goals you want to reach. This takes time, input from others, and a realistic assessment of your ability to reach the goals. Many times, intermediate goals need to be established before you reach your final goal.

Step two is developing a support network to assist in reaching the goal. Every individual benefits from resources, encouragement, and having others cheer you on in your efforts. Many times goals are not reached because this crucial step is skipped. As independent as you may be, no goals are reached without utilizing outside resources and receiving the needed emotional support. Your support network is crucial to both your psychological well being and to your success. As you read this, if you do not have an adequate support network, establishing this network is a necessary intermediate goal!

Step three is engaging your positive power skills. What are positive power skills? Positive power skills

are not power over others but power with others. Positive power skills are having clarity on your goals and investing the time and energy to reach your goals. When you are utilizing positive power skills, you will have focus and cannot be derailed by others.

Many times, our goals are not reached because of the demands of others. “Making it happen” requires that you work with others and cooperate with others; however, you also must set the necessary boundaries and limits to achieve your goals. Too often, individuals are side tracked by being people-pleasers, and not setting adequate limits. Many individuals give their positive power to others to avoid conflict and to gain the approval of others. It is essential to maintain your focus to reach your goals.

How does one keep or reclaim their positive power? Recognize that you give your power away to others when you do not set limits and do not establish priorities. The people that are members of your support network should be one of your priorities. Your support network helps you achieve your goals and should receive most of your time and energy. Moreover, identify the people and situations that are toxic, deplete your energy, and derail you. These are the people and situations that you need to avoid or remove from your life. You cannot “make it happen” if you have toxic people and situations in your life. Also, maintain your own internal messages of your abilities, your strengths, and your goals. You need to have a program of internal affirmation that will assist you in overcoming challenges and facilitate you reaching your goals. Your self-belief will propel you

towards your goals.

Let us review. First, you established your goals. Second, you created and maintained a support network. Third, you developed an understanding of positive power skills and took the steps needed to power-up to reach your goals. What is next? Next, is the crucial fourth step, you need to develop a detailed strategy.

What is a detailed strategy? This is a multi-layered process of analyzing what are the necessary ingredients to reach your goals. If you are creating a meal, you gather all the necessary ingredients, know the time necessary for preparation, set the table, and then cook the meal. In order to “make it happen”, you need to develop the skills needed to reach your goal, set the stage, and put in the necessary time. Too often, goals are left floating in the air, unreachable because a specific strategy has not been developed.

In developing a detailed strategy, you can utilize the resources of other professionals. When you utilize many resources, you increase your chances of reaching your goals. Individuals who have utilized this program have reached their goals. I am sending you heartfelt wishes that you reach your goals and increase the quality of your life in 2011!

Dr. Priscilla Marotta, psychologist and author of POWER and WISDOM is located at the Center of Psychological Effectiveness ,Plantation, Florida, 954-583-8831 ext. 300. Visit

Creating A Winning Strategyby Priscilla V. Marotta, Ph.D.

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ArtiCleThe Women of the Roundtable

Become part of this amazing group of Professional Women.

The Women of the Roundtable are women of Courage, Honor and Dignity. We are a sisterhood of Love, Honor and Connection. We exist to encourage one another as well as to help further the goals, aspirations, and relationships of other Women around the World. We strive to inspire, empower and enhance the qualities of women so that we can travel the road of excellence in our professions, personal relationships and our communities.

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Kandee G



Italian Grill

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Pam’s Touch Total Lawncare Pam’s Touch

Total Lawncare Celebrating 27 years of business!

* Best prices in town* Free Estimates

754-366-2599 [email protected]

Celebrating 27 years of business!

* Best prices in town* Free Estimates

754-366-2599 [email protected]

Kandee G’s beautifulgardens after Pam’s Touch

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FeAturePam’s Touch Total Lawncare Pam’s Touch

Total Lawncare Celebrating 27 years of business!

* Best prices in town* Free Estimates

754-366-2599 [email protected]

Celebrating 27 years of business!

* Best prices in town* Free Estimates

754-366-2599 [email protected]

Kandee G’s beautifulgardens after Pam’s Touch

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Manifest Awayby Ridgely Goldsborough

The sun crept over the horizon and lodged itself above the coastline, bathing the beach in a comfortable, morning glow.

Solitary clouds dotted the backdrop, lazy lollygaggers moseying across the sky, unhurried, white-haired philosophers gazing down at the busy-ness below.

I raced a pair of dragonflies down the road, glanced at the workers finishing the roof of another million-dollar home, noticed the new fishing boat parked in the driveway of one of the waterfront rentals.

Abundance everywhere, abundance of beauty, abundance of fortune. Another day in paradise.

For me, this poses a disturbingly fascinating question.

Why some yes and some no?

Why do the builders of luxury high-rise condos live in dilapidated trailers?

