

Nowgan Pou Dcoa

O i l f O r D e v e l O P m e N t  






Development o cambodia’s Oil and Gas Industry

Cooperating institution:

cambodia National Petroleum Authority (cNPA)

Goal: to strengthen cambodia’s ability to govern the exploration and prodution

o its petroleum resoures by improving cNPA’s ability to:

1. Write and maintain the legal ramework or its upstream and downstream

petroleum industry

2. carry out bilateral negotiations and establish a legal ramework under whih

two or three neighbouring ountries an utilize petroleum resoures in

overlapping laims areas

3. Negotiate petroleum lienes with oil ompanies

4. Promote cambodia’s petroleum resoures by maintaining a ompetitive

liensing system and model petroleum ontrats.



Improve the upstream, mid-stream and downstream petroleum law o cambodia


Finalize agreements with Thailand onerning the Overlapping claims Area (OcA)

•  Enhane the liensing proedures and Model Petroleum contrats

•  Improve the Human reourses and organisational struture o cNPA

•  Inrease awareness o the importane o good governane and

anti-orruption measures.

Project period: 2006 – 2008

Total budget: NOK 7 mill (USD 1.1 mill)

Programme The programme will be supervised by a resident projet oordinator and

onsists o the ollowing main elements:

•  Legal ramework - Preparation o drat legislation

•  Bilateral negotiations – treaty negotiations with Thailand regarding

overlapping laims area.

•  Liensing and model petroleum ontrat.

•  Organization and human resoure development


cNPA: Mr. Te Duong Tara, Diretor General, [email protected]

[email protected]

NPD: Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland, Projet coordinator, [email protected]

Cooperating institutions in Norway: 



cOUNTRY FAcTS:Ofcial Name:

Kingdom of cambodia


Phnom Penh

Chie o state:

King Norodom Sihamoni

Head o Government:

Prime Minister Hun Sen


13 881 427 (2006)

Petroleum sector,

key fgures:

No oil or gas prodution

Organisation o the sector:

The cambodian National

Petroleum Authority (cNPA),

whih reports diretly to the

Prime Minister.

Deputy Prime Minister

Mr. Sok An is chairman

of cNPA


Nowgan Pou Dcoa

O i l f O r D e v e l O P m e N t  




Brief history of the project:cNPA has reeived assistane rom Norway related

to petroleum governane or several years through

projets run through the ccOP organisation. Several

employees rom cNPA have attended Petrad’s 8-week 

ourses in Stavanger over the years.

cNPA applied to the Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok or

aid related to the development o cambodia’s oil and

gas industry on February 25th 2004. Petrad onduted a

 Training Need Assessment (TNA) cNPA in 2004 with the

report fnalised by the end o the year. Following the re-

sults rom the TNA, an initiating seminar was onduted

in Phnom Penh in Marh 2005 with representatives rom

NPD, NORAD, Petrad, cNPA and other cambodian Gov-

ernment agenies in addition to several Norwegian and

International legal frms. Based on the fndings rom the

seminar a revised appliation or aid was sent to NORAD

on June 7th 2005. The fnal Agreement between NORAD

and cNPA was signed on Deember 30th 2005.

Ativities in 2006 The ontrat between cNPA and NPD or tehnial

ooperation was signed 19.6.06. Tenders or the legal

work and or the position as resident projet o-

ordinator or the projet was then sent out. Among

5 appliants, ontrats were fnally signed with the

Norwegian law frm WikborgRein in agreement with

cNPA. Mr Børre Gunnerud was appointed to the position

as resident projet oordinator and ommened his

duties in Phnom Penh on Deember 5th.

Mr. Gunnar V. Søiland held planning meetings with

the Diretor General o cNPA HE Mr. Te Duong Tara in

July and Otober where the various agreements and

ontrats were signed. NPD also attended Donors

ooperation meeting at the ADB and UNDP ofe in

Phnom Penh in order to assure that the Norwegian

unded projet are in line with other ongoing and

planned Tehnial assistane projets towards the

petroleum management in cambodia.

Plans 2007A series o workshops onerning legal advie is

planned or 2007 by the legal advisors rom Wikborg

Rein. The themes are: Drating a Petroleum at , creating

a downstream market or Natural Gas, Petroleum tax-

ation, OcA matters, establising o National Oil company,

Supply bases and ree trade zone, Government take

– seuring the values or the people o cambodia.

cooperation with UNDP will be established or support

to an important seminar in the later parts o 2007 on

cambodia’s management o potentially large inome

rom its petroleum reourses. Petrad may be involved

in ailitating high level leturers or this event.

 Tehnial assistane and advie or the sta o cNPA

is also planned. This inludes ability to do geophysial

and geologial interpretation on digital workstations,

understanding and interpreting data and reports

reeived rom the industry.

Some unds will be spent to improve the IT-situation

at the cNPA ofe, primarily aess to the internet in

addition to opier/printer/sanner and a Pc.

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