On the other hand, why does material wealth cause such lack in relationships?

No one can deny our universe’s resilience, its amazing regenerative powers and continued ability to provide. Flowers grow, vibrant, colorful, glorious, mere minutes after the tornado blows through or the floodwaters recede.

We live surrounded by an endless fountain of plenty.

How does it all flow?

Can the person that makes $25,000 a month be ten times smarter than a $2,500 earner, and the financier that

brings in $250,000 in the same period ten-fold wiser yet?

That makes no sense.

How does a crammed household full of hand-me-down furniture and kids piled upon kids, share joyous meals of Mac and Cheese seasoned with laughter, even though the rent deadline has long since passed?

The mind boggles and scrambles.

Let’s look at the environment.

The tide ebbs and flows.

Winter turns to spring.

Summer crops become fall plantings.

The moon comes out at night and has since time immemorial.

Let’s look at the money thing.

Some of us have a bunch, some of us don’t.

Some of us make a lot, some of us barely scrape by.

Unless you live on a mountaintop, a quick spin around the neighborhood reveals varying bank account sizes without much of an impact on the happiness quotient.

Those who sit in first class more often seem grumpier than the rest of us in coach.

Go figure.

Without positing a solution, let’s at least state the obvious:

Prosperity, in all its incarnations, comes from the inside.

How it shows up and decorates our world, well, that depends on us.

I believe that we can learn the skill sets to create wealth, though the discipline must come from inside.

Most of us have the muscles to wear a smile, though the impetus emanates from inside.

Trappings bring only fleeting glee, while lasting joy grows from the heart, a living, breathing, active organism that can only survive in one place—inside.

How much effort do you put into your inner life, seeding, nurturing, cultivating, harvesting and celebrating your own bounty?

If we judge our tree by the fruit it bears, then only you decide whether your current harvest matches your expectations.

If not, you know where to turn.

That’s A View From The Ridge…

Author and international speaker, Ridgely Goldsborough, known in the hispanic market as Richeli, has spent the last 20 years as an expert in personal growth and development. Much like Napoleon Hill did in the early part of the last century, Ridgely has interviewed titans of business and industry in person, for his television show and on the radio. Based on the principles learned from these interviews and his own personal journey, Ridgely continues to write books and create audio and video programs to help us all on our journey to success. Learn more about Ridgely and his programs at

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My mentor told me many years ago that the only difference between a rich man and a poor man is his method of thinking. It took me almost 10 years to comprehend and understand this golden nugget, but when I did it made me wealthy. You see, at the time my mentor told me that statement I was as broke and upside down as one could get. My thoughts to what my mentor had told me were; “How in the world am I suppose to know how a millionaire thinks?”

Let me shave off ten years of deep contemplation for you and give you the answer to that question. A rich person thinks on the things they want and a poor person always thinks on what they do not want.

Example of a poor mans thinking:“I hate my job” “there is never enough money” “I don’t want to live in this small house” “I don’t want to be in debt” and the list goes on daily in their mind over and over again. What does this kind of thinking produce? The very things they do not want. This has to happen because of the great law of attraction. The law of attraction brings into our life everything we constantly think about, good, bad or indifferent.

If you want to become rich, base your daily thinking on your dreamsnot on your current reality.

Example of a rich mans thinking:

“I am so thankful and grateful of all the wealth I now have, for driving the car of my dreams, living a life of luxury and having all the best life has to offer”. Please note that this

is the thinking that went on in their minds before those things appeared in thier life.

If you want to change the circumstances and conditions in your life, it starts by changing the thinking that goes on in your head. You must think about the things you want not things you have. If you think about all the things you have (which is most likely all the things you don’t want) you will keep creating more of it. Forget about what you have and start thinking daily of what you want. This is the key to all success, the key to getting everything you want.

As hard as it may be to believe and grasp, the truth is that riches are not the result of hard work but the result of right thinking. Some of the hardest working people in the world are the poorest people in the world. Hard work and riches do not make an equation, yet that is the illusion that the masses work under. If you want to become wealthy you must drop the belief system of thinking that working hard is going to make you rich.

There is a massive difference between working hard and working with passion. Poor people work hard, rich people work with passion. What is the difference between hard work and passion? That is an interesting thing because both have very similar characteristics such as long hours, government taxation and a 40-70 year commitment. But here is the difference:

Hard work will keep you broke, destroy your health, and keep you laboring at something you hate.

Passion on the other hand can make you rich, keep you rich and add vigor and health to your life while you have the time of your life.

Most rich people put in longer hours than poor people yet they cannot tell the difference between work and play, they cannot tell if they are working or on vacation. In fact, for most wealthy people, their passion is their vacation and often leads them to exotic places.

You see this ties into another thing my millionaire mentor told me…

“There is an easy way and a hard way to do everything in life”

The hard way which unfortunately is what the masses are doing is to try and do everything yourself to reach your dreams and goals. I am a firm believer in personal development and I have been a student of it for 30 years. Some of my friends are the biggest names in the industry, however, the skills you learn in personal growth is not designed to create (wealth, success, happiness) but to manage that which you create through the law of attraction, which by the way is doing it the easy way!

Most people work to make success happen with hard work. But most of the time that plan only produces mediocre results at best along with an abundance of frustration and disappointment. Not a good plan to be on but that is the exact plan of 97% of all people. Will that kind of plan make you rich? No, but if you are one of the rare ones to accumulate wealth under that plan, just about the time you could enjoy that wealth, all the years of hard

Riches Are Not The Result Of Hard WorkRiches Are The Result Of Right Don Boyer


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Riches are not the result of hard workRiches are the result of right thinking.(continued)

work and toil will take its toll on your health and you will find yourself on your way to the morgue.

What is the easy way?

The easy way is learning how to use the law of attraction on purpose and for your advantage. Most people complicate this law to such a degree they cannot understand it. But here it is plain and simple. Everyday the law of attraction is working in your life. It is bringing everything to you in your life. All the conditions, circumstances, events and people you find in your life are brought there by this great law. You may think that life just brings you random acts of events and that you just respond to them accordingly.

However, that is not how it works, it just seems that way. The law of attraction works by bringing to us everything we think meditate and focus on. If those thoughts are on the things we do not want, the law brings those things. If we think and focus on the things we want, the law brings us those things as well. It is like planting a seed in the ground. The ground does not care nor determine what kind of seed we plant; its job is to produce the seed after its kind.

Your job is just to figure out what you want, not how you are going to get it. And it is the job of the universe or law of attraction to bring it to us. It is that simple and that easy. Do you sweat, fret and fear when you plant a seed that the ground might not do its job? Of course not, you plant the seed and move on; it is not your job to make the seed grow. God created laws to do the hard part, and gave us the easy


But of course the average person cannot accept that this is how life works and chooses to work himself to the bone hoping that this trail will lead him to his dream. You have no control over people and what they say or do but what you do have complete control over are your thoughts. And your thoughts are what create everything in your life.

Here is a golden truth nugget that may cause your mental noodle to smoke…

It is not doing certain things but doing things a certain way that will make you rich.

It is not the kind of profession or line of work you do that brings riches. People prosper and fail in every type of business under the exact same conditions and in the exact same location. You can become rich in any field or line of work. It is not the kind of work you do, but how you do that kind of work.

I remember years ago this one salesman I knew that made more money than anyone else in the company. Yet he worked less than anyone in the company. He did not do any cold calling or prospecting and when everyone else was on the phone killing themselves trying to make appointments he would be in his office with his feet on his desk reading Think and Grow Rich. It was amazing…when asked how he gets customers to come to him he would smile and just say, “I have a secret, I do it the easy way. I just think about what I want and it shows up”.

Until you understand how the law of attraction works and operates, doing things the easy way will seem crazy, completely unrealistic and total fantasy. The other option is, work yourself into the ground, complain about your circumstances and do it the hard way. And that is exactly what most people do.

As one man told me, “No I am not happy with the conditions and results in my life, but hell if I will believe in all that law of attraction stuff”. This poor soul will keep suffering and struggling not because he has to, but because he has a peanut for a brain!

So I ask you, do you want to do it the hard way or the easy way? The choice is yours. If you keep thinking like you have been you are going to produce more of what you have. And that is ok if it is bringing you all the things you want in life. But if you find your life is filled with all the things you do not want and very little of things you do want, there is an easy way out. Just make a daily commitment to only think, focus and concentrate on al the things you want and ignore the things you currently have.

You have to have the things you want in your head before you will ever have them in your hand.

Don Boyer is an outstanding public speaker and published author. He resides in Southern California and can be contacted at [email protected] or calling 562-237-803

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Eat. Drink. Repeat. An Expose On OneOf South Florida’s Most Talented ChefsBy Erin Crowe, Staff Writer

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Only 32 years old, Nikki Pettineo has quite the impressive track record. She has experience catering private parties, owning and running a successful restaurant and has even customized diets for the rich and famous.

After graduating high school, Nikki spent some time bartending and working in restaurants. At the age of 25, she really began to ponder what she was passionate about and it didn’t take long for the answer to reveal itself. Nikki always loved cooking and entertaining, and decided to go to culinary school to try her hand at what was soon to be her full-time career. She applied and was accepted to Johnson and Wales Culinary School, and despite the long hours (and long commute), Nikki attended school by day and bartended by night to pay her way.

She was 100 percent committed to her vision of becoming a chef. “I paid attention. I took it seriously. I got good grades and put a lot of effort into it”, she explained. “I woke up at 5 a.m. to drive to Miami, went to school all day, then drove back to Ft. Lauderdale to work until 1 a.m. each morning.”

Upon graduating culinary school, Nikki met a Miami Dolphin’s football player who hired her on the spot as his private chef. He was a single guy and he wanted home cooked meals, perfectly customized for his busy pig-skin-slinging schedule. As she became more known as a chef, more clients began to find her, some of which had special dietary needs. Because shewanted to help her clients, she did some research about nutrition and connected with nutritionists she could work with. She then created a seamless blend of customized nutrition and not-just-boiled-salmon-with-no-salt flavor for all of her clients’ specific needs. Her plan was simple: “It was my job tofind out what each client’s eating habits was.” The nutritionist would set the parameters of the diet and Nikki would design it around their eating habits.” I designed a diet to fit each client like a glove. It would be second nature to each of them; they wouldn’t even have to think about what they were supposed to eat.”

Suddenly a new opportunity presented

itself. Chef Nikki was given the chance to open a small restaurant in Sunrise, one where she could do her catering and cook for her clients by day, and run a modest bistro by night. The tiny wine bar received rave reviews from The Miami Herald and enjoyed almost immediate success. Unfortunately, circumstances were such that trying to juggle her three branches of business at once became overwhelming and Nikki decided to re-focus on what she was really passionate about.

Q: You had a vision to have a restaurant, made it a reality and then had to change course. How do you feel about the decision you made?

A: Leaving the restaurant was certainly difficult, but as a chef I really wanted to re-focus on doing things right, not running around doing three things haphazardly. I didn’t want my clients or the restaurant to suffer because I had too many things on my plate. Today, I am very happy that I decided to return to what I really love to do.

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Q: The hospitality industry can be very rewarding but quite demanding, how are you able to balance work and life?(Like many people in the hospitality industry, Nikki is the quintessential multi-tasker.)A: “I like to always be moving, I don’t like to sit around and wait for things to happen”. Nikki says that now that she has refocused her energy back to its roots, streamlining the different aspects of life is as easy as pie. Pun intended.

Q: Being a chef and an entrepreneur is a lot of work. What have you learned about running a business? What advice would you give to someone interested in beginning their own career as a chef?

A: “Learn as much as you can from every avenue possible. Stay open to opportunity. If you really have a passion for cooking, keep yourself versatile; opportunities have a way of presenting themselves to you.

Q: Now that you have re-focused, what are you doing now? A: “I am focusing my time and energy on catering events and cooking customized meals for my clients. I’ve had the opportunity over the past three years to cook a multi-course Christmas Eve dinner for Kandee G and her family and love making people happy through food. I am also doing some work in restaurant consulting

in an effort to share my knowledge of running a business with future entrepreneurs like myself. Bottom line, I am a chef. Cooking is my passion. Anything about food is wonderful.”

Chef Nikki has a quirky sense of humor and an innate ability to cook food that is downright drool-worthy (yes I made that word up). If this article has you “hungry for more”, check out Nikki’s website at or head to to see what’s cookin’.

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Have you ever heard other people say, “He is so lucky. He got such a great job,” or “She was born with a ‘gold spoon’ in her mouth, things always seem to work out so well for her,” or even “I wish that I could work in a Company like that. They recognize and motivate their employees,” or perhaps “That Company is lucky that they have such long term staff. I just can’t get ours to stay.” Sometimes, in a family environment, you might hear, “Their children are so well mannered. Where did we go wrong?” or “Why can’t our son/daughter get (and keep) a good job?”

As we start into another year, we need to bear in mind that most of the people and things that we envy or long to emulate, did not get that way simply by chance, nor is there really such a thing as a ‘gold spoon’ that anyone was (or is) born with. The reality is that happy people, lucky people and people whom life seems to favour, enjoy their apparent good fortune more because they attract good things to themselves rather than simply by chance.

Every day, in so many ways, we have the opportunity to make good things happen for (and to) us. Spiritual people and those that are in touch and in tune with their God usually wake each morning with a smile, then proceed (as routinely as if they were going to brush their teeth) to give their God praise and thanks for allowing them to see another day and for granting them an opportunity to make someone else’s day a little brighter and better. After their morning prayer and meditation, they are then ready to take on any challenges that the day has to offer and we often find that they are seldom flustered or frustrated or frazzled by the things that come their way.

Happy people seldom have a ‘bad’ day. They still get flat tires and may become ill just like the rest of us, but they see every circumstance as an opportunity to meet someone new or to learn from the experience so that they can better understand or empathize with someone else who may be hurting. Likewise, Spiritual people have ‘dry’ spells when they feel alone and abandoned, but they have the Faith that they are loved by God and this is enough to get them across the ‘dry’ spell and keep them focused on the Prize ahead. Similarly, successful people have appointments that don’t always yield new business but in every case, their drive and motivation to be successful allows them to learn a little bit about the business that they did not get, so that the next appointment can be more successful and they would have a better chance of success.

In short, there are two key characteristics that happy people, spiritual people and successful people share and demonstrate. The first is that they focus on what motivates and inspires them. By doing this they are able to create good things for themselves. They continually give thanks for the blessings that they receive, every day and all the time. They live in a state of gratitude and they keep a relentless focus on their goals. This actually attracts good things to them and while it does not prevent or shield them from unfortunate or less than desired things, they learn from each experience and they are continually moving forward toward their goals.

The second characteristic that these people share is that they do not focus on the negative aspects of life. They learn from all experiences and they

refocus their resolve and forge ahead. They take their disappointments in stride and they shift their gaze from the cloud to the Silver Lining. Each time. This does take a little practice but it is easier than one might think. It just requires a conscious decision to always seek the loving and supportive thought or action.

If we find that our group of friends is always tearing others down and looking at the negative side of life, we can either get them to refocus or we can immediately start to look for new fiends to hang out with. If the TV shows that we look at are demeaning or promote a less than wholesome lifestyle, we can choose to read a book or visit with friends or switch channels and look at something else.

If we want a better life with more success at the things that are important to us, we can make it happen by the things that we do and say, and by the focus that we place on them.

Simon Pantin is a Caribbean-born parent and author. He is widely travelled and pulls his experiences from his own Spiritual life.

You Too Can Be Luckyby Simon Pantin

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We all have limiting beliefs. Most of us however, have never thought about what they are, or where they come from. As a matter of fact, if you are like most people you have never even considered the possibility that you have limiting beliefs.

Limiting beliefs come in all shapes and sizes. They are often masked by denial and deflection. But, they are there. Most of them are not real except in our own minds.

A few of us are very fortunate. We are not afraid to face them. This is the first and most important step to-ward making changes that will have a powerful impact on your lives, and your overall well being.

What are your limiting beliefs? What is holding you back? Do you think you are not smart enough, tough enough, pretty enough, too old, too fat, too thin? What are you afraid of... the dark, water, snakes, failure, suc-cess, public speaking, changing jobs, a commitment, or something else?

There is no doubt that we all have some limiting beliefs or fears. The key to having the life that you desire and deserve is to recognize what your limiting beliefs and fears are. Once you have done that, you can

take positive steps to overcome them.

When you change your belief... You change your outcome.

Face Your Fears...Replace your limiting beliefs with new, powerful, positive beliefs;and you will change your life your first steps is to identify your top three to five limiting beliefs. This mayseem difficult at first. But take your time and really look at the things that are holding you back and keeping you from having the life that you desire and deserve.

Write each limiting belief on a sepa-rate piece of paper. Then, on another piece of paper, write a new positive belief to replace the limiting belief.

Often, this is the opposite of the limit-ing belief. Better stated, it is what you are rather than what you are against. For example: Limiting Belief: “I am overweight.” New positive belief: “I am a lean, healthy, fit woman (man).” Your new belief should be written in the first person, present tense, and be positive... as if it already exists.

Next, close your eyes and visualize your new positive belief. Recite it aloud with passion and enthusiasm as if it already exists. Get excited!Now... Take your old, negative limit-ing belief... tear it up and throw it away, or burn it (someplace safe). As you do this, recite aloud: “I let it go.”

Immediately visualize your new positive belief and recite it again with passion and enthusiasm.Take your time. Really get into it! The more visual you are and the more

passionate you are, the better off you will be. Then for the next thirty days repeat this process to create a new, more powerful, positive belief.

Do this when you first wake up and then again before you go to sleep. Ifyour old beliefs try to resurface, which they usually do, say aloud...“Cancel”... and immediately replace that thought with your new positivebelief. This requires a great deal of discipline.

You must be committed and bold.Remember... Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life isyour gift to yourself.

What’s Holding You BackPerhaps its your limiting Barry Gottleib


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Dr. Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved My Cheese showed us four little characters suddenly facing great changes in their lives. One of them learns to grow and adapt, and he leaves messages for the others on the walls of their maze. When the others learn to read the “writing on the wall,” they, too, can begin to navigate successfully through times of change. They followed in the footsteps of a “hero,” and made their lives better.

Our progression through the phases and changes of life can be likened to what Joseph Campbell called “The Hero’s Journey.” This progression of change, challenge, growth, and mastery is at the core of much of the world’s great literature and drama, from Odysseus’s adventures in The Iliad to Luke Skywalker’s” transformation from farm boy to Jedi Master in Star Wars. If we stop to examine our own lives, we’ll find we’re all on a Hero’s Journey, crossing great distances and enduring trials of our own choosing on our road to mastery.

The Reluctant Hero

In most of these tales, the hero, like us, is just a regular person, doing his best to lead a good life. Circumstances push him outside his comfort zone, where he must learn to adapt, rise to new challenges and prevail, or sink into a morass of self-pity and blame. At first our hero does not want to undertake the journey or make the required changes, but once the stage is set, he must either hoist the sails or be sucked into the maelstrom. Let’s look at “James,” who works for a well-established

mid-sized company. James is about to take The Hero’s Journey.

Due to the recent economy, James’ company is cutting back on staff. James has wanted to rise to the next level of management for some time, and he’s made it known in his company. Now the opportunity is about to knock, but not in the way James expects. The company is laying off his boss, and they want James to take his place. However, in the current climate of austerity, they want James to continue working both positions. He must step up to the next level of management, while still handling his current workload. A challenge? You bet!

So what are James’ choices? He could refuse and see someone else take the position he wants. But that would probably lead to the unemployment line, since the company does not plan to keep both positions. James could become morose, shake his fist at the universe, and shout about unfairness. Or James could decide that he is being offered this position because it is within his strength and ability to handle it. The moment he accepts this within himself and then outwardly accepts the challenge, he will cross the threshold of change toward a new series of adventures on his journey.

Finding a Mentor

On this stage of the journey, the hero usually finds a mentor. Hercules found Chiron, the Centaur, to guide him through his next steps. Luke Skywalker had Obi-Wan Kenobe, the wise Jedi Knight, to place his

feet firmly upon the path. Our hero, James, will need to find his own mentor. Maybe it can be someone in his company who has made a similar journey. If this is not possible, James can find a mentor in one or more of the many great motivational teachers. Reading their books and watching their videos can fill James’ head with winning, can-do strategies for success on his Hero’s Journey. Arming himself with life and goal-affirming wisdom will help prepare him for any challenges he might face. Just by knowing he’s a winner, and feeling it with all his heart, James will become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Rising To New Challenges

Will there be other challenges along the way? This is as certain as the tides. This might come in the form of a dictatorial boss, an adversarial co-worker, or a difficult customer. Traditionally, on the Hero’s Journey, the adversary becomes one of the Hero’s best teachers. James has learned that instead of pointing the finger of blame, he can explore that part of himself that is finding this part of the journey so difficult. Then he can just change himself. This is so profoundly simple, at least in theory. The hard part is recognizing the opportunity to change from within when we’re caught up in the drama. However, this kind of inner change can change an adversary into an ally.

Success Wears Many Disguises

Rising to the challenges of The Hero’s Journey will bring great success. We need to keep our eyes open wide to recognize success,

Seeing Your Life As Your Own Hero’s JourneyStarting the Hero’s JourneyBy Hank Eder


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Seeing Your Life As Your Own Hero’s JourneyStarting the Hero’s Journey (continued)

since it often comes in a different shape than we may have imagined. Sometimes it may appear we have failed to accomplish that which we set out to do, but this, too, needs the light of deep reflection. Take this popular tale of Thomas Edison, who failed countless times to achieve incandescence in his invention of the light bulb. A colleague suggested he should just accept failure. “Thomas,” he said. “You’ve tried a thousand times and failed.” Edison smiled and replied, “On the contrary. I have succeeded in finding a thousand ways not to achieve incandescence.” The rest is history. Edison knew he was a winner. He knew how to make things happen. As a result, he won.

May you find fulfillment and success

on your own Hero’s Journey.

Hank Eder is a writer with a background Hank Eder is a writer with a background in journalism and communications. He also taught English, journalism, and television production for 16 years in public schools. His current projects include a “dramady” screenplay for an Asheville

production company, two novels in the works (one for the teen market, the other a conspiracy yarn about the next steps in human evolution), and a workshop about how the Hero’s Journey offers a roadmap through life’s challenges and changes.

Catch up with Hank [email protected].

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Challenges come and go and life happens. How we handle those challenges determines the path our lives will take, sometimes for years, sometimes for months. Dallas Humble has experienced three such moments, losing everything in a house fire, a divorce, and bad investments. Each experience has been characterized by pain and disappointment but also self - reflection and self -seeking. His divorce truly took his breath away.

At such a moment, success in business is irrelevant. Dramatic events such as divorce can cloud one’s perspective. Dallas refers to these phases as “growth periods” because they are “internal and personal”. He also explained that, “I had a lot of struggles accepting things that were happening and knowing what was the right thing to do. I remember someone told me about a book, “Think and Growth Rich” by Napoleon Hill and then someone else recommended “Maximum Achievement” by Brian Tracy.”

Those two books were among the hundreds Dallas read during this period of time and those two authors had a profound impact upon his being. “I went through a massive self education. I wrote letters to several of the authors of the books that I felt had mentored me—even though I had never met the authors. One of those people was Brian Tracy.” Dallas was seeking to bring positive change into his life, in all aspects of his life. These books, and these specific authors helped Dallas bring about a transformation he could not have imagined just a year before.

The impetus for growth and personal awareness can come to us in many forms. The realization of what makes us successful always comes in “AH HA” moments. For Dallas, one of those moments was when Brian Tracy responded to Dallas’ letter. Brian sent Dallas a photo with an inscription: Make it Happen, Dallas. “It hit me,” Dallas explained. “It sounded simple! I sat down and made a list. I wrote an outline of what I thought it meant. No matter what I wrote I was brought back to this thought. We can’t change anything until we are ready to change ourselves. Change starts within. Success is within us. I wrote the words Change Yourself. I began working with each letter of those words and came up with the book Make It Happen.”

Through this process Dallas re-evaluated and clearly articulated things which worked and did not work for him. He came to understand that passion, purpose and persistence were the core qualities that drove him and others who achieve success. Indeed, those who fall short of achieving what they desire are not persistent, Dallas argued. Persistence helps “me see my way through those dark tunnels long enough to know that life will eventually shine. True failure is not an option. I may have to change my path, I may stumble or fall, but when I fall, I get up”, he added.

Dallas uses the visions of others such as Brian Tracy to help him. Self -reflection is always necessary. A personal vision, and self -reflection can help us make changes in our path when necessary, make

adjustments, learn lessons, and still continue on the path to fulfillment.

Thinking back upon the years of success and turmoil, after years of speaking in front of others about fulfillment, Dallas has compiled a list of lessons he has learned that help keep him moving forward.

• I learned to surround myself with people who uplift me• Friendships need to be directly proportional to the growth that I receive from that friendship and likewise on their part• I have learned to avoid allowing a crisis to become a ruin in my life and to look ahead to realize I was given two eyes to look ahead not behind• Forgive myself when I fail• Smile at adversity, welcome it and act quickly to eliminate it• Stay efficient and productive in everything I try to do• Not waste time, do everything that I can do today to the best of my ability today and leave the rest till tomorrow• Say no more than yes• Continue to learn, read, listen to audio tapes and attend seminars• I learn to put my health as a priority, exercise regularly, eat right, embrace laughter and stay proactive• I learned to make financial fitness a priority and evaluate every decision that I make seek wise counsel • I keep relationships the most important area of my life, share my most intimate moments and quality time with my spouse and those people that I love• I have learned to help myself first so that I can be able to help

Passion, Purpose, Persistence—Help Make it HappenAn Interview with Dr. Dallas Humbleby Linda A. Firestone, Staff Writer


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Give yourself permission to become all that you are meant to become.




After many years of speaking to others about passion, purpose and persistence, of sharing what he had learned, Dallas had an opportunity to meet and talk with Brian Tracy. Years ago, he had vowed he would take this opportunity to personally thank Brian. “Last year I got a call inviting me to be a cast member of a movie “The Journey”, with Brian Tracy. When I met him, I showed him the book, I showed him the picture and I showed him where he wrote Dallas, Make it Happen. It was a very emotional time. It tied together the journey of that process of growth. The process took about 15 years. It was a long time,” Dallas concluded. With passion, purpose and persistence-Dallas made it happen.

For more information on Dallas Humble, you may visit his web site at

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Few experiences in life unfold as one envisions, few move in a straight line. Challenges come and challenges go, what happens in between shapes the path one travels. The ability to move through those challenges, to alter the direction momentarily or permanently requires the ability to reflect upon one’s intention. Kandee G has been a student of intention and action for over thirty years.

It had always been her intention to share her knowledge with others to affect positive change in the world. Now under development and soon to be released is an interactive and tech-savvy method of defining intentions, setting and tracking goals along with a ‘reminder’ system. Kandee G and her team have developed a unique coaching program inside a membership platform. The membership program, iVisionMyLife, will truly make your life better than it’s ever been. But, for Kandee G the road leading to this magical moment has not always been easy nor straight forward.

Several years ago, Kandee G planned to grow her speaking business. She was a well-established motivational, inspirational speaker and trainer helping individuals and businesses reach unimagined goals. Coupled with the extraordinary success of the Vision Program and the Vision coaching, there was a growing need in the marketplace. One that Kandee G did not want to ignore. Advisors told her “you need to duplicate yourself.” So she began to look for ways to do just that. She studied and observed what those growing needs were and began to look for ways to fill those needs. “I had to make a decision about the way I was approaching things. I was very busy. My coaching business was growing, my referrals were growing, and the media piece of my business (Nothing But Good News Radio and Nothing But Good News Magazine) continue to gain worldwide recognition. I had to decide how to move forward,” she explained. Some things work, others do not. “At the end of the day, I accept

responsibility for everything that goes on here in my business. I have taken a look at and tried several avenues for growing Kandee G Enterprises. Some things have worked phenomenally and some things not quite as well. But, every time I have hit a “hiccup” [in the plan] something great has come out of it.” Sitting back and taking time to understand the process is part of what Kandee G does. She realized that everything she did, her vision program, her coaching, her radio show, her magazine, her participation in the movie, The Journey and subsequent film projects, all were products of her principles and her devotion to “finding ways to implement the information so that folks will use the knowledge.” Industry statistics indicate that less than two percent of those who buy motivational products or go to seminars will implement that knowledge. Kandee G has a staunch determination to change those numbers. “I have created systems that people really use. We are changing those statistics!” Kandee G’s process of evaluation is multifaceted. She looks at every aspect of a project and asks herself, “What can I do better? What do I need to build this project? Who can I put in place to help this project grow?” Invariably when she asks herself these types of questions, she finds the answers. Those questions and a growing awareness launched a new project that she called iVisionMyLife. Formulated as a membership site, Kandee G did not want to create something that was just a “dump and run” type of program, where folks could download information but had to figure out how to implement on their own. “I have seen incredible success with our programs because of the way that we are hands on with the follow-up and follow through. Real transformation is not just a onetime event or reading a book. If all it took was to read one book, then everyone would be rich, thin and happy!” exclaims Kandee G with a smile. “It is not knowledge that is power, but the use of knowledge. And

with the level of personal assistance that we give, we see people getting the results they want and desire, because we are there to help them along the way.” The membership program is the perfect way to get folks worldwide tapped into a proven system for change. Some of the benefits will include access to Kandee G through group coaching. Access to guest speakers and coaches. Unlimited email coaching. Access to an amazing virtual technology to keep you on track. Mobile uploads, alerts and reminders to help you hold the course. Global networking opportunities to do business with other iVisionMyLife members. Discounts on products, services, live events, and advertising on Nothing But Good News Radio and Nothing but Good News Magazine. Opportunities to build points for one on one coaching; all for the cost of a lunch out once a month! Plus, an opportunity to be part of a select group that will mastermind with Kandee G personally. Eventually, Kandee G plans to sell the license to her well-acclaimed Vision Program. It is tested, proven, formatted and teachable. Everything one needs to build a business around the vision program is included. And her intention? “I can teach people how to speak, how to sell it, and how to coach with it. I can provide the back end support, and have others deliver it to people who want it and to have their own successful speaking business,” she thought. She calls it her “speaking business in a box.” In this way, she can continue to reach even more people through her vision program, and create business opportunities as well. Kandee G’s vision workshops continue to be requested. Her skills as a personal coach are eagerly sought out, and her radio show continues to grow in popularity as does her magazine. More and more people are asking for her help. With each request however, people express a need for a service they think they cannot afford. Change is the channel through which one can realize his or her intention and those intentions are what keep changes

It’s Better Than It’s Ever Been-Kandee G’s Still Making It HappenInterviewed by Linda A. Firestone


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FeAturehappening. As that change has lead to a bigger understanding of those needs in the marketplace; it was time to implement something very accessible and very affordable. Something that potentially has a far reaching impact. The universe through people was making that need known. Kandee G and her team set out to create what you see today as the iVisionMyLife platform. She felt, in accordance with her intention, that to affectively help as many people as possible this was the business approach that was needed. Kandee G believes iVisionMyLife will allow millions of people to tap into her knowledge, information, and programs. It is, as Kandee G describes it, more than a website that someone will go to read. It is a modestly priced, monthly, membership program. Programs, products, coaching, mobile uploads, mobile alerts, and so much more will be available to those who become members. “The project will fill in a missing piece for a lot of people,” Kandee G added. “A lot of folks,” she continued, “see all these things they can do and they bounce from here to here to here. They get lost

in their ideas. The ability to stay focused is crucial. This new program and technology will provide what they need to stay on track and the understanding of how and why this is critical.”

For those folks that are looking to become speakers and trainers and would love to be part of a formatted, proven technology; just keep your eyes open and stay connected to the Kandee G community. “The road is long,” says Kandee G. “and the licensing program, although temporarily shelved as we launch the membership platform, its time will come. I have truly learned the value of building and structuring one program at a time; getting a handle on that one and then moving on to the next. Too often, people will have great ideas, try to get them all going at once and then they crash and burn.” Kandee G willingly admits that when it comes to business building it takes a team. “I have had some wonderful people that I have had the honor to work and grow with. I have an

extraordinary group of folks that I work with now. I love them all.”

“Intention has been a huge aspect of what has enabled us to drive things forward. Along the way, when things show up that are hard, I have had to draw a hard line and not step outside my own values. I have to stay with what I believe to deliver information, authentic information that makes a real difference in people’s lives. In the last ten years, I said to my universe I want to walk with folks who are of like mind, who want to help, make money and have fun. It has just been a magical ride. As long as I stay centered on the right intention and stay focused, the magic continues.”


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